Thinking ahead, acting sustainably - Customer Magazineinformative up-to-date pioneering - BENNING

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Thinking ahead, acting sustainably - Customer Magazineinformative up-to-date pioneering - BENNING
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Customer Magazine                                 informative · up-to-date · pioneering

                                          Thinking ahead,
                                        acting sustainably

Efficient UPS system for Sydney’s Metro 28 – 31

Smart telecom power supply              12 – 16

Nature and technology in harmony        17 – 19

Thinking ahead, acting sustainably - Customer Magazineinformative up-to-date pioneering - BENNING
POWER news 9/2017
                                                                                Dear Readers,

                                                             Driverless cars have been a hot topic in the transport industry for
                                                             some time. Technologies such as assisted parking, accidental lane
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Modular power protection
                                                             change warning systems and tailback systems are already being fit-
                                                             ted to vehicles as standard and initial prototype driverless cars have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in Industrial applications
                                                             also been successfully tested, although they are not ready for mass
                                                             production just yet.
                                                             This may still be on the horizon for roads, but it is already maturing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The principle of modularity provides
                                                             for rail transportation. Many cities are using driverless overground and                                                                                  significant technical and economic
                                    underground trains which are making a major contribution to taking the load off road traffic
                                    and Sydney will soon have Australia's first fully-automatic underground system. To ensure it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       benefits in the design and operation
                                    carries passengers safely and smoothly, it is using BENNING high-availability power supply                                                                                         of UPS systems.
                                    systems. To discover what financial and environmental benefits this brings, see this edition
                                    of POWER news.
                                    You can also read how BENNING's products are making Washington's Metro rail system
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Modular power protection and conver-
                                    safer and dramatically reducing energy consumption at one of Germany's largest semi-au-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       sion technology, particularly in the form
                                    tomated textiles logistics centres.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of UPSs, has long been used in com-
                                    I hope you enjoy reading it and look forward to hearing what you think.                                                                                                            mercial applications, but take-up in
                                    Yours, Stephan Ratermann                                                                                                                                                           industrial applications has, to date, been                  ENERTRONIC modular SE,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       relatively slow.                                            20kW and 40kW modules
                                    telephone: +49 2871 93 0

                                    3–7          Modular power protection                         22 – 23 Highly efficient and effective test and                                                                                                                   This relatively slow uptake is due, in part, to
                                                 in Industrial applications                               diagnostic solution for photovoltaic systems                                                                                                              a limited understanding of the “ilities” (“Avail-
                                                 The principle of modularity provides significant         in accordance with international standards
                                                 technical and economic benefits in the design                                               The installation tester and I-V curve tracer                                                                           ability”, “Reliability”, “Scalability”, “Flexibility”
                                                 and operation of UPS systems.                                                               BENNING PV 2 is an efficient diagnostic tool                                                                           and “Maintainability”) commonly associated
                                                                                                                                             to ensure that initial operation tests, mainte-                                                                        with modular technology and how the vari-
                                    8 – 11       BENNING develops innovative OEM
                                                                                                                                             nance tests and performance assessments of
                                                 power adaptor for medical technology                                                                                                                                                                               ous “ilities” complement each other.
                                                                                                                                             photovoltaic systems are carried out quickly
                                                 For more than 30 years, the name BENNING
                                                                                                                                             and reliably.
                                                 has represented high-performance OEM
                                                 power supplies specially designed for the                                    24 – 25 Investing in new pyrolysis process                                                                                            The third of five articles within our 'ility' series
                                                 tough demands of the medical technology                                              reduces turnaround times significantly                                                                                        focuses on availability and reliability. We will
                                                 sector.                                                                                     It takes just 36m³ of space to strip electric
                                                                                                                                             motor windings quickly, non-destructively
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    review the technical and mathematic back-
                                    12 – 16 The Next Generation:
                                                                                                                                             and efficiently.                                                                                                       grounds and explain how both terms
                                            SLIMLINE Telecom power supply systems
                                                 BENNING is just starting to deliver a new                                    26 – 27 Significant energy savings thanks to                                                                                          relate to the increasingly popular modular
                                                 generation of highly efficient telecom power                                         highly efficient LIONIC® energy systems                                                                                       technology.
                                                 supply systems with a performance range of                                                  BENNING supplies highly efficient lithium-ion
                                                 2 – 400 kW.                                                                                 energy systems to one of Germany’s largest
                                                                                                                                             semi-automated textile logistics centres.                                                                              Scalability
                                    17 – 19 Hydroelectricity – Nature and Technology
                                            in Harmony                                                                        28 – 31 Support for the largest traffic project
                                                 At the Bavarian Hydroelectric Power Station at                                       in Australia                                                                                                                  Power protection systems for industrial ap-
                                                 Leipheim, modular power supply systems are                                                  Australia's first fully automatic underground                                                                          plications are typically expected to have an
                                                 being installed to provide an uninterrupted                                                 railway system opens in 2019, with BENNING’s
                                                 power supply for all power station functions.                                               ENERTRONIC modular SE UPS systems                                                                                      operational life of 20-25 years, so ensuring
                                    20 – 21 Emergency power supply for the heavy rail                                                        ensuring that the signalling system                                                                                    the size of the system is correct at the time
                                                                                                                                             never stops working.                                                                                                   of installation is very important.
                                            rapid transit system in Washington
                                                 30 BENNING UPS systems set to provide                                        32             Fairs, events and appointments
                                                 more safety for one of the busiest metro rail                                               2018
                                                 systems in the United States.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    If the installed system proves to be under-
                                    Publication details
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sized at some point in its operational life then
                                    BENNING Elektrotechnik und Elektronik       Liability and Copyright                      errors or mistakes in interpretation re-   © MEV Verlag GmbH /                                                              an expensive system upgrade or replace-
                                    GmbH & Co. KG’s client magazine             All texts are protected by copyright.        main possible.                             © chombosan, chungking, Destina,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ment may be required (i.e. a capital expendi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ture, or “Capex”, problem). 
                                                                                The publication, adoption or use of texts,                                                eplisterra, ghazii, Gina Sanders, Ingo
                                    Publisher: BENNING Elektrotechnik und       pictures or other information is subject     Picture credits                              Bartussek, JEGAS RA, kuosumo,
                                    Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG,                   to the written agreement from BENNING        © BENNING Elektrotechnik und Elektronik      lhboucault, Mirko, newb1, Paul, pixs:sell,
                                    Münsterstrasse 135-137, 46397 Bocholt       GmbH. No liability is accepted for any          GmbH & Co. KG /                           profit_image, Ramona Heim, RobbinLee,
                                                                                guidance, references, recommendations        © Bayerische Elektrizitätswerke GmbH        Sashkin, Scanrail, Sergey Nivens,
                                    Design und Production: Advertising Agency   or evaluations. In spite of making every     © Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, Lübeck           serkat Photography, tanarch, Witthaya,
                                    Paus Design & Medien GmbH & Co. KG,         effort to carry out a correct presentation   © GS-Gabelstapler Service GmbH.              WrightStudio /
                                    Brinkstegge 13, 46395 Bocholt               and checking of the subject matter,          © KIMA
2 | BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017 | 3
Thinking ahead, acting sustainably - Customer Magazineinformative up-to-date pioneering - BENNING
modular power protection


