Immunity certification for COVID-19: ethical considerations - Bulletin of the World Health Organization
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Policy & practice Immunity certification for COVID-19: ethical considerations Teck Chuan Voo,a Andreas A Reis,b Beatriz Thomé,c Calvin WL Ho,d Clarence C Tam,e Cassandra Kelly-Cirino,f Ezekiel Emanuel,g Juan P Beca,h Katherine Littler,b Maxwell J Smith,i Michael Parker,j Nancy Kass,k Nina Gobat,l Ruipeng Lei,m Ross Upshur,n Samia Hursto & Sody Munsakap Abstract Restrictive measures imposed because of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have resulted in severe social, economic and health effects. Some countries have considered the use of immunity certification as a strategy to relax these measures for people who have recovered from the infection by issuing these individuals a document, commonly called an immunity passport. This document certifies them as having protective immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19. The World Health Organization has advised against the implementation of immunity certification at present because of uncertainty about whether long-term immunity truly exists for those who have recovered from COVID-19 and concerns over the reliability of the proposed serological test method for determining immunity. Immunity certification can only be considered if scientific thresholds for assuring immunity are met, whether based on antibodies or other criteria. However, even if immunity certification became well supported by science, it has many ethical issues in terms of different restrictions on individual liberties and its implementation process. We examine the main considerations for the ethical acceptability of immunity certification to exempt individuals from restrictive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. As well as needing to meet robust scientific criteria, the ethical acceptability of immunity certification depends on its uses and policy objectives and the measures in place to reduce potential harms, and prevent disproportionate burdens on non-certified individuals and violation of individual liberties and rights. COVID-19 (or at low risk of reinfection) based on a reliable Introduction test: serological testing for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 is Most countries have adopted restrictive public health measures the most commonly proposed method. to control the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic Population seroprevalence studies from several countries caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 suggest that only a minority of the population is likely to be (SARS-CoV-2). These measures include physical distancing, infected during the first epidemic wave of the pandemic.9,10 closure of schools and businesses, requirement of face cover- Immunity certification would therefore exempt only a small ings and travel restrictions. While effective, the measures have fraction of a country’s population from restrictive measures severe social, economic and health effects.1 In the absence of if applied now or in the near future. In general, governments a vaccine or specific effective treatments, countries such as are trying to find ways to ease some restrictions while also Chile,2 Germany,3 Italy,4 United Kingdom of Great Britain minimizing public health risk. For most countries, this eas- and Northern Ireland,5 United States of America,6 and the ing has meant lifting restrictive measures gradually and in city of Madrid in Spain,7 have expressed interest in immunity phases based on certain criteria such as epidemiological certification to exempt individuals who have recovered from data, health system capacity, capacity for surveillance test- COVID-19 from restrictive measures; Estonia has developed ing, isolation of infected individuals and contact tracing to software to support the digital implementation of such cer- suppress spread.11–13 In doing so, governments recognize that tification.8 Immunity certification would provide individuals they may need to reverse course and impose more restrictive who have recovered from COVID-19 with a document – so- measures again, if public health data show increasing spread called passport or certificate – certifying them as immune to of SARS-CoV-2. a Centre for Biomedical Ethics, National University of Singapore, Blk MD 11, 10 Medical Drive #02-03, Singapore117597, Singapore. b Health Ethics and Governance Unit, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. c Preventive Medicine Department, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil d Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. e Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore. f Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics, Geneva, Switzerland. g Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States of America. h Centro de Bioética, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile. i Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University, Ontario, Canada. j Wellcome Centre of Ethics and Humanities, University of Oxford, Oxford, England. k Berman Institute of Bioethics and Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA. l Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, England. m School of Philosophy and Center for Bioethics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. n Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. o Institute for Ethics, History, and the Humanities, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. p School of Health Sciences, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia. Correspondence to Teck Chuan Voo (email (Submitted: 12 October 2020 – Accepted: 24 November 2020 – Published online: 1 December 2020 ) Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:155–161 | doi: 155
