Page created by Brandon Beck
P. L . Appleton
P. E. Miinchom
N. C.Ellis
C.E. Elliott
V. Boll
P. Jones

This paper reports a study of self-concept    However, samples have tended to be small
in young people with spina .bifida.           (Campbell ec al. 1977, Spaulding and
Previous studies are briefly described,       Morgan 1986, Lavigne et a/. 1988); hospital
followed by an account of the relevance to    out-patient clinic lists have been the
physical disability of findings in the        predominant source of samples; there
developmental psychology of self-concept.     have been 10 selection biases in some
   Interventions by professionals for         studies (Campbell er a/. 1977, Spaulding
physically disabled young people will need    and Morgan 1986, Murch and Cohen
increasingly to take account of young         1989); and theoretical models of self-
people’s views of themselves, and their       concept development and disability have
wishes and plans for the future               not been employed (Harper 1991). Thus,
(Department of Health 1989). It follows       for instance, while it is known that able-
that the scientific study of self-concept     bodied teenagers are concerned with their
and self-worth in those with a physical       own physical appearance and that this
disability is an essential component of the   factor is linked very closely to their global
knowledge that professionals should be        self-worth (Harter 1986), no study has
using for designing multi-agency inter-       identified the exact association between
ventions. Young people’s overall sense of     feelings about the body and feelings about
self-worth, their motivation to develop       the self-as-a-whole of young people with
and change, the value they place on           spina bifida. Until recently one problem
various aspects of personal functioning,      has been the lack of appropriate measuring
and their sense of social identity, are all   instruments.
factors which are central to an under-           It is now known that self-concept can
standing of how best to intervene to help     be broken down into dimensions (or
young people with physical disabilities       ‘domains’), and that children and teen-
(Thomas et al. 1989) and how to provide       agers can accurately assess what they feel
more appropriate developmental oppor-         about themselves in relation to these differ-
tunities (Rutter 1987).                       ent domains (Harter 1986, Marsh 1989).
   To date, the reported studies of global       We would expect that children with
self-worth (or self-esteem) in spina bifida   spina bifida, like able-bodied children,
subjects find mean differences between        would have individual areas of difficulty
spina bifida and control samples to be        and individual areas of success in the
marginal (Campbell el at. 1977) or non-       various domains of self-conceut. In
existent (Spaulding and Morgan 1986).         general it would be expected that, because
of difficulties with mobility, continence      importance reduced.
and intellectual performance, young               Harter (1986) and Crocker and Major
people with spina bifida would evaluate        (1989) summarised evidence that actively
themselves relatively poorly in the domains    reducing the importance of domains in
of athletic, physical and scholastic self-     which people perceive themselves to be          v
concept. Harter (1985a, 1986, 1990) used       less able, i.e. ‘discounting’, optimises        Q‘
the term ‘perceived competence’ to refer       global self-worth. By placing less impor-
to the evaluation the young person makes       tance on (or discounting) a particular
of performance in each domain. I t would       aspect of self-development, performance
be useful to know whether perceived com-       failures in an identified area are no longer
petence in these key arcas is indeed lower     a threat to self-worth. However, this
among physically disabled than among           cognitive process could result in decreased
able-bodied young people.                      motivation for change and development
   However, the evaluation placed on           (Crocker and Major 1989).
experience or performance in a particular         One of the most robust findings in the
domain of self-concept will depend on          literature of self-esteem is the correlation
how important that area is to the indi-        between a person’s evaluation of their
vidual personally: not being good at           physical appearance and their global self-
mathematics may not affect your self-          worth. Harter (1986) showed that self-
esteem if it is not important to you           rated physical appearance, as one domain
(Harter 1986).                                 of self-concept, correlates more highly
   I t is essential, therefore, that self-     (0.6 to 0.8) with global self-worth than
concept instruments incorporate a method       does any other domain. There is also
of ascertaining the importance that a          evidence that this correlation is higher for
child places on each domain, as well as a      girls (Harter 1986). So how do young
self-rated measure of competence. I f          people with a physical disability cope with
children feel competent in a domain            the socio-cultural emphasis, especially for
which is important to them, then self-         adolescent girls, on the value of physical
worth is likely t o be boosted. On the other   appearance?
hand, competence may be irrelevant for            From early adolescence onwards, able-
self-worth if the domain is not important      bodied girls are at greater risk for low
or personally valued. Using instruments        self-esteem and depression than boys
developed by Harter ( 1 9854, and Renick       (Harter 19850, Petersen et al. 1991).
and Harter (1988), it is possible to           Studies of self-concept in those with a
measure both competence and importance         physical disability have rarely examined
for each domain. The relation between          gender, perhaps because of sample-size
these two measures can then be examined.       problems. It may be a salient variable,
Following William James’ notion of the         acting as an effect modifier, protecting or
ratio of pretension (aspiration or impor-      making the disabled child more vulner-
tance) to success (competence), Harter         able. For instance, being female and being
calculated a ‘discrepancy’ score (com-         adolescent (as distinct from being in
petence minus importance) to convey the        middle childhood) might render the
size and direction of disparity for each       physically disabled young person more
domain. Harter (1986) demonstrated a           susceptible to socio-cultural norms con-
linear relationship between discrepancies      cerning the importance of physical
and global self-worth, negative domain         appearance.
discrepancies being associated with lower         One cognitive process that could be
global self-worth.                             protective of self-worth is the young

