Hospital contingency in coping with COVID-19 in Brazil: governmental problems and alternatives
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DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232021264.43472020 1407 Hospital contingency in coping with COVID-19 in Brazil: Free Themes governmental problems and alternatives Thadeu Borges Souza Santos ( 1 Laise Rezende de Andrade ( 2 Silvana Lima Vieira ( 1 Joseane Aparecida Duarte ( 2 Juliete Sales Martins ( 1 Lilian Barbosa Rosado ( 2 Juliana dos Santos Oliveira ( 2 Isabela Cardoso de Matos Pinto ( 2 Abstract This paper analyzes the government’s strategic agenda for coping with COVID-19 in Brazil, focusing on hospital care. Twenty-eight Contingency Plans were analyzed in full, one na- tional, 26 at state level, and one from the Feder- al District. The Public Policy Cycle’s theoretical framework was used, specifically governmental pre-decision and decision to face the pandemic. The evidence revealed convergences between the national and state levels concerning proposals for reorienting care flow, detecting cases, and indi- cating referral hospitals. However, the state agen- das revealed weaknesses in acquiring mechanical ventilation devices, sizing human resources, and regionalizing hospital care. Moreover, few states have established a method for calculating back- end beds, mainly regarding the outlook of opening hospitals of reference or contracting additional ICU beds. We can conclude that the heterogeneous actions explained in the plans show the complex process of coping with COVID-19 in Brazil with its regional inequalities, weaknesses in the state health systems, and reduced coordination by the Ministry of Health. 1 Departamento de Ciências da Vida, Universidade do Key words Coronavirus, Unified Health Systems, Estado da Bahia. R. Silveira Hospitals, Hospital Bed Capacity, Contingency Martins 2555, Cabula. Plans 41195-001 Salvador BA Brasil. 2 Instituto de Saúde Coletiva, Universidade Federal da Bahia. Salvador BA Brasil.
1408 Santos TBS et al. Introduction in Brazil, as its sources, focusing on hospital care in these management spheres. These instruments On December 12, 2019, the new coronavirus was were precursors to formulating the COVID-19 notified in Wuhan, the Chinese province of Hu- Public Contingency Policy. bei. It achieved a high degree of transmissibility As an analysis plan, they were read in-depth that led the World Health Organization (WHO) to recognize the strategies defined by the govern- to declare Public Health Emergency of Interna- ments14, whose results were organized to present tional Concern (PHEIC) on January 30, 2020, priorities by the federal and state spheres of health according to International Health Regulations management15,16, allowing triangulation with the (IHR)1. The pandemic condition was declared on reference formulation of the governmental agen- March 11, alerting member countries to strate- da of the Public Policy’s Cycle. Therefore, it fo- gies for controlling the transmission of the virus cused on the theoretical structure of pre-decision and organizing the health systems with the struc- and decision-making regarding the measures to turing of the hospital back-end for severe cases be adopted to address COVID-1916,17. of the disease, following recommendations of Three flows were considered to analyze this the strategic plan of preparation and operational process of formulating public policies16, name- response explaining planning guidelines to sup- ly, issues, policies, and politics. Issues can be port the preparedness and response of countries evidenced by a real crisis that the government around the world2. cannot ignore, like the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the rapid cumulative incidence of The second flow involves the analysis of the al- COVID-19 can cause overuse of health systems, ternatives proposed to tackle the issues. The third especially hospital services and their Intensive refers to the political process of preparing and Care Units (ICU) beds, suggesting the formu- implementing the selected proposals16. lation of contingency plans and strategies and These elements were central to the analysis of actions to contain the progress of the disease, re- pre-decision and decision and discussion of re- inforcing the surveillance system and actions to sults presented in state percentages of prioritiza- prevent and control the pandemic3-5. tion. To this end, the national agenda supporting The international scientific literature on hos- the structuring of six categories of recommenda- pital contingency points to challenges related to tions adopted for discussion with the state pri- the scarcity of beds and supplies6,7, impacts on orities for hospital contingency to COVID-19 in the care network, which requires increasing the Brazil is presented. The standardized acronyms installed capacity8, opening field hospitals9, and of the