THE THREERs OF DIVIDENDS - Franklin Templeton Investments

Page created by Tommy Warren
THE THREERs OF DIVIDENDS - Franklin Templeton Investments
ClearBridge Dividend Strategy Portfolios

                         RISK MANAGEMENT                                               With ClearBridge Dividend
                                                                                       Strategy Portfolios, investing
                                                                                       for income is elementary.
                                                                                       Go back to basics, targeting
                                                                                       dividend growth, risk
                              A time-tested                                            management and total returns.
                              approach to managing
                              risk, with the goal
                              of reducing the
                              Portfolios’ volatility.

TOTAL RETURN                                                                    RISING DIVIDEND
POSSIBILITY                                                                     POTENTIAL
               Income growth                    A disciplined
               is an important                  process is used to
               component of the                 identify high-quality
               Portfolios’ total                companies with
               return and a key                 expectations of
               to staying ahead                 increasing their
               of rising costs.                 dividend payouts.

                These materials are being provided for illustrative and informational purposes only. The information contained herein is obtained from
                multiple sources that are believed to be reliable. However, such information has not been verified and may be different from the
                information included in documents and materials created by the sponsor firm in whose investment program a client participates. Some
                sponsor firms may require that these materials be preceded or accompanied by investment profiles or other documents or materials
                prepared by such sponsor firms, which will be provided upon a client’s request. For additional information, documents and/or materials,

3Q 2021         please speak to your Financial Professional.

THE THREERs OF DIVIDENDS - Franklin Templeton Investments
Few investments offer the potential for a rising stream of income.                                                                                     Dividend yields (%)
                                                                                                                                                       As of September 30, 2021
Yet amid a host of uncertainties, ClearBridge Dividend Strategy
Portfolios have offered just that. Veteran portfolio managers                                                                                          2.20           ClearBridge Dividend
                                                                                                                                                                      Strategy Portfolios1
draw on over 80 years of collective investment wisdom to identify
companies committed to sound dividend increases over time.                                                                                             1.37           S&P 500 Index1

                                                                                                                                                       1.52           10-Year U.S. Treasury2

The portfolio holdings have generated sound dividend yields compared with the benchmark
Dividend yields (%) as of September 30, 2021
             ClearBridge Dividend Strategy Portfolios1                S&P 500 Index1           10-Year U.S. Treasury2




      3Q       4Q         1Q        2Q       3Q       4Q        1Q        2Q        3Q        4Q       1Q        2Q       3Q       4Q        1Q        2Q       3Q        4Q      1Q        2Q
            2016                          2017                                 2018                                   2019                                  2020                       2021

1   Source: FactSet. The characteristics for ClearBridge Dividend Strategy Portfolios and S&P 500 Index are stated as of dates for data shown and are subject to change at any time. Portfolio
    characteristics for the ClearBridge Dividend Strategy Portfolios are based on a model portfolio, not an actual client account. The model portfolio is a hypothetical portfolio whereby the
    portfolio characteristics are based on simulated trading and account activity of a client account invested in this strategy. The model portfolio assumes no withdrawals, contributions or
    client-imposed restrictions. Portfolio characteristics of individual client accounts may differ from those of the model portfolio as a result of account size, client-imposed restrictions, the
    timing of client investments, market conditions, contributions, withdrawals and other factors.
2   Source: U.S. Department of the Treasury.
    Dividends and yields represent past performance. There is no assurance they will continue to be paid in the future. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Yields are
    subject to change and are not guaranteed. U.S. Treasury securities are backed by the "full faith and credit" of the U.S. government. Equity and fixed income securities are subject
    to additional risks. U.S. Treasuries are direct debt obligations issued and backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. The U.S. government guarantees the principal and
    interest payments on U.S. Treasuries when the securities are held to maturity. Unlike U.S. Treasury securities, debt securities issued by the federal agencies and instrumentalities and
    related investments may or may not be backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. Even when the U.S. government guarantees principal and interest payments on
    securities, this guarantee does not apply to losses resulting from declines in the market value of these securities.
    Investors cannot invest directly in an index, and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses or sales charges.

