Tibshelf Community School

Page created by Janice Porter
Tibshelf Community School
Community School


  Tibshelf Community School strives to be an outstanding learning community in
  which students are inspired, challenged and supported. We aim high through our
  unrelenting focus on the Learner being at the heart of everything we do. We
  ensure learning is exciting, engaging and inspirational, working together as a
  professional community to ensure the best outcomes for all.

 ALTE PETE                                               “Aim High”
Tibshelf Community School
Contents Page
                    Governing Principle
                     High Expectations
                   Supporting Students
                        Our Ethos
                  Safeguarding Statement
            Induction and Admission Information
                   School Uniform/PE Kit
              School to Home Communication
                     My Ed School App
                    Free School Meals
               Damage to School Equipment
                  Enrichment Programme
                     Pleasley Vale Trip
             ParentPay Online Payment System
              ParentPay FAQs/ParentPay Shop
                 Travel to and from School
       Benefit Related Transport to and from School
                        Term Dates
                        INSET Days
                    School Information

ALTA PETE                                      “Aim High”
Tibshelf Community School
Knowledge               Governing Principle:
                  “Working Together To Make
                   Our School Even Better”
Progress       Enjoying and Achieving

               High Expectations
Future         We unashamedly have high expectations of all our students and they
               have equally high expectations of themselves. These relate to
               attendance, behaviour, dress and achievement.
Confidence        •   All students should attain at least expected progress in all
                      aspects of their learning and many will go on to exceed this.
                  •   All students are fully prepared and ready to learn and progress.
Aspirations       •   All students benefit from teaching that is at least consistently
                      good in all areas of the curriculum.

               Supporting Students
               Each year group is divided into form groups and pupils are also
Expectations   allocated to one of six Houses, with each House overseen by a House
               Manager to help and oversee their development. Each form will have
               their own Form Tutor who will have the overview of student’s progress

Dynamic        and welfare.
               The school works as part of a Multi-Agency Team and other community
               groups who work together to provide a coordinated delivery of support
               services. The school also adopts the Derbyshire Child Protection Policy.
Innovative     All new staff appointments are vetted and DBS checked.
               Attendance remains a key focus and supported by our dedicated School
               Intervention Team, we work with families to support them in ensuring
Appreciation   that all students attend school.

ALTA PETE                                            “Aim High”
Tibshelf Community School

                                                      Our Ethos
    Tibshelf Community School is committed to serving its community. It recognises the multi-cultural, multi-
    faith and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom. It also understands the vital role it has in ensuring
    that groups or individuals within the school are not
    subjected to intimidation or radicalisation by those
    wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them.

    It follows equal opportunities guidance which guarantees
    that there will be no discrimination against any individual
    or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality,
    political or financial status, or similar. Tibshelf Community
    School is dedicated to preparing students for their adult
    life beyond the formal, examined curriculum and ensuring
    that it promotes and reinforces British values with all its

    The five key British Values are:
    •       Democracy - Contribute to the decision making process
    •       The rule of law - Protect and keep us safe
    •       Individual liberty - freedom to act within the law
    •       Mutual respect - respect other points of view
    •       Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

    Tibshelf Community School uses these values to underpin its commitment to developing the talents of all
    individuals and inspiring, challenging and supporting them to become effective global citizens in the 21st

                                             Safeguarding Statement
    Tibshelf Community School is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children, staff and
    visitors and promoting a climate where children and adults will feel confident about sharing any concerns,
    which they may have about their own safety or the well-being of others. Safeguarding relates to all aspects
    of school life including: students’ health and safety, meeting the needs of students with medical conditions,
    providing first aid, educational visits, internet or e-safety and appropriate arrangements to ensure school
    security as well as protecting children from deliberate harm.

    The School’s Safeguarding Policy provides an extensive portfolio of guidance applicable to all on and off-site
    activities undertaken by students whilst they are the responsibility of the school. At Tibshelf School we
    understand that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. We are fully committed to ensuring that
    consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support the whole school community.

