Title I School Improvement Plan Components
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Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown Describe the steps taken to ensure an effective school-wide program has been established by addressing each of the four component, based on your School Improvement Plan documentation Reg. 200.25-28 and Sec. 1114. Title I School-Wide School Improvement Plan Components SWP Component #1: A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school that takes into account information on the academic achievement of children in relation to the challenging State academic standards, particularly the needs of those children who are failing, or at-risk of failing, to meet the challenging State academic standards and any other factors as determined by the local educational agency; [1114(b)(6)] Things to consider: ◻What types of qualitative and quantitative data are being collected? o Examples include culture/climate, demographics, student performance, student attendance, behavior, and family and community involvement. o Where necessary, a school should attempt to engage in interviews, focus groups, or surveys, as well as review data on students, educators, and schools to gain a better understanding of the root causes of the identified needs. ◻What are the strengths of students, teachers, school and community? What are their needs? ◻What are the contributing factors to academic strengths and needs? ◻How is the data being used by administration, teachers and parents to guide decisions and instruction? ◻How is data being reviewed in a disaggregated format to look at progress and needs of all student groups? ◻How is the needs assessment used for a cycle of ongoing continuous improvement engaging all stakeholders? Needs Analysis/SIT Goals *Due to Coronavirus School structures and restrictions , the 2020-2021 plan was not fully implemented and completed. Generally speaking, as a school, we are making progress towards our Strategic Actions and will continue with many of these Strategic Actions for the start of the 2021-2022 Academic School year. Again, due to school structures and restrictions, assessments were modified or not fully administered during the 2020- 2021 school year; therefore, we can not determine how our goals will change. Once we return to school, we will reassess our students in order to gauge where they are in relation to our Strategic Actions.* Throughout the year, data, relating to needs assessment and Strategic Actions in the SIP, is reviewed in multiple circles across the school setting, including bi weekly at Math and ELA collaborative planning sessions. Grade level teams, including administration and specialists, review formative and summative data during a 60-minute Weekly Grade Level Achievement Meeting. At Weekly Achievement Meetings, professional development based on SIP goals will be provided and student data and/or work samples will be shared. Formative data such as writing samples, informal progress monitoring of reading levels and phonics skills, or other assessments in Math & ELA, will be analyzed and strategies or next steps developed for immediate implementation in the classroom. All classroom, Title 1, and special education teachers are responsible for contributing to student progress related to this student data. Another portion of the Weekly Achievement Meeting includes Kid Talking where teams (with the input of Special Area Teachers, School Psychologist and Parents) discuss individuals or groups of students, reviewing data, recent instruction, and behavior to better adjust for the needs’ of students. Quarterly Pacing Meeting, monthly SIT Meetings, Instructional Leadership Meetings, Mid-Year and End of Year Faculty Meeting, and Parent-Teacher Conferences involve stakeholders reviewing individual, group, grade, and school level progress related to the SIP. Weekly SST meetings held to discuss student attendance. Additionally, administration, the Parent
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown Liaison, the PPW, the Guidance Counselor, the Behavior Specialist, School Psychologist and Judy Center staff participate in information sharing and discussions about family involvement in activities offered by the Judy Center, the Food Pantry, and Love & Logic program. The information shared is collected from parent surveys, student attendance reports, and attendance sheets from each event. Strategic actions such as attendance incentives for targeted students, communication via Alert-Now messages, door- to-door visitations, and messages distributed throughout the community are designed to meet the needs of our students and families. School and County-wide Spring 2021 ELA data indicated students struggled to demonstrate comprehension and application of phonics and vocabulary in instructional level text on a variety of reading assessments including CBA, SRI, and CCPA Running Records. Based upon County Department Goals, we halved the gap between our 2020-2021 Spring data and the county expectation for 2020-2021. We used Spring 2021 data to promote growth and set reasonable expectations to close the gap of where students are currently performing and the county goal (grades 2 & 3) or county average (grades Pre-K-1 & 4/5). TES Spring Modified CBA County Spring CBA TES SIT Expected Growth 2021 2019/Goal 2021-22 (% Spring 2022 (% meeting 80) meeting) (% meeting) Grade 5 62% 63% 10% Grade 4 46% 55% 14% Grade 3 47% 64%/70% 9% Grade 2 53% /80% 8% TES Spring RI 2021 County Spring SRI 2019 TES SIT Expected Growth (% meeting) (% meeting) Spring 2022 /Goal 2021-22 (% (% meeting) meeting) Grade 5 62% 78% 6% Grade 4 45% 76% 7% Grade 3 59% 76%/70% 9% Grade 2 42% 71%/80% 8% Furthermore, students in grades 2 through 5 are expected to make an overall average growth of 10% on the Spring CBA and an overall average growth of 8% on the Spring SRI in order to close the gap between the Spring 2018-19 county average or half the gap to reach the 2021-22 county goals. TES Spring CBA Modified County Goal 2021-22 TES Expected Growth Writing 2021 (% meeting 80) Spring 2022 (% meeting 80) (% meeting) Grade 5 68% n/a 4% Grade 4 37% n/a 7% Grade 3 46% 70% 13% Grade 2 44% 70% 10% Trend data also shows that there is a significant decrease in the percent of students meeting the end of year guided reading level expectation from first to second grade. When students move to third grade only half