THE THREERs OF DIVIDENDS - Franklin Templeton Investments
The Portfolios’ combination of                                                                              ClearBridge’s equity strategies all start
dividends and capital appreciation                                                                          with the same fundamental principle:
                                                                                                            Select high-quality companies through
has added up to positive total                                                                              rigorous research and analysis.
returns over the long term.                                                                                 Hersh Cohen
                                                                                                            Co-Chief Investment Officer

A downside capture ratio of less than one may help temper volatility with the potential to foster long-term
capital growth Capture ratios pure gross of fees (%) as of September 30, 2021— Preliminary
        capture ratio                             0.95                                0.86                               0.84                               0.85                                0.84
                                                 1-year                             3-year                             5-year                              7-year                            10-year
        Down                                      1.11                               0.94                                0.95                               0.93                                0.89
        capture ratio

Positive total return across long-term market cycles
Annualized rates of return (%) — Pure gross and net of fees, as of September 30, 2021— Preliminary
        ClearBridge Dividend Strategy Portfolios — Pure Gross                               ClearBridge Dividend Strategy Portfolios — Net                                 S&P 500 Index


25       26.82

15                                                                          15.99                                     16.90                                                                              16.63
                                                                                                                                                               14.01            14.13
                                                  13.35                                     13.33
10                                                                                                                                    11.40
                                                               10.07                                     10.05                                                                              10.83
 5                                                                                                                                                 8.18

                     1-Year                                    3-Year                                   5-Year                                    7-Year                                   10-Year
 Source: Franklin Templeton. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The strategy returns shown are preliminary composite returns, subject to future revision (downward or upward). Please visit for the latest performance figures. Investors cannot invest directly in an index, and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses or sales charges.
 FEES: Pure gross of fee returns do not reflect the deduction of any expenses, including transaction costs. Net performance includes the deduction of a 3.0% annual wrap fee, which is the maximum anticipated
 wrap fee for equity and balanced portfolios. Actual fees vary. For fee schedules, contact your financial professional, or if you enter into an agreement directly with Legg Mason Private Portfolio Group (LMPPG),
 refer to LMPPG’s Form ADV disclosure document. Returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. All performance is reported in U.S. dollars. To obtain specific information on available
 products and services or a GIPS® Report, contact your Franklin Templeton separately managed account sales team at (800) 822-8464. ClearBridge Investments, LLC claims compliance with
 the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the
 accuracy or quality of the content contained herein. Management and performance of individual accounts may vary for reasons that include the existence of different implementation practices and model
 requirements in different investment programs.
THE THREERs OF DIVIDENDS - Franklin Templeton Investments
Our actively managed Portfolios include                                                                            Our focus over the past several years
broad exposure to well-known names                                                                                 has been on the attraction of companies
                                                                                                                   with the ability to pay a rising stream of
across a wide variety of sectors. These                                                                            dividends. This approach has been a good
high-quality stocks offer the potential for                                                                        way to get more income than was
attractive dividend yields.                                                                                        available on risk-free alternatives.
                                                                                                                   Michael Clarfeld, CFA
                                                                                                                   Portfolio Manager

Dividend growers
Company dividend increases3

                        8                                   9.3                                                        34                                          7.1
                                 out of 55                                  % Average                                                 out of 59                                  % Average
                                 companies                                    increase
                                 reporting increase                                                                                   reporting increase3

The top 10 portfolio holdings:

                   Account for                                                      Average 10 years                                                       Average 31 years in
       1           31% of                                                2          consecutive raising                                         3          paying dividends
                   the Portfolio                                         1          dividends                                                              consecutively