    ALTA PETE                                                                     “Aim High”
Tibshelf Community School
Induction & Admission Information
Due to the current situation around the Covid-19 pandemic and the Government guidance relating to social
distancing requirements, we will not be able to deliver our usual structured schedule of induction days and a
parent’s information evening.

The current Government guidance is directing that visits to secondary schools for induction will not take place
this year.

We are really pleased that your child has been allocated a place at Tibshelf Community School. In order for us
to add your child to our school roll we require you to complete an admission form and read through our
relevant policies. The transition section of our school website contains all the relevant information you and
your child will need.

In the transition section there is a copy of the pupil booklet for you and your child to read, along with 2 other
important documents which you will need to read carefully; our Home School Agreement and Acceptable use
for ICT. Please ensure that you sit with your child to go through the Home School Agreement and The
Acceptable use for ICT documents.

This year we are asking you to complete our admission form electronically. A link to this will be text/emailed to
the telephone number/email address you provided in your application to Derbyshire County Council. If you do
not receive this link by Friday 29th May please contact admissions@tibshelf.derbyshire.sch.uk with your
contact details and your child’s name.

All our other policies are on the website in the ‘About’ menu under policies and details of how and why we use
images and videos are available under the ‘Information’ menu under GDPR, where you will also find our Privacy

Please complete and submit your admissions form by FRIDAY 26th JUNE

We look forward to seeing your child in the new school year.

                                  Tibshelf Community School Website
Our school website contains a host of useful information and we will keep this updated to include all induction
information for you and your child. We would strongly advise that you visit our website regularly to keep
abreast of all induction information and to take advantage of the general school information contained on

                                        School Uniform and PE Kit
We have been in touch with our supplier, Sportswear International, who have confirmed they do not anticipate
any problems meeting uniform/PE kit orders. Please note that orders need to be placed on or before Monday
3rd August to ensure delivery to your home address before the start of the school year.

ALTA PETE                                                                      “Aim High”
Tibshelf Community School
School Uniform
             Uniform should be ordered from our online supplier Sportswear International by going to

PLEASE BE AWARE School does not allow:

       •   The wearing of body, facial or tongue piercing jewellery or retainers.
       •   Visible tattoos
       •   Nail Varnish
       •   Extreme hairstyles / colours
       •   False eyelashes / false nails or lipstick
       •   Students may wear light make up only

Blazer:                           School blazer MUST be worn. A plain overcoat may also be worn if needed.
                                  No hoodies / fleeces or denim jackets.

Trousers:                         Plain Black Tailored
                                  No jeans, low waisted trousers, leggings, cords, denims, combat style.

Tie:                              Black / Red striped with school badge, available to buy online from
                                  Sportswear International

Skirt:                            Black, pleated. Only skirts purchased from the schools’ supplier will be

Shirt:                            Plain white. Long/Short sleeved formal shirt buttoned up at the collar.
                                  (Suitable for wearing with the school tie; NOT a sport polo type shirt or
                                  blouse.) Must be tucked in.

School Sweatshirt:                Plain black V neck with school embroidered logo

School Knitted Jumper:            Plain black V neck with school embroidered logo

School Knitted Cardigan:          Plain black V neck cardigan with school embroidered logo

Students may choose not to wear a cardigan, sweatshirt or jumper underneath their blazer. However, if
they choose to wear one underneath their blazer it MUST be a school cardigan, sweatshirt or jumper with
the school logo.

Shoes:                            Plain Black sensible shoes. Boots may be worn in snow.
                                  No trainers/high heels/sandals/Decathlons/canvas shoes.
Socks/Tights:                     Plain Black (no patterned or footless tights).
Jewellery:                        Students may wear ONE pair of stud earrings and a watch.

