Tidal Wetlands after Hurricane Sandy: Baseline restoration assessment and future conservation planning
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Tidal Wetlands after Hurricane Sandy: Baseline restoration assessment and future conservation planning Final Report, February 2018 Submitted By: Co-PIs Chris S. Elphick1, Brian J. Olsen2, W. Gregory Shriver3 and Jonathan Cohen4 Post-doctoral researchers and staff Maureen D. Correll2, Wouter Hantson2, Brian Klingbeil1, and Elizabeth Tymkiw3 1. Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Center for Conservation and Biodiversity, University of Connecticut, 75 North Eagleville Road, U-43, Storrs, Connecticut 06269 2. School of Biology and Ecology, Climate Change Institute, University of Maine, 200 Clapp Greenhouse, Orono, Maine 04469 3. Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware, 250 Townsend Hall, Newark, Delaware 19716 4. Department of Environmental and Forest Biology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210
Acknowledgments This work was primarily funded by a grant from the US Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service and North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative through the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 (award # F14AC00965) and relied heavily on data collected using a Competitive State Wildlife Grant (U2-5-R-1) via the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Federal Aid in Sportfish and Wildlife Restoration award to the states of Delaware, Maryland, Connecticut, and Maine. We received additional funding that supported our work on tidal marsh bird responses to Hurricane Sandy from the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Cooperative Agreement Award Fl5AC00163) and the National Science Foundation (DEB-1340008). Additional support for portions of the work come from the United States Department of Agriculture (National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Project Number ME0- 21710). The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the funding agencies. All work conducted by the Saltmarsh Habitat and Avian Research Program (SHARP) is a collaborative venture and we thank our co-PIs Adrienne Kovach and Tom Hodgman; other SHARP postdocs Britt Cline, Chris Field, and Kate Ruskin; and graduate students, especially Sam Apgar, Bri Benvenuti, Logan Cline, Meaghan Conway, Tim Freiday, Laura Garey, Alison Kocek, and Sam Roberts. We also thank the many Saltmarsh Habitat and Avian Research Program (SHARP) field technicians who collected data for this effort, and all participating landowners and land managers that allowed access to their properties or logistic support in the field. In particular, we thank the many points-of-contact for coastal resiliency project sites at which we worked: R. Albers, K. Bennet, J. Burger, P. Castelli, C. Chaffee, P. Comins, D. Curson, A. Drohan, L. Duff, N. Ernst, B. Finn, C. Folsom-O’Keefe, B. Gaspar, D. Golden, S. Guiteras, H. Hanlon, J.M. Hartman, K. Holcomb, E. Jordan, M. Katkowski, M. Larson, J. Lister, J. Luk, G. Macdoland, J. Mattei, L. Mitchell, L. Niles, J. Ong, N. Pau, J. Quispe, C. Salazar, J. Smith, M. Whitbeck, J. White, M. Williams, and R. Wolfe. We also thank Janet Leese for countless hours spent digitizing training polygons in the lab and Erika Lentz for reclassifying coastal response raster layers to reflect IPCC ranges. Comments from E. Legaard, K. Legaard, D. Rosco, N. Hanson, members of the PIs respective lab groups, and the larger SHARP team have substantially improved the work described here. ii
Contents I. Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. iv II. Manuscript 1: Measuring elevation in northeastern USA tidal marshes …………………………………… 1 III. Manuscript 2: Fine-scale mapping of coastal plant communities in the northeastern USA ……… 14 IV. Manuscript 3: Using systematic conservation planning to identify a focal species for tidal marsh bird conservation in the northeastern United States ………………………………………………………………. 35 V. Manuscript 4: Characterizing uncertainty to inform tidal marsh conservation in response to sea- level rise ………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 60 VI. Hurricane Sandy coastal resiliency program: restoration project summaries ……...….……………… 69 Thin-layer sediment additions and vegetation planting at Sachuest Point, RI. iii
I. Executive summary Hurricane Sandy has fundamentally altered the way in which society thinks about coastal resilience in the mid-Atlantic and New England states. Considerable funds are being invested in restoring coastal resources and the need to systematically plan how we invest is increasingly apparent. A thorough understanding of the effectiveness of Hurricane Sandy restoration projects on tidal marshes and the wildlife they support is thus needed to direct conservation actions where they will have the greatest benefits toward increasing the resilience of green infrastructure. Many species of conservation concern use tidal marshes and face additional threats from sea-level rise. The Saltmarsh Habitat and Avian Research Program (SHARP) has assembled a large collection of historical and contemporary measures of plant and bird communities in tidal marshes from Virginia to Maine. In the current project, we used this platform to begin to assess the efficacy of restoration activities and to provide planning guidance to enhance the future resiliency of natural coastal assets. Our primary focus was to collected elevation, vegetation, and bird data to quantify baseline conditions at National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) funded Hurricane Sandy resiliency sites throughout the Northeast and mid-Atlantic states and at paired control sites. These data have been combined with similar data collected at Department of the Interior-funded resiliency sites across the same region into a common database, and will form the basis for long-term investigations into the efficacy of coastal restoration and management work. In addition to baseline data collection at resiliency sites, our work has had three specific research goals. First, we investigated whether elevation data collected in the field via real-time kinetic (RTK) GPS methods can be accurately replicated using remote sensing data products. Collection of RTK elevation data is both time consuming and expensive, and thus difficult to obtain for large areas with high spatial resolution. Remote sensing data, by