Dividends with a strong history
Top 10 holdings as of September 30, 2021
                                                                                                                                             5-year          Paid dividend          years of
                                                                                                          % of           Dividend          dividend          consecutively           raising
Name4                                             Ticker4     Sector4                                   portfolio4       yield (%)4       growth (%)4            since5            dividends5
Microsoft Corp                                      MSFT      Information Technology                      5.65             0.79                8.79              2004                  17
Apple Inc                                           AAPL      Information Technology                      4.66             0.60                9.30              2012                   1
Raytheon Technologies Corp                           RTX      Industrials                                 3.40             2.29               -5.40              1972                   0
Bank of America Corp                                BAC       Financials                                  2.90             1.77              27.23               1993                  12
Comcast Corp-Class A                               CMCSA      Communication Services                      2.69             1.72              12.30               2008                   4
Williams Cos Inc                                    WMB       Energy                                      2.46             6.28               -5.12              1974                   5
PPG Industries Inc                                  PPG       Materials                                   2.40             1.55                7.77              1972                   6
Blackstone Inc                                       BX       Financials                                  2.35             2.60              11.66               2007                   1
Home Depot Inc                                       HD       Consumer Discretionary                      2.23             1.96              20.30               1987                  34
Johnson & Johnson                                    JNJ      Health Care                                 2.22             2.56                5.96              1972                  20
*   On April 3, 2020, Raytheon Technologies completed an all-stock merger of equals transaction between Raytheon Company and United Technologies Corporation trading under the
    symbol RTX. Dividend information prior to April 3, 2020 reflects data for United Technologies Corporation (UTX).
3   Source: ClearBridge. For 2020, only stocks that were held in the portfolio for the entire year were included.
4   Source: FactSet. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Portfolio characteristics are based on a model portfolio, not an actual client account. The model portfolio is a
    hypothetical portfolio whereby the portfolio characteristics are based on simulated trading and account activity of a client account invested in this strategy. The model portfolio assumes
    no withdrawals, contributions or client-imposed restrictions. Portfolio characteristics of individual client accounts may differ from those of the model portfolio as a result of account size,
    client-imposed restrictions, the timing of client investments, market conditions, contributions, withdrawals and other factors.
    Dividends and yields represent past performance, and there is no assurance they will continue to be paid in the future. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss.
5   Source: Dividend history of individual companies. Researched by Legg Mason, Inc. Consecutive years of rising dividends are based on calendar year, ending in December 31, 2020.

THE THREERs OF DIVIDENDS - Franklin Templeton Investments
Remaining holdings as of September 30, 2021

                                                                                                                                              Dividend       5-year dividend
 Name4                                                        Ticker4             Sector4                                                     yield (%)4       growth (%)4
 American International Group                                   AIG               Financials                                                          2.33         0.64
 American Tower Corp                                            AMT               Real Estate                                                         1.90        19.32
 Apollo Global Management Inc                                   APO               Financials                                                          3.43        11.04
 Becton Dickinson and Co                                        BDX               Health Care                                                         1.35        4.69
 Boston Properties Inc                                          BXP               Real Estate                                                         3.62        8.56
 Broadcom Inc                                                  AVGO               Information Technology                                              2.97        50.74
 Cisco Systems Inc                                             CSCO               Information Technology                                              2.68        9.21
 Coca-Cola Co                                                    KO               Consumer Staples                                                    3.18        3.89
 Ecolab Inc                                                     ECL               Materials                                                           0.92        6.52
 Edison International                                            EIX              Utilities                                                           4.78        6.66
 Enbridge Inc                                                   ENB               Energy                                                              6.63        11.22
 JP Morgan Chase & Co                                           JPM               Financials                                                          2.20        14.37
 Linde PLC                                                      LIN               Materials                                                           1.41        6.92
 Mastercard Inc-Class A                                         MA                Information Technology                                              0.49        17.75
 Merck & Co Inc                                                 MRK               Health Care                                                         3.46        7.16
 Metlife Inc                                                    MET               Financials                                                          3.05        3.94
 Mondelez International Inc-A                                  MDLZ               Consumer Staples                                                    2.23        13.09
 Nestle Sa-Spons ADR                                          NSRGY               Consumer Staples                                                    2.10          -
 Nextera Energy Inc                                             NEE               Utilities                                                           1.92        12.24
 Northrop Grumman Corp                                          NOC               Industrials                                                         1.68        12.18
 Nxp Semiconductors NV                                          NXPI              Information Technology                                              1.05          -
 Oracle Corp                                                   ORCL               Information Technology                                              1.29        13.30
 Otis Worldwide Corp                                            OTIS              Industrials                                                         1.07          -
 Pfizer Inc                                                     PFE               Health Care                                                         3.60        5.25
 Pioneer Natural Resources Co                                   PXD               Energy                                                              2.25       115.75
 PNC Financial Services Group                                   PNC               Financials                                                          2.40        17.71
 Procter & Gamble Co                                             PG               Consumer Staples                                                    2.38        4.50
 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc                            PEG               Utilities                                                           3.32        4.51
 Sempra Energy                                                  SRE               Utilities                                                           3.43        7.94
 Texas Instruments Inc                                          TXN               Information Technology                                              2.12        21.83
 Travelers Cos Inc                                              TRV               Financials                                                          2.28        6.21
 Union Pacific Corp                                             UNP               Industrials                                                         2.08        13.15
 United Parcel Service-Cl B                                     UPS               Industrials                                                         2.24        5.80
 UnitedHealth Group Inc                                         UNH               Health Care                                                         1.38        19.14
 US Bancorp                                                     USB               Financials                                                          2.89        10.48
 Verizon Communications Inc                                      VZ               Communication Services                                              4.65        2.01
 Visa Inc-Class A Shares                                          V               Information Technology                                              0.57        17.98
 Vulcan Materials Co                                            VMC               Materials                                                           0.86        15.68
 Walt Disney Co                                                 DIS               Communication Services                                              0.52        -9.13
 Waste Management Inc                                           WM                Industrials                                                         1.52        7.05
 Zoetis Inc                                                     ZTS               Health Care                                                         0.49        20.11

