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The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: where do we stand?
Matías Reolid1*, Emanuela Mattioli2,3, Luís V. Duarte4 and
Wolfgang Ruebsam5
  Departamento de Geología, Universidad Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas sn, 23071 Jaén,
  Université de Lyon, UCBL, ENSL, UJM, CNRS, LGL-TPE, F-69622, Villeurbanne,
  Institut Universitaire de France, Paris, France
  Universidade de Coimbra, MARE and Departamento de Ciências da Terra, Polo II
  Edifício Central, Universidade Coimbra, 3030-790 Coimbra, Portugal
  Department of Organic and Isotope Geochemistry, Institute of Geoscience, University of
  Kiel, Kiel, Germany
    MR, 0000-0003-4211-3946; LVD, 0000-0002-9025-5896

Abstract: The study of past climate changes is pivotal for understanding the complex biogeochemical inter-
actions through time between the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, which are critical for pre-
dicting future global changes. The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event, also known as the Jenkyns Event, was a
hyperthermal episode that occurred during the early Toarcian (c. 183 Ma; Early Jurassic) and resulted in numer-
ous collateral effects including global warming, enhanced weathering, sea-level change, carbonate crisis,
marine anoxia–dysoxia and biotic crisis. The IGCP-655 project of the IUGS–UNESCO has constituted an inter-
national network of researchers with different disciplinary skills who have collaborated and shared conceptual
advances on uncovering drivers of the environmental changes and ecosystem responses. This volume, Carbon
Cycle and Ecosystem Response to the Jenkyns Event in the Early Toarcian (Jurassic), presents 16 works that
investigate the early Toarcian environmental changes related to the global warming, sea-level rise, carbon cycle
perturbation and second-order mass extinction through biostratigraphy, micropalaeontology, palaeontology,
ichnology, palaeoecology, sedimentology, integrated stratigraphy, inorganic, organic and isotopic geochemis-
try, and cyclostratigraphy.

The study of oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) that                 epicontinental basins (Jenkyns 1988). Both marine
affected past marine ecosystems provides the chance            and terrestrial organic matter and marine carbonates
to place the ongoing environmental global changes              record a negative carbon isotopic excursion (CIE)
in a geological, long-term perspective and to com-             that documents a perturbation of the carbon cycle,
prehend the future evolution of habitats and ecosys-           coeval to this event (e.g. Jenkyns and Clayton
tems. The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE),               1986; Hesselbo et al. 2000, 2007; Schouten et al.
also named the Jenkyns Event, during the Early                 2000; Kemp et al. 2005; Suan et al. 2010; Caruthers
Jurassic (c. 183 Ma), is a potential analogue for the          et al. 2011; Izumi et al. 2012; Reolid 2014; Rodri-
ongoing global warming and biotic crisis. The                  gues et al. 2019; Ruebsam et al. 2019, 2020a).
study of this event constituted the subject of the                 Environmental perturbation was accompanied by
IGCP-655 project entitled Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic              a major biotic crisis that manifested in a second-
Event Impact on Marine Carbon Cycle and Ecosys-                order mass extinction, affecting marine invertebrates
tems (2017-20). The T-OAE was accompanied by                   (Little and Benton 1995; Aberhan and Fürsich 2000;
global warming (García Joral et al. 2011; Korte                Cecca and Macchioni 2004; Wignall et al. 2005;
and Hesselbo 2011; Suan et al. 2011; Them et al.               Gómez and Goy 2011; Danise et al. 2013, 2015; Car-
2017a; Ruebsam et al. 2020a, b) that altered marine            uthers et al. 2014; Rita et al. 2016), but also terres-
ecosystems diversity (e.g. Jenkyns 1988; Jenkyns               trial tetrapods (Pol et al. 2020), while marine
and Clayton 1997; Hesselbo et al. 2007) and led to             primary producers, such as nannoplankton and dino-
sea-level changes (Hallam 1987; de Graciansky                  flagellates experienced a temporary blackout (Buce-
et al. 1998; Pittet et al. 2014; Haq 2018) and wide-           falo Palliani et al. 2002; Mattioli et al. 2004; van de
spread deposition of black shales in various                   Schootbrugge et al. 2013; Correia et al. 2017).

