The Shield - Federal Hocking Local Schools

Page created by Brittany Chang
The Shield - Federal Hocking Local Schools
The Shield
                                    Winter, 2021                                          Federal Hocking High School

                                                 Covid 19 in Class
                                                   By Nathaniel Massie
      With news updating           year is a struggle for some      Seventh grade student      the correct procedures in
    Covid and the way the          students. In trying to         Samuel Balch said, “Desks ensuring students are safe.
    infectious disease spreads,    minimize contact schools       are more spaced out and
    many schools have shift-       and teachers have to for-      there are less kids in the
    ed to remote learning,         feit some of their avail-      classroom.”
    making these tough times       ability to students.             Along with the class-
    tougher on students and          “We are only in class        rooms changing, so have
    parents. Others offer a        for two days compared          the daily procedures that
    split learning where half      to five. You can only see      students are required to
    of students' week will be      your teacher for half a        follow while learning in
    spent in class and the oth-    school day,” sophomore         person. Brown has no-
    er half spent online.          Jonathan Lee claimed.          ticed all the precautions.
      “If I go to school, I have     “There is less amount          “Social distancing,
    someone pushing me to          of help available,” Pfeiffer   wearing masks, wiping
    do my homework,” Senior        grumbled.                      down all desks, walking
    Mason Brown stated.              In addition to the learn-    a certain direction in the
      Most students felt as        ing process, the classroom     hallways, and each class-
    though being in class was      environment has changed        room has a designated
    more beneficial to their       drastically.                   bathroom closest to the
    learning process when            Schools have tried to        class.”
    asked why they chose split     minimize all chances of          Covid has surely
    learning instead of virtual.   spreading Covid, provid-       changed all of our lives.
      “The fact is that the        ing contactless assign-        As for Covid in class,
    learning quality is bet-       ments along with social        schools such as Federal
    ter in a hands-on envi-        distancing.                    Hocking showed their
    ronment,” Senior Jared           “We don’t have to turn       true colors in the steps
    Pfeiffer said.                 any papers in, there are       they took by providing
      However, this learning       also a lot less people,” Se-   the best that they can as
    process compared to last       nior Paige Tolson stated.      far as in class learning and

The Shield - Federal Hocking Local Schools
Run, Rosie, Run!
                  By Chloe Phillips and Miles Hadley
      The year 2020 has had         “The thing that is going     mature from the
    a lot of firsts. Some have    to get you farthest is run-    sophomore season
    been challenging, but         ning on the off-season.        to the junior season.
    for one Federal Hocking       That's how I got to where      Her off-season train-
    student, there has been       I am today.”                   ing allowed her to
    an epic first. Junior Rose-     In cross country every-      lower her times and
    mary Stephens was the first   one is close. It is like one   do her best. That’s
    female from Fed Hock to       big family. They support       the payoff for hard
    ever advance to State for     and help and push each         work, and with dis-
    Cross Country.                other.                         tance running, that’s
      She moved up 20 spots         “Coach Miller pushed         what really pays off.
    from where she placed last    me when I wanted to stop.      It's very satisfying.
    year.                         He supports you and is         It is truly one sport
      “My PR is 20 mins and 7     genuinely proud of you.”       you get out of it what
    seconds.”                       Coach Dave Miller him-       you put into it.”
                                                                                               ite memory this year and
      Stephens has been run-      self had some good things        Being and staying mo-
                                                                                               wished she would have
    ning since her freshman       to say about Stephens’         tivated is hard. Runners
                                                                                               been able to break her 20
    year. This year she won       performance.                   have to find something
    the most valuable runner        “The results speak for       that will keep you going
                                                                                                 “I remember the race
    award.                        themselves, watching her       and inspires you to want
                                                                                               where I ran 20:07; when
                                                                 to do more and to never
                                                                                               I left I was so frustrated
                                                                 give up. Stephens said that
                                                                                               that I didn't make up
                                                                 staying motivated is the
                                                                                               the seven seconds some-
                                                                 hardest part.
                                                                   Stephens began run-
                                                                                                 This year has been a
                                                                 ning when she entered
                                                                                               record breaking year for
                                                                 a 5k called “A Race for a
                                                                 Reason” in 8th grade. She
                                                                 didn't really have a favor-

The Shield - Federal Hocking Local Schools
Busta Rhymes Article
                                                   By Miles Hadley
  A sequel to his 1998         throughout.                     an avid Hip Hop listen-       ly bad by any stretch of
album, Extinction Level          With features on the          er and agreed with this       the word, but he seems to
Event: The Final World         record from the greats,         assessment.                   work better accompany-
Front, Busta Rhymes            such as Chris Rock, Rick          “It was a really cool       ing someone else. On an
comes in strong with a         Ross, Eminem, Kendrick          track. We haven’t heard       out-of-ten scale, I would
new 26 track record with       Lamar, and even Mariah          from Busta Rhymes in 8        give this album an 8.5/10.
four rereleases, Extinction    Carey, this album covers        years; it was nice to hear
Level Event 2: The Wrath       many styles and flows so        from Kendrick as well
of God. With it extending      there’s a little bit of some-   since he hasn’t released
to a lengthy one hour and      thing for everyone while        anything in a minute,”
34 minutes, you’re in for      still keeping the Busta         Hadley said.