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown are entering with having met the end of 2nd grade expectation of a level O resulting in an inability to decode or comprehend 3rd grade level text. TES Running Record County Running TES Expected Spring 2021 Record Spring 2022 Growth Spring 2022 (% meeting) (Avg. % meeting) (% meeting) Grade 2 56% 74% 11% Grade 1 57% 84% 10% Grade K 65% 91% 10% This then creates a significant drop in the number of students meeting the expectation of 80% on the Fall CBA creating a need for remediation and continuing to negatively impact the amount of students that are reading on an O by the 3rd grade Spring CBA. As a ripple effect, the Spring CBA scores continuing to decline from third to fourth. A slight increase is shown when the same students move from fourth to fifth; however, the percent meeting is still well below the county average. As a result, the gap continued to widen from second grade on by an overall average of 15%, between the county expectation and our student performance as students move on throughout the upper grades. Spring CBA Trend Data % of students meeting the 80% expectation Year 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 2016 54.5% 37.5% 27.7% 41% 2017 56.7% 43.1% 37% 40.5% 2018 54.7% 47.8% 38.5% 51.9% 2019 65% 53% 28% 43% 2020 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2021 44% 46% 46% 62% In addition, though the Carroll County Phonics Assessment (CCPA) trend data shows an increase in meeting county expectations in K-2, there are still a significant percentage of students not mastering multi-syllabic words at the end of second grade. TES Spring 2021 EOY County Spring 2019 TES Expected CCPA Modified EOY CCPA Growth Spring Expectation Expectation 2022 (% meeting) (Avg. % meeting) Grade 2 68% ? 73% 5% Grade 1 81% 78% maintain Grade K 83% 82% maintain Grade Pre-K ● Matching ● 88% ● 93% ● 8% Familiar Consonant ● Letter ID upper ● 94% ● 88% ● 12% ● Letter ID lower ● 94% maintain ● 87% maintain ● 9% In Math, a deficiency was identified in computational proficiency in Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) domain as indicated by our End of Year (EOY) Math County Benchmark Assessments. TES students scored below the county average and the county expectations across all grade levels within this domain (see OA
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown chart below). In this domain, students are expected to solve problems involving all four operations, including identifying patterns and relationships within numbers. It is important to note that mathematical standards are not isolated standards; they relate to each other, both within a grade level and across grade levels. In carefully reviewing the Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain across grade levels, a connection can be seen between Operations and Algebraic Thinking and Numbers and Operations in Base Ten (NBT). Furthermore, in order for students to become successful in their computational fluency as seen through the OA domain, they need to have certain prerequisite skills. In looking at the coherence map (from Achieve the Core) along with the county’s progression documents, students need to master Numbers in Base Ten standards before they can apply those skills to solve problems algebraically. So, the team looked at the school’s NBT data. In all grades (with the exception of 1st grade), TES students scored below the county average OR county expectation in the area of Numbers in Base Ten (see NBT chart below). The team concluded that if students are not able to meet county expectations in NBT then our school goal would encompass standards that fall within NBT and OA. OA Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 TES vs. County Average -13 -8 -10 -6 -6 -24 -21 TES vs. County Expectation -7 -10 -10 -17 -4 -28 -58 TES is below county average and county expectation in the area of Operations and Algebraic Thinking across all grade levels. NF Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 TES vs. County Average -2 -41 -26 TES vs. County Expectation -22 -49 -37 In Grades 3 through 5, TES is below county average and county expectations in the area of Numbers and Operations within Fractions. CC Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 TES vs. County Average -15 -3 TES vs. County Expectation -7 0 In Pre-K and 1st Grade, TES was below county average and county expectation in the area of Counting and Cardinality. MD Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 TES vs. County Average -2 +6 -2 -5 +2 -20 -21 TES vs. County Expectation +16 -8 -12 +4 +1 -28 -50 All grades (with the exception of 3rd grade), TES was below the county average OR county expectation in the area of Measurement and Data. NBT Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 TES vs. County Average -21 +10 +2 -8 -17 -5 TES vs. County Expectation -18 +8 -2 -24 -23 -24 All grades (with the exception of 1st grade), TES was below the county average OR county expectation in the area of Numbers in Base Ten.
