The Train Path Pricing System 2016 of DB Netz AG - We've got the future covered.
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The Train Path Pricing System 2016 of DB Netz AG Valid from 13th December 2015 to 10th December 2016 We’ve got the future covered.
Introduction Information on train path pricing system Foreword This train path pricing system ensures that all cus- tomers using identical services (train path products) The train path pricing system Train path prices are charged the same price. of DB Netz AG The train path charge per train path kilometre is DB Netz AG is responsible for operation of the largest rail Customers who also use service installations offered made up of the following three components: network in Europe, with a length of almost 33.300 km. by DB Netz AG in addition to train path products pay ❚ user-dependent component Non-discriminatory access to that infrastructure is further charges based on the facility pricing system. Charges for the use of train paths are calculated in the route category, train path product available to all licensed railway undertakings in Germany The cost of traction current and station stops are not same way for each customer. The charging principles ❚ service-dependent component which satisfy the technical and legal requirements included in the train path price. for mandatory services are presented below. incentive system to reduce disturbances, prescribed by the Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (Federal incentive system to improve efficiency Railway Authority). Since the launch of TPS 2001, there has been a steady The following mandatory services are provided with ❚ other components increase in the number of customers which provide the purchase of a train path: for example regional factor, load component In 1994, we were the first railway infrastructure under- passenger and freight transports on the DB Netz AG ❚ the processing of applications for train path taking in Europe to introduce a train path pricing rail network. Today, rail services are meanwhile offered allocation, system (TPS 94) for the use of rail infrastructure. In by about 400 companies, more than 380 of which do ❚ the permission to use allocated train paths and the April 2001, this was replaced by a single-stage pricing not belong to the DB Group. The resulting competition facilities for the supply of traction current to the Advice system (TPS 2001) which still applies in the same basic in the German rail market is unparalleled anywhere in track,* All details of charges and factors quoted are valid from structure today. Compared with the previous pricing Europe and is also reflected in the growing number of ❚ the operation of the command and control systems 13th December 2015 to 10th December 2016. All charges systems, the present model has a modular structure, train path applications submitted by non-DB railways. required for train movement, the coordination of the exclude VAT. The “DB Netz AG Network Statement” and which means that each individual module can be inde- Both the increased use of infrastructure by non-DB train movement and the provision of information on the “General terms and conditions governing the use of pendently adjusted to suit the requirements of the railways as well as the constantly rising demand clearly train movements, railway infrastructure operated by DB Netz AG” alone market and the railway undertakings without the need indicate the attractiveness and competitiveness of the ❚ arranging for pilot services or route familiarisation apply. They are available on the company’s website at to change the entire charging system. The basic struc- rail mode. According to the relevant forecasts, this services (actual provision of these services ist not ture of TPS 2001 has been retained since it was first positive trend in rail service is expected to continue part of mandatory services) whereby DB Netz AG introduced. Only individual payment components have over the next few years. DB Netz AG regards this as assumes the costs for initially arranging for pilot/ been adapted and new payment elements integrated confirmation that the modular TPS is a key element in route familiarisation services, in the existing pricing system. The benefit for our cus- the provision of non-discriminatory access to rail infra- ❚ the provision of all further information necessary for tomers is that the pricing system has largely remained structure and a sound basis for the positive develop- performing the transport for which capacity has been stable since 2001. ment of the rail mode. allocated (particularly timetable documents) and not featured under ancillary services. The way in The modular train path pricing system enables DB In future, we shall continue to adapt the infrastructure which the information is made available is subject Netz AG to charge transparent and logically structured charging system to meet the highly diverse require- to separate agreement. prices which take into account both the infrastructure ments, among others the EU-legal guideline. costs induced by the requirements of our customers as The continuing incentive and challenge to do so is to well as the financial capacities of the different user make a significant contribution towards achieving more groups. This means that on the one hand the charges growth for rail service. comply with the relevant legal regulations, in particular the principle of non-discrimination and are simultan- eously in line with the entrepreneurial objectives of DB Netz AG. * if operated by DB Netz AG 2 3