Dividends and yields represent past performance, and there is no assurance they will continue to be paid in the future.
Dividend income may be taxed either as ordinary dividends or qualified dividends. For more information, please seek advice from a tax professional.

THE THREERs OF DIVIDENDS - Franklin Templeton Investments
The managers of ClearBridge Dividend Strategy Portfolios draw on
       decades of experience to identify companies committed to paying
       consistent and growing dividends over time.

       Focus on dividends
       The Portfolio’s investment process reflects the managers’ belief that consistent dividend pay-outs have
       long signaled quality companies with strong balance sheets and healthy cash flows, and these are the
       kind of companies that have withstood multiple market cycles.

                                  1. Idea generation
                                  •   Targets an initial investment universe comprising large U.S. companies, typically with market
                                      capitalizations over $3 billion
                                  •   Focuses on companies that offer meaningful dividend yield

                                  2. Fundamental analysis
                                  • Performs proprietary analysis on companies across all market sectors

                                  •   Conducts traditional fundamental research with the goal of answering the question, “Can this
                                      company grow and sustain its dividend?”
                                  •   Focuses on quality companies with dominant market positions and a solid dividend history

                                  3. Portfolio construction
                                  • Uses bottom-up stock selection to construct a primarily large-cap portfolio that is diversified across
                                  •   Leverages combination of stock selection and portfolio construction that seeks to manage risk in down

                                  4. Risk management
                                  • Constantly monitors and evaluates each individual security as well as the overall portfolio as part of
                                    the risk management process
                                  •   Re-examines positions when the fundamental or valuation case changes and/or cyclical shifts alter
                                      the industry’s attractiveness

The S&P 500® Index is a broad-based measurement of changes in stock market conditions based on the average performance of 500 widely held common stocks. Benchmark returns
are not covered by the report of independent verifiers.
Dividend yield is a financial ratio that shows how much a company pays out in dividends. Dividend yield is determined by dividing a stock’s annual dividends per share by the current market
price per share.
The Up Capture ratio measures the manager’s overall performance to the benchmark’s overall performance, considering only quarters that are positive in the benchmark. An Up Capture Ratio
of more than 1.0 indicates a manager who outperforms the relative benchmark in the benchmark’s positive quarters.
The Down Capture ratio is the ratio of the manager’s overall performance to the benchmark’s overall performance, considering only quarters that are negative in the benchmark. A Down
Capture Ratio of less than 1.0 indicates a manager who outperforms the relative benchmark in the benchmark’s negative quarters and protects more of a portfolio’s value during down markets.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against loss.
THE THREERs OF DIVIDENDS - Franklin Templeton Investments

Diversified sector exposure                                      Dedicated to seeking income                                    Seasoned active management
Our actively managed Portfolios                                  An independent, active approach gives                          Veteran portfolio managers draw
include broad low-turnover exposure                              portfolio managers the freedom to                              on over 90 years of collective
to well-known names across a wide                                pursue companies with rising dividends.                        investment wisdom.
variety of sectors.

