Page created by Arthur Tate
PENTRONIC GROUP Europe’s leading manufacturer of temperature sensors                 NO. 2021-2

                   THE TEMPERATURE
                                                                       CONTINUED ON PAGES 2-3

                                                   PENTRONIC INVESTS IN THE FUTURE



Into the future
                                    THE RIGHT TEMPERATURE
 with Pentronic!                    MAKES CHAINS BOTH
After a long and difficult time
with the pandemic we are
                                    STRONG AND TOUGH
cautiously looking forward to a     Chains have been around for 2,000 years. But even though
summer and autumn with eased        their design is basically still the same, today’s products are
restrictions and a more normal      the result of the latest technology.
life where we can meet friends,       “Every single link must be perfect,” says Fritjof Tibblin-
family and colleagues without       Bergmark, a materials specialist in research and development
having to do so via a Teams or      at the Crosby Group.
Zoom screen.
    With that hope, here at
Pentronic we are now focusing
on the future. During the winter
and spring we developed a
strategy to meet tomorrow’s
    Although our traditional
solutions will continue to be
important pieces of the puzzle,
demand is growing for smart
products that can be connected
to the digital world.
    Thanks to our years
of product development
experience and our organisation
finely tuned to produce
tomorrow’s technology, we are
well prepared to meet the future.
                                    “Together with the metallurgy, the temperature is the most important quality parameter,”
But before we completely get        says Sverker Andersson, quality manager at Gunnebo Industries.
there, we will first enjoy the
summer warmth, take some time
off and maybe swim in some of
Sweden’s many fantastic lakes.
    Happy summer!                   BEHIND THAT COMPANY NAME
                                    is a well-known brand: Gunnebo
                                    Industries. The American Crosby
                                    Group bought up the Swedish
Rikard Larsson                      company Gunnebo Industries in 2019.
Managing Director                   Manufacturing is done in the small
                                    village of Gunnebo on Sweden’s Baltic
                                    coast. The shackles are made in the
                                    village of Lonevåg on Norway’s west
                                        “We make the chains in Gunnebo
                                    and hooks, couplings and similar items
                                    in the nearby city of Växjö,” Fritjof
                                        The chains are manufactured
                                    in a fully automated process. The
                                    links are welded together into long
                                    chains, which are then hardened
                                    and tempered in two stages. It is
                                    the heat treatment, combined with
                                    the composition of the steel, that
                                    determines the quality of the final
                                        “The result must be a combination
                                    of high strength and toughness,”                The chains after being powder coated.
                                    explains Fritjof.                               Here, too, the temperature is measured with
                                        Strength is essential for heavy             pyrometers to ensure the highest quality.
lifting, often in demanding environments. A single broken link       The heat treatment of hooks, coupling components and
can lead to extensive damage and costs.                           similar items is done in Växjö. The difference is that these
     “Each link must also be able to stretch by 20 percent        are forged parts that are hardened in furnaces. Here, too, the
under overload before breaking,” he says. “This alerts the        same demands are made on strength and toughness.
people handling the lift and gives them a chance to get to           Back to the chains, whose hardening process is probably
safety.”                                                          unique in Sweden. The chains are made in lengths of 50
     Each finished chain length is proof loaded with 2.5 times    to 200 metres depending on their size. On each length,
the working load before delivery. For destructive tensile         destructive tests are performed on a number of links. This
tests, the requirement is at least four times the working load.   supplies feedback to the production process, while also
Gunnebo Industries and the Crosby Group have slightly             checking that the temperatures were correct during the
higher requirements than other manufacturers so that they         hardening and tempering.
can meet several standards at the same time.                         Under the brand name of Gunnebo Industries, the Crosby
     “We and the entire Group supply customers who are            Group supplies lifting systems used in everything from
prepared to pay for the highest quality, because safety is so     haulage companies to offshore wind turbine construction.
important,” Fritjof explains.                                     The product range also includes one specialty item: chains
     Hardening and tempering of welded chains is done             for the manufacture of enclosures for fish farming. These
by induction on the conveyor belt. The temperature is             chains are hot-dip galvanised at the factory in Gunnebo in a
measured using non-contact pyrometers from Pentronic,             process where temperature also plays an important role.
which has also helped Gunnebo Industries fine-tune the               “The cages simply must not rust or break for other
measuring process to achieve high accuracy.                       reasons. The fish are often species that are not native to the
     “We benefit a lot from Pentronic. They also supply           region where they’re being farmed and therefore they must
sensors and instruments for our production in Växjö,” Fritjof     not get out,” says Fritjof Tibblin-Bergmark of the Crosby
says.                                                             Group.

