The Timeline of Next - Cognizant

Page created by Craig Ortega
The Timeline of Next - Cognizant
The Timeline
of Next
The Timeline of Next - Cognizant
“The world is before you, and you need not take
       it or leave it as it was when you came in.”
             JAMES BALDWIN, novelist, poet, activist
The Timeline of Next - Cognizant
In the decade to come, the world will be a much
               different place, with some surprising new additions.
               Call it “the perpetually new normal” — always
               changing in reaction to whatever came just before.
To prepare for what’s ahead, we must consider not just the changes we see
now but also the new realities these changes will spawn further out into the
future. How will working from home recast the restaurant industry? Real estate?
Transportation? The design of cities? How will a year of homeschooling reshape
the feelings of this generation and the next about red-throated capitalism?

To formulate answers to these and many larger, more existential questions, we
need to think broadly, deeply and linearly and begin building hypotheses about
our future. This timeline is one way to do that.

               In the midst of the global pandemic, we brought together a group of thought
               leaders from Cognizant and our partners to extrapolate a vision of the
               world of tomorrow. In this exercise, we explore the impact of “now” on the
               future of education, work, economies and life itself.

               Page forward and glimpse both what’s next and when’s next. We cite cutting-
               edge research, invoke hard lessons from the past and envision a reality in
               which new solutions to big problems will thrive.

While each essay is intriguing on its own, when seen together they convey
a visually moving and accurate pictorial of how our world is continuously
morphing and progressing over time. By thinking ahead and visualizing what’s
in store, we’re looking forward — literally and metaphorically — to what comes
next in our personal and professional lives.

                                                                                             3   /   Timeline of Next
The Timeline of Next - Cognizant
6                                          20
Living                                     Working
[ A ‘meet cute’ with technology. ]         [T
                                             he office will never be the same. ]

 8    AL, Samantha and the
     H                                     22   Virtual Sales Call: Real Results
     Anthropomorphic Sound of the Future
                                           24   Living at Work
10   Exploding the Nuclear Family
                                           26   A Heads-Up on the New Office
12   It’s All in the Mind
                                           28   15-Minute Spaces
14   Escaping the Matrix

16   Physician, Heal Thyself — Digitally

18   Machines of Loving Grace
The Timeline of Next - Cognizant
30                                               36                                           54
Learning                                         Economies                                    About the authors
[ Education is now about breaking the rules. ]   [T
                                                   ime for marketplace makeovers. ]

32   ‘Dear Noah, Welcome to the University      38   Surrender to the Rhythm
       of Google’
                                                 42   Intergenerational War
34	You Say You Want a Revolution?
    Class Dismissed                              44   Capitalism 2.0

                                                 48   Not Pie in the Sky

                        “Sometimes I’ve believed as many
                              as six impossible things before breakfast.”
                                                                       Through the Looking Glass
                                                                  LEWIS CARROLL, novelist

                                                                                                                  5   /   Timeline of Next
The Timeline of Next - Cognizant
“Living well is the best revenge. If opportunity
        doesn’t knock, build a door.”
                               The Sense of Humor
             MA X EASTMAN, writer, poet, activist
The Timeline of Next - Cognizant



                                 Home is where the heart is, where the couch is, where
                                 — the screen is? As many of us have clocked more time at home in the past year-plus
                                 than ever before in our lives, we’ve also grown more reliant on our devices.

In the coming years, our lives will be defined by what we say to our devices — and what they
say back. Our health will be determined by the data we transmit to our caretakers and the
guidance streamed back to our apps and virtual assistants. In our dotage, we’ll be grateful
for the unflagging support of robots that tend to our every physical and psychological need.
As at-home life intensifies, we’ll look beyond the concept of the family unit, to pods, tribes
and kinships.
                    Most importantly, we’ll take stock of our newly intimate relationship with our devices and take steps to
                    right imbalances. Our collective psyche depends on it.

                                                                                                    7   /   Timeline of Next: Living
The Timeline of Next - Cognizant
Soon, the voices won’t be just in our heads –
		          they’ll surround us in every piece of tech we use.

                           HAL, Samantha and the A
                          There’s a scene in the 2013 sci-fi       which she responds: “You’re not,
                          romantic comedy Her that captures        you’re talking to me.”
                          where artificial intelligence-powered
                          virtual assistants (VA) are heading. Set In a click or two, Apple and Amazon
                          just over the horizon in futuristic Los  and Google (and every other tech
                          Angeles, the film chronicles the lonely  vendor   worth its salt) will have
                          life of techno-nerd Theodore Twombly, Samantha-like capabilities embedded
                          who makes a living writing personal      as their UX, and digits will be well on
                          letters for people unable to effectively their way to becoming superfluous in
                          express themselves.                      a digital age.

                          Twombly acquires a new AI operating      Clearly, it will take enormous
                          system designed to act as his VA.        algorithmic smarts to imbue VAs with
                          Depressed and reeling from the           anthropomorphic fidelity. But that’s
                          breakup of his marriage, Twombly         the arms race of 2020-2025.
                          immediately falls head over heels for
                          his VA, Samantha. “I can’t believe I
                          am having a conversation with my
                          computer,” he reveals to Samantha
                          during their initial rendezvous. To
The Timeline of Next - Cognizant
Anthropomorphic Sound of the Future
  What the future sounds like                  evening — celebrities will, of course,     As HAL, the seemingly omniscient
  A world of Samanthas and Siris and           monetize their velvet tones with digital   supercomputer from the sci-fi thriller
  Alexas (and every other old-fashioned        rights management deals.                   2001: A Space Odyssey warned us
  Victorian name you care to resurrect                                                    when his cognition differed from his
                                            And then, in a further click or three,        human companion: “I’m sorry, Dave.
  from the pages of Dickens and Hardy — VAs will truly read our minds — not
 “Hey, Charity Picksniff — order my usual only finishing our sentences but also           I’m afraid I can’t do that.” With more
  pizza, will you?”) may seem unsettling at proactively anticipating our                  precise algorithmic thinking, VAs
  first, but by mid-decade, they will be as                                               that can countermand are not too
                                            every need, want and desire (hopefully,       far away. With a smile or a scowl, or
  normal as ATMs, contactless payments      within reason), even overruling
  and in-car head-up displays.                                                            a countenance that augments their
                                            us, where necessary — or at least             purpose and conveys understanding
  In another click or two, Samantha         where human intelligence falls short          that transcends the spoken word,
  (or Charity) will change on-the-fly       of the mark.                                  e.g., in an entirely anthropomorphic
  depending on our mood, circumstance                                                     way, their voices will fill our minds, and
  and, of course, need. Women could opt                                                   our future.
  for male voices, if desired. Men could
                                                                                          Alan Alper is Vice President of Cognizant’s
  keep their female VAs with the lilting                                                  Global Thought Leadership Programs
  intonation that rises at the close of each
  statement that Siri made famous. Or
  you’ll talk to a George (Clooney) in the
  morning and a Nicole (Kidman) in the

