The technical perspective on ethics: An overview and critique
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The technical perspective on ethics: An overview and critique Momin M. Malik Senior Data Scientist – AI Ethics, Mayo Clinic Fellow, Institute in Critical Quantitative, Computational, & Mixed Methodologies Instructor, University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice Tuesday, March 29, 2022 The Center for Digital Ethics & Policy Annual International Symposium ‘22
Center Goals and outline for Digital Ethics & Policy With what lens do “technical” people Goals and outline • approach ethics? The technical perspective Where does What does this lens involve? this lens come from, and how do people break out? • Summary and conclusion • Where does this lens come from? Where does it break down and how? References • The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 2 of 30 Slides:
Center Caveats for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline • We should not take any statements at face value as evidence of what the authors actually think: I myself frequently engage in The technical perspective strategic framing – Instead, we should take it as evidence of what sort of framings are Where does this lens come deemed acceptable (and note that these phrasings are what passed from, and how do people break out? peer review) – (One example I use, Corbett-Davies & Goel, does this explicitly, taking Summary and conclusion a turn halfway through the paper from math towards the limits of abstraction) References • Some of the framing I identify are already out of vogue; certainly, I raise issues when I am a reviewer • My own perspective: hybrid, but primarily technical The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 3 of 30 Slides:
Center for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline The technical perspective The technical perspective Where does this lens come from, and how do people break out? Summary and conclusion References The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 4 of 30 Slides:
Center The background for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and • Zemel et al., 2013: “Information systems are becoming increasingly reliant on outline statistical inference and learning to render all sorts of decisions, including the The technical perspective setting of insurance rates, the allocation of police, the targeting of advertising, the issuing of bank loans, the provision of health care, and the admission of students.” Where does this lens come • Feldman et al., 2015: “Today, algorithms are being used to make decisions both from, and how do people break out? large and small in almost all aspects of our lives, whether they involve mundane tasks like recommendations for buying goods, predictions of credit rating prior to Summary and conclusion approving a housing loan, or even life-altering decisions like sentencing guidelines after conviction.” References • Corbett-Davies & Goel, 2018: “In banking, criminal justice, medicine, and beyond, consequential decisions are often informed by statistical risk assessments that quantify the likely consequences of potential courses of action.” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 5 of 30 Slides:
Center The problem for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and • 2013: “This growing use of automated decision-making has sparked outline heated debate among philosophers, policy-makers, and lawyers. Critics The technical have voiced concerns with bias and discrimination in decision systems perspective that rely on statistical inference and learning.” [No citations] Where does this lens come • 2015: “How do we know if these algorithms are biased, involve illegal from, and how do people discrimination, or are unfair? These concerns have generated calls, by break out? governments and NGOs alike, for research into these issues [17, 23].” Summary and • 2018: “As the influence and scope of these risk assessments increase, academics, policymakers, and journalists have raised concerns that the conclusion References statistical models from which they are derived might inadvertently encode human biases (Angwin et al., 2016; O’Neil, 2016).” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 6 of 30 Slides:
Center (Current language; 2021 FAccT) for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and • Singh et al.: “Deployment of machine learning algorithms to aid consequential outline decisions, such as in medicine, criminal justice, and employment, require revisiting the dominant paradigms of training and testing such algorithms.” The technical perspective • Ron et al.: “Algorithmic decision making plays a fundamental role in many facets of our lives; criminal justice [10, 11, 29], banking [3, 18, 32, 40], online-advertisement [28, 30], Where does hiring [1, 2, 4, 7] , and college admission [5, 26, 36] are just a few examples. With the this lens come from, and how abundance of applications in which algorithms operate, concerns about their ethics, do people break out? fairness, and privacy have emerged.” • Black & Frederickson: “Deep networks are becoming the go-to choice for challenging Summary and conclusion classification tasks due to their remarkable performance on many high-profile problems: they are used everywhere from recommendation systems [15] to medical research [8, References 21], and increasingly in even more sensitive contexts, such as hiring [46], loan decisions [5, 51], and criminal justice [25]. Their continued rise in adoption has led to growing concerns about the tendency of these models to discriminate against certain individuals [4, 10, 13, 44], or otherwise produce outcomes that are seen as unfair.” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 7 of 30 Slides:
Center (Current language; 2021 FAccT) for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and • Nanda et al.: “Automated decision-making systems that are driven by data are outline being used in a variety of different real-world applications. In many cases, these The technical systems make decisions on data points that represent humans (e.g., targeted ads perspective [44, 53], personalized recommendations [3, 50], hiring [47, 48], credit scoring [31], Where does or recidivism prediction [9]). In such scenarios, there is often concern regarding the this lens come from, and how fairness of outcomes of the systems [2, 18].” do people break out? • Taskeen et al.: “Nowadays, machine learning algorithms can uncover complex patterns in the data to produce an exceptional performance that can match, or Summary and conclusion even surpass, that of humans… Algorithms are conceived and function following strict rules of logic and algebra; it is hence natural to expect that machine learning References algorithms deliver objective predictions and recommendations. Unfortunately, in- depth investigations reveal the excruciating reality that state-of-the-art algorithmic assistance is far from being free of biases.” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 8 of 30 Slides:
Center Comments for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline • Some version of a view: Machine learning has so much promise! But this promise comes with a flip side of The technical perspective unintended harm and consequences, that no one could Where does have imagined, so we need to address it with the same tools this lens come from, and how do people we use to develop machine learning break out? • Even if not citing successes, these take the application of Summary and conclusion machine learning as a given, or inevitable References • None acknowledge (for example) the possibility of refusal, or that sometimes this might be a better way forward The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 9 of 30 Slides:
Center Vision of the future (Morozov, 2013) for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and “If Silicon Valley had a designated outline futurist, her bright vision of the near The technical future… would go something like this: perspective Humanity, equipped with powerful self- Where does tracking devices, finally conquers this lens come from, and how obesity, insomnia, and global warming do people break out? as everyone eats less, sleeps better, and emits more appropriately. The fallibility Summary and conclusion of human memory is conquered too, as the very same tracking devices record References and store everything we do. Car keys, faces, factoids: we will never forget them again…” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 10 of 30 Slides:
Center Vision of the future (Morozov, 2013) for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and “Politics, finally under the constant and far- outline reaching gaze of the electorate, is freed from all the sleazy corruption, backroom deals, and The technical perspective inefficient horse trading. Parties are disaggregated and replaced by Groupon-like Where does political campaigns, where users come this lens come from, and how together—once—to weigh in on issues of direct do people break out? and immediate relevance to their lives, only to disband shortly afterward. Now that every Summary and word—nay, sound—ever uttered by politicians is conclusion recorded and stored for posterity, hypocrisy has References become obsolete as well. Lobbyists of all stripes have gone extinct as the wealth of data about politicians—their schedules, lunch menus, travel expenses— are posted online for everyone to review…” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 11 of 30 Slides:
Center Vision of the future (Morozov, 2013) for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and “Crime is a distant memory, while courts outline are overstaffed and underworked. Both The technical physical and virtual environments—walls, perspective pavements, doors, log-in screens—have Where does become ‘smart.’ That is, they have this lens come from, and how integrated the plethora of data do people break out? generated by the self-tracking devices and social-networking services so that Summary and conclusion now they can predict and prevent criminal behavior simply by analyzing References their users. And as users don’t even have the chance to commit crimes, prisons are no longer needed either. A triumph of humanism, courtesy of Silicon Valley.” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 12 of 30 Slides:
mutual D, definition then A is fairbetween withmeasure respect tothat Bob S on D. approach, a regularization con- strategy, adds a reg sensitivity = d In Rp 7! {0, 1}, d : particular, wewhere include k information in =this d(x) means that any action akZisand taken. is small, can and we from be computed the two-by-two Center b + fusion d Wematrix tabulating next present have the several accomplished 4.1additional Predictability joint distributionthe goal assumptions ofandofand obsfucating Disparate decisionsnotational information Impact d(x) and outcomes ythat conventions to forthe classification a group. are helpfulBerk ettraining al. in stating objective that qu The approach the degree of bias or discrimination (Calders for (2017) The specificity of a test (its true negative rate) and isenumerate defined as the investigating common about seven such the fairness protected Westatistics, now definitions. present group. including false First, a formal positive we assume definition rate, x canfalse benegative of predictability partitioned and wer, rate,into precision, protectedrecall, and conditional probability of returning on “negative” examples 2010; curve Kamishima et al., 2011). The sy Digital NO and the proportion unprotected features: x = of decisions link Furthermore that (xp ,itxto u ).the are legal For positive. weease cannotion of We of that also disparate exposition, show evenweinclude impact. the oftenRecall though area imagine under that the the parity the ROC D =protected features indicate(AUC), (a.k.a. the minority) class. I.e., aanpopular measure individual’s race among or (criminologists constraint gender, does C ) where X, Y, but they Xand not practitioners directly is the might address protected also representexamining theremaining classification, attribute, other fairness ofthen un- Second, Y isattributes. the trained (Skeem algorithms to maximize for each individual, and accuracy while min Ethics & a Lowenkamp, 2016). 4 der the current attributes, and model C is the formulation class outcome the to two be are predicted.closely discrimination. we suppose there is a quantity y 2 {0, 1} that specifies the target of prediction. For example, in the pretrial Policy specificity = a + csetting, Twowe of might the above linked. basis = 1 The set y measures—false The key for those for ourproperty formulation positive defendants rate,is and that who would if the is a the procedure have parity proportion committed con- that predicts of adecisions violent that crime A good ifare positive— released, example from and the first class is that of (K i straint is met, then the two groups are treated fairly from Y. We Xattention in would like a way to measure the quality of this et al., 2018; Calders and hood and Goals Eliminate correlations with protected attributes (Zemel et al.): D EFINITION 3.2• ( L IKELIHOOD RATIO have = received yi ( POSITIVE Verwer, ratio positive, denoted by LR+ , is given 0 otherwise. 2010; considerable )) . The likeli- Importantly, Chouldechova, with predictor by only to information encoded in the y isinnot respect 2017; the atoway Edwards the machine known tocan classification that and a) learning the be Storkey, decision community decisions: optimized 2015; maker, usingwho Feldman (Agarwal at the&time standard et al.,random 2015; Calders, of the2009), Hardt decision etremove al., wherehas they ”massage” the t 2016; access X visible predictors in1 machine learning and features x. X Third, 1 b) can be related to LR+ .we define data labels to variables X and theY discrimination with t outline Kamiran et al., 2013; Pedreshi et = al., 2008; ZafarM n,ket =al.,drawn 2015,randomly2017; Mn,kZemel ) etthe al.,population 2013). Formally, parity in sensitivity that take d/(b + d) on values X = x and The Y standard y |Xalsofor + an notions individual of accuracy of a classifier fail from to do the possible changes. of interestThe initial (e.g., step involves rank LR+ (C, X ) = the = proportion of positive second decisions, 0 | known |X0 | as demographic parity (Feldman ettraining al., 2015), means based that on the posterior proba (as n2X0+ earlier) discussed and using n2X0LR directly fails to examples 1 specificity the population of defendants for whom pretrial decisions must be made). We use X and X to denote the In c/ ( a + c) + p u particular, we include satisfyin thisthe definition first Xany measure 1 constraint. 1 that Xcan be computed from the two-by-two con- projections of x onto its protected and unprotected components. Fourth, ) we define of positive the truelabels obtained from a Naive-Baye risk function TheWe can now restate the 80% rule in fusion technical terms ofmatrixa data set.tabulating theThe joint error Pr(d(X) distribution measure + = weM 1 n w of| seek X= ) = decisions Pr(d(X) pturns outd(x) to M be = and the n w1), outcomes balanced error y for a group. Berk et (2) al. perspective r(x) = Pr(Y = 1 | X = x). Finally, |X0 | we + note that|X 0 | many risk assessment algorithms, fier trained instead on the original dataset. They the of simply D EFINITION 3.3 (D ISPARATE I MPACT (2017) enumerate ). A data a seven rate such BER . statistics, including n2X false set has dis- a or a , produce a risk score s(x) that may be viewed as the 0 positive n2X 0 rate, false negative rate, precision, set of highest-ranked recall, outputting and parity of decision false positive rates 1 means that Xinclude the area underan approximation of thenegatively-labeled item parate impact if and the proportion 0 of decisions that 1are X positive. + We 1 also the ROC curve (AUC), true risk r(x). In reality, s(x) D EFINITION may only + 4.1 be (BER). y looselyn = Let related f : Y to ! y the n .Xtruebe a predictor risk, and of s(x) themayprotected not even set and lie change their labels. The in and the a popular measure among Xcriminologists from Y. |X The and+ practitioners 0 |balanced error |X0rate | BER examining of f on the fairness distribution of algorithms (Skeem 1 interval [0, 1] (e.g., s(x) 2 Pr(d(X) {1, 2, . . . , = 10} 1 | may Y = 0, representX ) =a Pr(d(X) risk decile).