•   A well-established, global                                   •   Over 50 years of experience                                •   Long-tenured portfolio
    investment manager focusing                                      building portfolios for clients                                managers provide strong
    on proprietary research and                                      seeking income solutions, high                                 leadership in a centralized
    fundamental investing                                            active share or low volatility                                 investment structure

“ClearBridge Dividend                                                                        John Baldi                                               Michael Clarfeld, CFA
                                                                                             Managing Director,                                       Managing Director,
 Strategy Portfolios may                                                                     Portfolio Manager                                        Portfolio Manager

 be a solution for risk-averse
 investors who are looking
 for additional income from
 a seasoned management
                                                                                                Peter Vanderlee, CFA                                  Diane Keady
 team that looks to take                                                                        Managing Director,                                    Managing Director,
                                                                                                Portfolio Manager                                     Portfolio Manager
 measured risks.”
    Peter Vanderlee, CFA

                                                                     To find out more about how you
                                                                     may be able to enjoy an income
                                                                     stream from the ClearBridge
                                                                     Dividend Strategy Portfolios, contact
                                                                     your financial advisor
                                                                     or visit

Active share is a measure of the percentage of stock holdings in a manager’s portfolio that differs from the benchmark index.
THE THREERs OF DIVIDENDS - Franklin Templeton Investments   At Franklin Templeton, everything we do has a single focus: to deliver better client
                •   We have deep expertise across equity, fixed income, alternatives, multi-asset
                    solutions and cash strategies.
                •   We offer an unmatched range of specialist investment managers, consisting of
                    more than 1,300 investment professionals.
                •   Over 70 years of experience in identifying opportunities and delivering investment
                    solutions to clients.

                What should I know before investing?
                All investments involve risk, including loss of principal, and there is no guarantee that
                investment objectives will be met. Investments may be made in small- and mid-cap
                companies, which involve a higher degree of risk and volatility than investments in large-
                cap companies.

                While most investments are in U.S. companies, investments may also be made in ADRs
                and other securities of non-U.S. companies in developed and emerging markets, which
                involve risks in addition to those ordinarily associated with investing in domestic
                securities, including the potentially negative effects of currency fluctuation, political and
                economic developments, foreign taxation and differences in auditing and other financial
                standards. These risks are magnified in emerging markets.

                Limited investments also may be made in non-dividend-paying stocks that are not expected
                to pay a dividend in the near future. The manager may hold significant portions of portfolio
                assets in cash equivalents while waiting for buying opportunities.

                Franklin Templeton, its affiliates and its employees are not in the business of providing tax or
                legal advice to taxpayers. These materials and any tax-related statements are not intended or
                written to be used, and cannot be used or relied upon, by any such taxpayer for the purpose of
                avoiding tax penalties or complying with any applicable tax laws or regulations. Tax-related
                statements, if any, may have been written in connection with the “promotion or marketing” of
                the transaction(s) or matter(s) addressed by these materials, to the extent allowed by applicable
                law. Any such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances
                from an independent tax advisor.

                Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) are investment services provided by Legg Mason
                Private Portfolio Group, LLC (LMPPG), a federally registered investment advisor.
                Client portfolios are managed based on investment instructions or advice provided by
                the following Franklin Templeton-affiliated subadvisor: ClearBridge Investments.
                Management is implemented by LMPPG, the designated subadvisor or, in the case of
                certain programs, the program sponsor or its designee.

                Any information, statement or opinion set forth herein is general in nature, is not directed to or based on the financial situation or needs of
                any particular investor, and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, a forecast of future events, a
                guarantee of future results, or a recommendation with respect to any particular security or investment strategy or type of retirement
                account. Investors seeking financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities or investment strategies should
                consult their financial professional.

                ©2021 Franklin Distributors, LLC. Member FINRA/SIPC. Franklin Distributors, LLC and ClearBridge Investments, LLC are Franklin
                Templeton-affiliated companies. AMXX300659 09/21 CDP3R INV
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