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The Timeline of Next - Cognizant
Exploding the Nuclear Family

For 160 years, from the mid-1800s until     Fast-forward to 2020, and in the midst     With an eerie foreshadowing, David          This was great for the economy: Every
about 2011, the average number of           of another storm, the number of kids       Brooks wrote an article in the March        new household purchased its own
people in the average American and          moving back in with their parents or       2020 edition of The Atlantic called,        furniture, appliances, pots and pans,
European household steadily shrunk,         parents moving in with their kids went    “The Nuclear Family Was A Mistake.” In       and a car (or two, and eventually four or
whittled down by industrialization,         off the charts. Among the most tangible    it, he noted that our modern domestic       five) to motor into the city center. The
falling birth rates and a cultural shift    things the coronavirus revealed was        arrangements have “no shock                 explosion of households helped create
toward autonomy and individualism.          how fragile family support systems were    absorbers” when something goes              a more dynamic and mobile society
In the wake of the Great Financial          for so many people in the day-to-day       wrong. Of course, in 2020 something         — even as critical, invisible and unpaid
Recession, however, the trend began         juggling of work, parenting, play and      did go terribly wrong.                      labor within the household limited
reversing, with household size growing      learning. With the on-again/off-again                                                  career opportunities for many women.
50% faster than overall population          nature of schooling, more than one        The dysfunction of families
growth. The economically insecure           billion children globally fell behind     The concept of the self-reliant, detached    But now, that invisible labor is very
(the young, the unemployed or               their expected development timetable,     nuclear family is, of course, a relatively   visible indeed. The choice between
underemployed, retirees) sought refuge      and the mental health of parents          modern invention, really only becoming       working and parenting is stark,
in family groupings that provided shelter   and caregivers began to deteriorate.      mainstream after World War II with the       especially for mothers. Many parents
from the storm.                             Even those with the luxury of working     development of “suburbs” around the          now find themselves assuming dual
                                            remotely grappled with the sudden         leafy edges of cities. Between 1950 and      roles of parent and teacher — and often
                                            difficulty — and moral quandary —         1970, for example, 83% of all population     not performing well in either role.
                                            of outsourcing childcare, cleaning and    growth in the US occurred in the             The calculus of a single, detached
                                            cooking.                                  suburbs.                                     nuclear family unit doesn’t compute
                                                                                                                                   anymore. And out of necessity, comes
Perhaps it does take a village after all.

Who’s in your tribe?                    At heart, the family unit will always adapt
In the near future, an abundance of     to economic and social change. But no
new family configurations will become   family is an island, and it does perhaps
mainstream — from familiar variations   take a village after all to raise new
like the multigenerational households   generations ready and able to withstand
common in Asia and Africa, to new       the existential shocks of the future. It’s
types of forged households built on     not enough for households to cobble
what anthropologist Marshall Sahlins    together an ecosystem of on-demand,
calls “kinships,” groupings formed      borrowed or outsourced support —
around shared culture rather than       we need a pack we can rely on. The
biology. The pandemic-inspired concept  pandemic    gives us the opportunity to
of “bubbles” created by families of     redefine what that looks like.
school-aged children represent a        Irene Sandler is a Vice President
conceptual foundation for household     of Global Marketing at Cognizant
configurations, even after the pandemic

                                                                                      11   /   Timeline of Next: Living
It’s All in the Mind
      To keep ahead of artificial intelligence,
           we need to optimize our real intelligence.

      Every day for 10 weeks, professional       While few of us will know the pressures
      basketball player Paul George awoke        of performing at the highest level of
      at 7:00 AM for a daily COVID screening. our profession for a global audience
      This was part of the National Basketball   of millions of viewers, we can all relate
      Association’s much lauded “bubble”         to the burnout he expressed. The
      approach to conducting business-as-        prevalence of such feelings have
      usual in the midst of very unusual times. risen so sharply among young people
      The organization’s approach is the         that some refer to millennials as the
      best we’ve seen thus far for keeping a    “Burnout Generation.” But it’s not just
      workforce physically safeguarded from      limited to this demographic. According
      the perils of the pandemic. But what       to an October 2020 Kaiser Family
      about their mental health?                 Foundation survey, a majority of US
                                                 adults 18 and older (53%) said that
      By week seven, George admitted the         worry and stress related to coronavirus
      toll that such a regimented life had       has had a negative impact on their
      taken on him. He began to suffer from      mental health, up from 39% just a few
      anxiety and depression under such          months earlier.
      restrictive living conditions. It was
      affecting his mental wellness and his
      performance on the court.
Economic anxiety, climate anxiety and      balance in the work-from-home world,        With the combination of cultural shifts
device addiction are all combining         including a “virtual commute” feature       around the subject, resource allocation
in various forms to the detriment          to create mental bookends for the           and technological advancement, the
of our collective psyches. As our          remote workday. It’s also partnering with   future of mental health services will be
understanding of mental health             meditation app Headspace to add a           more accessible and effective than ever
continues to evolve, businesses will       new “emotional check-in” feature.           before. From Chief Purpose Planners
increasingly agree that ignoring it only                                               defining the employee experience to
exacerbates the problem. Turning from      Culligan Water has implemented              AI-Assisted Healthcare Technicians
physical labor to knowledge work places    well-being calls and provides stress        using real-time biometric data from
even more importance on the mental         management resources to help                wearables, organizations will design the
wellness of the workforce.                 employees improve resiliency. Virgin        jobs of the future with a thought toward
                                           Trains in the UK advises managers           safeguarding and strengthening their
Wellness for mind and body                 on how to support colleagues in need        most valued assets: the minds of their
Companies like UPS have engaged            and developed an app to provide             employees.
in physical therapy routines and           individualized mental health resources.
                                           And Johnson & Johnson provides free         Desmond Dickerson is a senior manager at
programming for years to alleviate                                                     Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work
the physical toll that their workers       therapy visits for employees. In the
experience on the job. What is the         future, such offerings will be necessary
equivalent for workers’ mental fatigue?    and expected across all industries.
Microsoft has announced new features
for its collaboration platform Teams
that aim to improve users’ work/life