User-dependent component The usage-dependent charge component is determined by the route category and the train path product. Route category The classification into individual route Feeder routes Z1: Category Z1 lines can be worked primarily at Route categories and basic prices categories is based on the following criteria: speeds between 50 km/h and 100 km/h on account Route categories Basic prices of their infrastructure features. They are intended Long-distance route Fplus EUR 9.74/tp-km To meet the requirements in terms of both the diversity Long-distance routes primarily for local rail passenger services. Long-distance route F1 EUR 4.97/tp-km of the infrastructure assets and the customer’s Fplus: The category Fplus can be worked for the most Long-distance route F2 EUR 3.44/tp-km need for simplicity and transparency, DB Netz AG has part at speeds of more than 280 km/h on account of Z2: Category Z2 lines can be worked primarily at Long-distance route F3 EUR 3.10/tp-km subdivided its routes into 12 categories. The classification their infrastructure features. They are intended primar- speeds up to 50 km/h on account of their infrastructure Long-distance route F4 EUR 2.98/tp-km into individual route categories is based on the specific ily for high-speed traffic and have above-average traffic features. They are equipped only with the most Long-distance route F5 EUR 2.20/tp-km infrastructure elements that are charged to expenditure. significance. basic command/control technology, if any at all. Long-distance route F6 EUR 2.94/tp-km However, it also takes into account the importance that each route section has as part of the whole network F1: Category F1 lines can be worked primarily at Urban rapid transit routes Feeder route Z1 EUR 3.03/tp-km for the companies with access approval. Subdivision speeds between 200 km/h and 280 km/h on account S1: Category S1 lines can be worked primarily at Feeder route Z2 EUR 3.13/tp-km of routes into categories based on objective route of their infrastructure features. They are intended prim- speeds up to 120 km/h on account of their infrastruc- characteristics in this way enables DB Netz AG to offer arily for high-speed services or for mixed operations. ture features. They are intended mainly or exclusively Urban rapid transit route S1 EUR 1.97/tp-km a market-driven price differentiation, while at the same for urban rapid transit services. Urban rapid transit route S2 EUR 2.63/tp-km time avoiding the negative effects of an “atomised” F2: Category F2 lines can be worked primarily at Urban rapid transit route S3 EUR 3.13/tp-km system of individual cost-driven route prices. The basic speeds between 160 km/h and 200 km/h on account S2: Category S2 lines can be worked primarily at price per train path kilometre is determined by the of their infrastructure features. They are intended prim- speeds up to 120 km/h on account of their infrastruc- route category. arily for high-speed services or for mixed operations. ture features. They are intended for all DC-powered urban rapid transit lines in Hamburg. F3: Category F3 lines are mixed operation lines that are worked primarily in the speed range between S3: Category S3 lines can be worked primarily at 100 km/h and 160 km/h. speeds up to 120 km/h on account of their infrastruc- ture features. They are intended for all DC-powered F4: Category F4 refers to lines in the speed range urban rapid transit lines in Berlin. between 101 and 160 km/h that are intended primarily for fast inter-city services. An overview of the categorization in the DB Netz AG F5: Category F5 lines are intended primarily for use by network is contained in the Annex to “DB Netz AG’s slow inter-city services for speeds of up to 120 km/h. 2016 list of charges for train paths”. This is available on the company’s website at F6: Category F6 lines can be worked primarily at in German language. speeds between 101 and 160 km/h. They are intended primarily for local rail passenger traffic and for connecting a region to a conurbation area. 4 5
User-dependent component Train path product Regular interval train path Regular interval services generally means at least four Train paths for freight transport services Freight feeder train path The freight feeder train path is used for the conveyance train pairs per day, travelling on the same section of Express freight train path of loaded and empty wagons in single-wagon operations. the main route (over 50%) and/or are linked up by Express freight train paths facilitate the fastest and The freight feeder train path must be used in direct The variety of train path products available makes it means of operational programs to form a regular conjunction with the use of a standard or express possible to adapt the train path pricing system (TPS) most direct freight service links between the principle interval service and subsequently integrated into the centres in Germany, operated on a high standard of freight train path and must not be longer than 75 km. to meet the individual needs of the market. In this network. These services have the same or alternating way, they ensure that the TPS is market-driven, some- reliability. In the management of running operations, scheduled stops. Regular interval train paths are also the express freight train path is given highest priority The conveyed wagons must be collected or distributed thing that cannot be wholly taken account of in the subdivided into local and long-distance services. to different stations and/or junctions in train journey base price. The portfolio of products available is based over all trains apart from urgent rescue and emergency trains and trains