Page created by Ray Todd
MAY 2021

Eco-Spill represents the latest generation of “bio-technology”
environmentally friendly cleaners and spill absorbents.


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                                   • Allows for cost-effective disposal

                                     In conjunction with

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Innovate to succeed
   When the effects of the pandemic are                       Those that hadn’t yet started
   discussed, much of the focus is on the               down this route swiftly jumped on                    The independent voice for the fuel distribution, storage
   negative impact on the economy and                   board and many, in the early stages,                 and marketing industry in the UK and Ireland.
   our physical and mental health. But,                 simply accelerated their digitisation.
   while the damaging effects are unlike                With these plans fast-tracked, funding               4-5 NEWS
   anything we’ve ever witnessed, it’s not              for digital initiatives is the area that has
   all bad news.                                        received the most investment through                 7, 10-11 INDUSTRY UPDATES
          Many businesses have suffered,                this time. With that in mind, this issue
   but others have flourished, and there                looks at how technology is adapting
                                                                                                             8 INDUSTRY FAREWELLS
   are many instances of companies, and                 to the evolving needs of our industry                9 TECH NEWS
   employees, embracing some of the                     and how those in the supply chain are
   enforced changes as permanent ones                   adopting it.                                         12 INDUSTRY VOICE
                                                                                                             Jodie Allan on expanding HVO trials
   for the better.                                            One thing the pandemic has
          Clearly, enforced change in                   taught us is that digital is now essential,          13-15 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS
   consumer activity has driven much of                 and we can all learn from those that                 Technology supporting the supply chain
   the B2C success, with those producing                have embraced it. In difficult times,
   PPE, sanitiser, tech solutions and the               it’s natural to look at cost-cutting, but            17 INDUSTRY FOCUS
                                                                                                             Diversity in distribution
   like all busier than ever. but there is              those businesses that have successfully
   still a commonality in the companies                 pivoted their approach prove that                    18-19 IN CONVERSATION
   that have succeeded – the successful                 strategic investment in digital can be               With Miriam James of Silvey Fleet
   adoption of technology.                              the key to success in difficult times -
          Over the last year we have covered,           provided it aligns with business aims.
                                                                                                             20-21 IRISH FOCUS
                                                                                                             The evolution of Bangor Fuels
   in these pages, the swift adaptation                       Our industry constantly seeks to
   of our own industry to increased                     improve and evolve but embracing new                 21 INDUSTRY VOICE
   homeworking and digitisation, with the               technology may give                                  David Blevings on the NI energy strategy
   adoption of cloud software and remote                an extra edge in
   working technologies. It was clear that              an increasingly
                                                                                                             22 PORTLAND MARKET REPORT
                                                                                                             Impacts and implications of the Suez blockage
   the businesses that had already begun                competitive
   to embrace these benefitted from                     market.                                              25 INDUSTRY INSIGHT
   being ahead of the game.                                                                                  Developments in online facilities

   Margaret Major, Managing Editor
                                                                                                             26 PRICING PAGE
                                                                                                             27 IN PROFILE
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   PHONE 01565 626760
                                                                                                             football ground

Stephanie Samuel                                Aine Faherty                               Rhian Burge                                   Hannah Gardner
Content & Digital Editor                        Irish News Editor                          Subscriptions                                 Accounts
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                                        On the cover                                                                          In this issue
                                        Our cover features Miriam James,                                                      In ‘Diversification Corner’ on page 11,
                                        managing director of Silvey Fleet, who                                                we hear how a distributor has evolved to
                                        we are ‘In Conversation’ with on pages                                                expand the services they offer and, on
                                        18 & 19. We hear of the role Miriam has                                               pages 13 to 15, we take an in-depth look at
                                        played in the evolution of the business                                               how technology plays an increasing role in
                                        from fuel supply to fleet solutions.                                                  the supply chain in our ‘Industry Analysis’.

Volume 44 No 5                                                                                                                                 Fuel Oil News | May 2021 3
ISSN 1757-1057

Fears for future of Stanlow refinery
Essar-owned Stanlow refinery, located in                                                                          This project, Fulcrum NorthPoint, will create
Ellesmere Port, is reportedly facing financial        Diversifying to thrive or survive?                    800 direct and indirect jobs during the design,
problems, but the company has said it is              In January 2021, plans were announced to              build and commissioning process and more than
fully committed to its operations at the              create a £760m hydrogen production plant              100 permanent jobs during its operation.
refinery, including plans to decarbonise its          at Stanlow with Essar and Progressive Energy,               A spokesperson for Essar said:
activities and produce sustainable fuel there.        developers of HyNet North West, joining forces              “Historically, Essar Oil UK has attracted over
     It has been reported that the plunging           in a venture to produce low carbon hydrogen           $1bn in investment since its acquisition in 2011.
demand for fuel during the pandemic forced            at the Ellesmere port refinery. The hydrogen          It is a long-standing private company without
Essar Oil UK to have discussions with the             will be manufactured for use across the HyNet         public shareholders.
Government with regard to its financial position.     region and is expected to create hundreds                   “We have successfully traded through a
     Essar recently said that there was a             of construction jobs, followed by thousands           very difficult 12 months and are now seeing
‘material uncertainty’ that could throw doubt         more across the region once the network is            increased demand for road transport fuels
over its ability to continue as a going concern. It   completed.                                            and improving refining margins, which has
also added that a ‘significant drop in demand               Stein Ivar Bye, Essar Oil UK chief executive,   resulted in increased throughput at the Stanlow
and poor refining margins, coupled with market        said at the time:                                     Manufacturing Complex.
volatility caused operating losses’.                        “Essar is committed to innovative growth              “We are not a levered business and
     A spokesperson for Essar said the company        as a means to create positive impact to               currently we do not have any short term or long-
has ‘historically been very profitable, but the       both economy and environment. HyNet and               term bank debt on the company, other than
pandemic has affected all refiners, with repeated     hydrogen production is integral to Stanlow’s          working capital lines.
lockdowns leading to reduced products demand          strategy and will set it on a journey to be the             “Prior to coronavirus, we were generating
and depressed refining margins’.                      UK’s first net zero emission refinery with the        EBITDA in excess of $300m per year. We remain
     Essar bought the former Shell refinery           ambition to avoid emissions of over two million       confident that we can manage through this
at Stanlow in 2011. The site directly employs         tonnes of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere per        period and come out stronger as the economy
around 900 staff, with up to a further 800            year, the equivalent of taking nearly a million       clearly continues to recover.”
contractors and produces 16% of the UK’s              cars off the road.                                          At time of going to press Essar reported
diesel and petrol as well as almost 10bn litres of          “With the support from government to            that it has successfully addressed the required
aviation fuel a year.                                 establish the appropriate business incentives,        financing to replace the previous receivables
     With reports suggesting that discussions         together with Progressive Energy, we are              facility with a spokesperson commenting:
could involve a request for direct financial          committed to undertaking the development and                “We are delighted to report on the positive
support questions would be sure to arise around       the financing of its construction.”                   developments at the refinery. We are grateful
the ‘optic’ of the government providing such                February brought Essar’s announcement           for the support we have received, and continue
support to the fossil fuel industry in the year       that it has joined forces with Fulcrum BioEnergy      to receive, from our customers, suppliers and
of COP26. It will be interesting to see if this       and Stanlow Terminals to create a new £600m           the Government through the last year. We look
could be avoided by placing the emphasis of           facility which will convert non-recyclable            forward to continuing to serve our customers
any support on Essar’s plans to move to more          household waste into sustainable aviation fuel        with high-value products and progressing our
sustainable ventures.                                 (SAF) for use by airlines operating at UK airports.   post-carbon transformation plans.”

