Page created by Brad Padilla


Welcome To Kotara High School.
If you are a new family to our school community I wish you all the best in our
amazing school. To our returning parents, I am looking forward to supporting your
next child and their education at our school. The strength of our school is built
purely around our community. The community of Kotara High School is
completely focussed upon education and student outcomes, and this is
something, from the perspective of a principal, that is very exciting and
The essence of success in a secondary setting, like primary, is the partnership
between the school, the student and the parent. As a school we will always keep
our doors open to parents and we encourage all of our community to make
contact with the school at any time. I understand that my job is to maintain an
educational facility that meets the needs and the expectations of the community
and I can’t do this without this constant interaction. So please, contact the school
at any time, if you have concerns, or if you would like to provide suggestions as
well as any positive feedback, as appropriate.
I look forward to getting to know you over the course of your child’s education,
and in partnership, ensuring that Kotara High School remains one of the best
schools in the Newcastle and Hunter areas.

Mark Snedden - Principal
Kotara High School

                        2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Important dates - 2021

Term 1
Wednesday 27 January                                    Staff Development Day (staff only)
Thursday 28 January                                     Staff Development Day (staff only)
Friday 29 January                                       Years 7, 11 & 12 commence
Monday Friday 1 February                                Years 8, 9 & 10 commence
Thursday 1 April                                        Last day of term for all students
Term 1 holidays Friday 2 April – Sunday 18 April 2021

Term 2
Monday 19 April                                         Staff Development Day
Tuesday 20 April                                        All Years
Friday 25 June                                          Last day of term for all students
Term 2 holidays Friday 25 April – Sunday 11 June 2021

Term 3
Monday 12 July                                          Staff Development Day
Tuesday 13 July                                         All years return
Friday 17 September                                     Last day of term for all students
Term 3 holidays Friday 17 September – Monday 4 October

Term 4
Tuesday 5 October                                       All years return
Wednesday 15 December                                   Last day of school
Thursday 16 December                                    Staff Development Day
Friday 17 December                                      Staff Development Day

                                2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Key Staff

                                         Mr Mark Snedden

                       Mr Keith Leyshon                          Mr Chris McCord
                       Deputy Principal                          Deputy Principal
                       Years 7, 9 & 11                           Years 8,10 & 12
Mr Marcus Geale – Head of Administration          Mr Scott Shephard – Head of Secondary Studies
Ms Roseanne Abbott – Head of English              Mr Daniel Garner – Head of Maths
Ms Nicole Bonar – Head of Science                 Ms Suzi Evans – Head of HSIE
Ms Rebecca Murphy – Head of TAS                   Mr Jason Foy – Head of ALPACA
Mr Peter Lister – Head of PD/Health/PE            Ms Kristi Devetak – Head of Special Education
Ms Kerry Spicer-Worth – Head of Welfare           Mrs Kristie Germon - Head of Welfare
                           Ms Allana Harding – Head of Teaching & Learning

                                         Year Advisers 2021
       Ms Alexandra Swamy - Year 7                            Mrs Rachel Grenadier – Year 10
       Ms Jennifer Goldstein – Year 8                         Ms Renee Scarpinato – Year 11
        Ms Nicole Hallams – Year 9                             Mrs Yolandi Shields – Year 12

                                         School Counsellors
            Ms Cathy Kelly (Wed – Fri)                          Ms Nardia Canu (Mon-Tues)

    Mr Justin Peterson – Sports Coordinator            Mr Chris Danvers - School Concert Band
                          Mr Darren King & Mr Anthony Ryan – Boys Adviser
                      Mrs Yolandi Shields – Learning & Support Teacher (LaST)
                  Ms Ann McPherson & Mrs Kerry Spicer-Worth – Careers Advisers

                              2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Who can help?

