Their pain, our pleasure: stereotype content and schadenfreude

Page created by Reginald Anderson
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923

Issue: Sociability, Responsibility, and Criminality: From Lab to Law

Their pain, our pleasure: stereotype content and
Mina Cikara1 and Susan T. Fiske2
    Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 2 Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey

Address for correspondence: Dr. Susan T. Fiske, Eugene Higgins Professor, Psychology and Public Affairs, Princeton
University, Princeton, NJ 08540.

People often fail to empathize with others, and sometimes even experience schadenfreude—pleasure at others’
misfortunes. One potent predictor of schadenfreude is envy, which, according to the stereotype content model, is
elicited by high-status, competitive targets. Here we review our recent research program investigating the relationships
among stereotypes, envy, schadenfreude, and harm. Experiment 1 demonstrates that stereotypes are sufficient
to influence affective responses to targets’ misfortunes; participants not only report feeling less negative when
misfortunes befall high-status, competitive targets as compared to other targets, they also smile more (assessed with
facial EMG). Experiment 2 replicates the self-report findings from Experiment 1 and assesses behavioral tendencies
toward envied targets; participants are more willing to endorse harming high-status, competitive targets as compared
to other targets. Experiment 3 turns off the schadenfreude response by manipulating status and competition-relevant
information regarding envied targets. Finally, Experiment 4 investigates affective and neural markers of intergroup
envy and schadenfreude in the context of a long-standing sports rivalry and the extent to which neurophysiological
correlates of schadenfreude are related to self-reported likelihood of harming rival team fans. We conclude with
implications and future directions.

Keywords: envy; schadenfreude; stereotypes; prejudice; harm

The capacity for empathy is one of the most impor-                 at best allow indifference to others’ suffering, and at
tant faculties that humans possess; it is a powerful               worst facilitate harm against them. In light of this,
motivator of pro-social behavior and cooperation,                  we ask: which groups are most likely to be targets
cornerstones of humanity’s most cherished inter-                   of schadenfreude? Furthermore, how much expo-
pretations of sociality and responsibility.1–3 Empa-               sure to or experience with an out-group do peo-
thy is also, for better or for worse, bounded: people              ple need to experience schadenfreude in response
do not empathize with everyone all the time. Specif-               to out-group members’ misfortunes? Do the out-
ically, people often feel less empathy for out-group               group members have to act in harmful ways, or are
members—individuals who belong to groups of                        mere stereotypes sufficient?
which the observer is not a part.4–7 This intergroup                  Here we review our research examining the an-
empathy bias8 matters because failures of empathy                  tecedents and consequences of intergroup schaden-
in response to the suffering of out-group members                  freude. First, we briefly review predictors of
predict an absence of pro-social responding.9 And                  schadenfreude, with an emphasis on envy. Next, we
lack of empathy for out-groups can place them be-                  discuss how these emotions manifest at the group
yond the bounds of apparent ethical relevance.                     level: which groups are the most likely to elicit envy
   More recent research has started to explore an-                 and schadenfreude as well as potential consequences
other manifestation of intergroup empathy bias:                    of these emotions for these groups. We summarize
counter-empathic responding. Instead of empa-                      four experiments specifically examining the effect of
thy or apathy, people sometimes feel pleasure—                     stereotype content on participants’ experiences of
schadenfreude—in response to out-group mem-                        schadenfreude and willingness to harm out-group
bers’ pain. These counter-empathic responses may                   members. We conclude by highlighting implications

                                                                                                          doi: 10.1111/nyas.12179
52                                                        Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1299 (2013) 52–59 
                                                                                                 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences.
Cikara & Fiske                                                                          Stereotype content and schadenfreude

