The Social Dimension of Sustainable Development
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The Social Dimension of Sustainable Development by Sherri Torjman May 2000 ISBN 1-894598-00-8 This paper was prepared in response to a request by the Commissioner of Environment and Sus- tainable Development at the Office of the Auditor General to clarify the meaning of the social dimension of sustainable development. While the paper explores the roles of various sectors, it focusses primarily upon the federal government.
The challenge Underlying concepts Sustainable development is a term whose Two screens were used to identify the pri- use is sustained but whose meaning is far from ority areas for the social domain. First, the priority developed. areas are rooted in the principles underlying the con- cept of sustainable development. Second, the key The challenge arising from ‘sustainable directions derive from the conclusions of major development’ is that the concept is not prescriptive. international documents. It does not spell out explicitly what to do. Rather, the notion of sustainable development is normative. The focus on poverty results from clear It sets out a three-dimensional lens from which to warnings by international organizations on the press- view the world. ing nature of this problem. Sustainable development is an holistic The need for social investment arises both approach to improving the quality of life. It postu- from international documents that call for investment lates that there are intrinsic links among economic, in human capital and from the ‘seventh-generation social and environmental well-being. Changes in any principle’ inherent in the concept of sustainable one domain will have an impact upon the other two development. This principle refers to the importance dimensions. From a social perspective in particular, of meeting present-day needs without compromis- human well-being cannot be sustained without a ing the needs of future generations. It stresses the healthy environment and is equally unlikely in the significance of intergenerational bonds. absence of a vibrant economy. The caring communities theme is rooted in While the desired objective of human well- the concept of citizenship. Sustainable development being is clear, it is not easy to determine precisely emphasizes the importance of stewardship - i.e., tak- which elements to include in the social sphere. Its ing responsibility for the well-being of the earth. By connections to the economic dimension, such as qual- analogy, ‘social stewardship’ implies a responsibil- ity of work and level of income, are more obvious. ity to take care of the human environment, typically But its relationship to the environment as well as to understood as communities. the environment and economy together is more dif- ficult to articulate. (One could argue that environ- Finally, informed citizen participation com- mental challenges are primarily social issues in that prises the essence of democracy - a prerequisite to they are largely a function of human behaviour.) the protection of human rights and the equitable dis- tribution of resources. In addition to understanding the relations among the economic, social and environmental spheres, there are questions as to whether certain social actions are more consistent with the concept The priorities of sustainable development than others. While there are no definitive answers, there appear to be some i. Poverty reduction key directions that arise from a studied interpreta- tion of the concept. These include poverty reduc- Poverty reduction is a primary objective of tion, social investment, and the building of safe and sustainable development. This goal arises from warn- caring communities. ings by the United Nations which identified poverty 2 Caledon Institute of Social Policy
as the “greatest threat to political stability, social between rich and poor households but also between cohesion and the environmental health of the planet” rich and poor nations. A combination of actions is [United Nations Development Programme 1994: 20]. required: direct aid, assistance for local development, Poverty is both caused and exacerbated by the reform of international financial institutions, support unequal distribution of land as well as other resources for democratic governance and investment in educa- and assets [World Commission 1987: 29]. tion, especially for women. Communities can help reduce poverty in While support for education is a primary several ways [Torjman 1998a]. They can meet basic form of social investment, it is also the key means to needs by ensuring that their members are adequately reduce poverty throughout the world. The evidence nourished, housed and protected from violence. on population growth suggests that educational level Communities can remove barriers that prevent par- and birth rate are inversely related; higher levels of ticipation in training programs, the labour market and education typically correspond with fewer children. broader functions, such as recreational and cultural Several international reports emphasize the need to events. They can tackle poverty by building lan- improve the status and education of women as the guage, educational and job skills. And poverty can principal route to poverty reduction and environmen- be addressed through various forms of local economic tal protection [World Commission 1987; Independ- development. ent Commission 1996; United Nations 1994]. Employers also can reduce poverty dra- It should be noted that some observers matically by paying adequate wages and providing would minimize the importance of poverty reduc- associated benefits, such as pensions. But while com- tion as a priority for the developed world. They would munities and employers play important roles in tack- argue that both the extent and depth of poverty in ling poverty, the primary responsibility lies squarely