Policy & practice Immunity certification for COVID-19 Teck Chuan Voo et al. If recovery from COVID-19 does an inherently ethical issue about how immunity against SARS-CoV-2. In this confer some degree of immunity, deci- much risk society is willing to accept. regard, lack of immunity certification for sions on when and how to lift restrictive We return to this issue later in the paper. SARS-CoV-2 should not be a barrier to measures could also be informed by Even if these scientific conditions health-care employment. serosurveys to estimate the proportion are met, immunity certification pro- If used for international travel, im- of a population with potential immu- grammes still present important ethical munity certificates should not be con- nity to SARS-CoV-2. In contrast to this questions.20–26 The ethical acceptability sidered the same as health certificates population-based application, immunity of immunity certification depends on that certify a negative COVID-19 status certification applies testing – which may its uses and policy objectives as well as based on diagnostic testing (such as a be based on, but is not limited to, sero- measures intended to reduce potential polymerase chain reaction test), which logical testing – to identify individuals harms and prevent disproportionate some countries (e.g. China28 and Indo- with protective immunity and lifting burdens on non-certified individuals nesia29) have implemented to reduce the of restrictions specifically for these and the violation of individual liber- risk of imported cases after resuming individuals. An immunity certification ties and rights. Different certification some international travel following the programme could complement popu- programmes raise different ethical onset of the pandemic. If an effective lation- or community-based strategies concerns depending on: which activities vaccine is developed and becomes widely to ease restrictive measures, to secure would be affected; whether certification available, countries could require some societal and individual freedoms and would be deployed for specific groups incoming travellers to have an interna- well-being. or occupations, or apply more widely tional certificate of vaccination (much Currently, however, the extent and to a population; whether certification like for yellow fever), and in a manner duration of antibody-mediated im- would be required, recommended or op- that is consistent with the requirements munity to protect against SARS-CoV-2 tional; and the implications of not being of the International Health Regulations reinfection have not been scientifically certified. A policy designed to stratify (IHR).30 Potentially, a vaccination certifi- established.14,15 There are also concerns individuals according to immunological cate and an immunity certificate could about the suitability of available se- risk will likely result in different tiers function similarly as required documents rological tests to measure individual of restrictions on individual liberties, for international travel, especially if immunity to SARS-CoV-2. As such, and potentially “undermine freedom to antibody-mediated (or T-cell-mediated) the World Health Organization (WHO) socialize and to travel, violate expecta- immunity and vaccination provide a has advised against the use of immunity tions of privacy, and exacerbate enforce- comparable degree of protection. certificates at this time as they have the ment practices that discriminate against A discussion on the ethics of in- potential to increase the risk of contin- vulnerable groups”.27 In view of these ternational vaccination certification for ued transmission.16 issues, we discuss key justifications and COVID-19 is outside the scope of this Three conditions for the scientific considerations for the ethical accept- paper. However, an immunity certificate acceptability of immunity certification ability of immunity certification for the differs from a vaccination or a negative must be met for it to be a reasonable purpose of exempting individuals from COVD-19 test certificate as applied to policy approach. First, the extent of restrictive measures in response to the international travel or other activities, protection conferred by antibody- COVID-19 pandemic. because only those with a history of mediated and cell-mediated immune exposure to SARS-CoV-2 could ob- responses to SARS-CoV-2 must be well tain an immunity certificate. This has understood, with reliable indicators of Health certifications behavioural risk implications, as we protection in terms of antibody titre or Immunity certification for SARS-CoV-2 discuss in the section on implementa- other relevant immune correlates. Sec- differs from other health certifications tion concerns. ond, declining immunity is common to that may be used to exempt individuals coronavirus infections, including severe from restrictive measures. In the cur- acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) rent context where neither a vaccine Ethical justification and Middle East respiratory syndrome nor an effective treatment specific to One justification for an immunity cer- coronavirus (MERS-CoV),17,18 and cases COVID-19 is available, testing for in- tification programme is the key public of rapid reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 dividual SARS-CoV-2 immunity would health principle of least infringement.31 have been reported. 