respective Brazilian states were adopted. recruiting care back-end personnel10,11. In Brazil, the Public Health Emergency of National Concern (PHENC) was declared on Results February 3, with simultaneous activation of the Emergency Operations Center (COE) in Public The governmental pre-decision took place at the Health for the new Coronavirus12. The National federal level to make recommendations in the Contingency Plan (PCN) recommended priori- face of the issue and the state level that built a ties to guide the investment of resources13. Sim- technical-sanitary agenda to face COVID-19 ilarly, the States and the Federal District (DF) in Brazil (policies). Thus, national pre-decision presented their priority strategies for facing the movements (politics) from the COE leadership pandemic in the respective State Contingency will be presented, actors involved in the recom- Plans (PCE). Thus, this study aimed to analyze mendations, and priorities defined at the state the strategic governmental agenda for facing level of formulating the governmental coping COVID-19 in Brazil, focusing on hospital care. with COVID-19 in Brazil. National pre-decision-making movement Theoretical-methodological procedures for coping with COVID-19 This is documentary research that adopted the An articulation between federal and state first Epidemiological Bulletin of the national governments was established in the management COE and twenty-eight Contingency Plans (CP), of the SUS as of late January 202018, to define the namely, one national, 26 at state level, and one alternatives to address COVID-19 in Brazil. The from the Federal District, to confront COVID-19 COE/MS12 was an active forum for the unique
1409 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(4):1407-1418, 2021 coordination of contingency for COVID-19, management strategies13. Moreover, the response responsible for discussing coping measures (al- levels determined were infection alert (high risk ternatives) to be adopted with subnational man- in suspected cases), imminent danger (with sus- agers12. It was created by the Health Surveillance pected case), and the PHENC12. Secretariat (SVS) departments and through its Chart 1 summarizes the recommendations Epidemiological Bulletin nº113. It assumed co- established by the PCN. The COVID-19 emer- ordinating, planning, and operationalizing lo- gency network for hospital care should be defined gistics and finance of the national response plan based on it. Workers should be permanently ed- and managing the Operations Command System ucated for clinical management and individual (SCO) for the Public Health Emergency. protection, and the organization of the hospital As a pre-decision summit, the week between network should be recommended as part of state COE’s activation (January 22, 2020) and the contingency for containment. Concerning miti- PCN launch (January 28, 2020)13 stands out. In gation, it was recommended to have hospital care this brief period, the PHENC was declared, the for severe cases, expand the supply of hospital COE met with the National Council of Health beds due to the risk of exceeding the response ca- Secretaries (CONASS), the National Council of pacity, and contract emergency ICU beds12. Municipal Health Secretariats (CONASEMS), These recommendations allowed thinking representatives of State Surveillance, and Central of the contingency in six categories of national Laboratories, and the Interministerial Executive priorities to be addressed by the PCE, where an Group (GEI)19 was established. The GEI is re- agenda for COVID-19 in Brazil should be estab- sponsible for proposing, monitoring, and artic- lished, considering: 1. Systematization of the care ulating coping measures, allocating budgetary network; 2. Definition of an emergency network; resources, and monitoring emergency actions. 3. Orientation of hospital care to cases; 4. Hospi- The representation of the MS, Civil House, Min- tal care for severe cases; 5. Expansion of hospital istries of Justice, Defense, Agriculture, Regional beds; 6. Emergency contracting of ICU beds. Development, Security Office of the Presidency, Consequently, the PCEs pointed to seven- and the National Health Surveillance Agency19 is teen state priorities, deployed or correlated with provided for in its composition. the six national ones, and it is essential to start The proposed articulation between national presenting this agenda considering the Brazilian governmental actors in decision-making pre- regional distribution of the PCEs. Table 1 shows vailed when the agenda was being formulated. the numbers of States and percentages of each of It aimed to coordinate institutions and establish these priorities, reflecting on the Brazilian con- technical-epidemiological competencies for in- tingency to COVID-19. terventions. It is worth mentioning the notori- Three national priorities stood out for in- ety of the COE/MS