Thorium: How to save Europe's nuclear revival

Page created by Cynthia Carter
Thorium: How to save Europe’s
                   nuclear revival
                                                By Stephen Tindale

    ★ The Fukushima nuclear incident in Japan has reduced public and political support for nuclear
    power across Europe. Nevertheless, the EU should continue to support nuclear power as a low-
    carbon bridge technology until Europe can be 100 per cent reliant on renewable energy – which
    will take several decades.

    ★ As a general rule, European countries should use tried-and-tested technologies to make the
    transition to a low-carbon economy rather than spend money developing new technologies. But
    reactors which use thorium as a liquid fuel – which cannot melt down – should be an exception to
    this approach. Such reactors would reduce the amount of nuclear waste produced and help deal
    with existing waste stockpiles. They would also reduce the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation.

    ★ China and the USA are now taking thorium liquid reactors seriously. Europe is not, so risks
    losing out on the economic benefits of a safer form of nuclear power.

   The best sources of energy, in both climate and           low-carbon electricity makes nuclear power an
   energy security terms, are renewable. The EU is           essential part of Europe’s transition to a low-carbon
   committed to obtaining 20 per cent of its total           economy. The risks of uncontrolled climate change
   energy from renewables by 2020. This is a crucial         are greater than any of the risks presented by nuclear
   objective, and must be met. But even if the EU meets      power stations.
   that target, European countries will still need to
   construct an enormous amount of new energy                Before the nuclear incident at Fukushima in March
   infrastructure before they can be totally reliant on      2011, nuclear power’s climate and energy security
   renewables. An effective large-scale means of storing     advantages were spurring an increasing political
   electricity from intermittent wind, wave and solar        commitment to nuclear power among EU
   power plants must also be developed. The transition       governments. The governments of Bulgaria, the Czech
   to a fully renewable economy will therefore take          Republic, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia
   several decades. So other low-carbon sources of           and the UK had said that they favoured the
   energy are needed as bridge technologies.                 construction of new nuclear stations. The German
                                                             government did not talk about new nuclear stations,
    Nuclear power stations produce only around a tenth       but Chancellor Merkel did say that existing nuclear
    of the carbon dioxide per unit of electricity of coal    stations would be allowed to operate for the period
1 UK Energy Research     power stations.1 (This takes        they were designed for, rather than being closed by
Centre, ‘Response to     account of the full life-cycle of   2022 as a law passed by a previous German
Treasury consultation on nuclear generation, including       government requires. Merkel correctly described
carbon capture and       mining and transport of the fuel    nuclear power as a necessary low-carbon bridge
storage’, May 2006.      and decommissioning.) Its ability   technology, to be used until Germany can be 100 per
                         to generate large amounts of        cent renewable.

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  Since Fukushima, Merkel has backtracked. She now                 reactors. There are large enough proven reserves of
  says that some of Germany’s nuclear plants must close            uranium around the world to fuel nuclear power
  immediately, and all by 2022. The Italian government             through the decades needed for the transition to
  has announced a delay of at least a year before                  renewables. The fact that they are in countries such
  allowing construction of a nuclear reactor. The EU               as Australia and Namibia means that energy security
  has announced that all EU nuclear facilities will be             is not a major concern. The case for thorium molten
  subject to ‘stress tests’ to check their safety. The tests       salt reactors rests on the fact that this technology is
  will take into account local factors such as distance to         Europe’s best bet to overcome public opposition to
  the coast, levels of seismic activity and the plant’s age.       nuclear, by demonstrating that nuclear power can be
  This is essentially political window dressing –                  made significantly safer.
  regulators and governments already know how far
  nuclear power stations are from the coast, how                   Molten salt reactors use liquid fuel. When the liquid
  seismic the areas are and when the plants were                   gets too hot it automatically flows out of the reactor
  constructed. Europe’s leaders should demonstrate                 core, so making meltdown impossible. Reactors
  greater leadership and imagination in overcoming                 using liquid fuel produce less radioactive waste than
  public hostility to nuclear power.                               solid fuel reactors do. Thorium molten fuel reactors
                                                                   also reduce – though do not eliminate – the risk of
    In order to use nuclear as a bridge technology, the            nuclear weapons proliferation, as they do not
    EU need not spend more money on unproven                       produce plutonium.
    technological approaches such as nuclear fusion,
    which remains at least 30 years away. Advocates of             Anti-nuclear campaigners often use the issue of
    fusion argue that this technology in theory provides           radioactive pollution as a central plank of their
    limitless and sustainable energy. So it does –                 argument – partly because radioactivity is invisible
    theoretically. The downside is best summarised in              and so easy to scare the public about. High levels of
    the quip that “nuclear fusion is 30 years in the future        radioactivity do have implications for human health.