of our results and future directions for research.                   can make salient one’s own group’s relative in-
Though previous studies have examined group-level                    feriority, generating hostile, group-based envy.c,26
schadenfreude, our research is the first to investigate              When the out-group or one of its members suf-
whether stereotypes are sufficient to elicit pleasure                fers a misfortune, this sense of inferiority—and we
in response to the misfortunes of high-status, com-                  argue, resulting envious prejudice—leads to inter-
petitive group members. More important, these are                    group schadenfreude.27,28 Previous studies examin-
the first experiments to examine whether group-                      ing intergroup schadenfreude have employed well-
level schadenfreude is related to a tendency to harm                 defined, labeled, overtly competitive groups (i.e.,
those targets.a                                                      rival universities, political parties, soccer teams).29
                                                                     Our research investigates whether mere stereotype
Envy and schadenfreude
                                                                     content is sufficient to elicit schadenfreude. In other
Reading the paper, watching the news, walking                        words, can groups, by merit of the stereotypes as-
down the street, gossiping with friends—our lives                    sociated with them, and not by anything they have
are replete with opportunities to hear about or wit-                 done, evoke malicious joy at their misfortunes?
ness others’ misfortunes. How people respond to
                                                                     Which groups are envied? Predictions
others’ pain, however, depends on their preexist-
                                                                     from the stereotype content model
ing prejudices toward the target of the misfortune.
Pity or empathy are common responses, but hardly                     People generally prefer their own in-group to out-
universal.8 An alternative response, schadenfreude                   groups,30 but not all out-groups are equivalent.
refers to the perceiver’s experience of pleasure at an-              The stereotype content model (SCM)24,25,31 orga-
other’s misfortune.10 Several conditions commonly                    nizes beliefs about social and cultural groups along
predict schadenfreude:11 (1) when the misfortune                     two fundamental dimensions of social cognition:
benefits the observers;12 (2) when the misfortune                    warmth and competence. Attributions of warmth
seems deserved;13–16 and (3) when the misfortune                     are determined by whether the social group is seen
befalls an envied target.b,17–19 Our work focuses on                 as cooperative or competitive (i.e., “are they with
this last condition because it is the most malicious:                us or against us?”). Attributions of competence
the observer does not benefit in any tangible sense,                 are guided by whether the social group is high-
and the misfortune does not serve greater social jus-                or low-status (i.e., “are they capable of enacting
tice. Instead, envied targets’ misfortunes are plea-                 their intentions?”). In a survey sampling partici-
surable because they make people feel better about                   pants across 19 nations, ratings of groups’ com-
themselves.20                                                        petitiveness are highly negatively correlated with
   Envy is an inherently social emotion because                      judgments of group warmth (i.e., r = −0.52), and
it is based in social comparison processes; it oc-                   status ratings are highly correlated with judgments
curs when people perceive someone else’s relative                    of group competence (i.e., r = 0.94).24 Mapping
advantage.21–23 Recent advances in social cognition                  warmth by competence yields four broad stereotype
demonstrate that people feel envious prejudice to-                   categories and predicts corresponding prejudices
ward groups just as readily as they envy individ-                    (Fig. 1): groups that seem both warm and competent
ual targets.24,25 Specifically, a successful out-group               (e.g., middle class) elicit pride, whereas groups that
                                                                     seem neither warm nor competent (e.g., drug ad-
                                                                     dicts) elicit disgust. The remaining groups elicit
                                                                     ambivalent emotions: stereotypically incompetent
  All four studies reported here are published in peer-              but warm groups (e.g., elderly) elicit pity, whereas
reviewed journals; citations appear in the references. All
findings are significant unless we note otherwise. This
article is based on a chapter the authors have written
for an edited volume, Schadenfreude (Eds. W. van Dijk                c
                                                                      Recent research has revealed that envy can be further
& J. Ouwerkerk).                                                     broken down into benign and hostile components, which
  Several other factors are linked to schadenfreude: anger           facilitate a desire to improve oneself and tear another
and hate toward the target,52 resentment,15,31,53 and self-          person down, respectively.54 Our analyses focus on the
evaluation threat.50                                                 hostile components of envy.