spearheading the process of cluding one of the state priorities in 100% of structuring the contingency plan for COVID-19 the PCEs: care network systematization, hospital in Brazil in this first stage of the policy cycle. To care guidance, and hospital care for severe cases. this end, an agenda of national recommenda- Its main correlations in PCEs were establishing tions was defined to guide which priorities would networks and regulatory flows for severe cas- be strategic in the state-level decision. es, clinical management guidance, and securing The national and state priorities for SES and equipment, laboratory supplies, and PPE. MS coping with COVID-19 are mentioned next. The second-highest percentage of state pri- ority corresponds to the indication of referral National priorities for public health hospital services with contingency reserve beds, emergency situation which was specified by 20 PCEs (74.07%). The southern region had the lowest percentage in this Formulating a PCN was a considerable chal- priority. lenge for managers, especially in Brazil, given the Three state priorities formed a group with regional inequalities and federative nature repro- the third main percentage, and they are: count- duced in the management of the Unified Health er-referral for care (33.33%), provision of the System19. pre-hospital care network, and emergency plan The PCN’s strategic agenda was structured or opening of field hospitals (both with 29.62%). around eight pillars: surveillance, laboratory sup- They relate to national recommendations for port, infection control, care, pharmaceutical care, systematizing the care network, the urgent care health surveillance, risk communication, and network, and the expansion of hospital beds.
1410 Santos TBS et al. Chart 1. Strategic agenda for each stage of the fight against Covid-19, according to the National Contingency Plan. Containment Stage Mitigation Stage . Identify and prevent virus spread; . Avoid the occurrence of severe cases and deaths; . Conduct surveillance actions; . Recommend restrictive isolation and home . Check stock and purchase Personal Protective quarantine measures for suspected and confirmed Equipment (PPE); mild cases; . Orient home quarantine to suspected cases; . Provide hospital care for severe cases; . Record information for surveillance; . Expand hospital beds when there is a risk of . Alert the entire SUS health care network; exceeding the hospital’s response capacity to care for . Prepare responses in the care network; severe cases; . Define urgent and emergency care network; . Emergency contracting of ICU beds. . Sensitize health professionals to detect suspected cases, adequate patient management, and PPE use; . Develop and divulge State Contingency Plans containing the organization of the hospital care network Source: National Contingency Plan for Human Infection by Covid-19, 2020. However, the Brazilian regions with the lowest These lower percentages of regional priori- prioritization of these in the PCEs were South- ties correspond directly to the following national east (0.00%), Northeast (11.11%), and Midwest priorities: definition of the urgent care network, (25%) regarding the systematization of the care orientation to hospital care, care to severe cas- network; North (0.00%) and Southeast (25%) es, expansion of hospital beds, and emergency referring to the pre-hospital network, and North contracting of ICU beds. In such a way, it will (14.28%) and Midwest (25%) correlated to the be essential to analyze the state priorities further opening of field hospitals. to characterize the establishment of the contin- Organizing the network with complexity and gency agenda, precisely the elements that under- regionalization levels was the priority in which pinned the PCE. all Brazilian regions had some state citing. How- ever, it comprised only 25.92% of the PCEs, with State priorities in the public health just one state in the North, Midwest, and South. emergency situation Another set of priorities was not widely mentioned in the PCEs. The calculation of avail- Therefore, state managers also had the crit- ability of beds and articulation of inter-federa- ical task of designing solutions to face the pan- tive support in the event of overcrowding in the demic, considering their territory’s peculiarities hospital network were prioritized by 14.81% of and socio-political and cultural contexts. Thus, the states and were not mentioned in the South- the elaboration of the PCEs aimed to strengthen east, South, and Midwest regions. The need for the management of the state and municipal pub- human resources for health was pointed out by lic health network and the services to reduce the 18.51% of the states and was not highlighted in complications and harm caused by COVID-19. the northern, midwestern, and southern regions. The state plans had multiple structures, with The implantation of reception with risk