    – and always will be”. The budget for the                      But the levels of radioactivity which result from the
    international nuclear fusion project, ITER in France,          operation of nuclear power stations are not high
    has almost tripled since 2001. It is now S16 billion,          enough to cause significantly increased health risk.
    although major construction has yet to start. The EU           There has been extensive 3 Committee on the
    will have to pay S6.6 billion of this. The                     research and assessment into Medical Aspects of
2 European Commission,
                          Commission awarded ITER                  this question, by bodies Radiation in the
                          S1.4 billion, from unspent parts         independent from the nuclear Environment, ‘Further
‘Commission proposes
                          of the EU budget and the                 industry. For example, a recent consideration of the
plan for financing ITER’,
                          research  programme, in 2010.2           report from a UK public incidence of childhood
July 20th 2010.
                          Even if fusion works eventually          advisory body concluded that leukaemia around nuclear
    (which is far from certain), it will not provide               rates of childhood leukaemia are power plants in Great
    electricity soon enough to help Europe with its                not related to proximity to Britain’, COMARE,
    transition to a low-carbon economy. ITER itself                nuclear plants.3                   May 2011.
    accepts that the plant will not feed electricity into
    the grid before 2040.                                          The danger of meltdown is a much stronger anti-
                                                                   nuclear argument. The world’s worst nuclear
  As a rule, therefore, European countries should use              power incident, at Chernobyl in 1986, was caused
  tried-and-tested technologies to make the transition to          by the meltdown of a reactor core. The 2011
  a low-carbon economy. France, which generates                    Fukushima incident and the 1979 Three Mile
  around 80 per cent of its electricity from nuclear, has          Island accident in the US involved partial
  essentially used only three generations of design for its        meltdowns. In a molten salt reactor, thorium is
  nuclear stations. This has kept costs lower than they            dissolved into hot liquid salts. This liquid is then
  would have been if each station had been slightly                poured into tubes which take it into the reactor
  different (which has been the UK approach).                      core, where nuclear fission 4 World Nuclear
                                                                   occurs and electricity is Association, ‘Thorium’,
                                                                   generated. If the liquid becomes WNA information page
  Thorium molten salt reactors                                     too hot, it expands and so
                                                                   flows back out of the tubes, so,
  There should, however, be one exception to the                   reducing fission and removing March 2011.
  general approach of using established technologies               the risk of meltdown.4
  and designs. The EU should invest in developing
  thorium-fuelled molten salt reactors. This is a proven           A third anti-nuclear argument is that nuclear power
  technology: the US operated a molten salt reactor in             stations produce radioactive waste. Molten salt
  the late 1960s.                                                  reactors use liquid fuel rather than solid fuel rods.
                                                                   Reactors with liquid fuel use all the fuel, whereas
  Thorium is an abundant mineral: it is about three                reactors with solid fuel use only part of the fuel, and
  times as abundant as uranium. But this alone is not              the rods remain as spent fuel. So molten salt reactors
  a strong reason to invest in developing thorium                  produce a much lower volume of radioactive waste
5 James Hansen,              than solid fuel reactors do. James       would be to establish an international nuclear fuel
‘Tell Barack Obama the       Hansen, chief scientist at NASA,         bank. Nuclear fuel would be enriched at an
truth – The whole truth’,    has written that “thorium can be         internationally-controlled facility and supplied to
Columbia University, 2008.   used in ways that practically            different countries, with the spent fuel and plutonium     eliminate build-up of long-lived         then returned to that facility after the generation of
                             nuclear waste.”5                         electricity. This approach has been promoted by,
                                                                      among others, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, which
   Whatever form of energy generation countries use in                includes among its leading participants former US
   future, those which have, or ever have had, nuclear                secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and George
   power plants have stockpiles of radioactive waste to               Schultz, former US secretary of defense William Perry
   deal with. Existing uranium reactors also produce                  and former US senator Sam Nunn. However, there is
   plutonium, which could then be used for nuclear                    not yet any agreement on setting up such an
   weapons and so needs to be safeguarded and                         international nuclear fuel bank.