   How would a child with several areas of     person’s choice of a model for comparison
difficulty cope with a range of potentially    (Renick and Harter 1989). In a study by
stressful discrepancies between competence     Harter (1986), there was evidence to
and importance? If the child feels less        suggest that mentally disabled children
competent than peers, but experiences          chose to compare themselves primarily
similar aspirations, there is a risk of low    with other mentally disabled children.
self-worth. In order to regulate this,            Global self-worth is also governed by
competence could be overestimated or           the extent to which a young person feels       199
supported and accepted by parents,            worth. It was'hypothesised that, while the
      teachers and peers (particularly class-        relationship between discrepancies and
       mates). For able-bodied children, these       global self-worth would, in general, hold
      associations are independent of the            across groups, the physical appearance
      associations between domain-specific self-     discrepancy would be less strongly
      evaluations and global self-worth (Harter      associated with global self-worth in young
       1986). For children with congenital/          people with spina bifida.
TJ    acquired limb deficiencies, low classmate      ( 5 ) To explore whether young people with
m     support is a significant predictor of low      SB are more likely to compare themselves
.-C   self-worth and depressive symptomatology       with other physically disabled young
      (Varni et al. 1992).                           people or with able-bodied young people
           This study tested a number of theor-      when assessing their own competencies in
      etical predictions, all of which are           self-concept domains.
      relevant to the design of interventions. In    (6) To study the impact of the choice of
a     doing so, we attempted to overcome some        social comparison group on self-rated
      of the methodological problems of              competence and global self-worth among
      previous studies. The objectives and           young people with SB. It was hypothesised
>     hypotheses were as follows.                    that comparing oneself with other
      ( I ) To examine the multidimensional          physically disabled young people would
      structure of self-concept in young people      be associated with higher competence
      with spina bifida (SB) and to compare it       scores than when comparing oneself with
r:    with that of able-bodied (AH) young            AH peers.
vl    people who have no known learning              (7) To study young people's perceived
      difficulties.                                  social support as a function of group, age
      (2) To study and compare young people's        and gender; to investigate the association
      self-rated competence in each of nine self-    between social support and global self-
      concept domains and in global self-worth,      worth.
      and to examine the effects of age and
      gender on the above measures. In line          Method
      with the preceding discussion, it was          For the purposes of this study, spina
      hypothesised that there would be group         bifida was defined as open or closed
      (AB>SB), gender (M>F), and age (Y>O)           myeiomeningocele, with or without
      main effects for social acceptance, athletic   associated hydrocephalus, with or
      competence, physical appearance and            without ventricular drainage. All patients
      global self-worth. We expected older girls     had measurable functional impairment of
      with spina bifida to have the very lowest      locomotion, continence, intellect or
      scores in these domains and in overall         physical parameters associated with the
      self-worth.                                    spina bifida. They were aged between
      (3) To study the personal importance or        seven years and 18 years 1 1 months. The
      value which young people place on each         diagnosis was confirmed in all cases with
      self-concept domain, comparing groups,         the young person's own medical advisers
      and examining the effect of age and            and/or by review of the medical notes.
      gender. In order to examine the possibility    Case notes were obtained in order to
      of discounting, it was hypothesised that       clarify points in the history and on cases
      group would be a main effect (SB < AB) in      not seen clinically.
      all academic, physical appearance and
      athletic domains, with the exception of        Subjects .
      older girls with spina bifida, among           Recruitment for the study was from the
      whom the importance of physical appear-        adjoining health authority catchment
      ance and athletic competence would be at       areas of Clwyd, Wirral, Chester and
      the same mean levels as AB.                    Crewe. In order to get as complete a
      (4) To study the discrepancies between         sample as possible, extensive investigations
      importance and self-rated competence in        were made with consultant paediatricians,
      each domain by group, age and gender,          clinical medical officers, the Association
      and to investigate the degree to. which        for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
200   these discrepancies determine global self-     (ASBAH), and the Family Fund (a UK
TABLE I                                                              -
                                   Demographic characteristics of study sample                          03
                                                                Conlrols    Spina bi/ida   Rejusals
                                                                (N= 79)          (N= 79)   ( N = 17)

                                   Age (yrsmkhhs)
                                    Mean                          13:)            13:7      12:ll
                                     SD                            47              38        21
                                     Male                          38              38          7
                                     Female                        41              41         10
                                   Education/work status
                                     Mainstream                    63              49          7
                                     Special school                 0              17          8        2
                                     Residential college            0               4          0
                                     Mainstream co,llege            9               1          1
                                    College (SND)                   0               3          0
                                     Not in education               7               5          I

                                   'SND= special needs department.

