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The Climate Council is an independent, crowd-funded organisation
providing quality information on climate change to the Australian public.

Will Steffen
Published by the Climate Council of Australia Limited
ISBN:    978-0-9942453-8-0 (print)
         978-0-9942453-7-3 (web)
© Climate Council of Australia Ltd 2015
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Thirsty Country: Climate change and drought in Australia
by Will Steffen (Climate Council of Australia).

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                  Professor Will Steffen
                  Climate Councillor
Key Findings:
     1. Climate change is likely                 2. Droughts have far-reaching
        making drought conditions                   impacts on health, agriculture
        in southwest and southeast                  and native species in Australia.
        Australia worse.                           ›› The relative risk of suicide can
       ›› Fronts from the Southern Ocean,             increase by up to 15 percent for
          which typically bring rain across           rural males aged 30-49 as the
          southern Australia during                   severity of drought increases.
          winter and spring, have shifted
                                                   ›› Between 2002 and 2003 decreases
          southwards with a warming
                                                      in agricultural production due to
          climate, leading to declines in
                                                      drought resulted in a 1 percent fall
          rainfall in southwest and southeast
                                                      in the Gross Domestic Product
          Australia and increasing the risk
                                                      (GDP), which is equivalent to half
          of drought conditions in
                                                      of Australia’s decline in annual
          these regions.
                                                      GDP following the global financial
       ›› Since the mid-1990s, southeast              crisis in 2009.
          Australia has experienced a 15
          percent decline in the late autumn
          and early winter rainfall and a 25
          percent decline in average rainfall
          in April and May.
       ›› Average annual stream flow into
          Perth’s dams has already decreased
          by nearly 80 percent since the
       ›› Climate change is driving an
          increase in the intensity and
          frequency of hot days and
          heatwaves in Australia, in turn
          increasing the severity of droughts.

CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU                                                                        Page i

             3. Water scarcity will become                4. Droughts are likely to worsen
                an increasing challenge as                   in severity and duration
                the pressure on urban water                  in southern Australia if
                supplies intensifies.                        greenhouse gas emissions are
                ›› Water inflows to key Sydney
                                                             not cut deeply and rapidly.
                   dams such as Warragamba and              ›› Average rainfall in southern
                   Shoalhaven could decrease by as             Australia during the cool season
                   much as 25 percent by 2070 if               is expected to decline further,
                   greenhouse gas emissions continue           and the time spent in drought
                   on their current trajectory.                conditions is projected to increase.
                ›› Annual water demand is projected         ›› In Western Australia total
                   to outstrip supply in Perth and             reductions in autumn and winter
                   surrounding regions by as much              precipitation could be potentially
                   as 85 billion litres by 2030. That’s        as high as 50 percent in the next
                   enough water to fill 34,000 Olympic         80 years.
                   sized swimming pools.
                                                            ›› To stabilise the climate, we must
                ›› Average annual stream flows to              rapidly reduce greenhouse gas
                   Melbourne’s four major water                emissions, increase investment
                   harvesting storages could decrease          in clean energy, and most of the
                   by seven percent by 2020 and by             world’s fossil fuel reserves – coal,
                   18 percent by 2050.                         oil and gas - must remain in
                                                               the ground.

 Page ii                                                                CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU
     Drought has deeply affected Australia         We begin this report by describing
     throughout its history. The Millennium        what a drought is, before considering
     Drought from 1996-2010 serves as a            its consequences for health, the
     recent reminder of the wide-reaching          economy, ecosystems and urban water
     impacts that drought can have on              supplies. We then outline the changing
     Australia’s people and environment.           drought conditions and increasing
                                                   drying trends in Australia and explore
     Australia is the driest inhabited continent
                                                   recent dry conditions in various parts of
     on Earth and drought is an important
                                                   the country. We conclude by exploring
     feature of Australia’s climate. Whilst
                                                   how climate change is influencing
     Australians have always lived with
                                                   drought conditions in the southeast
     drought and its consequences, it is likely
                                                   and southwest of the continent as well
     that climate change is making drought
                                                   as drying trends globally.
     worse in the southeast and southwest,
     some of our most populous regions.

CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU                                                                          Page 1

             1. What is a drought?
             Australia is the driest inhabited continent   which is measured through deficits
             on Earth, with some of the world’s most       in soil moisture, and hydrological
             variable rainfall and stream-flow (DFAT       drought, which is based on anomalies
             2014). The country has been deeply            in stream flow, lake and/or groundwater
             affected by drought throughout history,       levels (IPCC 2012). Both of these
             with significant droughts such as the         definitions are important in terms of
             Federation Drought (1895–1903), which         understanding the impacts of drought,
             led to the loss of millions of cattle, and    and the consequences of climate
             the World War II drought (1939–1945),         change for these impacts.
             which contributed to plummeting wheat
                                                           As outlined by the Intergovernmental
             yields and disastrous bushfires (BoM
                                                           Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), ‘climate
             2014a; 2014b). The ‘Big Dry’ of 1996–2010
                                                           extremes, such as drought, may be the
             (also called the Millennium Drought)
                                                           result of an accumulation of weather
             went down in history as one of the worst
                                                           or climate events that are not extreme
             droughts on record for Australia, with
                                                           when considered independently’ (IPCC
             devastating impacts (van Dijk et al. 2013).
                                                           2012, p.7). In Australia, the Bureau of
             Drought can be defined in a variety of        Meteorology (BoM) measures drought
             different ways. In terms of its links to      by monitoring ‘serious’ or ‘severe’ rainfall
             climate change, drought is best defined       deficiencies that have occurred for three
             as meteorological drought, which is           months or more. A rainfall deficiency
             ‘a prolonged, abnormally dry period           is considered ‘serious’ when rainfall is
             when the amount of available water is         in the lowest 5-10 percent of the full
             insufficient to meet our normal use’          range of rainfall amounts, from the very
             and is generally measured by assessing        lowest to the very highest, for the period
             rainfall deficiencies over three or more      measured, and ‘severe’ when rainfall is
             months (BoM 2014c).                           in the lowest 0-5 percent of the range.
                                                           Whilst BoM tracks rainfall deficiencies,
             In addition to meteorological drought,
                                                           it is the responsibility of the State and/or
             two other definitions of drought are
                                                           Federal Governments to officially declare
             used by different economic sectors or
                                                           a drought (BoM 2012).
             areas of research: agricultural drought,

 Page 2                                                                    CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU
2.	What are the
        of drought?
     Drought has significant impacts on
     health, the economy, ecosystems and
                                                 “Drought can contribute to
     urban water supplies.                       declines in human health and
                                                 increases in mortality rates.”
“The World Meteorological
Organization has linked                          found that the relative risk of suicide
                                                 can increase by up to 15 percent for rural
drought to 680,000 deaths                        males aged 30–49 as the severity of
                                                 drought increases (Hanigan et al. 2012).
globally from 1970–2012.”
                                                 2.2 Economic
     2.1 Health
                                                 Drought affects agriculture, tourism,
     Droughts can have wide ranging effects      employment and livelihoods in Australia,
     on health including on nutrition,           with severe economic repercussions.
     infectious diseases, on forest fires        Between 2002 and 2003 decreases in
     causing air pollution, and mental health    agricultural production due to drought
     problems, such as post-traumatic            resulted in a 1% reduction in the Gross
     stress and suicidal behaviour (Haines       Domestic Product (GDP) and a 28.5%
     et al 2006; Climate Commission              fall in the gross value added for the
     2011). Droughts can also contribute to      agricultural industry compared to
     increases in mortality rates. The World     the preceding year (ABS 2004). This
     Meteorological Organization (WMO) has       is a significant hit to the economy,
     linked drought to 680,000 deaths globally   considering that the global financial
     from 1970–2012 (WMO 2014). Declines         crisis caused a reduction of 2 percent
     in physical health are also particularly    in Australia’s annual GDP from 2008 to
     prevalent amongst the elderly in drought    2009 (World Bank 2015). The predicted
     affected rural communities in Australia     increase in drought frequency in the
     (Horton et al. 2010). Furthermore,          future has been estimated to cost
     drought can play a role in exacerbating     $5.4 billion annually, reducing GDP by
     mental health issues and increasing         1 percent per annum (Carroll et al 2007).
     suicide rates in Australian drought-
                                                 Several important agricultural areas,
     affected rural populations, especially
                                                 including southwest Western Australia,
     amongst male farmers (Alston 2012).
                                                 parts of central Queensland and
     A recent study in New South Wales (NSW)

CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU                                                                         Page 3

             northern New South Wales, Victoria           More recently the Millennium Drought
             and southern South Australia, and most       in southeast Australia, which lasted
             of Tasmania, received below-average          from 1996 to 2010, was one of the worst
             annual rainfall for 2014 (BoM 2015a).        on record for the region (van Dijk et al.
             Significantly reduced rainfall in winter     2013). Southeast Australia experienced its
             and spring across eastern Australia          lowest 13-year rainfall record since 1865
             affects the intensive cropping and           (CSIRO 2012). The Millennium Drought
             livestock breeding that is commonly          had wide-ranging repercussions. For
             practiced in the region, with potentially    example agricultural production fell
             serious economic repercussions               from 2.9 percent to 2.4 percent of Gross
             (ABARES 2012).                               Domestic Product (GDP) between 2002 to
                                                          2009, with drought playing a significant
             Particularly noteworthy droughts in
                                                          role in these observed declines in GDP
             recent history include the period from
                                                          (van Dijk et al. 2013). It is estimated that
             1982–1983 when Australia experienced
                                                          between 2006 and 2009 the drought
             one of the most intense droughts on
                                                          reduced national GDP by roughly 0.75
             record, with a total loss of $3 billion in
                                                          percent. Between 2007-2008 regional
             agricultural production alone (ABARES
                                                          GDP in the southern Murray-Darling
             2012). The Wimmera Southern Mallee
                                                          Basin fell 5.7 percent below forecast and
             region of Victoria experienced an
                                                          was accompanied by the temporary loss
             80 percent reduction in grain production
                                                          of 6000 jobs (IPCC 2014).
             and a 40 percent reduction in livestock
             production (BCG 2008).

             Figure 1: Cows in drought stricken fields, Wagga Wagga NSW

 Page 4                                                                   CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU
“By mid-2010 the Australian government had paid
     $4.4 billion in direct drought assistance to farmers.”
     Drought can also be costly due to           2.3 Ecosystems
     drought relief packages provided by the
     federal government. By mid-2010 the         Drought has significant impacts on
     Australian government had paid $4.4         Australia’s natural environment. For
     billion in direct drought assistance to     example, aquatic ecosystems are often
     farmers (ABARES 2012). Drought also has     affected by drought, with decreased
     economic repercussions for Australia’s      water supplies reducing the availability
     tourism industry. In the Murray River       of suitable habitat and leading to
     region, it is estimated that the drought    reductions in the populations of many
     caused an estimated $70 million loss        fish and invertebrate species and,
     because of reduced visitor days in 2008     in some cases, contributing to local
     (TRA 2010). A recent report by the WMO      extinctions (Bond et al. 2008). During the
     estimated that the impacts of Australia’s   Millennium Drought, there was a marked
     1981 drought cost US$ 15.15 billion and     decline in water bird, fish and aquatic
     was Australia’s most costly weather-        plant populations in the Murray-Darling
     related event (WMO 2014).                   Basin (LeBlanc et al. 2012).

     Figure 2: Dead trees, South Australia

CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU                                                                         Page 5

             Many terrestrial ecosystems are also
             affected by drought, with iconic species
                                                          “Many thousands of plants
             such as the river red gum dying over         and animals could be at
             extensive areas in the Murray-Darling
             Basin (Bond et al. 2008). The factors
                                                          risk if the rate of climate
             leading to the decline and death of these    change continues”
             trees, many of which are several hundred
             years old, suggest that the circumstances
                                                          2.4 Urban water supplies
             that led to their decline are ‘beyond
             natural conditions’ (LeBlanc et al. 2012     Water scarcity in major cities, particularly
             p.236).                                      Melbourne, Sydney and Perth, has been
                                                          exacerbated by drought and remains
             Severe heatwaves and drought are also
                                                          an ongoing challenge. As of 2013,
             one of the biggest threats to native
                                                          89 percent of Australia’s population lived
             eucalyptus species (Butt et al. 2013).
                                                          in urban areas (World Bank 2013), placing
             Drought also poses risks to planted
                                                          high demand on urban water supplies as
             forests. During the Millennium Drought,
                                                          populations continue to grow. Pressure
             for example, 57,000 ha of planted forest
                                                          on urban water supplies is projected
             in Australia were lost (van Dijk et al.
                                                          to intensify as droughts increase in
             2013). This is equivalent to the area of
                                                          frequency and severity in the southwest
             28,500 cricket pitches.
                                                          and southeast (Collett and Henry 2011).