Staff and students at Kotara are always willing to assist you. The guide below identifies those
staff and an explanation of each role.
Mr Mark Snedden supervises all staff, pupils and activities within Kotara High School. He is
available to discuss problems with parents and students. For the convenience of all,
appointments should be made through the School Office. Sometimes the Principal will suggest
that help be obtained from other members of staff.
Deputy Principals:
Are responsible for the efficient day to day running of the school. They are concerned with the
planning of the organisation of the school and general supervision of staff and students. They
deal with matters relating to school discipline and the welfare of students. For organisation
purposes, the Deputies have divided the oversight of each scholastic year as follows;

   •   Mr Keith Leyshon (responsible for Year 7,9 & 11)
   •   Mr Chris McCord (responsible for Year 8,10 & 12).
They oversee the welfare and curriculum at the school and liaise with the School Counsellor.
Please make an appointment to see the relevant Deputy Principal.
Head Teachers:
Lead faculties based on subjects or groups of subjects, e.g., English, Maths etc. They are
responsible for the planning and teaching of the courses of study provided in each of their
respective subjects. For information or help, students or parents may make an appointment to
see the relevant Head Teacher.
Year Advisers:
The Year Adviser is responsible for looking after the interests of all students in that specific year
group. Students and parents are free to seek the help of the Year Adviser. Parents may obtain
a report on the progress (in all subjects) and transition of their child into high school.
Appointments must be made to see the Year Adviser.
School Counsellors:
The two counsellors provide assistance to students experiencing emotional, psychological,
social and learning problems. In supporting students, the school counsellors will also provide
advice to parents and teachers as appropriate. Appointments must be made to access a
   •   Ms Nardia Canu (Monday – Tuesday)
   •   Ms Cathy Kelly (Wednesday – Friday)

                             2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Who can help?

The Learning Support team is coordinated by the Head Teacher Wellbeing, Mrs Kerry Spicer-
Worth and Kristie Germon. The role of the team is to develop plans and strategies to assist
students who are experiencing difficulties within the school environment.
Learning and Support Teacher:
The Learning and Support Teacher provides direct and timely specialist assistance to students
in mainstream classes with disability and additional learning and support needs and their
teachers. Their work emphasises:

   •   The needs of individual students
   •   School priorities, and
   •   Evidence-based programs to assist students with additional learning and support needs.
Learning and support teachers use a collaborative and consultative approach so that students
themselves and their parents and carers are actively involved in decision-making.
School learning support officer:
School learning support officers works under the direction and supervision of the Head Teacher
Wellbeing. They provide assistance to students with disability and additional learning and
support needs enrolled in special schools, specialist support classes in mainstream schools and
mainstream classes. They can provide assistance with:

   •   School routines
   •   Classroom activities, and
   •   The care and management of students with disability and additional learning and
       support needs

Careers Adviser:
The school has a full time Careers Adviser, Mrs Ann McPherson, to coordinate a program of
Careers Education from Years 7 – 12, and to provide information relating to subject selection
and vocational aspirations. Parents may also arrange interviews with the Careers Adviser.
Sports Coordinator:
Organises Sport in Years 7 – 10 for all students. Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 sport is held each Wednesday
afternoon. The sports coordinator also organises the swimming, athletics and cross-country
carnivals throughout the year.

                            2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Uniforms are available to purchase from Lowes at Westfield Kotara or Lowes Online:

Girls Uniform

   •   Tartan Skirt is the official school uniform
   •   White School Blouse (School Crest) / Unisex White School Polo (School Crest) Years 7-9
   •   White Socks (visible)
   •   Black Stockings/Tights (worn under the school skirt only)
   •   Black Fleecy zip Jacket (School Crest)
   •   Black Tailored Trousers
   •   Black School Shorts
   •   Black Leather Shoes with Black laces or Black Leather Shoes with a fully enclosed toe
       box and a strap and a solid sole.
   •   Dark School Polo (School Crest) Years 10-12

          Junior Blouse                  Unisex Junior Polo                  Tartan Skirt

          Senior Blouse                  Black fleecy zip jacket          Unisex Senior Polo