Greenergy completes acquisition of Amber Petroleum
Greenergy has completed the acquisition of
Amber Petroleum (‘Amber’), an independent
fuel retailer and distributor based in the
Republic of Ireland.
The completion of this transaction gives
Greenergy a growing presence in Ireland
where it currently markets through Inver
     Christian Flach, Greenergy CEO said:
     “This transaction is a key part of our growth
strategy in our key markets and it will allow us to
continue to expand our integrated platform in
Ireland, building on our existing infrastructure,
supply and retail operations. I look forward to
welcoming the Amber team to Greenergy.”
     Amber’s existing management team and
staff will remain in place.

4 Fuel Oil News | May 2021
Essar donates £3,000 to provide dementia support
A significant safety milestone reached at
Essar Stanlow has seen a £3,000 donation
made to The Alzheimer’s Society. The
award recognises the recent achievement
of reaching one million hours without
a Recordable Injury at the Ellesmere
Port site. The funds were raised through
Essar’s ‘Let’s Give’ scheme, which links the
company’s commitment to safety directly
with charitable giving. Essar employees and
business partners nominate a chosen charity
as safety milestones are met.
      David Ellis, employed by Essar business
partner, Sarens UK Ltd, said:
      “I would like to thank Essar for their
generous donation. I know first-hand how
challenging living with dementia can be as my
mother lived with vascular dementia before
passing away a few years ago. It was a difficult
time for all of us and the disease has so many
unanswered questions still.
      “The money will go to a very worthy charity
to help research and support those in need of
help. I am very proud to be part of a safety team
initiative that can provide financial support to
such a worthwhile cause.”
      Linzi Stewart, community fundraiser for
Alzheimer’s Society in Cheshire said:
      “In Cheshire and across the UK, people
affected by dementia have been hit hard by
the pandemic. From the high death rate in
                                                    David Ellis presents £3,000 donation to Alzheimer’s Society as part of Let’s Give safety initiative at Stanlow Refinery
care homes, to the significant cognitive decline
for people in the community, to the rising          their families need us now more than ever.                   and that number is growing. The Alzheimer’s
mental health challenges for unpaid carers,         During the pandemic there has been an                        Society has been hit hard financially because of
the pandemic has had a severe impact, while         unprecedented demand for our services with                   the pandemic and we are therefore delighted to
exposing our fragmented social care system.         our DementiaConnect support line receiving                   receive a donation from Essar to help us deliver
      “People affected by dementia and              over three million calls since March 2020 alone,             vital services to those in need.”

UKIFDA reveals sponsors for Future Fuels EXPO
UKIFDA has revealed that the sponsor for                                                                         current climate, and we’re proud to be involved
the second day of the two-day Future Fuels                                                                       in such a big way in the programme plans for
conference is Cobo Tankers and Services Ltd.                                                                     the second day which focuses on the future of
      Long standing supporter of UKIFDA EXPO,                                                                    the industry and future fuels.”
Cobo Tankers and Services Ltd will join headline                                                                      Dawn Shakespeare, UKIFDA membership
sponsor Phillips 66 Ltd as supporters of this                                                                    and events manager, comments:
annual event which is, this year, celebrating its                                                                     “Cobo has been so involved in our EXPOs
40th anniversary.                                                                                                over the years that we’re thrilled they have
      UKIFDA chief executive, Ken Cronin says:                                                                   a more central role this year as second-
“This year’s EXPO promises to be just as positive                                                                day sponsors for our first virtual event and
and rewarding for those involved as all our               Fernando Gomis, of Cobo Tankers and                    conference. As well as being sponsors of the 2nd
previous events have been and we’re hugely          Services UK Ltd says:                                        day of the conference they are also exhibiting
excited that this will be our first virtual EXPO          “We’re delighted to be sponsoring day two              and are promising exciting new things to
in its 40-year history – and that longstanding      of the first ever virtual UKIFDA EXPO. It’s such             showcase to visitors to their virtual exhibition
supporters of our annual industry show, Cobo,       welcome news UKIFDA found a way to make                      booth”.
will be sponsoring the second day.”                 it safe for the annual event to take place in the                 Find the full update at