a mind-boggling auditory       integrity on every track.         Overall: This is a great
experience.                    Although, these eccentric       album, but not perfect. As
  This album is set on the     features leave much to be       I mentioned earlier on,
idea that the world is in      desired on the solo Busta       the outstanding features
fact, ending. With various     Rhymes tracks.                  from people like Kendrick
non-comedic skits, and a         The best track on this        Lamar and Mariah Carey
long intro track half mu-      record, in my opinion, is       leave much to be desired
sic half monologue, it sets    Look Over Your Shoulder         when Busta is doing his
up the pacing well for the     (Ft. Kendrick Lamar).           best on tracks alone. Not
rest of the tracks and skits   Senior Duncan Hadley is         that he’s doing particular-

                                        Another Game Awards
                                                   By Miles Hadley
  The Game Awards,             games and additional            Family Game.                  Last Of Us 2 was an okay
hosted by Geoff Keighley,      content.                          Best Esports Game           game at best, while Hades
is an event like any other       This year, we had plenty      unsurprisingly went to        was the culmination of
awards ceremony, but           of exciting announce-           League Of Legends, and        everything SuperGiant
chock-full of announce-        ments and crossovers            Game Of The Year went         had made and I don’t
ments for new games            from various developers.        to a yet again unsurpris-     think anyone could make
inside. It's hosted every      Some particularly stand-        ing, The Last Of Us 2.        a game better than it.”
year at the beginning          out announcements                 “Seeing all the other         Whether or not you
of December (this year         range from Halo and The         awards it got, such as        enjoyed or agreed with
the 10th), and is the 7th      Walking Dead crossovers         Best Sound Design, and        this year’s Game Awards
annual. TGA host Geoff         in Fortnite, to the highly      Best Action/Adventure, it     announcements and win-
Keighley ran a previous        anticipated new Super           was a no brainer to win,”     ners, there’s always 2021.
game awards ceremony,          Smash Brothers fighter,         Duncan Hadley, a fellow
the Spike Video Game           revealed to be Sephiroth        viewer, said.
Awards for more than 10        from Final Fantasy.               On the flipside, this is
years before starting the        A few notable games           what a less than satisfied
game awards. The Game          won some awards this            viewer, Thomas Schwar-
Awards as we know it           year, such as Best Mobile       zel, had to say.
today isn’t only known         Game and Best Multi-            “I honestly
for the awards ceremo-         player Game going to the        believed that
ny itself, though. It's        hit game Among Us, and          Hades should
known for it's sleuth of       Animal Crossing: New            have won game
announcements for new          Horizons winning best           of the year. The

The Shield - Federal Hocking Local Schools
Argentina Addresses World’s Deadly Disease
                              By Mason Jackson, Maggi Ballew and Chloe Phillips
      It is a beautiful spring    a large number of cases.       groups to decide what          by this pandemic, these
    day in Mendoza, Ar-           There have been 917,000        days you could leave your      fines are a big deal.
    gentina. The sun shines       cases and 25,000 deaths in     house. Pustavrh and his          One good thing that has
    through the pine trees        Argentina.                     wife were put in different     come from police pa-
    planted around the park         Despite the large num-       groups, based on wheth-        trolling more is the crime
    while dogs lounge in the      ber of cases, Argentina        er their last digit of their   rate is way down.
    shade. The wind gently        has been one of the most       government ID number              “It is a lot safer now
    blows the mass of yellow      strict countries when it       is odd or even, so they        than it was before quaran-
    caution tape strung across    comes to rules during the      haven’t been together in       tine to walk the streets in
    the playground’s benches,     pandemic. Their quaran-        public since March.            Mendoza. Crime rate fell
    slides, and monkey bars.      tine began on March 17.          Some rules for when          dramatically. There were
    This outdoor recreation       The shocking part is that,     you do go out include          a lot of restrictions and
    center looks like a de-       as of Oct. 19, it had been     wearing a mask in public.      police were very strict.”
    serted crime scene. The       200 days.                      Argentine citizens can’t       Luckily for Argentine cit-
    government has ordered          “Argentina has had the       stop moving in places          izens, they didn’t experi-
    gyms, schools, restaurants    longest quarantine or          like a park and there is       ence the same shortage of
    and many other facilities     lockdown in the world,”        caution tape everywhere,       food items or household
    to close. The only hint of    Rayko Pustavrh, a teacher      so they can’t touch public     items that citizens in the
    normalization is that indi-   in Mendoza, Argentina,         equipment. Another thing       U.S. did. Most of their
    viduals get in their morn-    said.                          that has been banned are       food comes from their
    ing exercise by jogging,        Pustavrh was born in         most sports.                   country. Even though
    bike riding and walking in    the U.S. but currently lives     “Very few sports are         they have access to these
    the fresh air. There is no    in Mendoza, Argentina.         permitted. Tennis and          things that doesn’t mean
    birdwatching or napping       He visited Federal Hock-       golf are permitted,” Pus-      they are cheap. Due to the
    in the sunshine though.       ing and even was a sub-        tavrh said.                    demand for cleaning sup-
    No one is allowed to be       stitute teacher for Lancers      There are many other         plies, prices were raised.
    still. They must always be    when it was his summer         rules and they are all         There was one item that
    moving or they will get a     break, which would be          strictly enforced. Police      was particularly hard to
    fine.                         winter in Ohio. Currently,     are always patrolling and      find.
      This situation seems        he is experiencing this        looking for people not fol-      “At the beginning of
    dystopic, but it is just      pandemic with his wife         lowing the protocol. Peo-      lockdown, it was really
    one of the ways that the      and kids in Mendoza.           ple who break the rules        hard to get hand sanitizer.
    Argentine government          This has made life diffi-      can face large fines and       Now you can buy it in
    has slowed the spread of      cult for Pustavrh and his      even jail time. People can     bulk though.”