                           2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Boys Uniform

   •   Black Trousers or Black Shorts
   •   White Shirt (School Crest) / White School Polo (School Crest) Years 7-9
   •   White Socks (visible)
   •   Black Leather Shoes with Black laces
   •   Black Fleecy zip Jacket (School Crest)
   •   Dark School Polo (School Crest) Years 10-12

               Boys Shirt                   Unisex Junior Polo               Black shorts

                             Black Fleece zip jacket           Unisex Senior Polo

                            2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School

   •   Black KHS Sports Shorts
   •   White KHS Sports Shirt
   •   White Socks (visible)
   •   Black Track Pants
   •   Supportive Sport Shoes with laces

                                                                   Black KHS Sport shorts

       Black KHS Sport shorts          Black Unisex Trackpants                White socks

Additional Uniform Details:
   •   Students who represent the school at State level may wear the special Polo Sport shirt
       as part of school uniform.
   •   Plain white socks are preferred but small brand names are acceptable.
   •   Black tights are only to be worn under the school skirt
   •   Slip on Shoes are not allowed to be worn
   •   No canvas shoes are allowed to be worn as sports shoes
   •   Jewellery - avoid excessive jewellery. Students will be asked to remove items deemed
       to be inappropriate.
   •   Sandals/Thongs are not permitted at school AT ANYTIME by the Department of
       Education due to safety concerns.
   •   Brand names on any item of uniform must be very small (matchbox size).
   •   T-shirts under shirts must be plain white.
   •   Special requirements for certain sports as nominated by sport teacher - to be worn only
       at sport.
   •   Wearing of hats at sport and in the playground is encouraged, however wearing of head
       scarves / hats are not permitted in classrooms except for religious reasons

                           2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Daily routine / Bell times
   •   The timetable is based on a fortnightly cycle
   •   SRE is run each B Week, Monday, Period 5
   •   Period 0 is for senior students only

 MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY                                       TIMES

                  Period 0                                          8.00am – 9.00am

                   Roll Call                                        9.00am – 9.10am

                  Period 1                                          9.10am -10.10am

                  Period 2                                         10.10am – 11.10am

                   Recess                                          11.10am – 11.40am

                  Period 3                                         11.40am – 12.40pm

                  Period 4                                         12.40pm – 1.40pm

                    Lunch                                           1.40pm – 2.10pm

                  Period 5                                          2.10pm – 3.10pm

                WEDNESDAY                                                 TIMES

                  Period 0                                          8.00am – 9.00am

                   Roll Call                                        9.00am – 9.10am

                  Assembly                                          9.10am – 9.30am

                  Period 1                                         9.30am – 10.30am

                   Recess                                          10.30am – 11.00am

                  Period 2                                         11.00am – 12.00pm

                  Period 3                                         12.00pm – 1.00pm

                    Lunch                                           1.00pm – 1.30pm

                    Sport                                           1.30pm – 3.10pm

                               2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
BYOD Program – Device Specifications
Hardware Specifications:
       The device must meet all of the following requirements:
        Type of device        Laptop or 2-in-1 device
                                 Note: mobile phones are not approved devices and iPads/tablets are not
        Physical dimensions      Minimum screen size: 9.7”
        Operating system             • Microsoft Windows 10
                                     • Apple MacOS X 10.8 or newer
        Wireless                 Device must support 5GHz dual band. This may be advertised as
        compatibility **         ‘Dual Band Wireless’, ‘802.11abgn’, ‘802.11agn’, ‘802.11ac’, or
                                 ‘Gigabit Wireless’

                                 Devices marketed as ‘802.11bgn’ will not connect to the school’s
        Battery life             Advertised battery life of at least 5 hours

       **     Please take special note of the Wireless Compatibility requirements. This is the most important
              specification to ensure you get right.