    “During the Millennium                                Drought can significantly reduce inflows
                                                          into vital urban water catchments, as
    Drought 57,000 ha of planted                          occurred during the Millennium Drought
    forest in Australia were lost.                        (Section 3), resulting in water restrictions.
                                                          For example, from 2007–2010 Melbourne
    This is equivalent to the area                        was placed on Stage 3 restrictions and

    of 28,500 cricket pitches.“                           in 2009 Melbourne’s water storage levels
                                                          fell to a record minimum of 25.6 percent
                                                          (Melbourne Water 2013; Melbourne Water
             As the trend towards hotter, drier
             conditions continues in southern
             Australia (Section 3), native species will   Industries also had to adhere to water
             continue to face habitat degradation,        restrictions, with the agricultural sector
             population declines, and in some cases       particularly affected by water scarcity
             extinction (Reisinger et al. 2014). If the   and a resulting decline in crop yields
             rate of climate change that the continent    (Grant et al. 2013; Melbourne Water
             is currently experiencing continues,         2014). Similarly, during the Millennium
             many thousands of terrestrial and            Drought in southeast Queensland severe
             freshwater species could be at risk, such    water restrictions were implemented
             as the green and golden bell frog, the       that saw average water use in some
             platypus and a variety of eucalypt forests   areas fall to 129 litres per person per
             (MacNally et al. 2009; Klamt et al. 2011;
             IPCC 2014; Climate Council 2014a).

 Page 6                                                                   CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU
day, in comparison to a regional urban      A study by Melbourne Water projects
     consumption of 375 litres under normal      that under ‘medium’ climate change
     operating conditions (Queensland Water      scenarios a potential seven percent
     Commission 2010).                           decrease in average annual stream
                                                 flows to Melbourne’s four major water
     Assessments of future impacts of
                                                 harvesting storages could be expected
     drought on both water supply and urban
                                                 by 2020 and 18 percent by 2050 (Howe
     water demand at the regional and/
                                                 et al. 2005).
     or catchment level suggest that water
     scarcity could increase across Australia.
     In NSW, under a high emissions scenario     “Water scarcity could
     along with high population growth and       increase across Australia”
     less rapid technological change (IPCC
     2000), water inflows to key Sydney dams     The projected increase in duration
     such as Warragamba and Shoalhaven           and intensity of droughts in southeast
     could decrease by as much as 25             Queensland (CSIRO and BoM 2015;
     percent by 2070 (NSW Office of Water        Section 3) is expected to increase the
     2010). These declines, coupled with a       length of time it takes to refill key water
     continued rise in annual demand for         storages in the region. An assessment
     drinking water in the residential and       of climate change impacts on water
     commercial sectors, could increase the      availability in Moreton catchment has
     imposition of water restrictions in the     found a decline in inflow into water
     state (NSW Office of Water 2010).

     Figure 3: Recycling water in Melbourne

CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU                                                                          Page 7

             storages when it rains, and longer breaks   this into context, Western Australia’s
             between significant ‘storage filling        Integrated Water Supply Scheme (IWSS)
             events’ (UWSRA 2011).                       currently delivers 289 billion litres of
                                                         water to over 2 million people in the
             Finally, the pronounced drying trend
                                                         region each year. A deficit of 85 billion
             over southwest Australia, which is
                                                         litres is equivalent to approximately
             projected to continue throughout the
                                                         30% of current water supply (WA Water
             21st century (Section 3), has significant
                                                         Corporation 2014). That’s enough water
             implications for urban water supplies
                                                         to fill 34,000 Olympic sized swimming
             in Perth (Collett and Henry 2011). The
                                                         pools. Desalination plants, which
             Western Australia Department of Water
                                                         have been built in all mainland states
             (2009) predicts a supply-demand annual
                                                         in Australia, can potentially assist in
             deficit that is potentially as large as
                                                         easing declines in urban water supplies,
             85 billion litres by 2030 for the Perth,
                                                         although they have significantly varied
             goldfields and agricultural regions and
                                                         water-producing capacity (Hoang et al.
             some parts of the southwest. To put

             Figure 4: Lake Hume during drought in 2007, Victoria

 Page 8                                                                 CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU
3.	What changes have been
        observed in drought
        conditions in Australia?
           Whilst some parts of Australia are getting wetter, particularly the northwest of the
           continent, some of the most populous and agriculturally productive regions in the
           south are becoming drier (CSIRO and BoM 2014; Figure 5).

