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UNLEASHING THE POTENTIAL FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN: POSITIONED FOR TOMORROW We are at a historic moment in time, when the investments we make today can end extreme poverty within our lifetime. Healthy girls and women are the surest investments to realize this future. PSI is investing in the health of girls and women by using proven business practices like marketing to tackle the greatest challenges that they face today and will face tomorrow. We’re bringing diverse global partners together to pilot game-changing TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT PSI CONNECT WITH PSI health interventions that deliver solutions where, when and how they are needed. 02 HEALTH IMPACT PSI is a global health organization dedicated to WEBSITE 04 PSI: POSITIONED FOR TOMORROW improving the health of people in the developing When girls and women are healthy, they go world by focusing on serious challenges like a lack of IMPACT MAGAZINE 04 ANTICIPATING HEALTH NEEDS OF to school, join the work force, support their TOMORROW family planning, HIV and AIDS, barriers to maternal local economy and lift themselves and their health, non-communicable diseases and the greatest BLOG 06 CONNECTING GLOBAL PARTNERS families out of poverty. We are acting today threats to children under five, including malaria, 08 DEVELOPING GAME-CHANGING PILOTS to unleash the potential of millions of girls diarrhea, pneumonia and malnutrition. A hallmark TWITTER 10 DELIVERING INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS @PSIimpact and women tomorrow. of PSI is a commitment to the principle that health 12 THE RESULT: HEALTHY, EMPOWERED services and products are most effective when they FACEBOOK GIRLS & WOMEN Population Services International are accompanied by robust communications and 14 PSI NETWORK YOUTUBE distribution efforts that help ensure wide acceptance Population Services International 15 FINANCIAL STATEMENT and proper use. In each of its platforms, PSI works PSI President & CEO Karl Hofmann meets 5-year- in partnership with local governments, ministries EMAIL old Jovitte Kezakimana, who lost three siblings 16 LEADERSHIP to malaria. Since her family started using a PSI of health and local organizations – creating health mosquito net last year, she has been malaria-free solutions that are built to last. and is excited about attending school regularly. Cover Photo: ©Hank Badenhorst / ISTOCK ©Benjamin Schilling 01 This page: ©Jake Lyell
HEALTH IMPACT PSI ADDED 35.2 MILLION THE SCALE OF PSI PROGRAMMING IN 2012 YEARS OF HEALTHY LIFE SERVICES PROVIDED PRODUCTS MARKETED & DISTRIBUTED WITH THE PRODUCTS WE DISTRIBUTED AND 627,000 SERVICES WE PROVIDED IN 2012. 24 million 20,000 MDG 4&6 long-acting, reversible contraceptives MDG* 5 MDG 6 inserted (including implants and intrauterine long-lasting insecticide-treated nets, courses of directly observed therapy, devices), empowering women and couples protecting families from malaria. saving lives by treating tuberculosis. to plan for the families they desire. HOW DOES PSI OUR IMPACT: CALCULATE YEARS OF 186,000 1.3 billion HEALTHY LIFE ADDED? 2007 16.9 million MDG 4&8 MDG 5&6 731,000 MDG 6 voluntary adult medical male circumcisions male condoms, preventing transmission of HIV pre-packaged antibiotics, saving performed, preventing HIV and other and other STIs and empowering women and children’s lives by treating pneumonia. 2008 27.7 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs). couples to plan for the families they desire. PSI estimates the impact of its health interventions using the Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY), a 2009 29.9 million 1.7 million voluntary testing and counseling sessions 2.5 million 15.4 million unit of measurement developed by the World Bank 2010 31.9 million MDG 4&8 and the World Health Organization to estimate MDG 4 MDG 6 for HIV and other STIs conducted, diarrhea treatment kits, saving children’s courses of artemisinin–based combination therapy, saving years of life lost due to death and disability. We 201 1* 49.4 million reducing transmission rates and increasing lives by reducing the severity and access to treatment through referrals. duration of diarrheal disease. children’s lives by treating malaria. track each product we deliver and service we 2012 35.2 million provide. We then use technical models to calculate the DALYs averted by our work. *2011 was an exceptional year for long-lasting insecticide-treated net (LLIN) distribution. In 2011 alone, PSI distributed 42 IMPACT OF PSI INTERVENTIONS million LLINs, accounting for 56% of the total DALYs averted in 2011. In 2012, the LLIN distribution dropped to 24 million ONE DALY AVERTED = LLINs, accounting for 31% of the total DALYs averted in 2012. 203,000 237,000 ONE YEAR OF HEALTHY MDG 4,6&7 MDG 4&7 16.6 billion MDG 6 Deaths due to malaria, HIV infections Litres of water treated diarrhea & pneumonia LIFE ADDED. To stay at the forefront of our field, we have (2) The Lives Saved Tool provides us access to prevented estimates of deaths averted by a range of products aligned the way we estimate DALYs averted with prevented two external tools widely used by the global health and services for children under the age of five. 14,000 5.2 million community: (1) The 2010 Global Burden of Disease These estimates are based on the most current, MDG 5 MDG 5 Unintended Study and (2) the Lives Saved Tool. peer reviewed data available. Maternal deaths pregnancies prevented prevented (1) The 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study introduced more accurate methods for calculating a DALY. *MDG = Millennium Development Goal 03 02 For more information on our health impact, go to to read the 2012 Impact Report.