= 1 | To Y go= 0). fromD this risk set scores is chosen to to decisions, make (3)it the proportion of Where does 1.25 LR+ (C, X ) > = Lowenkamp, 2016).4 n2X 0 p n2X 0 this lens come from, • Define a metric that has a provable relationship to the “80% rule” (Feldman et al.): t is common Two to simply of thepretrial above example, over thethe threshold This pairscore, property measures—false conditioned ( X, Y )setting is defined follows errorpositive of f . In from rate, other as the d(x) words, = (unweighted) 1 the linear and if and the proportiononly average if classification class- t labels s(x) of decisions for someequal that in fixed the arerace two threshold positive— groups; the ranking app It and willhow be convenient to work with In the our running reciprocal of t 2 R.received considerable LR + , demographic parity means that detention rates are equal used toacross minimize groups; the impact on the system’s a do people have approach. attention in the machine learning community (Agarwal et al., 2018; Calders and which we denote by and Withparitythis of false positive rates means that Pr [ f among ( Y ) = 0 |defendants X = 1 ] + Pr [ who f ( Y ) would = 1 | X not = 0 ] have in gone predictingon to commit the a classification labels. The m break out? Verwer, violent 2010; ifsetup, crime we now Chouldechova, released, describe detention X )three ( f (Y ),rates BER2017; = arepopular Edwards and Storkey, equal definitions across 2015; race of Feldman algorithmic groups. et fairness. al., 2015;parity Demographic Hardtis et notal.,strictly 2016; 1 Another key property of the model is2 the fact that the data is then used for learning a classifier for fut DI = Kamiran . speaking etmeasure a al., 2013;ofPedreshi “error”, et al., but we 2008; Zafar etinclude nonetheless al., 2015, it 2017;classification under Zemel et al.,parity 2013).since Formally, it can parity be com- in mapping to D EFINITION Z is defined for any individual x 2 X. • LR+ (C, X )the puted proportion from a confusionof positive first decisions, matrix. We also4.2 definition note known that ( P REDICTABILITY Express anti-classification, classification parity, and calibration (Corbett-Davies & Goel): Anti-classification. The we consider as demographic demographic ) . X isparity is parity said to be anti-classification, e-predictable closelymeaning also(Feldman that et al.,to 2015),decisions means do thatnot Summary and from Y if there exists a function f :Y! X suchisthat related anti-classification, This will allow us to discuss the value associated consider with protected dis- attributes. Formally, anti-classification requires since it requires that a classifier’s predictions d(X) be independent of protected group membership Xp . that: conclusion parate impact before the threshold is applied. Pr(d(X) = BER 1 (| fX (Yp)), X=) Pr(d(X) e. = 1), (2) d(x) = d(x0 ) for all x, x0 such that xu = x0 . u (1) Multiple classes. Disparate impact isand defined only of for Calibration. parity falsetwo Finally, positivethe This motivates third rates our definition definition means that of fairnessof e-fairness, we consider as aisdata set that meaning that outcomes calibration, classes. In general, one might imagine a multivalued class is not predictable. should be independent of protected attributes conditional on risk score. In the pretrial context, calibration References Some authors have suggested stronger notions of anti-classification that aim to guard against the use of unpro- means that among tected traits that aredefendants with proxiesPr(d(X) for a=given protected risk = 0,score, 1 | Yattributes the Xp )(Bonchi = proportion Pr(d(X) 1 |who = 2017; et al., Y = would 0). reo↵end Grgic-Hlaca if released et al., is the 2016; Johnson (3) same across race groups. Formally, given risk scores s(x), calibration is satisfied when et al., 2016; Qureshi et al., 2016). We will demonstrate, however, that the exclusion of any information— In our running pretrial example, demographic parity means that detention rates are equal across race groups; including features that are explicitly protected—can lead to discriminatory decisions. As a result, it is 261 ratesPr(Y and parity of false positive means | s(X), = 1that among Xp )defendants = Pr(Y = who 1 | s(X)). would not have gone on to commit(4)a sufficient for our purposes to consider the weak version of anti-classification articulated in Eq. (1). violent crime if released, detention rates are equal across race groups. Demographic parity is not strictly Note thataifmeasure speaking s(x) = r(x), then the of “error”, butrisk scores trivially we nonetheless satisfy include calibration. it under classification parity since it can be com- Classification parity. The second definition puted from a confusion matrix. We note that demographic parity of fairness we isconsider is classification also closely parity, meaning related to anti-classification, that 2.3 it since The technical view of ethics: some given AnUtility requires measure functions that overview and of classification andpredictions a classifier’s critique error threshold is equal rules d(X)13 be across groups defined by the protected independent of protected group membership attributes. Xp . Slides: of 30
Center The wall of the technical perspective for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline • Alexandra Chouldechova (2017) showed that we The technical cannot simultaneously satisfy three specific metrics: perspective accuracy equality (equal accuracy across groups), Where does this lens come from, and how equal opportunity (equal false negative rate across do people break out? groups), and predictive parity (equal precision Summary and [positive predictive value] across groups) conclusion – (Partially what the COMPAS debate is about) So now, ML moves to: rely on domain experts to References • determine what fairness metric we should use The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 14 of 30 Slides:
Center developed the fairness tree depicted in Figure 11.1. Although it cer- Landscape for fairness (Rodolfo et al.) for Digital tainly cannot provide a single “right” answer for a given context, our Ethics & Policy Goals and outline The technical perspective Where does this lens come from, and how do people break out? Summary and conclusion References The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 15 of 30 Slides:
Center Where this fits in for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline • This diagram is supremely useful, and can and The technical perspective should be a basis for auditing/formal analysis Where does when we choose to use machine learning (or when we analyze an existing system) this lens come from, and how do people break out? Summary and conclusion • From a technical perspective, this is maybe as far References as we can go • But that doesn’t mean that there’s not a lot further to go The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 16 of 30 Slides:
Center The idea of limits to abstraction is novel for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and • Reads as a fairly straightforward STS outline primer for outsiders Fairness and Abstraction in Sociotechnical Systems • But for some CS insiders, it was earth- Andrew D. Selbst danah boyd Sorelle A. Friedler Data & Society Research Institute Microsoft Research and Haverford College New York, NY Data & Society Research Institute Haverford, PA The technical New York, NY shattering to consider the limits to perspective Suresh Venkatasubramanian Janet Vertesi University of Utah Princeton University abstraction Salt Lake City, UT Princeton, NJ ABSTRACT Systems. In FAT* ’19: Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Trans- A key goal of the fair-ML community is to develop machine-learning parency (FAT* ’19), January 29–31, 2019, Atlanta, GA, USA. ACM, New York, • Still, even for many of those people, it NY, USA, 10 pages. Where does based systems that, once introduced into a social context, can achieve social and legal outcomes such as fairness, justice, and due process. Bedrock concepts in computer science—such as ab- this lens come straction and modular design—are used to de�ne notions of fairness 1 INTRODUCTION represented an endpoint; having pointed On the typical �rst day of an introductory computer science course, and discrimination, to produce fairness-aware learning algorithms, from, and how and to intervene at di�erent stages of a decision-making pipeline to produce "fair" outcomes. In this paper, however, we contend the notion of abstraction is explained. Students learn that systems can be described as black boxes, de�ned precisely by their inputs, do people that these concepts render technical interventions ine�ective, in- outputs, and the relationship between them. Desirable properties of a system can then be described in terms of inputs and outputs out the limits of abstraction, we are done, accurate, and sometimes dangerously misguided when they enter break out? the societal context that surrounds decision-making systems. We outline this mismatch with �ve "traps" that fair-ML work can fall alone: the internals of the system and the provenance of the inputs and outputs have been abstracted away. Machine learning systems are designed and built to achieve into even as it attempts to be more context-aware in comparison to speci�c goals and performance metrics (e.g., AUC, precision, recall). and there’s nothing more to do (other traditional data science. We draw on studies of sociotechnical sys- Thus far, the �eld of fairness-aware machine learning (fair-ML) has tems in Science and Technology Studies to explain why such traps been focused on trying to engineer fairer and more just machine occur and how to avoid them. Finally, we suggest ways in which learning algorithms and models by using fairness itself as a property technical designers can mitigate the traps through a refocusing of of the (black box) system. Many papers have been written proposing design in terms of process rather than solutions, and by drawing than get back to working on those de�nitions of fairness, and then based on those, generating best Summary and abstraction boundaries to include social actors rather than purely technical ones. approximations or fairness guarantees based on hard constraints or fairness metrics [24, 32, 39, 40, 72]. Almost all of these papers conclusion CCS CONCEPTS bound the system of interest narrowly. They consider the machine abstractions). learning model, the inputs, and the outputs, and abstract away any • Applied computing → Law, social and behavioral sciences; context that surrounds this system. • Computing methodologies → Machine learning; We contend that by abstracting away the social context in which these systems will be deployed, fair-ML researchers miss the broader KEYWORDS context, including information necessary to create fairer outcomes, • I.e., could exist within the same Fairness-aware Machine Learning, Sociotechnical Systems, Inter- or even to understand fairness as a concept. Ultimately, this is be- disciplinary cause while performance metrics are properties of systems in total, References ACM Reference Format: Andrew D. Selbst, danah boyd, Sorelle A. Friedler, Suresh Venkatasubrama- technical systems are subsystems. Fairness and justice are prop- erties of social and legal systems like employment and criminal justice, not properties of the technical tools within. To treat fairness assumptions of inevitability of using nian, and Janet Vertesi. 