contrast, are available across vast areas and are often publically available for free. We tested a variety of remote sensing data at both local and regional scales and found that the 1/9 arc-second (~1 m resolution) data layer from the National Elevation Dataset (NED) produced high quality predictions of the RTK measurements. These predictions were especially good for high elevation marsh, a habitat of particular interest to land managers. Other resolution NED data, and data collected used an unmanned aircraft system, were far less satisfactory and were poor substitutes for field-collected data in our tests. Second, we compared several remote sensing techniques to develop a tool that accurately maps high- and low-marsh zonation for use in management and conservation planning. We found that random forests outperformed other classifier tools when applied to the most recent National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery, NAIP derivatives, and elevation data between coastal Maine and Virginia, USA. We then used these methods to classify plant zonation within a 500-m buffer around coastal marsh delineated in the National Wetland Inventory. We found mean classification accuracies of 94% for high elevation marsh, 76% for low marsh zones, and 90% overall map accuracy. The detailed output is a 3-m resolution continuous map of tidal marsh vegetation communities and cover classes that can be used in habitat modeling of marsh-obligate species or to monitor changes in marsh plant communities over time. Third, we used the systematic conservation planning software Marxan to identify priority areas for the conservation of five species that rely on tidal marsh for breeding: clapper rail Rallus crepitans, eastern iv
willet Tringa semipalmata semipalmata, Acadian Nelson’s sparrow Ammodramus nelsonii subvirgatus, saltmarsh sparrow Ammodramus caudacutus, and seaside sparrow Ammodramus maritimus. We compared the spatial prioritization of sites and cost-effectiveness of alternative protection scenarios that considered individual species, groups of species, and all species simultaneously. Scenarios that prioritized areas for conservation based on different single species targets were poorly correlated with each other. Scenarios based on saltmarsh sparrow conservation were most strongly related (rs = 0.76) to site prioritizations that consider all five tidal marsh specialists simultaneously. These results suggest that although no species is a good surrogate for another single species, saltmarsh sparrow may be a viable focal species for conservation planning to protect tidal marsh birds as a group. When comparing multi- species combinations to prioritizations based on saltmarsh sparrow alone, the estimated costs, area of land protection, and number of individuals of each species on protected land were similar, suggesting that it is the best option considered. We were also able to identify areas where conservation is likely to have little or no effect for the target species. Eliminating these sites from consideration for the conservation of these species would reduce the risk of misdirecting limited conservation funds. Because sea-level rise is likely to alter where suitable habitat lies, long-term conservation planning should account for future conditions. With that in mind, we assessed the likelihood that each marsh patch considered in our initial conservation planning exercise would persist by 2050. To accommodate uncertainty in future conditions, we used both results from sea-level projections that assume static inundation and those that assume dynamic adaptation by marshes in response to sea-level under alternative carbon emissions scenarios. The results suggest that, at most, ~15% of current tidal marsh is secure (>66% chance of persisting), but that much of the remainder has potential to persist via dynamic adaptation (e.g., marsh building). Substantial declines of all tidal marsh specialist breeding birds are predicted, commensurate with the predicted losses. In light of these projections, we identified marsh patches with the greatest chance of persisting in the future and recommend a conservation planning strategy that accounts for both current conservation value and the probability of long-term habitat persistence. This report consists of four manuscripts, written for submission to the peer review literature, and dealing with (1) the use of remote sensing to estimate marsh elevation, (2) description of marsh vegetation throughout the northeastern USA, (3) current conservation planning for focal marsh birds, and (4) future projections for marsh area and focal marsh birds. We also include baseline data summaries for seventeen coastal resilience projects distributed throughout the northeastern USA. v
II. Measuring elevation in northeastern USA tidal marshes Maureen D. Correll, Chris S. Elphick, Wouter Hantson, Brittany B. Cline, Elizabeth L. Tymkiw, W. Gregory Shriver, and Brian J. Olsen Sea levels are rising worldwide (Church et al. 2013, Chen et al. 2017), raising questions about the future of coastal ecosystems and built infrastructure (Hinkel et al. 2014, Garner et al. 2017). Rates of sea-level rise vary regionally due to differences in such things as prevailing winds and shifting ocean currents, and their impact is further affected by factors such as isostatic rebound following past glaciation, and groundwater and oil extraction, which affect the behavior of the land surface (Rhamstorf 2017). Our ability to predict how the world’s coastlines will change is thus limited, yet vitally important given the concentration of human populations in coastal areas (Kummu et al. 2016) and the wide range of services that coastal ecosystems provide (Barbier et al. 2011). The rate of sea-level rise is particularly high along the Atlantic seaboard of North America, especially in mid-Atlantic and southern New England states, where rates are substantially higher than the global average (Sallenger et al. 2012). Portions of this region also contain extensive salt marshes and the consequences of higher sea levels for these marshes has received considerable attention. Models suggest potential for marshes to build elevation via a combination of increased plant production and greater rates of sediment deposition, and some evidence suggests that this might be happening (Kirwan et al. 2016). Sediment flow, however, is declining in many river systems (Syvitski et al. 2005; Weston 