19 Therefore, the differ, for example, from tuberculosis This principle states that among avail- minimum length of immunity against or hepatitis B virus screening because able options to achieve a public health SARS-CoV-2 must be established and people with tuberculosis or hepatitis B goal, policy-makers should choose the its duration monitored over time so virus infection and those without prior option that least infringes individual as to understand whether and when evidence of exposure to hepatitis B virus liberties. If it could be determined that certificate holders need to reassess their could benefit from treatment or vaccina- some individuals are neither at risk of immunity status and, possibly, renew tion, respectively, to assure patient and COVID-19 nor contagious, then there their certificate. Third, tests that can occupational safety. We stress here that would be no justification for restricting identify individuals who are immune from an ethical, and legal, perspective, their liberty. If there is a reliable method must be available, and they must be suf- testing negative for protective antibodies to validate individual immunity, it could ficiently accurate and reliable to ensure should not have the same implications as in principle be used to identify people false-positive and false-negative test re- testing positive for infection: individuals for whom no such justification existed. sults are within acceptable levels. What should not be regarded as an infectious A second justification for an im- counts as an acceptable level of error is disease threat simply because they lack munity certification programme is the 156 Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:155–161| doi:
Policy & practice Teck Chuan Voo et al. Immunity certification for COVID-19 potential benefits conferred by such religion, socioeconomic status or similar Other than preserving individual a programme. Immunity certification differential traits. For example, mem- rights and basic liberties, different treat- could be used for different purposes to bers of a particular group X may come ment of people based on immunological achieve various individual and collective to be associated with having an innate risk needs to be proportionate to the risk benefits.20,22,26 Some benefits are gained immunity to SARS-CoV-2 because of a to be ethically acceptable.33,34 That is, the by the individuals who would receive the higher proportion of immune-certified different costs and burdens imposed on certificate. These individuals would be individuals within that group relative to individuals should not exceed the likely allowed to resume their usual activities; others. This apparent innate immunity public health benefits, and should not re- they would also be provided with the may in fact be due to non-biological fac- sult in disproportionate burdens on either psychological assurance that, at least for tors such as differences in exposure and the immune-certified or the non-immune some period of time, they are no longer infection rates and access to health care individual. For example, making immune- susceptible to reinfection. At the same and immunity certification. Members certified health-care workers handle most time, there are benefits to public health of other groups, particularly those who of the work of the front-line COVID-19 and public well-being that are gained by are living with systemic discrimination response is unfair and unnecessary, as others. For example, immune-certified and marginalization, may be barred non-immune health-care workers could essential workers whose work requires from, or face more barriers to, accessing safely carry out front-line work with ap- or is best performed by face-to-face particular areas or activities if they are propriate personal protective equipment. interactions (e.g. health care, collection not immune-certified whereas members Governments that use immunity of swab samples for diagnosis and sur- of group X would not face such barriers certification to ease restrictive mea- veillance, and elementary and secondary even if they are not immune-certified. sures for certain people should ensure education) could interact more closely Immunity certification should not that non-immune individuals who are with people without fear of reinfection be used to dictate which individuals or having to isolate or maintain physical and onward transmission. groups can access an area or activity dur- distance do not face a disproportionate Lastly, immunity certification could ing the pandemic (or after