The seven wonders of ubiquitin: a multi-interview

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The seven wonders of ubiquitin: a multi-interview
Published online: January 7, 2014

Science & Society

The seven wonders of ubiquitin:
a multi-interview
Personal insights into the ubiquitin field

                                                                                                          different types of ubiquitin linkages recruit
    PARTICIPANTS                                                                                          different ubiquitin receptors that lead to
                                                                                                          completely different outcomes. There is a lot
    Ivan Dikic, Professor and Director of Institute of Biochemistry II at the Goethe University and       more diversity in the ubiquitin system than
    Director of the Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (BMLS), Germany                        we originally thought, when ubiquitin was
    Wade Harper, Professor of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, USA
                                                                                                          solely thought to be a tag targeting proteins to
    Ron Hay, Chair of Molecular Biology, University of Dundee, UK
    Thomas Langer, Professor at the Institute for Genetics, University of Cologne, Germany                the proteasome. It started with the discovery
    Michael Rape, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of California at Berkeley and   that K63 linkages lead to signaling. Then
    Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA                                                    linear linkages were also shown to play a
    Titia Sixma, Division of Biochemistry, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Netherlands                      role in signaling, even though there were
    Henning Walczak, Professor of Cancer Biology, University College London, UK
                                                                                                          some controversies about this when this was
                                                                                                          first reported. I think it is now obvious that
                                                                                                          not only linear and K63, but also other linkage

        his issue of EMBO reports highlights           EMBO reports: What would you say have
                                                                                                          types, lead to signaling outputs depending
        a new Review series on ‘Ubiquityla-            been the most significant contributions to
                                                                                                          on the context they are in. There is a lot of
        tion: mechanism and functions’ that            the ubiquitin field in recent years?
                                                                                                          plasticity in all of the signaling complexes
started last issue with a discussion of the
                                                                                                          that involve ubiquitin.
mechanisms of cullin-RING E3 ligase assem-             Ivan Dikic: The biggest advance came from
bly. This month includes an analysis of the            the realization that ubiquitin is involved in
role of ubiquitin in the immune system, and                                                               Wade Harper: One of the major advances is
                                                       most of biological processes in so many            the integration of mechanisms in structural
subsequent issues of the journal will feature          unexpected ways. For example, different
the roles of ubiquitylation in mitochondrial                                                              biology. For a long time, you would know
                                                       biological and physiological processes are
homeostasis and in stem cells, as well as                                                                 that ubiquitin was connected to a given
                                                       regulated by specific ubiquitin signals. There     pathway, or you might know what the mole-
how RING-between-RING (RBR) E3 ligases                 are also numerous examples in which not
function and how recent structural work has                                                               cules involved were, but actually knowing
                                                       only defects but also rewiring of ubiquitin        how they work together was not really pos-
contributed to our understanding of the ub-            networks is involved in human diseases. A
iquitylation cascade.                                                                                     sible. It took time to develop methods to
                                                       significant progress in targeting the ubiquitin    analyze these often complex reactions. Now
    Most of the senior authors of the Reviews          system for therapy has been accomplished.
included in this series came together at the                                                              we have a pretty good understanding of the
                                                       One good example is the clinically approved
recent EMBO Conference on ‘Ubiquitin and                                                                  fundamental biochemical mechanisms for
                                                       drug Bortezomib that targets the protea-           the key enzymatic processes. However,
Ubiquitin-like proteins: from structure to             some, but there are also other drugs, such as
function’, held in Riva del Garda in Novem-                                                               much still needs to be done to understand
                                                       inhibitors of different conjugation enzymes        the entire molecular pathways for the most
ber 2013. It was a good opportunity to                 and blockers of the ubiquitin decoding
gather their personal insights into the most                                                              complex ubiquitin transfer cascades.
                                                       machinery. Altogether, the biggest advance
important recent developments, future chal-            is the spread of ubiquitin functions across
lenges and their impressions on working in             biology and medicine.                              Michael Rape: I wouldn’t want to point it
the ubiquitin field. We also took the oppor-                                                              down to a single finding, rather to general
tunity to include the viewpoint of two of our                                                             concepts about specificity in the ubiquitin
                                                       Titia Sixma: I think it is the realization that,
Editorial Advisory Board members—Ivan                                                                     system: that it extends beyond single proteo-
                                                       although the interactions are weak, there is
Dikic and Michael Rape.                                                                                   lytic modifications; that there are many
                                                       a lot more specificity in the system than we
    The following multi-interview is an                                                                   different chains, different deubiquinating
                                                       had initially realized, that these modifica-
excerpt of their comments. Coming from                                                                    enzymes (DUBs). How the degree of com-
                                                       tions are selective.
various fields and at different career stages,                                                            plexity is currently recognized, not only in
this collage of their very personal opinions                                                              terms of numbers, but also of functional
is a good overview of the current state of all         Henning Walczak: In my view, one of the            interactions, which have been identified
things ubiquitin.                                      most important realizations has been that          through dynamic and quantitative proteomic