           Southern wet season (April-November) rainfall deciles since 1996. A decile
           map shows the extent that rainfall is above average, average, or below
           average from the specified time period, in comparison with the entire
           national rainfall record from 1900. The southern wet season is defined
           as April to November by the Bureau of Meteorology

           Northern wet season (October-August) rainfall deciles since 1995–6. A decile
           map shows the extent that rainfall is above average, average, or below average
           from the specified time period, in comparison with the entire national rainfall
           record from 1900. The northern wet season is defined as October to April by
           the Bureau of Meteorology

           Figure 5: Long term changes in rainfall across Australia.
           Source: (CSIRO and BoM 2014)

CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU                                                                             Page 9

                                                            A long-term drying trend is particularly     need to increase the capacity of the state’s
                                                            evident in the southwest and southeast       desalination plants, or find alternate
                                                            of Australia, with rainfall deficiencies     sources of water in order to sustain the
                                                            and declines in soil moisture indicative     population of the city (The Guardian 2014).
                                                            of dry conditions that have persisted in
                                                                                                         The drying trend in the southeast of
                                                            recent decades (CSIRO and BoM 2015). In
                                                                                                         Australia is evidenced by declines in
                                                            the southwest, rainfall has declined since
                                                                                                         rainfall combined with increases in
                                                            the mid-1970s. This drying trend has
                                                                                                         temperature. Since the mid-1990s,
                                                            been particularly severe in the southwest
                                                                                                         southeast Australia has experienced a
                                                            corner of Western Australia, which has
                                                                                                         15 percent decline in late autumn and
                                                            experienced a 15 percent drop in rainfall
                                                                                                         early winter rainfall and a 25 percent
                                                            since the mid‑1970s (WC 2012; Climate
                                                                                                         decline in average rainfall in April
                                                            Commission 2013).
                                                                                                         and May (CSIRO and BoM 2014). The
                                                            Future drying trends in Australia are
                                                                                                         region has also experienced significant
                                                            projected to be most pronounced over
                                                                                                         warming during the last 50 years
                                                            southwest Western Australia, with
                                                                                                         (Timbal et al. 2010). The warming trend
                                                            total reductions in autumn and winter
                                                                                                         was especially prominent in 2013 with
                                                            precipitation potentially as high as 50
                                                                                                         two intense and prolonged heatwaves
                                                            percent by the late 21st century (Delworth
                                                                                                         affecting the southeast in early January
                                                            and Zeng 2014; CSIRO and BoM 2015).
                                                                                                         and March 2013 (BoM 2013).
                                                            This could have significant implications
                                                            for the city of Perth, which has already     The combination of dry and hot
                                                            experienced a reduction of nearly 80%        conditions was particularly severe
                                                            in total annual inflow into its dams since   in Australia during the Millennium
                                                            the mid-1970s (Figure 6). The city may       Drought, which was concentrated in

                                                                                                                                     Annual Total
           Total Annual ‘Inflow to Perth Dams’ (GL)

                                                                                                                                     1911-1974 av (338 GL)
                                                      700                                                                            1975-2000 av (177 GL)
                                                                                                                                     2001-05 av (92.7 GL)
                                                                                                                                     2006-12 av (65.8 GL)




                                                      200                                                                                             (18.3 GL)
































        Figure      20:    Trendin
                        Trend        in total
                                         total annual
                                                 annualstreamstream  flow   intointo
                                                                         flow       PerthPerth
                                                                                                       1911–2012.            Source:    (Climate
Australia’s south and was exceptional for        It will likely be increasingly difficult to
      both its length and its severity (CSIRO          erase such rainfall deficits in future,
      2012; CSIRO and BoM 2015). During this           with further declines in average rainfall
      drought, average annual rainfall was             projected for southern Australia in the
      12 percent below the long‑term (1990–            cool season (winter and spring), mainly
      2010) average of 582 mm, the lowest ever         driven by the southward movement
      13-year rainfall period was recorded,            of winter storm systems. There are no
      and there was an absence of ‘wet years’          reliable predictions yet for the direction
      and ‘very wet months’ (CSIRO 2012).              of change in rainfall in summer and
      The decreases in cumulative rainfall             autumn (CSIRO and BoM 2015).
      during the        to erase Drought
                  Millennium     the deficit created by long droughts. It will likely be increasingly
      7) showdifficult   to erase such rainfall deficits in future, with below average rainfall projected
               that it takes several years of
              to persist
      above-average       acrosstosoutheastern
                        rainfall                Australia towards the end of autumn and into the winter
                                   erase the deficit
      created months
               by long each   year (CSIRO 2012).