From: Reolid, M., Duarte, L. V., Mattioli, E. and Ruebsam, W. (eds) Carbon Cycle and Ecosystem Response to the Jenkyns
Event in the Early Toarcian (Jurassic). Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 514,
© 2021 The Author(s). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License ( Published by The Geological Society of London.
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                                               M. Reolid et al.

A broad term for the early Toarcian climate                       with the most typical facies being black shales
perturbations: the Jenkyns Event                                  in central and north Europe (e.g. Jenkyns and
                                                                  Clayton 1986; Bellanca et al. 1999; Röhl
Over five decades, the global effects of the Toarcian              et al. 2001; Fonseca et al. 2018; McArthur
environmental perturbations have been recognized                  2019), but also in the Western Panthalassa
from sediment archives around the globe. In particu-              Palaeomargin (e.g. Caruthers et al. 2011;
lar, the global occurrence of black shales, formed                Them et al. 2017b; Kemp et al. 2019).
under oxygen-deficient conditions, is a hallmark of      (4)       A climatic change including a global warming
the Jenkyns Event (e.g. Jenkyns and Clayton 1986;                 (e.g. Gómez et al. 2008; Korte and Hesselbo
Jenkyns 1988). The deposition of organic carbon-                  2011; Danise et al. 2013; Slater et al. 2019;
rich sediments was associated with a long-lasting                 Baghli et al. 2020; Ruebsam et al. 2020b; Ull-
positive CIE, which was interrupted by the above-                 mann et al. 2020), increased weathering (e.g.
mentioned negative CIE (e.g. Hesselbo et al. 2000,                Brazier et al. 2015; Montero-Serrano et al.
2007). Whereas the black shale record is strongly                 2015; Fu et al. 2017), variations in detrital
variable according to the palaeogeographic context                and nutrients input to marine basins (e.g.
(Wignall et al. 2005; McArthur 2019), the negative                Rodríguez-Tovar and Reolid 2013; Danise
CIE is, however, a common feature of sedimentary                  et al. 2015; Fantasia et al. 2019; Kemp et al.
rocks in most of the studied basins. While carbon                 2019; Reolid et al. 2020b) and changes in
cycle perturbations, associated with the T-OAE,                   marine productivity and a sea-level rise (e.g.
affected marine and continental areas, black shale                Hallam 1987; Röhl and Schmid-Röhl 2005;
deposition was limited to basins that were prone to               Wignall et al. 2005; Mattioli et al. 2008,
developing oxygen-deficient conditions. In this                    2009) and acidification (e.g. Trecalli et al.
sense, T-OAE sensu stricto is not a term that is rep-             2012; Müller et al. 2020; Ettinger et al. 2021).
resentative of the global change occurring during the   (5)       A biotic crisis recorded with different manifes-
early Toarcian and has to be used to indicate the                 tations in marine ecosystems (e.g. Little and
effects of global perturbations in marine environ-                Benton 1995; Bucefalo Palliani et al. 2002;
ments submitted to oxygen depletion.                              Mattioli et al. 2008, 2009; Caswell et al.
    Müller et al. (2017) proposed the ‘Jenkyns Event’             2009; Gómez and Goy 2011; Danise et al.
to more properly name the T-OAE, in honour of the                 2015; Caswell and Frid 2017; Reolid et al.
early contributions on the early Toarcian environ-                2019), but also recorded in terrestrial ecosys-
ments by Professor Hugh Jenkyns. Reolid et al.                    tems by changes in diversity and composition
(2020a) proposed using T-OAE when studying                        in land plants (e.g. Mander and McElwain
marine deposits with evidence of oxygen-depleted                  2019; Slater et al. 2019) and herbivorous dino-
conditions, and the term Jenkyns Event in a wider                 saurs (Pol et al. 2020) with the intensification
sense for the global changes that occurred during                 of wildfires in some areas during the end of
the early Toarcian. According to these suggestions                the event (Baker et al. 2017). The biotic crisis
the Jenkyns Event includes:                                       includes extinctions, temporary disappearance
                                                                  (blackout) of taxa, and reduction in body size,
(1)   The carbon cycle perturbation indicated by the              as observed for calcareous nannofossils (Mat-
      prominent negative CIE affecting the marine                 tioli et al. 2004; Suan et al. 2010; Reolid
      environment (e.g. Saelen et al. 1996; Reolid                et al. 2014a; Clémence et al. 2015; Ferreira
      2014; Baghli et al. 2020) and land ecosystems               et al. 2017), benthic foraminifera (Reolid
      (as shown by land plant organic matter, e.g.                et al. 2014b; Rita et al. 2016), ostracods
      Hesselbo et al. 2007; Pieńkowski et al. 2020;              (Cabral et al. 2020) and macroinvertebrates
      Ruebsam et al. 2020a).                                      (brachiopods, García Joral et al. 2018; Piazza
(2)   The oxygen-depleted conditions in marine                    et al. 2019; bivalves, Ros-Franch et al. 2019;
      ecosystems, in some areas reaching general-                 ammonites, Morten and Twichett 2009; and
      ized anoxia and euxinia (e.g. Gill et al. 2011;             belemnites, Rita et al. 2019).
