Page created by Randall Wright
01. Theme

Expo 2020 Themes

Since the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of
All Nations held in London in 1851, World Expos have
connected people, enriched lives and supported the
path of human progress. They have educated people
from around the world and consistently showcased
advancement and innovation.
It is at a World Expo that Thomas Edison          Landmarks have also been born in Expos.
presented his first photograph to the public      In 1889 the Paris World Fair opened its doors
in 1878 in Paris. In 1901 in Buffalo, the first   through the Eiffel Tower, which was built as the
x-ray machine was introduced as was               entrance arch to the event and the first ever
the first television in 1939 in New York;         Ferris-wheel was designed and constructed
the mobile phone in 1970 in Japan; and            for the Chicago World Fair of 1893.
the touchscreen in 1982 in Tennessee.
Not to forget that in 1876 Heinz tomato
ketchup made its debut in a World Expo.

                                                                                                     2   EXPO 2020
01. Theme

Expo 2020 Themes

Throughout history, Expos have had the
power to define and reframe the times
in which we live and this has been most
recently reflected in their unifying themes.
Today, Expos are no longer solely dedicated
to showcasing industrial progress, but have
also become discussion platforms aimed
at finding solutions to universal challenges
of our time, such as urbanism (Expo Shanghai
2010) or nutrition (Expo Milan 2015).

With its theme Connecting Minds, Creating
the Future Expo 2020 will bring global
focus on one of the most transformative
times for humanity; a time when our human
potential is completely transformed
by our physical and digital connections.

                                               3   EXPO 2020
“Connected thinking is the
best hope for progress and for
successful and peaceful existence
in the generations to come.”
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
                                                     4   EXPO 2020
02: Theme

Connecting Minds,
Creating the Future
In 2020, the United Arab Emirates will host the first ever World Expo
in the Arab World in the city of Dubai, a global cross-road that connects
people, resources and knowledge.

With its central theme Connecting          and ideas move faster and further
Minds, Creating the Future,                in the physical and digital space.
Expo 2020 celebrates the power             And in this world, where we are
of collaboration and partnerships          connected like never before, there
in the new world we live in. A world       is unlimited potential to tap into
which is shaped and reshaped               the innovative and creative
by ever expanding connections;             contributions from everywhere,
an interdependent world where              crossing geographies, institutional
the challenges that humanity faces         boundaries, industry clusters,
have become far too complex to             cultures, and disciplines.
be solved in isolation.
                                           The principal message of
The maps of this world are no longer       Connecting Minds, Creating the
limited to the territorial and political   Future is optimistic and uplifting,
borders. They are defined by the           highlighting how much humanity
intensity and the reach of our             can accomplish when people work
connections as people, goods               together to solve common challenges.

                                                                                  5   EXPO 2020
03. Subtheme

Opportunity, Mobility,
The three subthemes of Opportunity, Mobility and
Sustainability reflect the three pillars of the future.
They capture the hope and dreams of people,
organizations, and countries and give us shared
goals around which to connect to drive an inclusive
and sustainable future.
                                                          “Seeing the world through
                                                          the lens of connectivity
                                                          generates new visions of
                                                          how we organise ourselves
                                                          as a species.”

                                                          Parag Khanna – Connectography

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03. Subtheme

Opportunity is about unlocking new
possibilities for people and communities
to become successful contributors
to the future.

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03. Subtheme

Mobility is about creating smarter and more
productive physical and virtual connections.

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03. Subtheme

Sustainability is about living in balance
with the world we inhabit.

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03. Subtheme

Expo 2020 Dubai will explore these
themes from three perspectives:

What are the innovative ideas, solutions
and practices that are generated
by our connections?

How are we connecting to extend
and scale the benefits of innovation
to the greatest number of people
and communities?

How can we leverage our connections
to build greater understanding and empathy
between people but also with our planet?

                                             10 EXPO 2020
03. Subtheme

The world of the 21st century is one of great
potential where we can work together as never
before to share new ideas, technologies and
solutions. This potential can be successfully unlocked
when we understand the links between our quest
for opportunity, the essential need for mobility and
connectivity and the importance to act sustainably
for the future.

When we connect these three engines of progress
– Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability - we can
have the best hope to harness the capabilities
of individuals and the choices we make to shape
a better future.

                                                         11 EXPO 2020
04. Opportunity

Unlocking Opportunity

Unlocking the potential within individuals
and communities to shape a better future.