it, if a vaccine number of problems. Governments can allow certified individuals to safely in- is not available) when other measures, help these individuals by providing or teract with others who are isolated or such as face masks, physical distancing increasing social support, as some places where important relationships have been and hand hygiene, can be implemented have done through income replacement, interrupted. Being able to visit and pro- to reduce risks to an acceptable level. opportunities for remote social con- vide companionship to isolated people Certainly, the ability to exercise funda- nections and work that can supplement is valuable. Physical distancing has mental rights, such as voting, holding income during the pandemic. interfered with many person-to-person a public office or accessing health and Even if governments do not use interactions. Most of these interactions social care and education, should never an immunity certification programme, are not seen as central to the COVID-19 be dependent on having an immunity private organizations and companies response but the ability to resume physi- certificate. What does distinguish indi- may use immunity certification for their cal and personal engagement with others viduals with an immunity certificate is purposes.21,24 A key question is which would also be valuable. the extent to which they are required to of these purposes are reasonably left conform to mitigation measures when to the discretion of private entities and accessing an activity, opportunity or which deserve scrutiny and, possibly, Ethical concerns right. For example, immune-certified policy interventions to prevent negative Although an immunity certification individuals could be allowed to travel effects on people. For example, insur- programme could be ethically justifiable, to other countries without the need for ers may charge non-immune-certified it also raises ethical concerns about risk prior testing (for active infection) or individuals higher premiums for spe- stratification based on immunological quarantine within the period of certifi- cific insurance schemes. Governments status and resultant differential easing cation, while people without certificates should seek to prevent immunity cer- of restrictive measures on individuals could be required to test and quarantine. tification policies – public and private and groups. The application of immunity certifica- – from making disadvantages worse in In achieving a legitimate goal, such tion in this context should conform to terms of opportunities for health care, as protection of others from infectious the IHR. The IHR allows State Parties employment, housing and so forth for disease risks, it is not necessarily unfair to implement additional measures as a particular populations. Private entities, to treat individuals differently because precaution, which should be based on on the other hand, should ensure that of differences in relevant character- scientific principles, evidence of risk to their use of immunity certification is istics;32 indeed, this situation already human health and any specific WHO fair and consistent with governmental exists with many employers providing guidance and advice. In addition, these policies that aim to minimize the wors- special protections to employees in measures must consider travellers’ ening of social disparities as a result of higher-risk groups (e.g. health-care human rights and not subject them to the pandemic. workers). Nevertheless, by stratifying unfair discrimination (e.g. racial profil- members of society into different tiers ing).23 Furthermore, measures must not of risk of infection and contagiousness, restrict international traffic or intrude Implementation concerns an immunity certification programme on people’s lives more than reasonably For an immunity certification scheme may result in unequal treatment of available alternatives which would to be ethically acceptable, attention also individuals that is based on ethically provide an appropriate level of health must be given to its implementation in irrelevant considerations of ethnicity, protection. the following areas. Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:155–161| doi: 157
Policy & practice Immunity certification for COVID-19 Teck Chuan Voo et al. Test error without a certificate may ultimately be fied. Finite capacity and resources for the best deterrent to such an incentive. testing means that, at least initially, pri- No test is perfect. All tests give false- The perceived benefits of immune oritizing access to testing and immunity negative and false-positive results and certificates could also result in a black certification will be a necessary measure. the degree of tolerable error must be market for counterfeit certificates. To This prioritization raises the question determined. A predictable proportion reduce this risk, certification should of fairness in test allocation.24–26 An im- of people tested will be told they have be based on testing by an authorized munity certification programme could immunity to SARS-CoV-2 when in fact body, results should be processed and increase socioeconomic disparities if they do not and a proportion will be confirmed by licensed laboratories there is