    COVID-19. The virus has       family. He is a teacher at     get fined 5,000 pesos for        When citizens of Argen-
    spread across the world       multiple schools so both       not wearing a mask. That       tina are not making quick
    and is affecting the lives    he and his students have       is about $65. That is quite    and safe trips to the store,
    of many. There have been      to adjust to classes being     a lot of money especially      they are mostly staying
    almost eight million cases    online.                        when some Argentine            home because the process
    of Covid-19 in the United       Besides these changes,       people are only making         of traveling to another
    States and over 200,000       there are also many other      $200 a month. Stores can       province is long and com-
    deaths. Another country       brand new rules that the       also get fined 10,000 pe-      plicated. Anyone taking a
    that is heavily affected by   Argentine government           sos for employees for not      trip is required to quar-
    Covid-19 is Argentina.        has put in place. Everyone     wearing masks and large        antine in a hotel at their
    Despite having a smaller      has had to stay home and       places like supermarkets       destination for two weeks.
    population than the U.S.      can only leave for certain     could face up to 50,000        The hotel fee is paid out
    by 287.2 million people,      things. They also split        pesos in fines. When the       of pocket and police and
    they have still racked up     the population into two        economy is being affected      authority check in with

The Shield - Federal Hocking Local Schools
the travelers too. Not only     Senior citizens are the         but deliberate decisions
is short-distance travel-       group that are more             that have already saved
ing hard, all airlines in       affected by Covid-19 and        many citizen’s lives and
Argentina are closed and        have more risk when they        just like the Pustarvh
no airplanes are flying         get it. The government is       family, many others are
anywhere. Argentina is          trying very hard to pro-        staying positive and hope-
cut off from Chile to the       tect them by enforcing all      ful for the future.
west, and this leaves them      the rules. They also check
isolated.                       in with them to make sure                             Fun Facts!
   This pandemic has            they are doing okay.
also had a big economic           “Senior citizens are get-     Movie trailers were originally played AFTER the movie.
impact. Unemployment            ting assistance from the        The “trailer” the follows the feature film, hence the name.
is rising and there is more     government. The govern-         The first trailer was in 1912, and was for a Broadway show,
poverty. Production of          ment calls them everyday        not a movie.
products has shut down          to talk to them,” Pustavrh
and companies are leav-         said.                           There is only one U.S. capital without a McDoanld’s. Mont-
ing the country. Foreign          Pustavrh has experi-          pelier, Vermont doesn’t have any golden arches. It also
companies are removing          enced proof that senior         happens to be the U.S. capital with the smallest population,
their stores and packing        citizens are being affected.    having just 7,500 residents.
up.                             Sadly, two elderly neigh-
   Another thing the gov-       bors of his have passed         The Terminator script was sold for $1. In order to get his
ernment started out pay-        away due to Covid-19. So        big break with The Terminator, James Cameron sold the
ing for was the Covid-19        this really affected peo-       script for one dollar and the promise that he would be able
test. But they were expen-      ple’s lives and it is danger-   to direct.
sive and people would           ous.
have to wait weeks to get         Students of all ages are       Baseball umpires used to sit in rocking chairs. People have
into an appointment and         facing a different chal-        been playing baseball since the mid 19th century. In the
would be over it by then.       lenge too.                      earlier games, umpires would officate while reclining in
This was because it was           “A lot of students are not    rocking chairs 20 feet behind home plate.
difficult to get a test. Now    getting an education right
it is easier. But if you want   now. Low income families        The tiny pockets in jeans were designed to store pocket
a test from a private com-      and internet accessibility      watches. The original design for jeans had four pockets;
pany it could cost 8,000        are an issue.”                  that tiny one, plus two more in the front and just one in the
pesos.                            Argentina made quick          back.

The Shield - Federal Hocking Local Schools
Federal Hocking’s First Girl’s Golf Team
                                                     By Mason Jackson
      The Lady Lancers just          for FH this season.          of experience and got to      Lancers at sectionals. She
    finished up their first sea-       “It looked hard and        learn if they liked golf.     was only six strokes away
    son of golf. This is the first   I wanted a challenge,”       This helped build the         from qualifying for the
    time in Federal Hocking          Smith said.                  foundation for the future     district tournament.
    school history there has           The first season was a     of the program. Thomp-           “It was her first year
    been a girl’s golf team.         lot of learning the basics   son was very proud of         ever picking up a club,”
    Last year there were talks       of the game because many     how far the team had          Thompson said.
    of a girl’s golf team and        of the players were true     come and shared a mo-            Overall it was a very
    many girls became inter-         beginners to golf. They      ment that showed their        good season for the first
    ested in playing. With the       had to start from the        progress.                     year of the program. They
    help of first year coach         beginning and learn the        “Our first time on the      had more success than
    Emily Thompson, FH had           rules of the game, what      range, I had many girls       they even expected. But
    their first ever girls team      clubs should be used in      asking me what clubs to       the most important part
    ready to go for the 2020         different situations, and    use. Then, at that practice   about sports is learning
    season.                          many other things. Junior    later in the season, I had    and having fun. Thomp-
      Thompson, a teacher            Makyla Walker was one        girls hitting the ball 150-   son thinks there are a
    at Amesville Elementary,         the beginners that learned   175 and even closer to        few important things you
    stepped up to coach the          a lot in her first season.   200 yards. It was a mo-       need to have in order to
    Lady Lancers. Not only             “In the beginning of       ment that made me very        play golf. They are also
    was it the first year for the    the season I was shooting    proud, and I got to see the   good lessons in life in
    program, but it was also         double par almost every      fruits of their labor.”       general.
