The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system - lessons learned from the Danish telecom scandal

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    The use of historical call data records as evidence in the
    criminal justice system – lessons learned from the Danish
    telecom scandal

    By Lene Wacher Lentz and Nina Sunde

Historical call data records (HCDR) are frequently used                                              period 1995-2020.2 HCDR can shed light on the
as evidence in criminal trials. However, several                                                     circumstances of an incident, such as who has been in
inherent uncertainties are associated with HCDR data,                                                contact with whom (telephones/telephone numbers),
and, additionally, errors may occur when law                                                         at what time and/or at which location (cell
enforcement processes the data. In Denmark,                                                          tower/cell).
processing errors were introduced into HCDR from
2010 until 2019. The Danish authorities are currently                                                Although HCDR have been useful, they have also been
reviewing more than 10,000 criminal cases in order to                                                controversial and contested, due to the limitations
secure a fair trial. This article conducts a socio-                                                  and uncertainties associated with the information
technical analysis of the Danish telecom scandal,                                                    obtained from telecom service providers.3
which shows that, in addition to the processing errors                                               Before we proceed further in discussing what caused
highlighted,1 sources of error are related to                                                        or contributed to error in the telecom scandal, it is
competence, cognitive factors and inadequate quality                                                 necessary to outline how we understand the concept
management.                                                                                          of error. An error may be described in many ways.
                                                                                                     Here, we relate the term “error” to validity, which we
Introduction                                                                                         think of as “the overall probability of reaching the
The widespread use of mobile communication entails                                                   correct conclusion, given a specific method and
increased opportunities for law enforcement to                                                       data”.4 Thus, we understand error as the invalid
secure relevant information that may contribute to                                                   results of a method or a process. Christensen and
solving crimes. Digital communication data in the                                                    colleagues discuss error in forensic science and
form of historical call data records (HCDR) are                                                      distinguish between different types of error due to
frequently used in criminal trials as evidence. For                                                  the sources they originate from: practitioner error,
instance, a search on the term “cell tower” in                                                       instrument error, statistical error and method error; in
Norwegian verdicts returns 363 responses from the

1                                                                                                    before HHJ Crowther QC, 14 Digital Evidence and Electronic
  For example, see the English case of R v Cahill; R v Pugh –
a summary is set out at 9.90-9.95 in Stephen Mason and                                               Signature Law Review (2017) 67 – 71.
Daniel Seng, editors, Electronic Evidence (4th edn, Institute                                          The search was performed with the Norwegian term
of Advanced Legal Studies for the SAS Humanities Digital                                             “basestasjon” in Lovdata Pro:
Library, School of Advanced Study, University of London,                                             performed 09 November 2020.
2017), Open Access PDF version in the Humanities Digital                                             3
                                                                                                       See, for example, Coutts, R. P., & Selby, H. (2016).
Library at                                         Problems with cell phone evidence tendered to prove the
library/observing-law-ials-open-book-service-                                                        location of a person at a point in time. Digital Evidence &
law/electronic-evidence ;see also Harold Thimbleby,                                                  Elec. Signature L. Rev., 13, 76, and Cherry, M., Imwinkelried,
‘Misunderstanding IT: Hospital cybersecurity and IT                                                  E. J., Schenk, M., & Romano, A. (2011). Cell tower junk
problems reach the courts’, 15 Digital Evidence and                                                  science. Judicature, 95, 151.
Electronic Signature Law Review (2018) 11 – 32; for the                                              4
                                                                                                       Christensen, A. M., Crowder, C. M., Ousley, S. D., & Houck,
Ruling by the trial judge, see R v Cahill; R v Pugh 14 October                                       M. M. (2014). Error and its meaning in forensic science.
2014, Crown Court at Cardiff, T20141094 and T20141061                                                Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59(1), 123-126.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International Licence       Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 18 (2021) | 1
The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

the context of the telecom scandal, the first two are          these. We then discuss the telecom scandal from a
relevant.5                                                     socio-technical perspective, with particular focus on
                                                               the human factors that may have played a part. We
Practitioner error refers to a mistake or operator             argue that such a scandal may repeat itself in this or
(human) error. It may be random or systematic,                 other domains if these factors are not taken into
intentional or unintended. The Scientific Working              account.
Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE) also refers to tool
usage and the interpretation of results as a human             The Danish Telecom scandal
error.6 Every process that involves a human is prone
to human error, particularly when the process                  Legal framework on the use of HCDR in Danish
involves subjectivity, interpretation, judgements and          criminal cases
decisions. Examples of human errors are false
negatives – they do not find what is actually there – or       Since 2007, Danish telecom service providers have
false positives, where they find or see something that         been obliged by law to retain data related to
is actually not present. A human may misinterpret the          telecommunication as regards traffic data (who is
meaning of the evidence. When concluding or                    communicating with whom and when), the relevant
presenting the evidence, there is a risk of overstating        location data, the means of communication used, etc.,
(or understating) the relevance or reliability of the          including certain user information connected to
evidence.                                                      Internet sessions. The telecom service providers are
                                                               required to keep the data for a year.9 Although such a
Practitioner error can be mitigated by quality
                                                               retention regime was evaluated as contrary to EU law
assurance systems, training, proficiency testing, peer
                                                               by the EU Court of Justice in 2016, no changes have
review, and adhering to validated protocols and
                                                               been made to the Danish legislation.10
discipline best practices.
                                                               In addition to the retained data, the telecom service
Instrument (or technological) error can be defined as
                                                               providers might be in possession of other kinds of
the difference between an indicated instrument value
                                                               telecom data related to their network, for example
and the actual (true) value. These errors may be
                                                               “signalling data” from mobile units, meaning data
related to the tools or techniques themselves or to
                                                               generated from the cell towers related to a switched-
the implementation of the tools or techniques.7 An
                                                               on mobile telephone that has not actively been used
error rate may be calculated through testing of the
                                                               for communication.
instrument or technology, and error may be
minimized by proper maintenance and calibration.8              In the case of the police wishing to obtain HCDR from
                                                               the telecom service provider in a specific
In this article, we will first provide an overview of the      investigation, this is regulated by the Danish
Danish telecom scandal. We will outline the measures           Administration of Justice Act. Basically, a court order
that were introduced in the wake of the telecom                is required when the police wish to obtain HCDR from
scandal and point out some limitations in relation to          the service providers. However, the conditions and