Opportunity is the seed that enables people    However, irrespective of these differences,
and communities to realise their potential     opportunity exists where we promote
in a fast-changing world. Opportunity is at    environments and resources that nurture
the core of human development and growth:      human talent through education,
it transforms dreams and aspirations           employment, good governance, access
of people into the realities of tomorrow.      to financial resources, entrepreneurship
                                               and the development of new industries.
Opportunity can take as many forms
as there are diversity of people and           Central to the subtheme of Opportunity
contexts. It is in the “eye of the beholder”   is the growth of human population. We live
as it is shaped by different geographies,      in a time of remarkable demographic
histories, values and visions of the future.   change. In approximately 50 years, population
                                               has grown from 3 billion in 1960 to over
                                               7 billion people today. Our world is not only
                                               more connected but it is getting bigger.        12 EXPO 2020
04. Opportunity

While meeting the basic needs of shelter,           With more than half of humanity already
food, safety and health is the foundation           living in cities and 70% of the world population
of opportunity for more people, education           projected to live in urban areas by 2030,
is a powerful accelerator. It empowers              the cities of tomorrow will be sources
individuals to make a meaningful contribution       of extraordinary potential. Urban centres
to society. Governance systems alongside            will consolidate knowledge, experience
smarter use and distribution of financial           and creative talent to enable new systems
and intellectual capital can unleash significant    of prosperity and security for more people.
new opportunities, inspire new generations
of entrepreneurs and give way to new                A bigger more connected world can be
industries that create and scale solutions          a world of opportunity if we can work together
for more people.                                    to fortify networks that generate new ideas,
                                                    inventions, and breakthroughs. A more
Opportunities and their enablers increasingly       interconnected world means we can promote          FACT
come together in our cities, which are              a more balanced and inclusive development
responsible for 80 per cent of the world’s          across the spectrum of human and social            Altogether, nearly 2.5 billion people are expected
wealth today and are the true engines of            contexts. And a smarter world means                to join the global urban population by 2050 with
opportunity. Cities have historically been focal    we can mobilize the flow of knowledge more         the number of megacities doubling from 42 today
points of civilisation, nurturing humanity’s        intelligently and in a timely way to make          to almost 90 over the next 20 years. Forecasts
greatest intellectual, cultural and technological   informed and sustainable decisions.                suggest that over 90 per cent of the world’s long haul
advances, and driving commerce, creativity,                                                            air traffic will be between or through these hubs.
knowledge and social change.

                                                                                                                                                13 EXPO 2020
04. Opportunity

Innovation        A new era of technological revolution is unfolding. All around us new technologies are coming
                  together to solve complex problems in creative, previously unimaginable ways. Futurists
                  predict that, with our rate of progress doubling every decade, we can expect more advances
                  in science and technology between now and 2020 than in the entire 20th century. From
                  2020 to 2100, developments could in fact outpace the last 20,000 years of human progress.

                                                                  and engineers will go beyond strict
                                                                  disciplinary boundaries and open new
                                                                  areas of application.

                                                                  Developments such as 3-D printing, the
                                                                  Internet of Things (IoT), human-machine
                                                                  interfaces and new materials may allow
                                                                  us to manufacture products, design biological
                                                                  systems, improve our well-being and manage
                                                                  our resources in game-changing ways.
                  The interaction of elements from the new        Technological innovation will also transform
                  generation of technologies will give            access and flows of capital between people
                  rise to new industries and new sources          and across continents. From high-speed
                  of opportunity. By combining insights           automated trading to digital currencies
                  from theoretical physics, communications        and platforms such as blockchain,
                  and information science, nanotechnology,        new forms of transactions and modes
                  biotechnology and neuroscience, researchers     of payment are emerging.
                                                                                                   14 EXPO 2020
04. Opportunity

Inclusion         Economic free zones, creative districts, incubators for entrepreneurs as well as cities
                  themselves provide examples of environments of different scale where good governance
                  is at work to unlock opportunities.

                  Governance and institutional practices will    schools, entrepreneurship, health and
                  be at the core of inclusive opportunities      core services can emerge from stronger
                  for a growing population in a fast changing    connections between the public and public
                  technological world.                           sectors but also through the work of social
                                                                 entrepreneurs and impact investors.
                  Education systems will not only change
                  with new technologies - transforming how
                  we learn, what we learn, where we learn,
                  but they will be instrumental to ensure
                  access to a whole new world of employment.
                  With technology and robotics replacing
                  humans in established professions, education
                  systems will have to ensure that youth is
                  prepared to access the jobs of the future,
                  and that people can be a part of the new
                  economy through life-long learning.

                  With the SDGs as global guiding principles,
                  broader solutions to expand access to
                                                                                                  15 EXPO 2020
04. Opportunity

Understanding     As we pursue the rich possibilities offered by technology, we must also bear in mind that
                  it merely provides tools. It remains our responsibility to understand the cultural and ethical
                  implications of their adoption, to equip ourselves, and future generations, with the policies,
                  skills and understanding to embrace change in a sustainable way.