2014) and the accretion rates needed to maintain marshes appear to be insufficient in many areas (Crosby et al. 2016). Accretion rates are higher for lower-elevation marshes, however, and are more likely to be sufficient to match current rates of sea-level rise in these areas (Kirwan et al. 2016). Consequently, even where marshes can persist, their elevation relative to sea-level may decline, shifting the nature of the marsh towards lower-elevations. Evidence for a drop in marsh elevation relative to sea-level comes from studies that show consistent shifts towards plant species that are associated with greater tidal flooding (Field et al. 2016; Raposa et al. 2017). Losses in the overall extent of marshes might also be mitigated, at least somewhat, by migration of marsh vegetation into adjacent upland areas (Kirwan et al. 2016). Current evidence, however, suggests that these changes are not happening as quickly as changes within current marshes (Field et al. 2016). Even if some form of marsh can persist over the long term, higher elevation marsh and any species or ecosystem services that it supports are placed at risk due to the lag time needed for ecosystems to transition (e.g., Field et al. 2017a). This problem is exacerbated in areas where patterns of human land use and attitudes towards land protection impose additional constraints on the ability of marshes to migrate (Field et al. 2017b). Given the importance of marsh elevation relative to sea-level to discussions about the future of coastal marshes, it is important that we have good baseline data on current elevations. Locally, this information can be obtained through the use of surface elevation tables (SETs; Lynch et al. 2015) installed in the marsh. At a local scale, use of Geographic Positioning Systems (GPSs) in the form of Real Time Kinematic positioning (RTK) allows for the manual measurement of elevation using a handheld unit and antenna. Increasingly, local scale information also is being collected using unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), which can provide contiguous, high resolution data, over moderately large patches of marsh (Drummond et al. 2015, Ma et al. 2016). Measurements over larger regional scales are harder to come by without making inferences from remote sensing data, either based on assumptions about relative elevation derived from vegetation data (Hladik et al. 2013; Correll et al. submitted), or via direct measurements. Light Detection and Ranging data (Lidar) collected via aircraft offers a high-resolution (albeit high-cost) and large-scale elevation point cloud which when processed can predict elevation at 1
both terrain and vegetation levels (e.g. Hladik et al. 2013, Buffington et al. 2016). The United States Geological Survey National Elevation Dataset (NED; USGS 2015) also provides a set of elevation data products at several different resolutions (2, 1, 1/3, 1/9 arc-seconds and 1 m) derived from source data of topographic maps, manual profiling through photogrammetry, and compiled Lidar. Ideally we would understand how detailed measurements made at local scales relate to those obtained from these larger- scale data sets that can be applied over large regions. With this information, we would be better placed to develop a baseline understanding of current elevation patterns and to track changes over time as sea- levels rise. With these needs in mind, we set out to compare measurements of elevation made with different methods and at different scales. First, we conducted a local-scale study in an extensively studied coastal wetland near Scarborough, Maine, USA. We compared measurements taken using RTK units with elevation data created through UAS imagery, and at three different resolutions (1, 1/3, and 1/9 arc-second layers) provided by the NED. Second, we scaled analysis up to compare RTK data collected at 12,864 points around 655 survey locations between the Canada-Maine border and the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, to NED data collected at the same three resolutions previously mentioned. Third, we describe the elevation profile of marshes throughout the Northeast and mid-Atlantic USA to provide a general overview of current baseline conditions that can be used for future comparisons. Finally, we illustrate the relationship between elevation estimates obtained during this study and marsh habitat types obtained during a parallel study designed to describe vegetation classes across the same region. Methods Data collection To explore the efficacy of different elevation measurement techniques for tidal marsh, we measured ~10 ha plots (n = 4, Figure 1, 2) developed by Ruskin et al. (2017) in and around Scarborough, ME as part of a study monitoring demographic rates of tidal marsh birds (Figure 1). Within each plot delineation, we overlaid a 20 x 20 m grid using ArcGIS 10.3 (ESRI 2016) before navigating to each plot in the field. Once in the marsh, a trained technician measured all grid points that fell within plot boundaries using a Trimble R10 RTK sensor system. In addition to RTK data collection we flew a DJI Phantom 3 Advanced UAS over each marsh plot in August 2016 to collect imagery for use with photogrammetry software. We programmed the UAS using the Pix4D Capture mission planning application to fly a grid over each plot at 100 m altitude. The programmed grid provided images collected with ~80% overlap using a MAPIR 16-megapixel red-green- blue aerial mapping camera affixed to the base of the UAS with the camera pointing directly downward. All photographs were collected at wind speeds of less than 15 mph and within 2 hours of local low tide. We placed 8-9 black and white 20 x 28 cm ground control points on each plot during flights to georeference digital mosaics during processing. We recorded the location of each ground control point using a Trimble GEO7X unit, accurate to the decimeter. All imagery was processed using Pix4D photogrammetry software (Pix4D SA, Switzerland) to create a digital orthomosaic and Digital Surface Model (DSM) for each marsh plot. For our regional effort we selected marsh survey sites based on a two-stage cluster sampling scheme (Wiest et al. 2016) to comprehensively survey tidal marshes for bird populations between Maine and Virginia. We navigated to a subset of bird survey locations visited by Wiest et al. (n = 655, Figure 1) between April and September 2015 to sample elevation in tidal marshes within the same study extent. At each survey location we overlaid a 20 x 20 m point grid on the marsh patch, centering the grid around the survey location as closely as possible given the orientation of the marsh patch. Technicians attempted to measure points resulting in a square grid with 5 points on each side, covering a total of 1 ha around each survey location. If a grid point fell in non-marsh habitat, we measured another point 2