5                                                              9
  Error and its meaning in forensic science, pp. 123-124.        The Danish Judicial Procedure Act, § 786, and the Justice
6                                                              Department’s order no. 988 on 28th September 2006 about
  SWGDE, 2018. Establishing Confidence in Digital Forensic
Results by Error Mitigating Analysis. Version: 2.0 (20. Nov,   data retention.
2018). SWGDE is the Scientific Working Group on Digital           The Tele2 judgment on 21st December 2016, in the
Evidence, based in the USA, and was formed by Federal          joined cases, Tele2 Sverige AB (C-203/15) and Watson (C-
Crime Laboratory Directors in 1998.                            698/15). See also Digital Rights judgment on 8th April 2014
7                                                              in the joined cases, Digital Rights Ireland Ltd (C-293/12) and
  SWGDE, 2018. Establishing Confidence in Digital and
Multimedia Evidence Forensic Results by Error Mitigation       Kärntner Landesregierung (C-594/12). See Anja Møller
Analysis. Version: 2.0 (20. Nov, 2018).                        Pedersen, Henrik Udsen and Søren Sandfeld Jakobsen:
  Establishing Confidence in Digital and Multimedia            “Data retention in Europe – the Tele 2 case and beyond”,
Evidence Forensic Results by Error Mitigation Analysis, and    International Data Privacy Law, 2018, Vol. 8, No 2, pp. 160-
Christensen, A. M., Crowder, C. M., Ousley, S. D., & Houck,    174.
M. M. (2014). Error and its meaning in forensic science.
Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59(1), 123-126.
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The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

procedures for obtaining the permit vary. Lenient             convictions, and the rest of the cases concern
conditions apply if the police only demand data               unsolved, serious crime.12 To date, the Task Force has
concerning which cell tower was used by the mobile            reviewed 213 convictions. In 38 of these cases, the
telephone at a given time (location data), whereas a          initial opinion was that telecom data might have
more strict legal framework applies if the police             influenced the outcome of the trial. However, the
demand data about which telephone communicated                conclusion from the prosecution’s review was that
with which telephone at a given time (traffic data). A        there were no grounds for reconsidering the
request for HCDR could relate to two different                conviction in these cases, as no relevant errors had
perspectives: related either to specific known                been detected in the telecom data.
telephones or to a certain place where a criminal
offence has taken place and where the police would            The telecom scandal also led to consequences outside
like to know which telephones were communicating in           Denmark. According to the Nordic Police Cooperation
the area.                                                     Treaty, the police in the Nordic countries may assist
                                                              each other in obtaining evidence in criminal
The Telecom scandal                                           investigations. As far as the authors are aware, the
                                                              following description is limited to what occurred in
On 17th June 2019, the Danish newspapers disclosed            Norway. The first media reports in Norway came in
the news that the Director of Public Prosecutions had         June 2019. On 29th August, the Norwegian Director of
informed the Danish Bar and Law Society and the               Public Prosecutions instructed the police districts,
Danish Court Administration about an error in the             national police units and state attorneys to identify all
police IT system. The error was identified and                the pending Norwegian criminal cases with HCDR
corrected on 8th March 2019, and the Director of              obtained from within Denmark. In this letter, the
Public Prosecutions had decided that a number of              recipients were informed that the system in which the
criminal cases from 2012-2019, where HCDR had been            error occurred was not in used in Norway, and that
obtained, the Directorate of Public Prosecutions              there was no reason to suspect the same errors in
ordered a review and the Danish National Police.              Norwegian HCDR.13 On 15th January 2020, the
Subsequently, this news was followed by a number of           Norwegian Director of Public Prosecutions sent an
critical articles from both technical and legal               update to the same recipients, informing them that
perspectives. The criticism was particularly levelled at      only a very limited number of ongoing cases involving
the delay and incomplete information provided to the          Danish HCDR data had been identified, and only a few
criminal system and the public. As a result of the            where further evaluations of possible consequences
increasing number of errors and uncertainties                 due to erroneous data were necessary. The recipients
discovered in the handling of HCDR and the                    were instructed to expand the scope of their
subsequent considerations, the Director of Public             evaluations to include closed cases involving Danish
Prosecutions ordered a halt of two months in the              HCDR from March 2010 to March 2019. The Director
prosecutors’ use of HCDR as evidence in criminal trials       of Public Prosecutions also underlined that the police
and hearings about preliminary custody. Currently,            districts had experienced significant challenges in
more than 10,000 criminal cases from the period               identifying the cases, due to the lack of registries and
2010-2019 are being reviewed in order to establish            limited search functionalities. How many hours this
the implications caused by errors and uncertainties in        task has entailed is unknown, but, due to the reported
telecom data used as evidence.11 According to the             challenges, there is reason to believe that it has
District Attorney in Copenhagen supervising the               required a significant workload.
review, the status as at February 2020, is that, of the
approximately 10,000 cases, 7,576 cases relate to

11                                                            location data obtained from Denmark. Identification and
   The period in focus was extended, as 2010 was the
starting point for the initial use of the police converting   review of relevant cases. Riksadvokaten (28 August 2019)
software; for which see below.                                Mulig feilinformasjon i trafikk- og lokasjonsdata innhentet
   Mail communications to the authors on 17th and 18th        fra Danmark. Identifisering og gjennomgang av aktuelle
February 2020 from the District Attorney in Copenhagen.       saker.
   The Norwegian Director of Public Prosecutions (28th        feilinformasjon-i-teledata-brukt-i-straffesaker/.
August 2019. Possible misinformation in traffic- and
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The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