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown Mean Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 January Benchmark 89 87 90 80 80 71 73 CCPS 93 91 90 85 84 81 83 May Benchmark 90 85 90 86 82 74 73 CCPS 90 89 87 76 77 68 71 Meeting Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 January Benchmark 77 80 85 66 69 43 41 CCPS 95 90 91 87 84 84 82 May Benchmark 81 80 82 82 80 45 44 CCPS 95 88 88 82 75 75 69 In Behavior, Data Analysis from the 2019-2020 school year showed a total of 478 minor referrals. The increase in minor is due to an improvement in accuracy of identifying major versus minor discipline referrals and understanding the tiers of intervention, specifically Tier 3 shifting the major referrals to minors. The next step is to maintain the approach to major referrals while specifically targeting and reducing the minor referrals. SWP Component #2: A school-wide reform strategy that: a. Provide opportunities for all children, including each of the subgroups of students as defined in section 1111(c) (2) to meet the challenging State academic standards; (1114(b)(7)(A)(i); b. use methods and instructional strategies that strengthen the academic program, in the school, increase the amount and quality of learning time and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum, which may include programs, activities and courses necessary to provided well rounded education; (1114(b)(7)(A)(ii); c. address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of those at risk of not meeting the challenging State academic standard, through activities which may include (1114(b)(7)(A)(iii) I. Counseling, school-based mental health programs, specialized instructional support services, mentoring, and other strategies to improve students’ skills outside the academic subject II. Preparation for and awareness of opportunities for postsecondary education and the workforce, which may include career and technical education programs and broadening secondary school student access to coursework to earn postsecondary credit while still in high school (such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, dual or concurrent enrollment, or early college high schools); III. Implementation of a school wide tiered model to prevent and address problem behavior, early intervening services, coordinated with similar activities and services carried out under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C.1400 et seq.);
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown IV. Professional Development and other activities for teachers, paraprofessionals, and other school personnel to improve instruction and use of data from academic assessments, and to recruit and retain effective teachers, particularly in high need subjects; V. Strategies for assisting preschool children in the transition from Early childhood programs to local elementary school programs; d. Delivery of Service (optional) - the services of a schoolwide program under this section may be delivered by nonprofit or for-profit external providers with expertise in using evidence-based or other effective strategies to improve student achievement. e. Dual Enrollment (optional) (1) In General -A secondary school operating a schoolwide program under this section may use funds received under this part to operate dual or concurrent enrollment programs that address the needs of low-achieving secondary school students and those at risk of not meeting the challenging State academic standards (2) Flexibility of funds- a Secondary school using funds received under this part for dual or concurrent enrollment program described in paragraph (1) may use such funds for any cost associated with such programs including the cost of – (A) training for teachers, and joint professional development for teachers in collaboration with career and technical educators and educators from institutions of higher education, where appropriate, for the purpose of integrating rigorous academics in such program; (B) tuition and fees, books, required instructional material for such programs, and innovative delivery methods; and (C) transportation to and from such program f. Rule of construction-nothing in this subsection shall be constructed to impose on any State and any requirement or rule regarding dual or concurrent enrollment programs that is inconsistent with State law. Things to consider: ◻How do the schoolwide reforms increase the quality and quantity of instruction using evidence-based methods and strategies? ◻How do the reform strategies align with the needs assessment and address the needs of all students including low achieving, accelerated, etc.? ◻What evidence is being collected to demonstrate the effectiveness of reforms? Needs Analysis/SIT Measures of Success/Desired Performance Strategic Actions- anything else here Time Line Goals Level Reading, Math, ● Judy Center will organize Parent Survey Year Round Writing, Social- and oversee articulation Emotional meetings among Partner Use KRA (Kindergarten Readiness Childcare Centers, Head Assessment) Engagement Start, Judy Center and Activity Kindergarten teachers. Local County Benchmarks and Evenings: ● Provide families with ideas Assessments dates TBD and materials to meet the due to academic needs of students Covid through Family Engagement Activity Evenings.