                                                                                                                                                                                               Output power

                                                                                                                                                                                    Efficiency for different output powers
                                                                                                                                                                            Normal Operation      SE Operation        Bypass Operation

                                                                                                                                                        Typical transformerless
                                                                                                                                                        UPS efficiency curve
                                                    BENNING’s UPS system is scalable and can
                                                    increase in size in line with load requirements

If, however, the installed system proves to be     ership is minimised, is to ensure that the         that supplies a critical load that may well      • Power losses                                                  ing efficiencies of >95% are achieved with           maintenance recommendations and hence
oversized then initial Capex would have been       system is always “right-sized” and scalable        change significantly over time.                                                                                  loads above 17% and the optimum efficiency           ongoing maintenance costs before purchas-
wasted, the system will be running at less         systems enable this.                                                                                If the critical load is 100kW, for every 1% re-                 (>96%) is achieved when the load is between          ing the system.
than optimum efficiently and maintenance                                                              The problem is that these three elements         duction in operating efficiency there will be an                35% and 60%.
costs will be higher (i.e. an operational ex-      Total cost of ownership (TCO)                      are all interconnected and a balance needs       additional 1kWh of wasted energy. Because                                                                            System “right-sizing”
penditure, or “Opex”, problem).                                                                       to be struck between all three elements if the   the power protection system is in operation                     • Ongoing maintenance costs
Both Capex and Opex problems can have a            For a power protection system the three            lowest overall TCO is to be achieved.            24 hours/day, 365 days/year there will be                                                                            For consistency across the articles in the
significant impact on total cost of ownership.     main elements affecting cost of ownership                                                           24kWh wasted each day or 8,760kwH                               All power protection systems contain electri-        “ilities” series, we will revisit the examples
Ever changing site equipment (critical load)       are:                                               Considering each element in turn:                wasted each year or 175,200kWh wasted                           cal and mechanical components that have a            seen in the “Availability v Reliability” article,
technology and operational requirements            1. Up-front capital cost (purchase price);                                                          over the 20 years operational life. With this                   finite useful working life and will require rou-     i.e. we will assume that the system design
makes predicting what the system load will         2. Power losses (a function of system effi-        • Up-front capital cost                          in mind:                                                        tine maintenance and/or replacement if the           critical load is 120kW and that N+1 parallel
be, and hence what the system size should             ciency);                                                                                                                                                         power protection system is to achieve the            redundancy is required. However, as it is not
be, over a 20-25 year period almost impos-         3. Ongoing maintenance costs.                      If the lowest cost system is purchased the       1. Care should be taken to ensure that the                      required availability levels for its 20 years’ op-   good practice to operate a UPS continuously
sible. To err on the side of caution, almost all                                                      lowest up-front capital cost will have been         power protection system is sized to                          erational life.                                      at 100% load we will assume an operational
systems are oversized at the time of initial in-   It goes without saying that everyone wants         achieved. However, if the system is of an           ensure it operates on the optimum point                      If, as suggested above, the lowest cost sys-         load of 80% (i.e. 96kW).
stallation, which is good news for the system      to minimise the total cost of ownership (TCO)      older, less efficient, technology then the          on the efficiency curve;                                     tem uses the lowest cost (and hence prob-
manufacturer but bad news for the system           for their power protection system. However,        system running costs may be higher than                                                                          ably the lowest quality) components then             Example 1: 120kW, 1+1 parallel redundant
operator as they will probably have wasted         to achieve this it is necessary to first under-    necessary.                                       2. System operating efficiency is more likely to                the maintenance costs for the system over            system using modular-block topology.
Capex at the initial system purchase and will      stand what the key elements affecting the                                                              affect TCO than the up-front capital cost.                   its operational life will probably be higher as
be wasting Opex every year the system is in        total cost of ownership are, and then to           Furthermore, the lowest cost system may                                                                          the components will need to be main-                 In this example, we are using two 120kW
operation.                                         understand how they can be optimised for a         also have the highest ongoing maintenance        Almost all modern “transformerless” UPS                         tained/replaced more frequently. With this in        UPS cabinets. If the critical load is 96kW then
The only way to ensure that Capex and Opex         power protection system that may have an           costs because it probably uses low quality       have an efficiency curve that is relatively flat.               mind, it is always worth asking the power            each UPS cabinet will be 40% (48kW)
are optimised, and hence total cost of own-        operational life of more than 20 years and         (i.e. cheap) components.                         In the figure above, we can see that operat-                    protection system supplier for their ongoing         loaded. 

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Thinking ahead, acting sustainably - Customer Magazineinformative up-to-date pioneering - BENNING
modular power protection

                                 Modular block architecture                                                                                                                             Modular block architecture

                                  Mains                                                                                                                                                   Mains

                                                                                                                                                                                                  UPS 1 / 40kW

                                                                 120kW                                                                                                                                                   120kW
                                          UPS 1 / 120kW                                                                                                                                           UPS 2 / 40kW
                                                                 Critical                                                                                                                                                Critical
                                                                  load                                                                                                                                                    load

                                          UPS 2 / 120kW                                                                                                                                           UPS 3 / 40kW

                                                                                                                                                                                                  UPS 4 / 40kW

                           1+1 Parallel redundant configuration                                                                                                                    3+1 Parallel redundant configuration

                          Example 1: 120kW, 1+1 parallel redundant                                                                                                                Example 2: 120kW, 3+1 parallel redundant
                          system using modular-block topology.                                                                                                                    system using modular-block topology.