running on express passenger service operations, and a coherent concept must be submitted on a choice of four train path products for passenger Local transport regular interval train paths include for the affected region. and freight transport services. Each of these train path train paths. The product express freight train path can all train paths allocated to local services, including only be ordered for the whole route from departure products, in addition to the costs resulting from the urban rapid transit services train paths that are linked customer's requirements, in particular takes into station to destination station. up via regular train frequencies and connections. account the effect of the charge amounts on the competitiveness of the railway undertakings. The pro- Standard freight train path Train path products and factors Long-distance regular interval train paths include all The standard freight train path is available for all ducts are included in the train path price by means Passenger transport train paths Factor train paths allocated to long-distance services that are freight trains. Standard freight train paths are usually of a multiplicative train path product factor. The train Express train path 1.80 linked up via regular train frequencies and connections. interlinked by means of connecting services or are path products are described below. Long-distance regular interval train path 1.65 These also include the train paths for high-speed subject to special restrictions, such as fixed times of Local transport regular interval train path 1.65 services, provided no other special requirements are arrival at the consignee's destination. Economy train path 1.00 to be met when planning such train paths. LZ (light running) freight train path Freight transport train paths Factor Train paths for passenger transport services Regular interval train paths using trains designated for The LZ (light-running) train path allows freight Express train path 1.65 the express product are not covered by the definition customers to work locomotives and traction units Standard train path 1.00 Express passenger service train path of a regular interval train path, but are to be regarded for resource-deployment purposes. Freight light running engine (LZ) train path 0.65 Express passenger service train paths facilitate the as express train paths. Feeder train path 0.50 fastest most direct link between major conurbations in both long-distance and local passenger transport Economy passenger service train path together with express cross-border services. Express The economy passenger service train path is a train paths can be dovetailed into existing regular path for both local and long-distance passenger traffic interval services by means of their departure and not covered by a regular-interval system. arrival times, or else form a separate regular-interval express-service system. In the management of running operations, they are given highest priority over all trains apart from urgent rescue and emergency trains. The product express passenger service train path can only be ordered for the whole route from departure station to destination station. 6 7
Service-dependent component Noise differentiated component The service-dependent charge The noise based component component provides an incentive to provides incentives for retroffitting reduce disturbances and improve to silent braking technologies. the efficiency of the rail network. Incentive system to Incentive system Funding programme quiet if it consists of at least 90% of quiet wagons. This limit will be increased stepwise to 100% during the reduce disturbance to improve efficiency for noise reduction funding period. Charges raised by the NDTAC will be used exclusively for financing the bonus for RUs. The maximum financial In order to reduce disruptions in the rail network, a Train-induced deviations from the minimum Noise Differentiated Track Access Charge System support amounts to 50% of the retrofit costs per freight monetary incentive system will apply in case of failure speed on design grounds DB Netz AG has launched the Noise Differentiated wagon. Conditions for obtaining the bonus are perman- to reach the agreed annual punctuality target figures, One means of creating incentives to raise the perform- Track Access Charge System (NDTAC) for rail freight ent compliance with the limits of the “Technical less the agreed tolerance for the railway undertaking ance capacity of the rail network involves levying a on 9th December 2012. DB Netz AG fully endorses the Specification for the Interoperability Noise (TSI)”. concerned. In that case, an incentive payment amount- 1.5 multiplier surcharge if, from train-induced devia- objective of achieving a lasting reduction in rail traffic- Furthermore, RUs need to prove that their wagons are ing to 10 cent per relevant additional minute of delay tions a minimum speed of 50 km/h is not achieved and induced noise with the introduction of the NDTAC. retrofitted after the 9th December 2012. will apply. there is hence a significant rise in capacity require- ments. This arrangement applies to all long-distance DB Netz AG has introduced the NDTAC in order to DB Netz AG has installed an electronic retrofitting regis- Information about the incentive system to reduce and urban-rapid-transit categories of line. support the funding programme run by the Federal ter in order to document the state of the retrofitting of disruptions is available under subclause of Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development the freight wagons and to administrate the