ANTICIPATING HEALTH NEEDS GROWING BURDEN OF DECADES OF GLOBAL Availability of ACTs increased from 27% to 63%: 27% 63 % NON-COMMUNICABLE MALARIA CONTROL OF TOMORROW. DISEASE EFFORTS UNDER THREAT Availability of oAMT decreased from 51% to 36%: The growing burden of non-communicable and treatable diseases threaten decades of progress in Between 1990 and 2010, there was a 61% growth in the 36% 51% global health. We follow evidence and build solutions to address these tough challenges, ensuring that burden of cervical cancer in Zambia. In response, Society investments are best aligned with need. Emerging resistance to the most effective for Family Health, PSI’s network member in Zambia, antimalarial drug (artemisinin) in Southeast Asia is a is training public sector clinicians to conduct cervical Most impressive, the market share of ACTs serious threat to global efforts to eliminate malaria. cancer screening alongside family planning services. relative to oAMT in priority outlets increased from 3% to 73% over this period: 1,362 One of the key drivers of resistance has been the 3% 73% women in the Copperbelt province widespread availability and use of partial courses were screened for cervical cancer of oral artemisinin monotherapy (oAMT) in the last year, representing informal private sector, instead of artemisinin-based What does this mean? A sustained price subsidy combination therapy (ACT). This has been a serious combined with an oAMT importation ban and 28% problem in Myanmar, in particular. intensive communication campaigns can bring of all family planning clients served about rapid changes in antimalarial markets where in clinics that offer the screening. In response, PSI/Myanmar implemented an an urgent intervention is justified. emergency country-wide program focused on Of these, 75 women received cryotherapy treatment addressing access and pricing in the private Donors: UK Department of International for abnormal cells on the cervix, and eight were sector by flooding the market with heavily Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, referred for loop electro surgical excision procedure subsidized ACTs. The program was supported and Good Ventures at the University Teaching Hospital. “GLOBAL BURDEN OF DISEASE [DATA FROM] 2010 SHOWS THE REMARKABLE by intensive communication campaigns, and the Ministry of Health’s efforts to prevent further HEALTH ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE PAST TWO DECADES, AS WELL AS THE Olga Akakulubelwa is one of the women who importation of oAMT. were referred to the Lusaka University Teaching CONTINUING, AND EMERGING, CHALLENGES THAT REQUIRE ACTION.” Hospital. When she was told her results, Olga broke down. “I’m crying because I’m happy the After just nine months, significant changes in Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank1 problem has been found and will be addressed. the availability of ACTs were observed in more I don’t know what would have happened to me than 3,500 outlets surveyed, particularly among had I not heard about the service,” she said. pharmacies, retail stores and itinerant drug vendors Today, Olga is a self-appointed ambassador for that historically provided the bulk of oAMTs. early cervical cancer screening. Donor: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1 04 Kim: Data for better health—and to help end poverty. The Lancet 380 (Number 9859):2055 05 ©Chris James White