Additional Considerations:
       The following are not essential but are suggestions as to what else you should consider:
        Recommendations           • Weight: ensure you select a laptop that is suitable for your
                                       child to carry
                                  • Minimum RAM: 4GB
                                  • Disk configurations:
                                       Solid State Disk (SSD), minimum 128 GB
        Security software      Windows laptops should run Microsoft Essentials – this is a free
                               download available at:
        Insurance                Accidental loss and breakage insurance

       The NSW Department of Education offer students free download of MS Office Suite of
       software; Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc.

       Link to software download:

       In additional Adobe products and Norton Anti-Virus software [discounted cost] is available
       to students.      Please use the link below to access the instructional video:

                                2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Administration / Front Office - The Front Office is open between the hours of 8.30am and 3.30pm
Monday to Friday.
              57 Lexington Parade, Adamstown Heights, NSW, 2289
              Phone: 4943 3044
              Email: kotara-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
              Website: www.kotara-h.school.nsw.au
Assemblies – whole school assemblies are held each Wednesday morning.
Assessments – Subject selection & assessment calendars can be found on the school website: Learning
at our school > Student booklets > Assessment policy booklets
Attendance – Students must by law attend school each day it is open. If students are unable to attend
for some reason the following procedures should be followed:
   If a student is going to be absent for any day please notify the school via:

       •   Sentral for Parents app
       •   Telephoning 4943 3044
       •   Email: kotara-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
       •   Delivering or sending a note to the Front Office
   A Parent/Carer should notify the school by telephone, email or via the Sentral for Parents App
   before 10.00am on the day of absence to prevent an SMS being sent home. Following an absence
   from school, a parent/carer must provide a verbal or written explanation must be provided within
   7 days. Alternatively, parent/carers may respond to the absence notification text.
   Principals may decline to accept an explanation that you have provided if they do not believe the
   absence is in the best interest of your child. In these circumstances your child’s absence would be
   recorded as unjustified.
   Written explanation notes should be handed in at the Front Office. Notes must clearly state:
   student’s full given name and surname, year, date or dates absent, reason for absence and signed
   by parents or guardian.
   If a student is to be absent for a period of greater than 10 school days then parents need to apply
   for an exemption from attendance through the Front Office.
   Arriving at school late – Students must present to the Front Office to record being late and offer a
   written explanation by a parent/caregiver so that the roll can be adjusted and a late slip issued. In
   all cases it is expected that an explanation be provided by the parent/caregiver, otherwise an
   unexplained absence will be recorded.
   Leaving early – Any request for a student to leave early or variation of routine in any way must be
   made in writing to the Front Office before 9.00am.
   The procedures outlined are designed for the safety and welfare of all students, to reduce the level
   of truancy and to assist the running of the school.

                                2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Band – The KHS Concert Band welcomes all new students to join. Rehearsals are held each Tuesday
morning, 8.00 – 9.00am, & Tuesday afternoon, 3.12 – 4.00pm. New players are required to source
tuition outside of school.

   •   Membership fees: $40 ($10 per term)
   •   Instrument Hire (if necessary).
           1. $50 security deposit, refunded when instrument is returned in good condition
           2. $80 per year required for depreciation and ongoing maintenance of the schools
Bicycles – Bicycle racks are located near the Corriston Crescent entrance, along East side. Bicycles
should be locked to the racks during the day. This area is out-of-bounds from 9am – 3.10pm daily.
Bell times – see page 9
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – at KHS we believe that technology has a significant role to play in
facilitating the achievement of student outcomes preparing students for the workforce, creating active
global citizens and promoting lifelong learning. We have developed a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
policy for 2021 that requires that all students in Year 7 to have access to a device to support their
learning. See page 9 for BYOD specifications