    her first time coaching.         hole and I didn’t know         Thompson was also              “Sportsmanship, integ-
    And of the 12 players that       what any of the clubs        proud of some accom-          rity, self-discipline and
    came out to play this sea-       meant or what to use         plishments they had           patience are characteris-
    son only three had prior         them for,” Walker said.      during their matches          tics of this game that, in
    experience with the game            Thompson also said        throughout the season.        order to do well, you need
    of golf. She knew it would       that many of the girls       There was another team        to continuously practice
    be a big challenge, but          didn’t even know what        that the Lancers were         and execute.”
    was up for it.                   club to use to tee off.      always close with during         All of the players
      “I made the decision to        Throughout the season        the matches. They end-        learned a lot this year
    coach because I believe          the players learned a lot    ed up beating them in         and had fun while doing
    sports can help you in           and improved their game      a match or two. And in        it. Not only was actually
    every aspect of life. You        a lot. One of her favorite   the sectional match they      playing golf fun, but also
    learn so many skills that        parts about coaching was     placed sixth out of 11        the experience of being
    are going to set you up          seeing how far the girls     teams at the match. Junior    with the team. Although
    for success in the future,”      had come throughout          Emma Wilson, shot the         golf is thought to be an
    Thompson said.                   the season. They got a lot   best score for the Lady       individual sport, you
      Many of the players                                                                              combine individual
    who had never golfed                                                                               scores to have a team
    before made the deci-                                                                              score and spend
    sion to try something                                                                              a lot of time with
    new. Junior Alexis                                                                                 your teammates.
    Smith was one of the                                                                               Sophomore Ava Tate
    players that decided                                                                               remembered the fun
    to try golf for the first                                                                          the team had when
    time. She picked it up                                                                             they weren’t playing
    quickly and golfed in                                                                              even more than the
    the number one spot                                                                                matches.

The Shield - Federal Hocking Local Schools
“My favorite moments        include holding a clinic       ulary and other things         a junior program every
were driving the golf carts   during the summer. This        about the game is a good       year.”
around when my group          will strengthen the team's     place to start. Or do some       Another thing Thomp-
wasn’t playing, getting       skills before the season       research to learn more         son wants to see next year
closer to people and the      really gets on its way. She    about for example, the         is to see leadership from
bus rides.”                   wants the players with ex-     clubs you use in differ-       the senior players. She
  Thompson said that          perience to try to take ten    ent situations. Watching       wants to give these play-
the teams first season        strokes off of their score.    professional play on TV        ers more responsibility
was a good start but she      The team moving up in          was another way to learn.      on and off the course next
already has some goals        the sectional ranking is       Thompson also said there       year. With more leader-
for the team in the next      also a goal for the team.      are summer programs to         ship from players with ex-
season. She has high          She also had a few tips        actually start learning to     perience and with a coach
hopes for the team with       for people interested in       play.                          that now has experience
a lot of players coming       trying golf or playing next      “Attend a clinic in the      with the program, things
back next year with some      season. Watching Youtube       summer .Oxbow Golf             look bright for the future
experience. These goals       videos to learn vocab-         Course in Belpre puts on       of the Lady Lancers.

                                        Mason The Golf God
                                                 By Alexis Smith
  If you have heard of        portant role.                  got me out of trouble,”        honorable mention, and
Federal Hocking’s boys          ¨Mason was our num-          Jackson said.                  not for the first time. He
golf team, then you           ber two golfer all year. His      Even the best players       also finished ninth in the
probably know the name        strong suits would be that     still have worries. Jack-      district tournament.
Mason Jackson. He is one      he is a pretty consistent      son’s fear was being con-        ¨My favorite part of it
of the best players in the    player and performs well       sistent when they needed       was winning sectionals
TVC. According to his         in tournaments. He won         him. Every athlete has felt    and going to districts.
coach and teammates,          our sectional tourna-          weight on their shoulders,     We played putt putt golf
he is a hardworking and       ment,¨ Coach Eric Tabler       it can be the worst feeling    in the hotel and it was a
dedicated player. His         said..                         sometimes. He wanted to        blast.¨
younger teammates look          During Jackson’s fresh-      keep good rounds so his          Jackson is a great role
up to him.                    man year he was the four       team could advance and         model and a person to
  ¨Mason was always golf-     to five golfer, he struggled   all his teammates relied       look up to. He is very
ing outside of practice.      his first year like anyone     on his game.                   humble with his work and
He would play courses be-     else would. He typically          ¨A challenge for me was     even though he is a great
fore we did. He was very      scored in the 50 to 60         keeping a good round go-       player he still continues to
serious about golf and he     each match. His soph-          ing when I know it is im-      push himself.
was always looking for        omore year went a lot          portant. Like at sectionals
improvements. He is a         better. He improved on         I knew I was at the top
good player and I look up     his game and dropped his       and did not want to mess
to him,¨ Freshman Zane        score by 10-12. Jackson        it up. I didn't want to miss
Buckley said.                 shot in the 40’s then. His     out on districts and we
  Jackson is the number       weak spot was the green        were missing Collin so I
two golfer. His best score    and once he improved, his      knew I had to keep a good
was a 37 on a nine hole       score kept going down.         round¨.
and his best score on an        “My biggest improve-            All of Jackson's hard
18 hole was an 81. It says    ment was around the            work pays off in the end.
a lot about the way he        green. That is where most      As a team they got third
plays, he is a very import-   of my strokes were. I          and went to districts.
ant player with an im-        shaped my shots which          Jackson made all districts

The Shield - Federal Hocking Local Schools
Over the Horizon
                                                      By Corey McKnight
       The Forza Horizon            place in France, the game        Forza Horizon 3 was an       glitching aside, the game
    series are racing games         had goals very similar to     entirely different game         is really good for photos.