national register of families with a               the medical interview, and three further
disabled child claiming a specific benefit).       subjects did not receive the medical
All eligible subjects were approached in           interview for administrative reasons, but
the first three areas from which ascer-            in all these cases the medical records
tainment data were available; in the final         enabled a disability severity score
area, subjects were approached on the              (Wallander e l a/. 1989) t o be calculated.
basis of random selection to complete our          The remaining 70 received detailed
sample. A total of 104 subjects were               clinical assessment.
approached.                                           Medical assessments were performed by
   Seventeen families indicated that they          five assessors (P.E.M.,G.c., v.K., R.P.,R.B.),
did not wish to participate in the research,       in a clinical setting rather than at home.
and a further eight children were excluded            If there was doubt about details in the
due to either apparent severe cognitive            history, these details were verified from
impairment or severe family distress. This         medical notes. Generally, parental recall
left 79 cases in the sample.                       proved accurate. For those nine patients
   For each subject with spina bifida we           not examined clinically, as much infor-
obtained a comparison subject, matched             mation as possible was collated from their
for age (plus or minus six months), gender,        hospital and community medical records.
classroom and housing neighbourhood.                  The medical assessment comprised a
Comparison subjects were selected from             detailed medical history, questions on
the same mainstream classroom as that              aspects of physical ability and indepen-
attended by the student with spina bifida          dence      (including    continence      and
or, in the case of older subjects, from the        mobility), a full physical examination and
same/similar workplace, college or em-             neurological assessment, and vision and
ployment training scheme. If the child             hearing screening.
with spina bifida was not in mainstream
education, the comparison subject was              DISABILITY SEVERITY SCORE
chosen from an appropriate local school.           Clinical severity for thoracic, lumbar and
The comparison subjects had no known               sacral lesions was quantified following the
chronic illness, disability or special             criteria of Wallander el al. (1989), who
educational need (Table I).                        defined the degree of severity of spina
                                                   bifida according to six medical parameters
Medical assessment                                 (Table 11). The score was not designed to
The sample comprised 79 pairs of                   include cervical lesions, and therefore the
subjects. Six subjects chose not t o have          three cervical cases have been exctuded.            201
      Medical parameters assessed for Wallander and colleagues' severity score

      Parameter                                 Disability    Clinically      Total
                                                 score        evaluated      sample
                                                               (N 70)
                                                                 2          ( N = 79)
                                                                h' (%I       N (To)

      Level o j lesion
      Sacral                                        0          I I (16)     I I (14)
      Lumbar                                        I          26 (37)      32 (41)
      Thoracic                                      2          30 (43)      33 (42)
      Cervical                                                  3 (4          3 (4)
      Operations jor ventricular valve
      None                                          0          18 (26)      23 (29)
      I                                             I          I I (16)     I2 ( I S )
      22                                            2          41 (59)      44 (56)
      Operationsfor skin ulcer below waist
      None                                          0          61 (87)      69 (87)
      21                                            2           9 (13)      10 (13)
      Total surgical operations required
      Sone                                          0
      1-2                                           I
      23                                            2
      Level oJ' independent amhulation
      No aids                                       0          16 (23)      18 (23)
      Braces                                        I          31 (44)      36 (46)
      Wheelchair or carried                         2          23 (33)      25 (32)
      Bladder junction
      Continent                                     0          14 (20)      16 (20)
      Cat heterised                                 I          43 (61)      48 (61)
      Collection device                             2          I! (19)      IS (19)

      *Yo1 applicable to cervical lesions.

      PCLTIBECED SEVERITY SCORE                                between 17 years and 18 years 11 months,
      This functional severity assessment,                     the WAIS-R. The short form comprised
      originally devised by Lindon (1963), was                 Arithmetic, Vocabulary, Picture Arrange-
      used in the modified form described by                   ment and Block Design for both the
      Thomas et al. (1989). I t is not specific to             WISC-R (Kaufman 1976, 1979) and the
      spina bifida. It uses a scoring of 12 items              WAIS-R (Silverstein 1982, 1987). In
      (Table 111). scored from 1 to 4 according                addition, all children were administered
      to defined degrees of severity.                          Digit Span.
         The disability can be graded in a
      number of ways, according to (a)the total                THE REY AUDITORY LEARHING TEST
      number of problems across the scales, (b)                 This test (Rey 1958, Lezak 1983), admin-
      whether the main disabilities relate to                   istered, to all children, involved presen-
      physical function (items 1 to 5 , 11 and 12)             'tation of a 15-word list for five trials with
      or behavioural or communication diffi-                    free recall after each trial. A second
      culties (items 6 to lo), and (c) the                      15-word (interference) list was then pre-
      functional severity of the problem.                       sented once for free recall, immediately
                                                                followed by an unprompted recall trial
      Psychological interview                                   and a recognition trial for the first list.
      As part of an interview, we used the                      Recorded responses were scored for
      revised versions of the Wechsler lntelligence             words correctly recalled, repeats and
      Scale for Children (wISC-R) and the                       intrusions.
      Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R).
        All children received a four-subtest                   THE     SELF-PERCEPTION PROFILE FOR
      short form of the age-appropriate test: up               L E A R N I N G ~ I S A B L E STUDENTS
                                                                                             D        (HSPPLDS)
202   to 16 years ll'months, the WISC-R; and                   This self-report instrument (Renick and
                            Capacity assessed for Pultibeced Severity of Disability Score   (N=70)                 I
                                                                         Severrry Crude                            6

                                                                I        2              3            4
                                                           h’   (%)    N (To)      N    (070)   N (4’0)
                             Physical capacity            24 (34)      23 (33)     20   (29)     3 (4)
                             Upper limbs-arms             49 (70)      17 (24)      4   (6)      0 (0)
                             Upper limbs-hands            36 (15)      33 (47)      1   (I)      0 (0)
                             Locomotion                    4 (6)       I 5 (21)    IS   (21)    36 (51)            2
                             Toileting                    10 (14)       4 (6)      34   (49)    22 (31)
                             Intellectual function         5 (7)       43 (61)     16   (23)     6 (9)             G
                             Behaviour                    41 (59)       8 (11)     21 (30)       0 (0)
                             Eyesight/vision              41 (59)      14 (20)     10 (14)       5 (7)
                             Communication-speech         61 (87)       9   (13)    0 (0)        0 (0)
                             Communication- hearing       65 (93)       3   (4)     I (1)        I (1)
                             Eating and feeding           66 (94)       4   (6)     0 (0)        0 (0)
                             Dressing                     36 (51)       5   (7)    26 (37)       3 (4)