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown School Improvement Goals to Target Areas from Needs Assessment 1. Increase the overall average percentage of students school-wide reading on grade level by utilizing the MQI model, specifically chunking and formative assessment as measured by summative assessments. ● Pre-K Letter ID, Letter Sound and DAPPA ● k-1 running record and CCPA ● 11% growth on the Spring 2021 Running Record in grade 2 ● 5% growth on the Spring 2021 CCPA 2J Multisyllabic Words ● 10% growth on Spring 2021 CBA in grades 2 through 5 ● 8% growth on SRI in grades 2 through 5 2. Students in Pre-K to 5 will demonstrate computational proficiency (fluency, accuracy, and strategies –not speed) in operational thinking and base ten by utilizing the MQI model, specifically chunking and formative assessment as measured by summative assessments having an overall average score of 85% between all grade levels. 3. Students will improve text dependent writing by utilizing the MQI model, specifically chunking and formative assessment as measured by CBA in Grades 2 - 5, Teacher Created Assessment in Grades K-1 and an Oral Assessment in PreK. ● 9% growth on Spring 2020 CBA Writing assessment in grades 2 through 5 4. The TES Community will continue to prove a safe, positive, and engaging school/classroom environment by merging social emotional learning, trauma informed classrooms, and positive behavior intervention support in order to become “First Responders” (focus on needs) versus “First Reactors” (focus on behavior). a. Increase in feelings of safety and engagement will be measured by achieving a 10% reduction in minor referrals while maintaining a reduction in major referrals with 95% of students having 0-1 major referrals. b. Increase in positive classroom environment will be measured by achieving a school-wide increase of positive Dojo points and/or communications. c. Professional development for teachers will be measured with a pre and post needs assessment. (i.e I understand and feel confident using Zones strategies). School Improvement Goal 1. Increase the overall average percentage of students school-wide reading on grade level by utilizing the MQI model, specifically chunking and formative assessment as measured by summative assessments. ● Pre-K Letter ID, Letter Sound and DAPPA ● k-1 running record and CCPA ● 11% growth on the Spring 2021 Running Record in grade 2 ● 5% growth on the Spring 2021 CCPA 2J Multisyllabic Words ● 8% growth on RI in grades 2 through 5 Strategic Actions Timeline Measures of Success / Desired Performance Level 1.1 Explicitly teach strategies for chunking and 2021-2022 1.1 assessing, to accurately respond to text dependent questions using text evidence to
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown support thinking and communicate this progress ● 73% of 5th graders will be reading on grade to all stakeholders (orally, extended response, level according to RI multiple choice response) ● Use strategies to unlock the prompt and make meaning of what the question is ● 70% of 4th graders will be reading on grade asking, such as Question Answer level according to RI Relationship ● Use common organizers, strategies and language to aid in comprehension ● 63% of 3rd graders will be reading on grade level according to RI ● 68% of 2nd graders will be reading on grade level according to RI ● 63% of 2nd graders will achieve a running record level O ● 85% of 1st graders will achieve a running record level J ● 91% of K students will achieve a running record level D 1.2 Emphasis on phonics/vocabulary 2021-2022 instruction with direct application to grade level 1.2 text in order to comprehend the text and ● 73% of 5th graders will be reading on grade communicate this progress to all stakeholders level according to RI ● Apply word study (FUNdations, greek ● 70% of 4th graders will be reading on grade and latin roots, etc) knowledge to help level according to RI decode and encode in reading and writing ● 63% of 3rd graders will be reading on grade ● Explicitly teach inferring strategies to level according to RI determine the meaning of unknown words when reading to develop ● 68% of 2nd graders will be reading on grade vocabulary knowledge level according to RI o frayer model o knowledge rating ● 73% of 2nd graders will achieve an 6 out of 8 o context clues (definitions, on the CCPA 2J Multisyllabic Words antonyms, synonyms, surrounding sentences)