industrialized countries are less profound than in the with governments. The federal government, in par- developing world. ticular, has the appropriate levers to alleviate - if not eradicate - the problem. It is true that citizens of the developed world may not face absolute deprivation - although many Progressive income taxes and transfers in do. One only has to look at the numbers of homeless the form of income programs have significantly persons lining the streets of major urban centres. But narrowed the gap in the earnings of rich and poor the relative poverty that individuals experience in [Battle 1995]. This redistributive role is crucial, given industrialized countries is just as serious a problem. the wide and growing gaps in market income - i.e., income from wages and salaries, self-employment, savings, investments and other private sources. Specific actions are proposed under the ‘federal role.’ ii. Social investment But governments can reduce poverty not Social investment is a prerequisite to eco- simply through income redistribution. They can nomic development; a vibrant economy requires a make a significant dent in poverty by helping indi- healthy and educated workforce. Canada ranks near viduals acquire the skills they need to find reason- the top of the world in terms of wealth as represented ably paid employment. This teach-the-person-to-fish by natural resources. But the World Bank notes that approach to poverty is discussed under skills devel- the future success of nations depends on the extent opment. to which they invest in human resources [World Bank 1998/99]. Two major areas for social investment are A major challenge at the international level health and education. is to reduce the gaps in market income not only Caledon Institute of Social Policy 3
a. health developing nations must invest heavily in education, training and skills formation [Thurow 1999; Canada has made substantial investments Betcherman, McMullen and Davidman 1998]. in health by supporting a publicly funded medicare Higher levels of education are associated with system. Despite this support, the system faces seri- enhanced worker productivity and the ability to gen- ous challenges and requires both structural and erate higher incomes. financing reform (discussed below). But investment in education provides the But health is attained only partly through basis not only for economic success. It is also the the provision of health care services which essen- foundation for an informed intelligent citizenry that tially are a form of remediation. The promotion of comprises the bedrock of democracy. health is equally important, particularly in the areas of prenatal and postnatal care. And neither health In addition to adequate support for basic care services nor health promotion can meet their education and skills development, a knowledge-based respective objectives alone. They are both premised economy requires continual upgrading of skills. One upon a healthy environment - clean air and water, a way to promote continual upgrading is through ‘cus- safe food supply and adequate housing. tomized training,’ which involves the private sector, educational institutes and community organizations In addition to investments in health that [Torjman 1999b]. benefit the entire population, there are crucial social investments to be made at certain stages of the life Skills also are developed through the cycle, notably during early childhood. There is social economy - a distinct form of economic ample evidence that investment in early childhood organization that includes training and job creation reaps substantial returns in overall health and well- [Lewis 1999]. From a sustainable development per- being later in life [McCain and Mustard 1999]. spective, local job creation could tap wide-ranging opportunities in the environmental field, such as Families too need a range of supporting energy efficiency upgrades and recycling. services to help parents balance their responsibili- ties at home and work, enhance their parenting capacity and deal with problems that income alone cannot solve. The literature on crime prevention also points to the need for a range of family supports iii. Safe and caring communities [Waller and Weiler 1986]. These include family resource centres, parent education, respite care, The concept of sustainable development cooperative babysitting arrangements, parent match- implies that all individuals and sectors have a respon- ing and foster grandparent programs. Specific pro- sibility to promote human well-being. They are the posals are discussed under ‘federal role.’ caretakers of each other’s welfare – much as indi- viduals and all sectors are seen as stewards of the environment. b. education and skills development Safe and caring communities start with the citizen as the base. The active engagement of citi- Education and skills development are zens in building safe and caring communities involves essential to the economic health of individuals and far more than polling their opinions on selected of nations. In order to compete in a rapidly chang- issues or inviting them to present their views at a ing knowledge-based economy, both developed and public consultation. 4 Caledon Institute of Social Policy