      Fonseca et al. 2018; Izumi et al. 2018; Rueb-
      sam et al. 2018; Suan et al. 2018), but not
      affecting all basins and palaeomargins (e.g.      Future research topics
      Boomer et al. 2009; Reolid et al. 2014a,
      2015; Miguez-Salas et al. 2017; McArthur          The Jenkyns Event is actually well established as a
      2019; Rodrigues et al. 2020).                     time of large-magnitude global palaeoenvironmental
(3)   An enhanced organic carbon accumulation           change, and may be the largest such event in the
      during the negative CIE, but to a variable        Mesozoic (Jenkyns 1985, 1988, 2010). In addition,
      extent depending on latitude and local environ-   early studies recognized the interest in this event
      mental conditions (e.g. Wignall et al. 2005),     concerning the origin of major oil and gas source
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                            The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: where do we stand?

rocks (e.g. Barnard and Cooper 1981; Fleet et al.          experienced a major crisis during the Jenkyns
1987). However, the growing sedimentological,              Event (Bucefalo Palliani et al. 2002; Mattioli et al.
palaeontological, and geochemical datasets gener-          2004, 2008, 2009). Biological activity was probably
ated for early Toarcian strata in a wide variety of set-   also affected by the lowering of salinity in surface
tings have led to a number of controversies.               waters of epicontinental basins, prolonged surface
Currently, there is no general consensus about the         water stratification preventing the mixing of nutri-
causes of the Jenkyns Event, which could include:          ents in surface water and sea-water deoxygenation
(a) volcanic CO2 and thermogenic CH4 related to            in a context of climate warming (e.g. Mattioli et al.
the emplacement of the Karoo–Ferrar Large Igneous          2009). High organic matter accumulation seems to
Province that broadly coincides with late Pliensba-        be related to a combination of low accumulation
chian–early Toarcian (McElwain et al. 2005; Hes-           rate during the Jenkyns Event and enhanced preser-
selbo et al. 2007; Moulin et al. 2017; Fantasia            vation of the organic matter, rather than enhanced
et al. 2019); (b) destabilization of marine methane        biomass production (Mattioli et al. 2004, 2009).
hydrates (Hesselbo et al. 2000; Kemp et al. 2005);         Finally, Ruebsam et al. (2020a) inferred that the
and (c) increased rates of wetland methanogenesis          early Toarcian warming was paralleled by an
(Them et al. 2017b) and deterioration of climate-          increase in atmospheric CO2 levels from c. 500 to
sensitive reservoir permafrost areas during global         c. 1000 ppmv. All of these records require confirma-
warming (Ruebsam et al. 2019, 2020a, c).                   tion or discussion in a wide variety of different set-
    Further uncertainty regarding the duration of the      tings from many locations away from NW Europe,
event arises from different cyclostratigraphically         where most studies have been conducted. Studies
based timescales, in which well-characterized cyclic       of parallel palaeoenvironmental changes in non-
signals in lithological, micropalaeontological and         marine environments are still quite rare (e.g. Baker
geochemical proxies were interpreted as precession,        et al. 2017; Xu et al. 2017; Jin et al. 2020; Pol
obliquity or eccentricity cycles. The different assign-    et al. 2020).