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Escaping the Matrix
                              Online all the time? Wired? Detox …

COVID-19 pushed us deeper into our           The virtual is real
digital addictions. Internet use rose        Digital acceleration will be good not just
70%, and social media traffic surged, in     for business but also for the world. It will
some cases by 50%, compared with             drive corporate productivity and profits,
pre-lockdown levels. Zooming came            along with jobs and economic growth.
from nowhere to be the word of 2020.         If harnessed correctly, it will promote
Is there any turning back? Are we all just   sustainability and lead to medical
part of the Matrix now?                      breakthroughs.
Businesses think so; according to            But for companies that neglect to
a recent study we conducted, 60%             protect their staff from digital overload,
of businesses will accelerate digital        it will lead to anxiety, depression and
transformation over the next one to two      poor performance. And for those
years, 44% will shift physical jobs to       individuals who undergo a digital
digital ones, and 32% will have more of      overdose? Well, there’s no such thing
their staff work from home.                  as digital methadone.
Rebalancing act
Here are four digital fail-safes that that will become commonplace as we emerge        3. Equip offices with recharge rooms and wellness spaces. During the first
from the pandemic and enter the next normal:                                              wave of the virus, New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital converted a 3,000-square-
                                                                                          foot lab into a series of recharge rooms to help front-line healthcare workers
1. Modify the workweek. Organizations have already started to experiment with             decompress. These rooms use plants, sunlight, multisensory experiences and
   a shortened workweek to allow employees to unplug from technology. The                 other biophilic approaches to recreate natural settings. Companies will follow
   four-day workweek has been tested by companies like Microsoft Japan, which             this example by rethinking the full-office design to let outside air and nature in,
   reported an increase in productivity of 40% when it gave employees Fridays off         and disease out, while providing greater flexibility for new ways of working.
   for a month. Having employees work fewer days also reduces company costs,
   employee travel and carbon footprints. Even politicians are getting into the act.   4. Improve digital hygiene at the workplace. Companies will need to put more
   The Spanish Más País party, for example, is lobbying for the government to give        of their workers on “digital diets,” helping employees avoid excess digital
   grants to companies that shorten the workweek. Some companies are going                consumption while boosting collaboration and idea-sharing. Measures will
   further, replacing expectations of time spent at work with measurements of             include “no-tech” meetings and electronics-free rooms where workers leave
   work delivered.                                                                        their devices at the door; apps that enable workers to track their digital use;
                                                                                          regular work breaks away from screens; resources to help staff deal with
2. Encourage employees to disconnect. More companies are helping workers                  techno-complexity; buddy systems that allow workers to support each other
   to unplug. Front App, a San Francisco-based startup, launched a program                when detoxing; and workplace yoga and other activities to build “mindfulness.”
   to award $200 to any employee who limits their screen time to less than 14
   hours a month. Daimler allows its employees to auto-delete messages while           The digital genie isn’t going back in the bottle anytime soon. But rebalancing
   on vacation. More companies are prohibiting emails and texts after or before        the online and offline is the hard work of the future — without some non-digital
   work hours. Regulations, such as the “right to disconnect” in France, are           downtime, minds and futures will be fried.
   reinforcing the unplugging movement. Italy and Spain have already created           Lou Celi is founder and CEO of ESI ThoughtLab
   their own laws, and other countries, such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada
   and India, are looking to follow suit.
                                                                                                                                                     15   /   Timeline of Next: Living
Patient, Heal Thyself —
E  ntering your local medical facility is like stepping back in time. You may
   have gotten there in an Uber (ordered with a couple of screen taps) after
having a lunch delivered by DoorDash (with a couple of taps) after having
been on a Zoom all morning (after a couple of clicks). But walk through the
door of your doctor’s reception or ER, and you’re back in 1975, or 1950, or
1910, or 1850 ….
                                                                                                     Starting soon (not a moment too
“Please can you fill out this form.”                                                                 soon), healthcare will be in the middle
                                                                                                     of a metamorphosis that by decade’s
                               “In triplicate.”                                                      end will make it as automatic and
“Can I see your insurance card again?”                                                               frictionless as our taxi rides and food
                                                                                                     services and video calls. Unified virtual
        “Please sign here, here and here.”                                                           and physical health experiences will be
                                                                                                     the hallmark of future care anywhere,
		               “Oh, and here.”
                                                                                                     with data, gathered virtually, available
“We’ll call you when the doctor’s ready ….”                                                          in the physical world (and vice versa).
                                                  When, 35 minutes later, you’re finally             Two or three personal healthcare apps
                                                  admitted to see the doctor, the process            supported by on-demand healthcare
                                                  starts again ….                                    platforms will dominate the market,
                                                                                                     competing on experience: the warmth
                                                  “So, what seems to be the problem?”
                                                                                                     of their artificial intelligence (AI)
                         “Er, I just filled in a form with all the details.”                         personal health assistants and how
                                                                                                     easily they help us make informed
                                                  “Well, why don’t you tell me again.”               health decisions.
                                                  				“OK …”                                         In-home monitoring devices,
                                                                                                     wearables and even tiny implants will
                                                                                                     be sophisticated and commonplace,
                                                                                                     streaming data to the apps so they
 The healthcare industry is far from healthy. The cure: a bracing dose of next-gen tech.