The system will be perfectly “right-sized” and     then the new 125kW load will mean that           If, however, the critical load is 60kW then        loaded and either the N+1 parallel redun-           icantly affect the system total cost of own-
the system will be operating in the optimum        each UPS cabinet will be 34% (41.6kW)            each UPS module will be 37% (15kW) loaded          dancy will be lost or an additional 40kW UPS        ership and all three of these elements must
part of the efficiency curve. Both Capex and       loaded so the system will be oversized,          so the system will be oversized and Capex          module must be installed.                           be jointly considered.
Opex are optimised.                                significant additional Capex would have been     will have been wasted on purchasing a              Because the system cabinet was correctly            Installing a rack-mounted modular UPS
If, however, the critical load is 60kW then each   wasted on purchasing a system that is too        system that is too large but Opex will still be    sized at installation and there is a “spare” slot   cabinet with one or more empty slots at the
UPS cabinet will be 25% (30kW) loaded so           large and Opex may be being wasted as            OK as the system will still be operating on a      available to accommodate an additional UPS          time of initial installation will future proof
the system will be oversized, Capex will have      the system may not be operating at optimum       good part of the efficiency curve. However,        module and because the system is rack-              the installation for very little increase in the
been wasted on purchasing a system that is         efficiency.                                      because the system is rack-mounted modu-           mounted modular the installation of the addi-       initial capital cost of the system.
too large and Opex will be being wasted as                                                          lar the system operator has two options:           tional module is quick, easy and relatively
the system will be operating less efficiently.     Example 2: 120kW, 3+1 parallel redun-                                                               inexpensive, thereby Capex and Opex con-            The next article in the “ilities” series will
                                                   dant system using rack-mounted mod-              1. Continue to operate the system with all         tinue to be optimised.                              discuss “flexibility” and how the selection of
If, the critical load suddenly needs to increase   ular topology.                                      4 modules and benefit from N+2 parallel                                                             the right UPS topology can give parallel
to, say, 125kW then the system will be over-                                                           redundancy;                                     Conclusion                                          redundancy, changes in system capacity
loaded and either the N+1 parallel redun-          In this example, we are using a single cabinet                                                                                                          and the ability to rapidly locate critical power
dancy will be lost or an additional 120kW          capable of housing five 40kW UPS modules         2. Remove one of the modules from service          A system that is perfectly sized for the load       protection capacity wherever needed. 
UPS cabinet must be installed (assuming that       but fitted with only four modules. There is,        (either switch it off or physically remove it   from day one and can increase or decrease
the site infrastructure can accommodate an-        therefore, one “spare” slot for an additional       to create a second “spare” slot) to operate     its capacity in sympathy with the critical load     contact: Alexander Proemel
other cabinet). In the worst case, the system      40kW module. If the critical load is 96kW           the system on a better part of the effi-        will achieve the lowest total cost of ownership     telephone: +49 2871 93 238
will need to be replaced with another, more        then each of the 4 off 40kW UPS modules             ciency curve. If a module is removed each       (TCO) for the system over its operational life.     e-mail:
powerful, system.                                  will be 60% (24kW) loaded. The system will          of the remaining three modules will be
                                                   be perfectly “right-sized” and the system           50% (20kW) loaded.                              The up-front capital cost of the system,
If the site infrastructure can accommodate         will be operating on the optimum part of the                                                        whilst important, is not the most important                           Scan the QR code for
another 120kVA UPS cabinet, making the             efficiency curve. Both Capex and Opex are        If, the critical load suddenly needs to increase   element in TCO. System operating efficiency                           further information
system a 2+1 parallel redundant system,            optimised.                                       to, say, 125kW then the system will be over-       and ongoing maintenance costs both signif-

6 | BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                             BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017 | 7
Thinking ahead, acting sustainably - Customer Magazineinformative up-to-date pioneering - BENNING
The newly developed M7.3 Plus power supply
BENNING develops innovative OEM                                                                                            unit has three output connections (see image
power adaptor for medical technology                                                                                       It is used e.g. in a respiratory device such as
                                                                                                                           made by company Dräger (see image below).

For more than 30 years, the name BENNING has represented                                                         18
high-performance OEM power supplies specially designed for
the tough demands of the medical technology sector.

The average life expectancy in Germany continues to increase. In 2000, it was
around 77 years. This has risen to over 81 years since then. The development is
largely a result of the advances in medical technology with innovative devices and
machines ensuring that patients receive increasingly safe, efficient and comfortable
care. One of the effects is a significant decrease in the workload of hospital staff.

Medical technology is subject to stringent            Tailor-made solutions
safety standards. An essential requirement
here is a guaranteed uninterrupted power              Optoelectronics is just one area where
supply. Fluctuating power and power out-              BENNING power supplies are used. In order
ages may result in interruption of medical            to be able to use high-sensivity scanning
care with potentially severe consequences             electron microscopes for research purposes,
for patients.                                         power supplies are required not to produce
                                                      mechanical vibrations in the NF range. Even
For more than 30 years, BENNING – one of              the smallest mechanical vibrations can lead
the leading producers of synchronised OEM             to blurry and distorted images being

                                                                                                                                                                             Photo: © Drägerwerk & Co. KGaA, Lübeck. All rights reserved.
power supplies – has been developing high-            recorded by the microscope.
performance power supply units specially
designed for the tough demands of medical             BENNING also produces reliable power sup-
technology applications.                              plies for use in the dental technology field.
These products stand out for two reasons.             Fitted with a high-power pulse (36 V and
Firstly, their high quality and excellent reliabil-   50 A for 10 seconds) and a graduated over-
ity meet both national and international safety       load profile, dentist chair motors can quickly
(EN 60950, UL/CUL 1950 and IEC 60601-1)               and safely bring patients of any weight class
and (EN 55022-B) EMC standards.                       into the right position.
Secondly, the hardware and software are
tailored to the individual requirements of            Other uses include heart-lung machines,
each customer, which means that each                  MRI, dialysis systems, anaesthetic systems
power supply unit has its own specific lay-           and respiration systems. For the last men-
out and software design. According to the             tioned systems, BENNING developed the
technical specifications provided, the unit is        250 watt M7.3 Plus power supply with its
fitted with the appropriate interfaces; AC            compact two-part structure, combining inno-
and DC outputs; as well as the control, reg-          vative and reliable hardware and software in
ulation and monitoring software necessary             the smallest confined space. The M7.3 Plus
for reliable operations.                              builds upon the well-established 

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Thinking ahead, acting sustainably - Customer Magazineinformative up-to-date pioneering - BENNING
Photo: © Drägerwerk & Co. KGaA, Lübeck. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The compact two-part structure of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         M7.3 Plus combines innovative and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         reliable hardware and software in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         smallest confined space. Passive cooling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         is used so that it emits zero noise.

                                                               M7.3 Classic with a range of additional fea-     High degree of flexibility                         Constant dialogue                                 contact person is assigned who coordinates         any special or complex requirements individ-     author/contact: Dirk Petrich
                                                               tures to set it apart from its predecessor.                                                                                                           the hardware and software development.             ually and to find appropriate solutions.         telephone: +49 2871 93 401
                                                               For example, an additional battery connec-       Charging performance has been doubled so           All of the specified characteristics contribute   Intensive discussions are held with everyone       Results of the development process are usu-      e-mail:
                                                               tion has been integrated that is particularly    that the higher battery capacities can be          to optimising the quality of treatment and        involved to ensure that all customer-specific      ally presented in form of initial prototypes
                                                               important while transporting patients, e.g.      charged within a reasonable amount of time.        safety of patients. These properties are the      requirements are included in the develop-          and then further enhanced in close cooper-
                                                               when moving from the operating theatre to        The use of lithium batteries should be pos-        result of close and trusting collaboration with   ment process.                                      ation with the customer until a completely re-
                                                               the intensive care unit. The use of a redun-     sible in the near future. Until then, a combi-     producers of medical devices.                                                                        liable system that meets the specific require-
                                                               dant battery system represents an addi-          nation of lead and NiHM batteries can be           From the planning phase until the start of        A key advantage of this is that with BENNING’s     ments and standards is ready to go into
                                                               tional safety mechanism for the respiratory      used to increase flexibility. Just like its pre-   series production, BENNING maintains a            decades of experience, the company knows           production.                                                      Scan the QR code for
                                                               device in case the first battery fails or runs   decessor, the M7.3 Plus works without a fan        dialogue with them. Throughout the devel-         the high standards and requirements of the                                                                           further information
                                                               out of power.                                    so that it emits zero noise.                       opment and production processes, a direct         medical sector very well. This allows to discuss

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Thinking ahead, acting sustainably - Customer Magazineinformative up-to-date pioneering - BENNING
The Next Generation: SLIMLINE
                                     Telecom power supply systems
                                     BENNING is just starting to deliver a new generation of highly
                                     efficient telecom power supply systems with a performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Stefan Kleefeld,
                                     range of 2 – 400 kW.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sales