                  Alongside the understanding of opportunity        the creative processes that take place
                  in the context of society, we can also look       in our mind and truly celebrate the wonders
                  forward to new discoveries in the science         of our shared humanity.
                  of the brain to expand our knowledge about

                                                                                                       16 EXPO 2020
04. Opportunity                                  17 EXPO 2020

Questions for the Future

• Will there still be classrooms in 2050?
• Would you apply for a job as a data curator?
• What will money look like in the future?
• Will we crowdsource government policies
  in the future?

                                                 17 EXPO 2020
04. Opportunity

Areas of focus

       Education                  Employment                  New Industries             Financial Capital                Governance

   Inspiring, training,       Creating new jobs and       Diversifying economies      Creating new financial          Creating environments
 capacity building, and      enabling people to adapt    and developing innovative   models, providing access        and ecosystems that are
mentoring individuals and   to new requirements in the     industries and sectors.   to finance, and achieving      conducive to and promote
 communities to reach        workplace and changing                                  greater financial inclusion   innovation and opportunity.
     their potential.        economic environments.                                        and efficiency.

                                                                                                                                  18 EXPO 2020
05. Mobility

Transforming Mobility

From the legend of Icarus to our latest feats
of space exploration, human progress has been
symbolised by advances in transport and other
forms of mobility.

Pioneers from all ages and places have        as new relationships, routes and
reached beyond the confines of the            platforms facilitate the movement of
known world in search of opportunity.         people, goods but also ideas.
These advances have played powerful roles
in driving further economic, technological,   From the design of future cities to the
social and scientific progress.               development of national and regional
                                              infrastructure for travel and trade, new
Today, mobility has two major dimensions:     policies, research and innovation efforts
physical and digital.                         are transforming how we move.

Physical movement of people and goods
is as old as the history of human social
development itself. It forms an invisible
layer that changes, shifts and expands
                                                                                          19 EXPO 2020
05. Mobility

Digital connectivity is mapping out new ways
in which mobility shapes our societies,
economies and environment. It is a realm
where intangibles become tangible, and
physical items are de-materialised. Digital
communications eliminates barriers between
material and immaterial, creating new ways
to access people, services and new experiences.

Mobility is about more than movement.
It is about creating the bridge to opportunity
as we scale the benefits of progress to more
people, faster.


Shipping is responsible for about 90 per cent
of global trade, while airfreight has grown 14-fold
in the past 40 years, compared to a threefold
growth of the world economy.

                                                      20 EXPO 2020
05. Mobility

Innovation                                        Our logistics systems have become smarter              specific locations. The technological changes
                                                  and more resilient. Real-time data from satellites     will go hand to hand with innovations in business
                                                  and sensors allows for route optimisation and          models around sharing economies while new
Safer, smarter and cleaner modes of transport     effective responses to unforeseen disruptions.         policies and regulations will emerge as new
will take us further and faster with decreasing                                                          modes of travel become the norm.
environmental impacts. Technologies               Our remarkable networks of data, signals and
are already converging to provide less            hardware continue to evolve, further reshaping
energy-hungry cars, trains and planes, ships      information and communication technologies.
and other vessels as construction materials
become sturdier and lighter and alternative       On the journey to 2020 and beyond, the Internet
power sources supplant the internal               of Things will transform the cities and places
combustion engine.                                we inhabit, making them increasingly more
                                                  connected and smarter. Information will be
Advances in robotics and human-machine            channelled through everyday objects, expanding
interfaces will enable those constrained          our ability to communicate with each other and
by disabilities to walk and run, while smart      to interact with the physical world in multilingual,
interactive technologies will augment             multichannel and multidimensional ways. Global
sensory perceptions, enabling individuals         communications technologies are creating
to explore familiar or new locations without      a new virtual dimension for both physical objects
leaving their homes.                              and the services we traditionally sourced from

                                                                                                                                              21 EXPO 2020
05. Mobility

Inclusion      Mobility has the power to reach people and connect them to the workplace, to other
               businesses, to schools, to hospitals and to vital goods such as foods and medicine.
               Innovations in mobility can connect communities to communities, facilitating the sharing
               of ideas and information.

               As low-cost solutions linked to mobile
               communications, nano-satellites or drones
               become increasingly available, many
               communities around the world will be able
               to overcome physical barriers and leapfrog
               towards new possibilities.