ª 2014 The Author                                                                                                        EMBO reports   Vol 15 | No 1 | 2014   7
The seven wonders of ubiquitin: a multi-interview
Published online: January 7, 2014
    EMBO reports                                                                                   Personal insights into the ubiquitin field     Interview

                                                                                                          inhibitors or binding site modulators. Cancer
                                                   Wade Harper is the Bert and Natalie Vallee             genomics over the last few years has shown
                                                   Professor of Molecular Pathology in the
                                                                                                          that there are very good targets to be attacked
                                                   Department of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical
                                                   School (Boston, MA, USA). He received his PhD in       for diseases with no good therapeutics avail-
                                                   Chemistry at the Georgia Institute of Technology       able, so there is a big need. I think ubiquitin
                                                   (Atlanta, GA, USA) prior to post-doctoral studies      can fill that. Such drugs could be used to treat
                                                   in biological chemistry at Harvard Medical             cancer, chronic inflammation and neurode-
                                                   School. In 1988, he joined the faculty in the
                                                                                                          generative diseases, for example. You can
                                                   Department of Biochemistry at Baylor College of
                                                   Medicine (Houston TX, USA) before moving to
                                                                                                          think about autophagy as a pathway linked
                                                   Harvard Medical School in 2003. His work               to ubiquitin, and modulating this pathway
                                                   focuses on the analysis of ubiquitin-driven            would have a lot of therapeutic benefit. An
                                                   signaling systems and the integration of               increasing number of ligases are also linked
                                                   quantitative    proteomics     to     understand       to developmental processes, so their misregu-
                                                   mechanism. [Photo credit: Nathan Harper].
                                                                                                          lation causes developmental diseases.

                                                                                                          RH: Up to now, we really only had inhibi-
                                                                                                          tors against the proteasome or the NEDD8
                                                                                                          E1. I think the big translational challenge is
    analysis. The combination between in vivo       if you can identify drugs that work in can-           to find inhibitors of the specificity step,
    cell biology and in vitro biochemical recon-    cer, it will have an important impact on              which is catalyzed by the E3 ligase. We now
    stitution has always been a strength in the     other diseases. In addition, a large amount           have assays that are suitable for high
    field. Over the last years, many interesting    of protein aggregation occurs in neurodegen-          throughput screening and there are many
    developments have occurred at that inter-       erative diseases. The challenge is to develop         screens underway to try to identify such
    face, and new technologies have pushed the      methods that would reverse some of the                inhibitors. However this may be difficult,
    field forward.                                  effects of aggregated proteins, or otherwise          because the libraries we have may not con-
                                                    find ways to eliminate aggregates.                    tain chemical matter that can inhibit the
Ron Hay: For me, the biggest advances have                                                                components of the ubiquitin system. Over
come from the structural analysis of the            MR: Having founded a company myself, I                the next couple of years this may be possible
components of the conjugation machinery.            strongly believe that there are a lot of              as better libraries come on stream.
We now have a pretty good understanding             opportunities in this field; the proteasome
of how ubiquitin is activated at the E1 step,       inhibitors and the thalidomides and related           Er: In which direction do you see your lab
how it is transferred onto the E2 and from          compounds are just the tip of an iceberg. We          going in the next few years?
E2s onto both HECT E3 ligases and sub-              will have to learn to translate the recent find-
strates. There is also structural work on           ings regarding the mechanism of ubiquityla-           Thomas Langer: My group is interested in
large complexes—like the anaphase promot-           tion—how you generate specific chains, how            mitochondria, mitochondrial quality control,
ing complex—that is benefiting from the             you get activity and timing right—into drugs.         mitochondrial proteases and protein turn-
combination of electron microscopy and X-           It is not going to be a simple ATP-binding            over, which is how we entered the ubiquitin
ray crystallography. In all, I think the whole      pocket as for kinases, but rather one will            field. It became clear that ubiquitin plays
ubiquitin transfer cascade has been illumi-         need to find allosteric activators, allosteric        a major role, not only in regulating the
nated over the last couple of years by really
nice structural biology.
                                                                                                         Titia Sixma is Head of the Division of
Er: What kind of translational/medical                                                                   Biochemistry at the Netherlands Cancer
applications or developments could come                                                                  Institute and Professor by special appointment
from this field in the mid-term?                                                                         at the Erasmus Medical Center. She was trained
                                                                                                         as protein crystallographer, received a PhD from
WH: We have already seen the beginnings                                                                  Groningen University and performed post-
                                                                                                         doctoral research at Yale University. Her
of it, with inhibitors in the cullin system. Big
                                                                                                         research uses structural biology and biochemical
pharmaceutical companies have had less                                                                   approaches to understand ubiquitin signalling
impact in the field than a lot of the smaller                                                            pathways with particular emphasis on DNA and
ones, in terms of actually identifying targets                                                           chromatin-associated pathways. She is a
and molecules. Within the biotech industry,                                                              member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of
                                                                                                         Arts and Sciences, of the Academia Europaea
there are several compounds that are
                                                                                                         and of EMBO. [Photo credit: Ben Balster].
making significant progress. There is a
major emphasis on trying to target the
ubiquitin pathway to treat neurodegenera-
tive diseases. I think the role of aberrant
protein turnover in cancer is pretty clear and