                                                                                                                                       Fuel Oil News | May 2021 5
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Leading industry
50 years of
This spring sees OTS Group Ltd celebrating its 50th anniversary                  Constant evolution underpinned by innovation
and, from its humble beginnings in a farm cowshed, to becoming a                 Over the decades, OTS has constantly evolved in response to industry
leader in the fuel industry, the company has never lost sight of its             needs and new technologies, and has always striven to be ahead of
values.                                                                          changing times. This has led the company to developing a number
     Established in 1971 as Oil Tank Supplies Ltd. it was originally focused     of unique patented products such as the OTS MultiServ™ which is
on the manufacture of small domestic oil storage tanks and installation          effectively a pop-up commercial filling station. Now OTS is the leader
and changeover services.                                                         in the fuel storage and installation industry with a large fleet of fully
     “It all started with Peter Wood and I meeting at Seale Hayne                compliant storage tanks up to 100,000 litres for hire, a highly skilled
Agricultural College in Devon and we kept in touch and both realised that        technical support team covering the whole of the UK and Ireland and
we were probably unemployable,” remembers co-founder Bruce Woodall.              also manufactures bunded steel tanks up to 200,000 litres to OFS T/200
“Therefore, we decided we should start a business of our own and                 which is the highest standard in the UK for bunded steel tanks. OTS also
recognised there was an opportunity to seize in oil-fired central heating        specialises in designing and building distribution depots, fuel dispensing
by manufacturing domestic oil storage tanks".                                    systems and management systems for the large food retailers and online
                                                                                 distribution businesses. OTS has pioneered many special projects over
Timing is everything                                                             the years, like the floating fuelling system they designed and built for
“We started in a cowshed at Churchdown near Cheltenham. The tanks                Whitelink Ferries in Portsmouth harbour, and Plymouth Fisheries new
were manufactured in the old cowshed and every piece of steel and                fuelling system for the trawlers.
the finished tanks were manually handled. No forklifts! Within 2 years,                With the drive to reach net zero by 2050 and, therefore, the advent
we persuaded CoSIRA (Council for Small Industries in Rural Areas) to             of new fuels to reduce tailpipe emissions, the company has developed
give us an industrial building loan for our first factory at Andoversford,       a fuel-quality division to deal with the problems arising from modern
near Cheltenham. Two years later we moved into the factory and we                biofuels which can cause issues with the latest Euro 6 engines. The
were then manufacturing around 200 tanks a month, and everything                 subsidiary company, TankCare Ltd, holds the UKIFDA contract for fuel
was looking good. Then, in November of 1973, OPEC suddenly decided               quality testing for their fuel distribution members in the UK and Ireland.
to rapidly increase the price of crude oil which literally changed the                 “Throughout this constant evolution, innovation has remained the
domestic heating scene overnight".                                               underlying principle to everything we do. We are proud to be celebrating
      That year, the price of kerosene more than doubled in price and            this milestone today,” adds Bruce.
orders dropped within 2 months to less than 50 tanks a month.                          OTS Group heads into its sixth decade with a strong commitment to
      “It taught us that we had to diversify to build a sustainable business,”   its core principles of; enabling and growing a strong. technically-advanced
adds Bruce. The company then started dealing in second-hand tanks                work force, constant innovation and improvement and continuing to
which were refurbished and resold - mainly to the commercial sector,             serve its customers, who it also regards as its future.
including farmers, many of whom were friends from agricultural days.                   Conscious of the GHG and air quality issues with fossil fuels, OTS
      “In 1982 OTS diversified into supplying tanks to filling stations and      Group has become involved with organisations like the Fuel Experts
then to refurbishing filling stations ourselves, employing our own skilled       Association (FEA) who represent companies who are developing clean
tradesmen. This was followed by us purchasing old filling station sites to       energy and clean liquid biofuels such as HVO. Bruce believes that there is
refurbish ourselves as ‘hospital jobs’ between contracts. The same year,         a bright future for clean drop-in fuels and also that, ultimately, hydrogen
the company purchased Happylands Quarry near Chipping Campden,                   will be the utopian fuel for transport and heating.
an 11-acre site, and got planning permission to use the site as our new
premises for tanks and services.                                                 Celebrations
      “We quarried out 500,000 tonnes as a JV with a large Quarry                “Covid19 may have put a bit of a damper on celebrations, but it has also
Company to build the M40 section near Warwick and then renamed the               made us realise how important our community is to us.”
site Springhill Industrial Estate,” adds Bruce. “We were also then involved           “An anniversary logo has been developed to mark this special year,
in importing and selling wood-burning stoves and cast-iron garden                which we plan to use on all our communications. But we look forward to
furniture and Peter wished to do other things, so I bought Peter’s shares        celebrating the next big milestone in person with employees, partners,
and kept the oil industry businesses and he kept stoves and furniture”.          clients and friends,” concludes Steve Gain, managing director.