    that are Xbox and PC            its predecessor. The main     than Horizon 2. Again,          You can get some really
    exclusives. In the series,      goal is to win every set of   the goal of the game            good shots of your muscle
    there are a total of four       races. Horizon 2 ended        was the same as before,         cars, your jdm icons (jap-
    games, with a fifth one in      up blowing the first game     including the champion-         anese sports cars like the
    the works. These games          completely out of the park    ships. This game was only       Mitsubishi Lancer Evo,
    are very similar in some        with its updated game         available on the Xbox           aka my favorite, the Toy-
    aspects, and they all have      engine and how much           One and the PC, drop-           ota Supra, and the Mazda
    vastly different details        more gamers could do.         ping its release for the        RX-7 to name a few), or
    between each title. For         Horizon 2 introduced          360. One of the best parts      even an electric hypercar
    example, Forza Horizon 1        championships. You            about these games is that       in some of the most beau-
    is a very linear game.          could do a race event, and    they are cross platform         tiful landscapes I have
       Forza Horizon 1 was          then you would unlock         with one another. Hori-         ever seen in a game. The
    a very basic open world         a championship for the        zon 3 took place in the         pros of this game are the
    racing game that takes          event, which involved         eastern part of Australia.      huge car lineup and the
    place in Colorado. The          three or four more races,     Horizon 3 slimmed down          map. The map is beautiful
    sole purpose of the game        depending on the length       on the features that it had.    and is by far my favorite
    was to complete all the         of the courses. For Hori-     For example, it got rid of      map of the entire series,
    races. There aren't any         zon 2, there were both an     the road trips Horizon          by a long shot. The only
    outside challenges, be-         Xbox 360 and an Xbox          2 had. Horizon 3 has an         con is really only that the
    sides for speed traps and       One version. The Xbox         absolutely massive map          drivatars suck and tend
    speed zones. A speed trap       360 version didn’t have       compared to the other           to spawn in your way,
    is exactly as it sounds, ex-    a weather mechanic, nor       titles. It has a ton of major   especially if you’re doing
    cept you try to clock the       did it have custom driva-     offroad places along with       a top speed run. Overall,
    fastest time. A speed zone      tars (the in game CPUs),      on road, and the game           the game gets an 8 out of
    is the same, but it is over a   and it was very limited       implements the use of the       10 solely because of the
    short distance and it takes     to being an on the road       terrain for the races very      landscape and the car
    your best time average.         game like Horizon 1. The      well. If you do every race,     lineup. Forza Horizon 4
    Speand zones are present        Xbox One version was          you can and will drive          is basically Horizon 3, but
    in all four of the Forza        far more open world, and      literally all over the map.     revamped.
    Horizon games. The game         it implemented custom         There are endless possibil-       Forza Horizon 4 really
    is alright. It isn’t the best   drivatars and dynamic         ities of things you can
    of the series because of it     weather changes. I would      do and discover. The
    being a very linear open        personally give the Xbox      funniest part about
    world racing game. The          One version of the game       the entire series itself
    only open world aspect to       a 9.5 out of 10, because it   is each game's abun-
    it is roads, and one of-        is a massive step up to the   dance of glitches.
    froad spot, that is a small     first game. The Xbox 360      Every game has its
    golf course. The car lineup     version, however, only        own set of glitches,
    isn't huge, but it’s also a     gets about a 3.5 out of 10    but every game has a
    game from 2012. Forza           because the only differ-      ton of them. Horizon
    Horizon 2, however, com-        ence between the first and    3, if you do the right
    pletely changed the game.       the second games is the       steps, you can drive
       Forza Horizon 2              map location and the car      literally underwater,
    brought in a new me-            lineup. Forza Horizon 3       and drive through
    chanic that the first game      kind of built the blueprint   houses and other
    didn't implement well:          of the Horizon games we       vehicles. With the
    off road racing. Taking         play now.
The Shield - Federal Hocking Local Schools
isn’t much more than            series. I like each game for
what Horizon 3 was. I           its own reasons, and at the
find Horizon 4 really           same time I also dislike
good for playing with           them for different rea-
friends and exceptionally       sons. Of the four, I think
good for taking photos of       that Horizon 3 is by far
the cars. Horizon 4 takes       my favorite one, because
place in Great Britain, and     of the location, the DLC,
it includes Edinburgh,          the car lineup, and the
which is really good for        soundtrack.
night time city shots. Like
Horizon 3, the funniest
part of the game is its
abundance of its graphi-
cal, and technical glitches.
There is a lot of out of
                                                    FH Boys’ Basketball vs. Covid 19
                                                                       By Alexis Smith
bounds glitches. An out
                                   This year for every         cial distancing, Every        being quarantined for
of bounds is an area that
                                 athlete has been differ-      boy showed up and we          two weeks after playing a
is originally blocked off
                                 ent from previous years,      worked hard for what we       team with positive corona
by solid walls that you
                                 there are so many rules       could get,” Coach (need       cases.
cannot drive through. The
                                 and regulations added         first name) Thompson            “I hate this for us but it
glitches include somehow
                                 due to Covid. Covid has       said.                         was a matter of time. They
breaking into these out of
                                 affected team schedules         Before each practice the    have cancelled everything
bounds areas, mostly to
                                 and some schools even         boys check their tempera-     until after Christmas. It
show off to other online
                                 cancelled their whole         tures and do a symptom        sucks, but we are going
racers on how you got
                                 season. Even though           check. They are required      to come back stronger,”
there. There is a massive
                                 people would love to          to wear their masks at        Freshman Tariq Cotrill
online community for
                                 have their season, safety     all times when off of the     said.