process of the currently valid Network Statement. Detailed (BMVI). Whereas the funding programme of the BMVBS applying for the bonus. Applying for the bonus requires information is provided in a brochure on the DB Netz AG offers financial support only to wagon keepers, the the RUs to prove their use of quiet freight trains and incentive system, which is available as a German- NDTAC provides an additional incentive for the retro- their annual mileage by self-declaration to DB Netz AG. language version at fitting and the deployment of quiet freight wagons The retrofitting register can be found at: for railway undertakings (RU). These two funding programmes are designed to reduce rail traffic noise permanently and significantly by 2020. Duration of the NDTC is restricted to eight years. The bonus is paid out for the last time in 2021 for applica- NDTAC addresses only RUs and consists of two com- tions made within the timetable period 2019/2020. ponents. Loud freight trains have to pay a noise-based DB Netz AG will prepare a follow-up regulation to surcharge on top of their train access charge. Within the apply from December 2020, if no other regulations timetable 2015/2016 the surcharge amounts to 2,5 per are imposed by third parties until December 2020. cent. Furthermore, RUs receive a bonus amounting to This regulation will either provide increased charges for 0.5 cents per axle-kilometres (maximum 211 EUR per unmodified freight wagons or may restrict possibilities axle) for the use of retrofitted freight wagons based on for their use. the mileage generated. Quiet freight trains are excluded from paying the surcharge if they submit appropriate Further information are available in the brochure of documentation in the form of a voluntary declaration DB Netz AG “Quiet freight wagons – funding systems for stating each transport day and train number – using the rail freight noise abatement” as well as on the Internet: template provided by DB Netz AG (download version – no later than the first work- ing day of the following month. A train is defined as 8 9
Other components Cancellation charges Reduced charge if the condition of the track The following are included in cancellations at infrastructure does not comply with the terms DB Netz AG for which a cancellation charge is levied: of the contract ❚ Shorter itinerary with changes of where a train path If the condition of the track infrastructure, the related starts and ends, command and control technology and/or the facilities ❚ Cancellation of an ordered train path or partial for the supply of traction current do not comply with section of a train path on one or several train the terms of the contract, DB Netz AG will reduce the running days, infrastructure usage charges. ❚ Changing a train path product to a lower-cost train- path product. Pursuant to the DB Netz AG Network Statement (sub- clause, DB Netz AG will reduce the charges If all running days are cancelled, any rights issuing payable of its own accord in case of the faults stated from the contractual commitment in terms of being below. The railway undertaking or other authorised awarded the path shall be relinquished. The minimum user are not obliged to submit a request for reduction. cancellation charge is equal to the charge for making an offer. This is joined by a percentage cancellation Code of cause of delay (CD) charge based on when the cancellation is made and ❚ Faults relating to track infrastructure: on the base price for the cancelled train path or cancel- VU 22 (building structures) led section of the train path. The cancellation fee VU 23 (track) VU 30 (speed restrictions owing to faults) shall not exceed the revenue lost through cancellation VU 31 (construction work) Load component In this case, no reservation fee is charged to the party of the path. VU 32 (irregularities during construction work) The weight-based load component reflects the additio- ordering the optional path. Retrospective cancellation VU 83 (greasy surface) nal costs caused by the use of heavy trains, due to the is not possible either when the ordering party has given The following fees will be charged for cancellations: ❚ Faults relating to command and control technology: increase in wear and capacity utilisation. The train path a firm commitment to accept the train path or when the VU 21 (telecommunication systems) price for rail freight transport services contains a charge optional train path has been ceded to a third party. Cancellation VU 24 (level-crossing safety installations) VU 25 (safety installations) component that is determined by the gross weight of Up to the 60th day prior to the Minimum cancellation fee the trainload. For train weights of 3.000 tonnes and Charge for issuing an offer cancelled train running day: amounting to the fee for pre- ❚ Faults relating to the provision of traction current: above an additive surchange of EUR 1.00/tp-km will be The costs involved in processing applications for paring the offer VU 20 (overhead line systems) levied. allocation of train paths and framework agreement Minimum cancellation fee ❚ Faults relating to human resources: Up to the 30th day prior to the capacities are included in the train path charge. cancelled train running day: amounting to the fee for pre- VU 12 (incorrect scheduling) paring the offer +10% of the VU 18 (operational network staff) Optional path This is why a service charge is levied on failure to take standard fee for the cancelled VU 28 (technical network staff) The Authorised Party (AP) has the option of registering up an offered train path or an applied for framework train