Today's Hedge Funds: Solutions to a 60/40 Problem - Morgan ...

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Today's Hedge Funds: Solutions to a 60/40 Problem - Morgan ...
2021 Market Outlook
                                                     Hedge Funds:
                                                     Solutions to a
                                                     60/40 Problem
                                                     With most risk markets near historical
                                                     highs and rates pinned near zero, return
                                                     expectations for traditional 60% equity/
                                                     40% bond (60/40) portfolios are below
                                                     the historical average. In fact, they are at
                                                     the lowest level they’ve been in more than
                                                     10 years. Challenged by a minimal yield
                                                     environment and its implications for 60/40
                                                     portfolios, investors seem to be falling into
                                                     two main camps: One is focused on finding
                                                     higher returns that don’t amplify the equity
                                                     risks embedded in the 60/40 portfolio, and
                                                     the other is searching for ways to mitigate
                                                     elevated levels of equity and fixed income
                                                     risk. The latter group is particularly tested
                                                     because long duration has become an
                                                     even less reliable means of risk reduction.
                                                     Against this backdrop, we see renewed
                                                     interest in hedge funds, particularly in
                                                     strategies that have evolved to complement
                                                     60/40 risk in very specific ways.

                                                                    MARK VAN DER ZWAN, CFA®
                                                                    Chief Investment Officer
                                                                    AIP Hedge Fund Solutions

Today's Hedge Funds: Solutions to a 60/40 Problem - Morgan ...

Effective Implementation of Active              type of fund-level return profiles that                for these time-tested sources of active
Management Is More Important                    have come to define their durable                      risk and a willingness to pay for it.
Than Ever, and Today’s Hedge Funds              value proposition: strong risk-adjusted                At a collective $750 billion in AUM,
Are Positioned to Deliver                       returns, minimal beta and a natural                    multi-manager platform hedge fund
Over the years, hedge fund investors            diversification element. Hedge                         AUM represents 24% of the overall
have learned that delegating decisions          Fund Research, Inc. data shows that                    hedge fund industry. The 10 largest of
about beta management and being                 investors maintain a healthy appetite                  these funds have seen their AUM grow
permissive about volatility exposure,
because of flawed correlation estimates
or ill-conceived hedges, can lead to
disappointment. Increasingly, investors      DISPLAY 1
have grown focused on strategies             Expected Returns for Traditional 60/40 Portfolio Below Historical Average
that are designed to achieve more            U.S. 60/40 Equity/Bond Portfolio Realized T10Y Returns (Ann.)
exacting payoff profiles. In today’s         18%
environment, with concerns about the
outlook for 60/40 portfolios magnified
by a global pandemic, investors are          14%
understandably seeking solutions to          12%
two specific challenges: how to generate     10%
significant returns over a benchmark in a     8%
differentiated way and how to minimize        6%
total portfolio volatility and provide
downside risk mitigation.                                                                                                                  4.3%
                                              2%                                                                                      Projected
We believe hedge funds that are               0%
purpose-built with specific risk/reward
                                               1881 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
profiles—which we think of as “today’s”
hedge funds—can help investors achieve                                           60/40 T10Y Return        LT Average
these goals. As the most unconstrained
                                             Source: NBER, Jordà-Schularick-Taylor Macrohistory Database, Bloomberg, Morgan Stanley Research.
form of active management, hedge             Note: Dotted line based on our long-term expected return estimates. As of December 10, 2020.
funds have proven nimble in how they
capture opportunities and innovative
in the way they meet investor needs. In
this article, we present a framework for     DISPLAY 2
understanding how today’s hedge funds        Hedge Fund Solutions to 60/40 Challenges
can offer solutions to 60/40-related
investment challenges.                        Risk Mitigation                                                 High Active Risk
                                              Tail-Hedging Strategies                                         Diversified Multi-Portfolio
1. 	 HIGH ACTIVE RISK:   2020, the first      • Negative equity beta or                                       Platforms
    quarter in particular, provided a           long volatility                                               • Consistent pursuit of absolute
    decisive test for hedge fund managers.    • Event-specific risks and                                         returns
    For many, it was the final nail in the      hedges                                                        • Controlled factor overlap and
    coffin, but for others, it was proof      • Highly convex and controlled                                    volatility levels
    of their dominance. In the latter           payout profiles                                                • Near zero beta targets
    category are multi-manager platform                                                     60/40
    hedge funds—institutionalized,                                                         Portfolio
    global organizations that have created
                                              Alternative Yield                                               Opportunistic Investments
    oligopolies on talent, resources,
                                              Alternative Lending Strategies                                  Secondaries and
    information and technology                                                                                Co-Investments
                                              • Low corporate credit and
    management. These platforms                 rate beta                                                     • Idiosyncratic risk/return drivers
    comprise groups of seasoned, highly       • Distinct set of economic                                      • Limited long equity market
    specialized portfolio managers              sensitivities                                                   exposure
    who focus on taking active risk in        • Differentiated borrower/lending                                • High expected returns with
    the sectors of their expertise. Their       dynamics                                                        longer liquidity profile
    aggregate exposures are monitored
    and managed centrally to achieve the     For illustrative purposes only.