                                                                                                                             Fuel Oil News | May 2021 7

Neil Parkinson
                                     Fuel Oil News is saddened to report
                                     the passing of Neil Parkinson.
                                     Employed by Callow Oils in the
                                     role of sales representative for
                                     ten years, Helen Needham shares
                                     memories of Neil with us.
                                            “Although employed as sales
                                     representative, Neil was always happy
                                     to turn his hand to anything including
                                     driving the artic on occasions. His
                                     first trip, many years ago, to Cardiff
                                                                                 Mark Mackenzie
                                     Terminal has gone down in Callow            Fuel Oil News is saddened to report the passing of Mark Mackenzie,
                                     folklore, when he got lost en route         on 23rd March 2021, aged 38 years.
                                     having said he knew the country like              In April 2002, Mark started at Nolan Oils as a tank installer. He quickly
the back of his hand.                                                            took responsibility as routing clerk and then progressed further to depot
      “As well as being a well-respected colleague who was a super               manager. Mark was enthusiastic at work and he loved football and horse
salesperson, he was a dear friend and the kindest person you could ever          racing.
hope to meet. We were often spoilt in the office with his home-grown                   Mark discovered that he had motor neurone disease and had
flowers and produce.                                                             difficulty walking at the UKIFDA EXPO (then named FPS) in 2016. As it
      “At the Callow Oils 50th anniversary party Neil had perhaps one too        advanced, Mark worked from home for a time in 2016/17.
many, fell over on the dance floor, cut his head resulting in an ambulance             Mark Nolan said: “As this cruel illness progressed, Mark kept a sense of
being called and the party coming to an early close. The following Monday        humour during our visits.
Neil came into the office large as life and blamed his slippery, new shoes             “His nickname was Treacle and most of the suppliers used to call and
for the tumble. As you can imagine a lot of ribbing followed.                    ask for him by this name. Mark was very popular with the supply managers
      “We are still reeling from his tragic death and he will be sorely missed   and haulage companies we used. He was a very reliable colleague and
by colleagues and customers alike. Rest in peace Neil.”                          friend who was, and is, sorely missed."

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8 Fuel Oil News | May 2021

Alpeco launches ‘TEX’, the new benchmark for fuel
tanker management and system control
Alpeco’s MF400, 800 and 1100              entire tanker delivery system
road tanker delivery systems           • ATEX approved enclosure with 7”
are well renowned within the              full colour screen with large font
fuel oil distribution industry for        display
giving long term reliability and       • Alpha numeric keypad providing
the highest level of accuracy.            simple navigation of the intuitive
The introduction of the new TEX           menu
flow computer adds another             • Graphical display showing
dimension in terms of system              compartment volumes and
control and data management               grades in industry recognised
as well as protection against             colours
costly cross contamination             • Load inventory providing anti-            Nolan Fuel Oils Ltd, based near   TEX that we have specified it for a
errors.                                   crossover prevention feature         Bicester, has been using TEX since     further 2 new tankers which will be
      Built from the ground up, the    • Unlimited entry of named             September 2020. Mark Nolan,            added to the fleet this year."
TEX is the result of a three-year         products                             managing director, said:                     Adrian, a driver at Nolan Fuel
R&D program by SAMPI and,              • Multiple connectivity options             “It’s a fantastic product,        Oils added:
as with its Truck III predecessor,        enabling remote control and          especially the cross-contamination           “The TEX-LINK remote allows
the TEX is available as a stand-          data transfer between in-cab         features which prevent the             me to switch compartments,
alone unit or integrated with the         computers and iMeter tracking        accidental opening of the wrong        change pre-set and line change
CHECKMATE stainless steel control         systems.                             compartment. Our drivers find the      without walking back to the tanker”.
module.                                • TEX-LINK REMOTE giving full          colour graphics on the screen very           For more information, please
Key features include:                     control over the entire delivery     clear and easy to understand. We       visit or contact
• Single operator interface for the      system                               have been so impressed with the        Alpeco on 01296 619510.

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                                                                                                                            Fuel Oil News | May 2021 9

Prax Lindsey Oil Refinery
Prax has made a number of significant                invest in the site every year to adapt the facility
announcements in recent months and we                to improve safety and respond to the demands
spoke with Sanjeev Kumar to find out more            of the market. Our ongoing commitment is to
about the company’s plans and how this               build a reliable supply chain to meet the needs
may affect distributors.                             of our customers for many years to come.
                                                           “We are currently in the process of
Sourcing supplies through Trafigura                  investigating several different projects for Prax
“The crude oil and feedstocks supply                 Lindsey Oil Refinery, which will bring additional
arrangement with Trafigura is our preferred          value to our business. The acquisition was            which runs from the refinery to Buncefield. The
way forward due to our long-term relationship        a natural progression for the Group, as it            Finaline is now fully operational and allows us
with them, and the fact that Trafigura has           provides us with the opportunity to integrate         to deliver multi-products to the Greater London
an extensive global reach in international oil       the refinery and its associated product flows         area. Product from the refinery can also be fed
markets, allowing it to source an optimal range      into the Group’s UK distribution and retail           by pipeline from Buncefield to Heathrow Airport
of crude oils and feedstocks for the refinery.       footprint, which operates under the Harvest           and, as a significant aviation player, we can
      “The arrangement is an important step          Energy brand. This will create unique future          further strengthen our presence in this arena.
in our plans for the long-term growth of the         synergies with existing Prax-owned assets. We              “That is not to say that we intend to neglect
refinery, paving the way for us to provide           will also be moving more product by ship and          the Humber area, as we are determined to play
operational and planning flexibility, as well as     rail and we own the largest private rail complex      an important role in the region. We are only
helping us to continue to deliver an excellent       in the UK. We will, additionally, be exploiting the   a few weeks into our ownership and there are
level of service to our customers."                  benefits of the 215-kilometre Finaline pipeline,      many opportunities that we still need to assess.
                                                                                                           We are reviewing strategic future projects for
Growth, adaptation and diversification                                                                     the site and the wider area, such as the Humber
“We acquired Lindsey Oil Refinery with the                                                                 Zero Project and co-processing greener biofuels.
clear objective of continuing to operate it                                                                Separately, we also have planning permission
as a refinery and, through the right type of                                                               for a racking system to be installed, where trucks
strategic investment, we will ensure that all                                                              can be loaded more efficiently. So, watch this
units are enhanced. The UK energy industry                                                                 space!"
is transitioning and we will be embracing this
transition with the modifications we are making                                                            Using our resources to meet net zero
at the refinery. The Prax Group is still very much                                                         “Our industry is facing tremendous challenges
in a growth phase, and so we will continue to                                                              as it transitions towards a Net-Zero economy.