Harter 1988) is based on the Self-                   tered to young people aged nine years and
Perception Profile for Children (Harter              over. This questionnaire asks children to
19850). It is designed for the assessment            identify how important each of the nine
of learning-disabled and normally achiev-            domains of self-concept is to them per-
ing children’s domain-specific judgements            sonally. Items are scored on a four-point
of their competence or adequacy in nine              rating scale; high scores indicating greater
self-concept domains, and their feelings             perceived importance and low scores
of global self-worth. The instruments                representing lesser perceived importance.
have well established validity and re-                  For calculation of importancdcom-
liability (Harter 1985~.Renick and Harter            petence discrepancy scores, Renick and
 1988). The 10 subscales independently tap           Harter (1988)-advised a cut-off of 3 on the
children’s self-perceptions in the follow-            four-point importance scale. Discrepancy
ing areas: (1) general intellectual ability,         scores (both domain-specific and overall
(2) reading competence, (3) spelling                 discrepancy) therefore represent data
competence, (4) writing competence, ( 5 )            solely on those domains in which indi-
mathematics competence, (6) social                   vidual children place special personal
acceptance, (7) athletic competence, (8)             importance. Discrepancy scores were
behavioural conduct, (9) physical appear-             calculated by subtracting importance
ance, and (10) global self-worth. The                 ratings from their respective competence
separate domains for specific academic                scores. In most cases this value was
areas have been found to be useful for                negative, since importance ratings tend to
children with specific learning difficulties.        be higher than competence scores. A
Children were asked to evaluate their                 mean discrepancy score was calculated by
perceived competence by completing three              taking the sum of the discrepancy scores
separate questionnaires entitled, ‘What I             and dividing by the number of domains
am like-first presentation’ (self-ratings             rated as important.
of competence in each self-concept
domain), ‘Who I am like’ (specification              THE SOCIAL SUPPORT                     SCALE        FOR
of chosen comparison group for each                  CHILDREN (SSSC)
 domain), and ‘What I am like-second                 This scale (Harter 19856)’ of well estab-
 presentation’ (repeated competence ratings          lished reliability and validity, measures
 based on the comparison group not used              the degree to which others like the child
 in the first presentation of the scale).            the way he or she is, treat the child like a
   A questionnaire entitled, ‘How impor-             person, care about his or her feelings, and               a

 tant are these things to how you feel about         act as if they feel that the child matters.
 yourself as a person?’ was thgn adrninis-           The four sources of social support or                         203
           positive regard in this instrument are             information was not available in two
CJ         parents, teachers, classmates and close            cases. At birth, six of the lesions were
           friends. Each item is scored on a scale of         covered by skin. 47 of the open lesions
           1 to 4, I representing the lowest level of         were operated on within the first week of
           support and 4 representing the highest.            life. Hydrocephalus was present in 56
           The format is similar to the i1SPPI.DS.            cases, of whom 52 had valves in sifu.
                                                              Three patients with hydrocephalus had
'13        Orher measures and inlerviews                      not had valves inserted, and one had had
           The psychological interview also involved          the valve removed.
m          quantitative measures of depression and
           coping not reported here. A qualitative            SUBSEQUEST SURGERY
           section allowed young people to reflect on         Details of orthopaedic, urological and
3          the development of their relationships.            other surgery were collected. Patients had
           Separate interviews were conducted with            a total number of surgical procedures
           parents or carers, and an occupational             ranging from 0 to 36 (mean 8.2), with 53
           therapy assessment was offered to a                having five operations or more and 21
0          subsample of young people. These data              having 10 operations or more.
t.         will be the subject of further papers.
0                                                             SUBSEQUENT MEDICAL PROBLEMS
           Procedure                                          A variety of medical problems were
           The research was agreed by the Research            recorded. 1 1 patients had had seizures at
           Ethics Committees of all participating             some stage and four were currently
           health districts, and directors of education       regarded as epileptic. Elevated blood
           gave their consent to the research being           pressure was noted in three patients.
           conducted in participating schools. If the
           family indicated that they were willing to         MOBILITY
           take part in the study, written consent was        Sixteen walked independently and required
           then obtained from both the young                  no bracing. 23 were dependent on wheel-
           person and the parent or guardian.                 chairs. 52 young people required a
              Psychological data were collected by            manual wheelchair for at least part of the
           four graduate research assistants, specially       time, and six had the use of electric
           trained in interviewing skills. Extensive          wheelchairs. 20 of the wheelchair users
           training was given to the interviewers on          were unable to transfer independently.
           the administration and scoring of the
           WISC-R and WAIS-R under the supervision            URINARY CONTINENCE
           of C.E.E. Practice interviews (using video         Sixteen cases were fully continent and 15
           cameras and one-way mirrors) were                  totally incontinent. The majority, 41,
           completed with volunteer subjects before           appeared to be managing their continence
           the interviewing of research subjects took         independently. Intermittent catheterisation
           place. Interviews were carried out in a            was used by 39 and long-term catheter-
           confidential setting within the school/            isation by five. Six patients had artificial
           college/workplace. Four older subjects             urinary sphincters. Four had urinary
           who were living in a residential college for   '   diversions.
           young people with special needs preferred
           a home-based interview.                            BOWEL CONTINENCE
                                                              Twenty-four cases were fully continent,
           Results                                            with 36 soiling intermittently and 10
           Physical findings                                  totally incontinent. 29 managed their
           An outline of the medical findings, levels         bowels independently.
           of mobility and continence is shown in
           Table 11.                                          CLINICAL FINDINGS
                                                              Problems relating to the skin (ulceration,
       '   INITIAL MANAGEMENT                                 oedema, poor circulation) were found in
           In only two cases had there been an ante-          48 patients.
           natal diagnosis of s ~ In. 66 cases there            Spinal deformity was present in 47
204        had been no diagnosis before birth, and            cases. Though most spinal scars were
                                  Mean short-form IQscores for both groups