ments of sedimentary cycles with Milankovitch fre-             A dramatic decrease in calcareous nannoplankton
quencies result in duration estimates that differ by       production (Mattioli et al. 2009) and the coeval
an order of magnitude (e.g. Hinnov and Park 1999;          demise of carbonate platform production (Dromart
Kemp et al. 2005; Suan et al. 2008; Boulila et al.         et al. 1996; Mattioli et al. 2004) during the early
2014; Huang and Hesselbo 2014; Ruebsam et al.              Toarcian have been interpreted as evidence of a bio-
2019). The generation of cyclostratigraphic records        calcification crisis related to high pCO2 levels in the
from a wide variety of biostratigraphically and che-       atmosphere/hydrosphere system. In fact, high pCO2
mostratigraphically constrained successions should         levels may have lowered the carbonate saturation
eventually lead to a more stable cyclostratigraphic        state of Early Jurassic oceans, and finally, hampered
age model.                                                 biocalcification in shallow-platform and pelagic
    Also related to the role of volcanism in driving       environments. However, the effects of enhanced
environmental changes, elemental mercury anoma-            CO2 might have been indirect, affecting pelagic pro-
lies have been reported that may derive directly           ducers via changes in climate and sea-level. Indeed,
from volcanic input or indirectly from emerged             precipitation/evaporation budgets and continental
land provenance (Percival et al. 2015; Them et al.         runoff-controlled nutrient levels and salinity in sur-
2019). The δ 98/95Mo has been analysed to interpret        face oceanic waters also are major factors impacting
the incidence of euxinic conditions and water              on pelagic biocalcifiers (Mattioli et al. 2009; Suan
renewal during the Jenkyns Event (Dickson et al.           et al. 2010).
2017). Other geochemical anomalies continue to be              Several environmental changes have been pro-
confirmed and refined, for example, Os isotopes              posed for explaining the mass extinction event in
(187Os/188Os; Cohen et al. 2004; Percival et al.           marine environments, such as marine deoxygenation
2016; Them et al. 2017b) and Ca isotopes (δ 44/            affecting platforms and oceanic deep environments,
  Ca; Brazier et al. 2015), which were previously          a rapid greenhouse warming event and sea-level
suspected to be proxies from water mass restriction        changes (e.g. Hallam 1987; Röhl et al. 2001; Bailey
(McArthur et al. 2008) but might indicate continen-        et al. 2003; Jenkyns 2003; Wignall et al. 2005;
tal weathering. These results support the hypothesis       Gómez and Goy 2011; Reolid et al. 2012, 2019; Car-
that the Jenkyns Event included enhanced weather-          uthers et al. 2014; Rita et al. 2016; Caswell and Frid
ing associated with concentrated atmospheric green-        2017; Them et al. 2018).
house gases and a consequent flux of freshwater and             Finally, a limited number of works documented
nutrients to shallow shelves and oceans (Them et al.       the incidence of the Jenkyns Event in areas located
2017b).                                                    in the Southern Hemisphere or in the eastern Tethys
    Despite the enhanced nutrient availability across      (e.g. Fu et al. 2017; Them et al. 2017b; Fantasia
vast shelf areas, marine primary producers, such           et al. 2018). Detailed correlation between different
as dinoflagellates and calcareous nannoplankton,            depositional environments will be critical to the
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                                                 M. Reolid et al.

successful application of new palaeoenvironmental         diversities are recorded just below the black shales
proxies, but will also be critical to the wider confir-    corresponding to the onset of the Jenkyns Event.
mation or rejection of hypotheses currently built on          As far as marine vertebrates are concerned,
relatively small and palaeogeographically limited         Bomou et al. (2021) present a palaeoenvironmental
datasets.                                                 study of a Pliensbachian–Toarcian interval section
                                                          from the Grands Causses Basin, where exceptionally
                                                          well-preserved marine vertebrates have recently
The contributions of this volume                          been excavated. This study sheds light on some of
                                                          the key requirements that led to the preservation of
The contributions in this volume investigate climatic     marine vertebrates during and after the Toarcian
changes related to the sea-level rise, carbon cycle       Oceanic Anoxic Event.
perturbation, global warming and second-order                 Martin et al. (2021) report new ichthyosaur
mass extinction through detailed studies of upper         material retrieved from lower Toarcian of Beaujo-
Pliensbachian to middle Toarcian biostratigraphy,         lais, France, composed of a partially articulated
micropalaeontology, palaeontology, ichnology,             skull and a subcomplete skeleton preserved in a car-
palaeoecology, sedimentology, integrated stratigra-       bonate concretion, identified as stenopterygiids.