Calendar – This is available via the Parent Portal.
Camp – Camps are organised for year 7, 9 & 11 (snow trip). Camp provides students with great
opportunities and allows them to engage in fun activities, work in groups, as well as team-building and
leadership activities.
Canteen – The canteen has a large selection of food, drinks and stationery, and operates from 8.30am
each morning and is open during all breaks. Students can order their lunch before 9.00am on any given
day. The Canteen Manager is Ms Katherin Owens. Revenue raised from the Canteen contributes to
providing services to our school.
Canvas – Canvas is a learning management system that allows teachers to provide instructional
support, class calendar’s, assessments and resources for students in a safe online environment.
Instructions for ‘pairing’ with students is available on the school website.
Cash Desk – See ‘Finance’
Communication – KHS utilises email or Parent Portal to communicate with families regarding student’s
reports, school newsletters, financial accounts and other relevant information.
We also use text messaging and/or the Sentral for Parents App to notify you about absences and urgent
messages to all parents. To maintain effective communication please notify the school immediately of
any changes to your contact details.
Daily notices – The Daily Notices provide students with information about what activities are happening
in the school over the next week. The Daily Notices are read out during Roll Call each morning and are
available on the Parent Portal.
Email – The school’s email address is: kotara-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au. Parents may use email to
contact the school, arrange Parent/Teacher meetings, explain absences, etc.

                                 2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Emergency evacuation, lockdown – KHS has a policy for the protection of staff, students and property
in the event of an emergency. Each room has an evacuation and lockdown plan which indicates what
students have to do in case of emergency and staff supervision thereof. It is essential that parents make
sure that home addresses and contact phone numbers held by the school are always up to date to assist
with liaisons when required.
Facebook – The school has a Facebook page which is used to highlight good news stories and to
celebrate the achievements of students and the school.
Faculty locations –

        •   English – D Block
        •   Mathematics – A Block
        •   Science – C Block
        •   HSIE – C Block
        •   TAS – B Block
        •   ALPACA – B Block
        •   PD/Health/PE – C Block
        •   Support – D Block
Finance – The Cash Desk is open between 8.30am – 2.30pm each school day. Payments for school fees,
excursions & sport can be made in-person, over-the-phone or online via the school website. Please
note any payments made online take 24 hours to appear in the school account.

        •   School Bytes – All financial statements will be sent via School Bytes to your registered
            email. There will be a link attached to take you to the Parent online Payment (POP) option.

First Aid – see ‘Sick Bay’
Footwear requirements – School shoes are to be all black; the entire foot is to be enclosed by the shoe,
including the upper section of the foot; the shoe is to have a stout sole and firm leather uppers; and,
the shoe is to have a low heel. The Footwear requirement policy can be found on the school website.
Areas where safe footwear is mandatory requirements of the Department of Education

       •    All technology workshop spaces (timber, metal, textile, food & electrical)
       •    Science laboratories
       •    Canteen
Homework Centre – Available for students requiring extra assistance with homework or assessments.
The Homework Centre is held in the Library each Tuesday & Thursday morning between 8.00 – 9.00am.
Immunisations – A team of specially trained registered nurses from the Hunter New England Local
Health District visit the school to offer free vaccinations to Year 7 & 10 students. More information is
distributed to families closer to the event.

                                 2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Learning Support & Welfare – At KHS our commitment to wellbeing is for students to connect, succeed
and thrive at each stage of their development and learning. Students with identified learning and health
care needs will have personalised learning and support plans developed in consultation with
parents/guardians and the resources and expertise of the school are targeted to meet the wellbeing
needs of all students.
Library – The Library is located on the ground floor of D Block and is open from 9.00am in the morning
and during both recess and lunch. The Library has a wide range of resources available, including a great
variety of high interest leisure reading material as well as support for assignments and course work.
Lost property – All lost or found property enquiries should be made to the Front Office, and/or with
teachers in the staff room in the area in which the property was lost. We recommend all items be
labelled with students name so that if lost items can be relocated to the student as soon as possible.
Medication/Medical conditions – Students who require prescribed medication whilst at school must
have a parent complete a ‘Request for children requiring administration of prescribed medication at
school’ form. Prescription medication must be in the original packaging clearly labelled with the
students’ name, the name of the medication and the details of the dosage. The prescribed medication
must be left with the school’s Prescribed Medication Officer, in the Front Office.