                                  Score                     Controls                  Sph                P
                                                           Mean (SO)                  bifda
                                                                                    Mean (SO)

                                  Estimated IQ            100.8     (14.;)          78.9 (17.9)

      Self-rated competence measures (llarter SelEPerccption Profile for Learning-Disabled

      Competence doniain                       Controls       .Spina bifida   Paired-t test    p
                                              Mean (SO)        Mean (SD!         I    (dfl

a     General intellectual ability            2-87   (0.56)   2.66   (0.71)    2-12 (78)      0.04
0     Reading competence                      3.28   (0.72)   2.92   (0.86)    3.00   (78)    0.004
b     Writing competence                      2.05   (0.83)   2.55   (0.88)    2.99   (78)    0.004
m     Spelling competence                     3.03   (0.80)   3.00   (0.97)    0.22   (78)    0.83
      Maths competence                        2.85   (0.83)   2.36   (0-94)    3-42   (78)    0-001
c     Social acceptance                       3.30   (0.57)   3.03   (0.80)    2.39   (78)    0.02
rn    Athletic competence                     2.70   (0.76)   2.27   (0.84)    3.39   (78)    0.001
      Behavioural conduct                     3.06   (0.63)   2.95   (0.78)    1.06   (78)    0.29
      Physical appearance                     2.74   (0.67)   2.65   (0.91)    0.82   (78)    0.42
0,    Global self-worth                       3.17   (0.58)   2.98   (0.78)    1.69   (78)    0.10

                     41                                                  and stable across groups. The scales were
U                                                                        therefore appropriate for this study popu-
zY                                                                       lation, and the scoring system recom-
c                                                                        mended by Harter to derive subscale
!2                                                                       scores was also appropriate.

                                                                         COMPETENCE (HSPPLDS)
                                                                         We conducted I tests for   related samples,
                                                                         comparing groups. As can be seen from
                                                                         Table VI, young people with spina bifida
                                                                         regarded themselves as less competent
                                                                         than did controls in four of five academic
                                                                         domains. Mathematics competence was
                               Females           Males                   regarded as low, both when compared
                                                                         with control scores and when compared
               M S p i n a bifida m A b l e - b o d i e d
                                                                         with other domains. Young people with
      Fig. 2. Imporlance o j physical appearance as a                    spina bifida also regarded themselves as
      function of group and gender (IISSPLDS).
                                                                         less socially accepted and less athletically
                                                                         competent than did controls. At this level
                                                                         of analysis there were no group differences
                                                                         evident in the domains of behavioural
                                                                         conduct, physical appearance or global
                                                                             ANOVAS were conducted for each
                                                                         domain, allowing us to study the impact
                                                                         of gender and age (greater vs. less than
                                                                         160 months), as well as group. In addition
                                                                         to the group effects there were gender
                                                                         main effects (hl>F) for athletic com-
                                                                         petence (b11,150)= 13-75, p F) (F(1,150) =
                                                                         13.01, p M ) (F(1,150)=7.77, pc0.01) and
                "        Young      Young   Older  0:der                 global self-worth (F(1,150)=5.19, p <
                       females       males lema!es males                 0.05). In the area of global self-worth,
                         M S p t n a btftda    BAbIe-bodied              not only did gender appear as a main
      Fig. 3. Importance o j physical appearance as a                    effect-girls demonstrating lower self-
206   junction of group, age and gender (HSSPLDS).                       worth than boys-but a significant three-
TABLE VII                                                                               v)

                     Self-rated importance measures (Harter Self-Perception Profile for LearningDisabled

                     Comperence domain               Controls       Sprna brfida
                                                    Mean (SO)       Mean (SD)

                     General intellectual ability   2.93   (0.86)    3.03   (0.92)   0.66 (71)      0.51
                     Reading competence             2.92   (0.81)    3.03   (1.001   0.70 (71)      0.48
                     Writing competence             2.72   (0.78)    2-85   (1.01)   0.88 (71)      0.38
                     Spelling competence            2.83   (0-91)    3.11   (0.89)   1-91 (71)      0.06
                     Marhs competence               2-81   (0.91)    3.03   (0,971   1.39 I711      0.17
                     Social acceptance              2.87   (0.811    3.07   (0.89)   1 . 5 1 (71)   0.14
                     Athletic competence            2.51   (0-96)    2-33   (1.05)   1.25 ( 7 1 )   0.22
                     Rehat ioural conduct           3.35   (0.68)    3.42   (0.71)   0.56 (71)      0.58
                     Physical appearance            2.90   (0.81)   .3.03   (1.07)   0.96 (71)      0-34    P

way interaction was also evident between               athletic competence, there was a highly
group, age and gender (F(1,150)=3.75,                  significant age effect (F(1,137) = 14.75,
p = 0.055). Examination of the tabulated               pCO-OOl), older children feeling that this
three-way ANOVA interaction indicated                  area was less important to them. In
that older girls with spina bifida had the             addition, there was a gender x age effect
lowest mean self-worth scores and young                (1.11,137)=4.80, p
p M )
                                                                   for physical appearance (~11.92)= 8.12,
TABLE V l l l                                                                     -