classifi- some recommendations converging to the na- cation and support for hospital epidemiological tional contingency. Noteworthy are priorities surveillance centers was registered in 22.22% of related to health surveillance, expansion and the PCEs and not covered by those in the South, availability of beds and supplies, and health or Southeast, and Midwest regions. continuing education for workers in the sector. It is also worth mentioning that two priori- Regarding surveillance, the recommenda- ties were not mentioned in any PCE, namely, the tions aimed at the early detection of flu-like purchase of mechanical ventilation devices and syndromes, with the investigation, management, private ICU beds’ contracting for the back-end to and notification of suspected cases of the new severe COVID-19 cases (both with 0.00%). coronavirus. Regarding the investment of re-
Table 1. Agenda of priorities for hospital care to face COVID-19, by Brazilian regions and states, according to State Contingency Plans 2020. Percentage of State Priorities Brazilian Regions Brazil North Northeast Southeast Midwest South National Priorities State Priorities n % n % n % n % n % n % 1. Covid-19 care network 1. Establish a network and regulation flow for severe cases 7 100 9 100 4 100 4 100 3 100 27 100 systematization 2. Ensure regular inter-hospital transportation 2 28.57 5 55.55 2 50 3 75 2 66.33 14 51.85 3. Perform counter-referral of patients 5 71.42 1 11.11 0 0 1 25 2 66.33 9 33.33 4. Sort the network with complexity and regionalization levels 1 14.28 2 22.22 2 50 1 25 1 33.33 7 25.92 5. Indicate referral hospitals and reserve beds for 6 85.71 7 77.77 3 75 3 75 1 33.33 20 74.07 contingencies 2. Covid-19 urgent care 6. Provide a Pre-Hospital Care Network 0 0 3 33.33 1 25 2 50 2 66.33 8 29.62 network definition 7. Implement the reception of cases with risk classification 1 14.28 2 22.22 2 50 1 25 0 0 6 22.22 3. Orientation of hospital care 8. Guide clinical management 7 100 9 100 4 100 4 100 3 100 27 100 to Covid-19 cases 9. Estimate the need for HRH 1 12.48 3 33.33 1 25 0 0 0 0 5 18.51 10. Support the Hospital Epidemiological Surveillance 4 57.14 2 22.22 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 22.22 Centers 4. Hospital care for severe 11. Secure equipment, laboratory supplies, and PPE 7 100 9 100 4 100 4 100 3 100 27 100 Covid-19 cases 12. Guarantee the stock of medicines 4 71.42 4 44.44 0 0 4 100 3 100 15 55.55 13. Purchase mechanical ventilation devices 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. Increased hospital bed 14. Establish the calculation of bed availability 1 14.28 1 11.11 1 25 1 25 0 0 4 14.81 capacity 15. Determine the Emergency Plan or the opening of 1 14.28 3 33.33 2 50 1 25 1 33.33 8 29.62 campaign hospital units 16. Articulate inter-federative support in a situation of 1 14.28 2 22.22 0 0 0 0 1 33.33 4 14.81 overcrowding in the state network 6. Emergency contracting of 17. Contract private ICU back-end beds for severe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Covid-19 ICU beds COVID-19 cases Source: State Covid-19 Contingency Plans. 1411 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(4):1407-1418, 2021
1412 Santos TBS et al. sources, priority was given to ensuring supplies, ities). The Brazilian agenda was characterized PPE, medications, laboratory tests, and mechan- by heterogeneous planning when confronting ical ventilators, which are decisive in expanding COVID-19. ICU beds. Priority themes for health workers’ Thus, when analyzing state priorities from qualification were clinical management, biosafe- Chart 2, it can be seen that five PCE cited 10 ty, hospital infection control, and patient safety to 12 priorities on the agenda for coping with and transportation. COVID-19 in Brazil. Among them are Acre and Following the guidelines recommended by Santa Catarina (10), Bahia and Minas Gerais the PCN, the twenty-seven PCEs analyzed pre- (11), and Goiás (12). On the other hand, the sented a set of priorities that structured Chart 2, states that included the lowest number of prior- as per the six categorical recommendations from ities contained in the federal agenda stand out, the PCN for hospital care. which are the PCEs of Rondônia (03), Alagoas, Concerning the first category of national Ceará, Espírito Santo, and Rio Grande do Sul priority that concerns care network systematiza- (04), and Roraima, Piauí, São Paulo, Mato Gros- tion, we observed that five state priorities were so do Sul and the Federal District (05). correlated and are shown in descending order Following these results, we highlight two according to the quote identified in the PCE: relevant political analysis situations on hospital the establishment of a network and regulation contingency for COVID-19 in Brazil. The first flow of severe cases (27), indication of referral concerns the states with more priorities related hospitals with contingency bed