Pledges on jobs and decarbonisation
as Luc Smets joins Prax
Luc Smets has been appointed general manager of the Prax                        sustainable for the future.
Lindsey Oil Refinery at North Killingholme.                                           “Although we have only
     Luc brings with him more than three decades of experience in the           been in place at Prax Lindsey Oil
petrochemical industry, with 23 of those years spent with ExxonMobil.           Refinery for a couple of months,
     As part of corporate strategy for the refinery, the Prax Group has         we are already making contacts
committed to boosting the workforce while also focusing on the reduction        with relevant organisations in
of emissions under a net zero initiative.                                       the surrounding area, such as
     In a recent interview, Luc said: “The first commitment the Group           ABP, VPI, Phillips 66 and the
made to the team at the refinery, is that the existing organisation will not    Petroleum Industry Association.
be affected. We need the existing team and nobody is at risk.                         “We are aware of the
     “But, looking at all the projects we have on the table, the question       Humber Zero initiatives, and I want to understand what this entails and
is what resources we need now and in the future, and can we do it with          what role we can play in these projects.
the existing organisation? The answer is no … and we are now looking                  “We fully support the move towards zero emissions, and while this
at where and how to expand the organisation. Should it be insourced or          will be challenging as we move ahead, it is part of our corporate and
outsourced?                                                                     local strategy and underpins everything we do.”
     “At this moment, the only certain answer I can give, is that job                 Luc added that Prax was investigating what measures the company
numbers will rise, and sooner rather than later.”                               could take to become a benchmark for the region, while contributing
     Commenting on the net zero agenda, Luc said:                               positively to the work of the authorities in this respect.
     “Our intention is to play a major part in most of these projects                 On another key aspect of the future strategy of the Prax Group, Luc
in order to take our Corporate Social Responsibility seriously and be           underlined the commitment to developing operations in the area of

10 Fuel Oil News | May 2021

                                                                                                             VE CO
The sector will use its extensive resources to

                                                                                                               RS RN
decarbonise its activities and products with

                                                                                                                 IFI ER
                                                     and Webber
technologies such as hydrogen supply, energy

storage and carbon capture utilisation and
storage. The Covid-19 recovery process and

the net zero target need to be addressed as

twin challenges in order to meet the UK’s            Providing home-heating oil throughout
decarbonisation target in an efficient manner.       Devon and Cornwall for over 120 years,
In terms of the refinery, we will be ensuring that   Mitchell and Webber has, over time,
our social responsibility strategy continues to      expanded both the services and products
remain front and centre of everything we do."        it offers to include industrial maintenance
                                                     services and alternative liquid fuels.
Tailor-made solutions

“We now have a complete national presence for                obert and John Weedon, directors of
UK distributors to pick up oil supplies. We are a            South-West based distributor Mitchell and
sizable player, and that scale means that we can             Webber, take us back to 2018 to tell us
service our clients much better, guaranteeing        why the company decided to diversify its offering
them both reliability and security of supply. The    to include industrial services:
UK distributor community is also assured of                “We received various customer requests for
availability of product due to the geography of      tank cleaning, fuel polishing and fuel uplifts from
our UK supply network, and the relatively short      tanks and we decided that, with additional training and by bringing specialists on board, we
distances we can cover from the refinery to such     could offer this as an extension of our services.”
places as Grangemouth, Jarrow and London.                  Elaborating further on the services offered, Robert said:
However, we recognise that some distributors               “Extensive training has been undertaken which we believe exceeds industry standards. We
may wish to pick up product by rail and ship,        have developed our experience with various specialist vehicles, from ADR vacuum tankers to
rather than road, and our new offerings ensure       bulk uplift vehicles.
that we can accommodate these requirements.                “Catering for national and international customers from various sectors, our industrial
      “Coupled with our ability to provide           services include tank cleaning, fuel uplift, fuel polishing, pipework, cleaning services, upgrading
tailor-made and competitive pricing solutions,       and installations of fuel systems and storage tanks. All services are carried out by trained and
spot volumes, and dedicated desk support             certified staff members.”
for corporate contracts, this means that we                Telling us more about the benefit of offering industrial services, John said:
are confident that our overall portfolio for               “A key benefit of this increased offering is that we can offer a quick and affordable
distributors is very attractive."                    response for our customers. The operations are all year round so available staff can be utilised
                                                     during quiet periods, in the summer, for example.”
      “Hydrogen will play a major role in the        Diversification of product portfolio
future, and we are currently looking at how we       The March issue of Fuel Oil News detailed Mitchell and Webber’s involvement in the national
can bring value to the ongoing initiatives,” he      trials of HVO. John speaks further about this diversification of the company’s product portfolio:
said.                                                      “We are delighted to have been the first company to commence the OFTEC & UKIFDA
      Looking ahead, Luc is keen to bring his        trials in a property in Redruth and these have gone extremely well. We have expanded the trial
experience of both corporate and independent         to cover more appliances, such as AGAs, Rayburns, condensing, noncondensing and low Nox
plant operations to the table in his new role,       boilers. We very much hope this new liquid renewable fuel will be the way forward for heating
melding the best of the two cultures as the          homes in the UK.”
refinery makes the transition to Prax.                     Highlighting areas where the industry will continue to adapt, John concluded:
      “One of the reasons I joined Prax is the             “With the onset of future renewable fuels, we see a future for the industry and will always
challenge involved in a takeover such as this,       adapt to what our customers require".
and I am excited to move forwards with a
knowledgeable team, who are capable and
motivated and ready to respond to the new
working dynamic,” he said.
      “We are a company in the fast lane,
decision lines are short, management is lean
and another key advantage is the hands-on
attitude of our CEO Sanjeev Kumar, who is
always on hand to steer developments.”
      We look forward to seeing and sharing
Prax’s future decarbonisation plans within our
pages. Get to know Luc Smets a little better in
our ‘In Profile’ feature in the August issue.