Merit Awards – are earned when a student consistently achieves at a high level, or have shown
consistent effort/improvement in the following five separate areas/categories:
                                 1.   Excellence
                                 2.   Effort and application
                                 3.   Student well-being
                                 4.   School representation
                                 5.   Employability skills

   •   Bronze Award – 10 merits (no category required). Reward: Bronze certificate, first choice in
       sport preference
   •   Silver Award – Bronze + 10 merits across 2 categories. Reward: Silver certificate, first choice in
       sport preference, interest elective preference
   •   Gold Award – Silver + 10 merits across 3 categories. Reward: Gold certificate, first choice in
       sport preference, interest elective preference, special canteen line
   •   Platinum award – Gold + 20 merits across 5 categories. Reward: sport choice preference,
       interest elective preference, free entry to Big Day Out and other school performances, special
       canteen line
NAPLAN – All students in Year 7 & 9 will sit the National Assessment Program, Literacy and Numeracy
(NAPLAN) tests covering Language, Writing, Reading and Mathematics. NAPLAN testing will be held in

                                2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Opal Cards –– To be eligible for a School Opal Card, students may need to live at least 2.0km in a straight
line distance or 2.9km walking distance from their school. Applying for a School Opal Card:
       1. Complete and submit the online application which can be found:
       2. Your school will endorse your online application, which will then be processed by Opal.
       3. Your school Opal Card will be mailed directly to your home address
       Please note: School Opal Cards applications can only be endorsed by the school once your child has been enrolled.
       If your child is not eligible for a School Opal Card, applications can be made online for a Child/Youth Opal Card at

P & C Association – KHS has a very active P &C Association who meet on the 3rd Monday of each month.
All parents and carers are welcome to attend.
Payments – see ‘Finance’
Parent/Teacher Interviews – Parent/Teacher interviews are usually held in early Term 2. Parents are
encouraged to attend these sessions to discuss their child’s progress. You will be notified of the date
& time via an email. Bookings are made via the Parent Portal.
Parent Portal – Parents are emailed instructions on how to access the Parent Portal within the first few
weeks of your child starting at KHS. The Parent Portal gives you access to a variety of information
including your child’s timetable, daily attendance records, daily notices, academic reports and the
school calendar. It is essential you keep a copy of your username and password, as this will remain the
same for the entire time your child is at KHS. If you have more than one child at the school you will use
the same login for all your children.

   •   Sentral for Parents App – This is a free app which can be downloaded from the App Store or
       Google Play. By enabling the push notifications you will receive important information
Reports – Semester Reports are issued at the end of Term 2 and 4 and are available via the Parent
Roll Call – Roll Call is held each morning from 9.00 – 9.10am
School Counsellors – The school counsellors are available to provide short term counselling for students
and are able to refer students to community counselling services if required. Students are able to self-
refer without parent permission and both staff and parents can also refer a student to the counsellor.
The School Counsellors Office is in the Front Office and can be accessed via the side door.
School Photographs – School photos are scheduled for early in the school year. Details will be shared
with families closer to the date
Sick Bay – Students who become ill or are injured at school should report to the Front Office for
attention. Should it be necessary, a parent will be contacted to collect the student. We ask that
students do not contact their parents. In case of an accident, parents are contacted immediately. We
do not appreciate children being sent to school when they are obviously not well, in the hope they will
improve later. Students requiring special medication will need to fill out medication forms obtained
from the Front Office.
                                     2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Sport – Sport is conducted on a Wednesday afternoon.
       Year 7 - Throughout Term 1 Year 7 students will participate in organised sport afternoons. This
       will include athletics event development and practise in preparation for the Athletics Carnival.
       Later in the term students will also form teams to compete in a round robin competition across
       a variety of sports and traditional team games. Sport selections will occur for Term 2, 3 & 4,
       allowing Year 7 to participate in a sport of their choice for the 10 weeks. New sports will be
       selected each term. A range of activities will be offered at school as well as various facilities
       within our local area. These include Ten Pin Bowling, Laser Tag, Howzat Indoor Sports, Rock
       Climbing, Tennis, etc.
       Years 8 - 10 -Students in Years 8, 9 and 10 select from the sports offered for Terms 1 - 4. New
       sports will be offered each term.
Sport Houses – Students are placed into one of the following sporting houses based on their Surname.