                                     The average German household has 10 devices on line at any time. In modern                       as flexibility and modularity are also highly im-   switching centres or MSCs) through base                 [l]      Comparing
                                     society, everyone normally has access online for communications or business                      portant. These form the basis for a significant     station controllers (BSCs) right up to the in-                   of
                                     purposes at all times.                                                                           reduction in installation and assembly times        dividual base transceiver stations (BTS). So                     generations
                                     Being ‘Always In Touch’ means always having Internet access, with broadband                      and simpler and more efficient maintenance          our power supply systems protect all the         1,5
                                     networks spreading globally using wireless technology (LTE, in future 5G). The                   in subsequent operation. BENNING meets              transmission technology involved (LTE, 4G,
                                     telecommunications systems required need power supplies that are always op-                      these requirements with its modular concept         VOIP, TV, Server, etc) against any mains sup-
                                     erational and reliable.                                                                          in our new SLIMLINE telecoms power sup-             ply deviation .
                                                                                                                                      ply. At the same time, we are cutting the time
                                     For decades, BENNING has been supplying          power supplies for operating IT, communica-     and costs required to install or maintain           PN: Could you tell us something about
                                     mobile phone and landline operators world-       tions and industrial technology systems reli-   power supplies at communications sites re-          power density?
                                     wide with battery-backup AC/DC power             ably. What are the main things the market       gardless of whether they are new ones or ex-                                                                 1,5 l          1l
                                     supplies and has invested particularly in        wants from the new development of the           isting conversions.                                 Kleefeld: To build complete power supply
                                     developing highly efficient power supplies for   SLIMLINE Series for the telecommunications                                                          systems, individual modules are available        0,5
                                     reliable, energy-saving operations.              sector?                                         PN: You said the equipment was developed            with a power output of 2000 W. Compared
                                                                                                                                      specifically for use in the telecommunications      with our previous SLIMLINE SE models, we
                                     POWER News talked with Stefan Kleefeld,          Kleefeld: BENNING develops feature rich         market. What are the fields in which the new        have succeeded in increasing power density
                                     BENNING’s product manager, about the next        power supply solutions to give network op-      system is normally used?                            by 50%. Our 19“ 1HU equipment rack can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2 kW         2 kW
                                     generation of intelligent power supplies.        erators precisely what they need. Current                                                           accommodate either six rectifier modules or       0
                                                                                      ‘must-haves’ include maximum operating re-      Kleefeld: Our new SLIMLINE range covers             five 48 V rectifier modules at 2000 W and one
                                     PN: Mr Kleefeld, BENNING is seen as one of       liability, maximum energy efficiency and max-   the whole spectrum of mobile phone appli-           MCU module, giving a power of 10 kW or             SLIMLINE SE   SLIMLINE
                                     today’s leading suppliers of high efficiency     imum available ‘user space’. Features such      cations, from switching centres (mobile             12 kW per 1U of rack space. 

                                                                                       SLIMLINE System
                                                                                       48 V/4 kW and
                                                                                       MCU, battery and
                                                                                       load distribution


                                      SLIMLINE System,
                                      48 V/22 kW and MCU

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Thinking ahead, acting sustainably - Customer Magazineinformative up-to-date pioneering - BENNING

... SLIMLINE – smart, flexible and efficient

                                                                                                                                                            Efficiency factor/level
PN: What other advantages does your new            PN: You mentioned the term ‘MCU’ a num-
SLIMLINE telecom power supply offer – in           ber of times. What does this module do?
terms of flexibility in particular?
                                                   Kleefeld: For the comprehensive control and
Kleefeld: Thanks to their hot plug technol-        monitoring functions for these systems, we
ogy, all modules can be replaced without in-       provide our remote monitoring system MCU
terruption to the clients load. The equipment      (monitoring control unit). For low-power units,                                                                                        Output rating                       [%]
racks with their corresponding number of           this is usually installed as a module in the rec-
rectifier modules, and the battery and user        tifier equipment rack; for higher-power sys-                                                                                       SLIMLINE SE         SLIMLINE
distribution systems allocated, create a com-      tems, it can be installed in the power supply
plete modular SLIMLINE power supply sys-           cabinet door.
tem ensuring maximum flexibility. There are                                                                                                                The efficiency factor of the new SLIMLINE rectifier module has been signifi-   If a mobile device or computer is available, the system can be configured
also add-on battery and load distribution sys-     PN: As you said earlier, high-energy effi-           The new SLIMLINE MCU module has a 1.8"             cantly increased and already achieves 97% at 50% of output performance.        easily via a network connection and an Internet browser.
tems available at different power ratings.         ciency is one of the ‘must haves’. What are          Display on the front, a USB 2.0 interface (e.g.
The distribution systems are also designed         the advantages of the new range compared             for a WLAN stick, etc) and an ethernet port.
as 19” plug-in units and comprise one or           with the previous one specifically?
three height units, depending on power out-                                                            Kleefeld: It is true that the MCU monitors         take up more space and cost more. If it              things looking with the MCU unit installed in       can be connected both via the RS 485 inter-
put.                                               Kleefeld: Our new series of highly efficient        a system and controls it appropriately – for       does fail, of course, a signal is sent so we         the racks?                                          face or via the network. A modem connec-
                                                   rectifiers reduces AC-DC conversion losses          power management, for example; but the             can plan to replace the MCU as soon as                                                                   tion, which is supplied via an RS 232 inter-
PN: Can the new SLIMLINE be fully flexible,        by up to 30%, reducing the actual rectifier         system is in fact designed in such a way           possible.                                            Kleefeld: If you look closer at the MCU mod-        face, and the 12 V power supply has also
bearing in mind there may be very different        physical size by approximately 50% at the           that the power supply continues to operate                                                              ule, you will notice that no less than five com-    been added.
performance criteria with very special require-    same time.                                          reliably even if the MCU fails. The rectifiers     PN: With the rectifiers, you have managed to         ponents are integrated in just one sixth of the
ments?                                             What is particularly impressive is that the         continue to supply the system and batteries        double the power density for each individual         19“ width, which were still separate in the         The system configuration can be set up via
                                                   SLIMLINE range operates at > 97% effi-              so that performance remains at 100%. So,           height unit. In parallel with this, how are          previous model and took up extra space, e.g.        the colour display or,if a mobile device or a
Kleefeld: Yes, we have solutions to meet           ciency in the 50–90% load range. This               failure of the MCU is not critical to the pro-                                                          an SMNP adapter and the Modbus, which               computer is available, then it can be config-
every need. Our SLIMLINE PSU 4000 power            means major savings in most facilities              cess – and there is no need for the                                                                                                                         ured easily via a network connection and 
supply system, which is the smallest in            telecommunications that service providers           MCU to be redundant. Quite
power terms, has up to two 48 V/2000 W             use in the field.                                   the opposite, in fact: it
rectifier modules and one MCU, plus the bat-                                                           would merely
tery and load distribution system, all in a sin-   We have an optional active power manage-
gle 19“ 1HU equipment rack.                        ment system that determines what the load
                                                   is at any time and connects or discon-
For the mid-performance range – which in-          nects the rectifier modules
cludes, for example, mobile phone base sta-        accordingly, this will al-
tions – system performances of 10 kW (with         ways ensure the maxi-
an MCU module) or 12 kW can be achieved            mum system efficiency
within a single height unit using just one         without compromise to
1U rack, fully equipped with rectifiers.           redundancy.