     35% over the last five years, outpacing           driven, alternative lending is a form of        approaches involving discretionary
     the total hedge fund industry, up only            consumer-focused private credit that            global macro managers and systematic
     +17%.1 Going forward, we expect                   we find offers potential yield pickup           strategies that can target risk-off
     this trend to continue. However, we               with low duration. In what we see as            characteristics through dollar, rate
     believe there are important ways that             a K-shaped economic recovery, U.S.              and equity expressions can also
     the return delivery mechanism for such            consumers’ balance sheets, especially           offer 60/40 diversification benefits.
     funds can and should be optimized.                those in prime, near-prime and Alt-A            Given the continued uncertainty
                                                       lending segments, should continue               about the long-term impacts of the
                                                       to benefit from an upward-sloping               pandemic and the fact that traditional
     believe investors can earn higher-than-
                                                       reacceleration. In this scenario, higher        diversification techniques don’t always
     average compensation in the form
                                                       savings rates, limited opportunities            work, a thoughtfully designed portfolio
     of a liquidity premium for taking
                                                       to spend and home price appreciation            would do well to allocate to risk offset
     on only modestly longer investment
                                                       would help to improve their financial           strategies, in our view.
     horizons of two to five years. The
                                                       standing. Beyond providing exposure
     market dislocations created in the                                                              Conclusion
                                                       to the resilience of the U.S. consumer,
     wake of the pandemic produced an
                                                       alternative lending can be diversifying       More than at any other time in the recent
     environment ripe with co-investment
                                                       versus other major asset classes,             past, hedge funds may offer investors
     opportunities for specialized
                                                       including traditional fixed income            viable solutions to their 60/40 dilemmas.
     investment teams with medium-term
                                                       and, notably, corporate credit, which         The market volatility of Q1 2020 laid
     capital to deploy, who are able to
                                                       dominates so many 60/40 portfolios.           bare the inherent risk in equity markets
     assess pools of trade claims, rescue
                                                                                                     and the degree to which fixed income
     finance obligations, aviation asset-           4. 	 RISK MITIGATION:  Concern about the
                                                                                                     can diversify. Global monetary and
     backed securities and reinsurance, for            likelihood of lower future returns is
                                                                                                     fiscal authorities stepped in, employing a
     example. Post-pandemic disruptions                increasing investor focus on capital
                                                                                                     variety of tools, but they may have pushed
     also opened interesting avenues to                preservation. Tail-risk hedging
                                                                                                     their effectiveness close to the limit. As
     capitalize on rising contract law                 strategies seek to optimize portfolio
                                                                                                     the economy recovers, new opportunities
     disputes, distressed first- and second-           efficiency by magnifying returns
                                                                                                     will emerge related to changes in
     lien debt investments, capital structure          during loss scenarios while reducing
                                                                                                     consumer behaviors and adapted business
     arbitrages in holding company/stub                costs in normal markets. Importantly,
                                                                                                     models. At the same time, we expect that
     trading structures as well as real                they have the potential to deliver
                                                                                                     economic fallout and scarring will unveil
     asset and post-reorganization equity              diversifying performance profiles
                                                                                                     risks, market fragility and unforeseen
     investments. Looking ahead, as the                and allow for continued exposure
                                                                                                     longer-term damage. Investors seeking to
     economy heals and businesses return               to desired risks. Some programs are
                                                                                                     optimize their portfolios away from the
     to normal, a large supply of private              designed to even provide liquidity
                                                                                                     risks inherent in the traditional 60/40
     credit secondary transactions from                during times of significant market
                                                                                                     mix may be well-served to approach their
     2010 to 2015 vintages will reach                  crisis. Contemporary volatility asset
                                                                                                     investment objectives, considering desired
     end of life and become available,                 managers have become well-equipped
                                                                                                     payout profiles and risk/return trade-offs,
     revealing opportunities in higher                 at rotating conditional payout
                                                                                                     through the framework we’ve presented
     yield distressed, leasing/royalty and             profiles to maximize the dollars
                                                                                                     here. In short, we believe today’s hedge
     trade finance.                                    spent on premiums and minimize
                                                                                                     funds offer an array of compelling ways
                                                       theta decay—the amount of value an
3. 	 ALTERNATIVE YIELD:     For investors                                                            for investors to address the risk and
                                                       option loses as it moves closer to its
     struggling to find sufficient yield from                                                        return challenges associated with their
                                                       maturity date. Other more traditional
     traditional fixed income, fintech-                                                              60/40 portfolios.

    “Multi-strategy Funds: The Landscape.” UBS Capital and Consulting Services, 2H 2020

                                                                   SOLUTIONS & MULTI-ASSET    |   MORGAN STANLEY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT        3

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