                                                                                                         Fritjof Tibblin-Bergmark
                                                                                                            of the Crosby Group.

                                                                   The temperature is measured at several
                                                                   points in the process.

   “Every link must be of the highest
   ­quality,” says Sverker Andersson,
    ­quality manager at Gunnebo Industries.

                                                                   The chains are heated with the help
                                                                   of induction as they move past the
For almost six decades Pentronic has                    In the changed organisation, which will
successfully served its customers with              be launched this summer, the company has
                                                    chosen to create three clear functions, each
all possible and sometimes apparently
                                                    with responsibility for some of Pentronic’s main
impossible solutions to measure                     processes.
temperature.                                            Marketing & Sales is responsible for business
                                                    development and the marketing and sales of our
Our employees love to solve all types of            goods and services. It is the natural starting point
measurement problems to satisfy customers’          for our customers when they need assistance,
needs. During this journey the company has          whether they are asking for the immediate
made a number of strategic investments. One         supply of a product or service or requesting new
example happened at the end of the 1980s            products.
when Pentronic decided to get its laboratory            Product Development has been given a
operations accredited so that it could offer        cohesive responsibility for developing and quality
accredited calibration to its customers. Another    assuring new products. This can involve direct
strategic change occurred at the beginning          commissions from a customer or new innovations
of the 2000s when it was decided that the           and products that are needed to satisfy new
company should develop smart sensors. After         applications or changed demands from the
the first product was launched it took almost ten   market.
years before the next one saw the light of day.         The third leg is Operations, with responsibility
   Over the past five years the trend towards       for orders up to delivery. This function covers
smart sensors has really taken off and we are       the industrialisation of new products, and the
now launching one or more products every year,      preparation, manufacture, assembly, acceptance
with sales rapidly increasing in this sector.       testing and delivery of customer orders.
   The fact that development is heading in this         To support these main functions, Purchasing,
direction is a natural consequence of the ever-     Quality, HR, and Finance are of course always
faster digitalisation we are seeing in all areas    close at hand to ensure that the machinery is well
of society and also in industry, with connected     oiled.
systems and access to measurement data for              “This changed organisation makes the
the control and monitoring of processes.            responsibilities clearer and means that Pentronic
   To meet the new challenges we face from the      is investing more in advanced solutions that
ever-increasing demand for new technology,          solve new and future needs,” concludes
Pentronic needs to adapt its processes and          Pentronic’s Managing Director Rikard Larsson.

  We focus here on Pentronic’s Pt100 thermowell with        also called P250GH. It has also been made in other
  a machined welding pocket.                                materials e.g. alloy pressure vessel steel 10CrMo9-
  Model 783000 has become a real bestseller and is          10 (1.7380) and we can make it in
  used for e.g. measuring the temperature of gases          other materials if required.
  and liquids in the process industry.                      The maximum temperature
       The thermowell has an added welding pocket so        for a Pt100 with a welding
  you can safely mount and remove it without affecting      pocket is 250 °C. This
  the system itself. The pocket also helps you to avoid     thermowell design
  the risk of leakage.                                      with a welding pocket can
       The insertion probe is replaceable and the           also be custom ordered for
  ­terminal head has space for a signal converter or        thermocouples with a maximum
   ­connector.                                              temperature of 600 °C.
       The thermowell is available with two different          You are welcome to
    standard lengths of the neck tube: 48 and 110 mm        contact Pentronic if you
    respectively. Other lengths can be made to order.       have questions or
       The welding pocket has a reduced tip for faster      need advice for your
    and more accurate measurement and is designed for       particular application.
    small-pipe welding in dimensions up to DN 100.
       The standard length is 60 mm.
       The pocket (article: 9062050) is in stock in acid-
    proof steel (1.4404) and unalloyed C22.8, (1.0460)