Conclusions on the technical error                             communication activity, such as telephone calls, SMS,
                                                               duration of the call, and cell tower position (first and
The Telecenter, a department under the Danish
                                                               last cell tower during the conversation), etc., is
National Police, acts as the single point of contact
                                                               registered as a row. When converting the rows from
between Danish police and the telecom service
                                                               the raw data, an error in the police software resulted
providers. The telecom service providers have
                                                               in the loss of rows and, hence, incomplete HCDR.
different systems for storing and retrieving
information, and information is therefore delivered in         The reason for the loss of rows was found in a certain
several different formats to the police.14 The telecom         “timer” function in the police IT system, used for
service providers are not obliged to use a uniform             converting data into the uniform format. In order to
concept, nor are they paid for the data retention. The         ensure efficient forwarding of the data to the
different formats result from different needs within           requesting police unit, a timer function was set in the
each telecom company, related to operating the                 Telecenter’s IT system, e.g. one hour. However, the
system and billing the customers. Since 2010, the              system was not programmed to check whether the
Telecenter has processed the files from the telecom            processing was complete prior to sending the file, and
service providers prior to sending them to the                 the result was that the data were sometimes sent to
respective police districts. Several of the errors have        the requesting police unit, even though the converting
been traced back to the processing of data at the              process was not complete. Occasionally, this resulted
Telecenter.                                                    in the Telecenter sending incomplete sets of
                                                               converted data with “missing rows” to the
From the information given by the Danish Minister of
Justice on 3rd October 2019, and on the basis of
conclusions from both the internal examinations                The implications of such an error would depend on
carried out by the Director of Public Prosecutions and         the specific criminal case. In the question of an alibi, it
the Danish National Police and an independent                  might be catastrophic for a defendant who claimed to
external review carried out by the consultancy agency,         have been elsewhere than at the scene of the crime, if
Deloitte, the technical errors in the system relate to         the data that could confirm his or her statement was
the entire chain from the cell tower registering the           among the “missing rows” in the incomplete HCDRs.
data to the transmission of the data to the requesting         Not only would the missing rows cause lack of support
police unit.15 The errors can be summarized into three         for the alibi, but the missing information could also be
overall categories, set out below.                             held against the defendant’s trustworthiness, for not
                                                               being truthful about where he or she was at a certain
(1) Completeness: missing rows as a result of                  time.
processing by police software
The telecom service providers register the HCDR in             (2) Errors in the converted data
databases. Following a request from the police, data is        In addition to the missing rows, several other errors
retrieved from these databases and delivered in a              resulting from the process of converting the data
format based on cells, rows and columns, such as               were uncovered in the HCDRs. The conversion process
those you find in a spreadsheet.16 Each                        also led to alteration of the cell towers’ geographical

   The external examination carried out by Deloitte, (2019)    with minor statistical corrections on 13th of January 2020;
p. 15, in connection to the Danish Telecom scandal, for
which see below. Deloitte identified that the police           18cc-47d6-b4c4-3bd07bc15ec0/VB/82220c78-862d-4735-
received 100 different formats of raw data in the period       8bee-9cae5cddee6a?showExact=true#page=84.
from 2011-2019.                                                16
                                                                  For a discussion about the highly significant errors in
   The Minister’s information, including the internal and      spreadsheets, see Electronic Evidence, xii-xiii ’Business
external examinations as Appendices, are available at URL:     records’ and 7.144.                       17
                                                                  See the internal examination from the Director of Public
presse/pressemeddelelser/2019, see: “Justitsministerens        Prosecutions and the Director of the Danish National Police,
reaktion på teledata-redegørelser” (”The Minister of           28th September 2019 (Appendix 2), p. 62, and the external
Justice’s reaction to the telecom examinations”, translation   examination from Deloitte, 1st October 2019 (Appendix 3),
by the authors as information and examinations are only        pp. 33 and 47.
available in Danish). The Deloitte examination was updated
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The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

coordinates. According to the external examination,           not been paid the appropriate attention over the
the predominant error in the conversion caused a              years. A few months after the outbreak of the telecom
difference in the cell tower position of approximately        scandal, the Danish newspaper Politiken considered
220 metres; in a smaller number of requisitions, a            the list of cell towers in detail, and compared their
deviation of approximately 100 metres was                     registered address and their geographical coordinates.
identified.18 Other errors resulting from this process        They found significant differences between these two
were found in in- and outgoing conversations, the             registrations for several cell towers. The biggest
duration of the calls, and types of service (telephone        discrepancy uncovered was more than 100
call, SMS, Internet session).                                 kilometres. When discrepancies occurred, they mostly
                                                              concerned the coordinates, which established the
When the telecom scandal emerged, this reccurring             correct position, and, to a lesser extent, the address.22
error questions the trustworthiness of telecom data.
However, the conclusion must be that this error               The effect of such a problem is difficult to establish, as
alone, meaning a displacement of a cell tower of this         the procedures within the Telecenter in the Danish
rather small scale, would rarely have an effect on            National Police have not clarified this point. It is
criminal cases. This should be seen in connection with        unclear whether they based their assumptions about
the general uncertainties about using telecom data as         the suspect’s geographical location on the address or
evidence, for which see discussion below.                     the coordinates, and whether they carried out a
                                                              control for discrepancies between the two types of
(3) Errors in raw data                                        location registrations. In any case, the differences in
The third category of errors uncovered in the telecom         such registrations in specific cases could possibly have
scandal involves errors in raw data from the telecom          been discovered by the requesting police unit and
service providers. This category consists of several          then resolved in cooperation with the Telecenter and
types of errors. Some are considered to pose a low            the telecom service providers.
risk of problems in criminal investigations, since they
                                                              Besides the irregularities concerning the cell tower
could be detected fairly easily. An example of such an
                                                              locations, the internal and external examinations have
error is the switching of geographical coordinates,
                                                              also revealed other types of errors in raw data from
which would result in the cell tower appearing to be
                                                              the telecom service providers. Thus, calls and SMS are
situated far away from Danish territory.19 Others pose
                                                              also possible by application of new communication
a great risk of providing misleading information in           services, VoLTE (Voice over Long-Term Evolution) and
criminal investigations. For example, the telecom             VoWiFi (Voice over WiFi). In connection with the
service providers store information about the                 examinations, it was revealed that not all telecom
geographical position of their cell towers. However,          service providers had delivered all communication
over the years, some cell towers have been moved to
                                                              data concerning these new data types.23 This means
different locations, without updating the information
                                                              that the raw data material provided by the telephone
about the new geographical position of the cell tower
                                                              companies without these data would be incomplete.
and the range of its cells.20 This had already been
acknowledged as a problem in 2015, by the Minister            Apart from these identified errors, it has been pointed
of Justice giving a reply on the matter to the Danish         out that the vast diversity in raw data is a possible
parliament.21 Nevertheless, this problem has probably         source of error. As part of the external examination, a