2019. Fairness and Abstraction in Sociotechnical and justice as terms that have meaningful application to technology separate from a social context is therefore to make a category error, Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed or as we posit here, an abstraction error. for pro�t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation In this paper, we identify �ve failure modes of this abstraction abstractions/ building systems on the �rst page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM error. We call these the Framing Trap, Portability Trap, Formalism must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior speci�c permission and/or a Trap, Ripple E�ect Trap, and Solutionism Trap. Each of these traps fee. Request permissions from arises from failing to consider how social context is interlaced with FAT* ’19, January 29–31, 2019, Atlanta, GA, USA technology in di�erent forms, and thus the remedies also require a © 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6125-5/19/01. . . $15.00 deeper understanding of "the social" to resolve problems [1]. After explaining each of these traps and their consequences, we draw on 59 The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 17 of 30 Slides:
Center for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline The technical perspective Where does this lens come from, and how Where does this lens come do people break out? from, and how do people break out? Summary and conclusion References The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 18 of 30 Slides:
Center Phil Agre [ey-gree] for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and • PhD in 1989 from MIT (EECS) outline • Influential works: – “Surveillance and Capture: Two Models of Privacy” The technical (1994) perspective – “The Soul Gained and Lost: Artificial Intelligence as a Philosophical Project” (1995) Where does – Computation and Human Experience (1997) this lens come from, and how – Red Rock Eater News Service (1996-2002) do people break out? • Former associate professor at UCLA – Sister filed missing persons report in October 2009, after not seeing him since Spring 2008 and learning Summary and he abandoned his job and apartment conclusion – Found by LA County Sheriff’s Department in January 2010 References • Won’t focus on him personally, but instead on his 1997 piece “Towards a critical technical practice: Lessons learned trying to reform AI” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 19 of 30 Slides:
Center From AI to social sciences for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline “My ability to move intellectually from AI to the social sciences — that is, to stop thinking the way that AI people think, and to The technical perspective start thinking the way that social scientists think — had a remarkably large and diverse set of historical conditions. AI has Where does this lens come never had much of a reflexive critical practice, any more than any from, and how do people break out? other technical field. Criticisms of the field, no matter how sophisticated and scholarly they might be, are certain to be met Summary and conclusion with the assertion that the author simply fails to understand a basic point. And so, even though I was convinced that the field was misguided and stuck, it took tremendous effort and good References fortune to understand how and why.” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 20 of 30 Slides:
Center Autobiographical account of a crisis for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and “My college did not require me to take many humanities courses, or learn to write in outline a professional register, and so I arrived in graduate school at MIT with little The technical genuine knowledge beyond math and computers. This realization hit me with perspective great force halfway through my first year of graduate school… Where does “fifteen years ago, I had absolutely no critical tools with which to defamiliarize those this lens come from, and how ideas — to see their contingency or imagine alternatives to them. Even worse, I was do people break out? unable to turn to other, nontechnical fields for inspiration. As an AI practitioner already well immersed in the literature, I had incorporated the field's taste for Summary and conclusion technical formalization so thoroughly into my own cognitive style that I literally could not read the literatures of nontechnical fields at anything beyond a popular level. References The problem was not exactly that I could not understand the vocabulary, but that I insisted on trying to read everything as a narration of the workings of a mechanism.” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 21 of 30 Slides:
Center Some other perspectives for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline • Malazita & Resetarb, 2019, “Infrastructures of The technical abstraction: how computer science education perspective produces anti-political subjects” Where does this lens come from, and how • Hanna Wallach, 2018: “Spoiler alert: The punchline is simple. Despite all the hype, machine learning is not do people break out? Summary and conclusion a be-all and end-all solution. We still need social scientists if we are going to use machine learning to study social phenomena in a responsible and ethical References manner.” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 22 of 30 Slides:
Center Critical “awakening” for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline “At first I found [critical] texts impenetrable, not only because of their irreducible difficulty but also because I was still tacitly attempting to read The technical perspective Where does this lens come everything as a specification for a technical mechanism… My first intellectual breakthrough from, and how do people break out? came when, for reasons I do not recall, it finally occurred to me to stop translating these strange Summary and conclusion References disciplinary languages into technical schemata, and instead simply to learn them on their own terms…” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 23 of 30 Slides:
Center Critical “awakening” for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline “I still remember the vertigo I felt during this The technical period; I was speaking these strange disciplinary languages, in a wobbly fashion at first, without perspective knowing what they meant — without knowing what Where does this lens come from, and how do people break out? sort of meaning they had… Summary and conclusion “In retrospect, this was the period during which I References began to ‘wake up’, breaking out of a technical cognitive style that I now regard as extremely constricting.” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 24 of 30 Slides:
Center Theorizing this process for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline • This bears remarkable resemblances to The technical Paulo Freire’s idea of critical consciousness: become aware of our perspective place in society to work for its betterment Where does this lens come from, and how do people break out? Summary and • Follow-up work in education (specifically, Mezirow on “perspective conclusion transformation”; 1978) theorizes this References process The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 25 of 30 Slides:
Center Perspective transformation vs. Agre for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and ✓ 1. A disorienting dilemma outline ✓ 2. Self-examination with feelings of guilt or shame The technical ✓ 3. A critical assessment of assumptions perspective ✗ 4. Recognition that one’s discontent and process of transformation are shared and that others have negotiated a similar change Where does this lens come ✗ 5. Exploration of options for new roles, relationships, and actions from, and how do people break out? ? 6. Planning of a course of action ? 7. Acquisition of knowledge and skills for implementing one’s plans Summary and ? 8. Provisionally trying out new roles conclusion ? 9. Building of competence and self-confidence in new roles and References relationships ? 10.A reintegration into one’s life on the basis of conditions dictated by one’s new perspective. The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 26 of 30 Slides:
Center Who experiences, how and why? for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline • Mezirow doesn’t get at who experiences a The technical perspective transformation perspective – Empirical evidence/experience seems to be insufficient Where does this lens come from, and how – Having a “disorienting dilemma”, but then reflecting about do people break out? it Summary and conclusion • Work after Mezirow (Taylor & Snyder, 2012): went beyond the “rationalist” framing, recognized that self-actualization is not the only goal, recognized key References role of interpersonal relationships The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 27 of 30 Slides:
Center Ethics and interventions for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and • I contend: Connecting to critical consciousness gives us a roadmap for “ethics” outline more important than ethical frameworks, or formal ethical reasoning: or at least The technical necessary, if not sufficient perspective • Interventions: build community with others who have negotiated a similar change; Where does form coalitions with others; leverage our privilege, e.g., to oppose gatekeeping this lens come from, and how and bring in others, support the right of refusal; mentor others; give feedback to do people break out? invest spontaneous actions with biographical significance Summary and • Insofar as we maintain civilization on the current scale, abstraction is necessary: just conclusion because some things aren’t current formalized doesn’t mean they can’t be. Even developing critical consciousness maybe could be included in formal education References (Trbušić, 2014) – As a minimum of where, beyond a technical perspective, we can try to get technical people: allowing for the right of refusal, and for the option of opposing adoptions of ML in any given case The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 28 of 30 Slides:
Center Assumptions in social research for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and Issue Positivism Postpositivism Critical theory et al. Constructivism Participatory outline Ontology Reality independent Reality is “real” but only There is a reality but it is Relativism Participative: multiple co- of, prior to human imperfectly and secret/hidden created realities conception of it and approximately The technical perspective apprehensible. apprehensible Epistemology Singular, Findings are Truth is mediated by value; Transactional/subjectivist; Come to know things through Where does perspective- provisionally true, how we come to know co-created findings involving other people this lens come independent, affected/distorted by something matters for what from, and how neutral, atemporal, society; multiple how meaningful it is do people universally true descriptions possible break out? findings but equivalent Methodology Experimental/ Falsification of Dialogic/dialectical Hermeneutical/dialectical Collaborative, action- Summary and manipulative; hypotheses; some qual, oriented; flatten hierarchies, conclusion verification of but only in service of jointly decide to engage in hypotheses quant action References Axiology Quant knowledge, Quant knowledge most Marginalization is important, Value is relative; for us, Everyone is valuable; people who have, valuable, but qual can people who have it have understanding process of Reflexivity, co-created have ultimate serve it unique insights construction is valuable knowledge, non- western valuable ways of knowing to combat erasure and dehumanization Assumptions of social research paradigms (Malik & Malik, 2021). Based on Guba and Lincoln’s (2005) “Basic beliefs (metaphysics) of alternative inquiry paradigms.” The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 29 of 30 Slides:
Center Summary and conclusion for Digital Ethics & Policy Goals and outline • Technical perspective engenders a view where abstraction is the only legitimate way to engage with the world The technical perspective • It fails to inculcate awareness of or appreciation of the limits of abstraction, or the possibility of sometimes rejecting abstraction Where does this lens come from, and how • Breaking out of this view is both difficult, requiring additional do people break out? biographical inputs, and disorienting Summary and • But this is necessary to get people engaged in ethical reasoning conclusion • Ideally, this will go beyond what can pass as a “sociotechnical” References perspective, to a fully constructivist, critical, and even participatory perspective Thank you! The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 30 of 30 Slides:
Center References for Digital Ethics & Policy Agre, P. E. (1997). Towards a critical technical practice: Lessons learned trying to reform AI. In G. Rodolfa, K. T., Saleiro, P., & Ghani, R. (2021). Bias and fairness. In I. Foster, R. Ghani, R. S. Jarmin, Goals and Bowker, S. L. Star, W. Turner, & L. Gasser (Eds.), Social science technical systems and F. Kreuter, & J. Lane, Big data and social science: Data science methods and tools for outline cooperative work: Beyond the great divide (pp. 131–157). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, research and practice (pp. 281–312). CRC Press. Inc. Black, E., & Fredrikson, M. (2021). Leave-one-out unfairness. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Ron, T., Ben-Porat, O., & Shalit, U. (2021). Corporate social responsibility via multi-armed bandits. The technical Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT ’21) (pp. 285–295). In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency perspective (FAccT ’21) (pp. 26–40). Chouldechova, A. (2017). Fair prediction with disparate impact: A study of bias in recidivism Selbst, A. D., boyd, D., Friedler, S. A., Venkatasubramanian, S., & Vertesi, J. (2019). Fairness and prediction instruments. Big data, 5(2), 153–163. Https:// abstraction in sociotechnical systems. In Proceedings of the Conference on Fairness, Corbett-Davies, D., & Goel, S. (2018). The measure and mismeasure of fairness: A critical review Accountability, and Transparency (FAT* ’19) (pp. 59–68). Where does this lens come of fair machine learning. from, and how Feldman, M., Friedler, S. A., Moeller, J., Scheidegger, C., & Venkatasubramanian, S. (2015). Singh, H., Singh, R., Mhasawade, V., & Chunara, R. (2021). Fairness violations and mitigation do people Certifying and removing disparate impact. In Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD under covariate shift. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, break out? International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD ’15) (259–268). Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT ’21) (pp. 3–13). Malazita, J. W., & Resetar, K. (2019). Infrastructures of abstraction: How computer science Taskesen, B., Blanchet, J., Kuhn, D., & Nguyen, V. A. (2021). A statistical test for probabilistic Summary and education produces anti-political subjects. Digital Creativity, 30(4), 300-312. fairness. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and conclusion Transparency (FAccT ’21) (pp. 648–665). Malik, M. M., & Malik, M. (2021). Critical technical awakenings. Journal of Social Computing, 2(4), Taylor, E. W., & Snyder, M. J. (2012). A critical review of research on transformative learning 365–384. theory, 2006–2010. In E. W. Taylor & P. Cranton (Eds.), The handbook of transformative learning: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 37–55). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. References Mezirow, J. (1978). Perspective transformation. Adult Education Quarterly, 28(2), 100-110. Trbušić, H. (2014). Engineering in the community: Critical consciousness and engineering education. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 12(2), 108–118. Morozov, E. (2013). To save everything, click here: The folly of technological solutionism. Public Affairs. Nanda, V., Dooley, S., Singla, S., Feizi, S., & Dickerson, J. P. (2021). Fairness through robustness: Wallach, H. (2018). Computational social science ≠ computer science + social data. Communications of the ACM, 61(3), 42–44. Investigating robustness disparity in deep learning. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT ’21) (pp. 466–477). Zemel, R., Wu, Y., Swersky, K., Pitassi, T., & Dwork, C. (2013). Learning fair representations. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning, 28(3), 325-333. The technical view of ethics: An overview and critique 31 of 30 Slides:
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