THRIVE Score Predicts Ischemic Stroke Outcomes and Thrombolytic Hemorrhage Risk in VISTA
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THRIVE Score Predicts Ischemic Stroke Outcomes and Thrombolytic Hemorrhage Risk in VISTA Alexander C. Flint, MD, PhD; Bonnie S. Faigeles, NP, MPH; Sean P. Cullen, MD; Hooman Kamel, MD; Vivek A. Rao, MD; Rishi Gupta, MD; Wade S. Smith, MD, PhD; Philip M. Bath, MD, FRCP; Geoffrey A. Donnan, MD; on behalf of the VISTA Collaboration Background and Purpose—In previous studies, the Totaled Health Risks in Vascular Events (THRIVE) score has shown broad utility, allowing prediction of clinical outcome, death, and risk of hemorrhage after tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) treatment, irrespective of the type of acute stroke therapy applied to the patient. Methods—We used data from the Virtual International Stroke Trials Archive to further validate the THRIVE score in a large cohort of patients receiving tPA or no acute treatment, to confirm the relationship between THRIVE and hemorrhage after tPA, and to compare the THRIVE score with several other available outcome prediction scores. Results—The THRIVE score strongly predicts clinical outcome (odds ratio, 0.55 for good outcome [95% CI, 0.53–0.57]; P
3366 Stroke December 2013 included for the present analysis if necessary data were available to Table 1. Patient Characteristics compute the THRIVE score, if data were available on functional out- come on the mRS at 3 months, or data were available on mortality by No tPA (n=3326) tPA (n=2398) All (N=5724) P Value 3 months. On the basis of these criteria, data were available from a Age 69.7±12.3 68.1±12.9 69.0±12.6
Flint et al THRIVE Score in VISTA 3367 Table 2. THRIVE Score Components and Outcome Odds Ratio 95% CI P Value Model 1: good outcome Age 0.47 0.43–0.53
3368 Stroke December 2013 hemorrhagic risk, the HAT score, and superior to the SPAN- 100 (Figure 2C). For the prediction of ICH (parenchymal hemorrhage type 2 or significant adverse events-hemorrhage) after tPA, the THRIVE ROC AUC was 0.633 compared with 0.602 for the HAT score (P=0.08; n=1708), and the THRIVE ROC AUC was 0.653 compared with 0.534 for the SPAN-100 score (P
Flint et al THRIVE Score in VISTA 3369 in HIAT-28 and the hyperdense artery sign and early infarct References signs in DRAGON.2 The complexity of scores such as iScore, 1. Ntaios G, Faouzi M, Ferrari J, Lang W, Vemmos K, Michel P. An integer- ASTRAL, and DRAGON prevented us from directly compar- based score to predict functional outcome in acute ischemic stroke: the ASTRAL score. Neurology. 2012;78:1916–1922. ing THRIVE to these scores in the present study because all 2. Strbian D, Meretoja A, Ahlhelm FJ, Pitkäniemi J, Lyrer P, Kaste M, et al. components of these scores were not available in the present Predicting outcome of IV thrombolysis-treated ischemic stroke patients: VISTA data set. the DRAGON score. Neurology. 2012;78:427–432. Other predictive scores are extremely simple, such as 3. Saposnik G, Guzik AK, Reeves M, Ovbiagele B, Johnston SC. Stroke prognostication using age and NIH Stroke Scale: SPAN-100. 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Predicting long-term outcome with other outcome prediction scores, and the THRIVE score after endovascular stroke treatment: the totaled health risks in vascular events score. Am J Neuroradiol. 2010;31:1192–1196. is in the public domain (Creative Commons license: free Web 10. Flint AC, Kamel H, Rao VA, Cullen SP, Faigeles BS, Smith WS. calculators are provided at and Validation of the Totaled Health Risks in Vascular Events (THRIVE) score for outcome prediction in endovascular stroke treatment. Int J Stroke. August 29, 2012. 1747-4949.2012.00872.x/abstract. Accessed July 1, 2013. Appendix 11. Kamel H, Patel N, Rao VA, Cullen SP, Faigeles BS, Smith WS, et al. VISTA Steering Committee (VISTA-Acute) members: K.R. Lees The THRIVE score predicts ischemic stroke outcomes independent of thrombolytic therapy in the NINDS tPA trial. J Stroke Cerebrovas Dis. (Chair), A. Alexandrov, P.M. Bath, E. Bluhmki, N. Bornstein, L. November 2, 2012. Claesson, S.M. Davis, G. Donnan, H.C. Diener, M. Fisher, B. Gregson, (12)00311-4/abstract. Accessed July 1, 2013. J. Grotta, W. Hacke, M.G. Hennerici, M. Hommel, M. Kaste, P. Lyden, 12. Ali M, Bath P, Brady M, Davis S, Diener HC, Donnan G, et al; VISTA J. Marler, K. Muir, R. Sacco, A. Shuaib, P. Teal, N.G. Wahlgren, S. Steering Committees. Development, expansion, and use of a stroke clinical Warach, and C. Weimar. trials resource for novel exploratory analyses. Int J Stroke. 2012;7:133–138. 13. Flint AC, Xiang B, Gupta R, Nogueira RG, Lutsep HL, Jovin TG, et al. The THRIVE Score predicts outcomes with a third-generation endovascular Disclosures stroke treatment device in the TREVO-2 trial. Stroke. 2013;44:3370–3375. Data were transmitted in anonymized form from VISTA to Dr Flint, 14. Pexman JH, Barber PA, Hill MD, Sevick RJ, Demchuk AM, Hudon ME, who designed the present study and performed all statistical analy- et al. Use of the Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) ses. He was a member of the TREVO-2 Clinical Events Committee. for assessing CT scans in patients with acute stroke. Am J Neuroradiol. Dr Kamel has served on speakers’ bureaus and scientific advisory 2001;22:1534–1542. boards for Genentech. Dr Bath is a member of the VISTA Executive 15. König IR, Ziegler A, Bluhmki E, Hacke W, Bath PM, Sacco RL, et al; Virtual Committee. Dr Donnan has served on scientific advisory boards for International Stroke Trials Archive (VISTA) Investigators. Predicting Boehringer Ingelheim, Sanofi, Bayer, Pfizer, and Amgen. The other long-term outcome after acute ischemic stroke: a simple index works in authors report no conflicts. patients from controlled clinical trials. Stroke. 2008;39:1821–1826. Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2015
THRIVE Score Predicts Ischemic Stroke Outcomes and Thrombolytic Hemorrhage Risk in VISTA Alexander C. Flint, Bonnie S. Faigeles, Sean P. Cullen, Hooman Kamel, Vivek A. Rao, Rishi Gupta, Wade S. Smith, Philip M. Bath and Geoffrey A. Donnan on behalf of the VISTA Collaboration Stroke. 2013;44:3365-3369; originally published online September 26, 2013; doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.113.002794 Stroke is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 2013 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0039-2499. Online ISSN: 1524-4628 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Data Supplement (unedited) at: Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Stroke can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. Once the online version of the published article for which permission is being requested is located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about this process is available in the Permissions and Rights Question and Answer document. Reprints: Information about reprints can be found online at: Subscriptions: Information about subscribing to Stroke is online at: Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2015
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