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                                       C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences.                                               53
Stereotype content and schadenfreude                                                                              Cikara & Fiske

                                                                variables, that is, status and competition—enables
                                                                us to generalize our predictions and results to a wide
                                                                variety of social groups and contexts.
                                                                Stereotypes and schadenfreude: empirical
                                                                In our first experiment, we paired photographs of
                                                                individuals (e.g., a drug addict, an elderly woman, a
                                                                man in a business suit) with everyday positive, neg-
                                                                ative, and neutral events.33 The photographs repre-
                                                                sented a variety of targets from the four quadrants
                                                                of the SCM; these pictures had been previously val-
                                                                idated as evoking stereotypic traits and emotional
                                                                responses predicted by the SCM.34 The events were
Figure 1. The stereotype content model: warmth by compe-
tence space, stereotyped group exemplars, and associated emo-
                                                                statements such as “Won a $5 bet,” “Got soaked by a
tions. Perceived competition predicts stereotypic low warmth,   taxi,” and “Went to the bathroom.” We did not pro-
and perceived status predicts stereotypic competence. Source    vide participants with target labels, and we made
data from Ref. 35, figure from Ref. 55.                         sure the events were good and bad fortunes that
                                                                were equally likely to befall all of the targets. Note
                                                                that none of the events described the target doing
stereotypically competent but cold groups (e.g., rich           something good or bad for which the target was re-
people, businesswomen) elicit envy.                             warded or punished; this ensured that deservingness
   Because social comparisons are virtually                     could not factor into participants’ judgments. We
automatic,32 simply encountering a high-status tar-             hypothesized that participants would feel congruent
get may make an individual’s own inferiority salient.           affect (e.g., good about positive events) for targets
Furthermore, high-status targets, if they are also              associated with the pride, pity, and disgust quad-
competitive, are more likely to elicit contrastive              rants, but incongruent affect (e.g., good about neg-
emotions such as envy (as opposed to assimilative               ative events, schadenfreude) for targets associated
emotions like admiration).22 Thus, our first predic-            with the envy quadrant. The existing literature sug-
tion: groups that are stereotypically high-status and           gested, however, that participants rarely self-report
competitive spontaneously generate envious preju-               feeling schadenfreude in excess of the midpoint of a
dice: negative affect resulting from an upward, con-            scale,16,18,27,28,35 suggesting the possibility that their
trastive social comparison.24,25 Given that hostile             responses are distorted by social desirability. To cir-
envy is a potent predictor of schadenfreude, our                cumvent this challenge, we simultaneously recorded
second prediction is that envied groups are more                participants’ facial muscle movements using facial
likely than others to become targets of schaden-                electromyography (EMG). We predicted that par-
freude when they suffer a misfortune. Feeling plea-             ticipants would exhibit more positive affect (i.e.,
sure instead of empathy disrupts the link between               smiling), and not just reduced negative affect, in re-
observing others’ suffering and being motivated to              sponse to envied targets’ misfortunes. The implicit
help them; our third prediction is that targets of              measures of positive affect focused on the ZM (zygo-
schadenfreude are also more subject to harm.                    maticus major; a cheek muscle) because it correlates
   One important social implication of these predic-            reliably with positive affect.36
tions is that observers can experience schadenfreude               After each trial we asked participants, “If you saw
in the absence of any interaction (e.g., without his-           this happening in real life, how good would it make
tory of conflict, explicit competition) with the en-            you feel?” and “how bad would it make you feel?”
vied group: sheer knowledge of a group’s stereotype             We asked participants these questions separately to
will be sufficient. Again, this is critical because these       allow for ambivalent responding (e.g., they could
emotions may facilitate tolerance or commission of              say they feel simultaneously somewhat bad and
harm. A complementary theoretical implication is                somewhat good). As we hypothesized, participants
that our approach—focusing on social structural                 reported that they felt the least congruent affect

54                                                     Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1299 (2013) 52–59 
                                                                                              C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences.
Cikara & Fiske                                                                            Stereotype content and schadenfreude