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown ● 93% of 1st graders will achieve an 8 out of 10 on the CCPA 2F R-Controlled ● 83% of K students will achieve an 8 out of 10 on the CCPA 2A Closed Syllables ● 85% of Pre-K will achieve an 8 out of 10 on matching familiar consonants (maintain) ● 90% of Pre-K students will achieve a 17 out of 26 uppercase letters (Maintain) ● 90% of Pre-K students will achieve a 17 out of 28 on lowercase letters (maintain) School Improvement Goal 2. Students in Pre-K to 5 will demonstrate computational proficiency (fluency, accuracy, and strategies –not speed) in operational thinking and base ten by utilizing the MQI model, specifically chunking and formative assessment as measured by summative assessments having an overall average score of 85% between all grade levels. Strategic Actions Time Line Measures of Success / Desired Performance Level 2.1 Develop flexibility with strategies and number 2021-2022 2.1 sense through direct instruction and use of math ● In grades 4 - 5 the mean score for January vocabulary, and communicate this progress to will be 76% or higher and May Benchmarks will be 80% or higher. all stakeholders ● In grade 3 the mean score for January ● Flexibly apply fact strategies for Benchmark will be 82% or higher and May Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Divisi Benchmark will be 84% or higher. on to larger numbers in order to improve ● In grade 2 the mean score for January computational accuracy (counting Benchmark will be 83% and May on/back, doubles, near doubles, make Benchmarks will be 85% or higher. ten, use ten, decomposing, doubling, ● In grade 1 the mean score for January Benchmark and May Benchmarks will add/subtract a group) maintain 90% or higher ● Develop understanding of balanced ● In K the mean score for January Benchmark equations to see flexibility in numbers and May Benchmark will maintain 86% or higher. ● In Pre-K the mean score for January Benchmark and May Benchmark will maintain 89% or higher. 2.2 Effectively implement the Standards of 2021-2022 2.2 Mathematical Practices and communicate this Pre-K: progress to all stakeholders ● The mean score for Unit 2, 5, and 6 will be ● Make sense of problems and persevere 89% or higher in solving them using strategies such as K: visualizing problems, sketch to stretch,
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown taking numbers out of problems, 3 Big ● The mean score for Unit 1 and 3 will be 86% Questions. or higher. Grade 1: ● Use appropriate tools strategically in ● The mean score for Units 1, 2, 3 will be 90% order for students to bridge prerequisite or higher. skills with grade level expectations Grade 2: ● The mean score for Units 1, 2, 3, and 6 will be 85% or higher. Grade 3: ● The mean score for Units 1, 2, 4, and 6 will be 84% or higher. Grade 4: ● The mean score for Units 1, 2, and 6 will be 80% or higher. Grade 5: ● The mean score for Units 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 will be 80% or higher. School Improvement Goal 3. Students will improve text dependent writing by utilizing the MQI model, specifically chunking and formative assessment as measured by CBA in Grades 2 - 5, Teacher Created Assessment in Grades K-1 and an Oral Assessment in PreK. ● 9% growth on Spring 2020 CBA Writing assessment in grades 2 through 5 Strategic Actions Time Line Measures of Success / Desired Performance Level 3.1 Utilize best practices for writing instruction 2021-2022 3.1 when responding to a prompt in all content ● 67% of 5th graders will achieve an 80% or areas and communicate this progress to all higher on writing portion of 5th grade Spring CBA writing assessment stakeholders ● During achievement meetings, PD will ● 63% of 4th graders will achieve an 80% or be provided for pre-K through 5 on higher on writing portion of 4th grade Spring effective writing strategies (see CBA writing assessment examples below). Teams will apply these strategies, monitor student progress and ● 58% of 3rd graders will achieve an 80% or reflect higher on writing portion of 3rd grade Spring CBA writing assessment ○ Use state, cite, explain to accurately organize and ● 61% of 2nd graders will achieve an 80% or develop a response to text higher on writing portion of 2nd grade ○ Quick Writes Spring CBA writing assessment ○ Using mentor text effectively to analyze craft ○ Flexible Writing Groups
