The World Today Series - 2020-2022 Stryker-Post Publications

Page created by Dave Ayala
The World Today Series - 2020-2022 Stryker-Post Publications
Stryker-Post Publications

   The World
Today Series
The World Today Series - 2020-2022 Stryker-Post Publications

Established in 1966, The World Today Series offers an unusually penetrating
look into every nation—its geographical setting, history, current government,
politics, cultures, economic problems and prospects. The up-to-date content
   is effectively supplemented with maps, photographs, original art, and
comprehensive bibliographies. Revised and published each year, the books in
the series provide important details and analysis for each country, with sharp
 focus on the realities of today’s events. Year after year, the combination of
factual accuracy and up-to-date details along with the informed projections
    make The World Today books an outstanding resource for everyone.

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The World Today Series - 2020-2022 Stryker-Post Publications

                                      FRANCIS WIAFE-AMOAKO
                                         CHARLES J. RUSSO
                                          STEVEN A. LEIBO
                                       WILLIAM H. BEEZLEY
                                       WAYNE C. THOMPSON
                                         BRENT HIERMAN
                                      ELISABETH YARBAKHSH
                                         DAVID M KEITHLY

World Today 2020-2022
By Multiple Authors
The Complete Eight-Volume Set!
Begun in 1966, The World Today Series offers a deep look into every nation. As
events become more remote, their descriptions are condensed with each new
edition. This allows room to present the important, current happenings that have
occurred since publication of the previous edition, along with insightful discussion
of the reasons they occurred and the implications for the future. The result is a
series of well-proportioned, complete, and very up-to-date texts that focus on
current events—uncluttered with unnecessary and repetitive background detail.
Available in both print and e-book formats and priced low to fit student and library budgets!
•   Africa 2020-2022, 55th Edition
•   Canada 2020-2022, 36th Edition
•   East and Southeast Asia 2020-2022, 53rd Edition
•   Latin America 2020-2022, 54th Edition
•   Nordic, Central, and Southeastern Europe 2020-2022, 20th Edition
•   Russia and Eurasia 2020-2022, 51st Edition
•   The Middle East and South Asia 2020-2022, 54th Edition
•   The USA and The World 2020-2022, 16th Edition
August 2021 • 2870 pages
978-1-5381-6010-7 • $200.00 • Paper
The World Today Series - 2020-2022 Stryker-Post Publications
Forthcoming                                       Forthcoming
Africa 2020-2022                                  East and Southeast Asia 2020-2022
FIFTY-FIFTH EDITION                               FIFTY-THIRD EDITION
Volume editor Francis Wiafe-Amoako                Volume editor Steven A. Leibo
Africa provides students with vital information   Updated annually, East and Southeast Asia
on all countries on the African continent         provides just enough historical background
through a thorough and expert overview            on the evolution of Modern East and
of political and economic histories, current      Southeast Asia to help readers gain a
events, and emerging trends. In addition          thorough understanding of contemporary
to country chapters, the book features            developments in this vital region. Broad
extended essays on Africa’s Historical            introductory regional chapters are followed
Background and the Colonial Period.               by sections on each country in the region.
Francis Wiafe-Amoako is an instructor             James E. Hoare was a member of the British
in International relations and security,          Diplomatic Service from 1969 to 2003,
international development, comparative            perhaps his most important posting being as
politics and African politics at the University   the first British representative to Pyongyang
of Toronto and Ryerson University.                in 2001, but he also served at the British
                                                  Embassies in Seoul and Beijing.
August 2021 • 392 pages
978-1-4758-5649-1 • $25.00 / £18.95 • Paper       August 2021 • 344 pages
978-1-4758-5650-7 • $23.50 / £17.95 • eBook       978-1-4758-5651-4 • $25.00 / £18.95 • Paper
                                                  978-1-4758-5652-1 • $23.50 / £17.95 • eBook

Canada 2020-2022                                  Forthcoming
THIRTY-SIXTH EDITION                              Latin America 2020-2022
Volume editor James Kent Donlevy and              FIFTY-FOURTH EDITION
Charles J. Russo                                  Volume editor William H. Beezley
This annually updated presentation                For Latin America today, this book offers the
of Canada past and present continues              latest available economic, demographic,
to provide the reader an in-depth look            political, and cultural information, with solid
at the country’s culture, geography,              statistical data expressing freedom, violence,
people, economy, politics and future.             and governmental orientation. Consideration
                                                  is given to the evolving relationships with
Charles J. Russo, M Div, JD, Ed D, is the         the United States and other Latin American
Joseph Panzer Chair in Education in the           nations. Revisions have also addressed new
School of Education and Health Sciences at        historical interpretations, for example, of the
the University of Dayton.                         history of Mexico and latest political changes.