path or the cancelled max. 15% (by train path km) of all train paths applied agreement capacity. This does not apply where the part of the train path for under the working timetable as optional paths. If customer´s objection is justified. The charge for issuing Minimum cancellation fee The charges shall be reduced automatically only if a After ther 30th day prior to the more than 15% of train paths applied for are registered a train path offer shall not exceed the usage charge for cancelled train running day and amounting to the fee for pre- minimum number of additional minutes of delay is as optional paths, the excess will be treated as train the train paths that have not been taken up. more than 24 hours prior to paring the offer +20% of the departure: standard fee for the cancelled reached: the minimum level for train paths for long- paths in ad-hoc services. If an optional path is used, the train path or the cancelled distance and regional passenger trains and express appropriate train path price is to be paid. If the optional Charge for disclosure of framework agreements part of the train path freight trains is six minutes; the minimum level for all path is only used partially or not at all, a reservation fee On request, DB Netz AG proceeds with anonymised Minimum cancellation fee other freight transport products is thirty-one minutes. Less than 24 hours prior to is charged for the unused portion of the train path. The disclosure of the key features of framework agreements departure: amounting to the fee charged for preparing the offer and reservation fee depends on how much is charged for the concluded for the enquired route or routes pursuant to 40% of the standard fee for the The reduction in charges without submission of a optional path as stipulated in the provisions of the Section 13 (6) EIBV. The key features of a framework cancelled train path or cancel- request from the RU/authorised user is calculated on respective List of Charges for train paths of DB Netz AG. agreement include the agreed route, the agreed band- led part of the train path the basis of the additional minutes of delay, the trans- width, the time-related aspects of the framework port category or, insofar as express train paths are The unused portion of the optional path may be agreement capacity, the agreed term and the point affected, based on the product, up to a maximum total re-advertised by DB Netz AG at short notice. in time of termination of the framework agreement. of 50% of the train path charge concerned. If a third party applies to use a still unused optional A workload-based fee will be charged for every disclos- The reduction in charges pursuant to the Network path or the larger portion thereof (by train path km), ure request, calculated individually on the basis of the Statement (subclause is as follows DB Netz AG gives corresponding notification to the AP disclosure request in accordance with the time involved ❚ long-distance passenger transport: EUR 3.00 per that had originally applied for the optional path. The AP at an hourly rate of EUR 80 per hour. additional minute of delay, that had originally applied for the optional path must ❚ regional passenger transport: EUR 2.00 per give a firm commitment within two working days to use additional minute of delay, this train path. If this does not happen, the third-party ❚ freight transport: EUR 1.00 per additional minute AP shall receive an offer from DB Netz AG according to of delay. the respective train path application. In the case of express train paths, the reduction rate shall increase by a further EUR 1.00 per additional minute of delay irrespective of the transport category. 10 11
Other components For all faults other than those specified in subclause If it is necessary to run rail replacement services due of the Network Statement, the charges shall to scheduled work, the organisation of the replacement be reduced on grounds of a specific complaint by the services shall be the responsibility of the relevant RU. RU/authorised user on the same principles as the auto- The costs of any rail replacement services shall be matic reduction of charges. In cases which cannot be borne in their entirety by the RU; usage charges shall calculated on the basis of the additional minutes of de- not be levied for the duration of the work. lay, calculation of the reduction will take into account the extent to which the fault affected the fitness of the The organisation and running of emergency bus services item concerned for its contractually intended purpose. are the responsibility of the relevant RU. The cost of emergency bus services shall be borne by the party Charging arrangements for short-term rerouting deemed accountable for the temporary non-availability. due to engineering works after concluding the ENV The question of accountability shall be determined If engineering works that were not taken into account on the same principles as the provisions of the incentive in the ENV for a specific train path cause a different system to reduce disruptions. itinerary from that stated in the ENV (rerouting), only the train path price featured in the ENV Only if the cause of temporary non-availability is deem- will be invoiced. This does not apply to train paths ed to be attributable to DB Netz AG shall the latter where the AP or the involved RU was already aware defray the cost of any emergency bus services, though of the changed itinerary on accepting the train path exclusively at going market rates. If the cause of tempor- offer. Here the train path charge shall be billed for ary non-availability is