reservation (20), to the systematization of the COVID-19 care net- regulation of inter-hospital transportation (14), work, namely, Bahia, Goiás, and Santa Catarina. carrying out counter-referral of patients (09) and Concerning the COVID-19 urgent care network, sorting the network considering the complexity Bahia, Minas Gerais, and Goiás considered all and regionalization levels (07). priorities. As for hospital care guidance, Bahia The urgent care network was mentioned in and Maranhão considered all priorities. No state only two plans as a priority. One is pointing to pointed to care for severe cases, expanded bed the need to make the urgent care network avail- capacity, and ICU beds’ emergency contracting. able for pre-hospital care (08), and the other that In the case of non-prioritized high-relevance draws attention due to the emphasis given to the actions, the second analytical aspect of hospital risk classification in the reception of cases, ear- contingency to COVID-19 in Brazil emerges, as ly detection of severe cases, referentiality among no state has prioritized the acquisition of me- care points in the care network (05). chanical ventilators and the contracting of ICU Regarding hospital care for COVID-19 cases, beds for severe cases. the three priorities mentioned in the PCEs point- ed to guidelines related to clinical management (27), recommendations to the hospital epide- Discussion miological surveillance centers (06), and HRH estimates for coping (05). Equipment, laborato- Based on the theoretical conception of the gov- ry supplies, PPE (27), and medicines (15) were ernmental pre-decision process and the for- secured for hospital care to severe cases, but no mulation of the agenda, the analysis of the 28 PCE pointed to the need to purchase mechanical Contingency Plans identified national recom- ventilation devices (00). mendations and defined state priorities, their Concerning the recommendation to expand convergences, and misalignments. hospital beds, the category was shaped primari- As an instrument of recommendation to ly on the strategy of opening campaign hospital subnational units, the PCN evidenced signifi- units (08) and calculating the availability of nec- cant gaps according to WHO recommendations essary beds (04) and the need for inter-federative for planning and implementing health policies support in the event of state network overcrowd- and developing a strategic response plan for ing (04). COVID-192-20. It is noteworthy that one of the priorities in It is noteworthy that what was expected for the contingency agenda, which corresponds to the national level would be planning and mon- the emergency contracting of ICU beds, does not itoring, securing ministerial involvement, es- appear in any PCE. timating resources to contain the disease, and Also, no PCE thoroughly considered the coordinating multisectoral strategies to provide contingency agenda (with all seventeen prior- financial support21. However, the PCN explained
Chart 2. Agenda of state and the Federal District priorities to cope with Covid-19 regarding hospital care, by Brazilian regions and states and State Contingency Plans, 2020. Priorities FU by Regions North Northeast Southeast Midwest South National State N AC AM AP PA RO RR TO AL BA CE MA PB PE PI RN SE ES MG RJ SP GO MT MS DF PR RS SC Covid-19 Establish a network and 27 care network regulation flow for severe systematization cases Ensure regular inter-hospital 14 transportation Perform counter-referral of 09 patients Sort the network 07 with complexity and regionalization levels Indicate referral hospitals and 20 reserve beds for contingencies Covid-19 Provide a Pre-Hospital Care 08 urgent care Network network Implement the reception of 05 definition cases with risk classification Orientation of Guide clinical management 27 hospital care to Estimate the need for HRH 05 Covid-19 cases Support the Hospital 06 Epidemiological Surveillance Centers Hospital care Secure equipment, laboratory 27 for severe supplies, and PPE Covid-19 cases Guarantee the stock of 15 medicines Purchase mechanical 00 ventilation devices it continues 1413 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(4):1407-1418, 2021