8      EMBO reports   Vol 15 | No 1 | 2014                                                                                                  ª 2014 The Author
The seven wonders of ubiquitin: a multi-interview
Published online: January 7, 2014
Interview       Personal insights into the ubiquitin field                                                                                      EMBO reports

                                                                                                            ubiquitylation sites, for example, can be
                                                  Thomas Langer is Professor at the Institute for           used in traditional cell lines but applying
                                                  Genetics, University of Cologne (Germany). He             these approaches to more relevant cells can
                                                  studied biological sciences at the University of
                                                                                                            sometimes present a challenge. For example,
                                                  Regensburg (Germany) and obtained his PhD at
                                                  the Ludwig-Maximilians-University       Munich            studying certain pathways in cancer cell
                                                  (Germany). After working as a visiting scientist          lines is not optimal for understanding the
                                                  at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer                    actual mechanism in vivo, or connecting it
                                                  Institute in New York, he became group leader             with a disease. One of the things that we are
                                                  at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.
                                                                                                            trying to do is develop induced pluripotent
                                                  Since 2000 he holds a position as Professor of
                                                  Genetics at the University of Cologne, where he           stem (iPS) cell systems to study some of the
                                                  serves as coordinator of the collaborative                ubiquitin-related pathways at a systems
                                                  research center 635 of the DFG (German                    level, using the tools that we developed in
                                                  Research Council), as vice-coordinator of the             cancer cells. However, there is a technical
                                                  Cluster of Excellence Cologne (CECAD) and as              hurdle: you don’t get a comparable number
                                                  prorector for research and young academics. He
                                                                                                            of cells and so the ability to detect things is
                                                  is interested in mitochondrial quality control,
                                                  membrane and phospholipid dynamics. In 2008               much lower, and moreover, the purity of
                                                  he was awarded an ERC advanced career grant.              differentiated iPS cells might limit interpreta-
     Thomas Langer is an elected member of EMBO, of the Academy of Sciences and Arts North-                 tions based on tools that ask questions about
     Rhine Westphalia and of the Leopoldina (German National Academy of Sciences).                          the bulk population. Initially, it may be
                                                                                                            necessary to scale back and focus on either
                                                                                                            particular questions or particular pathways,
mitochondrial proteome at the outer mem-              are known for 10% or less of them. There              and not just generate one more set of data.
brane, but also regulating the dynamics of other      must be a reason for this and I doubt that it         We are taking this approach in the context
mitochondrial processes, such as autophagy.           is just technical. I think we did not look in         of neurodegenerative diseases.
We are really interested in identifying               the right model systems; we tend to focus on
how ubiquitylation determines the regula-             cancer cells, for example. One big direction          RH: In the short term, our big challenge is to
tion of mitochondrial dynamics, for exam-             my lab has recently taken is to move away             understand how E3 ligases work, particu-
ple. Many components have been identified,            from cancer cell lines to untransformed               larly the RING type. Within the last year or
but under what physiological conditions is            systems: stem cells and differentiation               so, we managed to understand how the
this regulated? Regarding protein turnover at         models. We can study ubiquitylation, which            RING activates the ubiquitin~E2, but we
mitochondria, there is a lot of discussion            is a dynamic modification, in these dynami-           still don’t have an analysis of how substrate
about ERAD pathways at the mitochondrial              cally changing environments. In so doing,             is really brought to the ubiquitin~E2. We
outer membrane (MOM), but I think this is             we have picked up many interesting ligases            are now trying to obtain the structure of
by far not fully understood and we would              and substrates.                                       SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase RNF4 bound
like to explore this. Parallels between ERAD                                                                to a poly-SUMO chain of a defined length, in
and turnover of MOM proteins do exist but             WH: In general, the tools that we routinely           complex with Ubiquitin~E2. We hope this
there is a tendency to oversimplification. It         use to examine interaction networks or map            will allow us to see how the lysine residue
is likely to be much more complex, in terms
of regulation and membrane dynamics,
exchange with other lipids and vesicle, etc. I                                                           Ron Hay is Professor of Molecular Biology at
think ubiquitylation plays a central role in                                                             the Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression
the regulation of these processes.                                                                       and Honorary Member of the MRC Protein
                                                                                                         Phosphorylation and Ubiquitination Unit,
                                                                                                         University of Dundee. He attended Heriot-Watt
TS: We are now interested in the specificity                                                             University, Edinburgh and obtained his PhD
of ubiquitylation, and we will study this, both                                                          from the University of Glasgow. His postdoctoral
on the DUBs and E3 ligases. I am also inter-                                                             research was carried out at Harvard Medical
ested in how DUBs and E3 ligases collaborate                                                             School, Boston before joining the MRC Virology
and talk to each other, although we have not                                                             Unit, Glasgow as an Independent Investigator.
                                                                                                         In 1985 he joined the Biochemistry Department
been working directly on this so far.
                                                                                                         of the University of St Andrews and in 2005
                                                                                                         took up his present position in Dundee. Ron’s
MR: We always tend to let the biology drive                                                              work focuses on establishing the roles of
the questions that we study, so it is hard to                                                            Ubiquitin and Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier
predict. About seven years ago, when I                                                                   (SUMO) as signaling components. Ron is a
                                                                                                         Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator and a fellow
started my lab, I would not have predicted I
                                                                                                         of the Royal Society, the Royal Society of
would work on specific ubiquitin chain                                                                   Edinburgh, the Academy of Medical Sciences,
types, for example. One big knowledge gap                    Academia Europaea and is a member of the EMBO. In 2012, Ron was awarded the Novartis
in our field is that there are 600–800 E3                    Medal and Prize of the Biochemical Society.
ubiquitin ligases in humans and substrates