CONNECTING GLOBAL A PUBLIC–PRIVATE 1,628 However, more than a third of rural families in Bihar, India, have no toilet facilities, even though they SECTOR SOLUTION Women like Nakiranda Sabirah delivered safely in PARTNERS want one. Why? PACE franchise clinics in less than nine months. 50 X • Affordable, quality toilets are unavailable. A woman in Uganda is 50 times more likely to die Nakiranda had never been to an antenatal clinic. • The supply chain is fragmented; it is difficult for PSI connects government donors, corporations, foundations and philanthropists to improve the health of giving birth than women in the developed world. While she was pregnant with her fourth child, families to find the needed materials. people in resource poor settings in the developing world. These partnerships fuel sustainable approaches Mr. Kirira, a MUM outreach worker, encouraged • Households do not have the required cash on hand. and business models that can tackle the unmet needs of girls, women and families. The MSD (aka Merck & Co.) for Ugandan Mothers her to go to a health clinic. “The doctor checked • Entrepreneurs do not have access to financing to (MUM) partnership was created to reduce this high my pregnancy and realized my baby was not invest in selling toilets. maternal mortality. Working in collaboration with fine,” says Nakiranda. The providers advised the US government’s “Saving Mothers, Giving Life” Nakiranda to come regularly for checkups until PSI partnered with Water for People India, Monitor initiative, the MUM partnership will: the baby’s birth via caesarian section. “If it had Group and PATH to launch a sustainable, market- not been for Mr. Kirira’s advice, my child and I “WE WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL AND SUSTAINABLE WHILE INCREASING • Increase availability of and demand for might have died,” says Nakiranda. based solution in Bihar to make investment in toilets attractive to families and the private sector. OUR POSITIVE IMPACT ON SOCIETY. . . . THIS IS NOT CORPORATE quality maternal health information, products Key components of the project include: and services in private sector clinics and SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ANYMORE; THIS IS TAKING CO-OWNERSHIP pharmacies. Donor: Merck for Mothers TO CONTRIBUTE TO ISSUES OF HEALTH AND SANITATION, OF FOOD • Mapping the existing sanitation market SECURITY, OF EQUITABLE GROWTH.” • Expand PACE’s ProFam franchise network A SUSTAINABLE, • Developing business models that coordinate supply and demand by training 522 providers in basic emergency MARKET–BASED • Designing an affordable toilet that families Paul Polman, CEO for Unilever 1 obstetric care. SOLUTION aspire to own • Increasing access to financing for both • Develop a community health insurance program to serve 3,500 members. 2.5 BILLION households and entrepreneurs people lack access to • Exploring business opportunities for fecal adequate sanitation. waste management In 2012, Unilever Foundation and PSI taught The MUM partnership is led by PSI, PACE • Creating demand for sanitation 200,000 CHILDREN (member of the PSI network), the Association of > 1 BILLION IN 400 SCHOOLS Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Uganda, Save The project will provide a sustainable, market- for Health Uganda, and Transaid. people are forced to across three countries how to correctly based solution to sanitation for families in Bihar. defecate in the open. and consistently wash hands with soap. Donor: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation A toilet not only provides privacy, particularly for girls and women, it prevents the spread of diarrhea and other diseases, which kill 1.8 million children each year. 1 06 Quote as appeared in Trends Talk: A Vision for Sustainable Living. Impact Magazine 12: 20 2012 PROGRESS REPORT 07 ©Benjamin Schilling