                                 STRAIGHT FROM THE LAB

                                                                                                       Accred. no. 0076
                                                                                                        ISO/IEC 17025

DISCOVERING WHAT A CUSTOMER                                                  ISO17025 specifies that a calibration
­EXPECTS from a calibration assignment                                    certificate must include a number
for a temperature sensor or other                                         of requirements, such as where the
measuring instrument has shown itself to                                  calibration was done, by whom, the
be extremely important. This is because                                   date, the reference equipment used, the
depending on the specific business                                        measurement uncertainty etc. However,
involved and where in the world it is                                     there is no requirement of what should be
located, the service of “calibration” is                                  included in an adjustment. Instead, the
interpreted in different ways.                                            differing routines at the various accredited
   “These differing interpretations and                                   laboratories around the world are what
expectations often lead to discussions                                    create the differing perceptions of what
and questions about what’s included in a                                  calibration includes.
calibration order,” explains Andreas Holm,                                   If you order accredited calibration from
manager of Pentronic’s two calibration                                    us at Pentronic, and we have not agreed
laboratories.                                                             otherwise, it means that we will measure
   In general, the most common                                            the object but we will not perform any
interpretation in Europe is that calibration                              adjustment.
involves measuring the object without                                        “Given these varying interpretations,
adjusting it. In contrast, customers in North America       we want to inform our customers of this. At the same
usually expect “calibration” to also include adjustment     time, during the contract review we also try to discover
of the object so that it has a minimum level of             the customer’s perception of what is included in a
malfunction. Other customers expect adjustment to be        ‘calibration’ so that their expectations are met,” Andreas
done if the object does not meet a certain specification.   concludes.
DOES THE ROOM GET COLDER                                                            QUESTION                  ANSWER
WHEN YOU USE A DESK FAN?                                                            Questions should be of general interest
                                                                                    and be about temperature measurement
                                                                                    techniques and/or heat transfer.
QUESTION: Over the past year I’ve        temperature, the vase transfers heat
often worked from home due to the        to the air via natural convection. The
pandemic and sometimes it gets           vase’s heat exchange with the desk        flow from the body to the room via
quite warm at my work station.           occurs via thermal conduction. The        radiation. The convective heat flow
When that happens I often use a          vase acquires a temperature which         Q to the air depends on the heat-
desk fan, which quickly cools things     is determined by the fact that the        transferring area A, the convective
down. Shouldn’t it become a bit          heat flow to the vase must be equal       heat transfer coefficient h, and
warmer in the room when I switch         to the heat flow from it. The vase’s      the difference between the body’s
the fan on? The fan has a 25 W           temperature will be slightly higher       surface temperature Tsurf. and the air
motor.                                   than the air temperature. When we         temperature Tair: Q = A h (Tsurf. – Tair).
				Liv G                                switch the desk fan on, the power             The computers, printers, lamps
                                         of its motor causes the air passing       etc. which are used in the home
ANSWER: It is true that when a desk      by the vase to become slightly            office are constantly generating
fan is switched on, the ambient          warmer and the vase’s temperature         heat, as is the person behind
air temperature in the room does         to increase, but the increase is very     the desk. This means that the
increase slightly but the increase is    small.                                    temperature in the room rises
very small. At the same time, we feel       In contrast, when we switch the        throughout the day. The increasing
that the room is becoming cooler.        desk fan on, the individual at the        air temperature Tair reduces the
To resolve this contradiction, let us    desk is affected in a totally different   convective heat flow from the body:
first examine a ceramic vase which       way than the vase. A person’s             Q = A h (Tsurf. – Tair). The net heat flow
is standing on the desk and then the     body is constantly generating heat        via radiation also decreases as the
person behind the desk.                  (metabolism), which is transferred        room temperature increases. The
    The temperature of the               to the surroundings. Skin that is not     body’s heat generation Q remains
ceramic vase is measured with a          covered by clothing has a surface         approximately the same throughout
thermometer. Scattered about the         temperature of over 30 °C and the         the day, which means that the
room are objects like a computer,        surface temperature of clothing           body’s surface temperature Tsurf.
printer, lamps, radiators etc., which,   tends to be 25 to 30 °C. In this case,    must increase so that it can get rid
when they are on, are warmer             the body’s surface temperature            of as much heat as before. We feel
than the room’s air temperature.         is higher than the air temperature        that we are getting hot. If we start
Normally, the vase is therefore          and the result is a convective heat       to sweat, the moisture is given off
supplied with a net heat flow via        flow from the body to the air. Most       to the surroundings in the form of
radiation, which increases the           parts of the room have a lower            water vapour. The phase transition
vase’s temperature. When the             temperature than the body’s surface       from liquid to water vapour requires
vase’s temperature exceeds the air       temperature, which gives a net heat       heat, which is drawn from the body,
                                                                                   which in turn means that the heat
                                                                                   transfer from the body increases.
                                                                                       When we switch on the desk
                                                                                   fan, the air temperature increases
                                                                                   slightly but the increase is very
                                                                                   small. The air velocity around the
                                                                                   body increases, which means
                                                                                   that the heat transfer coefficient
                                                                                   h increases. The result is forced
                                                                                   convection instead of natural
                                                                                   convection. The convective heat
                                                                                   flow from the body increases, even
                                                                                   though the temperature difference
                                                                                   (Tsurf. – Tair) has decreased. In
                                                                                   contrast, the radiation is not directly
                                                                                   affected by the air velocity. The
                                                                                   increased heat transfer from the
                                                                                   body lowers the body’s temperature
                                                                                   and we feel that it has become
                                                                                   cooler in the room, even though
                                                                                   the air temperature has increased