Dr. J. K. Donlevy BA, BEd, MEd, JD, PhD is an     William H. Beezley is an author who
associate professor in the Werklund School        received the Ohtli medal from the Mexican
of Education.                                     government in 2017 in recognition of his
                                                  contributions to the nation’s history and
August 2021 • 232 pages                           culture.
978-1-4758-5629-3 • $25.00 / £18.95 • Paper
978-1-4758-5630-9 • $23.50 / £17.95 • eBook       August 2021 • 472 pages
                                                  978-1-4758-5643-9 • $25.00 / £18.95 • Paper
                                                  978-1-4758-5644-6 • $23.50 / £17.95 • eBook
The World Today Series - 2020-2022 Stryker-Post Publications
Forthcoming                                         Forthcoming
Nordic, Central, and Southeastern                   The Middle East and South Asia 2020-2022
Europe 2020-2022                                    FIFTY-FOURTH EDITION
TWENTIETH EDITION                                   Volume editor Elisabeth Yarbakhsh
Volume editor Wayne C. Thompson                     More than a quarter of the world’s population
                                                    live in the Middle East and South Asia, yet
This is an annually updated presentation
                                                    our knowledge and understanding of the
of each sovereign country in Nordic,
                                                    region is often limited to news updates
Central and Southeastern Europe, past
                                                    about the latest conflicts and crises. This 53rd
and present. It is organized by individual
                                                    edition provides important insights that take
chapters for each country and presents a
                                                    the reader beyond the headlines. It offers
complete and authoritative overview of
                                                    detailed and up-to-date information about
each region’s geography, people, history,
                                                    the politics, economies and societies of the
political system, constitution, parliament,
                                                    twenty-four states that make up the region.
parties, political leaders, and elections.
                                                    Dr. Elisabeth Yarbakhsh is a researcher at
Wayne C. Thompson taught political
                                                    the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies at
science at the Virginia Military Institute and
                                                    the Australian National University.
Washington and Lee University.
                                                    August 2021 • 328 pages
August 2021 • 648 pages
                                                    978-1-4758-5645-3 • $25.00 / £18.95 • Paper
978-1-4758-5625-5 • $25.00 / £18.95 • Paper
                                                    978-1-4758-5646-0 • $23.50 / £17.95 • eBook
978-1-4758-5626-2 • $23.50 / £17.95 • eBook

Forthcoming                                         Forthcoming
                                                    The USA and The World 2020-2022
Russia and Eurasia 2020-2022                        SIXTEENTH EDITION
                                                    Volume editor David M Keithly
Volume editor Brent Hierman
                                                    USA and the World describes not only what
Russia and Eurasia deals with twelve sovereign      happened, but puts events in the context
states that became independent following            of the past and criticizes policy actions as
the collapse of the Soviet Union in December        appropriate. The result goes deeper than
1991. Approximately one-third of the book is        most of what appears in current publications.
devoted to Russia. The remainder of the book        USA and the World presents an unusually
is comprised of separate chapters on Armenia,       penetrating look into America and its
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan,           relationship to the rest of the world.
Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
Ukraine and Uzbekistan. The text focuses            Dr. David M. Keithly is a retired university
heavily on recent economic and political            professor. He has published five books and
developments within these twelve states.            over 80 articles in journals and magazines.
Brent Hierman is an associate professor in          August 2021 • 304 pages
the Department of International Studies and         978-1-4758-5647-7 • $25.00 / £18.95 • Paper
Political Science at Virginia Military Institute.   978-1-4758-5648-4 • $23.50 / £17.95 • eBook
August 2021 • 360 pages
978-1-4758-5627-9 • $25.00 / £18.95 • Paper
978-1-4758-5628-6 • $23.50 / £17.95 • eBook
The World Today Series - 2020-2022 Stryker-Post Publications The World Today Series - 2020-2022 Stryker-Post Publications The World Today Series - 2020-2022 Stryker-Post Publications The World Today Series - 2020-2022 Stryker-Post Publications The World Today Series - 2020-2022 Stryker-Post Publications
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