DEVELOPING A MULTI–SECTOR, INTEGRATED SOLUTION Massa, a 31-year-old single mother of six, was one of these women. “I am not ready 2. Protect women and babies at childbirth GAME-CHANGING PILOTS In partnership with the Education Development to be a grandmother,” said Massa. “I want my daughter to complete high school and college before she starts to have her Nearly 600,000 women and 1 million newborns die Solutions to some of the greatest health problems for girls and women exist, but delivering them in Center, PSI/Liberia launched a pilot within every year from complications during childbirth. In USAID’s Advancing Youth Program to promote own children.” Massa and her 16-year-old sustainable, cost-effective ways poses a barrier. PSI and partners on the ground have developed new Uganda, PSI is arming community health workers sexual and reproductive health among out-of- daughter chose a contraceptive implant. projects that change the way health is delivered and will make it easier for generations of girls, women with improved Safe Delivery Kits that can be used and families to be healthier. school youth ages 13-35. at home or in a clinic. The kit contains: Donor: US Agency for International Development The pilot is a week-long curriculum, culminating in a one-day, community-wide celebration with on-site HIV counseling and testing and family PILOTS THAT INTEGRATE LIFE-SAVING SOLUTIONS SOAP RAZOR STERILE GLOVES planning services. CLOTH along with two additions – chlorhexidine (prevents 1,350 1. Prevent cervical cancer newborn infections) and misoprostol (prevents life- threatening bleeding). out-of-school youth were reached by the program in the first six months. Supported by friend and philanthropist Sara Ojjeh. India bears one-fifth of the global burden of cervical cancer – about 74,000 deaths every 72% year. PSI will integrate cervical cancer screening received HIV counseling and preventative treatment into India's existing 3. Break the cycle and testing. of violence network of private clinics to save millions of lives “FOCUSED INVESTMENTS IN ‘GAME-CHANGING’ INNOVATIONS CAN from this easily preventable disease. DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE HEALTH FOR THE POOREST BY INCREASING 1,481 Supported by friend and philanthropist Kathy Vizas. One in three women is physically or sexually THEIR ACCESS TO LIFE-SAVING INTERVENTIONS AND CARE, women received a hormonal contraceptive method. abused in her lifetime. In India and Trinidad and Tobago, PSI is addressing gender-based violence PARTICULARLY AT THE COMMUNITY LEVEL.” through the provision of essential health services for survivors and transforming negative gender Dr. Ariel Pablos-Mendez, Assistant Administrator for Global Health at the US Agency for International Development1 norms within communities. Supported by Indrani’s Light Foundation. 1 08 Quote as appeared in Trends Talk: Dr. Ariel Pablos-Mendez. Impact Magazine 12: 9 09 ©Ollivier Girard
DELIVERING INTEGRATED INTEGRATED CARE Between April and September 2013, the distributors provided: When couples like Lovemore and Fungai visit one of FOR THE MAJOR 95,605 SOLUTIONS PSI’s 15 New Start clinics, they receive more than just KILLERS OF CHILDREN children with antibiotic HIV counseling and testing. PSI provides integrated HIV prevention and treatment as well as sexual and treatment for pneumonia. The people we serve seek solutions for all their health needs – not just one. PSI provides integrated South Sudan has one of the highest childhood reproductive health and family planning services in solutions to address the complex needs of the hardest-to-reach girls, women and families when, where mortality rates. 120,636 a one–stop shop to protect Zimbabweans from their and how they are needed. children with oral rehydration greatest health challenges. 1 IN 10 salts and zinc for diarrhea. New Start clinics provide the following services: children dies before the age of five. 425,452 children with artemisinin- • HIV counseling and testing combination therapies for malaria. • Counseling and referral for voluntary adult ALMOST 1/2 medical male circumcision to prevent HIV of these deaths can be Donors: UK Agency for International Development and • Screening and treatment for sexually transmitted attributed to malaria, diarrhea the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria infections and pneumonia together. • Tuberculosis screening and treatment PSI and partners – International Rescue COMPREHENSIVE CARE • Point–of–care CD4 cell count