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown ○ Oral rehearsal; oral responses in pre-k and k ○ Utilize resources within an on-line writing binder 3.2 Rubrics/Conferencing ● Explicitly teaching how to utilize the CCPS grade level teacher and student 2021-2022 ● See above friendly rubrics to assess student progress in ideas, organization, clarity, and mechanics and communicate this progress to all stakeholders School Improvement Goal 4. The TES Community will continue to prove a safe, positive, and engaging school/classroom environment by merging social emotional learning, trauma informed classrooms, and positive behavior intervention support in order to become “First Responders” (focus on needs) versus “First Reactors” (focus on behavior). d. Increase in feelings of safety and engagement will be measured by achieving a 10% reduction in minor referrals while maintaining a reduction in major referrals with 95% of students having 0-1 major referrals. e. Increase in positive classroom environment will be measured by achieving a school-wide increase of positive Dojo points and/or communications. f. Professional development for teachers will be measured with a pre and post needs assessment. (i.e I understand and feel confident using Zones strategies). Strategic Actions Time Line Measures of Success / Desired Performance Level 4.1 Staff will receive professional development 2021-2022 4.1 in effectively identifying and responding to social/emotional regulation “needs,” ● Schoolwide there will be a 10% (instructional mismatch, personal conflicts, reduction in minor referrals (2019-2020 and/or environmental needs) had 478 minor referrals). ● Second Step Program for PreK, K and 1 ● 95% of students will have 0-1 major ● Introduction to fostering Trauma Sensitive referrals. Classrooms ● Zones of Regulation with strategies specific to Calming Corners 4.2 Staff will implement preventative Tier 1 and 2021-2022 4.2 Tier 2 strategies through the use of the ● Each grade will have a 10% increase in progression of intervention process, PBIS positive Dojo points given. initiatives and family connections ○ 5th grade will increase from 1% to 11% ● Re-visit with staff Progressions of ○ 4th grade will increase from Interventions and other classroom 20% to 30% management resources available such as ○ 3rd grade will increase from 28% Mind Up, PBIS, Calming Corner, Sensory to 38% Garden/room, morning meetings, etc ○ 2nd grade will increase from 5% ● Consistent daily use of DOJO to positively to 15% and equitably communicate between ○ 1st grade will increase from 26% teachers, administration, and parents to 36% ○ K will increase from 12% to 22%
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown ○ Pre-K will increase from 8% to 18% 4.3 Staff members will implement Tier 3 2021-2022 4.3 interventions as described by the progression of ● 10% Reduction of minor referrals (from intervention process in which SST will use 478 in 2019-2020) teacher/parent referral, discipline data, ● 95% of students with 0-1major referral attendance date, and performance matters data to identify “yellow” and “red” zone level students for SST interventions ● Consistent use of the Progression of Intervention form at SST meetings ● Periodic “informal” collaborative social/ emotional needs meetings that include classroom teachers, SPED if applicable, psychologist, counselor, student support staff and/or other SST members SWP Component #3: Parent and Community Involvement - the plan is developed with the involvement of parents and other members of the community to be served and individuals who will carry out such plan, including teachers, principals, other school leaders paraprofessionals present in the school, (administrators of the programs described in other parts of this title), the local educational agency, to the extent feasible, tribes and tribal organizations present in the community, and if appropriate, specialized instructional support personnel, technical assistance providers, school staff, if the plan relates to secondary school, students, and other individuals determined by the school ; 1114(b)(2) Things to consider: ◻How will parents, families, and community members be involved in developing the school wide plan? Parent representatives join faculty at SIT and faculty meetings and help develop our home-school learning compact. Parents share feedback for school wide plans through parent surveys and provide input and action through PTO meetings. ◻How will teachers, principals, and other school staff be involved in developing the school wide plan? ** all events are pending based on current Covid regulations some dates are to be determined Measures of Success/Desired Needs Analysis/SIT Goals Strategic Actions Time Line Performance Level