                                                                                                If you have questions or
                                                                                   comments, contact Professor Emeritus
                                                                                        Dan Loyd, LiU,
This is the continuation of ­Pentronic News’ series on IR pyrometry. In the previous is-
sue we described the ­fundamental concepts and technology underlying the measuring
process. In this issue we will describe some examples of applications where adapta-
tions and special products can enable more stable and more reliable measurements in
various processes.

In Part 1 we read about the
importance of the emission factor
(ε). The emission factor describes
the radiation properties of the
object you want to measure. A low,
or in the worst case an unknown
emission factor, can cause major
problems with your measuring
process. We also noted that for IR
pyrometry there is not one single
“camera” for all applications.
Instead, you need to select the
correct instrument based on the
material you want to measure,              The Heitronics CT13 is a rugged and accurate IR pyrometer which is also available
the temperature range and the              in the “CT13 Chemistry” version for use in extremely demanding environments.

WHEN DO WE USE AN                          IR pyrometer with lens (blue)              imitating the black body’s function,
IR PYROMETER?                                                                         we can create an emissivity
As explained in Part 1, an IR                                                         amplifier. The dish-shaped reflector
pyrometer is not the most                                               mirror        section with a gold-coated inside
accurate instrument for measuring                                                     surface is placed out to stand by
temperature. However, many                                                            itself a few millimetres from the
applications make it impossible                                                       roller’s surface. The parabolic
to measure using a fixed contact                                                      reflector focuses the roller’s radiation
sensor such as a thermocouple or a                                                    back to the measurement surface
resistance type sensor. Here is a list                                                through multiple reflections, while
of some common factors that can                                                       the disruptive external radiation
                                           The emissivity amplifier is a parabolic
lead to a recommendation to use an                                                    beams are not focused and will
                                           mirror which focuses the measurement
IR pyrometer:                              object’s heat radiation back to the        therefore only make up a fraction of
                                           ­measurement surface. The propor-          the total radiation that reaches the
• Mobile measurement objects                tion of emitted radiation apparently      lens.
• Electrically disruptive environ-          increases and external radiation is
  ments e.g. induction heating              suppressed.                               SEVERAL WAVELENGTH RANGES
• The requirement of a short                                                          Sometimes a two-colour or quotient
  response time (at the millisecond                                                   pyrometer is recommended as
  level)                                                                              the solution to tricky measuring
• The requirement of a thermally                                                      situations. The quotient pyrometer
  unloaded measurement object                                                         determines the temperature by
• Aggressive environments where                                                       measuring the radiation at two or
  contact sensors quickly deteriorate                                                 more closely adjacent wavelengths
• Very high temperatures                                                              and the temperature is calculated
                                                                                      from the quotient. The advantage is
MEASURING SHINY METALS                                                                that we can actually ideally disregard
For understandable reasons,                                                           the emission factor (although this
processes involving shiny, rotating                                                   assumes that the emission factor is
steel rollers often require non-                                                      the same for the various wavelength