                                  Spearman rho correlations between domain discrepancy scores and                   m
                                  global self-worth                                                                 0'
                                                                    ~~             ~~

                                  Domain                         A l l subjects         Control
                                                                                        group                       m
                                  General intellectual ability       0.34             0.31             0.35
                                                                      (96)'           (46)              (50)
      Effects of different comparison groups on competence scores (HSPPLDS) of joung people with spina bifida
h     Domoin                                 Non -disabled         Dira bled             d         Paired i iesi     P
                                              Meun (SO)           Meun (SO)                           i (dj)

      General intellectual ability            2.59    (0.82)      3.04 (0.89)          0.45         4.60 (76)      0~0001
      Reading competence                      2.87    (0.95)      3.12 (0.97)         0.25          2.06 (77)      0.04
      Maths competence '                      2.34    (1.00)      2.70 (1.08)         0.36          3.07 (75)      0.003
      Social acceptance                       2-96    (0.83)      3.10 (0.83)         0.14          1-46 (74)      0.15
      Athletic competence                     2-07    (0.81)      2-70 (0.93)         0.63          7.13 (76)      0.001
      Behavioural conduct                     2-94    (0-84)      2.95 (0.83)         0.01          0.17 (73)      0.86
      Physical appearance                     2.61    (0.91)      3.06 (0.88)         0.45          5.12 (77)      0.001
      Global self-worth                       2.88    (0.77)      3 . 1 7 (0.73)      0.28          4.36 (75)      0.001

      TABLL XI
      Scores on Harter Social Support Scale for Children

                                       Conirols           Spino hrjido     Poired    I iesi         p
                                      Mean (SO)           Meon (SO)            i    (df,
      Parental support/regard         3.55   (0.56)       3.49   (0.61)     0.69    (78)      .   0.49
      Classmate supportlregard        3.38   (0.44)       3.05   (0.66)     3.41    (78)          0.001
      Teacher support/regard          3.27   (0.56)       3.46   (0.59)     2.18    (78)          0.03
      Close friend supportlregard     3-53   (0-61)       3-57   (0.58)     0.53    (78)          0-59

      themselves with able-bodied peers across                    except spelling and writing. The data in
      all domains. This finding may well reflect                  Table X show that the subjects felt
      the fact that 74 per cent of the physically                 relatively less competent in academic,
      disabled subjects were in mainstream                        athletic and physical appearance domains
      schools. An analysis by school placement                    when comparing themselves with able-
      shows that those young people who were                      bodied peers than when comparisons were
      in a special school were much more likely                   made with other disabled young people.
      to compare themselves with physically                       The same effect was evident in global self-
      disabled peers, whereas those in main-                      worth. No significant differences were
      stream schools were very much more                          found in the areas of social acceptance
      likely to compare themselves with able-                     and behavioural conduct.
      bodied peers. For instance, in the domain                      In summary, hypothesis 6-that com-
      of general intellectual ability, 43 of 49                   parison with other physically disabled
      young people in mainstream schools                          young people would be associated with
      compared themselves with able-bodied                        higher competence scores-wa$ largely
      peers, in contrast to four out of 16 in                     confirmed. However, the majority of the
      special schools (x2(2)=26.26, pC0-001).                     disabled group spontaneously compared
         The mean scores for the non-disabled                     themselves with able-bodied peers, an
      controls were close t o the mean com-                       effect associated with being in mainstream
      petence scores shown in Table VI. a                         school.
      further indication of the reliability of
      response in the spina bifida group. Young                   SOCIAL SUPPORT (SSSC)
      people with spina bifida were asked to                      We conducted f tests for related samples,
      rate themselves again o n the HSPPLDS                       comparing the groups for different
      using a comparison group which they had                     aspects of social support. As can be seen
      not chosen on the first occasion. The                       from Table XI, young people with spina
210   second presentation tapped all domains                      bifida felt equally as supported by parents
and friends as did their able-bodied peers.   TABLE XI1
This contrasted with the finding for          Spearman rho correlations between sources of social
classmate support (SB < AB). A significant    support and global self-worth
difference in the opposite direction was                                                             W
                                                                      Spino brjida   Controls
found for teacher support (SB > AB).                                    (N = 79)     ( N - 79)
    Three-factor ANOVAS were conducted
to investigate the effects of group, gender   Parental support           0.42          0.26
and age. For parental support there was a                              po) (F(1,150)=         Classmate support          0.28
5.72, p < 0 . 0 5 ) and an interaction of     Teacher support            0.30          0.05
groupxgender (fll.150)=5.69, p <                                       p = 0.006     p = 0.686       2
0.05). girls with spina bifida reporting      Close friend support        0.20        -0.12          2
significantly less parental support than                               p : 0.083     p=0.283         g
others. For teacher support, there was a                                                             0,
main effect for age ( Y > 0 ) (~11,150)=                                                             2
5 - 5 3 . p
defences we examined. In fact, given the        relationship, i.e. that with a parent. This
      group differences in discrepancies, and        perception could be based on feelings of
      the correlations between discrepancies         ‘not being worthy of love’. I t is not
      and global self-worth, it is surprising that   possible to discriminate between these
      global self-worth was not lower in the         possibilities with the current data set.
      young people with spina bifida. Several            It is not at all clear why correlations
      points are relevant. First, as noted above,    between social support and global self-
      the most powerful disability effects in this   worth were attenuated for able-bodied
      study were those that emerged in inter-        children. These findings are different
m     action with gender, rather than main           from published data on US samples
cn    effects. Second, Harter (1986) viewed          (Harter 19856). Support from parents,
      global self-worth as a ‘core variable’, in-    teachers and classmates were significantly
      fluenced by (and presumably influencing)       correlated with global self-worth in the
      a wide range of component parts of the         disabled group.
      person’s psychosocial experience. Un-              Harter (1986) regarded self-concept
      measured compensatory factors in the           domains and social support areas as
a     experience of the physically disabled          independent variables, predictive of global