  continually draw individualized              Or the agent may prompt us to contact         cancer or trace amounts of antibodies         More care will follow standardized
  portraits of our health data. Many of        a physician or testing facility for follow-   indicating an immune system disorder –       “McHealth” procedures that are
  the streaming devices will incorporate       up. These will be as close as our nearest     treatment can begin immediately. With         affordable without insurance, just as
  passive sensor technology and 5G             pharmacy or grocery store clinic so we        the digitization of technology, we will       we pay for repairing wear-and-tear on
  connectivity; once we choose to install a    can fit the appointment into a regular        receive much of the care in our homes         our homes and autos. Health coverage
  device, it will operate in the background,   shopping trip vs. making it a special         or at the pharmacy. In-home dialysis          will be designed for catastrophic events
  and we’ll hardly know it’s there. In doing   event.                                        is already available today, and major         and care. In short, consumers will have
  so, we won’t need to build and sustain                                                     medical centers are experimenting             much of their care when and where
  habits to benefit from the technology.  We will own our personal health data               with in-home delivery of complex,             they want it, with the physical and virtual
                                          regardless of where it originates. Apps            high-acuity care. In five years, minimally    experiences seamlessly intertwined, and
 As healthy as your data lets you be will generate blockchain-based codes                    invasive surgeries will take place at         the data from each readily available.
 AI agents within the app’s platform will that represent our permission to share             home.
 monitor our data and immediately flag    our clinical data and track who sees it                                                         In 2019, a time traveler from 1919 would
 and analyze results outside our personal and  how they use it. The codes will be            Shopping for health                          have been entirely familiar with the
 norms, including our sequenced           as easy to use as debit and credit card            Whether in-home or in-hospital care          process and experience of going to her
 personal genome. The virtual agent       personal identification numbers (PINs).            is required, AI-driven apps will enable      local medical professional. By 2029, that
 will text — or simply speak aloud — a    Recommendations from the AI agent                  consumers to compare services,               familiarity will be fading, and by 2039,
 personalized recommendation, such as will guide test selection and results                  facilities and physicians, and select        gone. The healthcare industry will be
 making a specific dietary change based interpretation, which will upload to our             the ones that meet their price and           a modernized undertaking — fit, nay,
 on how we metabolize food.               chosen app and platform.                           quality parameters. Digitization and         healthy for the rest of the 21st century.

                                               If the same results indicate a problem is     on-demand care anywhere, especially          Trish Birch is SVP & Global Practice Leader,
                                               brewing — say, early detection of colon       in lower cost settings, will drive down      Healthcare Consulting, at Cognizant
                                                                                             healthcare prices.
                                                                                                                                                             17   /   Timeline of Next: Living
Machines of Loving Grace
     As life expectancy continues to rise,         meal tray is slapped down a couple
     so do the challenges associated with          of times a day, and a senior is left alone
     our growing older population. In the          to wander through the windmills of
     next 30 years, the percent of the global      their mind.
     population over 60 is set to double. If
     they’re lucky, these two billion people       As in Robot & Frank, every senior
     will remain capable and independent. If       could do with an intelligent personal
     they’re less lucky — and more typical —       companion. In the eponymous 2012
     they will come to rely on the kindness of     movie, Frank, a retired thief, is given
     their family, or strangers.                   a birthday gift by his son — a robot
                                                   companion to look after him. Initially
     In the US, almost 1.5 million people          suspicious, Frank warms up to his new
     live in nursing homes — some of which         pal when he realizes that Robot (never
     are dreams, and some nightmares. The          anthropomorphized with a name) is
     difference lies in the quality of care —      happy to help him carry out one last
     which itself rests largely on the number      assignment from his former career.
     of staff employed. In the best-case           Together they commit a burglary, and in
     scenarios, nursing staff have time to sit     the process, a bromance blossoms.
     and chat with a resident and listen to an
     anecdote for the 17th time. In the worst, a
As we age, nothing is more important than being in good hands. Increasingly,
these human hands will be supported by artificial ones.

A BFF for the elderly                      Of course, it’s not just robots that      Surrounded by machines of loving
The residents of the Shin-tomi nursing     have a big role to play in aging — with   grace, seniors will rest in hands not
home in Tokyo aren’t looking to rob        machine-learning-based software,          quite human but more human than no
anyone (they want to remain residents,     nurses, medical staff and other           hands at all.
not inmates), but they’re very happy       personnel will have accurate and
                                                                                     Andres Angelani is the CEO of Cognizant
with the robots that roam the corridors real-time information via “companion”        Softvision
of their building, bringing food and       apps. Next-gen software will analyze
laundry and doing the dusting, all         facial expressions and subtle patient
allowing the human helpers to spend        movements to better understand
more time bedside hearing that             their needs, and provide healthcare
anecdote for the 18 time.
                     th                    professionals with timely information
                                           exactly when it’s needed. With smart
Roughly 90% of nursing home patients software and hardware, AI will provide
who are able to walk need assistance       huge benefits when it comes to better
or supervision. At 0.001 miles per hour, understanding nursing home residents
helping an old-timer to the bathroom       — improving their mental and physical
can occupy a caregiver for half an hour. well-being, providing more accurate
Let Atlas help! Once you can dance         treatments and, ultimately, making the
this well, it would be a breeze to shuffle golden years more golden.
along with Mrs. Bennet or Tanaka-san to
do the necessary.

                                                                                                                               19   /   Timeline of Next: Living
“If you think adventure is dangerous,
  try routine: it is lethal.”
                          PAULO COELHO, novelist



Once we ditched our commutes                                            and uncomfortable
clothes, there was no going back. Now that our workplace isn’t confined by a particular
place, the idea of work is boundaryless.

                              Our appearance will be defined by our digital avatars. Our output will be
                              revealed at our augmented-reality-driven meetings through 3D graphics and
                              advanced analytics. When we do head into the office, it won’t be a cubicle
                              farm with a dingy breakroom but a multifunctional space fit for innovating,
                              hosting guests and partying with colleagues.

                                                          What we’ve learned is that work isn’t just about work — it’s about collaborating
                                                          and being collegial, and not just virtually. So even as we slough off the
                                                          workplace, we’ll also say hello to entirely new spaces that offer the comforts of
                                                          home, the social interactions of work, the immediacy of nature and a sense of
                                                          purpose, wellness and belonging.
                                                                                                                      21   /   Timeline of Next: Working
Zoom is for amateurs — Oculus Quest 5 is for professionals.