One way that citizens engage with commu- tions to reduce poverty through training, funds for nities is through direct involvement in their institu- business startup and community enterprise. The tions and activities, such as schools and recreational, project added a unique feature: a Leadership Round- cultural and environmental groups. Another way to table composed of business, low-income households, encourage meaningful engagement is through com- government and social agencies. Members of the munity problem solving. Roundtable provide overall direction and promote awareness of poverty and possible solutions. The identified problem may be negative – such as unemployment or poverty. But it also may Communities also can take concrete steps be positive, such as how to promote appreciation of to counter the problem of exclusion. In the past two the arts or beautify a neighbourhood. years alone, the potentially tragic consequences of loneliness and exclusion have been all too apparent Community problem solving does not mean in schools and communities throughout North that any one person or group has the answer to a cer- America. tain question. Rather, it is a process of engaging individuals from diverse sectors in deliberations that Some communities are making a conscious seek appropriate solutions. effort to ensure that all community members feel that they belong. In Prince Edward Island, for example, Deliberation entails the careful weighing communities from across the province came together of options against what is valuable and possible. To to make ‘A Promise of Inclusion’ [MacKinnon 1999]. deliberate, people must be involved in face-to-face They commited themselves to the principles of discussions rather than simply listening to expert inclusion - accepting difference, promoting equality presentations. The process may not result in agree- and respect for the dignity of all people, and taking ment but can produce a sense of direction or shared personal and community responsibility. This effort purpose [Mathews 1998]. was supported by the federal government’s National Crime Prevention Centre. Conflict resolution is one example of community-based problem solving [Abdul 1996]. In the case of OP2000 and the Promise of Conflict resolution mechanisms seek nonviolent Inclusion, community groups played the convening solutions to economic, social and environmental role. But local governments also are in a unique problems, such as racial tension, domestic violence position to convene diverse sectors for community or conflict related to commercial interests - e.g., pro- problem solving. The Regional Municipality of tection of fishing areas from overuse by sport fish- Ottawa-Carleton is a prototype for this convenor role. ers. In 1999, the Region created the Partners Opportunities 2000 (OP2000) is another for Jobs Task Force with representatives from example of community-based problem solving. This business, labour, anti-poverty groups, the education project was launched in Waterloo Region by the sector, social agencies, and the federal and provincial Lutherwood Community Opportunities Development governments. Its mandate was to develop strategies Association (CODA). The long-term objective was to promote employment in the region. Its efforts have to reduce the region’s poverty rate to the lowest in created several hundred jobs in less than a year. the country [Hodgson 1998]. Local solutions are particularly important To achieve this goal, Lutherwood CODA with respect to environmental issues such as climate sought to mobilize the entire community. It set out change and the reduction of greenhouse gas to engage in partnerships with at least 30 organiza- Caledon Institute of Social Policy 5
emissions. Local actions include, for example, the One way to address complex problems is intensification of community functions, mixed-use through the creation of multisectoral partnerships and design for new sub-developments, supports for collaborative working arrangements. Collaborative at-home work, improvements to public transporta- relationships create new value by bringing fresh tion, solid waste reduction to lower methane insights, expertise and resources to the table. emissions from landfill sites, better insulation for However, these arrangements are not without their commercial properties and private residences, and problems; both their strengths and weaknesses should community projects such as tree planting [Torjman be recognized [Torjman 1998c]. 1998e]. But the danger in promoting partnerships as well as active citizenship is that these involvements inadvertently can encourage governments to abrogate What’s new? their responsibility for economic, social and environ- mental well-being. The opposite actually is required. The three substantive social dimensions of sustainable development - poverty reduction, social Governments have an important role to play investment, and safe and caring communities - are in supporting citizen involvement in public and not new social goals. Nations and communities have community problem solving. And their role is more long sought to achieve these goals. What is new are crucial than ever when it comes to income the methods implied by the concept of sustainable redistribution and social investment in a rapidly development. changing, knowledge-based economy. Sustainable development interprets very broadly the notion of resources. While financial capital is essential, additional resources can be Possible federal actions harnessed for economic, social and environmental well-being [Kretzmann and McKnight 1993]. The social dimension of sustainable development gives rise to three major federal roles. Natural/built capital includes natural Ottawa can play the lead role in poverty reduction. resources and physical assets in communities. It can make major social investments alone and in Human capital refers to the wealth inherent in people conjunction with other key sectors. It can both - their knowledge, skills, expertise, time and facilitate and participate in processes of community- commitment. Social capital is the resource created based problem solving. when people come together out of a shared purpose or goal that goes beyond individual benefits [Putnam Unfortunately, the federal record of the past 2000; Riddell 1997]. All these assets - financial, several years has not been entirely consistent with natural/built, human and social capital - can be the priority social areas of sustainable development. brought to bear upon the three dimensions of the Cuts to Employment Insurance, to health, welfare and social agenda. social services under the Canada Health and Social Transfer and to social housing have moved in the Sustainable development also has influ- opposite direction to the first two objectives of enced the problem solving process. By the complex poverty reduction and social investment [Battle, lens that it applies to the world, sustainable Torjman and Mendelson 2000]. The primary areas development requires the application of multifaceted of progress have been the new National Child Benefit and more sophisticated solutions than employed in and the reindexation of the income tax system and the past. child benefits announced in the 2000 Budget. 6 Caledon Institute of Social Policy