   managed. France and the UK also have plutonium
   from dismantled nuclear weapons.                                   An alternative, and more achievable, approach to
                                                                      combining nuclear power expansion with weapons
    The current approach to managing the stockpile of                 proliferation control would be to promote thorium
    spent fuel in both France and the UK is to reprocess              molten salt reactors instead of uranium solid fuel
    the spent fuel. France also reprocesses spent fuel from           reactors. Some uranium solid fuel reactors require that
    Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. Reprocessing                the uranium is enriched. (Uranium in which the
    means that the fuel can be re-used. However, it also              isotope U-235 is more than 20 per cent of the total is
    leads to the production of more plutonium. So France              referred to as highly enriched unranium (HEU). HEU
    and the UK mix uranium and plutonium into mixed                   can be use for weapons, although the term ‘weapons-
    oxide fuel (MOx). French nuclear reactors use MOx                 grade material’ refers to uranium in which U-235 is 90
    fuel. British nuclear operators have chosen not to,               per cent. 30 countries use HEU in reactors. Modern
    because uranium fuel is cheaper. The UK spent billions            uranium reactors can use low enriched uranium, in
    of pounds constructing a reprocessing plant and an                which U-235 is 3-4 per cent.) All uranium solid fuel
    MOx plant at Sellafield, in the expectation that it               reactors then produce plutonium. Thorium fuel does
    would be able to sell the MOx fuel to Japan. But the              not require enrichment, and thorium molten salt
    contracts from Japan have not been forthcoming, and               reactors do not produce plutonium, so the threat of
    are looking even less probable post-Fukushima. So                 weapons proliferation would be substantially reduced.
6 Steve Connor,           Sellafield has cost the UK taxpayer         It would not, however, be removed completely. The
‘The nuclear industry
                          an  enormous amount of money.6              thorium is transformed during the process into a form
must learn its lesson and It has also caused considerable             of uranium – U-233 – which could in theory be used
stop building these white radioactive pollution of the Irish          in nuclear weapons. This has not yet been done, so
elephants’,               Sea – reprocessing causes much              thorium molten salt reactors represent a smaller
The Independent,          higher radioactive emissions than           proliferation risk than uranium hard fuel reactors do.
May 9th 2011.             reactors do.                                However, the safest approach to proliferation
                                                                      prevention would be to combine development of
   A more cost-effective way to deal with spent fuel and              molten salt reactors with the establishment of an
   plutonium stockpiles would be to develop molten salt               internationally-controlled nuclear fuel bank.
   reactors. Spent uranium fuel and plutonium can be
   combined with thorium fuel and dissolved into the
   salt liquid, which can then be used to fuel the reactor.           ‘Too cheap to meter’?
   So molten salt reactors could be used as a means of
   recycling spent fuel and reducing the existing spent               A fifth anti-nuclear argument is that nuclear power is
   fuel and plutonium stockpiles                                      expensive, so that investment in new nuclear stations
                                                                      will divert money away from renewables and energy
                                                                      efficiency programmes.
   Reducing the              risk   of   nuclear    weapons
   proliferation                                                      Nuclear power is not cheap, as the cost overruns at
                                                                      plants currently under construction in Finland and
   A fourth anti-nuclear argument is that nuclear power               France demonstrate. The nuclear industry remains
   stations are closely linked to nuclear weapons. The US             scarred by its infamous claim in the 1950s that it
   built nuclear weapons before it constructed nuclear                would produce electricity ‘too cheap to meter’.
   power stations, but since then every country that has              Companies involved in the uranium nuclear fuel
   acquired nuclear weapons (except Israel) did so by                 cycle are now wisely refraining from claims about
   building nuclear power stations. So concerns about                 cheapness (although non-industry commentators
   proliferation are a valid and forceful argument                    are arguing that new nuclear 7
                                                                                                         Committee on Climate
   against nuclear power.                                             stations will be cheaper than
                                                                                                        Change, ‘The renewable
                                                                      other low-carbon options such energy review’,
   One way to combine global expansion of nuclear                     as carbon capture and storage or May 2011.
   power with stronger control on weapons proliferation               offshore wind).7
   Some commentators and companies are claiming that                companies involved in the uranium fuel cycle to any
   thorium molten salt reactors will generate electricity           public investment in an alternative. By the time a
8 For example, Robert    more cheaply than existing fossil          thorium molten salt reactor had been demonstrated in
Hargraves, ‘Aim high,
                         fuel power stations do.8 This is           the 1960s and was ready for widespread deployment,
thorium energy cheaper   possible at some stage in the              there had been major investment in the uranium fuel
than from coal’,         future, but not likely. The rational       cycle. So the companies involved in uranium reactors
Booksurge Llc,           approach for policy-makers                 were politically influential.