                        Virtual Sales Call: Real Results
                        I just slipped on my new virtual reality    As people join the VR-Zoom meeting,         A multitude of media
                        headset and beamed into my 2:00             I note the avatars they each chose.         As the meeting starts, I share the
                        VR-Zoom meeting with my sales team.         Avatars say a lot about a team member’s     business performance with the team
                        Today’s meeting is really important         attitude toward their job and this          through a 3D animation in the center of
                        given our third-quarter performance. I      specific meeting. As I scan the room,       the roundtable. Our latest sales results
                        need to motivate them to make a big         a bubble pops up above each avatar,         per region are shown colorfully on a
                        push for fourth-quarter revenue, so I’m     sharing the individual’s latest sales       map that hovers in front of everyone.
                        wearing my most professional avatar.        results, projections and any actions they   I then overlay the team’s revenue
                        My clothing is fresh and pressed, and       owe me. I’m very surprised to see Bob       projections on that, and my AI assistant
                        I make myself 10% taller just to show       here. His status shows he’s on vacation,    highlights them with a pulsing ring
                        some authority. I decide to use a cool      and he’s already ahead of target. But his   of color indicating confidence levels
                        King Arthur-style roundtable setting        projected revenue is even higher, and       in achieving the projections. We have
                        for this discussion so we all feel equal    from his really sharp-looking avatar, I     too many red regions, and even the
                        responsibility to improve our business. I   can tell he wants to send a message         Northeast region, highlighted in green,
                        think this is going to be a great meeting   to everyone that he’s committed and         is a concern because the confidence
                        for our business.                           overachieving. I send a private message     level is shown as low. Carol, who owns
                                                                    to Bob to thank him for his dedication.     the Northeast, has been making high
                                                                                                                projections for a while now, but this is
Instead of having everyone present          As we wrap up the meeting, I remind
their status and plans, I turn to our AI    the team what success will look like for
assistant and ask, “Which region needs      them. Before we leave, Bob switches
the most focus?” Sure enough,               over to his real image and location on
it identifies Carol’s region and presents   a beach just to make us all smile. After
all the factors that indicate why there     we end, my AI assistant publishes
is low confidence for meeting the           the actions and new projections
projection. It also suggests that to fix    to the entire team so we can track
this, we should raise prices 5%, dedicate   our progress and ensure success
more time to clients and launch             continuously.
a promotion tied to a major event
                                            Bret Greenstein is Senior Vice President and
happening in three weeks to boost           Global Head at Cognizant’s Data Practice
sales further. After Carol takes
these actions, the confidence level
immediately increases. If the confidence
level slips or has other issues, the
AI assistant will notify Carol and me

                                                                                           23   /   Timeline of Next: Working
Living at Work
      Work’s not a place; it’s a verb.

      Spurred by policy changes and public
      health guidance, telehealth suddenly
      became “a thing” in March 2020,
      soaring 154% above 2019 levels. Even
      with widespread vaccinations, doctors’
      offices may never be as busy as they
      once were. Going to the doctor’s
      workplace won’t make sense when a
      doctor’s work is simply a verb.

      And what’s true for doctors will also be
      true for most other bourgeois, non-
      place-reliant work.

      Writ large, this acceleration into an
      untethered future of work will see the
      phrase “working from home” seem
      increasingly antiquated — language
      from the before times. Soon, work will
      be work, place will be place, and
      the two will be increasingly independent
      of the other.
Pre-pandemic, we already saw “digital      Not the ‘where’ but the ‘what’              Regardless, we do need to plan for major
nomads” comfortably working in             So will WFH stay as high as 70%, as         investments in home infrastructure:
cafes in Bali, a WeWork in Lima or on      some companies are reporting, or go         faster laptops and bandwidth, more
a plane, with 5G, Starlink and WiFi 6      down to under 10%? The answer will          VPN and Zoom licenses, ergonomic
networks in hand, and Zoom, Teams,         vary by industry, by country, by company,   furniture. CIOs will have to face up to
Webex, GoToMeeting, Skype (actually,       by role. Some employees have to be          privacy, security and endpoints in
whatever happened to Skype?) all fired     in the warehouse or on delivery routes.     insecure locations around the world.
up, no slacking allowed, even in a world   Others have home situations where           All of this will add a level of complexity
of Slack. Some even started prepping       WFH is miserable. Some are nervous          we’ve never faced before.
with a TV-quality filming studio in the    about crowds. Still others love that
basement.                                                                              Sci-fi writer William Gibson famously
                                           they have traded the commute for            said, “The future is already here — it’s
Attitudes have not evolved quite as        family time.                                just not evenly distributed.” Unevenly
rapidly, though. While “managing by        We’re already diversifying employees        distributed was a good description
walking around” worked well in the         on so many other attributes — we            of remote work 25 years ago. Now,
past, now, managing by outcomes is far     can add a location attribute. Besides,      hundreds of millions of workers and
more effective. Not only does this call    we’ve learned to work differently           managers have had a taste. It took
for trusting managers and self-driven      during the pandemic. How many               unbelievable acrobatics to get there in
workers; it also means eliminating         software proposals in the future will       a couple of weeks. Many are still getting
location bias. “Workers at home” have      include multiple people demoing at a        used to it. So, take it from this 25-year
long been considered “shirkers at home”    prospect’s office?                          WFH veteran: living at work is not a bad
— now, that’s dinosaur talk.                                                           place to verb.
                                                                                       Vinnie Mirchandani is an advisor, author
                                                                                       and blogger covering IT innovation           25   /   Timeline of Next: Working
A Heads-Up on the New Office
                     Hint: When you do need to go there, you’ll actually want to.

COVID-19 has shown that “heads-down          At the same time, though, our current         Not just a place to work            For some organizations, these three
work” can be done anywhere — typing,         COVID-19 interregnum has shown          In the future — maybe even the            functions of the new office will be
coding, form-filling, et al. This has been   that “heads-up work” is still best done summer of 2021 — an office will play      contained within one space, say in
obvious to “future of” folks for years —     face-to-face. While we’ve all coped withthree roles: a showroom, an R&D lab       Hudson Yards or Canary Wharf for
many of whom (namely me and you              endless video calls and the explosion   and a party space.                        those who can (or want to) afford it.
dear reader) have been working out of        in email and instant messaging, we can                                            For others, (the majority) they will be
our homes for decades. For the majority      all sense that there is still no substitute
                                                                                     The showroom will be a prestige place     distributed among different spaces —
of workers, the forces of custom, inertia,   for being “in the room” when we want to to impress clients, prospects, media and a single (fancy) floor of a townhouse in
conservatism and presenteeism has            create, collaborate and close.          analysts — “check us, we’re playas.” The Mayfair as showroom, a bare-floored
kept them stuck in their office cubicle.                                             R&D lab will be where the secret sauce    brick building in Shoreditch as lab, and
                                          Given these new facts, the question        is cooked — think Apple’s infamous        the Porter Tun at the Brewery rented
But now, the penny’s dropped, and         arises — assuming the vaccines are         design lab, formerly overseen by Sir      for the monthly get-together.
employees and employers alike have        effective and we can leave our homes      Jony Ive, where watches and phones
realized en masse that much bourgeois again one day (inshallah): What’s an           and brain implants are dreamed of and In the near future, an office that sub-
white-collar work can get done from       office for, and what should we do in it    designed. The party space will be, well,  optimizes these three functions in one
anywhere, and the idea that it must be    when we’re there? (If the vaccines aren’t where the party’s at — monthly local      “composite” space — a pretty ordinary
done in a cubicle in an office block an   effective, and the virus further mutates, social/collaborative shindigs (rather      small boardroom for the clients/
hour away from home is not strictly true. and we’re locked down forever, then all    than the global/regional annual ones      prospects, a beaten-up old sofa next
                                          bets are off ….)                           that many large multinationals            to the coin-operated drinks machine
                                                                                     traditionally hold) to develop the        for R&D time, and a cubicle-filled open
                                                                                    “culture,” network and bond.               floor with a DJ stuck in the corner for
                                                                                                                               the knees-up (i.e., 90% of current office
                                                                                                                               spaces around the world) — will be
regarded as a relic from the before-
times. Hardly fit for purpose for our
brave new work.