from the surrounding grid instead. When a marsh patch was too small or narrow for a this size grid to fit we used either a 5 x 5 m or 1 x 1 m point grid instead (n = 3004 and 530 elevation measurements, respectively), choosing the resolution that provided the largest grid that could be fit within the marsh patch. In total, we measured elevation at 12,864 points associated with the 655 survey locations in tidal marsh between Maine and Virginia. Once we measured elevation at all points in the field, we overlaid the point for each marsh elevation reading from both our small-scale and regional study on the 1, 1/3, and 1/9 arc-second layers (~30 m, ~10 m, and ~1 m resolution, respectively) from the NED (USGS 2015). We then extracted values from these layers for each sampling point. For our small-scale study we also extracted values from the UAS-derived DSMs for each RTK sampling point. To describe elevation data by community type for our regional and fine-scale elevation data, we used a vegetation layer produced by the Saltmarsh Habitat and Avian Research Program (Correll et al. submitted, available at https://nalcc.databasin.org/galleries/46d6e771dd6f4fdb8aa5eb46efffffa7) describing six marsh cover types (high marsh; low marsh; Phragmites australis, hereafter Phragmites; mudflat; pool/panne; terrestrial border) and two bordering cover types (open water; upland) in tidal marshes from Maine to Virginia. We extracted the cover type for each RTK point using ArcGIS 10.3 (ESRI 2016). Statistical analysis We analyzed our plot-level data using linear and quantile regression using base R and the lqmm package (Geraci, 2014). Quantile regression allows users to specify the percentage of data points included beneath the regression line; for reference, an ordinary linear regression maintains a tau = 0.5. We varied tau from 0.1 to 0.9 (Table 1) and compared these models to linear regressions to identify the best regression structure to model the data we collected. To account for variation among plots, we included a plot “site” as a variable in all models. To explore the predictive power of our independent variables and marsh cover type, we compared models including additive and interactive terms for marsh cover types with over 10 data points (high marsh, low marsh, pool/panne). We assessed variation explained by our linear models using adjusted R2. Due to the difficulties in assessing R2 for quantile regression models we compared models using Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC, Burnham and Anderson 2004) instead. We analyzed regional data in a linear mixed-modeling framework (LMM) using the lme4 package (Bates et al 2015) in Program R (R Core Team 2016). We modeled the accuracy with which NED data can be used to predict RTK measurements at each spatial scale. We also modelled the relationship between RTK measurement and latitude using identical modelling methods. Because RTK grids comprised of individual data points were always grouped around pre-established survey locations, we included a random variable for “site” in all models. We ran models with and without zero values after examination of our data because there is an obvious concentration of zero values in the NED dataset. False-zero values are commonly produced in remotely sensed datasets occurring near water or extremely wet soil. To explore the utility of measuring additional RTK points to further strengthen the relationships measured in our regional analysis, we subsetted our data by increments of 10% by (1) removing all points taken around randomly-selected survey locations and (2) randomly selecting and removing values from individual points. To explore the predictive power of our independent variables by marsh cover type, we compared models including additive and interactive terms for marsh cover type using a dataset of all points falling within the marsh layer. We assessed variation explained and directly compared models using marginal R2 (Nakagawa and Schielzeth 2013) and AIC. Results We measured RTK elevation at a total of 1230 points across the four local plots (Figures 1, 2) in Scarborough Marsh. Measurements ranged from -0.11 m to 2.0 m ASL ( = 1.31 m). Elevation values 3
extracted from the DSM produced from UAS imagery (Figure 2) ranged from -7.2 m to 3.3 m ( = 0.74 m). All points surveyed fell within the marsh cover type layer. We collected 979 overlapping photos for photogrammetry analysis at these four plots (Figure 2). The processed DSM rasters display elevation data at a 2 cm resolution. We measured RTK elevation at a total of 12,864 points centered around 655 survey locations between Maine in Virginia in 2015. Values measured using RTK ranged from -1.14 m to 2.76 m above sea level (ASL, = 0.85). Values extracted at these locations ranged from -0.67 m to 5.63 m ASL ( = 1.04 m) for the 1 arc-second NED, -0.67 m to 5.63 m ASL ( = 1.04 m) for the 1/3 arc-second NED, and -0.87 m to 3.18 m ( = 0.84 m) for the 1/9 arc-second NED. Of the RTK points surveyed, 11,328 points fell within the marsh cover type layer. For our plot-level data from Maine, we found that RTK elevation measurements were only weakly predicted using the 1 arc-second ( = 0.14, R2 = 0.27) and 1/3 ( = 0.14, R2 = 0.27) arc-second NED. The 1/9 arc-second NED had much better predictive power ( = 0.63, R2 = 0.64, Figure 3). RTK elevation measurements were weakly predicted by DSM values, and fit improved when excluding zero values ( = 0.14, R2 = 0.28), although most of this variation was explained by the site variable in our models. Quantile regression models performed better than linear models, with the model using tau = 0.7 ( = 0.07) performing best (Table 1, Figure 4). In our model comparison including marsh cover type, the best performing model included the additive and interactive term for marsh cover. Generally speaking, DSM values were higher than corresponding RTK measurements, with the discrepancy greater at higher elevations. In our regional analysis, we found that the 1 arc-second ( = 0.49, Rm2 = 