ª 2014 The Author                                                                                                           EMBO reports   Vol 15 | No 1 | 2014   9
The seven wonders of ubiquitin: a multi-interview
Published online: January 7, 2014
     EMBO reports                                                                                        Personal insights into the ubiquitin field      Interview

                                                                                                                 biology. What spirit would you say domi-
                                                          Henning Walczak is Professor of Cancer                 nates the field?
                                                          Biology at University College London (UCL) and
                                                          Chair of the Centre for Cell Death, Cancer and
                                                                                                                 TL: I think it is both collegial and competi-
                                                          Inflammation (CCCI) at UCL’s Cancer Institute.
                                                          Following his PhD in 1995 at the German                tive. It is collegial because many people
                                                          Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, Henning          from different backgrounds come together,
                                                          Walczak worked as a postdoctoral researcher at         so there is a lot of potential for collaboration
                                                          Immunex Corporation in Seattle (WA, USA),              without having the problem of too much
                                                          before returning to the German Cancer
                                                                                                                 overlap. I think it is a very attractive field
                                                          Research Centre as group leader in 1998. In
                                                          2007 he was appointed Chair of Tumour                  for young people. Of course, it is a competi-
                                                          Immunology at Imperial College London, and             tive field, but a field that is not competitive
                                                          joined UCL in 2013 to assume his current               is maybe also less interesting. We came into
                                                          position. He has received the Biofuture Prize of       this field unexpectedly and felt very wel-
                                                          the German Ministry for Science and Education          come. We had no problems in interacting
                                                          (2000), an ERC Advanced Grant (2012) and a
                                                                                                                 with other groups, possibly because we
                                                          Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award
                                                          (2012). Henning’s lab works on cell death and          came from a different angle. From that point
                                                          inflammation with a special focus on the               of view, it is a positive and open field. In
         biology of the different death receptor-ligand and the ubiquitin systems. His research aims at          general, I have had no bad experiences,
         developing new therapies for cancer. [Photo credit: Kerstin Schmid].                                    quite the opposite.