contact signal transmission.               The Heitronics LT13EB is a p  ­ ractical   ranges). The quotient pyrometer
The reflective surface causes a            example of an IR pyrometer with            is also preferred in environments
radiation pyrometer to perceive            ­emissivity amplifier (gold coloured).     where the pyrometer’s sightline is
more reflected radiation from the                                                     partly obscured – such as in smoke-
surroundings than that emitted by          way to get rid of the reflections          filled environments or where there is
the roller itself; the emission factor ε   from a shiny surface is to exploit         a large risk that the view glass will
goes towards 0. The measurement            the principle of a black body, which       get dirty.
error becomes very large and can           has ε = 1 for varying temperatures
also vary over time. One elegant           and wavelengths (see figure). By
Using a quotient pyrometer requires         incinerators, for example, are often
the following:                              large enough.
                                                The same principle can be
• Emissivity is the same at all             ­exploited for such materials as
   wavelengths.                              plastic films if you know the
• Transmission through the                   material’s specific properties.
   atmosphere and any view glass is
   the same for all wavelengths.            KNOWLEDGE IS NECESSARY
                                            Factors fundamental to all
In practice this means that a               pyrometry (except for quotient
quotient pyrometer is used                  pyrometers) include: that the
for metallic materials and high             measurement object is larger than
temperatures. However, it is worth          the measurement spot, that no
noting that quotient pyrometers             extraneous radiation is reflected
now exist for many varieties of             together with the desired radiation,
applications and are even available         and that the view glass and lens
as hand-held pyrometers.                    have consistent properties for the
                                            wavelength in question.
GAS TEMPERATURES AND                           If you as the customer tell
TRANSPARENT MATERIALS                       us the temperature range, the
Normally IR is used to measure              measurement surface’s size and
solid materials or the surfaces of          distance, the required response         The Capella C3 from SensorTherm is an
liquids. However, it is also p
                             ­ ossible      time, and the measurement object’s      example of a quotient pyrometer.
to measure gas temperatures                 properties plus the surrounding
and materials that appear totally           environment, we will help to specify
transparent. Doing so relies on the         a pyrometer system that gives you
previously discussed knowledge              reliable and repeatable temperature
about emittance at different                measurements with sufficient
wavelengths.                                accuracy.
    Hot gases and flames, for                  Knowledge is everything in
instance inside furnaces, are               measurement technology, and this
detected via the presence of such           applies to IR pyrometry just as
substances as CO and CO2, which             much as to
emit in known wavelengths in                thermocouples
narrow bands, e.g. around 4.66              and Pt100
and 4.26 micrometres respectively.          sensors.
­Measuring CO2 and CO can be
 done well at temperatures between
 300 and 2,500 °C. A minimum
 ­volume of the gases to be
  measured is required, but industrial
                                                                                    The Heitronics TRT, the world’s most
                                                                                    accurate IR pyrometer.

PENTRONIC’S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES                                                               PENTRONIC NEWS 2021-2 • VOL. 13

Temperature sensors		                 Connectors and cables
Temperature transmitters		            IR pyrometers
Temperature indicators		              Temperature controllers
Dataloggers		                         Temperature calibration equipment                         Bergsliden 1, SE-593 96 Västervik
                                                                                           Tel. +46 490-25 85 00,
Temperature calibration services      Training courses in temperature
Moisture and thickness monitors       Flow meters
GFM Glass flow meters		               Electro-optical test systems                                          Subscribe to Pentronic News
                                                                                   Follow us:           at our website
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