1414 Santos TBS et al. the national coordination of the coping through 04 08 04 00 N the COE/MS, not estimating necessary resources, AC AM AP PA RO RR TO AL BA CE MA PB PE PI RN SE ES MG RJ SP GO MT MS DF PR RS SC 17 10 multisectoral strategies, and financial contribu- 7 South tions13. 13 17 4 The WHO’s pillars still recommended estab- 17 lishing surveillance teams for quick responses 7 9 Chart 2. Agenda of state and the Federal District priorities to cope with Covid-19 regarding hospital care, by Brazilian regions and states and State Contingency Plans, 2020. and investigation of cases with contact screen- 12 17 5 ing protocols, monitoring of confirmed cases, Midwest 12 17 and reporting of the disease’s epidemiological 5 trends2-21. The Brazilian PCN did not detail which 10 17 7 protocols would be adopted for screening con- 17 12 tacts and monitoring confirmed cases. It defined 5 the disease’s trends in the country (clinical data, 11 12 17 17 6 5 mortality, and occurrence in risk groups) would Southeast be informed by the Epidemiological Bulletins21. It was also recommended to design national 17 11 6 9 8 12 11 10 13 response plans to the disease by managing health 17 17 17 17 17 17 8 9 5 6 7 4 services to face the exponential increase in sus- pected and confirmed COVID-19 cases. Con- FU by Regions cerning hospital care, this would be performed through the feasibility of diagnostic methods and therapeutic procedures, using the health equip- ment available and capable of receiving patients. Northeast To this end, strategic locations with installed capacity for ICU beds would be identified, and emphasis would be given to guidelines for mild 10 17 7 symptoms to avoid unnecessary hospitaliza- 13 6 13 17 17 17 4 11 4 tions2-21. However, the PCN was not very specific. In summary, it presented guidelines for the proper functioning of services and the need to expand 17 the health care network, barely exploring the de- 8 9 scriptions of actions in situations of COVID-1921. 12 17 5 We also perceive gaps in the PCN in the face 9 11 14 17 17 17 8 6 3 of the WHO recommendations related to the North design of prevention and control strategies for COVID-19 infections among health profession- als and planning of how professionals’ infection cases and screening, early detection, and infection 17 8 9 source control mechanisms where health teams 17 10 7 work2 would be registered and investigated. It should also be noted that the Federal Gov- Sub-total of considered actions not considered Establish the calculation of ernment’s official position was striking in the Determine the Emergency Articulate inter-federative overcrowding in the state back-end beds for severe support in a situation of campaign hospital units definition of agendas with the states, primarily Plan or the opening of Contract private ICU due to internal differences between its allies and Source: State Covid-19 Contingency Plans. State COVID-19 cases the Ministry of Health, markedly at the time of bed availability Sub-total of considered actions the PCN. The conflicts involved statements by Priorities the President of the Republic, first denying the network severity of the pandemic, in contrast to the guide- lines of the WHO and the role of the MS22,23, and then disagreeing with state governmental actors Covid-19 ICU contracting of on the adoption of social distancing strategies Total actions National hospital bed Emergency and recommendations for scientifically unprov- Increased capacity en COVID-19 drug treatment efficacy during the beds construction of the agendas and PCE formula-
1415 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(4):1407-1418, 2021 tions. Social distancing is the primary solution and dual beneficiaries covered by the SUS and to contain transmissibility, seeking to avoid the private health insurance32. This inequality was increase in the number of cases and deaths due considered by the National Health Council in its to COVID-1924. These disagreements between recommendation to request private beds to SUS33 health authorities suggest the lack of national co- managers and by establishing the so-called single ordination for adequate communication8, espe- waiting list for the regulated occupation of ICU cially regarding the slowdown in the COVID-19 beds in COVID-19 cases34. It is also noteworthy spread, minimizing its impact on health systems, that no state included in its PCE the possible ac- ensuring better access to hospital services in a quisition of private ICU beds for the back-end to projected hospital use during the outbreak of care for severe COVID-19 cases. COVID-19, and easing pressure on the health The lack of the estimated health workers allo- system25. cated to fight against COVID-19 on more than 20 Positively, a line of care focused on care to state agendas is dangerous since this is one of the COVID-1926 has been developed, favoring the re- founding and fundamental elements of the strat- organization of work processes in health services egies developed in the health system35. Planning and systems, with actions targeting health educa- it should be a condition for developing the emer- tion, epidemiological surveillance, reception and gency action plan, mainly to ensure the function- early detection of cases, monitoring of mild cases al activity of providing hospital services36. by digital technologies, and hospitalization of se- It should be emphasized that many State vere cases only. Health Secretariats reformulated their plans Given the limited installed capacity of the during the study’s development, mainly due to SUS hospital network in most Brazilian states27, the epidemiological