      group may have been important, and             self-worth. It seems to us that, with
      possibly would have emerged in a               current information, it is equally plausible
      qualitative study. Third, an over-emphasis     that global self-worth has reciprocal
      on group difference methodology                influence on specific domains and per-
      precludes investigation of factors within      ceived support. For instance, low support
      the spina bifida group that promote or         may indeed cause a lowering of self-
      impede the development of optimum self-        worth, but low self-worth may in turn
      esteem. A series of studies of psychosocial    cause the disabled young person to attend
      adjustment in physical disability by           selectively to negative aspects of experience
      Wallander and others’(see review by Varni      (Gotlib and Hammcn 1992) such as
      and Wallander 1988) has used a within-         scholastic problems and problems of
      group design.                                  physical appearance, thereby setting in
         It is encouraging that, on a simple         motion cognitive-interpersonal negative
      group-comparison basis, the young              chain-reactions (Rutter 1987). i.ongitudina1
      people with spina bifida felt equally as       and intervention research designs are
      supported by friends and parents as their      required to address these questions.
      able-bodied peers. The disabled group felt        What are the implications for prac-
      more supported by teachers, perhaps an         titioners? First, that the use of instru-
      effect associated with the special classes     ments such as the HSPPIBS can be useful
      and greater amount of individual               as part of multidisciplinary assessment.
      attention required by a physically disabled    The primary focus of assessment, around
      child. It is of concern that disabled girls    which other assessments are built, must
      appeared to feel less supported by parents     now be the young person’s own view of
      than did able-bodied children and dis-         his or her life situation, wishes, interests
      abled boys. This finding requires              and plans (Department of Health 1989).
      replication, but is another indication of      Tools such as the HSPPLDS allow prac-
      the importance of gender as a potential        titioners to plan management, and
      effect modifier in psychosocial aspects of     evaluate change and outcome, using
      physical disability. If the finding is not     variables that are relevant to the young
      spurious, then at least two causal interpre-   person. Treatment plans failing to take
      tations are possible. First, disabled girls    account of these fundamental sources of
      may objectively be more difficult to care      motivation are likely to prove less fruitful
      for in adolescence because of their            (Harter 1991).
      relatively low self-esteem and associated         Second, peer social acceptance and
      factors, leading to a relative reduction in    social comparison appear to be key issues.
      received parental support. Second, because     Work with the able-bodied peer-group
      of low self-esteem, the disabled girls may     itself can be valuable (e.g. Armstrong ef
      perceive themselves as receiving less          al. 1987). Work with disabled young
212   support from the most important close          people o n social skills (Inderbitzen-
Pisaruk and Foster 1990) must recognise               (Department of Health 1989), on self-
the distinction between individual                    perceptions of the body and how these are
friendship-making       skills, and the               linked, in each case, to overall self-
experience of feeling ‘part of’ a peer                esteem. Such cognitive-behavioural work
group (Parker and Asher 1993). Our data,              (Harter 1991, Gotlib and Hammen 1992)                        i
and Harter’s data (1986) on able-bodied               may be viewed as a first stage, or                           Q‘
children, suggest that the latter set of              foundation stage, out of which the young
group processes is as important as indi-              person may wish to engage in specific
vidual friendships, if not more so. Much              pieces of collaborative work on self-care.
is known about the cognitive and social
aspects of group integration (see Turner              Accepied for publication 81h August 1993.
1991); application of this knowledge to
                                                      Acknowledgements          -
special-needs settings is important. ‘By the          We are very grateful to the young people and                 P
time children reach adolescence, peer                 families who participated in the study. We are
group identities and the feeling of being             grateful to ASBAH for generous funding, and
                                                      ctrong interest and support. Clwyd Social Services
part of a larger community are very                   and Clwyd Health Authority also provided funding.
important aspects of the young person’s               Research Assistants Val Lawson. Colin Clerkin,
life (Widdicombe 1988, Parker and Asher               Ann Llewelyn and I’rish Gilroy, and Medical
                                                      Interviewers Dr Val Klirnach, Dr Gill Clements, Dr
1993).                                                Robert Pugh and Dr Roger Blackmore. made the
   Finally, it is clear that the young                study possible. Participating schools were interested
                                                      and supportive. Dr Martin Rax, Medical Adviser to
person’s self-perception of physical                  ASBAH. was most helpful, especially in the early
appearance may need addressing as part                planning stages of the project. Parts of this paper
of an overall intervention programme.                 were reported at the European Academy of
                                                      Childhood Disability, Italy, 1992.
While it may be true that physically
disabled young people find other sources              Auihors ’ Appointments
of reward in their lives, there is little             ‘Peter Appleton, Clinical Psychology Services
doubt that many (especially girls) are                Manager;
                                                      Colin Elliott. Principal Clinical Psychologist,
distressed by their physical disabilities and         Wrexham Child and Family Service;
appearance. This will have specific impli-            Clwydian Community Care.
cations for attitudes towards developing              Philip Minchom. Consultant Paediatrician,
                                                      Wrexham Maelor Hospital.
continence and other self-care skills. I f            Nick Ellis, Senior Lecturer in Psychology,
young people have negative perceptions                University of Wales, Bangor.
                                                      Vicki Boll. Team Manager, Child Health and
of their physical appearance, and this is             Disability Service;
closely tied to their overall view of them-           Pat Jones, Rehabilitation Officer;
selves, motivation for self-care pro-                 South Divisions, Clwyd Social Services.
grammes is likely to be low. Therapists’
                                                       *Correspondence lo firs1 author at Wrexham
attention should therefore focus, in                   Maelor Hospital. Croesnewydd Road, Clwyd. Wales
partnership with the young person                      LL13 7TD, UK.
Seventy-nine young people with spina bifida were given a psychological, medical. carer and
occupational therapy assessment. 79 matched able-bodied young people received the psychosocial
interview. The disabled group felt themselves to be less competent in academic, athletic and social
aspects of self-concept, less supported by classmates, equally supported by parents and friends and
more supported by teachers than the able-bodied group. Disabled subjects did not discount the
importance of any area of personal-social functioning, and experienced greater discrepancies between
competence and importance in most academic, athletic, social and physical appearance aspects of
self-concept. Disabled girls assigned very high importance to physical appearance. Physical
appearance was more strongly associated with general self-esteem than any other area of
L ‘appreciation de soi de jeunes spina bifida: une elude de population
Une entrevue concernant les aspects psychologiques, medicaux de prise en charge de soins et de
reeducation a ete proposee a 79 jeunes spina bifida. La mOme entrevue psychosocial fut proposke a
79 jeunes sujets valides apparies. Les mcmbres du groupe avec incapacites, se sentaient moins
competents dans une auto-evaluation sur les aspects scolaires. athletiques et sociaux, moins aidCs par
leurs camarades de classes, egalement aides par leurs parents et amis, et mieux aides par leurs
professeurs que les jeunes du groupe de valides. Les sujets avec incapacites en minimisaient
I’importance d’aucun aspect de I’activite individuelle et sociale, et faisaient une plus grande               .   213
distinction entre competence et importance dans la plupart des aspects d’auto-evaluation sur les do-
      maines scolaires, sportifs, sociaus et d’apparence physique. Les filles avec incapacites attribuaient
      une tres grande importe h I’apparence physique. L’apparence physique etait plus fortement associee
      avec I’estime d e soi generale qu’i n’import quelle autre aspect d’auto-evaluation.