      Figure 7: 7:  Cumulative
                Cumulative       rainfall
                              rainfall     variation
                                       variation   (in (in
                                                       mm) mm)  from
                                                             from the the long-term
                                                                       long-term     average
                                                                                 average  for for southeast
      Australia forfor
                    thethe period
                         period   January
                                January      1997
                                           1997     to December
                                                 to December       2011.
                                                                2011.     Individual
                                                                      Individual     monthly
                                                                                 monthly       variations
                                                                                           variations are
       are shown
      shown  in theincolumns.
                       the columns.  Source:
                                Source:         (Climate
                                          (Climate          Commission
                                                     Commission     2013, 2013a,
                                                                          adaptedadapted  from BoM).
                                                                                  from BoM)

          Whilst rainfall deficiencies are a key measure for meteorological drought, soil
          moisture is also an insightful indicator, with the physical impacts of severe droughts
          continuing long after the rainfall has returned as soil moisture can remain severely
          depleted (ABARES 2012). Some studies that use soil moisture rather than rainfall
          deficiency to assess dryness across Australia have also identified a potential drying
CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU                                                                         Page 11
          pattern in some regions of the country. This is particularly evident in the more
          populous eastern half of the continent, although some other areas have also

             Whilst rainfall deficiencies are a key         deficiencies in Queensland can largely be
             measure for meteorological drought,            attributed to below-average rainfall over
             soil moisture is also an insightful            the 2013–14 and 2012–13 ‘summer’ wet
             indicator, with the physical impacts of        seasons (the northern wet season spans
             severe droughts continuing long after          October–April) (BoM 2015b). Drought
             the rainfall has returned because soil         conditions are expected to persist,
             moisture can remain severely depleted          particularly in Queensland and western
             (ABARES 2012). Some studies that use soil      Victoria (BoM 2015c).
             moisture rather than rainfall deficiency
             to assess dryness across Australia             “In March 2014, 75% of
             have also identified a potential drying
             pattern in some regions of the country.        Queensland was declared
             This is particularly evident in the more
             populous eastern half of the continent,
                                                            in drought”
             although some other areas have also            In March 2014, 50 local government
             experienced decreases in drying, such          areas in Queensland (75 percent of the
             as central Australia (IPCC 2012). Long-        state) were declared in drought, making
             term trends in soil moisture down the          it the largest area of Queensland to ever
             soil profile also point to a possible drying   be declared in drought (DAFF 2014; ABC
             trend in some regions (CSIRO 2014).            2014a; ABC 2014b). In February 2015,
             In Australia, between October 2012             the number of drought-declared local
             and February 2015, rainfall deficiencies       government areas decreased slightly to
             increased across central northern              44, which remains a significant portion
             Queensland south of the Cape York              of the state (DAFF 2015).
             Peninsula, extending through inland            Whilst the NSW state government no
             southern Queensland to northern New            longer issues drought declarations,
             South Wales inland of the Great Dividing       the NSW government’s February 2015
             Range, and in the area covering western        seasonal condition report indicates
             Victoria and adjacent southeastern South       that portions of the state have been
             Australia.                                     impacted by severe rainfall deficiencies.
             Severe and serious deficiencies are            For example, severe rainfall deficiencies
             happening in these areas and in small          occurred across the northwest and
             areas of southwestern Queensland               northern tablelands during the last
             and adjacent parts of the southeastern         24 months and drier than normal
             Northern Territory and northeastern            conditions are expected to continue
             South Australia, pockets to the east of        between February and April 2015 (DPI
             Mildura in southern New South Wales            2015).
             and around the northeast of Melbourne          The long-term drying trend in the
             in Victoria, and in small parts of coastal     southeast is exacerbated from time to
             western Tasmania. Long-term rainfall           time by the occurrence of El Niño events,

 Page 12                                                                   CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU
a feature of natural climate variability    The Millennium Drought, one of the
     that recurs about every three to eight      most severe droughts on record, was
     years (BoM 2005). El Niño events in         exacerbated by two separate El Niño
     Australia are often associated with below   events (ABARES 2012). At present, while
     average rainfall in winter and spring,      the tropical Pacific Ocean is in neutral
     particularly across eastern Australia       conditions, the likelihood of an El Niño
     (BoM 2010; ABARES 2012) and above           developing in 2015 has increased.
     average temperatures (Arblaster and         Therefore, the ENSO Tracker status has
     Alexander 2012).                            recently been raised to El Niño ‘WATCH’
                                                 (BoM 2015d).