18                                                            of Public Prosecutions and the Director of the Danish
   The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.
55.                                                           National Police (Appendix 2), p. 22.
   The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.       Jakob Sorgenfri Kjær: “Telefejl er endnu værre end
39.                                                           antaget”;
   The internal examination from the Director of Public       er-endnu-v%C3%A6rre-end-antaget, and “Vagthund ser
                                                              med alvor på nye telefejl” ;
Prosecutions and the Director of the Danish National Police
(Appendix 2), p. 22, and the external examination from
                                                              med-alvor-p%C3%A5-nye-telefejl, both in Politiken, 27th
Deloitte (Appendix 3), p. 39.
21                                                            September 2019.
   Reply from the Ministry of Justice on 20th October 2015    23
                                                                  The internal examination (Appendix 2), p. 66.
to question no. 182 from the Parliament’s Legal Affairs
Committee, and the internal examination from the Director
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The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

statistical comparison was carried out on the raw data        coverage of the cell, such as – but not limited to – the
formats provided by the different telephone                   height of the cell tower, the frequency, power and
companies. Conclusively, 100 different formats from           configuration of the antenna, the vegetation, the
the period 2011-2019 were identified, with each of            surrounding settlement and topography. The capacity
the 100 data formats varying in at least one of either:       is also limited, and when it reaches its limits, the call
(1) the order of the columns, (2) the terminology in          may be directed to the next cell tower within the
the columns, or (3) the number of columns.24                  coverage area. These limitations mean that it is never
Illustratively, 30 different formats for dates were           possible to state with 100 per cent certainty that a cell
identified.25                                                 phone was at a certain place at a certain time, based
                                                              on the HCDR.
This diversity and the ever-changing raw data formats
represent a significant challenge to the Telecenter.          Organizational and procedural aspects
Changes in the raw data format would require a
control of whether the interpretation is still valid. To      On 3rd October 2019, on the basis of the internal
ensure a valid interpretation of the raw data at all          examination, the Danish Minister of Justice concluded
times, the software would thus need to be frequently          that, within the Danish National Police, there had not
controlled and updated.26 The external review                 been sufficient inspection of the quality of the data
revealed that only one person at the Telecenter was           and there had not been sufficient documentation and
appointed to this task.27 The frequent changes to raw         follow up of errors. Consequently, information about
data formats entail a risk of error, if the resources or      known errors and risks related to HCDR had not been
manpower for controlling and updating the system              systematically sent to the relevant parties dealing
are limited.28                                                with criminal cases. Furthermore, throughout the
                                                              years, the management’s focus on the Telecenter has
In addition to the errors mentioned above, the                been insufficient.29
inherent limitations and uncertainties with HCDR
must be taken into account. The HCDR are first and            Specifically, the internal examination mentions that,
foremost registered for the telecom service providers’        within the Telecenter, no written internal procedures
business purposes. The data are used for optimizing           and guidelines in relation to handling HCDR have been
the telecom service, charging for the services and            developed, nor, additionally, has the Danish National
billing the customers. HCDR are hence not stored for          Police developed any national guidelines for the
law enforcement purposes and may have limitations             Telecenter’s and the police units’ handling of HCDR
and uncertainties that should be taken into account           and quality control of the data.30
when using these data as evidence about who did               In relation to checking the quality of the data, an
what, at which time (and duration), and from which            external examination concluded that, before 2018, no
position. HCDR are a product of the service offered by        general checking of the quality of the telecom data
telecom companies, where a unit (e.g. a mobile                received from the Telecenter was carried out by the
telephone) communicates with the telecom service              requesting police unit, as there was the overall
provider’s network and infrastructure (cell towers,           presumption that the HCDR received were correct and
antennas, and devices for collection and storing              complete, and therefore it was not common practice
telecom data). The cell towers have antennas, which           to check whether data in the converted file were
cover different areas, named cells. Each cell has a cell
identification (cell id) and two traits – coverage and
capacity. There are several factors that affect the

24                                                            28
   The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.       The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.
35.                                                           38.
25                                                            29
   The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.       The information given by the Minister of Justice on 3rd
35.                                                           October 2019.
26                                                            30
   The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), pp.      The internal examination (Appendix 2), p. 90.
37-38.                                                        31
                                                                 The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.
   The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.    67.
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The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

Since November 2018, the Telecenter has enclosed a                  8. Purchasing special equipment to be able to
guideline for quality control of the data when sending                 examine the coverage of cell towers in specific
HCDR to the requesting police units.32 The guideline                   places.
advises the receiver to compare the number of lines in              9. New guidelines for the deletion of telecom
the raw data with the converted data and to check                      data.
whether the numbers match.33
                                                                    10. Modernization of existing IT systems.
Importantly, however, the telecom scandal is also
                                                                    11. Systematic scrutiny of more than 400 IT
related to outdated and insufficient IT systems and
                                                                        systems within the police and the prosecution
software within the Danish police in general, and
within the Telecenter in particular. The external
examination quite disturbingly states that the                      12. Review of IT systems, where technical
outdated technical infrastructure poses a significant                   evidence is stored and processed, e.g. DNA
risk to the continuing operational stability, meaning to                samples and fingerprints.
securing the continuing delivery of converted telecom
                                                                    13. Evaluation and learning from the telecom data
data.34 Even immediate remedies to the existing
                                                                        incident throughout the Justice Department.
infrastructure are considered insufficient; hence,
there is a need to implement a new infrastructure,            In the following, we limit our discussion to initiatives 1
adequate for modern standards.35                              and 2. The understanding of “an independent unit”
                                                              (initiative 1), and the handling of inherent
Actions to be taken according to the Minister of              uncertainties in telecom data (initiative 2) is discussed
Justice                                                       below.
In his conclusion on the telecom scandal and the way          The understanding of “an independent unit”
forward, the Minister of Justice presented a list of 13
initiatives:                                                  Concerning the establishment of a new independent
                                                              unit (initiative 1), on 3rd October 2019, the Danish
     1. Establishment of a new independent unit,              Minister of Justice indicated a need for “a new,
        monitoring technical investigative means and          independent unit to supervise the process from the
        evidence.                                             time when an investigation goes through a technical
     2. The problems inherent in telecom data must            process until the time when the results of the
        be declared in any court proceedings.                 investigation are presented as evidence for guilt in a
                                                              criminal case.”36
     3. Establishment of certification of quality
        control within the Telecenter.                        Accordingly, the competence for the independent unit
                                                              should be to supervise “investigative means” in a
     4. Strengthening the Telecenter with resources
                                                              broad sense, not only as regards telecom data.
        and more specialized competencies.
                                                              However, the focus on an investigation “going
     5. Establishment of a new cooperation forum              through a technical processing” suggests quite a
        between the police and the telecom industry.          narrow scope, when considering the telecom data
     6. Relevant education and improvement of                 case, where, clearly, raw data in itself also present
        competencies for the users of telecom data.           serious errors and uncertainties, even if the police
                                                              have not exposed the data to any processing or
     7. Requesting police units must improve control          conversion of raw data that the police might perform.
        of the telecom data they receive.
                                                              In a draft proposal for new regulation, published on
                                                              21st February 2020, the Ministry of Justice suggests