inequitable access to antibody told they are not immune when in fact and certificates should be issued by testing and certification due to afford- they are. A relevant ethical question an appropriate health authority. Test ability or accessibility issues. An alloca- therefore is what an acceptable propor- results should also be securely linked tion system should be established to tion of false-negative and false-positive to biometric identifiers or a protected maximize collective benefits, minimize tests should be. This issue is an ethical digital identity to minimize fraudulent risk and avoid increasing socioeconomic task for which a satisfactory answer has certificates. disparities. To promote fair allocation, yet to be offered. Nonetheless, with im- access to testing and certification should munity certification, it is clearly more Privacy and stigma be based on a centralized assessment of harmful for both the health risks of the Immune-certified and non-certified in- societal need rather than ability to pay. individual and the public health risks dividuals would need to be identified for Priority should be given to sectors in to have false-positive results where an immunity certification programme which workers are essential or needed people are told they are immune when to work and be socially useful. While more urgently, as well as sectors in which they remain susceptible. Thus, the there may be limits to maintaining workers (or volunteers) have greater choice of test should be one with less personal immunity certification in- contact with populations at higher risk chance of a false-positive result than a formation as private and confidential, of severe COVID-19. Individuals who false-negative one if compromises have measures should be implemented to are socially and economically worst off to be made. minimize confidentiality breaches and because of the pandemic could also be Being clear about who should bear non-consensual identification to reduce given priority if restrictive measures the responsibility for setting the thresh- privacy concerns and protect non- have badly affected their livelihoods, old of tolerable error that will guide immune-certified individuals from any and if immunity certification is a way the use of these thresholds is therefore potential stigma and harm. To minimize to restore their circumstances. important. Private entities are motivated data abuse, immunity certificates, if kept Given that the implementation of by their own interest and should not be in a database, should be controlled by restrictive measures and reducing their allowed to set this threshold as their in- a trusted agency. Legal and regulatory impacts are State responsibilities, there terests may not align with that of citizens mechanisms should be in place to limit is a strong argument that the cost of and public health. This responsibility data access to legitimate governmental testing for immunity certificates should should therefore lie with governments authorities and third parties and to be borne to some extent by the State, who are accountable for protecting the intended purposes. In addition, data col- either directly or through employer- interests of their citizens when making lection, processing and retention should based financing schemes. 26 Essential decisions about risk. be kept to the minimum necessary to industries have an interest in ensuring achieve public health and socioeco- access to antibody testing if it enables Incentives and counterfeits nomic objectives. them to protect their workforce. Argu- Depending on the benefits that im- Privacy protections that comply ably, employers of essential workers have munity certification would provide, its with the IHR will also be needed at the a shared responsibility in covering the implementation could result in perverse international level if immunity cer- cost of testing for their employees, and incentives: some individuals may in- tificates are used to facilitate interstate State resources could be used to support tentionally increase their exposure to travel and trade. Any health information the cost of certification for workers in the SARS-CoV-2 to become infected and on an identified or identifiable person informal sector and the self-employed. thereby receive an immunity certificate. that is collected or received by a State In low-resource settings, particu- This behaviour would increase the risk Party under the IHR from another State larly when only a small proportion of of community spread and potentially Party or from WHO must be kept con- a country’s population is likely to have cause serious illness or death to other fidential and processed anonymously as developed enduring natural protective people. Deliberate self-infection may required by national law. Furthermore, immunity, States may justifiably decide be reduced to some extent by effective all reasonable steps must be taken to not to cover the costs of immunity cer- public communication on the risk of ensure that inaccurate or incomplete tification so as to prioritize other health such behaviours to self and others. data are deleted or corrected.30 and social needs or other strategies to However, there would still probably be ease restrictive measures for their popu- Prioritization and costs individuals who are willing to risk self- lation as a whole. infection. The level of unintended harm If immunity certification relies on that this behaviour could cause is likely serological tests, then people who had to vary between settings and is difficult previously tested positive for COVID-19 Conclusion to predict. The degree to which sought- and those who had not would need to Immunity certification, even where after benefits are still available to those undergo serological testing to be certi- available and reliable, should never be 158 Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:155–161| doi:
Policy & practice Teck Chuan Voo et al. Immunity certification for COVID-19 used as the main strategy for reducing risk activities such as caring for others or vantages to those without an immunity the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. providing needed services. Appropriate certificate from becoming permanent. ■ Individuals can still lead their lives, to interventions should be implemented varying degrees, with current public to protect the interests of individuals Acknowledgements health measures for safe movement and who are not immune-certified and We thank Lee-Anne Pascoe. assembly. who remain under severe restrictive If the scientific and ethical con- measures. These interventions should Competing interests: All authors are mem- siderations outlined above are met, be evaluated for their effectiveness and bers of an ethics working group on im- immunity certification could be used impact, including unintended second- munity passports set up by the WHO as a component of a plan that decreases ary negative effects. Such an approach Global Health Ethics and Governance the number of people subject to highly to the implementation of an immunity Unit. Katherine Littler and Andreas Reis restrictive measures and increases the certificate programme would reduce are WHO staff members. number able to take on certain higher- disparities and prevent resulting disad- ملخص االعتبارات األخالقية:19 شهادات املناعة لكوفيد ال يمكن النظر لشهادة.االختبار املصيل املقرتحة لتحديد املناعة اإلجراءات التقييدية املفروضة نظر ًا ألن جائحة مرض فريوس ،املناعة بعني االعتبار إال إذا تم تلبية الرشوط العلمية لضامن املناعة ) قد أدت إىل آثار اجتامعية واقتصادية19 (كوفيد19 كورونا حتى، ومع ذلك.سواء بنا ًء عىل األجسام املضادة أو معايري أخرى اعتربت بعض الدول استخدام شهادة املناعة.وصحية وخيمة فإهنا،إذا أصبحت شهادة املناعة مدعومة جيدً ا من جانب العلم كاسرتاتيجية لتخفيف هذه اإلجــراءات لألشخاص الذين تواجه العديد من القضايا األخالقية فيام يتعلق بالقيود املختلفة ُيطلق، وذلك بإصدار مستند هلؤالء األفراد،تعافوا من اإلصابة نحن ندرس االعتبارات.عىل احلريات الفردية وعملية تنفيذها يشهد هذا املستند. جواز املناعة:عليها بصورة شائعة مصطلح الرئيسية للقبول األخالقي لشهادة املناعة إلعفاء األفراد من عىل أهنم يتمتعون بمناعة وقائية ضد املتالزمة التنفسية احلادة ال عن احلاجة ً وفض.19 اإلجراءات التقييدية أثناء جائحة كوفيد الفريوس،)SARS-CoV-2( 2 الوخيمة لفريوس كورونا فإن القبول األخالقي لشهادة املناعة،إىل تلبية معايري علمية صارمة وقد نصحت منظمة الصحة العاملية بعدم.19 املسبب لكوفيد والتدابري املتبعة لتقليل،يعتمد عىل استخداماهتا وأهدافها السياسة تطبيق شهادة املناعة يف الوقت احلايل بسبب عدم اليقني بشأن ما ومنع األعباء غري املتناسبة عىل األفراد غري،األرضار املحتملة إذا كانت املناعة طويلة املدى موجودة بالفعل لدى هؤالء الذين . وانتهاك احلريات واحلقوق الفردية،احلاصلني عىل الشهادة ال عن املخاوف بشأن موثوقية طريقة ً فض،19 تعافوا من كوفيد 摘要 新冠肺炎免疫认证 :伦理考量 因新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎)大流行而强制实 还是其他标准)时,才可以考虑采取免疫认证。然而, 施的限制性措施已造成严重的社会、经济和健康影 即使免疫认证得到了科学的充分支持,也仍存在许多 响。有些国家已考虑采用免疫认证策略来放松这些限 伦理问题,包括对个人自由的不同限制及其实施过程。 制性措施,即,向感染后康复的人员发放一份通常被 对于在新冠肺炎大流行期间准许某些人员无需遵守限 称为免疫通行证的证件。该证件证明此类人员对引起 制性措施的免疫认证,我们研究了这种认证在伦理上 新冠肺炎的病毒——严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 -2 予以接受的主要考虑因素。免疫认证不仅需要满足严 (SARS-CoV-2)——具有保护性免疫力。世界卫生组织 格的科学标准,而且在伦理上是否予以接受还取决于 建议目前不要实施免疫认证,因为尚不确定感染新冠 免疫认证的用法、实施对象以及是否采取措施以降低 肺炎后康复的人员是否切实存在长期免疫力,且对计 对未获得认证的人员造成的潜在伤害,防止对其产生 划用于测定免疫力的血清学检测方法的可靠性尚存疑 过重的压力以及违反个人自由和权利方面的规定。 虑。仅当达到确保免疫的科学阈值(无论是基于抗体 Résumé Certificat d'immunité pour la COVID-19: considérations éthiques Les restrictions imposées dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pandémie l'usage du certificat d'immunité pour l'instant, car l'incertitude demeure de maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) ont eu de lourdes quant à l'existence réelle d'une immunité à long terme pour ceux qui conséquences économiques, sociales et sanitaires. Certains pays se sont remis de la COVID-19. En outre, la fiabilité des tests sérologiques ont envisagé la mise en place d'une stratégie visant à alléger ces censés déterminer si l'individu est immunisé n'est pas avérée. Un tel restrictions pour les individus guéris en leur octroyant un document certificat ne peut être instauré que si les seuils scientifiques en matière communément appelé «passeport d'immunité». Ce document atteste d'immunité sont respectés, qu'ils soient fondés sur les anticorps ou qu'ils ont développé une immunité protectrice contre le coronavirus 2 sur d'autres critères. Néanmoins, même si le certificat d'immunité est du syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SARS-CoV-2), le virus à l'origine désormais bien accepté par la science, il s'accompagne de nombreuses de la COVID-19. L'Organisation mondiale de la Santé a déconseillé questions d'ordre éthique en ce qui concerne la limitation des libertés Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:155–161| doi: 159