Connecting a second rectifier rack in parallel     PN: We see the MCU is
can increase power to 22 kW – including an         not redundant. What
MCU module. Special battery and user dis-          happens if it fails?
tribution systems are available for all power
ranges, ensuring flexible and compact
space-saving systems.

Even higher power outputs, which central
hubs and distribution stations need for ex-
ample, can be produced by connecting a
number of equipment racks in parallel. In this
way, output power ratings of up to 400 kW
are possible. Such systems are then installed
in the special BENNING UC cabinets, which
can also accommodate batteries and distri-

                                                                 The 19“ 1HU equipment rack can hold either six rectifier
                                                                 modules or five 48 V rectifier modules (offering 2000 W)
14 | BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017                               and one MCU module.                                                                                                                                                                                    BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017 | 15
Thinking ahead, acting sustainably - Customer Magazineinformative up-to-date pioneering - BENNING
... SLIMLINE – smart, flexible and efficient
                                         6 x relay contacts                                       4 x analogue inputs (TTUI)

                             4 x digital inputs
                                                                                                                 Redundant supply
            Expansion slot

                                                                                                                                                         Hydroelectricity – Nature and Technology in Harmony
                                                                                                                                                         At the Bavarian Hydroelectric Power Station at Leipheim, modular
                                                                                                                                                         power supply systems are being installed to provide an uninterrupted
                                                                                                                                                         power supply for all power station functions.

                                                   The SLIMLINE MCU 3000 Module can contain as many as five components integrated in
                                                   just one sixth of the 19“ width, which were still separate in the previous model and took
                                                   up extra space.

the Internet browser also. No additional soft-    existing infrastructure and what challenges          points. As it is equipped with the MCU mon-
ware is required.                                 does this mean to power supply manufactur-           itoring and controlling unit, this power supply

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Photo: © KIMA
                                                  ers like BENNING in the future?                      system is already meeting tomorrow’s com-
PN: You said the system is modular in terms                                                            munications challenges today.
of both rectifier systems and distribution.       Kleefeld: As 5G will probably use frequen-
How will you cope with future power up-           cies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz, the                PN: You mentioned the large number of
grades?                                           short wavelength means it can carry signifi-         widely distributed transmission cells and the
                                                  cantly more data; but it also reduces the op-        resulting new or upgraded communications
Kleefeld: The system is easily scalable, of       erating range. This means that instead of            hubs. How will these affect network opera-                                                                                                                        Environmentally-friendly power sup-
course and can grow in line with customer         having a few dozen transmitter masts in an           tors’ operating costs as a whole?                                                                                                                                 ply technology from Westmü nsterland
requirements – from 2–400 kW. Through             urban area, we might need to install and con-
being highly modular, we will be able to plan,    nect hundreds of small transmitter cells. So,        Kleefeld: As it will take 1000 times less en-                                                                                                                     KIMA Gesellschaft für elektronische
                                                                                                                                                          Leipheim Hydroelectric
configure and deliver customer-specific sys-      on the one hand, we need to supply power             ergy to send each transmission and so the                                                                                                                         Steuerungstechnik und Konstruktion mbH
                                                                                                                                                          power plant
tems in a matter of weeks from 2018.              reliably to hundreds of small transmitter cells      operating cost per megabyte will fall. Within                                                                                                                     [English: “Company for Electronic Control
                                                  needing power supply systems with low rat-           total operating costs (total cost of owner-                                                                                                                       Technology and Design Ltd”] was founded
PN: If we look at the economics, operating        ings; on the other hand, communication               ship), maintenance and service costs will ac-     BEW (Bayerische Elektrizitätswerke GmbH) generates around 1.1 billion kWh of en-                                in1987 in Gronau and, with more than 100
costs should be considered, as well as en-        hubs will provide high-speed connections             count for a much greater percentage.              vironmentally-friendly power per year using renewable hydroelectricity, making it                               employees, provides engineering services
ergy efficiency. What opportunities does the      between individual mobile phone stations             Multiplying the transmission cells required       one of Bavaria’s leading operators of hydroelectric power stations. All 36 of the hy-                           in the field of control and regulation tech-
new generation offer for making savings?          and providers’ core networks. If these break         means operators’ service and maintenance          droelectric power stations BEW operates are exclusively ‘run-of-river’ plants. As                               nology.
                                                  down, whole regions may crash, so these              costs will soar if no quick and simple service    the water never stops flowing, these are designed for continuous operation, pro-
Kleefeld: The rectifier modules are identical     hubs must be particularly protected against          options are available. Integrated service func-   viding sustainable power around the clock and making a major contribution in the                                KIMA develops customised applications –
and mutually compatible, so they can be           mains failures.                                      tionalities could be used to extend the main-     transfer to alternative energy sources.                                                                         from initial engineering right through to
easily exchanged in all available systems. The                                                         tenance cycle.                                                                                                                                                    commissioning – for a wide variety of pro-
advantage for our customers is simple stock-      At the same time, if we look at what is hap-                                                                                                                                                                           cesses in manufacturing and process
keeping and logistics because only one type       pening in the Internet of Things, it is clear that   PN: Mr Kleefeld, many thanks for this infor-      Top priority must be given to a reliable power       Comprehensive Modernisation                                technology. KIMA supplies complex con-
of module needs to be kept for all the sys-       process reliability, for example, in relation to     mative interview. We look forward to further      supply for the technical systems inside the                                                                     trol and regulating systems worldwide to a
tems.                                             Industry 4.0, will depend on reliable data           innovative developments from your engi-           power plant that are critical for its operation,     To achieve this, a wide-ranging initiative was             wide variety of industrial sectors, such as
The bright, high-contrast display of the MCU      communications much more than today. So,             neers.                                           i.e. its internal power requirements. All the        set up in order to update the equipment for                cement, food processing, hydroelectricity
is also programmed as a signalling unit. If any   a modular scalable DC power supply can                                                                 regulation and control functions for the vast        the electrical and control systems within the              and environmental technology, including
problem occurs, it lights up all in red and is    provide the basis for covering these widely          author/contact: Stefan Kleefeld                   number of actuators in the power plant and           power plants.                                              redundant, high availability/safety-related
highly visible from a distance.                   ranging performance requirements within the          telephone: +49 2871 93 358                        particularly for the turbine units that lie at its                                                              control systems.
                                                  overall infrastructure.                              e-mail:                     heart, are based on gathering data seam-             After an intensive planning phase, BEW im-
PN: The next generation of mobile phone net-                                                                                                             lessly from a large number of measurement            plemented the resulting strategy for the first
works is already on the drawing board. 5G         With our SLIMLINE power supply system for                                                              points.                                              time in 2012 at the ‘run-of-river’ hydro power   BENNING and BEW had already worked to-
mobile phone networks with up to 10 GB/sec        indoor and outdoor operations, BENNING is                                                              One of BEW's most ambitious aims is to               plant at Rhien, owned by Rhein-Main-Donau        gether for over 30 years. Throughout this
offering approximately one hundred times the      already offering a flexibly scalable system,                           Scan the QR code for            achieve an unmanned operating regime that            AG. Following a competitive tender process,      time, BENNING had demonstrated how ro-
data rates of the current 4G-LTE networks.        which can currently be used to upgrade LTE                             further information             is remotely monitored at minimum cost, day           BENNING was selected as the partner of           bust, reliable and efficient its equipment is in
What does this technology mean for the            mobile phone stations, hubs and distribution                                                           and night.                                           choice for the power supply systems.             a number of different projects. 