Horizon 4, especially for
                                 is more important.            court. Basketball is all        Covid has ruined lots of
car tunes and car paints.
                                   Federal Hocking boys        about working as a team       things this year and has
The game is very involved
                                 basketball team is 1-1.       and with covid going          affected sports as you can
online, but you can also
                                 They have all worked          around they have to be        see. Sports are important
just ignore the other driv-
                                 hard for this season do-      socially distant.             to athletes and coach-
ers if you don’t feel like
                                 ing everything OHSAA            “I wish things were         es but Federal Hocking
being social. The game
                                 and the school will allow     normal but they are not.      coaches care more about
mechanics and how it
                                 without pushing limits        We had to adapt to things     all of the players' health
works and how you prog-
                                 or breaking rules. With       and coach tries his best      and will do anything to
ress is exactly the same as
                                 many rules applied it         to do drills while social     minimize the risk.
what Horizon 3 was, the
                                 was hard for the basket-      distancing which is the
only differences being the
                                 ball team to get where        best anyone could do for
car lineup and the loca-
                                 they needed to be.            basketball,” Freshman
tion. For Horizon 4, I give
                                   “We couldn’t do any-        Zane Buckley stated.
the game a 7 out of 10,
                                 thing in the summer             Covid is a very fast
despite the little differenc-
                                 so it was hard. When          spreading virus and
es between 3 and 4. I play
                                 school started back           playing basketball is a
it all the time, and I enjoy
                                 up we were allowed            risk to all players, coach-
playing it.
                                 to do open gyms with          es, refs and crowds. As
   All in all, the Forza
                                 the rules including           of right now the varsity
Horizon series is my
                                 face masks, and so-           boys basketball team is
favorite video game series
aside from the Fallout
The Shield - Federal Hocking Local Schools
Winter Driving
                                                     By Mason Jackson
       Driving in winter            know when a snowstorm         winter for many years.        droplane.
     weather conditions can be      can pop up on their way       He advises that one of the      There are ways to take
     challenging and danger-        to school or work. Ju-        most important things         precautions and keep
     ous, especially for new        nior Samantha Brown, a        to do is slow down and        your vehicle under con-
     drivers. Snow, ice and low     student at Federal Hock-      recognize the conditions      trol, but you could still
     temperatures will make         ing, is a new driver who      you are driving in. It is     find yourself sliding on
     driving more treacherous       has only had her license      also helpful to know the      ice when the roads are
     than in good weather           since Oct. 9. She mostly      roads. This is important      covered. The worst thing
     conditions. According to       drives to her internship      because you are not only      to do is slam on the
     the Federal Highway Ad-        in Coolville, Ohio and        more comfortable driv-        breaks. This will make
     ministration, more than        to Athens, Ohio. She has      ing there, but you know       you lose even more con-
     1,300 people are killed        yet to experience the bad     where the places are that     trol than you already did.
     and 116,800 people are         weather she is bound to       are more dangerous and        Tabler’s tip was to steer
     injured in vehicle crashes     see living in Ohio.           more likely to have ice or    in the direction of the
     on snowy, slushy or icy          “I am worried about         snow build up. And the        skid. And you must do so
     roads annually. And teen       driving in bad weather        last thing to remember is     gently until your vehicle
     drivers are more likely to     because I'm not super         something that Tabler’s       is going straight again.
     be involved in an accident     experienced with driving      grandfather once told         Then you can lightly use
     than drivers of any other      in different weather con-     him.                          the brakes to start slowing
     age.                           ditions because I'm still a     “You need to drive ac-      down.
       There are many differ-       young driver.”                cording to the conditions       “Do not slam down on
     ent weather conditions           Junior Damian Rob-          of the road.”                 the brakes and then you
     that drivers can face. Of      inson, a student at             Levi Thompson and           should try to slow down
     course, some of the main       Tri-County Career Cen-        Ann Cell, teachers at Fed-    easily by lightly pushing
     conditions are snow, slush     ter, is also a new driver     eral Hocking, had many        down on the brake to
     and sleet. But many acci-      who has only had his          similar tips for driving in   come to a stop,” Thomp-
     dents also happen when         license for five months. So   bad weather conditions.       son said.
     wet roads turn to ice          he hasn’t had very much       One was to give yourself        According to motosafe-
     making the translucent         experience driving in         more time to get some-, The National
     ice covering difficult to      winter weather. But the       where than you usually        Highway and Traffic Safe-
     spot, also known as “black     times he has he knows         need. This allows you         ty Administration wants
     ice”. This can cause your      he needs to be even more      to drive at lower speeds      you to know the “three
     vehicle to slide because       careful than usual.           and give more time due        P’s” for safe driving: pre-
     you can’t see it. Other          “When it’s snowing I        to traffic or an accident,    pare, protect and prevent.
     conditions include strong      pay a lot more attention      which is more likely to       Preparing is the first
     winds and visibility issues.   to everyone around me         happen in bad weather         step to driving safe. This
     Heavy snow or sleet and        and the roads ahead,”         conditions. The next thing    includes checking the
     glare off of snow on the       Robinson said.                to keep in mind is don’t      weather the night before
     ground can make it hard-         But there is a lot more     use your cruise control       and making sure your
     er to see and lead to an       to driving in winter than     when the roads are wet.       vehicle is well maintained.
     accident. There are many       that. Even experienced        According to,         It also means to clear all
     problems these can cause       drivers that have driven      rain, snow, hail, sleet or    windows and mirrors of
     and these conditions can       in bad conditions for         ice and slippery roads can    snow or ice before driving
     change quickly.                years are worried about       affect the system's ability   and having supplies like
       New drivers can face a       winter driving. Eric          to maintain a constant        an emergency survival kit
     variety of hazardous con-      Tabler, a teacher at Fed-     vehicle speed. With the       with you. And lastly, gain
     ditions because they have      eral Hocking, has been        loss of traction the tire     more experience by driv-
     never driven in those con-     driving the rough back        will spin faster and can      ing in different weather
     ditions before. You never      roads of Ohio during the      cause your vehicle to hy-     conditions.