(i.e., least bad about negative events, and least good                   You are participating in a Fear Factor type game
about positive events) for envy targets as compared                      show and have just won a challenge. This ex-
to disgust, pity, and pride targets. Participants did                    empts you from the ‘punishment’ the rest of
not, however, report feeling fully incongruent af-                       the players face: they are all going to receive
fect (e.g., significantly better in response to negative                 mild electric shocks, which are painful, but
events) for envy targets as compared to the other tar-                   not lethal. The game show host gives YOU the
gets. Participants also rated the warmth and compe-                      choice to decide whether all five of the players
tence of all the targets at the end of the study; ratings                are going to get shocks or if one person should
confirmed the SCM’s predictions: participants rated                      get a stronger shock (which is again, painful,
pride and pity targets as significantly warmer than                      but not lethal) while you spare the other
envy and disgust targets, and rated pride and envy                       four.
targets as significantly more competent than pity
                                                                        We asked participants how willing they would be
and disgust targets.
                                                                     to volunteer each target they saw during the scan
   The facial EMG measures supported all of our
                                                                     to receive a shock so that the other, undifferenti-
hypotheses. Participants smiled more in response
                                                                     ated players could avoid the punishment (1 = not
to negative than to positive events (an incongru-
                                                                     at all, 7 = extremely). Participants provided a rating
ent, schadenfreude response) when they were paired
                                                                     for each SCM target.d In support of our hypothesis,
with envy targets, demonstrating the presence of
                                                                     participants were more likely to subject an envy tar-
positive affect (not just the absence of negative af-
                                                                     get to harm as compared to pity, disgust, and pride
fect) in response to envied targets’ misfortunes. In
contrast, participants smiled more in response to
                                                                        Thus far we had demonstrated that stereo-
positive than to negative events (a congruent re-
                                                                     types reflecting high-status competence and low-
sponse) when they were paired with pride, pity, and
                                                                     warmth competitiveness are sufficient to predict
disgust targets. We speculated that social desirability
                                                                     schadenfreude. By this logic, increasing an en-
increased self-report measurement error, decreasing
                                                                     vied group’s perceived cooperation or decreasing
the response scale’s validity and the likelihood that
                                                                     its status should reduce schadenfreude. In a third
it would co-vary with the physiological measures.
                                                                     experiment, we manipulated group status and com-
These findings also foreshadow a subsequent study:
                                                                     petition by providing participants with counter-
removing social desirability constraints should re-
                                                                     stereotypic information about a specific social group
store the correlation between self-report and physi-
                                                                     from the envied quadrant: investment bankers.33
ological assessments of schadenfreude.
                                                                     Participants read a newspaper article about one of
   We replicated the self-report findings and as-
                                                                     several investment bankers: whose situations were
sessed participants’ willingness to harm targets in
                                                                     status quo (envy); who were advising small busi-
a separate experiment. Although it also involved
                                                                     nesses, pro bono, to help the economy as a whole
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), for
                                                                     (decreases competitiveness: pride); who were using
efficiency we focus on the behavioral findings here.37
                                                                     the last of their bonuses to fund their drug habits
While they were in the scanner, participants viewed
the same stimuli from study 1; afterward they viewed
target-event pairs again and reported on a bipolar
scale how they felt in response (1 = extremely bad                   d
                                                                       We posed the harm question in the context of a trade-
to 9 = extremely good). Similar to the results of the                off to loosen demand characteristics.55 Participants’ re-
previous study, participants reported feeling worst                  sponses theoretically represent their willingness to spare
about positive events and best about negative events                 the other contestants as well as their willingness to harm
when they were paired with envy targets as com-                      the target, but because we held the contestants to be spared
                                                                     constant, response variation reflects only differences in
pared to all other targets from the SCM. Partici-
                                                                     willingness to harm different targets. The game-show sce-
pants also replicated the target warmth and compe-
                                                                     nario also limits the information available for partici-
tence rating findings of experiment 1. One to two                    pants’ consideration to stereotypes associated with the
weeks later, we contacted participants with a follow-                targets.
up web-survey, which presented the following                         e
                                                                       This last comparison was only significant with a one-
scenario:                                                            tailed test.

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                                       C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences.                                                   55
Stereotype content and schadenfreude                                                                         Cikara & Fiske