32                                                            34
   The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), pp.        The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.
17 and 78.                                                    7.
33                                                            35
   The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.         The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.
78.                                                           7.
                                                                   Translation by the authors.
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The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

the establishment of a new independent unit for the            for the unit: not only overlooking procedures of
supervision of technical evidence, connected to the            conversion, but also the requiring of data in general,
Independent Police Complaints Authority. The                   taking samples and perhaps even seeking to verify
proposal implies a broad scope for the new                     conclusions in specific cases, mapping uncertainties
independent unit, as the term “technical evidence” is          and securing a dialogue and cooperation with the
understood as all information, tracks and material             provider of the data, whether private companies or
gathered to be subjected to a technical examination            public institutions. We do not know what we might
or process, leading to the presentation of the data as         not know in the future, and a constant critical focus
evidence in a criminal trial.37                                on new sorts of data and evidence must be secured.

The purpose of the independent unit would be to                The conclusion from the statements from the Danish
supervise the development of adequate and relevant             Ministry of Justice must be that the 13 initiatives and
procedures and guidelines – and their use by                   the focus by all parties involved within the police,
practitioners within the police and the prosecution            prosecution service and courts are seen as sufficient
service – as regards the handling and processing of            to “repair” the errors and uncertainties connected
specific kinds of technical evidence.38 Furthermore,           with the procedures of acquiring and processing
the supervision would also be carried out in relation          telecom data and thus “repair” the general confidence
to standard declarations, police reports, etc., in order       in the reliability of such technical evidence used in
to confirm that reservations and uncertainties related         criminal cases.
to specific kinds of evidence are appropriately                Understanding telecom data
described. In addition, the supervision would concern
whether the prosecution in general presents these              Recently, new and detailed instructions, from both
reservations and uncertainties in connection with the          the Directorate of Public Prosecutions and the Danish
evidence used in criminal trials.                              National Police, have been produced on the use of
                                                               telecom data in criminal cases.40 The overall aim is to
Specifically, the draft proposal emphasizes that the           secure quality procedures – and the documentation
supervision would not aim to verify conclusions from           thereof – in both the requiring police units and the
the examination or processing of technical
                                                               prosecution service, when presenting the case and the
information in specific cases (e.g. whether a DNA              evidence in court.
match can be verified or whether a person’s cell
phone has been registered in connection with specific          As stated in the new Instruction from the Director of
towers, according to the service provider’s                    Public Prosecutions: In criminal cases, where telecom
information) or how these conclusions specifically             data is presented as evidence, the prosecutor must
have been used during the police investigation.                verify that all relevant documents are presented. This
                                                               means that documents must include raw data and, if
Based on the telecom scandal, the responsibilities             processing had been carried out, also converted data,
given to this independent unit should be carefully             besides a report describing the police check of the
considered. Given the importance of digital evidence           data quality. Furthermore, a general note developed
and our general trust and naivety regarding such               by Deloitte on general aspects related to the use of
evidence,39 arguments support a quite broad scope              telecom data must always be included in criminal

37                                                             Littlewood, Harold Thimbleby and Martyn Thomas CBE,
   Draft proposal for new regulation, published by the
Ministry of Justice, 21st February 2020, p. 33, available at   ‘The Law Commission presumption concerning the          dependability of computer evidence’, 17 Digital Evidence
The completion of the regulation concerning the                and Electronic Signature Law Review (2020) 1 – 14.
independent unit is now scheduled to be part of the            40 “Anvendelse af teledata i straffesager” (“The use of
government’s program for the parliamentary year                telecom data in criminal cases”, translation by the authors),
2020/2021.                                                     issued by the Directorate of Public Prosecutions on 29th
   Draft proposal for new regulation, published by the         October 2019 (latest update on 3rd of April 2020), at
Ministry of Justice, 21st February 2020, p. 9.       
   This is comprehensively dispelled in Chapter 6 of           18cc-47d6-b4c4-3bd07bc15ec0/VB/dfa9e79e-2c97-4013-
                                                               81c9-5699a5ffb3ef?showExact=true (only available in
Electronic Evidence and in Peter Bernard Ladkin, Bev
                                                                            Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 18 (2021) | 8
The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