attributable to the RU, the latter the actually worked itinerary. shall bear the cost of the emergency bus services. Charging arrangements for pre-designed train paths The following railway lines are not eligible for discounts The same applies in the case of impossibility to attribute To promote the use of lines with a low level of utilisation, to promote new train services: No train path charge is to be paid for train paths that the cause of non-availability to either DB Netz AG or DB Netz AG may target free capacity on such lines for ❚ Railway lines with limited-period discounts for become necessary in addition on account of engineering the RU. marketing in the form of pre-designed paths once the promoting the use of low-level utilization as per works not contained in the ENV. This includes feeder working timetable has been drafted. Pre-designed train Article 23 (2) EIBV. and collection movements to rail replacement services, Limited-period discounts to promote the use of paths are offered at a discount of 10% on the regular ❚ Purely block-related empty and loco-train move- turning movements resulting from restrictions caused lines with low levels of utilisation usage charge. The discount is only granted if train paths ments. by engineering work, feeder and collection movements On lines with a low level of utilisation, DB Netz AG are ordered in unaltered and complete form. There is no to another stabling or refuelling facility than the one grants limited-period discounts pursuant to Section entitlement to the provision of pre-designed train paths. The discount amounts, sections of line excluded from normally used, feeder and collection movements for 23 (2) EIBV. These are designed to act as an incentive the discounts and the time limits in each case are stated traction units or additional traffic necessary because of to use alternative routes with a low level of utilisation. Discounts to promote new services in the respective List of Charges for train paths of changes in train characteristics (e.g. unloading because The reservation charge amounts to 10% of optional To promote the development of new train services, DB Netz AG. of lower tonnage rating of a diversion route). path fees. A digest of the applicable sections of infra- DB Netz AG grants all APs or involved RUs limited- structure (where they start and end) can be found period discounts as a rebate of 10% on the regular Other The form needed for the train path application of addi- in “DB Netz AG’s 2016 list of charges for train paths” usage charge for specified sections of line in accordance ❚ The “DB Netz AG’s list of charges for train paths” tional engineering-related services as well as a guide for (subclause 2.3.8). with Article 23 (2) EIBV, applicable to all Aps or involved is published in accordance with the EIBV (Railway completing the form are available on the company web- RUs. New train services must fulfil the following precon- Infrastructure Usage Regulation) provisions on time site (only in German) ditions: limits available on the company’s website at ❚ Completely new transport services or new services in German speech. Charging arrangements for rail replacement and acquired for rail transport in the course of intermodal ❚ In future, track-based applications and specific emergency bus services in the passenger services competition. investment projects can be taken into account in If the infrastructure is temporarily unavailable on ❚ New services with a minimum quantity of 10 train the calculation of charges. account of scheduled measures (e.g. construction paths per timetable period. work), unforeseen disruptions (irregularities and operational disruptions) or for reasons for which the These requirements need to be provided in writing RU is accountable owing to its vehicles and/or human when applying for a train path. resources, the provisions regarding rail replacement services (Network Statement subclause 3.5.6) or emergency bus services (Network Statement subclause shall take effect. 12 13
Structure of the train path pricing system Train path price information software User-dependent Service-dependent Other component component components Incentive system + Load component (rail Route category to improve efficiency freight transport services) × Train-induced deviations from Gross train weight of 3,000 t Basic price the minimum speed on design upwards: EUR 1.00/tp-km grounds Fplus –> EUR 9.74/tp-km F1 –> EUR 4.97/tp-km A 1.5 multiplier applies as a means of F2 –> EUR 3.44/tp-km encouraging more efficient use of rail F3 –> EUR 3.10/tp-km infrastructure where a minimum speed + Offer charge F4 –> EUR 2.98/tp-km of 50 km/h is not achieved on long- F5 –> EUR 2.20/tp-km distance routes and urban rapid transit Charge where a train path ordered F6 –> EUR 2.94/tp-km routes for design-related reasons. is not taken up: EUR 80 Z1 –> EUR 3.03/tp-km Z2 –> EUR 3.13/tp-km S1 –> EUR 1.97/tp-km S2 –> EUR 2.63/tp-km +/– Incentive system to Train path pricing information software of the DB Netz AG S3 –> EUR 3.13/tp-km + Cancellation charge reduce disturbances DB Netz AG offers its customers the possibility of Using the European Infrastructure Charging Information To reduce disturbance in the rail net- > 60 days: fee for preparing calculating non-binding train path prices on their rail System (CIS) from RailNetEurope (RNE), crossborder × Train path product factor work, a charge of 10 cent will be levied the offer network themselves. For this purpose, a train path train paths throughout Europe can be calculated online for each additional minute of delay > 30 days: fee for preparing pricing