(decreases status: disgust); or who were unemployed        the same league) as moderately warm and moder-
but still dressing up in their suits and pretending to     ately competent, and most importantly, their rival
go to work (decreases both status and competitive-         as more competent than the Orioles, but also less
ness: pity). We predicted that participants would          warm. Participants also said they envied their rivals
report significantly worse feelings about envied tar-      more than the Orioles.
gets’ experience of negative events, after participants       We collected functional magnetic resonance
had been primed by the pride, disgust, and pity vi-        imaging (fMRI) data while Red Sox and Yankees
gnettes, as compared to the envy vignette. The vi-         fans who were prescreened for intense fandom,
gnettes focused on one group within the envy quad-         viewed baseball plays involving their favored team,
rant, so we further predicted that the effects of the      rival team, and two other teams succeeding and
vignette would be specific to targets resembling in-       failing to get on base; participants also rated how
vestment bankers. A manipulation check at the end          much pleasure, pain, and anger each play made
of the study confirmed that participants rated the         them feel. As predicted, participants reported ex-
characters in the newspaper articles as the SCM pre-       periencing more pleasure during subjectively pos-
dicts: significantly less warm in the disgust and envy     itive outcomes—when their favored team scored
manipulations than in the pity and pride manip-            against their rival, their rival failed to score against
ulations; significantly less competent in the disgust      their favored team, and critically, their rival failed
and pity manipulations as compared to the envy and         to score against the Orioles, a relatively less compet-
pride manipulations. In support of our hypothesis,         itive third team (pure schadenfreude condition)—
counter-stereotypic status and competition infor-          as compared to plays in the control condition (the
mation about an investment banker increased how            Orioles failing and succeeding against a fourth team,
bad participants said they felt about negative events      the Blue Jays). In addition, participants reported
happening to novel envy targets, but only those who        experiencing more pain and anger during subjec-
resembled investment bankers. Thus, this study es-         tively negative outcomes (when their favored team
tablishes that stereotype content, and not specific        failed to score against their rival and when their ri-
relationships to individual targets themselves, pre-       val scored against their favored team) as compared
dicts schadenfreude.                                       to the control condition. We assessed willingness
   Our final experiment probed the relationships           to harm rivals in a follow-up web survey, admin-
among envy, schadenfreude, and harm in the con-            istered approximately two weeks after the partici-
text of a real-world conflict: Red Sox versus Yan-         pant’s scan. Both Red Sox and Yankees fans reported
kees fans, historic rivals in American baseball.38 Re-     that they were more likely to heckle, insult, threaten,
member that participants’ self-reported affect was         and hit a rival fan as compared to an Oriole’s
not related to their ZM responses (i.e., smiling) in       fan.
study 1. We speculated that social desirability de-           Our fMRI analyses examined whether par-
creased participants’ willingness to report feeling        ticipants’ self-reported pleasure and pain were
schadenfreude, which suggests that physiological in-       reflected in the responses of neural structures associ-
dicators of schadenfreude should correlate with self-      ated with representing primary rewards and punish-
reported affect when social desirability concerns are      ments. Previous research has shown that the ventral
absent. Sports, politics, and celebrity gossip are a       striatum (VS) is engaged not only when partici-
few domains in which it is acceptable, even desir-         pants experience primary (e.g., food) and more ab-
able, to express pleasure at others’ misfortunes,11,29     stract forms of reward (e.g., money),39,40 but also
so we predicted that the physiological/self-report         when they receive relatively greater rewards than
correlation would be restored. And even though             someone else.41 In parallel, the anterior cingulate
participants had more than stereotype content in           cortex (ACC) and the anterior insula are engaged
the context of this study, we predicted that warmth        not only when people experience pain themselves,
and competence ratings, as well as feelings of envy,       but also when they observe others in pain.42,43 Sev-
would conform to predictions from the SCM. Preex-          eral more recent studies, however, demonstrate that
periment survey data confirmed that all fans rated         participants exhibit the opposite pattern of neural
their favored team as most warm and competent,             responses when rewards and punishments are doled
the Orioles (a relatively less competitive team in         out to competitors.19,44,45

56                                                Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1299 (2013) 52–59 
                                                                                         C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences.
Cikara & Fiske                                                                           Stereotype content and schadenfreude