cases where telecom data are presented as evidence,               accuracy of location data can, on one hand, be as
“with the purpose of securing relevant knowledge                  close as a few hundred m2 in closer urban areas and,
with the defence and the court about the potential                on the other hand, be extended to several km2 in rural
sources of errors and uncertainties connected to the              areas. The applied technologies can also play a role in
use of telecom data.”41                                           the range of the cell tower signal. Besides, specific
                                                                  operating conditions can result in errors in the
The “Note about the use of historic telecom data in               network, with the consequence that a mobile unit at a
criminal cases”, dated 1st October 2019, is developed             given time connects to other cell towers than if the
by Deloitte in connection with the external                       network were functioning normally.46
examination.42 The note contains a list of the inherent
uncertainties related to cell tower data and thus                 Keeping these reservations in mind, the note
attention points and reservations regarding the use of            mentions that telecom data can be used to indicate
such data as evidence.                                            the location and movements of a specific mobile unit
                                                                  over time. The more connections between a certain
Data can be missing in the data rows presented, for a             mobile unit with a certain cell tower, the more
number of different reasons, e.g. new kinds of data-              significant the data could be interpreted to be.47
and communication services, where data are not
registered by the telecom service providers in the                Besides telecom data, which telecom service
same way as traditional tele-communications. Also,                providers are obliged by law to register and keep for a
the selection of which cell towers are relevant can               year, the note from Deloitte also elaborates on other
mean that not all data will be put forward, if a mobile           sorts of telecom data that the telecom service
unit has used another cell tower for communication.43             providers might have and that could be required for
                                                                  specific criminal cases. This concerns “signalling data”
In this regard, the note emphasizes that HCDR do not              from mobile units, meaning data generated from the
show the same accuracy as a GPS system in relation to             cell towers related to a switched-on mobile telephone
locating a specific mobile telephone.44 This highlights           that has not actively been used (called “idle mode” in
the uncertainties surrounding location data for mobile            contrast to “connected mode”, where a telephone is
units.45 First and foremost, it is noted that such data           communicating either by calls, SMS or Internet
can only be indicative. This is due to a number of                connection).48 There are reservations regarding
different aspects: the landscape, network                         signalling data, as they are less precise and thus less
malfunctions and changes in weather and season, and               reliable.49
to which cell tower a specific mobile unit connects
(“cell tower jumps”.) More specifically, it mentions              Relating to raw data, the note draws attention to the
that fewer obstacles in the terrain lead to a stronger            risk of errors in the registration of cell towers, namely,
mobile signal; hence, a mobile unit would be able to              the insecurity related to the specification of the
connect to a cell tower over longer distances across              address of a cell tower, where the coordinates are
water than over land. In rural areas, there would be              considered more reliable.50 In addition, according to
fewer cell towers, meaning the telephone (telephone               recent guidelines from the Danish National Police,
is used for short-hand, but we mean SIM card, or a                establishing the location of the cell tower must not be
combination of telephone and SIM card) could “jump”               based on information about the address provided by
and connect to a cell tower further away. The

   Points 1 and 2.4.2 in the Instruction “Anvendelse af           title translated by the authors), available at
teledata i straffesager”, (“The use of telecom data in  
criminal cases”, translation by the authors) issued by the        /Pressemeddelelser/pdf/2019/bilag_4.pdf.
Directorate of Public Prosecutions on 29th October 2019              Deloitte Note, point 3.1.2.
(latest update on 3rd of April 2020), available at                   Deloitte Note, point 3.1.1.
                                                                  45                Deloitte Note, point 3.2.2.
18cc-47d6-b4c4-3bd07bc15ec0/VB/dfa9e79e-2c97-4013-                   Deloitte Note, point 3.3.
81c9-5699a5ffb3ef?showExact=true (only available in                  Deloitte Note, point 3.2.2.
Danish).                                                             Deloitte Note, points 3.1.4. and 4.4.
42                                                                49
   Deloitte Note: ”Notat vedrørende anvendelse af                    Deloitte Note, points 3.1.4. and 4.4.
historiske teledata i straffesager”, (available only in Danish,      Deloitte Note, points 3.3.
                                                                              Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 18 (2021) | 9
The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

the telephone companies.51 Instead, the location of            contexts has been a focus on the introduction of new
cell towers must be based on geographical                      technologies.
coordinates of the cell towers, provided appropriate
                                                               Socio-technical systems theory advocates the
checks have been made, meaning a documentation of
                                                               consideration of both technical and social factors
the physical location of cell towers, based on
                                                               when seeking to promote change within an
observation of the cell tower or material from
                                                               organization, whether it concerns the introduction of
                                                               new technology or when there is a change in the
The Danish National Police emphasize that, despite             business.56 Leavitt visualized these as four
these new actions to be taken, it will always rely on          components (structure, technology, people, task) that
the participants involved in specific cases – not least        should be in harmony.57 This has been further
the courts – to evaluate how telecom data most                 developed into a hexagon of six interrelated elements
appropriately can be presented as evidence, and to             (see figure below).
what extent further evidence is necessary, in order to
verify the specific telecom data.53

Socio technical aspects of the telecom
No process involving technology operates in a
vacuum. Socio-technical systems thinking is therefore
an adequate theoretical perspective to apply in order
to understand how the telecom scandal emerged, and
how new similar scandals may be prevented. The
underlying philosophy of socio-technical systems
thinking has remained largely unchanged, but the
specific principles and applications have evolved to
reflect the changing nature of work, technology and
design practices.54 The emphasis has shifted from an
early focus on heavy industry and advanced
manufacturing technologies, through to office-based            Figure 1: Hexagonal socio-technical systems
work and services.55 The common theme across these
                                                               framework, as described by Clegg and others.58

   The Instruction “Anvendelse af teledata i straffesager”     54
                                                                  Davis, M. C., Challenger, R., Jayewardene, D. N. W., &
(“Use of telecom data in criminal cases”, translation by the   Clegg, C.W. (2014). Advancing socio-technical systems
authors), issued by the Directorate of Public Prosecutions     thinking: A call for bravery. Applied Ergonomics, 45(2A),
on 29th October 2019, with the Appendix 7b: “Rigspolitiets     171-180. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2013.02.009.
Instruks for politiets anvendelse af teledata til brug for     55
                                                                  Advancing socio-technical systems thinking: A call for
retsmøder under efterforskningen” (“Guidelines from the        bravery.
Danish National Police on the use of telecom data in           56
                                                                  Cherns, A. (1976). The principles of sociotechnical design.
hearings related to criminal investigations”, translation by
                                                               Human Relations, 29(8), 783-792. doi:
the authors) on 18th September 2019.
   Instruction on the use of telecom data in criminal cases,   57
                                                                  Leavitt, H. J. (1965). Applying organizational change in
issued by the Directorate of Public Prosecutions on 29th
                                                               industry: Structural, technological and humanistic
October 2019, with the Appendix 7b: Guidelines from the
                                                               approaches. In J. G. March (Ed.), Handbook of
Danish National Police on the use of telecom data in
                                                               Organizations (pp. 1144-1170). Chicago, IL, USA: Rand
criminal investigations, on 18th September 2019.
53                                                             McNally.
   Considerations from the Director of Public Prosecutions     58
and the Director of Danish National Police, p. 6 in Appendix      Clegg, C., Robinson, M., Davis, M., Bolton, L., Pieniazek,
1 to the Information given by the Minister of Justice on 3rd   R., & McKay, A. (2017). Applying organizational psychology
October 2019.                                                  as a design science: A method for predicting malfunctions
                                                               in socio-technical systems (PreMiSTS). Design Science, 3, E6.
                                                                           Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 18 (2021) | 10
The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