evolution of the epidemic it would be necessary to establish the regulato- in their territories, adjustments to international ry flow for severe cases, in which hospitaliza- health authorities’ guidelines, and based on new tion is essential to the clinical management of scientific evidence about COVID-19. This effort COVID-1928, a situation that serves PAHO by es- is positive and was considered, given the dynam- tablishing mechanisms for centralized bed man- ics of updating the contingency agenda. agement29. The analysis of the PCEs also allowed the identification of essential weaknesses in the for- Conclusion mulation of hospital care policies in coping with COVID-19 in Brazil. It draws greater attention In light of the public policy cycle theory, the to those issues related to containment, as only Contingency Plans analysis showed the diver- three of the 17 state contingency priorities were gences vis-à-vis the COVID-19 coping strategies explained in all PCEs, namely, establishing the and pointed out similarities and differences be- regulation flow for severe cases; securing equip- tween the priority agendas defined at the state ment, laboratory supplies, and PPE; and guid- level. Considering the continuous updating of ing professionals on clinical management, while these plans due to the pandemic’s dynamics, we the remaining 14 priorities were heterogeneous should emphasize the importance of continuing among these planning instruments. this study, focusing on implementing and evalu- The main highlights of this feature are only ating the results achieved in each state. four states establishing a contingency bed calcu- From this perspective, it is essential to em- lation method, five considering the need to plan phasize that the critical review of the political op- the allocation of workers for care activities, and tions materialized in the PCEs should not be lim- six providing for the opening of field hospitals. ited to strategies and actions to ensure hospital Even more notorious is the condition that none care for severe cases. It should include the orga- of the PCEs have established complementary nization of the entire line of care for COVID-19 contracting of ICU beds and prioritized the pur- in the various healthcare points of the SUS care chase of mechanical ventilation devices. network, linked to a vast intersectoral network In particular, the latter could determine a capable of developing the necessary actions to severe ethical constraint since the imbalance be- reduce social inequalities and differentiated care tween its availability and the increased demand for vulnerable groups. for critically-ill patients can be fatal for health Undoubtedly, the pandemic imposed on care30,31. Especially when considering the uneven health systems in several countries the construc- access to ICU beds among SUS-dependent users tion of agendas to face significant challenges to
1416 Santos TBS et al. the adequate provision of services37,38. In the Bra- sociation of Health Economics, Brazilian Center zilian case, the emergency brought about by the for Health Studies, Brazilian Society of Bioethics, COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated pre-existing Rede Unida, National Health Council, represen- difficulties, which had already been compromis- tatives of public universities, unions and Brazil- ing the SUS and surveillance, regulation, commu- ian parliamentarians. nication, and health care services rooted in under- These entities advocate, for example, that the funding, hospital scrapping, staff shortage, private COE be resumed as provided for and that it in- sector preference, among other system problems cludes representatives of the health and bioeth- that limit the planning and implementation of ics scientific societies and social control entities various care actions for users and the population. and movements because, after the change in In this scenario, the broad participation of command at the Ministry of Health, the actions other political actors, jurists, participants in the of the COE were restricted to logistical coordi- social control bodies, and society at large is cru- nation in the distribution of supplies across the cial to collaborate in the debates about public country. In light of these and other criticisms of policies and health actions. Thus, overcoming the the PCN, these entities developed a National Plan severe health crisis has been assumed as a group to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic to subsidize task of many movements and entities around a governments to plan and implement effective movement called Frente pela Vida composed of pandemic control actions, a document that can thirteen entities, among them, the Brazilian As- undoubtedly contribute to improving PCEs in sociation of Collective Health, the Brazilian As- the fight against COVID-19.
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