   In line with our predictions, Red Sox and Yankees                    Broader social and ethical implications of this
fans exhibited greater VS responses while watching                   work suggest that schadenfreude may play a central
their rival team fail and their favored team score,                  role in the escalation of intergroup conflict, par-
relative to the control condition; as predicted, par-                ticularly under competition for zero-sum resources
ticipants’ VS responses were also correlated with                    between two groups (e.g., territory for Israel and
their subjective reports of pleasure. Fans also ex-                  Palestine). In any hierarchical social system, status
hibited greater ACC and insula responses while                       discrepancies are recognized, enacted, and main-
watching their favored team fail and their rival team                tained by its respective constituents. This suggests
score; again, as predicted, ACC responses correlated                 that individual group members need not have a per-
with subjective reports of pain. Most important, VS                  sonal history of conflict in order to feel motivated to
responses while viewing competitive rival failures                   harm one another, particularly if group relations are
(even against the Orioles) were correlated with self-                already hostile. If it feels pleasurable to actively harm
reported likelihood of harming rival team fans.                      or passively observe the harm of an envied group,
                                                                     this harmful behavior may be much more likely to
Discussion                                                           persist and possibly escalate over time. Intergroup
                                                                     emotions also play a powerful role in the elici-
We have reviewed our program of research demon-
                                                                     tation and maintenance of discrimination among
strating that mere stereotype content regarding the
                                                                     groups who are not in direct conflict. In the United
status and competitiveness of targets predicts which
                                                                     States, stereotypes regarding status and competitive-
stereotyped groups are targets of empathy and which
                                                                     ness breed dislike for “model minorities” (e.g., Jews,
are targets of schadenfreude and harm. While par-
                                                                     Asians) and successful subordinate group members
ticipants do not always report overt schadenfreude,
                                                                     (e.g., black professionals, career women). A more
their physiological responses reflect the presence of
                                                                     refined understanding of the processes underlying
pleasure (and not just the absence of pain) in re-
                                                                     stereotyping and the resulting emotional and be-
sponse to envied targets’ misfortunes. In contexts
                                                                     havioral consequences might help inform ethical
where confessing to schadenfreude is socially ac-
                                                                     policies that effectively mitigate social inequality.
ceptable, self-reported affect tracks physiological in-
                                                                        Envy and schadenfreude may also have serious
dicators of pleasure. More importantly, this plea-
                                                                     implications for a number of other areas of psy-
sure is associated with willingness to harm envied
                                                                     chological inquiry including but not limited to: ne-
out-group members. Though stereotype content is
                                                                     gotiation (particularly between parties of disparate
sufficient to elicit these malevolent emotional re-
                                                                     means or status),46 health and well-being (e.g., life
sponses, these effects are malleable: manipulating
                                                                     satisfaction is better predicted by relative income as
perceptions of status and competition can reduce
                                                                     opposed to absolute income),47 even consumption
and eliminate schadenfreude toward stereotypically
                                                                     and economic growth (e.g., people’s use of the accu-
envied targets.
                                                                     mulation of material goods as comparative bench-
                                                                     marks of success). This research will be useful in
                                                                     furthering our understanding of psychological pro-
This suite of studies clearly demonstrates the impor-                cesses related to the effects of inequality between
tance of using a variety of methods to assess the rela-              people and groups more generally. Most important,
tionships among stereotype content, schadenfreude,                   these findings may help us reduce the threatening
and harm. Because overtly expressing schaden-                        nature of envy, as hostile reactions are more extreme
freude is socially undesirable in most contexts, peo-                if they are caused by emotions that threaten one’s
ple may feel uncomfortable or unable to respond                      identity or group.
naturally in experimental settings. These dynamics
                                                                     Future directions
have made studying schadenfreude a methodologi-
cal challenge. Using indirect measures such as fMRI                  Future work should interrogate the possible func-
and facial EMG to complement explicit self-report                    tions of group-level schadenfreude. It is not a co-
helps to circumvent some of the hurdles associated                   incidence that genocide and mass violence have
with measuring socially undesirable emotions and                     often targeted ethnic groups that appear in the
behaviors.                                                           envy quadrant of the SCM.48 Consider the Jews in

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1299 (2013) 52–59 
                                       C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences.                                                57
Stereotype content and schadenfreude                                                                          Cikara & Fiske

Europe, the Chinese in Indonesia, and the Tutsi in         Values, Joint Degree Program in Social Policy, and
Rwanda: all elite minorities in their respective con-      the Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Fellowship, awarded
texts. Schadenfreude may function as a signal of           by Princeton University to MC.
in-group cohesion, in opposition to threatening
competitors. Demonstrating pleasure instead of em-         Conflicts of interest
pathy in response to someone’s misfortune is a clear       The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
sign to both in-group and out-group members that
one’s interests are not aligned with the victim’s.49 If    References
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