The office is not dead, nor is the city,
but the daily suburban commute to
a cubicle will go the way of the Dodo in
the next 24 months, and only dodos and
dodo companies will maintain
that model.

The new office, pioneered by WeWork
before it blew itself up through avarice
and greed, will be a better place to do
the heads-up work that needs to be
done there. But it’s no place at all to do
the heads-down work that doesn’t.
Ben Pring co-founded and leads Cognizant’s
Center for the Future of Work

                                             27   /   Timeline of Next: Working
15-Minute Spaces
                   The commute is dead. Good riddance.

   Fighting your way through rush-hour traffic to get to the office
   on-time is a feature of the past of work in pre-virus times. We don’t
   have to trudge between train platforms and bus stations, or slowly
   edge our way forward in bumper-to-bumper traffic anymore. We
   move from bed to shower to kitchen for a caffeine hit, sit down
   with our laptop or phone, and BANG!, we’re at work.

   But …

   Our bodies may be thanking us for the long overdue break from
   the misery of the commute, but our brains aren’t, now that we
   can work from anywhere/anytime — now that we have to work
   anywhere/anytime/all the time.

   Working from home, despite all the benefits, is proving incredibly
   challenging for some. It’s difficult to avoid distractions – children,
   chores, pets — at home. It’s easy to overwork, stretching your hours
   to finish a project with no one around you to turn off the lights or
   lock the building. Isolation and loneliness are creeping in, without
   anyone to chat with in communal spaces, or to share a coffee with
   on breaks.
Just down the road                        a yoga studio and just about anything        As our working lives become more
As working from home becomes              else you can think of. They’re already       isolated, these new spaces will
embedded deeply into our lives, and       becoming     a reality. US startup Reef      become increasingly important in
remote office space takes over our        is on a mission to build cities where        creating a company culture. Instead
home space, where can we find our own everything people need can be                    of encouraging employees to sit alone
space? We’re going to need somewhere found within a short walk or bicycle              behind screens, the new 15-minute
new — a third space outside of the        ride. To this end, Reef is transforming      spaces will provide a welcoming
home and the traditional office,          its real estate network of more than         environment that promotes social
where people can work and socialize,      4,500   parking lots and garages into        interaction and breeds a sense of
prioritize well-being, and be part of the neighborhood hubs. It’s partnering           belonging. Even as employees move
community without upping our risk of      with other players for micro-fulfillment,    from full work-from-home status in
contracting the virus. We need these      e-bikes, pop-up clinics and urban            the years and months ahead, we’re
spaces to be within a 15-minute walk      farming.                                     seeing the foundation for a new space
or bicycle ride/drive. Many people will                                                revolution being built now. The question
                                          In Saudi Arabia, the LINE is designed        is, which 15-minute space will you be
use these new spaces to replace the       as a 106-mile belt of communities
social networks previously built around                                                working in before the decade is out?
                                          connected without the need for cars or
the office. These spaces will work as     roads. The plan is for residents to have     Manish Bahl is a Cognizant Associate Vice
refueling centers for our minds and       access to nature and all their daily needs   President who leads the company’s Center for
bodies as we tackle our workloads.                                                     the Future of Work in Asia-Pacific
                                          within a walking distance of five minutes.
These not-quite-work, not-quite-home       An ultra-high-speed transit system
spaces could entail a hotel, a restaurant, ensures no journey will take longer than
a local watering hole, an art exhibition,  20 minutes.
                                                                                                                                      29   /   Timeline of Next: Working
“A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere,
 as long as it stays inside the maze.”
                            The Handmaid’s Tale
                 MARGARET AT WOOD, novelist



Long ago,               societies decided that learning took place within four walls. We
agreed that curricula should be based on age-old tenets, and that teaching models
should be one-way and instructor-led. Somewhere along the way, we bought into the
idea of (really expensive) four-year degrees that released highly indebted young talent
into the world.
                 All these models are breaking in the face of today’s realities. As learning has become less
                 classroom- and campus-based, our concept of it has changed. Sources of funding will shift
                 from endowments and federal loans, to Big Tech. Yellow highlighters will give way to video
                 game-like lessons and AI-driven personalized support. Output will be skills, not degrees.
                 Learning will become more fluid, democratized and flexible, better aligned with a complex
                 and fast-changing world.

                 As learning itself becomes more about engagement, collaboration, resourcefulness and
                 problem solving, the “classroom” will be life, itself.

                                                                                  31   /   Timeline of Next: Learning
‘Dear Noah, Welcome
  to the University of Google’
      In the wake of the pandemic and the        The goal? To democratize learning. The
      pivot to remote learning, many colleges    how? By partnering and co-branding
      are finding themselves in deep doo-        with some of the biggest players in tech,
      doo. With cash-strapped students           and using state-of-the-art digital tools.
      (and their parents) shelling out first-
      class fare for cattle-class pedagogy,      Welcome to the University of Google
      university provosts and presidents are     (or Amazon, Facebook, Apple … TikTok,
      fighting back the outraged howls of        etc., etc.).
      their “consumers” with gritted teeth,      Similar to land grants that launched
      knowing only too well (as they admit to    American institutional flagships like
      themselves in the wee, wee hours) that     the University of California at Berkeley,
      the cash-cows of the past are no longer    a “digital grant” will ensue (sourced
      sacred and are in peril.                   by a 1% digital sales tax), underwriting
      Spurred on by the iconoclastic, so-        access to the highest quality distance-
      tough-you-gotta-love-it tough love         credentialing. As this new educational
      of professional pontificators (and         model becomes mainstream, it will
      part-time professors) like NYU’s           result in more affordable and faster
      Scott Galloway, many universities and      credentials, tightly aligned with fluid
      colleges will use technology to get with   employment markets and fine-tuned
      the post-pandemic program and tear         across a career(s). In time, skills will
      down their walls.                          become the vernacular of the quad, not
                                                 the anachronism of a degree.
Today’s ‘hedge funds with classrooms attached’
		                                           will be replaced by skills factories.