                                                                                                                      Fuel Oil News | May 2021 11

HVO trials expand from Cornwall to Croftamie

Taking the reigns                                   as well as having a CHP Unit (Combined                on what government does in relation to the
Jodie explains how the company got involved:        Heat & Power) at our main yard in Croftamie           current C11P duty on renewable heating fuels,
      “The trial is part of the ‘National           that supplies our heating for our offices and         it may be a permanent change.
Trials’ comprising UKIFDA, OFTEC, tank              workshop.”
manufacturers, distributors etc and being on                                                              What was involved in this fuel
the UKIFDA management committee enabled             Where will HVO sit in relation to                     conversion?
me to become part of the working group.             hydrogen?                                                                          “The existing fuel
Each of the distributors in the working group       “We are going to need a range of fuels and                                         storage tank had
were asked to provide proposed sites for the        technologies. The key is to ensure that the                                        to be emptied
trials to take place, which OFTEC would then        consumer has a choice and that the solution                                        and cleansed, as
survey. The aim was to have sites positioned        is, where possible, the lowest cost and least                                      far as reasonably
throughout the UK to gather data and then           disruptive. Hydrogen and renewable liquid fuels                                    possible, with all the
feed back to the group. With the initial            will each have their place.                                                        fuel filter elements
trials carried out in Cornwall we, at James D             “I believe the trial will play an important                                  being replaced. A
Bilsland, are well positioned to play our part in   part in ensuring renewable liquid fuels are on                                     HVO conversion kit
expanding them".                                    the government’s strategic planning when                                           was used, which
      We asked Jodie what the feedback has          dealing with climate and plans for net zero                                        had a replacement
been from customers.                                carbon emissions. This, in turn, will safeguard       biofuel hose and a range of HVO nozzles. We
      “Customers have been very keen to learn       our industry and make sure we are part of the         then had Kyle Spittal from K Spittal Plumbing &
more, as they know that the cost that would         future and that we have an important role in          Heating facilitate the conversion to HVO – and
come with having to put in a new heating            reducing carbon emissions, if allowed.”               Kyle continues to monitor the conversion. It
system such as an air source heat pump                                                                    wasn’t intrusive in the slightest and has been
would prove costly, especially when they have       HVO at home                                           seamless.
a perfectly good, working heating system in         Jodie also revealed that, as part of the trial, her        “I believe HVO could be adopted as an
place, so it makes sense that a renewable liquid    own home heating has been converted from              alternative liquid fuel should the trial produce
fuel should be available.                           kerposene to HVO.                                     the results that we are looking for and as long
      “Before the trial, we did not have an              “The trial will probably run in my home          as production can meet demand.”
alternative liquid fuel however, we do sell wood    for around a year to gather data through all               Fuel Oil News will be following the trials
pellets and wood chip which are renewables,         the seasons. If all goes well, and depending          closely and we look forward to sharing updates.

12 Fuel Oil News | May 2021

Technology: Supporting
the supply chain

On-site AR and remote working for
efficiency and improved safety
As part of a digital transformation strategy,
Shell has entered into a contract with Intoware
who will provide WorkfloPlus at Shell’s upstream
and downstream manufacturing operations,
following a 12-month trial.
     Telling us about the service provided
to Shell, Vince Galvin, chief revenue officer,
Intoware, said:
     “WorkfloPlus will help Shell’s workers to
undertake activities such as daily inspection
audits and maintenance tasks by creating live
in-work views, progress updates and immediate
results analysis, encouraging collaborative
working and improved problem solving.”
     The recently released enhanced reporting
capabilities, with the option to integrate         working, companies are increasingly adopting         simplicity of Intoware’s digital workflows for
WorkfloPlus into customers’ existing identity      new digital solutions such as WorkfloPlus to help    onboarding, inspections or repairs and the ease
infrastructure, allows for improved job            optimise operations, even with fewer frontline       of integrations will help us access key, often
scheduling and the ability to connect to the       workers".                                            unique, data insights. This, together with a fast
remote experts of their choice. With social             Michael Kaldenbach, digital realities lead,     and easy deployment, live job updates and
distancing, the ability to consult with experts    Shell said:                                          alerts, integrated remote expert providers and
remotely, even when carrying out inspections or         “WorkfloPlus adds, to our existing eXtended     great support from their technical development
repairs is an extremely valuable service.          Realities portfolio, the ability to support our      team are going to enable further efficiencies
     Vince Galvin explains further:                front-line workers with process guidance and         and safer working practices".
     “Companies are looking for new innovative     reporting when connectivity is challenging.
technologies that will accelerate their digital    Digitising standard operating procedures allows      A single, paperless system
transformation programmes, ones that can           front-line workers to focus on their tasks and       With the value of a single, simple and paperless
be easily adopted and make a real difference,      access additional relevant information when          workflow process emphasised by the Shell
especially when it comes to the connected          required.                                            / Intoware partnership, Paul Foley, CEO of
worker. The ability to use mobile and wearable          “Once their task is completed, the              DreamTec tells us more about the full-system
technology, combined with workflow software        WorkfloPlus platform automatically compiles          technologies that are being most widely
that drives productivity gains and connectivity    the captured data in a report that is shared         adopted by fuel oil distributors and the positive
without compromising on risk or health and         with relevant stakeholders and systems, thereby      impact this is having for management, staff
safety, is increasingly in demand for many         simplifying and reducing the overhead of             and drivers:
industries, including downstream oil refiners      the front-line worker. If connectivity is not             “For many of our customers, they start
and distributors.                                  available at the work location, this data transfer   with installing meter tracking, keeping a close
     “For instance, when these technologies        automatically occurs when the front-line worker      eye on stock. Many then move to the full tablet
were combined with WorkfloPlus to digitise         is back within communication range, allowing         solution, removing paper and going electronic.”
inspections, they yielded a substantial 200%       them to focus on their next activity instead of           “Covid has increased demand and actually
increase in offshore productivity for one of our   having to manually write down the results or         presents a good reason to adopt technologies
clients recently. In the pandemic environment      transfer them into their existing systems".          that reduce the time for drivers to be near or
that we now find ourselves in, with restrictions        Michael Kaldenbach continues:                   in the office, cut out paper handling and give
on movement and requirements for remote                 “We see benefits from the detail and            management transparency on field activity.