0.24, Figure 5a) and 1/3 arc-second ( = 0.20, Rm2 = 0.11, Figure 5b) NED produced only weak predictions of RTK elevation measurements. This relationship was much improved with the 1/9 arc-second data layer ( = 0.83, Rm2 = 0.85, Fig 5c), especially when excluding zero values ( = 0.87, Rm2 = 0.90, Fig 5d). We found that this relationship was insensitive to data sub-setting and we obtained similar estimates and explained similar variance when using as little as 30% of the full dataset ( = 0.81, Rm2 = 0.85). Including both additive and interactive terms for marsh cover produced a model that out-performed all others (AIC = 29.94 compared to the next best model). We found that most zero-value NED measurements belong to the “Upland” cover type (Figure 6a), and that regression slopes differed among cover types (Figure 6b). RTK measurements were generally better predicted by the NED for high marsh and terrestrial border, with the worst predictions for mudflat. Finally, we found a strong relationship between RTK measurement and latitude ( =0.19, Rm2 = 0.42, Figure 7). Discussion In the northeastern United States, tidal marshes dominate much of the coastal landscape. Understanding and measuring change in this ecosystem as sea level rise progresses is critical to the conservation of the system, and the biodiversity and services it supports. In our comparison of elevation measurements in tidal marshes across different methods and scales, we found that elevation of tidal marshes was well predicted by the 1/9 arc-second layer of the NED both locally and regionally, however other data sources (UAS, 1 arc-second NED, 1/3 arc-second NED) provided limited predictive power (Figure 5). This key finding can help researchers explore local and regional change in tidal marshes without the need for manual mapping and sampling using RTK units, which can be costly in the sometimes scarce resources afforded conservation professionals and researchers. We also found that elevation measurements from the 1/9 arc-second NED diverged least from RTK measurements in high marsh at both the local and regional scale, and that the relationship was generally stronger for higher elevation cover types. This result, combined with the improved performance of models when excluding zero-values, suggest that the NED predicts elevation more 4
accurately for higher elevations marsh cover types than those closer to the marine interface. Those wishing to focus study on lower elevations, therefore, may benefit more from investing in specialized equipment to manually measure marsh elevation instead of relying on the NED, although predictions were generally good for most habitat types at a regional scale. It is important to note that there are known limitations to the NED which should be considered before using this dataset in any analysis. We found that the 1/9 arc-second NED under-predicts RTK at both the local and regional scales (regression slope = ~0.85 for both scales). While it is a good predictor of relative elevation, it should be used cautiously to predict absolute elevation above MSL. Further, the elevation data that comprise the NED were collected on different dates (2010-2016 for the 1/9 arc- second layer) and there are no current plans to refresh the 1/9 arc-second layer in the near future. Instead resources are currently allocated for further development of the spatial extent and temporal resolution of the 1 m layer, which currently covers a much smaller area than the 1, 1/3, or 1/9 arc- second layers. Those wishing to measure change over time annually or across 2-3 years may still want to invest in RTK data collection for best results. The elevation profile we produced through shows a strong latitudinal trend in tidal marsh elevation, decreasing from north to south (Figure 7). Tidal marshes occur at higher elevations in the north and at steadily lower elevations as one moves south along the coastline. This pattern may be caused by the similar latitudinal gradient in tidal amplitude along the coast, which is driven overwhelmingly by local bathymetry and geography. The Bay of Fundy in eastern Maine regularly exhibits tides nearing 10 m, where the Chesapeake Bay experiences tides of only 1-2 m. Because zonation in plant communities is directly connected to the timing and duration of inundation by incoming and outgoing tides (Bertness 1991), a larger amplitude tide could result in the once-weekly to once-monthly inundation window being located in a higher elevation relative to MSL. While the primary goal of this work was to compare elevation measurements from the NED to those collected using RTK, we also explored the use of UASs in measuring elevation in tidal marshes. We found that the use of raw, UAS-derived DSMs do not work well to predict ground-level elevation in tidal marshes. We believe this is because of the inherent differences in DSM and DEM datasets; DSMs depict the vegetation surface, while DEMs represent ground-level elevation without consideration of vegetation. As a result, even our top model shows that our UAS-derived DSM predicts elevations equal to or higher than the ground elevation estimated using RTK methods. The recent development of Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) using photogrammetry software such as Pix4D is promising and has the potential to address the shortcomings we encountered with UAS-derived DSMs. The ease with which a localized DSM is produced with a UAS is promising, and we expect more accurate tidal marsh elevation profiles to emerge as the technology and software continue to improve. Conclusions The effective measurement of ground elevation is an important step in the effective study and monitoring of tidal marshes, yet the methods and technology required to produce this type of data are costly and time-consuming to implement. We found that in tidal marshes of the northeastern USA, elevation measurements available from the publicly accessible 1/9 arc-second NED were effective in predicting RTK elevation measurements, explaining 90% of the variation in our regional dataset. Prediction accuracy was highest for high marsh and terrestrial border, but was good (>80%) for most cover types. This finding is key for scientists and land managers wishing to measure and monitor marsh elevation but who are limited by cost and labor availability. Use of the 1/9 arc-send NED can, with minimal preprocessing, be a suitable stand-in for RTK methods for estimating ground elevation of coastal marsh, particularly when measuring elevation in high marsh, a cover type of particular conservation interest due to the ecosystem services it provides for wildlife and humans alike. 5