February 8th 2009.       would be to assume that molten
                         salt reactors will be expensive,           Since the 1970s, India has been the country most
   and to assess whether the improved safety features               active in thorium research. This was partly for energy
   and reduced waste management and proliferation                   security reasons – India has extensive proven reserves
   risks justify the increased costs.                               of thorium but little uranium – and partly because its
                                                                    access to imported uranium was restricted by
   The money to support research and development of                 international sanctions following its explosion of a
   molten salt reactors need not be taken from                      nuclear weapon in 1974. These sanctions were
   renewables or other low-carbon energy supply                     strengthened following further nuclear tests in 1998.
   options. There is more than enough money available               They were removed in 2008 after an agreement with
   in the existing subsidies for nuclear fusion. And the            the US on civil nuclear co-operation, but India
   argument that governments which support any form                 remains committed to thorium research in order to
   of nuclear power overlook or downplay renewables is              use its thorium reserves. However, India has focused
   disproved by the example of France. France gets over             on using thorium in solid fuel reactors which would
   three-quarters of its electricity from nuclear power             otherwise have used uranium. As outlined above,
   stations. Yet the French government has supported                solid fuel reactors could melt down.
   onshore wind farms and is now giving subsides to
   offshore wind. It is also subsidising an expansion of            Past European research into thorium has also mainly
   the district heating system in Paris, to distribute heat         been on its use in solid fuel reactors. For example,
   from power stations burning energy crops and waste               Germany ran a 300 megawatt solid fuel reactor
   wood which would otherwise be wasted.                            fuelled by thorium from 1983 to 1989. This was shut
                                                                    down on economic grounds, having already cost
                                                                    around S2.5 billion (so making the electricity
   The history of thorium as a fuel                                 generated around eight times as expensive as
                                                                    electricity from uranium reactors). Norway, which
    Thorium molten salt reactors could produce nuclear              like India has large proven reserves of thorium, has
    electricity without the risk of meltdown and with less          also carried out extensive research into using thorium
    waste and lower risk of proliferation. They have been           in solid fuel reactors. The French company Areva is
    technologically proven since the 1960s. So why have             currently working with the US company Lightbridge
    they not been developed? Part of the answer is the              (formerly called ThoriumPower) to use thorium fuel
    link between the uranium nuclear fuel cycle and                 in its European Pressurised Reactor (EPR). The EPR
    nuclear weapons outlined above. The US built a                  is an established nuclear design: the plants under
    thorium molten salt reactor in 1965, but subsequently           construction in Finland and France are EPRs, though
    opted to develop only uranium reactors. Critics argue           in these two cases they will use uranium fuel.
                         that this was because of the link          Lightbridge is also working with Moscow’s
9 For example, Richard
                         between uranium reactors and               Kurchatov Institute to use thorium rather than
Martin, ‘Uranium is so   nuclear weapons, though this has           uranium in some of Russia’s existing nuclear reactors.
last century – enter     never     been    the    publicly-
thorium, the new green
                         acknowledged reason behind the             The European nuclear research organisation CERN
nuke’, Wired magazine,
December 21st 2009.
                         choice of uranium.9 The first              applied    to    the  European 10
                                                                                                       Professor Egil
                         three countries to construct               Commission for funds for Lillestol of CERN,
magazine/2009/12/ff_new  nuclear  power stations – the              thorium research in 1999, but quoted in James Quinn,
_nukes/.                 Soviet Union, the UK and the US            was turned down. CERN staff ‘Obama could kill fossil
                         – were all extensively involved in         claimed that the Commission had fuels overnight with a
                         nuclear weapons programmes.                consulted its nuclear technical nuclear dash for
                                                                    advisers, who were French, and thorium’,
   However, the link with nuclear weapons is not the                opposed thorium because France Daily Telegraph,
   reason why all countries that have developed nuclear             had invested so heavily in August 29th 2010.
   power stations have opted for uranium. Some of them              uranium technology.10
   – notably Germany, Japan and South Korea – have
   never been involved in nuclear weapons programmes.