ALTA PETE                                                                           “Aim High”
Tibshelf Community School
PE Kit Expectations
               STANDARD KIT
    ✓    Aptus Training Top *
    ✓    Aptus ¼ Zip Top *
    ✓    Black Shorts *
    ✓    Aptus Leggings *
    ✓    Aptus Training Pants *
    ✓    Long Black Socks *
    ✓    Trainers

    *All available to buy directly online
    from Sportswear International

           EXCUSED FROM PE?
    ✓ A signed note from
      Parents/Carers is essential
    ✓ Long term non participation – a
      medical note will be required

               COLD WEATHER
   ✓    Hats
   ✓    Gloves
   ✓    Layers/Skins UNDER PE top
       Hoodies are not allowed

               YOU MUST
   ✓ Remove all jewellery
   ✓ Remove all piercings
   ✓ Tie up long hair

Having the correct kit is crucial for students to access the PE curriculum in order to progress and fulfil their
potential in PE. Students need to be organised and ensure they consistently bring the correct PE kit to lessons.
The PE Department operate a ‘consequence system’ for students who fail to bring kit altogether OR if they forget
enough of it to access the lesson. Students will not be allowed to borrow kit from school.

ALTA PETE                                                                      “Aim High”
Tibshelf Community School
School to Home Communication
To improve our school to home communications we will now be offering all parents the opportunity to
receive all correspondence directly to their email inbox (rather than via a paper copy sent home with
students). We appreciate the fact that from time to time correspondence gets lost or never received,
hence why our preferred method of correspondence is to send correspondence directly to an approved
parental/carer email address. Copies of all generic letters will continue to be published on the
“Information, Letters and Communication” section of our website. This is where you can access any of the
previous correspondence containing important information or dates at the touch of your fingertip.

In order to ensure that we have your most up-to-date email address please ensure that your email address
is completed on the Pupil Admission Form.

However, if you wish to receive correspondence via your child please indicate this on the Pupil Admission

                                          My Ed School App

ALTA PETE                                                          “Aim High”
Tibshelf Community School
MATHS:                          All students need to purchase a maths set (£1.50) and calculator (£7.50),
                                available to buy from ParentPay Shop.

PE:                             Shin Pads (recommended)

LANGUAGES:                      We would like every child doing French and German to have their own
                                dictionaries. These are available to buy from our ParentPay Shop at a cost
                                of £5 each. (Optional)

PRODUCT DESIGN:                 Aprons – students may borrow one from school

FOOD TECHNOLOGY:                Aprons – students may provide their own or borrow one from school.

                                All students must provide a container, clearly labelled with their name to
                                take home anything made in lessons.

ENGLISH:                        All students need to purchase a Collins English dictionary, available to buy
                                from our ParentPay Shop at a cost of £2 each.

      •   From the second week back at school in September, we will safely distribute to students all items
                              that have been purchased from our ParentPay shop.

ALTA PETE                                                                “Aim High”
Tibshelf Community School
Free School Meals
A lot of people don’t claim free school meals even though they’re entitled. You don’t need to worry about
other children knowing your child gets free school meals. Only the school and catering staff will know.

If you get any of these benefits, you could be eligible:

•   Universal Credit, provided you have an annual net earned income not exceeding £7,400 (£616.67 per
•   Income Support
•   Income based Job Seekers Allowance
•   Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
•   Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
•   The Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit
•   Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit (WTC) and have an annual gross
    income of no more than £16,190) as assessed by HRMC.
•   Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)

Universal Credit has begun to be rolled out in Derbyshire. Most families will not be affected by the new
criteria. Families who are currently claiming free school meals, but fail to meet the new criteria, will continue
to receive free school meals until the end of the Universal Credit rollout period, even if they continue to
appear as no longer eligible on future reports. The rollout period is currently scheduled to end in March
2022. Once Universal Credit is fully rolled out, students will keep their free school meal entitlement until the
end of their current phase of education, that is, primary or secondary.

If your child receives free school meals, you will need to complete a new form. To apply go to
www.derbyshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals and fill in the form.

                                     Damage to School Equipment
Whilst accepting that genuine accidents do sometimes happen, if school equipment sustains damage as a
result of negligence or wilful misuse, Parents/Carers will be asked to make a contribution towards the repair
costs. This is in line with our Charging and Remissions Policy which is available to view under the Policies
section of the school website.