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Figure 1. Study area and data collection locations for elevation measurement in tidal marshes in the northeastern USA using real-time kinematic (RTK, purple points) and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS, yellow polygons, inset). 9
Figure 2. Maps and digital surface models (DSMs) of four marsh study plots and elevation measurement points (green dots) using real-time kinematic (RTK) and unmanned aircraft system (UAS) methods in Scarborough Marsh, Maine. 10
Figure 3. Results of linear regression model comparing tidal marsh ground elevation estimated using real-time kinematic (RTK) measurements and the National Elevation Dataset (NED) 1/9 arc-second layer. Data come from four plots in Scarborough, Maine, USA. Figure 4. Results of quantile regression (tau = 0.7) visualized through A) scatterplot and B) estimates and confidence intervals of the regression slopes comparing tidal marsh ground elevation estimated using real-time kinematic (RTK) measurements and Digital Surface Models (DSMs) created via an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), stratified by cover type. Data come from four plots in Scarborough, Maine, USA. 11
Figure 5. Results of mixed-effect linear regressions comparing tidal marsh ground elevation estimated using real-time kinematic (RTK) measurements and the National Elevation Dataset (NED) from A) 1 arc- second data layer (Rm2 = 0.24), B) 1/3 arc-second data layer (Rm2 = 0.11), C) 1/9 arc-second data layer (Rm2 = 0.85), and D) 1/9 arc-second data layer excluding zero values (Rm2 = 0.90). Data come from sites throughout the northeastern USA, from Virginia to Maine. 12
Figure 6. Results of mixed-effects linear regression visualized through A) scatterplot and B) estimates and confidence intervals of regression slopes comparing tidal marsh ground elevation estimated using real-time kinematic (RTK) measurements and the National Elevation Dataset (NED) stratified by marsh community type. Data come from sites throughout the northeastern USA, from Virginia to Maine. Figure 7. Results of mixed-effect linear regressions comparing tidal marsh ground elevation estimated using real-time kinematic (RTK) measurements across latitudes between coastal Maine and Virginia, USA. 13
III. Fine-scale mapping of coastal plant communities in the northeastern USA (submitted manuscript) Maureen D. Correll, Wouter Hantson, Thomas P. Hodgman, Brittany B. Cline, Chris S. Elphick, W. Gregory Shriver, Elizabeth L. Tymkiw, and Brian J. Olsen Coastal marshes are among the world’s most productive ecosystems and provide significant services to humans across the globe. These marshes serve as a gateway between land and sea for humans and wildlife alike, act as a buffer against coastal storms, and provide critical nutrients to marine food webs (Barbier et al. 2011). Tidal marshes also support and protect biodiversity by providing habitat to marine and estuarine fish, crustacean populations, and migratory birds (Boesch and Turner 1984; Master 1992; Brown et al. 2002). Within the world’s tidal marsh systems, those located along the Atlantic coast of the United States support the highest number of terrestrial vertebrate specialists described worldwide (Greenberg et al. 2006). This suite of species includes herpetofauna and mammals, but the majority of described vertebrate specialists are birds. Several species are limited completely to these marshes during the breeding season, several of which are in decline (Correll et al. 2017), with extinction predicted for the saltmarsh sparrow within 50 years (Correll et al. 2017a; Correll et al. 2017b; Field et al. 2017a; Field et al. in press). These declining species nest predominantly within the high-marsh zone, one of several vegetation communities found within coastal marshes. High marsh differs from other marsh areas in elevation, salinity, and frequency of inundation (Bertness and Ellison 1987; Pennings and Callaway 1992; Ewanchuk and Bertness 2004) and is characterized by flooding during spring tides linked to the lunar cycle. In the northeastern United States, the plant species Spartina patens, short-form S. alterniflora, Distichlis spicata, and Juncus gerardii characterize high-marsh zones, which also include Salicornia spp., Glaux maritima, and Solidago sempervirens (Nixon and Oviatt 1973; Bertness 1991; Emery et al. 2001, Ewanchuk and Bertness 2004). Conversely, low marsh is characterized by daily tidal flooding and is a near monoculture of tall form S. alterniflora. The surrounding terrestrial border experiences infrequent inundation by salt water during extreme tides and storms, and is characterized by a more diverse flora that is often dominated by Iva frutescens and Typha spp. (Miller and Egler 1950; Ewanchuk and Bertness 2004). Introduced Phragmites australis (hereafter Phragmites) also occurs within this ecosystem, especially around the borders of disturbed marshes (Chambers et al. 1999; Philipp and Field 2005). These plant community zones can be quickly altered by both natural and anthropogenic stressors such as sea-level rise, nutrient run-off from adjacent uplands, and the spread of introduced species (Day et al. 2008). The significant increase in sea level during recent decades poses one of the largest threats to these marsh ecosystems. As sea levels encroach on the marshes’ seaward side and upland marsh migration is limited by human-developed coastal infrastructure (Field et al. 2017b) and upland habitats (Field et al. 2016), a “pinching effect” can occur, resulting in marsh loss. Coastal marshes can combat rising sea levels through vertical growth, or accretion (Kirwan et al. 2016), but when the rate of sea-level rise exceeds the rate of accretion, marsh area will decline (Crosby et al. 2016). Rising sea levels can also drive invasion of high marsh areas with flood-tolerant low marsh species (Donnelly and Bertness 2001; Field et al. 2016), causing transition from high to low marsh (Kirwan et al. 2016). This pattern, however, is not ubiquitous to all marshes (Kirwan and Guntenspergen, 2010; Wilson et al. 2014). In addition to sea-level rise, extreme storm events that flood the coastline have been shown to permanently alter marsh structure within days (Day et al. 2008) and can have a lasting effect on plant community structure and saltmarsh degradation. 14