                                                                                                                         Fuel Oil News | May 2021 13

With so many staff members working from                                                                   be one step ahead of demand is imperative,
home, our systems give management complete                                                                especially considering how quickly technology
control.”                                                                                                 advances. Martin Cook, managing director,
      Explaining the advantages further, Paul                                                             Mabanaft, explains that staying ahead of the
continued:                                                                                                curve is helping to transform processes for fuel
      “There are huge benefits to digitising the                                                          oil distributors:
distribution business, mostly around speed, with                                                                “Mabalive continues to transform deal
drivers being focused on making deliveries and                                                            administration with real-time pricing, online
office staff being able to focus on sales and                                                             ordering, deal tracking and detailed reporting.
customers rather than admin or paperwork.                                                                 We also plan to launch online bidding on
Some of our customers made the move to                                                                    Mabalive, which will offer a new and exciting
these systems years ago, whereas some are                                                                 dynamic to the process of purchasing fuel
only starting now. Without doubt, if you want                                                             online, as well as additional tracking and
to grow the business, systems like our latest         don’t need to go back to the office to pick up      monitoring to further enhance our services.
android command can give you the tools to             orders. As well as saving both time and money,            “Mabanaft is also now offering a vendor
deliver a fantastic return in a very short time".     this has also helped to keep valuable social        managed inventory (VMI) service which uses
      Darren Priddey, national sales manager at       distancing measures in place.”                      technology to remotely monitor a customer’s
Fuelsoft, also emphasised customers’ desires to             “Fuelsoft is also fully integrated with       tanks to ensure a site remains ‘wet’ at all times.
have a single, paperless solution to save both        Optitool, an optimised route planning software      We will be looking to roll this out to customers
time and money:                                       solution,” Darren continued.                        who could benefit from VMI as part of our
      “Integration is at the heart of everything            “Optimising drivers’ routes saves further     delivered-in service.”
we do, and we continually look to enhance             time, presents the opportunity to increase the
the level of integration with industry leading        number of deliveries in a day, and allows the       A medley of solutions for distributors
‘in cab’ solution providers, DreamTec and             fuel distributor to provide the customer with       Another company constantly seeking new
Touchstar.                                            ETAs and consequently a higher level of service".   ways to automate processes is Mechtronic
      “We’ve recently completed Phase 1 of                  With a number of available systems,           who, as of the end of March 2021, has 300 of
a development project with Lightyear, an              technologies and updates, being able to utilise     its OptiMate systems in operation across the
accounts payable (AP) automation tool which           several throughout the distribution process,        UK and Ireland, with another 150 in build, and
automates the data-entry from all supplier            to maximise cohesive operations, is key to a        considers that this move towards OptiMate is a
invoices and puts the invoices into a digital         seamless supply chain.                              clear demonstration that automation is seen as
approvals workflow, saving AP teams up to                   When asked about the technological            the way forward for the fuel industry.
80% of their time, eliminating the need to            advancement that has most revolutionised                 Brad Wilkie, sales and marketing manager
manually enter the invoices. Integrating              the industry, Nick Hawkins commercial               at MechTronic, said:
Fuelsoft with Lightyear provides real-time,           director, Kingspan comments on the seamless              “OptiMate has been engineered to feature
accurate accounting data within the Fuelsoft          integration of the company’s latest radar           a range of automatic processes such as product
platform, and means that users can collaborate        telemetry device:                                   loading via our bespoke SPGI (smart product
with team members, accountants, bookkeepers                 “Our latest Radar telemetry device uses 2G,   grade indicator) system, automatic line change
and suppliers with the digital approvals process      NB-IoT or SIGFOX connectivity. It integrates        and the automatic process of emptying of the
that Lightyear provides. It makes accounts            seamlessly with Codas and Fuelsoft and gives        manifold – drivers and fuel oil operatives can be
and bookkeeping easy and, most favourably,            the end-user the option of a mobile phone app.      confident that the correct fuel is delivered every
paperless.”                                           Plus, installation could not be easier on either    time and free from contamination.
                                                      plastic-bunded or single-skin tanks; you don’t           “In addition, through the use of modern
Seamless integration                                  even have to drill a hole!                          technologies and solid-state firmware, we have
When speaking with suppliers, distributors and              “We have several hardware and                 been able to reduce the number of components
wholesalers on this topic it was clear to see that,   connectivity options, ensuring the correct          (such as logic valves and sensors) by some 30%
at the top of the priorities list, alongside going    solution whatever the tank, whatever the            which increases the performance and reliability
paperless and being able to remotely control          location, whatever the requirement. And if          of OptiMate".
deliveries, is seamless integration.                  a fuel oil distributor purchases one of our              As a fuel distributor open to considering
     Darren Priddey tells us more about the last      Kingspan tanks, we can supply a hardware            new solutions Mark Nolan, managing director
12-18 months for Fuelsoft:                            telemetry solution, free of charge".                of Oxon based Nolan Oils, shared some of the
     “The uptake of fully integrated web                    As Nick emphasises;                           automation technologies that the company
ordering systems has seen major growth over                 “Distributors are becoming more aware         already has in place.
the past year and a half, and this is down to a       of the value of telemetry and are using it to            “Masternaut vehicle tracking allows the
number of factors. With our integrated solution,      improve customer service, reduce customer           entire fleet to be viewed on a live map at any
customers can place an order on a distributor’s       churn, and drive operational efficiencies such as   point in time. This means we can track fleet
website, and this order will feed into the back-      reducing left-on-boards and delivery frequency”.    activity, provide arrival times and check a
office software, be scheduled and be transferred                                                          vehicle’s status with ease. I’d go as far as to
to the ‘in cab’ computer for the driver to see.       Ahead of the curve                                  say that real time delivery update has been the
No tickets need to change hands and drivers           Alongside seamless integration, the ability to      most revolutionary to date.