phy, inorganic, organic and isotopic geochemistry         These specimens are among the finest preserved
and cyclostratigraphy.                                    Toarcian exemplars known from Europe and, in
    The paper by Correia et al. (2021) is a review of     one of them, soft tissue preservation is suspected.
the Early Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts of the Lusita-     Taphonomic processes related to exceptional preser-
nian Basin, with particular emphasis on the effects       vation of these remains in Lagerstätte-type deposits
of the Jenkyns Event on the evolution of this planktic    are discussed.
group. The work shows the late Pliensbachian radia-           Two other works are focused on ichnology.
tion of dinoflagellate cysts and the highly productive     Fernández-Martínez et al. (2021) study trace fos-
pre-Jenkyns Event interval characterized by maxi-         sils from the Asturian Basin (north Spain) with spe-
mum abundance and richness values. The Jenkyns            cial attention to the ichnogenus Halimedides. This
Event severely affected the evolution of this group       opportunist ichnogenus is associated with the recov-
for the remainder of the Early Jurassic with an earlier   ery of the trace maker community after the reestab-
recovery at northern latitudes than in southern           lishment of favourable, oxic, conditions.
Europe basins.                                                The work of Šimo and Reolid (2021) is focused
    Fraguas et al. (2021) present a quantitative anal-    on the characterization of trace fossil assemblages
ysis performed on latest Pliensbachian–early Toar-        from Pliensbachian and Toarcian successions from
cian calcareous nannofossil assemblages from the          the Pieniny Klippen Belt, the Central Western Car-
Camino section (Basque Cantabrian Basin) and              pathians (North Slovakia) and the Subbetic (SE
describe their response to the environmental changes      Spain). Conclusions suggest that hemipelagic biotur-
recorded during this time interval. Coinciding with       bated micritic limestone and marlstone contain trace
the warmer and probably wetter conditions, recorded       fossils which are typical of deep shelf environment.
shortly before the Jenkyns Event, the mesotrophic             The study of Reolid et al. (2021) is focused on
taxa were dominant. During the event, nannofossil         the early Toarcian flooding occurring in the North
assemblages were dominated by opportunistic taxa.         Gondwana Palaeomargin as well as the impact of
    Menini et al. (2021) present new quantification        the Jenkyns Event from the analysis of sedimentol-
data for fluxes and sizes of calcareous nannofossils       ogy, ichnology, calcareous nannofossils, inorganic
and discuss primary v. carbonate production across        geochemistry and stable isotopes. The data obtained
the Jenkyns Event in the Mochras borehole (Cardi-         point to environmental changes during the early
gan Bay Basin, UK). That work clearly illustrates         Toarcian and the incidence of local bottom topogra-
that relatively high nannoplankton production             phy in the expression of the Jenkyns Event, includ-
occurred prior to the event, and was followed by a        ing the development of oxygen-depleted conditions
blackout and a size decrease at the core of the           disrupted by high-energy events.
event. Such new data open up the debate on the                The work of Boomer et al. (2021) focuses on a
fate of organic and mineral carbon production and         condensed sequence (latest Pliensbachian to early
their export to the sedimentary reservoir in times of     Toarcian) from Somerset (SW England). The chro-
intense palaeoenvironmental perturbations.                nostratigraphic framework is based on abundant
    Thuy and Nemberger-Thuy (2021) describe               ammonites, diverse assemblages of ostracods, fora-
ophiuroid remains retrieved from Dudelange drill          minifera and calcareous nannofossils and low-
core (Luxembourg), spanning from the top of the           diversity dinoflagellate assemblages, and the nega-
Pliensbachian to the onset of the Jenkyns Event,          tive CIE demonstrates the record of the Jenkyns
and report a total of 21 species, including several       Event. Faunal, geochemical and sedimentological
new taxa. According to these authors the highest          evidence suggests that deposition largely took
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                           The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: where do we stand?

place in a relatively deep-water shelf environment            Ruebsam and Schwark (2021) summarize and
under a well-mixed water column. However, the             synthesize evidence for the presence of an Early
biotic crisis, the presence of weakly laminated sedi-     Jurassic cryosphere in the Northern Hemisphere,
ments and changes in microplankton assemblage             based on sedimentological, palaeobotanic and geo-
composition within the Jenkyns Event indicate dys-        chemical data and thereby provide a comprehensive
oxic (never anoxic), bottom-water conditions.             review on Jurassic climate developments.