                                                                                                                 HW: As I said, there was some controversy
     that is going to be modified is poised in the         seen for example on the surface of cytosolic          when linear ubiquitination was discovered
     active site of the enzyme, which will give us         Salmonella. We are also focusing on how               to be important in TNF-induced signaling.
     some insight into how the acceptor lysine is          ubiquitin can regulate selectivity in auto-           Some people misinterpreted that as a state-
     selected. I think it is going to be quite a diffi-    phagy, which is one of the processes where            ment against a role for K63 in this process
     cult challenge.                                       Ub plays an important role. The transfer of           but that was never my take on it. And in
                                                           ubiquitin knowledge to the autophagy field            the end it did turn out that both linear
     HW: I am very interested in deciphering the           has given us good recognition. I am always            and non-linear ubiquitylation were impor-
     ubiquitin code at the tumor necrosis factor           intrigued by the possibilities of molecular           tant in this process. As it now stands the
     (TNF) receptor-signaling complex, which is            medicine, and ubiquitin might lead us to              non-linear component actually doesn’t
     a molecular machine that I find fascinating.          another medically relevant application. At            have to be K63, it can also be K11 or
     In fact that is the short title of my ERC             the moment, we are focused on infection               another linkage type. In general, I find the
     Grant! Linear ubiquitination plays a role in          and cancer.                                           ubiquitin field very collegial and at the
     TNF signaling, but we have also found K63,                                                                  same time highly competitive. I sense a
     K11, K48, and there may be more. We need              Er: The ubiquitin field is growing tremen-            real spirit of excitement in the field
     to find out the exact sequence of events,             dously and spans virtually all aspects of cell        because of the recent discoveries of
     where exactly is which linkage type placed
     and how do the different DUBs de-construct
     this. The other aspect my lab is interested in
     is to understand the outcome of this signal-                                                              Ivan Dikic is Professor and Chairman of
     ing in terms of autoimmunity and cancer.                                                                  Institute of Biochemistry 2 at the Goethe
     Can we harness what we have learned about                                                                 University Medical School and Scientific Director
     linear and other types of ubiquitination at                                                               of the Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life
                                                                                                               Sciences in Frankfurt (Germany). Before joining
     receptor signaling complexes to identify new
                                                                                                               Goethe University, he was a Group Leader at
     treatments for autoimmunity and cancer?                                                                   the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research in
                                                                                                               Uppsala (Sweden). He was trained as a medical
     ID: We need to understand more details                                                                    doctor in Zagreb, Croatia and obtained his PhD
     about the spatiotemporal dynamics of the                                                                  in molecular biology from the University of
                                                                                                               Zagreb under the supervision of Joseph
     ubiquitin system in vivo. Along these lines
                                                                                                               Schlessinger at New York University Medical
     we have recently developed specific engi-                                                                 Center. Ivan’s research focuses on the role of
     neered sensors (GFP-tagged versions of                                                                    ubiquitin in the regulation of autophagy, DNA
     ubiquitin binding domains) that can decode                                                                repair, inflammation, cancer, infection, receptor
     specific ubiquitin chains and can be used to                                                              endocytosis, and proteasomal degradation. He
                                                                                                               contributed to the identification of linear
     detect specific ubiquitin signals on depolarize
                                                                                                               ubiquitination, a signal that can regulate the
     mitochondria or DNA damage foci in the                                                                    NF-kB pathway, making a decision between cell
     nucleus. I believe that by using the high-                survival and death pathways. [Photo credit: Uwe Dettmar].
     resolution microscopy we can better distin-
     guish local ubiquitin signaling complexes, as

10       EMBO reports   Vol 15 | No 1 | 2014                                                                                                       ª 2014 The Author
The seven wonders of ubiquitin: a multi-interview
Published online: January 7, 2014
Interview       Personal insights into the ubiquitin field                                                                                    EMBO reports