Protecting is the next       This means to prevent ac-      other electronic device.     involved in an accident.
step to safe winter driv-      cidents that are avoidable     And lastly, you need to      But if you have to drive in
ing. To protect yourself       and there are many ways        be aware of your sur-        these conditions you need
and everyone else in the       to do so. Being famil-         roundings. Watch nearby      to take as many precau-
vehicle, make sure that        iar with the vehicle you       vehicles, watch for pe-      tions as possible to stay
everyone wears a seatbelt.     drive is very important.       destrians, look for things   safe. Remember the “three
Do not even move the           That way you know how          in the road and be aware     P’s”: prepare, protect and
vehicle before everyone        the vehicle you are driv-      of the conditions you are    prevent. And take advice
is buckled up. Also make       ing handles. You should        driving in.                  from drivers who have
sure your exhaust pipe         also never exceed the             Driving in winter         had many years of expe-
is clear of snow or other      speed limit and should         weather conditions can       rience.
things. If you were to         go ever slower than the        be very dangerous and
back into a pile of snow it    speed limit when weather       stressful. The only way
could block your exhaust       conditions are bad. You        to completely avoid it is
pipe. Worst case scenario,     should also never drive if     to stay home whenever
this could result in carbon    you are very tired or very     possible during times
monoxide poisoning for         distracted by something.       when the roads are in
everyone in the vehicle        Avoiding small distrac-        bad conditions. And as
and it can be very danger-     tions is also very import-     teens, new drivers with
ous.                           ant. The main one being        little experience, you are
  The last P is prevent.       using a phone or any           at even more risk to be

                     The Teaching Struggles During a Pandemic
                                                   By Alyssa Cole
  Being a student during       studies and have the
these times is not easy.       meeting with the hybrid
There are many obstacles.      kids in Science. I do virtu-
Also, teaching during a        al meetings on Fridays,”
pandemic is certainly a        Middle School teacher
struggle. As with any situ-    Rebecca Castelino said.
ation, there are also silver     “It has been a huge
linings. The staff at Feder-   adjustment . I feel like I
al Hocking High School         am definitely more orga-
are rolling with the times     nized. It is nice to have
and adapting.                  everything in one place.
  “I like hybrid learning      But P.E. has been difficult
so you have a chance to        to do online/modified.
see your students and          If I could do one thing
help them out in person,”      different, I would return
Math teacher Kelly Rob-        my subscription to 2020,”
erts said.                     Health teacher Rachelle
   This shows in a place of    Smith said.
hard times people can still      It seems the teachers
see the light at the end of    are facing a challenge, but
the tunnel. Some teachers      they are doing what they
are mixing their hybrid        can to adjust and keep
kids with their virtual        going. So far, it seems like
kids.                          they are doing a great job.
  “I do both for social

A Season to Remember
                                                     By Nathaniel Massie
       Chaotic is almost an         to the games or close fam-     a positive case. Coach
     understatement in regards      ily,” said Sophomore Mia       Tolson would take extra
     to the Coronavirus. Covid      Basim.                         precautions to have our
     cancelled numerous                It all can be stripped      season as normal as possi-
     events, games, get togeth-     on the drop of a dime          ble,” Smith stated.
     ers and family functions.      though. If a teammate            Covid has shut down
     It even cancelled part of      tests positive or comes in     many different set events
     the basketball season last     contact with a positive        we were all looking for-
     year. Schools are deter-       case they must quarantine      ward to. We may not all
     mined to restore some          for two weeks. If the team     be able to spectate our
     normality to the class         plays an opponent who          high school teams sport,
     and court. The Federal         tests positive, the whole      but the determination to
     Hocking High School            team must quarantine.          play from the coaches and
     girls team is no exception        “You must quarantine        players through all the
     when it comes to deter-        for 14 days and test nega-     new rules and guidelines
     mination with Covid.           tive before coming back,       that have emerged along
     They are determined to         if facing an opponent          with covid outshines not
     get the green light to play,   that has tested positive       being able to attend.
     no matter the precautions      we would all have to then
     they need to follow.           quarantine for two weeks
       “We have to have our         just to be safe,” Chapman
     temps and symptoms             remarked.
     checked,” Freshman Hal-           They would then be
     lee Chapman claimed.           faced with cancellation
     They are faced with            and the rescheduling
     multiple tasks before even     of games. They are not
     beginning practice, all to     letting this waver their
     prevent the spread of the      confidence or drive.
     same disease that shut the        “We would reschedule
     schools and seasons down       the games if a positive test
     last spring.                   arose, or quarantine if we
       “Before practice we          had already played them,”
     always wear a mask when        grumbled Basim.
     we are not shooting and           “We have already had
     coach Greg makes us put        three games cancelled or
     on hand sanitizer,” Junior     postponed due to teams
     Alexis Smith stated.           having or just getting over
       The crowds and conces-       covid. We have played
     sions have taken a huge        five games and are 5-0.
     hit in terms of how many       The season is going great
     people and how much            for us, just not the covid
     food are at each event.        part,” Smith claimed.