information software program is available by the user himself. CIS offers the possibility of calcula- Passenger Freight affecting pre-designed trains if the the offer + 10% on the company’s website at ting non-binding train path prices on the rail network of transport transport delays are attributable to causes which < 30 days: fee for preparing calculatingtrainpathprices. DB Netz AG and many other rail networks of Europe. To can be influenced. the offer + 20% Train paths Train paths access the CIS train path price software on the group's < 24 hours: fee for preparing Express Express website, go to the offer + 40% 1.80 1.65 Noise based Regular Standard component 1.65 1.00 Welcome to CIS + Surcharge for loud Light running (LZ) Feeder freight trains of 2,5% Further components 1.00 0.65 To support noise reduction Further “Other components” Zubringer-Trasse 0.50 are enumerated on pages 10–13. This is how the train path price determining components are linked to produce the final train path price: The distance-dependent basic price of the route category is multiplied by the product factor of the selected train path product. The resulting price may be supplemented by a performance-based component. Finally, other possible price components are taken into account when calculating the train path price. These can have a multiplicative or an additive effect. If you have any other detailed questions relating to the train path pricing system, the regional sales team contact persons named on pages 18 and 19 will be pleased to help. DB Netz AG offers the following ancillary and additional services: Ancillary services ❚ LiveMaps ❚ GSM-R based communication for RU ❚ Train path graphics ❚ Operating programme studies ❚ Train path studies ❚ Dispatcher workplaces in control centres ❚ Rail maps Additional services ❚ Timetable studies ❚ Stabling on railway lines not covered by an allocated ❚ Calculations of running time train path ❚ Printed working timeables and speed restriction ❚ Changes after sending the train path offer European Infrastructure Charging Information System (CIS) brochures ❚ Movements outside line operating hours ❚ Network Traffic-Regulation Control System for the ❚ Feasibility study aT Customer (LeiDis-NK) ❚ Additional equipment at railway lines – Basic Version (browser-based application) – Premium Version (desktop application) More detailed information on ancillary and additional ❚ Data exchange via interface services, and on the associated charge lists are available ❚ Statistics on the company website 14 15
DB Netz AG train paths portal – easy online access to the network ... Frequently asked questions ... for the online booking of train paths. and receipt of train path offers in return, via a defined Customers can use it to submit and administer their XML interface. No manual entering of data on the How can we calculate the train path prices for Where can I find the currently valid train path order train path applications, alterations and cancellations. electronic form is required here. certain routes ourselves? forms? Customers can reach the train paths portal via an DB Netz AG provides you with the software “TPS Price The order forms for the working timetable, non-regular Internet client provided by DB Netz AG. Train path Cost Information System” so that you can calculate the services, construction machinery and other special orders are effected manually by the customer on an The electronic ordering option via the train path recommended prices for your use of the train paths vehicles can all be found on the DB Netz AG website. electronic form. The order is then sent to DB Netz AG portal is a service that DB Netz AG offers all Access on DB Netz AG’s rail network yourselves. The current Each form is accompanied by instructions with useful online via the Internet. Parties free of charge. version of this program can be downloaded from the explanations to help you fill in the form and help us internet if necessary so that it is available on your deal swiftly with your order without the need for any For customers with a high volume of train path orders Further information on the DB Netz AG train paths computer even if you are not online. queries. and their own IT procedures, a useful means of genera- portal can be found at You can find the train path price information under At you ting train path applications is through the online trainpathportal. can find the corresponding order forms in German transmission of ordering data to the train path portal, The software is updated every year and features both language. the infrastructure of the current timetable year and also the currently valid train path prices. You can also gladly request the software on CD-ROM. The order address Who receives my train path application form? and an instruction manual can also be found on the If you have any questions about train path orders, website, or simply ask your sales team. please contact the Regional Unit which is responsible for your business. This is the Regional Unit with which you signed the framework infrastructure usage agree- How can I find out whether a planned train path ment. Contact details for the DB Netz AG Regional Units entails extending the regular business hours on a are listed at the end of this brochure. Alternatively, route? you can ask your Regional sales team for details. On special customer request, routes can also be used on agreement over and beyond the existing business hours. The regular business hours of our routes are How long is it going to be possible to order train featured on our website, sorted according to the service