Getting out of the dorm room                    majority of students, gaining access
The coronavirus is galvanizing this             to a credentialed skill or skills will be
change. The best colleges and                   the thing – similar to a latter-day GI Bill
universities will empower lecturers to          enjoyed by their great-grandfathers and
engage in scaled experiments with               grandmothers before them.
online media. Rote classroom activities         By making the onramp to higher-ed
will give way to a fusion of lesson plans       more fair and far more accessible
with videogame-like distance learning,          through deep-pocketed alignment
all led by instructors with captivating         with tech, we’ll be better able to
online personalities that foster far better     grapple with a world awash with
student engagement than physical                change (technological, societal, political,
classrooms alone ever did.                      ecological) and more complex and
At the same time, the change won’t              more intense than ever before. In doing
mean turning the beautiful, venerable           so, we’ll open 10X new opportunities
college campuses of yesteryear into             for personal education and levels of
an educational “Rust Belt.” On the              employment for billions, and harness
contrary, with a vastly broadened basis         the collective genius in place to solve the
of scaled funding, it will allow those          greatest issues of our time.
that cross over, post-COVID, to thrive.        “Go UG! Go UG! Go UG!”
For those students who want a full
on-campus experience, it will still be          Rob Brown is Vice President of Cognizant’s
                                                Center for the Future of Work
available (still at a price). But for the vast
                                                                                              33   /   Timeline of Next: Learning
You Say You Want A Revolution?
					             Class Dismissed
Ah, 2020, when one of the few things           In much the same way that work has          In addition to the bigger changes of
people agreed on was that teachers             been forever altered, compliments of        nomadic families and shifting friendship
don’t make enough money.                       COVID-19, so too has our perspective        circles, other more subtle changes
                                               on education. In the coming decade,         will center around a new and improved
While we magically discovered our              our views on classic education will be      hybrid schooling model, informed
appreciation for teachers and the role         seriously challenged, as will the concept   by our learnings from the post-
of education, many families used the           of the physical school building as a        pandemic era.
global pandemic to try something new,          place of learning.
such as embracing homeschooling                                                            The hybrid schooling model will typically
or bringing back tribal education in           In the near future, learning experiences    split the weekly learning cycle into three
the form of podding or teaming up              won’t be limited to an 8-to-3 school        days at home and two days in school or
with other families to share childcare,        day, in-person classrooms and the           will evenly divide students’ time between
education and socialization duties.            occasional museum field trip. Instead, a    home and school each day. This model
                                               student’s time and place of learning will   could help fulfill parental demands that
As we focus more than ever on the              include remote destinations — even          existed even before COVID-19, such as
tools and skills that kids will actually       living abroad or visits with relatives,     smaller class sizes, the opportunity to
need for what lies ahead — skills like         wherever they reside.                       incorporate special-interest coursework
flexibility, grit, empathy, resourcefulness,                                               centered on religious or cultural
resilience and collaborative problem                                                       preferences, a more focused learning
solving — we’re also rethinking exactly                                                    environment, less time wasted during
what school is and where learning                                                          the school day and more individualized
should take place.                                                                         attention for students.
Education is no longer by the book.

Rather than retreating entirely to        performance, as well as their ability to    Education visionary and technologist
homeschooling environments, hybrid        shape young people into positive and        Seymour Papert once defined the
schools will combine the benefits of      contributing members of society with        goal of education: “that each individual
parent-driven instruction with those      social intelligence and creative thinking   will come out with a sense of personal
delivered through traditional schooling   as a chief focus.                           self-respect, empowerment and love for
environments. Students will be able to                                                yourself, because from that grows all the
socialize with their peers on a regular   An active learning model                    other loves: for people, for knowledge,
basis, as well as access expanded         To excel in this new learning model,        for the society in which you live.”
curriculum options. With fewer            students will need to co-create the
objections and more diverse funding       curriculum and the learning experience.     This lesson will be the new hybrid
streams, additional families will truly   With a project-based approach — in          schooling mandate: The best learning
curate and personalize their children’s   which learning happens in real and          takes place when the learner takes
education.                                relevant settings — a common purpose        charge and achieves a sense of
                                          can be achieved when teachers               personal control. By reimagining
Perhaps most important, the model will    and students learn together. To get         the place and time for education,
enable us to prioritize the development   there, the learning environment must        and seeing education in broader
of students’ emotional intelligence       be designed to foster rich and deep         terms, hybrid schooling will prepare
to contend with the challenges of         emotional connections — with                tomorrow’s leaders to rule tomorrow’s
learning. Whether it’s self-awareness,    lots of room for experimentation,           world.
mindfulness or mastering connections      celebration and sharing.                    Fausta Ballesteros is Vice President of
with others, the attributes that hybrid                                               Communications and Marketing and Head of
schooling educators can inculcate will                                                New York Studio, Cognizant Softvision
form the basis of how we assess their
                                                                                                                                  35   /   Timeline of Next: Learning
“Life can only be understood backwards;
  			                 but it must be lived forwards.”
		SOREN KIERKEGA ARD, philosopher, poet, theologian



Through crisis and calamity, one truism remains:
Money still makes the world go around. It’s just that the way it’s done will soon look
a lot different.

                   In the face of growing inequity and mounting debt, capitalism will remain intact but will
                   incorporate mechanisms from other economic systems and labor constructs that address the
                   financial distress of the pandemic and take the pressure off future generations to pay for it.
                   Hard-hit industries like restaurants will adopt new business models that redefine their
                   value proposition and recover lost income. Businesses will find even more ways to turn
                   consumers’ personal data — even their heart rhythms — into profits. And societies will devise
                   entirely new and fungible sources of value, like carbon allowances or personal data exchanges.

                   As always, there will be money to be made. The systems for making and exchanging it, though,
                   will never be the same.

                                                                                                                    37   /   Timeline of Next: Economies
Surrender to the Rhythm
Your heart is unique —
		           you always knew that, right?