and other HIV– Committee, Save the Children, Malaria FOR THE GREATEST related laboratory services • Antiretroviral therapy Consortium, BRAC, and Catholic Diocese of HEALTH CHALLENGES • Female and male condoms “ONE ARGUMENT FOR INTEGRATION IS THAT YOU CAN HAVE THE ONE- Torit – are working with the government of South • Family planning services with a wide range of Sudan to improve the health of children. STOP SHOP SITUATION WHERE ONE, TWO, THREE TRAINED PROVIDERS Lovemore met Fungai a year ago. “We had options, including intrauterine contraceptive CAN DELIVER SERVICES AT THE SAME TIME. WHEN YOU LOOK AT THE This partnership has equipped 7,862 community- so much in common – both in our thirties, devices, implants and emergency contraception • Cervical cancer screening and cryotherapy COMPONENTS OF AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM, IT IS VERY EASY TO SELL. IT based distributors in remote areas with the skills and divorced with a child,” says Fungai. Recently, • Services for survivors of sexual abuse drugs to diagnose and treat malaria, diarrhea and Fungai saw a TV ad for PSI’s New Start HIV MAKES SENSE FOR GOVERNMENTS TO BUILD AND PUT THIS TOGETHER.” pneumonia. They also learned to screen for acute clinics, which showed a couple who tested for malnutrition and refer severe cases of diseases to Donors: UK Agency for International Development Professor Babatunde Ostotimehin, Executive Director for UNFPA1 HIV before getting married. With her wedding health facilities. and US Agency for International Development to Lovemore fast approaching, Fungai thought it was a good idea. “Lovemore and I are starting a new life together,” she says. “We should know each other’s HIV status, especially since we’ve been married before.” 1 10 Quote as appeared in 7 Questions with Professor Babatunde Osotimehin. Impact Magazine 7: 5 11 ©Eric Gauss
THE RESULT: LAVERNE Belize OANH Vietnam HEALTHY, EMPOWERED “Those of us who live with HIV know each other and build informal networks,” says Laverne, “This question haunts me daily: How will GIRLS AND WOMEN a peer outreach worker in Belize. Laverne conducts home visits with people living with HIV and my daughter’s life be if I get HIV?” says AIDS. She talks about the importance of adherence to antiretroviral therapy, consistent condom Oanh, the wife of an HIV-positive injecting use, and proper nutrition, and provides referrals to a combination of preventative and care drug user and mother of a 10-year-old. When PSI’s programs empower generations of girls and women to take control of services. “When people notice that their friends stop their medication or stop going to the clinic, Oanh’s husband first wanted to buy a new, their health and the future of their families, communities and countries. they ask us to go see them.” In just a year, Laverne and her colleagues increased by 300% the more expensive needle and syringe (N/S), number of people living with HIV and AIDS that PASMO (PSI’s local network member) reaches. she did not allow it. Later, PSI informed her that the N/S reduces HIV and Hepatitis C Donor: US Agency for International Development risk. Oanh and her husband tested negative “ONCE WOMEN AND GIRLS for Hepatitis C the very next day. “If the N/S EXPERIENCE A MIND-SHIFT – THE WHITNEY was available three years ago, my husband might not have even gotten HIV,” she said. KNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE Liberia Thinking of her daughter’s future, Oanh POWER OVER WHEN THEY HAVE ARACELY told her husband: “You should use the new generation N/S. Better late than never.” CHILDREN OR THAT THEY CAN El Salvador “I use family planning,” said 18-year-old Whitney, a veteran radio host and youth Donor: Merck TAKE ACTION TO INCREASE THEIR advocate. Whitney educated young girls “I know how hard it is to be a single mother. That’s why I can relate to CHILD’S CHANCE OF SURVIVAL – them,” says Aracely, who conducts combination