paths still using conventional methods (fax, e-mail)? installations. At you The train path portal of DB Netz AG (TPN) opens can find more details in German language. the door to future electronic train path ordering Use the search function to bring you quickly to the procedures. specific service installation. The new communication technology permits a faster You can also find the document in the interactive map exchange of information between your company and of the infrastructure register (ISR) in the factual data DB Netz AG. In future, DB Netz AG aims to offer only to operating centres under ‘Streckenöffnungszeiten’. the train path portal as the sole means of submitting train path requests. Go directly to the train path portal at: Who pays the costs of extending the staffing times of a service installation, and where can I find the corresponding cost rates? Where can I find information about electronic train Basically we distinguish between train paths applied for path ordering/train path portal? Electronic form for train path orders (Internet client) in good time for the working timetable, and train paths The DB Netz AG website explains the many advantages for non-regular services. offered by electronic train path application procedures. For the former, DB Netz AG provides the railway control You can use the TPN not only to submit your applica- centre staff for you free of charge. When it comes to train tions for the working timetable: our modern ordering paths for non-regular services, DB Netz AG takes care medium can also deal with all your non-regular services. of the necessary staff in the service installations depend- In addition, the website shows you the technical possib- ing on staff availability. The corresponding arrange- ilities for linking up with systems that you are already ments can be found in our current Network Statement. using. It also includes the application form: your For the cost rates, please refer to the current list of entrance ticket to online train path ordering. It goes charges. without saying that you can also read and download the user handbook here. Go to the train path portal at: I intend to use the TPN in future to order my train paths. Do you run any courses for working with the system? DB Netz AG offers free introduction courses for the TPN train path portal. Please contact your sales team. 16 17
Contact persons Contact persons Head office Regional Unit West Mainzer Landstraße 201–203 Hansastraße 15 60326 Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 47058 Duisburg (Germany) Sales Passenger Sales Freight Sales and Timetable Sales Timetable Transport Services Transport Services Dr. Michael Häßler Hans Mattevi Herbert Dopstadt Ralph Grassel Stefan Kirch Tel.: +49 (0)203 3017-4001 Tel.: +49 (0)203 3017-4101 Tel.: +49 (0)203 3017-4201 Tel.: +49 (0)69 265-30530 Tel.: +49 (0)69 265-30540 Fax: +49 (0)203 3017-4031 Fax: +49 (0)203 3017-4110 Fax: +49 (0)203 3017-4275 Fax: +49 (0)69 265-30503 Fax: +49 (0)69 265-30503 You reach your Regional Unit at: Regional Unit North Regional Unit Central Lindemannallee 3 Pfarrer-Perabo-Platz 4 30173 Hannover (Germany) 60326 Frankfurt am Main (Germany) Sales and Timetable Sales Timetable Sales and Timetable Sales Timetable Michael Körber Jürgen Motzkau Gert Janz Gisbert Brauner Harald Hartmann Rainer Hennings Tel.: +49 (0)511 286-49002 Tel.: +49 (0)511 286-49112 Tel.: +49 (0)511 286-49272 Tel.: +49 (0)69 265-19200 Tel.: +49 (0)69 265-19171 Tel.: +49 (0)69 265-19230 Fax: +49 (0)511 286-49110 Fax: +49 (0)511 286-49110 Fax: +49 (0)511 286-49210 Fax: +49 (0)69 265-19050 Fax: +49 (0)69 265-19045 Fax: +49 (0)69 265-19070 You reach your Regional Unit at: You reach your Regional Unit at: Regional Unit East Regional Unit South West Granitzstraße 55–56 Schwarzwaldstraße 86 13189 Berlin (Germany) 76137 Karlsruhe (Germany) Sales and Timetable Sales Timetable Sales and Timetable Sales Timetable Arvid Kämmerer Bernhard Buchhagen Torsten Ludwig Christian Becker Rüdiger Scherer Thomas Lutz Tel.: +49 (0)30 297-41000 Tel.: +49 (0)30 297-40150 Tel.: +49 (0)30 297-40249 Tel.: +49 (0)721 938-7200 Tel.: +49 (0)721 938-7110 Tel.: +49 (0)721 938-7330 Fax: +49 (0)30 297-40910 Fax: +49 (0)30 297-40197 Fax: +49 (0)30 297-40920 Fax: +49 (0)721 938-7209 Fax: +49 (0)721 938-7119 Fax: +49 (0)721 938-7209 You reach your Regional Unit at: You reach your Regional Unit at: Regional Unit South East Regional Unit South Brandenburger Straße 1 Richelstraße 3 04103 Leipzig (Germany) 80634 München (Germany) Sales and Timetable Sales Timetable Sales and Timetable Sales Timetable Michael Wuth Thomas Kleinsteuber Michael Wuth Stefan Kühn Dirk Rothe Heiko Richter Tel.: +49 (0)341 968-7600 Tel.: +49 (0)341 968-7007 Tel.: +49 (0)341 968-7600 Tel.: +49 (0)89 1308-72100 Tel.: +49 (0)89 1308-72110 Tel.: +49 (0)89 1308-72120 Fax: +49 (0)341 968-7609 Fax: +49 (0)341 968-7609 Fax: +49 (0)341 968-7609 Fax: +49 (0)89 1308-72102 Fax: +49 (0)89 1308-72102 Fax: +49 (0)89 1308-72815 You reach your Regional Unit at: You reach your Regional Unit at: Up to date contact persons can be found on the web at in German language. 18 19
Imprint Editor DB Netz AG DB Netz AG Theodor-Heuss-Allee 7 Prices and Products 60486 Frankfurt am Main (Germany) Mainzer Landstrasse 201–203 60326 Frankfurt am Main (Germany) Title: M. Blex, Page 3: R. Braum, Page 5: C. Weber, Page 6: R. Braum, Page 8: C. Bedeschinski, Page 9: Jet-Foto Kranert, Page 10: U. Miethe, Page 13: W. Klee Subject to change. No responsibility accepted for the correctness of any item of information Last updated: February 2015
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