      Die Selbsteinsciibt:img junger Leute niit Spina byida: eine Populationssludic
      79 junge Leute mit Spina bifida wurden anhand von Interviews beziiglich ihrer psychologischen,
      tnedizinschen, pflegerischen und beschaftigungsthcrapeutischen Situation befragt. 79 gesunde
      Kontrollen wurden mit einem psychosozialen Interview untersucht. Die behinderten Probanden
      fuhlten sich in akademischen, sportlichen und sozialen Bereichen weniger kompetent, durch
      Klassenkameraden weniger, durch Eltern und Freunde gleich und durch Lehrer mehr unterstutzt als
      die gesunden Kindern. Die behinderten Patienten waren sich der Bedeutung der allgemeinen
      psychosozialen Eingliederung bewuflt und machten die Erfahrung groflerer Diskrepanzen zwischen
      ihren Fahigkeiten und der Bedeutung, die sie den meisten akademischen, sportlichen, sozialen und
      korperlichen Erscheinungsbildern in ihrer Selbsteinschatzung zuschrieben. Behinderte Madchen legten
      sehr grossen Wert auf die korperliche Erscheinung. Umgekehrt war die korperliche Erscheinung
      starker mit dem allgemeinen Selbstwertgefuhl vernknupft als irgendein anderer Bereich der

      RESUM EN
      A irtoconcepto de jovenes con espina bi5da. Estudio de poblacion
      Setenta y neuve jovenes con espina bifida pasaron una entrevista psicologica, medica, de cuidador y
      de terapia ocupacional. Otro grupo de 79 jovenes sin minusvalencia fisica pasarori por una entrevista
      psicosocial. El grupo con minusvalencia se sentia menos competente en 10s conceptos academico,
      atletico y social d e su autoconcepto menos apoyados por 10s compalleros d e clase, igualmente
      apoyados por padres y amigos y m i s apoyados por 10s profesores, que el grupo sin minusvalencia.
      Los individuos minusvalentes no descontaban la impoitancia de ninguna area del functionamiento
      personal y social y experimentaban grandes discrepancias entre la competencia y la importancia de la
      mayoria de 10s aspectos academicos, atleticos, sociales y aspecto fisico del autoconcepto. chicas
      minusvhlidas daban una muy gran importancia al aspecto fisico. El aspecto fisico estaba mas
      fuertemente asociado con la autoestima en general, que con cualquier otra area del autoconcepto.

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