   The reason these countries adopted the uranium fuel              Current interest in thorium molten salt
   cycle was economic: thorium molten salt reactors                 reactors
   were substantially more expensive per unit of
   electricity produced than uranium reactors were.                 Although thorium molten salt reactors have largely
   There has also been opposition from nuclear power                been off the energy policy agenda since the end of the
   1960s, they are now making a comeback. There is                   these objectives. Other US companies are part of a
   considerable interest in them from energy companies               consortium, with Japanese and Russian companies, to
   and politicians in China and the US. The interest in              develop a molten salt reactor. Japanese companies
   the US is primarily driven by concerns about energy               involved include Toyota, Toshiba and Hitachi.
   security (the US also has extensive quantities of
   thorium); in China, the main concern is to develop all            Within the EU, there is no substantial or co-ordinated
   forms of electricity generation to meet the needs of a            effort into developing thorium molten salt reactors.
   rapidly expanding economy. There is much less                     The most substantial current European research into
   interest in Europe.                                               thorium is in France (despite France having invested so
                                                                     greatly in uranium as the nuclear fuel of choice). A
   The Chinese government is financing a recently                    French nuclear research laboratory is building updated
   established private company, International Thorium                models of 1950s designs of molten salt reactors.
   Energy & Moltem-Salt Technology Inc., which aims
   to produce a small molten salt reactor within five
   years. The funding will come via the Chinese                      Environmentalist opinion
   Academy of Science, as part of a programme headed
   by Jiang Mianheng, son of former Chinese president                Opposition from green parties and environmental non-
   Jiang Zemin.                                                      governmental organisations has played an important
                                                                     role in stopping the expansion of nuclear power in
   In the US, political interest in thorium molten salt              Europe and the US since 1979, when the partial
   reactors is cross-party, having been led by Democratic            meltdown of the US Three Mile Island reactor sparked
   Senator Harry Reid and Republican Senator Orrin                   off massive opposition to nuclear power. Taking a
   Hatch. Reid and Hatch have introduced three bills to              strong anti-nuclear line became a central tenet of being
   Congress, all of which identified thorium fuel cycle              ‘green’. In some countries, notably Germany and
   technology as a means to expand nuclear power                     Austria, it still is. In other countries, including the UK
   without increasing waste or nuclear proliferation.                and Sweden, concern about climate change has led
                                                                     some environmentalists to accept that nuclear power is
    When he entered office, President Barack Obama set               a necessary low-carbon bridge technology.
    up a Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s nuclear
    future, which is considering nuclear fuel cycles and             Most of the green non-governmental organisations
    nuclear waste against criteria of “cost, safety, resource        remain opposed to all forms of nuclear power,
    utilisation and sustainability, and the promotion of             including thorium molten salt reactors. For example,
    nuclear non-proliferation and counter-terrorism                  Greenpeace International published an article by
    goals”.11 The Commission will publish a draft report             Amory Lovins, Chairman of the 13
                                                                                                           Amory Lovins,
11 Blue Ribbon          in July 2011 and a final report in           Rocky Mountains Institute, which ‘‘New’ nuclear reactors,
Commission reactor and  January 2012. US Energy                      dismissed thorium’s advantages: same old story’,
fuel cycle technology   Secretary Steven Chu has already             “Thorium’s waste, safety, and Greenpeace International,
subcommittee, ‘Draft    indicated that he thinks thorium             cost problems differ only in detail May 2009.
recommendations’,       and molten salt reactors are the             from uranium’s.”13
May 13th 2011.          way forward for nuclear energy:
                                                                     However, other non-governmental organisations are
    “We cannot continue to improve the condition of                  prepared to consider a role for thorium reactors.
    people throughout the world without use of nuclear               Friends of the Earth recognises the need for low-
    power. None of the renewable energy solutions can be             carbon bridge technologies, and supports carbon
    scaled quickly enough to meet current and future                 capture and storage for this purpose. Friends of the
    energy needs. Safer, proliferation resistant, nuclear            Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland has also
    power without the long term high level waste storage             accepted that thorium reactors should also be
    problems is needed to power a growing world economy              supported. Mike Childs, head of that organisation’s
12 Planet Forward          and to allow all nations to provide       climate campaign, has written that “it’s always
interview, ‘Energy         for and feed their growing                handy to have something in the back pocket in case
Secretary Steven Chu       populations in peace. These goals         it is needed in the future. This is 14 Mike Childs, ‘Thorium
answers our energy         are available by changing the             why it is useful to have research reactors and nuclear
question’, March 1st 2011. nuclear fuel cycle to a U-                into new technologies such as fusion’, Friends of the
                           233/Thorium fuel cycle.”12                creating transport fuels from Earth, March 24th 2011.