To work optimally, these interrelated elements must          that changes its meaning. Maintaining the evidence
function in harmony. When exploring the factors that         integrity of telecom data requires competence in
may have caused or contributed to error in the               processing the data, assessing the quality, as well as
telecom scandal, it is necessary to consider all the         documenting the result.
interconnected elements in a socio-technical system.
Covering all will be outside the scope of this article,      In relation to the telecom scandal, the Telecenter
and we will limit our discussion here to cover people,       carried out the process of converting the data into
                                                             one format. Hence, the Telecenter had the main
technology and processes. .
                                                             responsibility for the quality of the product they
Human error as a cause or contributing factor in             delivered. As mentioned above, in December 2018,
the telecom scandal                                          the Telecenter started including guidelines for quality
                                                             control of the data, together with the raw data and
People play an important role in a socio-technical           converted data files. Up until this point in time, the
system, and, when exploring the factors that may             police districts had not been instructed or encouraged
have caused or contributed to error in the telecom           by the Telecenter to perform any quality control of
scandal, we should consider human factors. Here, we          the data. The new guidelines encouraged the recipient
will discuss the following aspects as possible sources       of the HCDR to compare the number of rows in the
of error: competence and cognitive factors.                  raw data against the converted data, to assess
                                                             whether they matched.64 If performed, this procedure
Competence                                                   would be an inadequate quality measure, since it
Identifying, collecting, examining, analysing and            would only validate that the files were of a similar size
presenting digital evidence in a forensically sound          but would reveal nothing about the integrity of the
manner requires competence.59 Forensically sound is          data. Despite the guidelines, the control of
“The application of a transparent digital forensic           completeness was not performed by the police
process that preserves the original meaning of the           districts. The lack of quality control from the
                                                             Telecenter and the insufficient guidelines for quality
data for production in a court of law.” 60 There should
                                                             control directed to the police districts demonstrated
be documentation of the continuity of evidence (also
                                                             the inadequate level of competency in handling data
called chain of custody) for the evidence, which means
                                                             at the Telecenter, as well as in the police districts.
documentation regarding where the evidence has
been kept at all times and who has handled it.61 The         Competence is also necessary to derive meaning from
principle of evidence integrity should be considered         telecom data, while taking the inherent limitations
paramount, which means that the data should be               into account. Telecom data may appear to be reliable
preserved in its original form.62 HCDR often require         information, since they are accurate and expressed in
processing in order to derive meaningful information         numeric values. The HCDR data are accurate down to
from them in the context of a criminal investigation.        the second; the cell towers are in numeric GPS
This involves splitting up and assembling information        coordinates. The precise representation of time or
pieces,63 for instance identifying all incoming and          place may give the impression that the data is valid,
outgoing calls from a certain time period from several       and diminish the attention about limitations and
HCDRs. Any restructuring of data should not result in        errors. Making valid inferences based on telecom data
data being deleted or alter the original data in a way       requires competence regarding why and how the data

doi:10.1017/dsj.2017.4. Image published under a creative     61 Casey, E. (2011). Digital Evidence and Computer Crime:
commons licence (CC-BY 4.0).                                 Forensic Science, Computers, and the Internet. Academic
59 Sunde, N. (2017). Non-technical sources of errors when
                                                             Press, p. 21; for a discussion in the legal context, see
handling digital evidence within a criminal investigation    Electronic Evidence, Chapter 9.
(Master's thesis, Norwegian University of Science and        62 Årnes, A. (2017). Introduction. In A. Årnes (Ed.) Digital
Technology).                                                 Forensics (pp. 1-11). Hoboken: Wiley, p. 6.
60 McKemmish, R. (2009). When is digital evidence            63 Bjerknes, O. T., & Fahsing, I. A. (2018). Etterforskning:
forensically sound? In IFIP international conference on      prinsipper, metoder og praksis. Fagbokforlaget, p. 125.
digital forensics (pp. 3-15). Springer, Boston, MA. p. 10.   64 The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.

                                                                         Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 18 (2021) | 11
The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

are collected and stored by the telecom service                  Danish HCDRs were not uncovered earlier or why the
provider and the inherent limitations of the data.               warnings about error were ignored for such a long
What may be accurate and sufficiently reliable for the           time may be found within the levels of this taxonomy,
purpose of the telecom service provider may deviate              none of which seem to be irrelevant in this respect.
from the required quality to serve as reliable evidence
in legal proceedings.                                            Pohl explains cognitive bias as a cognitive
                                                                 phenomenon, which reliably deviates from reality,
Cognitive factors, influences and bias                           occurs systematically and involuntarily, and is difficult
                                                                 or impossible to avoid by mere willpower.69 One fact
Regardless of the competence level of the people
involved in handling the telecom data, there are other           that may have played a role in the telecom scandal is
human limitations that may cause error. Cognitive                confirmation bias, which can be described as a
factors and bias affect all processes that involve               tendency to seek information that confirms one’s
                                                                 belief, and to overlook or explain away information
interpretation, subjectivity, judgements and
decisions.65 Awareness of and understanding about                that contradicts it.70 The receivers of HCDRs believed
                                                                 that the product they received from the Telecenter
our inherent cognitive limitations and influences that
increase the risk of error are essential components for          was of good quality.71 When the Telecenter (from
minimizing error. However, awareness is not enough.              December 2018) asked the receivers of the HCDRs to
A necessary step is to identify the particular risk              control the completeness of the converted data by
factors for the discipline and implement measures to             comparing the number of rows, the receivers (who
prevent or uncover any errors.66 Unfortunately,                  also believed that the Telecenter provided good
measures to address cognitive sources of error and               quality) would get a confirmation of this notion of
                                                                 quality by comparing the lines in the two
bias are often only addressed when scandals
                                                                 spreadsheets, although this would not reveal the true
                                                                 quality of the processed record. It should be noted
Dr Itiel Dror has focused on cognitive and human error           that the police districts reported that they did not
in decision-making within several areas, including               perform this control, since they trusted the Telecenter
forensic science, and has developed a taxonomy of                to deliver data that were accurate and complete.72
sources that affect the decision-making of forensic
experts. These are relevant to handling digital                  The same bias may have affected the prosecution
                                                                 authorities. They received a report about the HCDR,
evidence in the context of a criminal investigation68
                                                                 often with extracts of the data included. Together
and, hence, relevant for handling telecom data. These
                                                                 with the report, they would also receive the
factors range from the inherent cognitive factors –
                                                                 converted HCDR. The prosecution authority checked
which relate to how the brain processes information –
                                                                 whether the data included or referred to in the report
to external contextual factors that influence the
                                                                 were consistent with the data from the converted
decision-making. Contextual factors may bias
                                                                 HCDR file.73 The prosecution authority did not have
decisions, and they are found in the organizational
culture and environment, as well as in the particular            any knowledge of the insufficient quality control of
case. The explanations for why the errors in the                 the converted data file and would probably believe
                                                                 that the data were accurate and complete. If