In contrast to general disinvestment, the While the tax burden on all households has federal government has provided additional support been rising over the years, low-income households (at least with respect to research) in one key area: have been hit hardest relative to their income. This building the capacity of communities to tackle econo- burden arises from the combined impact of income mic, social and environmental issues. However, the taxes, sales taxes and payroll taxes. problem, as earlier noted, is that effective community work is predicated upon the presence of a solid public Income taxes, in particular, kick in at very infrastructure. low levels of earnings. The federal 2000 Budget fixed part of the problem by restoring full indexation to Several federal actions can be taken that the income tax system. The taxpaying threshold had would be more consistent with the directions implied been dropping and income taxes rising over the years by the concept of sustainable development. In the mainly because of an insidious problem – known as area of poverty reduction, Ottawa should continue to ‘partial deindexation.’ Low-income households paid invest in the National Child Benefit. While the 2000 a particularly high price [Battle 1999; 1998]. federal Budget moved the total maximum benefit closer to the $2,500 interim target, the amount should Payroll taxes are another burden on low- be increased even more - ideally to $4,000 per child income workers. While Employment Insurance for low-income families [Battle and Mendelson premiums have declined steadily since 1994, the fall 2000]. The higher level would offset more adequately has been offset by rising Canada Pension Plan the true costs of raising a child, estimated by various contributions. These have increased substantially studies at $100,000 per child over the course of a since 1996 as a result of changes to the financing of lifetime. the plan [Battle and Torjman 1999]. Caledon has proposed a redesign of the nonrefundable tax credit The higher level also would help tackle the for CPP contributions to provide geared-to-income affordable housing problem that has reached crisis tax relief that could ease the regressivity of the CPP proportions in many parts of the country [Battle, contributions increase. Torjman and Mendelson 2000]. The lack of high- quality affordable housing is particularly acute among In the area of social investment, the federal First Nations’ communities. government must play a substantial investor role but need not be the only contributor. The health care Although improved benefits to families will system is in need of repair as a result of serious do nothing to create an adequate supply of affordable mounting pressures. These include an aging popu- housing, at least they will help ensure that low- and lation, the growing demand for health services from modest-income households can pay for decent a relatively affluent population, costly new diagnostic shelter. In fact, the need for safe and healthy human and procedural technologies, and funding cuts [Battle, settlements has been identified as a pressing global Torjman and Mendelson 2000]. issue [United Nations 1993]. A national home care program is urgently On another front, Ottawa could move to needed to ease the shift from costly hospital and extend the coverage of Employment Insurance, which institutional care to more natural community-based has fallen to its lowest level since the post-war care. But the health care system requires fundamental inception of the program [Torjman 2000]. It also restructuring not only in terms of service delivery. could improve the adequacy of benefits from its Financing issues also must be addressed. current replacement rate of 55 percent of average insurable earnings. Caledon Institute of Social Policy 7
Provinces and territories are primarily stakeholders: parents, municipalities, employers, responsible for delivering health care services. unions, schools, child care providers and community Ottawa provides services only to designated groups. The system ideally would be built upon populations, including First Nations’ communities desirable practice guidelines: service integration, on reserve and the military. mixed delivery and community base. However, the federal government does play In the field of education, Ottawa withdrew a crucial funding role. It contributes to the cost of funds from postsecondary education through cuts to health care through cash transfers and tax points under the Canada Health and Social Transfer although it the Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST). As has made some new investments in university part of its efforts to slay the deficit, Ottawa drastically research. Tuition rates at postsecondary educational cut its cash transfers to provinces when the CHST institutes have continued to rise and recent changes took effect in 1996. to the Canada Student Loans Program have created financing pressures for students [Torjman 2000]. In 1999, the federal government injected Several provinces also have withdrawn funds from $7.5 billion over three years back into health care to their primary and secondary educational systems. stem the withdrawal of