     Figure 8: Dry paddocks near Junee, NSW

CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU                                                                       Page 13

             Trends in heat also play a role in          the impacts of Australia’s Millennium
             exacerbating the severity of drought.       Drought were exacerbated by extreme
             The relationship between drought            heat, with temperatures 0.3–0.6°C above
             and heat is often one of mutual             the long-term average (Head et al. 2013).
             reinforcement; the reduced soil moisture    Australia’s climate has continued to
             associated with drought contributes         warm over the last century and 2013
             to rises in air temperature, and in turn    was Australia’s warmest year on record
             these hotter conditions further increase    (BoM and CSIRO 2013). In addition, hot
             loss of soil moisture (Climate Council      extremes are becoming more frequent
             2014b). For example, it is likely that      and intense (IPCC 2014).

             Figure 9: A sheep grazes in a dry paddock in Victoria, 2008

 Page 14                                                                   CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU
4.	How is Climate Change
        Influencing Drought?
     Climate change is exacerbating drought        have increased as a result of increasing
     conditions in Australia through changes       greenhouse gas concentrations (Timbal
     in rainfall patterns and increasing           and Drosdowsky 2012; CSIRO 2012). The
     heat. In the future severe droughts are       intensification of the STR is estimated
     expected to happen more often.                to account for roughly 80 percent of
                                                   the recent rainfall decline in southeast
     The evidence for the influence of climate
                                                   Australia (Murphy and Timbal 2008;
     change on observed drought patterns
                                                   Climate Commission 2013).
     is strongest for southwest Western
     Australia and the far southeast of the        The observed drying trends during the
     continent - Victoria and southern parts       cooler months in the southwest and
     of South Australia (CSIRO 2012). The          southeast of the continent, which are
     link is related to the southward shift of     likely influenced by climate change
     the fronts from the Southern Ocean that       already, are expected to continue.
     bring rain across southern Australia          Average rainfall in southern Australia
     during the cool months of the year            during the cool season is expected to
     (winter and spring) (CSIRO and BoM            decline further, and the time spent in
     2015). This shift, which is consistent with   drought conditions is projected to
     the changes in patterns of atmospheric        increase with a greater frequency of
     circulation expected in a warming             severe droughts in the region (CSIRO
     climate system, has led to the observed       and BoM 2015).
     declines in rainfall in the southwest
                                                   The ongoing drying trend and projected
     and southeast of the continent and the
                                                   increase in severe droughts could lead
     resulting drought conditions (Timbal and
                                                   to decreases in production in Australia’s
     Drowdowsky 2012; Climate Commission
                                                   most important agricultural regions,
                                                   including the largest catchment and
     As part of the changes in atmospheric         most productive agricultural area in the
     circulation, the subtropical ridge (STR),     country, the Murray-Darling basin, and
     an area of high pressure that commonly        southwest wheat belt (IPCC 2014). The
     lies over the Australian continent, has       projected drying trend across southern
     intensified as global air temperatures        Australia could also threaten urban water

     “In parts of Southern Australia severe droughts
     are expected to continue. ”

CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU                                                                          Page 15

             supplies, as nearly 13 million of Australia’s             (IPCC 2013; IPCC 2014; CSIRO and BoM
             population is concentrated in the southern                2015), which in turn contributes to an
             cities of Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne,                     increase in the severity of droughts
             Canberra and Sydney (ABS 2014).                           (Climate Commission 2013). Since 2001,
                                                                       the number of extreme heat records
             Climate change is also contributing to an
                                                                       in Australia has outnumbered extreme
             increase in the intensity and frequency
                                                                       cool records by almost 3 to 1 for daytime
             of hot days and heatwaves in Australia

                       Change in consecutive dry days (CDD)                           Soil moisture anomalies (SMA)
                                       2046 - 2065                                                2046 - 2065