prevention outreach while she was a host on PSI/Liberia’s youth- THEY START TO FEEL EMPOWERED with female sex workers to prevent the transmission of HIV. “Most centered weekly radio show, “Let’s talk about sex.” Designed by youth, the show addresses DR. AYE AYE MU IN OTHER AREAS OF LIFE AND ARE women who are sex workers are single mothers, and do it so that they youth-related health issues. As part of the Myanmar can support their children,” she adds. Aracely provides pre- and post- BETTER ABLE TO LIFT THEMSELVES, test HIV and sexually transmitted infection counseling for women in her program, Whitney also distributed condoms “My family has sought medical advice from Dr. Aye Aye Mu for over 10 years now,” THEIR FAMILIES AND THEIR community. She also provides referrals to complementary or structural to female sex workers, some of whom are her age. Just last year, the show aired 176 live says Ma Ei Shwe, a 36-year-old mother of three. “Her clinic is open at convenient COMMUNITIES OUT OF POVERTY.” services, such as violence prevention, treatment for alcohol and drug abuse, and family planning services. Last year, the program reached episodes and the program distributed more times, her medical products are affordable, and she always explains the options than 840,000 condoms. available in a confidential and safe environment.” Dr. Aye Aye Mu is one of 1,500 Melinda Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation1 3,369 sex workers in El Salvador. doctors who belong to PSI/Myanmar’s Sun Quality Health franchise. Annually, Donors: United Nations Population Donor: US Agency for International Development they treat more than 16% of TB cases nationwide, provide more than 1.5 million Fund & the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, reproductive health consultations, and treat approximately 60,000 cases of malaria Tuberculosis and Malaria and 100,000 children for pneumonia. 12 1 13 Quote as appeared in 7 Questions with Melinda Gates. Impact Magazine 13: 4
THE PSI NETWORK DR. KRISHNA JAFA FINANCIAL STATEMENT VALUE FOR MONEY Dr. Krishna Jafa started her PSI career in India Strong Higher Quality and Afghanistan. She then joined the US Centers 2012 REVENUE BY DONOR HQ Programs for Disease Control & Prevention’s Epidemic 5% + + Intelligence Service, after which she returned Greater Other 41% Strong Partners Strong Affiliates Stronger Health Capacity on the to work for PSI in Zimbabwe. Today, she is Vice President of PSI’s Sexual & Reproductive Health & 14% U.S. Systems Foundations & Ground Stronger health of Government Corporations the people we serve Tuberculosis department. With every $16.36 you invested in PSI in 2012, PSI’s local partners lead health programming for the network in 69 countries around the world. These 15% you added a year of healthy life. strong, on-the-ground programs, with a lasting presence and deep local roots, are the backbone of the Dr. Jafa leads a team of more than 20 staff across International Organizations 25% three continents, supporting PSI network members Non-U.S. PSI network. Together, we have added more than 245 million years of healthy life in the last 10 years. and partners with technical expertise, capacity Governments DONORS* building, project management, and technical Australian Government Overseas Aid Program GLOBAL SERVICES VALUE representation. Dr. Jafa is passionate about connecting local, regional and global technical EXPENSES BY YEAR (IN MILLIONS) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Canadian International Development Agency resources to improve quality of care for clients today 2002 2012 while strengthening local capacity for tomorrow. Program Management & General Fundraising Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 7.5 cents / dollar 6.5 cents / dollar $502.2 $35.2 ExxonMobil Foundation 2012 $0.3 Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria KfW Entwicklungsbank “The PSI network $637.2 $35.3 For every dollar invested in PSI, 93.5 cents goes to programs that directly reach the people we serve. The rest – 6.5 cents – 93.5 has invested in me 2011 $0.4 Ministry of Health of Cambodia Ministry of Health of Malawi CENTS for over a decade,” connects the network, providing members access to the following: $550.0 $36.1 says Dr. Jafa. 2010 $0.3 National AIDS Control Organisation of India Netherlands Government Ministry of Foreign Affairs “I’m thankful for the opportunity Three Diseases Fund • Knowledge and expertise of more than 8,900 employees worldwide. to work with a United Kingdom Department • Best practices and lessons learned help maximize efficiency. • Technical experts who help network members design and implement cost–effective diverse and highly REVENUE BY YEAR for International Development skilled group of United Nations Children’s Fund programs, and provide technical oversight and quality control. colleagues; to 2012 $546,449,232 United Nation’s Population Fund • Growth and transition within the network for high–performing, local staff. use marketing United States Agency for International Development • Strong financial and compliance oversight. techniques to make being healthy easier and 2011 $682,802,373 United States Department of Defense • Vital support in proposal development, management, training, marketing, external more fun; and, to lead an outstanding team relations, procurement, contracts, research, metrics, and program management. committed to the health of our clients.” 2010 $585,021,282 World Health Organization * Donors listed contributed a minimum of U.S. $1 million in 2012 The figures on this page are excerpted from statements and schedules issued by PSI’s external auditors. 14 © Laetitia Lemoine/PSI 15 Copies of audited statements are available upon request from PSI in Washington, DC. Please email
LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP KARL HOFMANN JUDI HEICHELHEIM MARUSYA LAZO President & Chief Executive Officer KRISHNA JAFA Senior Regional Director Director, Global Internal Audit Vice President Latin America & the Caribbean PETER CLANCY Sexual & Reproductive Health KIM LONGFIELD Executive Vice President & Chief & TB MICHAEL CHOMMIE Director COUNTRY LEADERSHIP Operating Officer Director Research & Metrics DOUG CALL PSI/Europe & Strategic KIM SCHWARTZ Vice President Partnerships Unit DANIEL MESSER JAN AKKO ELEVELD NICOLAS BETSI ANTHONY OKOTH SHAZINA MASUD ALISON MALMQVIST Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Southern Africa Chief Information Officer Angola Côte d’Ivoire PS Kenya Nepal Senegal Officer ALAMELU DEIVANAYAGAM LISA SIMUTAMI Acting Director CAROL SMITH BRIAN SMITH Vice President People Department Senior Director, Procurement, DANA WARD LAZARE GOUSSOU LEILA KUSHENOVA GUADALUPE CANALES DONATO GULINO Senior Vice President & Chief Strategy East Africa Grants & Contracts Bangladesh Côte d’Ivoire (AIMAS) Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Nicaragua Somaliland & Resources Officer COLLEEN GREGERSON Tajikistan MOUSSA ABBO Director MARSHALL STOWELL GUADALUPE HUITRON ERIC SEASTEDT LEGER FOYET SCOTT BILLY KATE ROBERTS Senior Regional Director New Business Development Director, External Relations and Belize Dominican Republic ROBERT GRAY Niger South Africa (SFH) Senior Vice President West & Central Africa Communications Laos Corporate Partnerships & Philanthropy STEVEN HONEYMAN MEGAN WILSON NESTOR ANKIBA BRIGHT EKWEREMADU GUY ROGERS MARCIE COOK Director DAVID WALKER Benin Democratic Republic of the PIERRE-LOUP LESAGE Nigeria South Africa DESMOND CHAVASSE Senior Regional Director Learning & Performance Director, Social Marketing Senior Vice President Asia and Eastern Europe Congo Lesotho Malaria Control and Child Survival CORNELIUS GAETSALOE CHRISTOPHER CONRAD NANA FRIMPONG (ACTING) NURIA CANIZALEZ REID MOORSMITH Pakistan South Sudan Botswana El Salvador Liberia SARATIEL KARICA PAMELA FAURA SIMPLICE