funds from the transfer These cuts represent a serious disinvestment in human arrangement. It also invested in a wide range of health capital, given the economic and social significance research and information initiatives. The 2000 of high-quality education. Budget announced a one-time boost of $2.5 billion in cash transfers in respect of health care. Provinces Finally, the federal government can play a still claim that these recent investments do not crucial facilitation role by supporting the problem compensate for the substantial CHST losses. solving capacity of local communities. The concept of sustainable development adds a strong community And despite a publicly funded medicare or ‘local’ focus to the concept of economic and social system, Canada ranks behind other OECD countries well-being. However, this community focus is with respect to investment in public health care as a feasible only within the context of adequate public share of the public/private mix. The public share of investments earlier described. financing for health care in Canada is 70 percent with 30 percent as a private share compared to the 75/25 In addition to facilitating community-based public/private OECD average financing [Battle, problem solving, Ottawa can participate actively in Torjman and Mendelson 2000]. these local processes. Federal representatives on the Partners for Jobs Task Force, for example, have made In the area of early childhood development a major contribution with respect to local labour and family supports, Caledon recently proposed a market information. federal investment of $7.5 billion over five years towards a National Child Development Fund [Battle Solid and up-to-date information is an and Torjman 2000]. Ottawa would transfer money essential ingredient for local labour markets. The to the provinces and territories, subject to reasonable federal Department of Human Resources Dev- conditions: comprehensiveness, universality, accessi- elopment is responsible for collecting labour market bility, quality and accountability. information through several national surveys. Its regional offices, in turn, develop local labour market But neither Ottawa nor other levels of profiles. But there are problems with the existing government can build a comprehensive system of data. family supports without the involvement of other 8 Caledon Institute of Social Policy
Current occupational classifications must objectives are being met. Possible indicators might be updated. Many occupations have emerged since include, for example, measures of inequality in the inception of the National Occupational Classi- market and in total income (i.e., after transfers and fication Coding System. There is no reliable way of taxes), waiting lists for affordable housing and use identifying emerging labour force needs at the local of food banks throughout the country. level; information tends to focus primarily upon what exists right now rather than on the skills required in The third task involves the documentation the near future. of various departmental activities that are deemed relevant within the context of sustainable develop- Problems also arise from data collection ment but that are not easy to measure or quantify. methods. There is an inordinate reliance, for exam- Clearly, this approach entails the collection of ‘soft’ ple, on printed ‘help wanted’ ads without taking into information. It may be unrealistic to expect anything account electronic labour exchanges. Neither do more than process outcomes and indicators. existing surveys include jobs, such as construction work, typically posted in union hiring halls. Because the social dimension of sus- tainable development involves no single correct As part of the Partners for Jobs initiative, action, the Commissioner also might consider federal representatives have taken the lead role in convening a small group of individuals both within resolving shortcomings in local labour market infor- and outside government to discuss the work that is mation. In conjunction with provincial, regional and being assessed. In effect, they would be engaged in community partners, the federal government is the process of deliberative problem solving - much exploring ways to update current surveys, create new like the way in which the federal government itself instruments and employ diverse methodologies to is being encouraged to support communities. gather relevant data. One final point Directions arising from the federal role The social dimension of sustainable What are the implications for the Commis- development is concerned primarily with poverty sioner of Environment and Sustainable Develop- reduction, social investment and the building of safe ment? This discussion of the federal role suggests and caring communities. several possible tasks. These include setting a framework for federal departments, identifying In addition to clear goals, sustainable selected indicators and documenting the evaluative development provides guidance as to possible means. ‘story.’ A wide range of resources should be harnessed in the achievement of these objectives. Complex The first task is to create a framework of problems are best tackled through multisectoral desirable directions within which federal departments solutions. and agencies can develop their respective work plans. The framework should be specific enough to give It should be stressed, however, that these clear guidelines but general enough to allow proposals are an interpretation of the social interpretation and creative responses. dimension of sustainable development. There is no ‘right’ answer – or single correct reading of this term. A second step is to identify selected These proposals represent one view as seen as through indicators that would help determine whether desired a three-dimensional lens. Caledon Institute of Social Policy 9
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