                                                                                                          chosen it had I known that, but I found it very
                                                    Michael Rape is Professor of Cell and                 interesting. The sort of molecular mechanistic
                                                    Developmental Biology at the University of            focus of the field was very attractive to me. I
                                                    California at Berkeley and Investigator of the
                                                                                                          think there are still many open questions,
                                                    Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA. He
                                                    obtained his PhD from the Max-Planck-Institute        especially on the interplay between ubiquitin
                                                    of Biochemistry in Martinsried (Germany), after       conjugation and other signaling systems, and
                                                    which he carried out postdoctoral research at         so there is a lot to do. However, it is not easy
                                                    Harvard Medical School. In 2006, he joined the        to enter the field from the biochemical side, as
                                                    faculty of the Department of Cell and
                                                                                                          it is becoming technically quite sophisticated.
                                                    Developmental Biology at the University of
                                                    California at Berkeley, where he has held
                                                                                                          You have to learn the technology, but there
                                                    various positions ever since. In 2013, he joined      are courses to help people get to that level of
                                                    the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He has           sophistication, and that is useful.
                                                    won numerous accolades, including the NIH
                                                    Director’s New Innovator Award, the Vilcek
                                                                                                          MR: Ubiquitin is a very supportive field, so I
                                                    Award for Creative Promise and the Curci
                                                    Foundation Award. Michael’s research is focused       think it is a wonderful field to start to work
                                                    in understanding how proteins are modified            in. I received a lot of support in my career
                                                    with ubiquitin, how processes in the cell are         from more established people. The questions
    regulated by ubiquitylation, and how to alter ubiquitylation to treat disease. [Photo credit: Daily   that have been answered are very few com-
    Californian].                                                                                         pared to those we don’t know anything about.
                                                                                                          We still have so much to learn, especially
                                                                                                          from a biological perspective. It is also one of
                                                                                                          the few fields where you can really combine
ubiquitin’s role in so many different aspects          more young PIs, more people coming from
                                                                                                          cell biology, biochemistry and mechanism. It
of biology. It is great to be part of that.            different disciplines, with different ideas.
                                                                                                          is established that this is the way it should be,
                                                       Because of the nature of the knowledge in
                                                                                                          which can be a very fulfilling because you
WH: When I first started, I was in the cell            the ubiquitin field, there was never a lack
                                                                                                          can dip your hands in a lot of different areas.
cycle field, which was pretty contentious              of topics to study, but a lack of people,
                                                                                                          I would certainly choose it again.
for a long time; it is highly competitive. I           because there is a lot to discover. At the
find that, overall, the ubiquitin field is             end of the day, we sometimes compete,
                                                                                                          RH: Yes, I would. In fact, I have worked in a
extremely collegial. People tend to share              sometimes publish together, sometimes dis-
                                                                                                          few different fields over the years, in DNA
reagents and ideas. That doesn’t mean that             agree, but with time things are resolved sci-
                                                                                                          replication and transcriptional regulation
it is not competitive, it is very competitive,         entifically. This is the strength of the field.
                                                                                                          mediated by NF-jB. I really enjoy the ubiqu-
but overall, I think the field is very posi-
                                                                                                          itin field because it touches on many differ-
tive in its outlook and collaborative spirit.          RH: I think it is a very collegial field and
                                                                                                          ent biological problems, and so there is
                                                       there are a lot of new people coming into it.
                                                                                                          really a wide interest.
ID: The ubiquitin field has a tradition of             In most cases, people interact very well.
professional and friendly relations that was           Over the last few years in Europe for
                                                                                                          WH: Yes; it touches so many aspects of biology.
initiated by the pioneers in the field—like            instance, we had quite a large consortia
                                                       funded by the EU and there was a very nice         Every day there is something new to think
Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Herschko, Alex-
                                                                                                          about and you can spend time going down
ander Varshavsky, and others—who trained               spirit within that consortia. People inter-
                                                       acted well, they shared reagents, and in gen-      one road or another road, and still have tons
an extremely high number of the people
                                                                                                          to do.
who continued to develop the field to                  eral they were supportive of young people
where we are today. I think these standards            establishing new areas.
have prevailed; the field is competitive, but                                                             EMBO reports thanks the participants of this
there is a very professional competitive               Er: Would you choose the ubiquitin field           multi-interview for their time and effort.
atmosphere. Friendships and competition                now, if you were to start all over?                The interviews were conducted and coordi-
go side by side and it is a real pleasure to                                                              nated by Nonia Pariente.
work in this field. The acceptance of new              TS: For structural biology it has never been
PIs has been tremendous; we actually need              easy. I’m not sure if 10 years ago I would have    DOI 10.1002/embr.201338230

ª 2014 The Author                                                                                                         EMBO reports   Vol 15 | No 1 | 2014   11
The seven wonders of ubiquitin: a multi-interview
Published online: January 7, 2014
The seven wonders of ubiquitin: a multi-interview
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