               As we become increasingly reliant on
               personal mobility, we need to design safe
               and environmentally friendly solutions
               for as many people as possible. Secure
               and age-appropriate solutions and
               transportation systems will respond to
               the needs of different types of individuals
                                                                 In addition, developments in communication
               and demographics: from the young who
                                                                 and information technologies, automotive
               require reliable transportation linked to their
                                                                 power engineering, and composite materials
               education and development, to the elderly
                                                                 will further unlock potential opportunities.
               wishing to maintain their independence.
                                                                                                 22 EXPO 2020
05. Mobility

Understanding   Mobility has diverse, distinct and profound cultural meanings from the varying perspectives
                of different individuals and societies.

                For nomadic cultures, it is a way of life;
                for millions of migrants fleeing hardship,
                it reflects the hope for a better future;
                for traders travelling routes of commerce,
                mobility is a means to prosperity and
                knowledge; and for many others seeking
                new experiences, it expands their personal
                and cultural horizons.

                Building the connections that are enabled
                by travel and digital communication helps
                us remove our human divides and celebrate
                people’s identity, culture and creative
                contributions to the future.

                                                                                                 23 EXPO 2020
05. Mobility

Questions for the Future

• Will your children have a driver licence?
• How many drone-related jobs can you think of?
• Who will design your driverless experience?
• How many places are there left to explore?
• What is next frontier for fuel?

                                                  24 EXPO 2020
05. Mobility

Areas of focus

    Transportation          Travel and Exploration        Personal Mobility                   Logistics              Digital Connectivity

 Exploring the means,       Reaching new frontiers       Empowering people’s          Developing smarter, more        Blurring boundaries
modes and infrastructure     through exploration,       movement, overcoming          efficient, and sustainable     between the physical
    of movement.           knowledge, and the quest   disability, and urban access.      systems for moving           and the virtual world
                               for opportunity.                                        physical goods as well         to create new ways
                                                                                         as critical resources.      to access information,
                                                                                                                   services, and experiences.

                                                                                                                                  25 EXPO 2020
06. Sustainability

Embracing Sustainability

Every generation is responsible for             However, our extraordinary success as a
safeguarding the world for generations to       species is now tipping the balance between
come. Sustainability calls for a commitment     what humanity requires to shape its future,
to understand and nurture the bonds that        and what the earth can naturally supply
connect people, society and habitats and        and absorb.
to find new paths to prosperity that can lead
to a viable future.                             Humanity no longer influences only local
                                                environments in limited ways. Our impact
Sustainability touches the environmental,       on the earth’s dynamic systems can rival
economic and social dimensions of the           the powers of nature. Humanity has become
places we inhabit and explores how we           the predominant driver of change at the
connect to them in a way that protects          planetary level, and a biophysical force
and enhances our most valuable planetary        to reckon with, to the point that the term
resources.                                      Antropocene (“the era of humans”) is now
                                                defining the geological time we live in.
Access and management of natural
resources and ecosystems has been pivotal       Whether built or natural, we must ensure
to our livelihoods and tightly linked           that tomorrow’s habitats continue to thrive
to employment and economic growth.              with life and opportunity: natural ecosystems
Our resources fuel our livelihoods              with their complex interactions between
and without them we could not have              soil, water, flora and fauna; and our cities –
the innovations in industry, health,            large and small – as centres that generate
transportation and communications that          the opportunities underpinning human
continue to improve the lives of millions.      development.                                     26 EXPO 2020
06. Sustainability


At least 40 per cent of the world’s economy and
80 per cent of the needs of the poor are derived
from biological resources. (United Nations
Convention on Biological Diversity)

As we expand our understanding of our              to a knowledge-based service economy;            These vitally important opportunities
collective responsibility towards our living       redesign the manufacturing, transportation       transcend borders and require us to mobilise
planet and develop technologies, solutions         and consumption of goods, and the disposal       our complementary skills to find creative
and policies to mitigate or even rebalance         of waste; imagine and implement new models       solutions to urgent challenges. In light of the
our negative influences, we face exciting new      for a circular, sustainable economy.             forces now shaping our world, connecting
prospects. Approaching 2020, the future                                                             our minds to create a sustainable future
of our planet will increasingly be shaped          Doing more with less is an important guiding     has never been more important, calling for
by our design and engineering capabilities.        principle that can empower us to create          a collective engagement in which everyone
We have the potential to accelerate the shift      more opportunity, facilitate greater mobility,   has a key part to play.
away from a consumption-based paradigm             and ensure sustainability.
                                                                                                                                         27 EXPO 2020
06. Sustainability

Innovation           Recognising that today, much of the impact of human activity arises from the way
                     we conceive, manufacture, distribute, consume, and dispose of goods, we will see major
                     innovations in designs, fabrications and processes.