       •   Lawson: A-D
       •   Gilmore: E-J
       •   Kendall: K-Q
       •   Paterson: R-Z
Sport Carnivals

       •   Swimming Carnival – Mayfield Pool – 16 February 2021
       •   Athletics Carnival – Hunter Sports Centre – 29 & 30 March 2021
       •   Cross Country – Richley Reserve – 26 April 2021
Special Religious Education (SRE) - SRE is held during Period 5, each Monday B week.
Student Representative Council (SRC) – The SRC is a leadership team representing the voice of the KHS
student body. Four students from each year group are elected at the start of Term 4 each year and
collaborate with the school leaders to organise school activities, fundraisers and projects. The school
captains and vice captains convene the SRC meetings which are held every Monday during recess in
room A1, near the Mathematics Faculty. Miss Philpott, from the Mathematics Faculty, is the current
SRC/Leadership Coordinator and Mrs Cap from the ALPACA Faculty is the assistant coordinator.
Timetable – The timetable operates on a two week cycle, split into week A & week B. Timetables are
handed out on the first day and it is each students’ responsibility to have their timetable with them
each and every day. Parents can view their children’s timetables on the Parent Portal.

       •   Bell times – see page 9

                                2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
Transport - School Bus Services
        School Bus Service: https://newcastletransport.info/plan-your-trip/school-services

        711            Adamstown Heights & Highfields, Kotara
        730            Adamstown, Adamstown Heights, Jesmond, Kotara, Lambton, New
                       Lambton & Wallsend
        733            Adamstown Heights, Georgetown, Hamilton North, Kotara & New
        773            Adamstown, Adamstown Heights, Charlestown, Kotara & Kotara South
        776            Adamstown Heights, Garden Suburb, Kotara, Kotara South, New Lambton
                       & New Lambton Heights
        778            Adamstown Heights, Garden Suburb, Kotara, Kotara South, New Lambton
                       & New Lambton Heights
        780            Adamstown Heights, Kotara & Kotara South
        789            Adamstown, Adamstown Heights, Cardiff, Cardiff Heights, Elermore Vale,
                       Glendale, Kotara, New Lambton, New Lambton Heights, Wallsend
        815            Adamstown, Adamstown Heights, Bar Beach, Cooks Hill, Kotara,
                       Merewether Heights, Newcastle, Newcastle East, The Junction
        816            Adamstown, Adamstown Heights, Hamilton East, Hamilton South, Kotara,
                       Merewether Heights, The Junction
        817            Adamstown, Adamstown Heights, Hamilton South, Kotara, Merewether
        818            Adamstown, Glebe, The Junction, Cooks Hills, Newcastle
        819            Adamstown, Adamstown Heights, Cooks Hill, Hamilton South, Kotara,
                       Newcastle, The Junction
        835            Adamstown, Adamstown Heights, Cardiff Heights, Elermore Vale, Kotara,
                       New Lambton, New Lambton Heights, Rankin Park, Wallsend
Please consult normal timetables for details or the Transport Infoline on 131 500.

        Opal cards – See page 13
Uniform – Uniforms are available to purchase from Lowes at Westfield Kotara or Lowes Online:
https://kotara-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/about-our-school/uniforms.html. Uniform policies, including
guidelines for out of uniform days can be found on the school website.
Visitors – All visitors to the school must sign-in at the Front Office on Lexington Parade, Adamstown
Website - www.kotara-h.schools.nsw.edu.au. The website enables you to check on all the various
aspect of school life. Read the latest newsletter, view the photo gallery albums, and access the Parent
Portal and Canvas.

                                   2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School























                                                2021 – Information Book | Kotara High School
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