TOE Burkina Faso STACIANN LEUSCHNER Ethiopia CHARLES SZYMANSKI Madagascar Panama Swaziland BOARD OF DIRECTORS SALVATORE GABRIELE DR. SUSAN MUKASA FRANK LOY ELIZABETH BROGAARD- PILAR SEBASTIAN SARAH GIBSON GANCI Tanzania BARBARA BUSH PUNAM KELLER, PH.D. BILL SANDERS Chair of Board, Former Undersecretary ALLEN Guatemala Malawi Papua New Guinea President & Co-Founder Professor of Marketing President & Partner of State for Global Affairs Burundi ANDREW BONER Global Health Corps Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth 400 Capital Management LLC U.S. Department of State SALIFOU COMPAORE RODIO DIALLO SONIA MARCHEWKA Thailand New York, NY Hanover, NH New York, NY & Washington, DC Washington, DC YASMIN MADAN Guinea Mali Paraguay FRANS ENGERING SALMA MAZRUI-WATT GOVERNOR TOMMY THOMPSON Cambodia KUASSI KONTEVI REHANA AHMED, M.D. Former Netherlands Ambassador Chief Executive Officer CEO MARTIN FINNEGAN RICARDO ROMAN LUIZA ROTARU Togo Reproductive Health Specialist Netherlands Ministry of Kibeni Ltd Thompson Family Holdings AUGUSTE KPOGNON Haiti Mexico Romania Nairobi, Kenya Foreign Affairs Nairobi, Kenya Madison, WI Cameroon & ZACCH AKINYEMI The Hague, The Netherlands J. BRIAN ATWOOD, PH.D. Central African Republic JULIO ZUNIGA IULIAN CIRCO GALINA KARMANOVA Uganda GILBERT OMENN, M.D. REBECCA VAN DYCK Professor & Chair of Global Policy Honduras Mozambique Russia KATHRYN A. FORBES, CPA Professor of Internal Medicine, Human Head of Consumer Marketing Studies MARINA HILAIRE- JOSSELYN NEUKOM Vice President Administration and Genetics & Public Health Facebook Humphrey H. School of Public BARTLETT PRITPAL MARJARA BARRY WHITTLE CAITLIN UNITES Vietnam Chief Financial Officer, University of Michigan Menlo Park, CA Affairs at University of Minnesota Electric Applications Inc. Ann Arbor, MI Caribbean India Myanmar Rwanda Minneapolis, MN Phoenix, AZ DR. NAMWINGA CHINTU MALCOLM POTTS, M.D. MARCELA CUBERO CHRIS JONES LAVINIA SHIKONGO MANASSEH GIHANA Zambia DAVID BLOOM, PH.D. SHIMA GYOH, M.D. Director of Bixby Center for Costa Rica Kenya Namibia WANDERA Professor, Department of Chairman, Nigerian Medical & Population, Health & Sustainability Global Health & Population Rwanda (SFH) LOUISA NORMAN Dental Council School of Public Health, University of Harvard School of Public Health Zimbabwe Nkar, Benue State, Nigeria California, Berkeley Boston, MA Berkeley, CA 16 © Bouba Diarra 17
PSI NETWORK RUSSIA ●■ PSI / EUROPE KAZAKHSTAN ●◆ ROMANIA ● UZBEKISTA N ●◆ KYRGYZSTAN ●◆ TURKMENISTAN ●◆ TA JIKISTAN PSI / WASHINGTON ●◆ PAKISTAN NEPAL ▼■◆■ ●▲ ■ BELIZE CARIBBEAN ●■■ HAIT I BANGLADESH MEXICO ●■■ ■ ▼■ ●■▲■▼ INDIA ●■ MYANMA R LAOS MALI ●▼■◆■ ■ ● ■ ◆▼ ■ ●▲▼■◆■ ●▲▼■ NIGER HONDURAS DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ●■ ■ SENEGAL ■ THAILAND VIETNAM GUAT EMALA ●■ JAMAIC A ●▼■ BURKINA ● ●■ ■ ●▼◆■ ■ ●■ NICARAGUA FASO PHILIPPINES ●■■ GUINEA ●■ NIGERI A SOUTH CAMBODIA ●▲▼■ ●■▲▼■◆■ CENTRA L SUDAN SOMALILAND ●▲▼■◆ ● PANAMA AFRICA N ● ▲ ▼ ◆ ■ ■▼■ EL SA LVADOR COSTA RICA ●■ REPUBLIC ETHIOPIA ●■■■ ●■ ● ■ ● ▼ SURINAME LIBERIA CAMEROON ●■■ ●▼■ ●▲▼■◆■ UGAND A ●▲▼■■ CÔTE D’IVOIRE DEMOCR AT IC KENYA ●▼ REPUBLIC ●▲▼■■■ OF CONG O ●▲▼■◆ RWANDA TO GO UNITED REPUBLIC ●▲▼■ PAPAU ●■▲■ OF TA NZANIA NEW GUINEA BENIN BURUNDI ●▲▼■ MALAWI ●▲▼■ ◆ ●▲▼■ ●▲■ ●▲▼■◆ ANGOLA ●▲▼ ZAMBIA ●▲▼■ ■■ ZIMBABWE MADAGASCAR NAMIBI A ●▲▼■◆ ●▲▼■◆■ ■ ● ▲▼ ■ PARAGU AY MOZAMBIQUE ●■ BOTSW ANA ●■ ●▲▼■ ■ SWAZILAND ●■ SOUTH AFRICA LESOTH O ●■ ●■■ ➤ HEALTH AREA KEY ● HIV = HIV ▼ DD = Diarrheal Disease ◆ RI = Respiratory Illness Includes Safe Water, Includes TB and Pneumonia ■ CS = Child Survival Oral Rehydration and Hygiene Includes Nutrition ■ NCD = Noncommunicable Disease and Neonatal Care ■ RH = Reproductive Health Includes Cardiovascular ▲ MAL = Malaria Includes Maternal Health Disease, Cancers, Diabetes, and Family Planning and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
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