Marsh degradation and rapid change is likely to continue into the future due to the paired effects of climate change and human development. Sea levels are expected to rise substantially between 2013 and 2100 (IPCC 2014), and continuing storm events affecting coastal regions are also predicted. The future distribution of high- and low-marsh habitat therefore remains uncertain (Chu-Agor et al. 2011; Kirwan et al. 2016). It is essential to develop tools to identify coastal marsh plant communities, particularly high marsh, on a biologically relevant timescale to protect existing ecosystem services and to inform the adaptive management of coastal wetlands as habitat for high-marsh specialist species. The physical and biological characteristics that differentiate high marsh from low marsh and other marsh plant communities are potentially detectible using remotely-sensed multispectral and hyperspectral imagery. Both types of imagery can record wavelengths of light outside of the visible range for humans, with hyperspectral imagery recording reflectance values in much finer detail and precision (hundreds of individual bands recorded) than multispectral imagery (several wide-ranging bands recorded, e.g. red green blue, or RGB, imagery). Several studies have previously demonstrated distinct spectral differences between tidal marsh species using hyperspectral imagery (Rosso et al. 2005; Belluco et al. 2006; Yang 2009). Such imagery, when combined with elevation data, has previously produced high-accuracy classifications of tidal marsh vegetation communities, albeit at smaller spatial scales (e.g. Hladik et al. 2013). Hyperspectral imagery is costly, however, especially across large landscapes (Adam et al. 2010); Belluco et al. (2006) compared several aerial and satellite sensors with changing spatial and spectral resolution, and although hyperspectral imagery performed slightly better than the multispectral, spatial resolution was the most important factor in classifier performance. Belluco et al. (2006) recommend the use of multispectral satellite imagery for the mapping of marsh vegetation. Beside the visible spectrum (RGB), multispectral imagery should also include infrared (IR) reflectance values to allow differentiation of vegetation types, calculation of vegetation indices (e.g. the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index or NDVI, Rouse, Haas, & Schell 1974) and detection of soil moisture differences (Jin and Sader 2005; Pettorelli et al. 2005), particularly in tidal wetlands (Klemas 2011). The IR spectrum has previously been used as a tool to predict tidal marsh communities both in smaller regions within the northeastern United States (Gilmore et al. 2008; Hoover et al. 2010; Meiman et al. 2012) and elsewhere (Isacch et al. 2006; Liu et al. 2010). An exception to this has been in the classification of invasive Phragmites that often borders tidal marshes. Large-scale classification of this wetland class has met with some success (e.g. Borgeau-Chavez et al. 2015, Long et al. 2017), however success is limited when using RGB and IR inputs alone (Samiappan et al. 2017). A large-scale effort to map coastal Phragmites in the northeastern US has not yet been attempted. Due to the large spatial scale at which northeastern tidal marshes occur, publicly-available and low-cost imagery datasets offer the most promising option for repeatedly delineating large swaths of marsh along the coast. Landsat satellite imagery provided by the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) is publicly available multispectral imagery including RGB and IR bands provided at a 30 x 30 m resolution and is often used for classifying coarse cover types across large landscapes. In the case of tidal marshes, however, the heterogeneity in tidal marsh vegetation often occurs at scales smaller than 30 m pixels, and large-scale classifications of tidal marsh plant communities using this imagery have so far been unfruitful (e.g. Correll 2015). There is thus a clear need for an alternative path to create a regional classification of tidal marsh vegetation. Recent advances in high-resolution airborne imagery provide new opportunities to develop large-scale classifications of coastal plant communities in the northeast, including Phragmites (e.g. Xie et al. 2015). The National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA 2016) captures 3-band, high-resolution RGB orthophotos during the growing season. Since 2007 most states have added a Near-InfraRed (NIR) band to the image requirements to aid in the accurate classification of vegetative cover. The image resolution is 1 m with 6-m horizontal accuracy and a 15
maximum of 10% cloud cover. The imagery, freely available for governmental agencies and the public, is an affordable alternative to commercial aerial and high-resolution multispectral satellite imagery. Recent applications of NAIP imagery include mapping of tree cover (Davies et al. 2010), forest clearings (Baker et al. 2013), isolated trees (Meneguzzo et al. 2013), land cover classification (Baker et al. 2013) and mining activity (Maxwell et al. 2014). In this study we compare several remote sensing techniques applied to NAIP imagery, elevation data from the National Elevation Dataset (NED) provided by the US Geological Survey (USGS 2015), and local tidal information records from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA 2016) to develop an affordable tool capable of repeated classification of high-marsh zones in tidal marshes in the northeastern United States. We then use the best-performing classifier to categorize marsh vegetation communities with a 3-m resolution from coastal Maine to Virginia, USA. Methods Study site and community types Our marsh-mapping effort encompasses all salt marshes of the Northeast Atlantic coast of the USA, from northern Maine to Virginia. To define our classification extent, we applied a 500-m buffer to all coastal, tidal marsh as delineated by the National Wetland Inventory (NWI, USFWS 2010) estuarine emergent wetland (E2EM) layer. The study site is further split into 8 subzones (Figure 1) to accommodate data management and processing. These coastal marshes vary substantially from north to south. Due to local bathymetric structure, tidal amplitudes in the Gulf of Maine are among the highest in the world (Garrett 1972), while those farther south experience much less variation between high and low tides. Similarly, a preponderance of rocky or highly sloped shorelines in the north limits marshes to small (~10 - 100 ha) patches, while southern marshes form larger patches of marsh along the coast. Across our study area, however, tidal marsh ecosystems can be reliably separated into six distinct cover types, plus two bordering cover types, which we included in our marsh mapping effort: 1. High marsh: Area flooded during spring tides related to the lunar cycle and dominated by Spartina patens, Distichlis spicata, Juncus gerardii, and short form Spartina alterniflora. Other species include Juncus roemerianus, Scirpus pungens, Scirpus robustus, Limonium nashii, Aster tenuifolius, and Triglochin maritima. 