                                         Enrichment Programme
We strongly believe that Curriculum Enrichment plays a pivotal role in promoting the values of the Tibshelf
Community School Learner and we aspire to offer a wide range of opportunities to students. These activities
aim to develop cross-curricular themes and give students the chance to enjoy a wealth of experiences beyond
the classroom. The Enrichment Programme culminates in a dedicated Enrichment Week of trips and activities
which takes place during the last week of the summer term.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our Enrichment Programme for the new school year is on hold. We will inform
parents of any changes to this as soon as we are able to do so.

ALTA PETE                                                                    “Aim High”
Pleasley Vale Trip

 Due to the ongoing situation with Covid19, our usual visit to Pleasley Vale Activity Centre at the
 beginning of the school year has been postponed and we are hoping that at some point in the future
 it may be possible to arrange a visit here.

 The trip to Pleasley Vale is part of a wider Enrichment and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)
 Programme that will be delivered as part of our curriculum and which will also involve a number of
 Drop-Down Days throughout the year, where students get the opportunity to focus on certain topics
 in more detail. We are also looking at other options and activities that we can deliver to Year 7 if we
 are unable to visit the activity centre.

ALTA PETE                                                                “Aim High”
ParentPay Online Payment System
Tibshelf Community School now uses a secure service called ParentPay to pay for school meals, trips,
show tickets, and much more online. The advantages to you as parents are that you can view what your
child has been buying for their school meals along with making payments and securing places on school

ParentPay enhances the school by ensuring that the school is working towards reducing the amount of
cash and cheque payments, making the school a cash-free environment.

Making secure payments online using a credit or debit card, ParentPay offers you the freedom to make
payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - safe in the knowledge that
the technology used is of the highest internet security available.

   •   You will have a secure online account, activated using a unique username and password; you will
       be prompted to change these, and to keep them safe and secure. If you have more than one
       child at our School, you can merge their accounts to create one login for all your children. Your
       login will be posted out over the summer. Please activate your account as soon as you receive
       this information.

Making a payment is straightforward and ParentPay holds a payment history for you to view at a later
date; no card details are stored in any part of the system. Once you've activated your account you can
make online payments straight away.

Please Note: When making payments for school meals, please allow 24 hours for the payment to
clear before making a purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions which may be of assistance to you.

ParentPay FAQs

When can I log in to my account?

Once you have received your activation letter from School with your activation login details you'll be
able to activate your account and start making payments.

Which cards can I use?

ParentPay accepts MasterCard and Visa credit cards, and Maestro, Switch, Delta, Electron, Solo and Visa
debit cards.

Is it safe to make payments on the internet?

Yes. ParentPay uses leading technology to process your card transactions securely. All communication
with the bank is encrypted and neither ParentPay nor the School have access to your card details.

 ALTA PETE                                                               “Aim High”
How can I check that it's secure?

Standard website addresses begin with http; the address for a secure site will always begin with https.
You will also see a padlock at the bottom/top right of the screen on our login page and after you have
logged into your account; never enter your card details or personal data on any web page whose address
does not start https.

What about our personal information?

ParentPay holds a very limited amount of information about you and your child solely for the purpose of
administering your account; however, ParentPay does not use your personal information other than for
supporting the school. We do not share or give information to any other organisations. We operate
under strict guidelines set out by the Data Protection Act 1998.

ParentPay will NEVER contact you by phone, email or mail and ask you to divulge confidential
information like passwords or card numbers. If you are ever contacted by someone claiming to be from
ParentPay, please contact ParentPay immediately on 0845 257 5540.

I don't have a home PC so how can I use ParentPay?

Why not visit your local library, internet café or see if you can get access to a computer at work?

ParentPay Shop

Our online shop is available to purchase all school essentials. This operates in a similar way to many
online shopping websites and you do not need to use your ParentPay login to buy from this
site. Please follow the link under Information/ParentPay on the school website or the link on MyEd.

From the second week back at school in September, we will safely distribute to students all items that
have been purchased from our ParentPay shop.

ALTA PETE                                                                 “Aim High”
Travel to and from School
Tibshelf Community School places an important emphasis on the travel of its students to and from
school. Healthy initiatives such as walking and cycling to school are widely promoted. However, for
those students who choose to travel by bus to and from school, below is some information for guidance
only, about the various routes that operate.