    Müller et al. (2021) report new high-resolution           Finally, Silva et al. (2021) report a very detailed
geochemical data from two pelagic upper Pliensba-         assessment of high-resolution elemental and isotopic
chian–lower Toarcian sections from the Gerecse            geochemical datasets from the upper Pliensbachian–
Hills (north-central Hungary), where the negative         lower Toarcian marl–limestone alternations crop-
CIE occurs in a highly condensed (c. 30 cm) lami-         ping out at the La Cerradura section from the Betic
nated marl and black shale bed in the Tölgyhát sec-       Cordillera (Spain). This study shows that the peri-
tion, or is in a stratigraphic gap contemporaneous        odic changes in lithology and sedimentary geochem-
with the Jenkyns Event as in the Kisgerecse section.      istry observed at La Cerradura occur at orbital
Their results suggest that calcification crises associ-    frequencies, suggesting an astronomical control on
ated with excessive CO2 input into the ocean–atmo-        local–regional climate and environmental change
sphere system during the Jenkyns Event severely           in the mid–low-latitude South Iberian palaeomargin
affected pelagic carbonate systems.                       during the Pliensbachian and Toarcian.
    Rodrigues et al. (2021) present the first detailed
review of upper Pliensbachian–lower Toarcian kero-
gen assemblages from the southern areas of the West       Conclusions
Tethys shelf (between Morocco and northern Spain)
and demonstrate the use of the Phytoclast Group as a      An increasingly better understanding of the Earth
tracer of palaeoenvironmental changes in the early        System in the context of past climate changes is cru-
Toarcian. To understand the patterns and drivers of       cial for predictions about the fate of the diversity of
organic matter distribution in the late Pliensba-         life and the future of our society. The study of the
chian–early Toarcian, comparisons are drawn with          Jenkyns Event captures the collapse of the global
kerogen data and δ 13COrg from Tethys and Pantha-         marine ecosystems and their subsequent recovery.
lassa shelf locations from other climate belts.           One of the main challenges is understanding the
Changes in the opaque phytoclast/non-opaque phy-          mechanisms that triggered this hyperthermal event
toclasts are intimately related to climate gradients      and its collateral effects, such as weathering, acidifi-
associated with the increment in water availability       cation, anoxia and biotic crisis. A better comprehen-
regarding different locations in the climate belts.       sion of the biotic response of different organisms
    Fonseca et al. (2021) use a multi-proxy approach      occupying various trophic levels and habitats or cli-
applied to the study of the organic content of the sed-   mate belts to environmental adverse conditions is
iments of the Paris Basin representing the Jenkyns        fundamental for understanding future potential
Event. The majority of the organic fraction of the Ser-   mass extinctions.
pentinum Zone is dominated by bacterial biomass,
with phytoplankton playing a secondary role, sug-
                                                          Acknowledgements           This is a contribution to the
gesting a marine environment with bottom water            IGCP-655 project of the IUGS–UNESCO. We are grateful
stagnation, possibly related to basin palaeogeomor-       to Editor Lauren Miller Simkins for her review that
phology and circulation patterns, with episodic           improved the clarity and organization of first version.
    Xu et al. (2021) present new molecular biomarker
and organic petrographic data from Da’anzhai Mem-         Author        contributions MR: conceptualization
ber of the Sichuan Basin, China. They show for the        (lead), project administration (lead), supervision (equal),
first time the clear processes through which lacustrine    writing – original draft (lead); EM: conceptualization
algal growth during the Jenkyns Event accounts for a      (equal), writing – original draft (equal); LVD: conceptual-
significant organic-matter flux to the lakebed in the       ization (equal), writing – original draft (equal); WR: con-
                                                          ceptualization (equal), writing – original draft (equal).
Sichuan mega-lake. Lacustrine water column stratifi-
cation during the event probably facilitated the for-
mation of dysoxic–anoxic conditions at the lake           Funding      Research of Matías Reolid was supported with
bottom, favouring organic-matter preservation and         the project P20_00111 (Junta de Andalucía).
carbon sequestration into organic-rich black shales
in the Sichuan Basin at that time. This study provides
insight into the wider understanding of continental       Data availability       Data sharing is not applicable to this
response and carbon burial in major lake systems dur-     article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the
ing past greenhouse climatic events.                      current study.
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                                                      M. Reolid et al.

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