16 | BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017 | 17
Thinking ahead, acting sustainably - Customer Magazineinformative up-to-date pioneering - BENNING
̈tswerke GmbH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Photo: © Bayerische
 The equipment was started up
 in BENNING's test area, and was
 subjected to extensive tests by
 KIMA's staff.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Since entering into service in 1961, the two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kaplan turbines with a maximum joint output
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of 9,370 Kilowatts,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                have generated an av-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                erage of around 50 mil-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                lion kWh of power per
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Compared with con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ventional power gener-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ation, this means elim-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                inating roughly 35,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                tonnes of carbon diox-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ide emissions a year.

 User-friendly equipment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Meanwhile, this system
 design with high pack-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             has now been installed
 ing density.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       at the hydroelectric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    power plant.

The automation project was started at the         technically authorised that, based on com-         damage to the critical and costly engineering   able, these systems supply the loads and            Remote Access Function                           Plans for Further Collaboration
Leipheim site, owned by Obere Donau Kraft-        prehensive tests, the modular industrial type      systems.                                        provide the charging current or float voltage
werke AG (ODK). Modernising the ‘run-of-          rectifier, the TEBECHOP 3000 HDI could                                                             for the batteries that were also supplied by        In order to enable a fully-automated, un-        There are already plans to continue the part-
river’hydro power plant, situated directly on     cope with the loads occurring in the power         BENNING won the order in May 2017,              BENNING. This ensures that, if the mains            manned operation of the ‘run-of-river’ power     nership, which demonstrates the power plant
the Danube in the Swabian rural district of       plant, particularly in the event of an emer-       thanks to a product that was both technically   supply fails, the batteries are available at full   plant, it is necessary to have remote access     operator is confident in BENNING’s supply of
Günzburg, will be carried out working with        gency shutdown.                                    and commercially credible. Roughly two          capacity and that the various loads receive a       to all the technical systems in the power        both products and services. 
tried and tested partners, as in the additional                                                      months later, the client gave the go-ahead to   reliable power supply during the transition         plant.
hydroelectric power plants on the Lech, Iller     In this scenario, an emergency shutdown            commence manufacture and in November,           period, without any interruption in power.          The power supply system is therefore             author/contact: Claus Kirmaier
and Danube rivers.                                means that as there is suddenly no generator       as soon as it was accepted at the plant, it                                                         equipped with the BENNING MCU (multi-            telephone: +49 8332 936363
                                                  load on the turbine units, they overspeed          was commissioned on-site.                       The modular rectifiers and inverters supplied       point control unit) enabling connection via      e-mail:
The company responsible for implementing          when the load is removed, so that frequen-                                                         are specifically robust systems designed for        Profibus to the BEW state-of-the-art central
the extensive modernisation measures is           cies of over 70 Hertz may occur initially be-      Maximum Availability                            industrial applications. Maximum equipment          control room, providing reliable, problem-free
KIMA Automatisierung of Gronau which has          fore the automatic frequency controls react                                                        availability is achieved by means of parallel       remote access from the control room to the
already undertaken a number of power plant        to mitigate the enormous release of kinetic        The in-house power supply developed             switching of power supply modules fitted            entire power supply system and the whole of
modernisation projects in collaboration with      energy.                                            by BENNING includes rectifier systems           with hot plug-in technology providing n+1 or        the plant’s technological systems.
BENNING (including those at Offingen, Gun-        It is precisely at the beginning of these un-      (110V/100A) of type TEBECHOP 3000 HDI,          n+2 redundancy. In addition, the perfor-
delfingen and Faimingen).                         planned operating conditions that it is abso-      DC/DC-converters (110V/24V) in the series       mance of the system can be flexibly adapted         Thanks to the highly efficient data capture
                                                  lutely vital to have an secure power supply for    TEBECHOP HDDC and power inverter sys-           at any time by adding or removing plug-in           and the actuation technology via remote                            Scan the QR code for
In the system used by BEW, BENNING had            the internal requirements of all the significant   tems of the INVERTRONIC compact type            modules, without causing any interruption to        management, the system is always under                             further information
to demonstrate before the project could be        technical systems in the plant to prevent          (230 V/20 kVA). When mains power is avail-      the supply to the consumers load.                   complete control in 'unmanned' mode.

18 | BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                             BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017 | 19
Emergency power supply for the heavy
                                                rail rapid transit system in Washington
                                                30 BENNING UPS systems set to provide more safety
                                                for one of the busiest metro rail systems in the United States.