     Last year, at times, the          The coaches are doing
     fans had no choice but         everything in their power
     to stand to see the game.      to maintain the season.
     No more student section,       They are making sure all
     limited choice in snacks       guidelines are followed
     and not much conversing        and then some.
     and visiting going on.            “Coach would make us
       “Only parents can come       quarantine if we played
Winter Wellness
                                                 By Maggi Ballew
  How can you make               Grab your go-to book        Take in the sights and
today feel fresh, exciting     and then make some tea        sounds of nature.
and worthwhile instead         and curl up underneath          If a run is not your
of tedious and dull while      your favorite blanket with    speed, you can opt for a
hanging at your house?         a bowl of ice-cream.          walk or bike ride. One ex-
Here are some sugges-            Speaking of food, who       ample of a student taking
tions for crafts, activities   wouldn’t enjoy a thought-     charge of her boredom is
and other projects you         ful treat made just for       5th grader Estelle Ripple.
can enjoy on blustery          them?                         Ripple takes a social-
winter days.                     The family would love       ly-distant stroll with her
  A fun craft idea for na-     a home-cooked meal that       neighbor in the evenings.
ture lovers and observers      you worked hard on. Go          “I really enjoy going on
alike is covering a pine-      the trouble-free dinner       walks with my friends.
cone in peanut butter and      route and make pasta          Especially at sunset!”
bird seed and hanging it       for the main course and         There are many online
outside to watch lovely        microwave brownies for        workout videos to main-
songbirds frequent the         dessert.                      tain strength and endur-
treat all day long. Whip         “When I get bored I         ance that don’t force you
out a notebook and your        make fancy ramen. It’s re-    to step outside in the cold.
favorite pen and sketch a      ally snazzy. I suggest mak-   Indoor-dance workouts
caricature of the feathery     ing a garlic sesame sauce     are instant enjoyment be-
friends outside or draw        because it is a fun flavor    cause they involve getting
your household pets.           to try,” Eighth grade food    down and boogying to
Whether your artwork           enthusiast Evelyn Ripple      some funky tunes. If you
clearly shows a sassy cat      shared.                       are looking for a peace-
or just a page of scribbles,      Emma Amlin and her         ful workout, yoga videos
you can feel proud that        family have prepared          walk you through deep
you tried something new.       winter month activities       breathing and stretching
  “A drawing of a pet          for every day leading up      techniques for a healthy
would make a great gift        to Christmas. Decorating      mental state.
that could be sent through     delicious winter cookies        Hopefully the suggested
the mail. Friends and          and decking the halls of      activities motivate you
family would really ap-        their home brings the         to be creative, physical
preciate it,” FH art teacher   cheer.                        and kind. Stay happy
Ellen Hadley exclaimed.          “It keeps us entertained    and healthy these cold
Another past-time              while also spending time      months.
could be brain stimula-        together!” After eating
tion activities. Pick up       contest-level gingerbread
a crossword puzzle or          homes, it feels good to be
read a book that whisks        active.
you away to a magical            How about getting your
kingdom. A few vora-           heartrate up? Sometimes
cious readers at Federal       a burst of motivation-
Hocking commented that         al energy is just what
their favorite books were      is needed to clear your
graphic novels because         head. One quick exercise
the images accompanying        could involve lacing up
the story added a vision-      your running shoes and
ary touch.                     jogging down your road.
Bring Back the Light
                                                 By Corey McKnight
       Daylight savings time      Maxwell, it doesn't seem      that I live, think, and it   Ripple is not a fan.
     affects many people in       to affect her at all.         doesn’t change what I do.      “I like to hike, bike,
     many ways, especially           “It’s all just the same    Sophomore Leanne McK-        and work outside in the
     for their schedule. DST      thing, it’s just either       night has a few different    evenings and feel that the
     is when people set their     forward or back an hour,”     thoughts about it.           time change limits this.
     clocks backwards an hour,    Maxwell stated.                  “It doesn’t really make   My neighbor and I put
     giving people that extra        She explained about        anything much different,     on headlamps and go on
     hour of daylight.            how she does nothing          except my sleep schedule.”   night walks in the pitch
       DST originated back        different with that hour of   McKnight feels the           dark, even though it is 7
     in 1908, in what would       a difference. When asked      same about DST, but          p.m.”
     be present day Thunder       whether she liked spring-     she explained how it has       DST affects everyone
     Bay, Ontario. The res-       ing forward or falling        completely flipped her       in different ways, even if
     idents adapted DST to        back, she stated that she     sleep schedule, where it     they’re just subtle chang-
     help conserve energy, and    preferred falling back be-    gets dark before 6 p.m.      es. Losing that extra hour
     to give people the extra     cause it's natural time.      She prefers falling back     really does not affect
     hour of daylight. In 1916,       Personally, DST doesn’t   as opposed to springing      a whole lot of people,
     Germany adopted DST to       really have much of an        forward, because she gets    except the ones who don’t
     help cut down on artifi-     effect on me. However,        that extra hour of sleep     want to lose that hour of
     cial lighting and to help    it is funky to see that it    that night.                  sleep and the ones who
     cut down on fuel prices,     is 6 p.m. and it’s pitch        Some people who are        like seeing longer daylight
     as stated by timeanddate.    black outside. Otherwise,     active outside mourn the     hours, however it can still
     com. For some, it can        the hour change both in       extra time in the evening    affect people drastically.
     alter their schedules. But   the spring and the fall       to be outside. FH Intern-
     for Sophomore Jennie         doesn't change the way        ship Coordinator Renee

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