Facial recognition was a trendy topic about a decade ago. The
idea of a machine being able to recognize you, speak to you and
personalize experiences for you while doing the same for every
other passerby — it was the stuff of Minority Report, Blade Runner,
1984 and 100 other dystopian visions.

Strange that we were all so suspicious.

But the land of the machines faced its own disaster when the pandemic struck
— all these humans were suddenly wearing masks. “Where’s the face?” “Cannot

The problems with facial recognition as a biometric identifier go back further than
2020. Beyond the ethical debates, there were a number of practical challenges that
simply couldn’t be solved for.

At least as early as 2017, US Special Forces were already hunting for alternative approaches to
facial recognition. Reliable ID methods were (and are) critical for mission success. “What if the
subject now has a beard?” “What if they put on sunglasses?” “What if they paint their face?”
Answer: Project Jetson                       military product that quickly gained
What if we could point a laser at a          non-military uses.
person — turned sideways, sitting down,      Going invisible
in a jacket — and simply recognize
                                             Already, infrared lasers are everywhere.
them? What if their body itself was like
                                             During the pandemic, you may have
a fingerprint — captured once,
                                             had your temperature checked from
identifiable forever?
                                             a tablet when walking into a building.
Consider that every person in the world      When boarding a flight or entering a
has a unique heart rhythm. Combine           hotel, an attendant might have scanned
infrared lasers with a vibrometer, a         your forehead with a thermometer gun.
database and an algorithm built to           Both show infrared lasers at work.
identify that rhythm, and you have
                                             Even the iPhone is a Class 1 Laser
Jetson, a device that can detect an
                                             Product – it has used infrared lasers
individual’s unique cardiac signature
                                             for years, mostly for facial recognition.
with an infrared laser, brought to you by
                                             When the iPhone 12 Pro came out in
the Pentagon.
                                             2020, LIDAR was included, and your
The thing about lasers is, distance          phone could suddenly scan the surface
doesn’t really matter — no Zooming           of Mars ... or your bedroom. Either way.
required; masks optional. Biometric,
perfectly accurate personal identification
based on heartbeat — just another
                                                         39   /   Timeline of Next: Economies
We’ve become more and more                For the consumer world, though,           Hello, CardioID                             Applications will extend beyond retail.
accustomed to those boring, quiet         wearables aren’t an option. Companies In the near future, you’ll be able to           It could be used as a secure password
lenses projecting invisible light onto    need to recognize people walking in the visit a store with infrared systems in        system, or marketers could gain another
our world, onto us. As the contactless    door, know their preferences, confirm     place, be automatically logged in and       metric on returning customers — a win
movement continues, more uses of that     their identity and associate all of that  begin having experiences that just feel     for the business that consumers would
light will be explored.                   with a bank account. Nobody would put more relevant. Let’s call it CardioID.          never notice.
                                          on a bracelet to make this easier.        Your signature wouldn’t be referenced
Even in 2020, heartbeat identification                                                                                          Consumers might be wary that such a
had already been in use for a few years   Thankfully, NASA has made innovation against a name or any personally                 system could threaten their anonymity;
by major manufacturing and research       here a bit simpler, with its HeartBeatID  identifiable information — it’s more like   however, in time, the security and
facilities, though the technology         patent. Startups and the enterprise alike you’d  been cookied.                        privacy implications could be covered
had early challenges. Here, security      can easily license this technology and                                                by extending regulations such as the
was critical, and constant authentication build solutions.                                                                      GDPR — “by entering this establishment,
— made possible by wearables —                                                                                                  you agree to ….”
was valued.                               So where will that get us?

                                   In the near future, you’ll be able to visit a store with infrared systems in place,
                                   		             be automatically logged in and begin having experiences that just feel more relevant.
Here’s the thing with biometrics:        For all intents and purposes, CardioID
They’re forever, immutable. This means   will take our unique heart rhythms and
CardioID would be a highly secure        turn them into something between
mechanism for seamlessly identifying     a password and a personalizer — truly a
yourself. Couple CardioID with facial    future with heart.
recognition, and you’ve got true
                                         Clayton Griffith is the Director of Product
two-factor authentication for walking    Marketing at Cognizant Softvision
into a store, grabbing what you want
and leaving, with payment automated
through a connection with your
bank account.

                                                                                       41   /   Timeline of Next: Economies
Intergenerational War – What Is It Good For?*
                                                                                          The young will pay for the errors of their elders. Or will they?

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic,       What to do? What policymakers usually        Our Western “system” only works (it        Thinking of tomorrow, today
anyone who questions the economic            do – kick the can down the road and          will become more and more obvious)         In the next decade, a world will emerge
costs of the lockdown is seen as a           expect the next generation to pick up        when people feel they have a stake in      in which every citizen receives a
nutter or an irritant. But the question of   the tab. But, now, not so fast. “Nice try,   its future. The ideas that have hardened monthly bitcoin deposit in their digital
who will pick up the tab for shattered       Boomer. Your mess — you fix it. Not our      into modern capitalist economies —         wallet funded by a digital Tobin tax.
economies will only become more              problem.”                                    growth, accumulation, investment —         Stress and health levels will drop as
pressing as the bug recedes and                                                           imply that tomorrow will be better than    Universal Basic Income payments
survivors re-emerge from their cribs.        Imagining the young would pay                today. While pre-capitalist societies
                                             the price for COVID is increasingly                                                     cover basic food and subsistence
Governments have eased trillions of                                                       looked to the past — to the Dreamtime, costs. People will focus on the work
dollars into the system to keep people       unimaginable. Those born after 1980          paganism and old religions – capitalist
                                             already face the scariest financial future                                              that really matters — perhaps building
safe and economies afloat, but as                                                         societies look to the future — to new      a social enterprise, using seed money
sure as night follows day, the ensuing       of any generation since the Great            inventions, broader horizons and
                                             Depression. Debt levels are bound to                                                    channeled down from the world’s
recession will need trillions more. In                                                    greater abundance for everyone. But        first global automation tax, expressly
the not too far-off future, the debt looks   soar, while homeownership, decent            with rising inequality, imminent climate designed to kickstart the international
to grow so huge that it doesn’t bear         pensions and “careers” will all become       crisis and a pandemic, the system is rife cooperative movement.
thinking about.                              totems from a bygone era, out of             for another Bretton Woods moment: a
                                             reach for vast swaths of the working         new rules-based order that establishes
                                             population.                                  a fair, equitable and resilient system fit
                                                                                          for young and old in the modern age.
You can also read