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown Reading, Math, Writing, Socio- Judy Center reach out to Parent Survey Ongoing Emotional community to encourage participation through Family Use KRA (Kindergarten Fun Nights, Special Readiness Assessment) Speakers, Always Be Ready Ages and Stages screening Bags sent home to younger siblings, Facebook Judy Local County Benchmarks Center page, and provide and Assessments newsletter to regional partners. Judy Center reach out to Birth through Age 4 Come Learn with Me Play Groups. Parents as Teachers Home visiting program. Socio-Emotional Food Pantry Food Pantry Bi-weekly Average of Families Served throughout the 2019-2020: year as possible Update 2019-2020: There is with Covid no longer a requirement to regulations track this information (neither bags nor weight. Our school uses a sign-in sheet to track numbers, but only if parents would like to sign in)
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown Reading, Math, Socio- Events to involve Emotional parents/guardians and provide information about child’s progress in the following areas: Judy Center Come Learn With Me Play Groups Number of Families: Judy Center Music Movers: Number of Children: Birth to 5 school through music education Number of Parents: Number of Children: Pre-K Tours: Meet Teachers and school tour with photo opt and Back To School Number of Families: book for each student K Tours: Meet Teacher and school tour with photo opt and K Readiness backpack and learnings games for Number of Families: each student Back to School Night/Open House;(Parent Compact): 9/2 Inform families of grade level expectations Number of Participants: Back to School Bash: pending covid protocols 9/30 School community event to welcome all families, particularly new families. Number of Parents: Number of Students: Health and Wellness Night: learn about health and 10/19 wellness as a family Band Feeder Night: FSK Number of Participants: 10/22 Pre-K Breakfast Café: TBD Informs families of K Number of Parents: readiness strategies Number of Students: Judy Center Family Fun TBD Number of Families: Nights: Engaging families with young children in
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown development and school prep. Number of Students: Number of Families: Music Winter Concert 12/7 VIRTUAL: Student Chorus, Band, Orchestra groups perform Number of Families: Music Winter Assembly 12/23 VIRTUAL: Students and staff engage in a holiday sing-a-long Number of Families: ELA Night: Families will learn 3/14 about the writing process, helping their children write at home. Also, to inspire a love for reading and writing. Number of Families: Smile MD: A dental clinic for 11/5 students selected to receive free dental care. Donuts with Dad: Provide Number of Students: 9/22 and 9/23 quality family time with families Moms and Muffins: provide Number of Participants: 11/17 and 11/18 quality time with families Math AND Science Night: To 5/12 help families develop Number of Participants: understanding of math content and math practices to learn Number of Parents: instructional strategies. Number of Students: Craft Night: Provide quality family time 12/3 STEM Night: Engage families in STEM Practices Number of Families: 5/12 Book Fair-Family Night Number of Parents: Number of Students: Kindergarten Readiness Night: Prepares incoming 4/5 kindergarten students and Number of families: parents for expectations and procedures of Number of students served: TBD
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown Kindergarten Parent-Teacher Conferences: An opportunity for parents and teachers to reflect on students’ academics and Number of conferences: behavior, setting goals and 11/3 and 11/30 expectations for the 3/24 and 4/5 remainder of the instructional year. PTO Meetings: Organize events to support student instruction and family events Number of Families: Spring Band Concert: Student Band and Oct 6, Dec 8, April Orchestra groups perform 6, June 8 Judy Center Come Learn Number of Families: with Me Play Groups (School Year) 5/17 Home Visits from Judy Number of Families: Center (PAT) Family Fun Events Number of families: Oct- May Parenting Programs: Number of Families: Number of Children: Year Round What You Do Matters Number of Families: Number of Children: Chicago Parenting TBD Number of Families: Mothers and Babies Number of Children: TBD Number of Families: Number of Children: TBD Number of Families: Number of Children: TBD