65                                                               69
   Dror, I. E. (2017). Human expert performance in forensic         Pohl, R.F., 2016. Cognitive Illusions: Intriguing
decision making: seven different sources of bias. Australian     Phenomena in Judgement, Thinking and Memory.
Journal of Forensic Sciences, 49(5), 541-547.                    Psychology Press.
66                                                               70
   Dror, I. E., & Pierce, M. L. (2019). ISO standards               Nickerson, R. S., 1998. Confirmation bias: A ubiquitous
addressing issues of bias and impartiality in forensic work.     phenomenon in many guises. Review of general
Journal of Forensic Sciences.                                    psychology, 2(2), 175-220.
67                                                               71
   ISO standards addressing issues of bias and impartiality in      The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.
forensic work , and Cole, S. A. (2016). Scandal, fraud, and      67.
the reform of forensic science: the case of fingerprint             The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.
analysis. W. Va. L. Rev., 119, 523.                              67.
68                                                               73
   Sunde, N., & Dror, I. E. (2019). Cognitive and human             The external examination from Deloitte (Appendix 3), p.
factors in digital forensics: Problems, challenges, and the      78.
way forward. Digital Investigation, 29, 101-108.
                                                                             Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 18 (2021) | 12
The use of historical call data records as evidence in the criminal justice system

consistency between the report and the converted                 The cumulative effect of bias may affect the decisions
data file were established, the prosecution authority            made.77 For example, when the missing lines in the
would have this initial perception of high quality               HCDR do not provide the suspect with an alibi (which
confirmed – even though this measure would not be                he actually would have if the raw data were checked),
sufficient to determine the true quality of the data.            this would lead to a strong belief in the suspect’s guilt.
                                                                 This could in turn lead to a more offensive suspect
The accumulation of bias
                                                                 interview, confronting him with the missing alibi. The
Earwaker and colleagues highlight that the failure to            suspect’s behaviour may be due to the strong belief of
acknowledge and to respond to the interlinking                   guilt, underpinned by the HCDR, leading to tunnel
nature of participants in criminal justice systems may           vision, where the suspect interview, as well as other
lead to inappropriate use of evidence in intelligence            ambiguous evidence, would be interpreted to the
(or investigative) settings or in court.74 When a piece          detriment of the suspect.
of evidence passes through several participants, there
                                                                 Implicit associations about technology and bias
is a risk of the accumulation of bias (called in the
literature ‘bias snowball’ and ‘bias cascade’).75 The            It is relevant to consider how technology affects
build-up of bias occurs when the effect of contextual            human decisions. Elsbach and Stigliani suggest three
information at one stage affects the decision at a later         general beliefs about new information technology: It
stage.76 For example, in the telecom scandal, the                is mysterious or unknown; it is non-human or alien,
personnel at the Telecenter believed that the system             and it is complex or difficult to understand.78 Based
performed well when processing the raw data. This                on these general beliefs, they suggest that we make
overconfidence prevented quality control of the                  implicit associations, which are attitudes about
performance. When the data were received by the                  objects “that are automatically activated by the mere
investigator, the investigator received them from                presence of the object”.79 From their analysis of
someone they believed had specialist competence in               empirical findings, they suggest that people associate
assessing the data and trusted that the data were                new technology with success and with superiority
accurate and complete. When the prosecution                      over older technology, and they relate this to the
received the data, they knew from the documentation              general belief in new information as mysterious or
that the data had been handled in several stages by              unknown. This may lead to the favouring of newer
people with a higher level of competence in telecom              over older technology.80
data than themselves. They would therefore also trust
the data and, through the assessment of the                      Elsbach and Stigliani also find empirical support for
consistency between data in the report and the                   the assumption that technology endorsed by
converted data, this impression would intensify at               legitimate others may lead to a perception of the
each stage. The notion of quality could contribute to            technology as trustworthy and valuable.81 They
the decision about charging the suspect, and hence               suggest that this is to do with the general belief in
the bias would also pass into the court.                         technology as complex and difficult to understand.
                                                                 In relation to the telecom scandal, the implicit bias
                                                                 may have played an important role: first, regarding

   Earwaker, H., Nakhaeizadeh, S., Smit, N. M., & Morgan, R.     making in forensic science: A six phased approach. Science
M. (2019). A cultural change to enable improved decision-        & Justice, 60(1), 9-19.
making in forensic science: A six phased approach. Science          A cultural change to enable improved decision-making in
& Justice, 12.                                                   forensic science: A six phased approach.
75                                                               78
   Dror, I. E., 2018. Biases in forensic experts. Science, 360      Elsbach, K. D., & Stigliani, I. (2019). New information
(6386), 243. and         technology and implicit bias. Academy of Management
Dror, I. E., Morgan, R. M., Rando, C., & Nakhaeizadeh, S.        Perspectives, 33(2), 185-206.
(2017). Letter to the editor—The bias snowball and the bias         Hewstone, M., Rubin, M., & Willis, H. (2002). Intergroup
cascade effects: Two distinct biases that may impact             bias. Annual Review of Psychology, 53(1), 575-604.
forensic decision making. Journal of Forensic Sciences,             Elsbach, K. D., & Stigliani, I. (2019). New information
62(3), 832-833.                                                  technology and implicit bias. Academy of Management
   Earwaker, H., Nakhaeizadeh, S., Smit, N. M., & Morgan, R.     Perspectives, 33(2), 185-206.
M. (2019). A cultural change to enable improved decision-           New information technology and implicit bias, 185-206.
                                                                             Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 18 (2021) | 13
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