The Washington heavy rail rapid transit         A static UPS system is not only intended to       represent safety and cost-effectiveness. The
system is one of the busiest rail systems       ensure a continuous and uninterrupted sup-        equipment combines excellent output char-
in the USA, covering a total area of            ply to connected equipment, but also to           acteristics and high voltage stability, even
around 1,500 km² including Washington           achieve a considerable improvement in volt-       under heavy load fluctuations, with an input
DC, as well as surrounding areas in             age and frequency quality compared to the         power factor ≥ 0.99 and minimal current dis-
Maryland and Virginia. It is predicted          normal power supply system. By 2021, vari-        tortion. The product line has a comprehen-
that the region around the American             ous lines of the rail network should be           sive set of reporting and monitoring func-
capital will enjoy strong growth in the         equipped with appropriate systems to ensure       tions, and can be controlled both remotely
coming decades, therefore the govern-           a reliable and uninterrupted electricity supply   via the customer’s network and from the dis-
ment has formulated a strategic plan            to the rail signalling system, control centres    play on the system.
called Momentum as a long-term vision           and stations.
for the future. This plan is intended to                                                          Redundant and scalable
ensure that the rail network will continue      Six UPS systems per year
to meet the needs of the region, whilst                                                           Should the client wish to have the UPS sys-
maintaining its competitiveness.                As a leading quality supplier of industrial       tem expanded in the future, for example, to
                                                power supply systems worldwide, BENNING           scale up output capability for increased load
Modernisation programme                         was awarded the contract to supply specially      or for redundancy purposes, up to eight units
                                                configured UPS systems based on the               of the ENERTRONIC I product line can be
Momentum describes the need for a modern        ENERTRONIC I type for various rail lines in       used in parallel. As a series production range,
and efficient transit system which, in the      Washington in late 2016. Over the next five       the ENERTRONIC I rectifier consists of an
long-term, will be able to ensure a safe and    years, six UPS systems will be delivered and      IGBT semiconductor rectifier bridge with                                                                                      ENERTRONIC I 120 kVA
reliable rail service for all passengers.       put into operation each year, making 30 units     power factor correction (power factor = 1).                                                                                   with optional IP21 cabinet
To achieve this goal, a modernisation pro-      in total.                                         In accordance with the special customer re-
gramme for the rail system has begun in         In order for the highly customer-specific re-     quirements in this case, BENNING has pro-
order to, amongst other things, gradually       quirements to be met as closely as possible,      duced a thyristor rectifier with additional
replace the existing emergency power supply     BENNING and the client have been in close         THDi filters, which reduce distortion to less
with a modern and efficient system.             contact from the outset. The specific product     than 12%. It is designed in such a way that it    duration allows great efficiency under partial   selecting the system. For example, there was        author/contact: Dietmar Papenfort
Due to the high loads placed on the public      specifications were jointly established and       can simultaneously supply the full load and       loads and very low THD with non-linear           a lot of brake dust in the air at sites where the   telephone: +49 2871 93 237
power supply (caused by disturbance effects     the technical planning agreed. The delivery       recharge discharged batteries within around       loads. This also provides excellent dynamic      system was to be installed. This largely con-       e-mail:
from large-scale consumers, connections in      and launch dates were set at an early stage       12 hours after a power outage to approxi-         response with load changes.                      sists of fine dust which, because of its small
peak usage periods and lightning strikes) it    to ensure that the installation and commis-       mately 95% of the battery capacity.                                                                particle size and chemical composition, could       contact: Kiran Karuman
is not possible to avoid voltage dips, over-    sioning process would be as short and                                                               The consumers load will be automatically         lead to breakdowns. The system cabinets de-         telephone: +1 214 553 1444
voltage and transient currents in the public    seamless as possible. The first successful        Ideal for non-linear loads                        switched to the bypass network or a parallel     veloped by BENNING have special air filter          e-mail:
mains electricity supply. Accordingly, robust   system tests took place in the first quarter of                                                     system if the supply is no longer guaranteed     devices to prevent the infiltration of the finest
uninterruptable power supplies (UPS) can be     2017 with the first delivery taking place just    In the inverter, the dc current is converted      by the inverter within the prescribed toler-     particles into the system.
deployed to guarantee the supply to critical    a few months later.                               into a three-phase alternating current using a    ances.                                           This is another product feature that serves to
consumers (e.g. process control computers,                                                        sinewave generated from pulse width mod-                                                           meet high customer requirements during de-
control rooms or SCADA systems), all of         Maximum safety                                    ulation through an IGBT semiconductor and         Robust system engineering                        manding 24/7 operations and continually en-
which require an independent electrical                                                           output isolation transformer. The high-switch-                                                     sures reliable operation of the heavy rail rapid                      Scan the QR code for
supply that does not suffer from any disrup-    The robust three-phase ENERTRONIC I 3-3           ing frequency compared to the basic fre-          The resistance of the UPS systems to envi-       transit system in the political capital of the                        further information
tion in the public network.                     UPS systems ensure high availability and          quency and optimum regulation of the pulse        ronmental conditions was a decisive factor in    USA. 

20 | BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017 | 21
Highly efficient and effective test and
                                             diagnostic solution for photovoltaic systems
                                             in accordance with international standards *
                                             The installation tester and I-V curve tracer BENNING PV 2
                                             is an efficient diagnostic tool to ensure that initial operation tests,
                                             maintenance tests and performance assessments of photovoltaic
                                             systems are carried out quickly and reliably.

                                                                                                                                                       Optional accessories
                                             Numerous photovoltaic systems, especially in the private sector, are becoming out-                        for BENNING SUN 2:
                                             dated and not effective anymore. But how will you know, if a PV system is still safe                      Mounting bracket
                                             and yields the anticipated returns?                                                                       (top)
                                             To be on the safe side, an expert solar engineer should be called in. By performing tests
                                             in accordance with DIN EN 62446 (VDE 0126-23) and DIN EN 61829 (VDE 0126-24),                             Optional accessories
                                             customers are given both a safety inspection and report regarding the quality and                         for BENNING PV 2:
                                             efficiency of the existing PV system.                                                                     Shoulder bag                                                                                             Scope of delivery of BENNING PV 2

                                             The construction of low-voltage systems has         In the heyday of PV systems, solar module            factor, the lower the efficiency, since a part        Software and accessories                           a PV module retainer for the BENNING SUN 2,
                                             been determined by particular specifications and    manufacturers promised low power losses              of the generated power is lost to the internal                                                           a 40 m measuring line reel (BENNING TA 5)
                                             guidelines for many decades now. Introduced         for a period of up to 20 years. If there is a de-    resistance of the solar cell. For crystalline         The PC software BENNING SOLAR Manager              and an AC/DC current clamp adapter
                                             approximately ten years ago, the EN 62446           viation in the quality and efficiency assess-        solar cells, values between 0.75 and 0.85 are         can be used for generating complete test           (BENNING CC 3) suitable for DC and AC
                                             standard defines the minimum requirements for       ment, a warranty claim can be proven, doc-           achieved; for amorphous cells the filling fac-        reports and documentation in accordance            current measurement up to 40 A.
    BENNING PV 2                             documentation, commissioning and periodic           umented and requested.                               tor is between 0.5 and 0.7. The filling factor        with DIN EN 62446 (VDE 0126-23) and
    photovoltaic installation tester and     tests of the grid-connected PV systems.                                                                  is thus a key indicator that provides a quality       DIN EN 61829 (VDE 0126-24). The I-V and            With its PV installation testers and curve
    I-V curve tracer                         However, similar standards and regular mon-         Range of additional features                         assessment at first glance.                           power curves determined are converted to           measuring devices, BENNING is ideally
                                             itoring were given short shrift in the past, also                                                                                                              STC conditions and compared to the nominal         placed for the needs of a solar energy spe-
                                             due in part to the lack of awareness of private     In 2011, BENNING launched BENNING PV 1-1,            To ensure that a characteristic curve is              manufacturer specifications via an integrated      cialist during the installation, maintenance
                                             PV system operators.                                one of the first PV installation testers for stan-   recorded correctly and can be subsequently            PV module database.                                and servicing of a photovoltaic system.
                                                                                                 dard-compliant, quick and easy testing of            analysed, the ambient conditions should be            If the solar energy specialist is using a smart-
                                             Older PV systems often deliver less power           PV generators. Today, BENNING PV 2 is an             taken into account. A combination and wire-           phone or tablet with an Android operating sys-     Please do not hesitate to contact us if you
                                             than the cost-efficiency calculation promised.      all-in-one commissioning tester and supple-          less coupling of BENNING PV 2 with the                tem and NFC technology, he can download and        have any further queries about the testing
                                             In order to detect a decrease of power in           ments the PV check with an additional I-V            irradiation and temperature measuring device          use the free app "BENNING PV Link" from the        and measuring equipment. 
                                             good time and to be able to initiate counter-       curve tracer and power curve.                        BENNING SUN 2 is therefore necessary.                 Playstore. With this "Android device" the expert
                                             measures, the proper method would be to             In addition to the measurements of the no-           Supplementary data on solar irradiation,              can select data from the NFC chip integrated       author/contact: Tobias Enck
                                             have the PV characteristics measured by a           load voltage, the short-circuit current and the      module temperature and ambient tempera-               into the BENNING PV 2. The app can display         telephone: +49 2871 93 111
                                             corresponding specialist. In the event of qual-     insulation resistance, the display shows the         ture are essential because they directly im-          and compare a characteristic curve with the        e-mail:
                                             ity and efficiency losses, the BENNING PV 2         current and the voltage in the "Maximum              pact the PV module performance.                       STC data via the integrated module database.
                                             combined with an irradiation and tempera-           Power Point" (the point of maximum power
                                             ture sensor, can record the actual electrical       on the electrical curve) of the solar string.        A new feature compared to its predecessor,            In addition, there are other accessories avail-
                                             values and document them using the                  BENNING PV 2 calculates the filling factor as        BENNING PV 1-1, is the ability to provide             able that offer a practical range of additional
                                             BENNING SOLAR Manager PC software.                  a measure of the solar cell quality based on         separated and continuous insulation resis-            features. This includes, for example, a shoul-
                                             The software is based on a comprehensive            the current and voltage values.                      tance measurement. BENNING PV 2 per-                  der bag for the PV measuring devices, which
                                             module database. It compares the measured                                                                forms a “preliminary check” before each au-           allows greater freedom of movement in the
    BENNING SOLAR Manager for the as-        values converted to STC (Standard Test              The ideal solar cell is a constant current           tomatic test procedure in order to prevent            solar field and in a PV plant.                                      Scan the QR code for
    sessment of BENNING PV 2 measure-        Conditions) with the nominal manufacturer           source up to its maximum voltage and the fill-       damage (e.g. due to power surges) that could          The product range also includes a two-                              further information
    ment results and characteristic curves   specifications.                                     ing factor is equal to one. The lower the filling    destroy the measuring device.                         channel temperature sensor with suction cup,