                                       2081 - 2100                                                2081 - 2100

                              −            Dryness         +                           +              Dryness          −

                      -0.6   -0.4   -0.2     0       0.2   0.4   0.6          -0.75   -0.50   -0.25      0      0.25   0.50   0.75

                                     Standard Deviation                                         Standard Deviation

             Figure 10: Projected annual changes assessed from two indices. Left column: Change
             in annual maximum number of consecutive dry days (CDD: days with precipitation
maximum temperatures and almost 5 to         Finally, on a global scale, whilst it is
     1 for night-time minimum temperatures        likely that some regions of the planet
     (CSIRO and BoM 2015). Australia’s capital    will become increasingly wetter, others
     cities have experienced hotter, longer or    are likely to experience drier conditions
     more frequent heatwaves. For example,        as measured by consecutive dry days
     the average intensity of heatwaves in        and decreases in soil moisture (Figure
     Melbourne is now 1.5 °C hotter and they      10). Consistent with the CSIRO and BoM
     occur on average 17 days earlier than        analysis (2015), southern Australia is one
     between 1950 and 1980. Whilst in Sydney,     of the regions that is likely to become
     heatwaves now start 19 days earlier          drier through the century, with some
     and the number of heatwave days has          other regions, such as the Mediterranean
     increased by 50% (Perkins and Alexander      and southern Africa, expected to
     2013). The IPCC warns that it is very        experience particularly severe
     likely (over 90 percent probability) that    drying trends (IPCC 2012).
     warm days will increase and cold days
     will decrease in Australia (IPCC 2012). In
     addition, it is likely that more frequent
     and/or longer heatwaves and warm
     spells will occur across the continent
     (IPCC 2012). These projected increases
     in heat will compound existing
     drought conditions in Australia.

CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU                                                                          Page 17

             5.	This is the
                Critical Decade
             The impacts of climate change are          Societies will have to adapt to even more
             already being observed. Sea levels are     serious impacts as the temperature rises.
             rising, heatwaves are increasing in        For Australia, these impacts include
             length and intensity, and southern         increases in the severity of drought in
             Australia is experiencing a long-term      the south, with implications for human
             drying trend.                              health, agriculture, urban water supplies
                                                        and the environment. Ensuring that the
             We are now more confident than ever
                                                        2°C guardrail is not exceeded will prevent
             that the emission of greenhouse gases
                                                        even worse impacts in the second half of
             by human activities, mainly carbon
                                                        the century.
             dioxide from the combustion of fossil
             fuels, is the primary cause for many of    The evidence is clear and compelling.
             the changes in climate that have been      To stabilise the climate, the trend of
             observed over the past half-century        increasing global emissions must be
             (IPCC 2013; 2014). Projections of future   halted within the next few years and
             climate change and its impacts have        emissions must be trending downwards
             convinced nations that the global          by 2020. Investment in renewable, clean
             average temperature, now at 0.85°C         energy must therefore increase rapidly.
             above the pre-industrial level (IPCC       And, importantly, most of the known
             2013), must not be allowed to rise above   fossil fuel reserves - coal, oil and gas -
             2°C, the so-called ‘2°C guardrail’.        must remain in the ground.
                                                        This is the critical decade to get on
                                                        with the job.

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CLIMATECOUNCIL.ORG.AU                                                                                            Page 21

Cover image: “It can break innumerable times” by Flickr user Lotus Carroll
licensed under CC by -NC-SA 2.0
Page 4: Figure 1 “Cows in drought stricken fields, Wagga Wagga NSW” by
Flickr user John Shilling licensed under CC by –NC-ND 2.0
Page 5: Figure 2 “Dead trees, South Australia” by Flickr user Gary Sauer-
Thompson licensed under CC by –NC 2.0
Page 7: Figure 3 “Recycling water in Melbourne” by Flickr user Louisa
Billeter licensed under CC by –NC-SA 2.0
Page 8: Figure 4 “Lake Hume during drought in 2007, Victoria” by Flickr user
Tim J Keegan licensed under CC by –SA 2.0
Page 13: Figure 8 “Dry paddocks near Junee, NSW” by Flickr user Tim J
Keegan licensed under CC by –SA 2.0
Page 14: Figure 9 “A sheep grazes in dry pasture” by Flickr user Jo Morcom
licensed under CC by –NC-SA 2.0.
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