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown TBD
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown SWP Component #4: Coordination with other Federal, State and local services, resources and programs - if appropriate and applicable, is developed in coordination and integration with other Federal, State, and local services, resources and programs, such as programs supported under this Act, violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start programs, adult education programs, career and technical education programs, and schools implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities or targeted support and improvement activities under section 1111(d). 1114(b) (5) Things to consider: ◻Identify all federal, state, and local programs and services. ◻How are federal, state, and local resources blended to maximize the impact of the school wide plan? Measures of Success/Desired Needs Analysis/SIT Goals Strategic Actions Time Line Performance Level Reading, Math,, Socio- Judy Center participation 2018-2019 School Year Total Throughout the Emotional in Carroll County Early TES Grant Referrals: 190 year Childhood Advisory 109 kids and 81 adults Council to develop plans to meet needs of early 2019-2020 School Year Total childhood population in Grant Referrals: Projected the county. (Make referrals 215 to Head Start, Birth to 5, TES Grant Referrals: 125 Adult Education Programs, (Down due to a change in etc.) reporting) 2020-2021 School Year Total Grant Referrals: Socio-Emotional Full time school-based See behavior goals in Throughout the psychologist will assist TES section4 year with social-emotional and behavioral needs. (.5 Title 1 and .5 Local Funds) Reading, Math, Writing, Socio- Community Meetings Builds Community Relations Throughout the Emotional attended by Administration Benefiting Future Partnerships year Between the Community and TES
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown Socio-Emotional Supporting families in need Our school uses a sign-in Throughout the by providing: sheet to track numbers, but year Food Pantry only if parents would like to sign in) *During the 2021 – 2022 school year, the food pantry will be open the following days; Sept 14 Sept 28 Food services Daily Weekly Classroom Breakfast *September – Breakfast and lunches for and lunches Logs June (when in All Students person school resumes) Summer Lunches Summer 2019: Equal or Greater Than 10 People; Equal or Greater Than 25 People When Judy Center Held an Event at TES Summer 2020 maintain Summer 2021 maintain Summer Food Pantry Summer 2021: Open to Families within TES and the *Due to COVID-19 greater TES community school closures providing food and some and protocol, clothing summer food pantry was prebagged and handed out.
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown Reading, Math, Writing, Socio- Community Support: Data will be collected by Emotional donations given, volunteers and/or number of students impacted: Carroll Vista Counseling Ongoing Life Renewal Counseling Ongoing Lions Club Book Box and Food Box Ongoing Taneytown Community Community Connection, Ongoing and Business Breakfast supporting TES and TES supporting the community Mayor Social Studies- TBD Students Impacted: Carroll County Book Mobile Battle of the Books/Library April 2022 Students Impacted: Volunteers: Carroll County Public Summer Reading June 2022 Library Students Impacted: Volunteers: Taneytown Fire Company Fire Safety October 2021 Students Impacted: PreK-2 Donations from local Teacher Appreciation Week business Number of Donations: Reading, Writing ELI Grant early literacy; Number of students: Fall and Spring provide after school program 2020/2021 for students
Title I School Improvement Plan Components PA 2021-2022 CCPS Title I Check the box for the appropriate elementary school ☐ Elmer Wolfe ☐Robert Moton ☒ Taneytown Reading, Writing TSI Grant additional funding Number of students: Spring 2021 for AEL; provide after school program for students Reading, writing, math Tutoring grant funded by Number of students: Fall and Spring local money; provided extra 2020/2021 help for students Social emotional United way- supplemented Number of families: on-going laundry, detergent, household necessities other than food Additional notes:
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