Policy & practice Immunity certification for COVID-19 Teck Chuan Voo et al. individuelles et la mise en œuvre. Dans le présent document, nous son degré de conformité à des critères scientifiques stricts, mais aussi examinons les principales considérations à prendre en compte pour de son usage, des objectifs politiques ainsi que des mesures mises en garantir l'acceptabilité éthique du certificat d'immunité visant à lever place pour atténuer les préjudices potentiels et éviter d'imposer une les mesures de restriction pour certaines personnes durant la pandémie charge disproportionnée sur les individus dépourvus de certificat, ou de COVID-19. Cette acceptabilité éthique dépend non seulement de de bafouer les droits et libertés de tout un chacun. Резюме Сертификация иммунитета к COVID-19: этические соображения Ограничительные меры, введенные с началом пандемии Сертификацию иммунитета можно рассматривать только коронавирусного заболевания 2019 года (COVID-19), привели при условии соблюдения научных пороговых значений для к серьезным социальным и экономическим последствиям, а обеспечения иммунитета, основанных на антителах или других также неблагоприятно отразились на здоровье населения. критериях. Однако, даже если сертификация иммунитета получит Некоторые страны рассматривают возможность использования широкую поддержку со стороны науки, она имеет массу этических сертификации иммунитета в качестве стратегии по ослаблению проблем с точки зрения различных ограничений индивидуальных таких мер для людей, перенесших заболевание, посредством свобод и процесса реализации этих ограничений. Авторы выдачи этим лицам документа, именуемого «паспорт иммунитета». исследуют основные соображения этической приемлемости Данный документ подтверждает, что эти лица обладают защитным сертификации иммунитета для освобождения людей от иммунитетом к тяжелому острому респираторному синдрому ограничительных мер во время пандемии COVID-19. Этическая коронавируса-2 (SARS-CoV-2) — вирусу, вызывающему COVID-19. приемлемость сертификации иммунитета зависит не только от Всемирная организация здравоохранения не рекомендует необходимости соответствовать строгим научным критериям, внедрять сертификацию иммунитета в настоящее время но и от ее использования, целей политики и принимаемых по причине неуверенности в формировании длительного мер по снижению потенциального вреда и предотвращению иммунитета у лиц, переболевших COVID-19, а также ввиду непропорционального бремени для не имеющих сертификата опасений в отношении надежности предлагаемого метода лиц и нарушений личных свобод и прав. серологического тестирования для определения иммунитета. Resumen Certificación de inmunidad para la COVID-19: consideraciones éticas Las medidas restrictivas impuestas a causa de la pandemia de la certificación de la inmunidad solo puede considerarse si se cumplen los enfermedad coronavirus de 2019 (COVID-19) han tenido graves efectos umbrales científicos para asegurar la inmunidad, ya sea que se basen en sociales, económicos y sanitarios. Algunos países han considerado la anticuerpos o en otros criterios. Sin embargo, incluso si la certificación de posibilidad de utilizar la certificación de inmunidad como estrategia la inmunidad llegara a estar bien respaldada por la ciencia, tiene muchas para flexibilizar dichas medidas para las personas que se han recuperado cuestiones éticas en cuanto a las diferentes restricciones de las libertades de la infección mediante la expedición a dichas personas de un individuales y su proceso de aplicación. Examinamos las principales documento, comúnmente denominado pasaporte de inmunidad. Este consideraciones sobre la aceptabilidad ética de la certificación de la documento certifica que han desarrollado inmunidad protectora contra inmunidad para eximir a los individuos de las medidas restrictivas el coronavirus-2 del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SARS-CoV-2), durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Además de necesitar cumplir el virus que causa la COVID-19. La Organización Mundial de la Salud criterios científicos sólidos, la aceptabilidad ética de la certificación ha desaconsejado la aplicación de la certificación de la inmunidad de inmunidad depende de sus usos y objetivos de política y de las en la actualidad debido a la incertidumbre sobre si existe realmente medidas que se apliquen para reducir los posibles daños y evitar que una inmunidad a largo plazo para quienes se han recuperado de se impongan cargas desproporcionadas a las personas que no cuenten la COVID-19 y a las preocupaciones sobre la fiabilidad del método con dicha certificación y se violen las libertades y derechos individuales. de prueba serológica propuesto para determinar la inmunidad. La References 1. Nicola M, Alsafi Z, Sohrabi C, Kerwan A, Al-Jabir A, Iosifidis C, et al. The socio- 4. Horowitz J. In Italy, going back to work may depend on having the right economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19): a review. antibodies. 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