Due to the on-going Covid19 Pandemic, we are unable to confirm the bus routes and times at the time
of going to press. As Government guidance for the new school year becomes clearer we will confirm
the timetables for school transport as soon as we are able to.

The bus fare on both the Derbyshire County Council and Privately Contracted Buses is £1 each way.

Freeway Coaches (140) – Derbyshire County Council Contracted Bus – DCC Bus Pass Holders get priority
Hilcote                                    8:04am
Blackwell Hotel                            8:10am
Newton Green                               8:12am
Tibshelf Community School                  8:20am    Returns at 3:10pm

Redfern Coaches (420) – Derbyshire County Council Contracted Bus – DCC Bus Pass Holders ONLY
Heath, Main Road                           7:50am
Holmewood, Heath Road                      7:56am
North Wingfield, Williamthorpe Road        7:59am
Pilsley, Primary School                    8:08am
Tibshelf Community School                  8:20am     Returns at 3:10pm

DW Coaches (420) – Privately Contracted Bus – Fare Payers ONLY, No DCC Bus Pass Holders Permitted
Heath, Main Road                           7:50am
Holmewood, Heath Road                      7:56am
North Wingfield, Williamthorpe Road        7:59am
Pilsley, Primary School                    8:08am
Tibshelf Community School                  8:20am     Returns at 3:10pm

Redfern Coaches (422)
Higham, Crown Inn                            7:40am
Stonebroom, Birkinstyle Lane                 7:50am
Morton, Main Road                            7:55am
Mickley, Main Road                           8:00am
Westhouses, Park Lane /Alfreton Road         8:05am
Newton Green                                 8:12am
Tibshelf Community School                    8:20am     Returns at 3.25pm

 ALTA PETE                                                              “Aim High”
Stagecoach (56) – Public Transport
Chesterfield                                           7:20am
Hasland Toll Bar                                       7:27am
Temple Normanton                                       7:32am
North Wingfield, Little Morton Road                    7:40am
Pilsley, Gladstone Arms                                7:47am
Tibshelf, White Hart                                   7:53am      Returns at 4pm

Derbyshire County Council provide assistance with transport for full time secondary school students to the
end of statutory school age who do not live within walking distance of their normal area school (3 miles).

In all cases, the distance between home and school is measured by the shortest available route. Bus passes
or refunds are issued where appropriate and special contract transport is arranged if public transport is not

Parents who send their children to a school which is not their normal area school will not normally receive
assistance with their transport costs.

Transport will be provided for students with special educational needs and/or disabilities who attend their
nearest school, where the journey exceeds the statutory walking distances or in other cases in accordance
with Derbyshire County Council’s Special Educational Needs Transport policy.

                                Benefit Related Transport to and from School
Secondary school children (aged 11-16) may qualify for help with home to school transport if certain criteria
are met.

   •   Your child must be entitled to a free school meal or your family must get the maximum level of
       Working Tax Credit.

Evidence to confirm entitlement to free school meals or maximum Working Tax Credit will be required.
Subject to entitlement to the benefits, children are entitled to free transport to any one of the 3 nearest
suitable schools where the distance from home is between 2 and 6 miles.

You can apply directly to Derbyshire County Council via their website www.derbyshire.gov.uk

The School and Derbyshire County Council operates a strict behaviour policy. Students should behave
properly at all times. It is an offence for anyone to misbehave on school transport, or to do anything which
would put the driver or other passengers at risk. Children who create nuisance or cause any damage on
school transport may have their transport provision withdrawn.

 ALTA PETE                                                                     ALTA
                                                                               “Aim PETE

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became law on 25th May 2018.
Data protection is about safeguarding personal information and making sure whoever it is shared
with uses it properly. These rules mean that businesses can generally not pass on your information
without your consent or use it for a different purpose than you gave permission for, although there
are some exceptions. The rules mean that your data has to be kept safe and secure, and protected
from being stolen or used maliciously.