                     At the centre of innovation for sustainability   energy. Deeper insights into natural systems
                     there will be our cities and built habitats,     will allow us to adopt ‘biomimicry’ and design
                     where collaboration across different             artificial systems inspired by nature.
                     domains of innovation such as technology,
                     architecture, culture and biology, can           Designing systems intended to be future-
                     create digitally smart, culturally rich and      proof will encourage us to think about the
                     ecologically healthy cities flooded with clean   lifecycle and durability of products: from
                     energy, healthy and sustainable food, and        the raw materials, energy and water needed
                     harmonious interactions between natural and      to make them, to ways in which they can
                     built spaces.                                    be repaired, repurposed or recycled. Design
                                                                      of closed-loop systems where waste
                     Working within the parameters of what our        provides resources for production could
                     planet can naturally supply, we will manage      become the norm rather than the exception.
                     the critical nexus of energy, water and food
                     more effectively and see new approaches
                     to agriculture and food production;
                     affordable and environmentally sound
                     means to desalinate water; far more efficient
                     and scalable sources of clean and renewable
                                                                                                        28 EXPO 2020
06. Sustainability

Inclusion            The survival of our communities depends on sustainable access to water, energy and food.
                     Moving towards 2050, population growth, rising consumption and environmental changes
                     will impact increasingly on our economies, societies and environments.

                     With more people contributing to the
                     global economy, we will require sustainable
                     approaches involving policy, technology
                     and business models leveraging the power
                     of renewable resources and the principles
                     of circular economy.

                     Alongside technological innovation,
                     we need economic and social solutions
                     to expand access to vital resources to more
                     people and communities around the world.
                     The Sustainable Development Goals, which
                     reflect a global sustainability consensus,
                     will be a powerful engine to mobilize and
                     inspire new partnerships and approaches
                     to inclusive and sustainable growth.

                                                                                                    29 EXPO 2020
06. Sustainability

Understanding        Understanding how we are impacting natural systems, and how we can best integrate their
                     workings with our needs and those of the planet is a critical part of the planning the future.
                     When it comes to sustainability, understanding and valuing the hidden connections that
                     weave together the fabric of life is paramount to preserving healthy ecosystems.

                     Creating resilient economic systems              on the environment. Traditional techniques
                     requires us to evaluate the hidden social        are adapted to local climates, cultures and
                     and environmental costs of the excessive         materials, and extract the most with the least,
                     use and misallocation of scarce resources,       responding to changing needs by using local
                     as well as overconsumption and waste.            talent. Tradition can also inspire designs that
                     Only when we can calculate the costs             enrich social relations, better integrating the
                     realistically, will we develop sustainable       needs of the young and elderly in dynamic,
                     business models and marketing practices.         resilient communities. This thinking spills over
                                                                      our usage of technology and the longevity
                     At the same time, while technology will give     of our digital systems.
                     us new tools to design a sustainable future,
                     learning from traditional practices is equally   As we entrust the knowledge of our
                     important. As repositories of knowledge,         civilisation to our computers and store it into
                     traditional cultures can help us achieve         the virtual dimensions, we need to ensure
                     sustainability by designing for functionality    that the information we value remains safe,
                     and durability without compromising              accessible, usable and available for centuries
                     aesthetics, or creating excessive impact         to come.

                                                                                                         30 EXPO 2020
06. Sustainability

Questions for the Future

• How much can you learn from nature?
• What is the value of natural capital?
• Where in nature can you find the cure for cancer?
• Can you engineer climate?
• What will your future source of proteins be?

                                                      31 EXPO 2020
06. Sustainability

Areas of focus

  Natural Ecosystems                                    Sustainable Cities
   and Biodiversity               Resources             and Built Habitats         Climate Change              Green Economy

Understanding, enhancing,      Managing existing       Designing sustainable   Mitigating and managing    Developing new principles
and protecting the earth’s   resources effectively      urban environments      the effects of climate    and metrics for sustainable
  diverse ecosystems.         and efficiently, while   that support healthy         change through              economies.
                             discovering new ones.         communities.          innovations, policies,
                                                                                  and best practices.

                                                                                                                         32 EXPO 2020
07. Expo 2020 Dubai

Bringing the
Theme to Life

Expo 2020 Dubai aims to bring the theme to
life across its entire 250 hectare site, which is
designed to create impressive and memorable
experiences that will delight, educate, provoke,
and inspire visitors of all ages. The event will
showcase some of the most exciting topics
and developments around the world and
in the UAE, addressing key challenges and
exploring outstanding achievements.

                                                    33 EXPO 2020
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