                                                                                                                                                      * BENNING PV 2 and BENNING SOLAR Manager are
22 | BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017                                                                                                                      expected to be available in English from 06/2018.                                                          BENNING | POWER news | 9/2017 | 23
Investing in new pyrolysis process
reduces turnaround times significantly
It takes just 36m3 of space to strip electric motor windings
quickly, non-destructively and efficiently.

Maintaining electrical equipment often
involves replacing parts. Apart from se-
rious ageing, this may be due to dam-
age, such as a short circuit in the wind-
ings or a short circuit to earth from the
rotor or stator winding. Using modern
insulating materials and winding de-
signs, replacement windings can also be                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The loading capacity of the floor is designed for
made to increase efficiency or improve                                                                                                                                                                                                                            machine components weighing up to 35t.
operating characteristics.

When reconditioning electric motors and           hauling the pyrolysis process, facing all the       depending on the type of winding, there is          irregularities occur, they immediately get an       chamber on a system of rails manoeuvring it        Regular testing
drives, it is crucially important to remove any   challenges this involved.                           also a possibility that the copper winding can      alert on their mobiles. The process parame-         with the aid of two lasers to ensure it is posi-
damaged items quickly and with care. One                                                              be reused, reducing costs and turnaround            ters are displayed at the installation itself and   tioned accurately to the nearest millimetre.       To ensure the pyrolysis oven continues to op-
of the processes used when replacing wind-        Challenges overcome                                 time to the customer significantly.                 in the offices of the specialist department in      The whole placement process can be moni-           erate economically and in accordance with
ings is pyrolysis, which is the careful removal                                                                                                           charge via a computer connected to the LAN.         tored precisely via a special sensor system.       the law in future, as well as the operational
of the existing winding using controlled heat.    The process starts by determining the tem-          The challenge to the equipment designer lay                                                             The information and signals required are dis-      safety examination cycle, there are also emis-
During this process, insulating materials and     peratures and times which can vary, depend-         not only in the pyrolysis process itself but also   Working with the installation manufacturers,        played very clearly and inform the plant op-       sions tests conducted by the TÜV [German
any existing varnish or epoxy resin are care-     ing on the type of winding, the weight and          in the so-called ‘thermal afterburning’ re-         we designed the process and equipment to            erator about the correct position of the vehi-     Technical Inspection Agency] and the test re-
fully and slowly “burned off” out of the lami-    size of the component involved. The heating         quirement which, as the name indicates,             the actual physical environment. As well as a       cle inside the oven chamber.                       sults are verified officially.
nation bundle. When done correctly, the ex-       process inside the installation is carefully con-   takes place after the main process. This en-        capacity of 36 m³ (dimensions of 4 x 3 x 3 m
isting stator or rotor laminations can be used,   trolled, with precisely adjusted oxygen levels      sures that statutory limits are observed and        – L x W x H), the loading capacity of the floor     BENNING also invested in a suitable towing         This investment has enabled BENNING to re-
so the winding can be replaced quickly, effi-     inside the chamber. There are two major fac-        no prohibited emissions escape into the en-         was designed at a generous 35t for individual       truck from a well-known German manufac-            duce turnaround times for overhauling elec-
ciently and cost-effectively.                     tors to consider here: first, the electrical con-   vironment, for example.                             machine components.                                 turer. This is battery-operated and was            trical equipment considerably. 
                                                  ductor used (e.g. copper wire) should then                                                                                                                  adapted for the operating conditions so that,
Successful new strategy                           be able to be removed from the winding eas-         Continuous monitoring                               The unit is housed in a separately con-             for example, it can handle a load of up to 30t     author/contact: Matthias Loerwink
                                                  ily without damaging the lamination; and sec-                                                           structed building for which all the particular      without problems. It needs very little space       telephone: +49 2871 93 318
BENNING has used pyrolysis for many years.        ond, the temperature in the oven must not in        Thermal afterburning involves temperatures          requirements of this process have been              during manoeuvring activities and, due to the      e-mail:
However, at the same time as we were mov-         any way affect the other components, like the       up to 850 °C. This extreme heat puts great          taken into careful consideration. The entire        narrow wheelbase of approximately 1500mm,
ing into the large drive unit market, we re-      lamination insulation. These specific require-      stresses on the materials used and sensor           system was built below ground level so the          it is very easy to position.
alised that we needed to make the plant           ments must be met continuously throughout           systems employed.                                   oven chamber can be loaded at ground level
larger and optimise the process involved. As      a process lasting 18–24 hours.                      To monitor and control the processes a data         as it is necessary to manoeuvre individual          The plant was commissioned subject to an
crane capacities had increased from 40t to        The oven is heated by two gas burners with          logger has been installed. This system can          components weighing up to 30t.                      approval procedure under the Federal Emis-
120t, the processing capacities clearly           finely graduated adjustment in combination          be used to record and document the tem-                                                                 sions Protection Control Act, which had to be
needed to be adapted to accommodate               with air circulation being controlled via a         perature, gas consumption and oxygen                A ‘customised’ trailer with hydraulic height        agreed with various authorities. This means
these weights. Our electrical machines de-        speed-regulated drive. As well as the ad-           content in the combustion chamber, as well          adjustment eliminates the need to load and          that this project involves not only the man-
partment responded by installing a new            vantage that the process parameters can             as throughout the whole process of after-           unload the oven slowly using a mobile crane.        agers responsible within the particular de-                          Scan the QR code for
state-of-the-art balancing unit (which can        be controlled precisely, this also minimises        burning. And BENNING's standby staff can            While the trailer moves on its own wheels           partment, but also management for Environ-                           further information
balance components up to 50t) and by over-        the installation’s energy requirements. And,        monitor the process easily because, if any          outside the oven, it is carried into the oven       ment and Safety at Work representatives.

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