                                                                     solar energy, super cheap thin-
   Large US energy companies have not yet shown                      film solar power and even /thorium_30112.html.
   serious interest in molten salt reactors. However,                thorium nuclear reactors.”14
   Microsoft’s Bill Gates has set up a company called
   TerraPower with the aim of developing a nuclear                   For a green organisation to speak approvingly of
   energy system which reduces the weapons                           anything including the word nuclear represents a
   proliferation risk and allows the re-use of spent                 considerable step forward. European governments
   nuclear fuel. TerraPower has identified thorium                   should take advantage of this opening. They should
   molten salt reactors as a promising means of achieving            emphasise that thorium molten salt reactors are a
   form of nuclear technology which have much lower                 Tried-and-tested solid fuel reactors such as the EPR
   risk of accident because they cannot melt down,                  could be used as part of the low-carbon bridge. But
   produce much less nuclear waste and can be used to               solid fuel reactors, however well constructed, operated
   reduce the existing stockpile of nuclear waste. Having           and regulated, always carry the potential risk of
   stressed the environmental advantages, European                  meltdown. This risk is a strong cause of public
   governments and institutions should then invest in the           opposition to nuclear power. In the aftermath of the
   development of thorium molten salt reactors.                     Fukushima incident in Japan, public opposition is one
                                                                    of the major obstacles to using nuclear power.
                                                                    Developing thorium molten salt reactors could make a
   Conclusion and recommendations                                   substantial contribution to increasing public support.

   The EU has played a progressive role in climate                  Molten salt reactors are a proven technology. They
   change policy, though EU institutions have placed too            would not provide cheap electricity. But they would
   much emphasis on targets and timetables and too                  provide low-carbon electricity, with lower amounts of
   little on specific policy and investment. The EU is              radioactive waste than produced by uranium reactors.
   right to focus on expanding renewable energy, which              They would also make possible support for nuclear
   has substantial economic and energy security benefits            energy around the world with a lower risk of weapons
   as well as helping control climate change. Europe                proliferation. And they would provide nuclear power
   receives enough energy from the wind, sun, waves,                stations with a much lower risk of accident, because
   tides and rivers to deliver all its energy requirements.         the reactor core could not melt down.
   But it will take at least four decades before Europe
   can be 100 per cent reliant on renewables. So other              The EU should stop spending money on nuclear fusion.
   low-carbon bridge technologies are required.                     If the other partners in ITER – China, India, Japan,
                                                                    South Korea, USA – wish to continue giving money to
   Despite two of the EU’s founding organisations – the             fusion research, either in their own countries or at the
   European Coal and Steel Community and Euratom –                  ITER project in France, they are free to do so. The
   having been about energy, the question of which                  French government is also free to continue giving
   energy sources countries rely upon remains a national            money to the ITER project. But there is no good reason
   competence. However, the European institutions play              for EU money to go to ITER. Due to the economic
   an important role in setting the framework for                   recession and slow growth in many European
   Europe’s energy market. The Commission also spends               countries, the EU budget is under considerable
   considerable sums of money on energy research,                   pressure. EU institutions should not waste money on an
   development and demonstration.                                   unproven technology which, if it ever works, will not
                                                                    produce significant quantities of electricity soon
    The EU should continue its support for carbon                   enough to help with controlling climate change.
    capture and storage (CCS) large-scale demonstration
    projects. However, CCS has not yet been                         The EU should transfer funding from ITER to research
    demonstrated at a large scale, so its cost is essentially       and development into thorium molten salt reactors.
    unknown – though no one expects it to be cheap.16 In
    addition, CCS is increasingly unpopular with the                The EU should also invest in thorium molten salt
16 Stephen Tindale and    public in several member-states,          reactors to avoid the risk of missing out on a major
Simon Tilford, ‘Carbon    notably Germany, where projects           business opportunity. The US and China are taking
capture and storage: what involve proposals to store carbon         this option seriously. Although the commercial
the EU needs to do’, CER dioxide under land rather than             opportunities related to thorium remain uncertain,
report, February 2010.    under the sea.                            Europe should stand ready to reap the benefits if and
                                                                    when they materialise.
   Given the uncertainties surrounding CCS, it would not
   be sensible to rely on it as the only low-carbon bridge             Stephen Tindale is an associate fellow at the CER.
   technology. Nuclear power should also be used.                                                               June 2011

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