14 Fuel Oil News | May 2021
“We also utilise Alpeco’s TEX FLOW              our customers with a digital solution that                 customer feedback.
operating system on our COBO tanker. This             transforms their workforce, enabling connected                   “Based on customer feedback, we are
allows us to monitor grades and volumes in            working for better data-driven decisions in                developing a remote control which will provide
each compartment and reduce the risk of               downstream oil.”                                           drivers with the full management of the delivery
making costly errors in the set-up and delivery            Asked about what’s in the pipeline for                process from the point of delivery. This will not
process.                                              DreamTec, Paul replies:                                    only save time during deliveries but ensure
      “We have also been trialling lorry cameras           “We are constantly evaluating new                     that the driver remains at the point of delivery
on the new truck and will eventually fit these to     technologies and looking for application in our            throughout.”
all of our lorries. To keep a close eye on storage,   product – some of the newer wireless platforms                   In considering where digitalisation and
we use EA Project Stock which is fantastic for        include 5G, NFC, RFID. Using the collected data            automation may take the industry, Michael
stock checks and reviews.”                            to drive improvements we always look for useful            Kaldenbach, Shell offers a useful conclusion.
      Automation is not always seen as a              trends that can help customers make better                       “Digital technologies are transforming our
positive especially where it cannot compete           decisions. Meter technology is also improving,             lives in ways that were unimaginable even a
directly with acquired knowledge. Route               and we have meters at the heart of all our                 decade ago. Digitalisation is also transforming
optimisation software, for example, may be            solutions, so we like using the accurate data              the energy industry, by improving efficiency
unaware of a shortcut known to someone                they collect".                                             and safety, and by facilitating the use of
who has been in the industry 30+ years, but,               Commenting on Fuelsoft’s upcoming                     renewable energy. We believe what could be
for a new driver who is not as familiar with the      additions to its product portfolio, Darren said:           next is the end-to-end digital integration –
surrounding area, optimised route planning                 “Our software roadmap includes providing              where we recognise that digital is all about
could be hugely advantageous.                         a higher level of integration into banking                 data: from collecting data and feeding that
                                                      software to enhance bank reconciliation                    into AI. This creates end-to-end solutions that
What is coming next?                                  services for our customers. Alongside this,                result in actional insights that support decision
In addition to their remote structure, Intoware       we will continue to improve and enhance                    making, thereby creating value.”
is also releasing a web client. Vince Galvin tells    our existing automation and integration                          It has been interesting to speak with
us more.                                              technologies, taking on board all feedback from            various stages of the supply chain on different
      “The web client will help move us into job      quarterly reviews with our customers".                     automation technologies for this feature – but
management as well as improving the digital                Brad Wilkie also speaks of changes in                 what works, or doesn’t work, for you? Let us
workflow side. The aim of all this is to provide      MechTronic’s pipeline as a direct result of                know:

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                                                                                                                                Fuel Oil News | August 2020 15
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Diversity in distribution

Fresh blood                                         had been doing.                                     wanted to make fuel deliveries, I went to Chris
I joined the Craggs’ new apprenticeship                   Craggs Energy not only gave me that           with the idea and he was over the moon. Chris,
scheme in 2015, called ‘Craggs Academy’             challenge but helped massively with self-           alongside other managers, helped to make it
which was created to entice young people to         confidence. I’ve come on leaps and bounds           happen.
learn about the industry and join the fuels sales   since joining the company and have not looked             Although I have been making deliveries for
world. This worked brilliantly, as myself and two   back since. Talking to customers over the phone     almost four years now, a lot of people are still
others that joined the academy are still working    and face to face on fuel deliveries has helped in   surprised when they see me turn up with their
for Craggs Energy to this day.                      a big way.                                          fuel. The majority are happy to see a woman
      After completing the apprenticeship,                I love the fact that I can be in the office   working hard and getting the job done, just
Craggs offered me a full-time position in the       selling fuel and lubricants during the day and,     as well as anybody else could. I believe there
customer service department, a role which I         once the office is closed, I am out and about       are no reasons nor barriers to prevent women
filled for around two years, before moving into a   meeting customers face to face whilst delivering    joining the operations side of this industry and
domestic and agriculture sales role. Around the     their fuel. I cover the whole of our deliverable    making deliveries. From a Landrover to a ridged,
same time, I started making fuel deliveries in      area in the 4x4 for emergency run outs and          to an artic, why not? It would be brilliant to see
the evenings and weekends in our 4x4.               hard to access properties. I love going to new      a lot more women doing these roles.
                                                    places and meeting new people too.
A new challenge                                                                                         Looking ahead
Prior to joining Craggs, I went to college,         Settling in                                         Now, I am extremely keen to get my HGV and
completed a qualification in childcare, learning    I settled in quickly to what has previously         ADR licence to be able to deliver on tankers
and development and, during this time, I            been a male dominated industry. I had a             as well as the 4x4. I have just recently moved
worked in schools and nurseries in Calderdale. I    lot of support from my managers at Craggs,          job roles from a sales role to becoming part
quickly fancied a change in career and saw the      including our CEO Chris Bingham – he has            of the transport team and helping out with
apprenticeship advertised. I knew I wanted to       really helped me get to where I am today,           operations. I am more than willing to better my
learn something completely new and challenge        and I can’t thank him enough for what he            skills in a wide range of job roles with Craggs
myself with something very different to what I      has done for me over the years. When I first        Energy.

                                                                                                                         Fuel Oil News | May 2021 17
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