2. Low marsh: Area flooded regularly by daily tides and dominated by tall form Spartina alterniflora. 3. Salt pools/pannes: Depressed, bare areas with sparse vegetation cover and extremely high soil salinities. Generally, pools retain water between high tides while pannes do not. 4. Terrestrial border: Area infrequently flooded by storm and spring tides and can include areas of marsh with fresh/brackish water due to a high water table and/or runoff from impervious surfaces. Typical plant species include Typha angustifolia, Iva frutescens, Baccharis halimifolia, Solidago sempervirens, Scirpus robustus, and Spartina pectinata. 5. Phragmites: The exotic invasive form of Phragmites australis (subspecies australis). This subspecies is of considerable management interest (Saltonstall 2002), especially in marshes with freshwater input, upland development, and/or increased nutrients (Dreyer and Nierling 1995; Bertness et al. 2002; Silliman and Bertness 2004). 6. Mudflat: Exposed muddy areas free of vegetation. 7. Open water (bordering cover type): Channels and bays leading to open ocean included within the 500-m buffer. 8. Upland (bordering cover type): All non-marsh terrestrial cover included within the 500-m buffer. 16
Data sources We collected training data for marsh vegetation classes both in the field and remotely using aerial imagery, depending on the cover type. We collected training polygons for high marsh, low marsh, and Phragmites between May and August of 2015 and 2016. Technicians collecting polygon data were collectively trained at the beginning of the season in salt marsh vegetation identification. Phragmites polygons mapped were of the invasive Phragmites australis australis and not of the native North American form Phragmites australis americanus. Tecnnicians used a GEO 7X Trimble GPS (Trimble 2015) without an external antenna for all community delineation. Horizontal accuracy of this unit without the external antenna is estimated at < 1m by the manufacturer. We used a generalized random tessellation stratified (GRTS) sampling framework designed to sample tidal marsh bird communities across all ownership types (Wiest et al. 2016) to select randomly- located delineation sites for training data across our study area. Technicians navigated to bird survey points and located contiguous patches of high marsh, low marsh, and Phragmites larger than 10 x 10 m as they traversed to each bird survey location. At each patch, they placed a stake flag or other highly visible marker on the ground to indicate the beginning of polygon delineation and then delineated the outer boundary of the patch on foot by walking the outer perimeter with the GEO 7X. We collected training data for open water, pools and pannes, and mudflat cover classes using manual digitization of 2014-2015 1-m NAIP imagery using ArcGIS 10.3 (ESRI 2016) since these cover classes are easily identifiable in visible wavelength imagery. We used the most recent digital ortho-photography (RGB and NIR) available from the NAIP collected during the growing season from 2014 or 2015 as imagery predictor data (see Appendix A for acquisition year by state). We resampled raw 1 m NAIP imagery to 3 m resolution to match the spatial scale of the NED, which was used as the digital elevation model (DEM) for this analysis. We also calculated NAIP imagery derivatives using ArcMap 10.3 using the raw band values. We refer to them as ‘pseudo’-vegetation indices because we used the raw band values instead of reflectance values. In total, we used the following data inputs as predictor variables: DEM, Raw NAIP Band 1, Raw NAIP Band 2, Raw NAIP Band 3, Raw NAIP band 4, NDVI, the Normalized Difference Water Index (McFeeters 1996), the Difference Vegetation Index (Richardson and Wiegand 1977), and the first three principle components from a principal components analysis (Fung and Ledrew 1987) of the four NAIP bands, which collectively explained > 95% of the variance. Marsh habitats are often influenced by their elevation and topographic context and therefore can often be successfully mapped using elevation data (e.g. Hladik et al. 2013, Maxwell et al. 2016). Elevational data is particularly helpful in tidal marshes, where topography can drive tidal flooding frequency and thus can influence plant species zonation (Silvestri et al. 2005). We used the NED for all elevation predictor data. The NED is derived from different contributed datasets and then processed by the USGS into a near-continuous DEM at various resolutions across the US. We used 1/9-second (~3 m resolution) data when available for our classification. When no 1/9 arc-second imagery was available, we used 1/3 arc-second data (~10 m resolution). To account for the large differences in tidal inundation across our study area, we collected tidal data for the study area from the closest NOAA tidal gauge station, creating 29 different tidal zones (NOAA 2016). For each of the stations we collected the following tidal datums: HAT, MHHW, MHW, MSL, NAVD88 and MAX (Table 1). We resampled the NED data to an exact 3 m resolution to match the upscaled NAIP imagery and clipped the resulting imagery with the 500 m buffer around all coastal tidal marsh in the NWI. We further clipped the NED by the 29 tidal gauge zones of the study area, and rescaled each zone to the NAVD88 datum using the NOAA tidal amplitude data. To calibrate the DEM across the entire study site we used the Mean High Tide (MHT) divided by Mean Highest High Tide (MHHT) value for each tidal gauge zone as a basis for elevational differences between marsh zone types. 17
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