Privacy Policy
Under the terms of the Data Protection Act 2018, Tibshelf Community School is registered for
holding personal data. The school has a duty to protect this information and to keep it up to date.
Personal data will only be disclosed to organisations or individuals for whom consent has been given
to receive the information or to organisations that have a legal right to receive data without consent
being given.
The nominated Data Protection Lead in our school is Mrs Bev Wright.
For further details please go to the Information tab on the school website and click on the heading
called GDPR. Here you will be able to find full details relating to GDPR, including our Privacy Notice.

ALTA PETE                                                             “Aim High”
Medical Appointments
Where possible, please avoid booking appointments during school time. If this is unavoidable, please
make them so that your child can attend before the appointment and return afterwards. Should your
child need to have time off school for a medical appointment please let school know in writing prior to
the appointment. This letter should then be shown to the Intervention Team Manager, Mrs Riley, and it
will be recorded on the register. Should they need to leave school during the school day details of the
time you wish to collect your child need to be on the letter and this should be shown to Student Services
in order for them to sign out of school. All students must be collected from school by an appropriate
adult unless prior arrangements have been made.

If your child cannot attend school due to illness please contact school as soon as possible. Please phone
all absences through to the main school number, and select option 2 for reporting students as absent,
leave a clear message with your child’s full name, year, form and reason for their absence. Please
contact school each day of their absence. This answering service is available 24 hours a day.

Special Leave of Absence
If your child needs to be absent from school for any other reason apart from illness/medical
appointments a Special Leave of Absence form needs to be completed, these forms are available from
Student Services and should be completed where possible 14 days prior to the absence. It is then at the
school’s discretion as to whether the absence will be authorised or not. PLEASE NOTE THAT REQUESTS

    If you have any concerns or questions about attendance, please contact Mrs Riley, Extension 274

If your child is ill during the school day
If your child is ill during the school day they need to go to the First Aid room. If the Medical Welfare
Officer feels that they are too unwell to stay in school then, with the permission of the House Manager,
parents/carers will be contacted. Students should not contact home without the permission of their
House Manager.

Should your child be on any medication then please contact the School Medical Welfare Officer to
discuss, prior to the start of the medication being issued. All medication needs to be kept in the First Aid
room and can only be given to the pupil with written permission from parents/carers. A copy of the
medical administration form is available on the Medical section of the school website.

Serious Illness/Medical Conditions
As a school we follow Department for Education guidance to provide support for students with medical
conditions. Should your child have a serious medical condition please contact the Medical Welfare
Officer to discuss, it will then be decided if a Health Care Plan needs to be put in place for your child. It is
vital that you keep the Medical Welfare Officer up to date with any changes in your child’s condition so
that the relevant care can be put in place for your child.

   ALTA PETE                                                              ALTA PETE
                                                                        “Aim High”
Term Dates 2020/2021
Tibshelf Community School
Doe Hill Lane
Tibshelf                                            2nd September – 23rd October 2020
                                                   2nd November – 18th December 2020
DE55 5LZ
Web: www.tibshelf.derbyshire.sch.uk                   4th January – 12th February 2021
Email: info@tibshelf.derbyshire.sch.uk
Tel: 01773 872391                                       22nd February – 1st April 2021
Headteacher:                                              19th April – 28th May 2021
Mr Michael Pollard
                                                           7th June – 22nd July 2021
Deputy Headteacher:
Mrs Lucie Wainwright
                                                    Due to the Covid19 Pandemic we will confirm
Assistant Headteacher:                      with all parents/carers the dates for starting the new school
Mrs Louise Crowder                                          year as soon as we are able to
Assistant Headteacher:
Mrs Lucie Harrison

Transition Queries                                             INSET Days
Please email any queries you may have
about transition to:                                          2nd September 2020

admissions@tibshelf.derbyshire.sch.uk                         2nd November 2020
                                                             27th November 2020
                                                              22nd February 2021
Other Useful Contacts
                                                                 25th June 2021
School Medical Welfare Officer:
Jo Marshall
01773 872391 ext 110

Mrs Laura Tipping – Director of Inclusion

   ALTA PETE                                                         “Aim High”
You can also read