The Role of Zakat Institution in Facing Covid-19: A Case Study of the Federal Territory Islamic Council (MAIWP) of Malaysia

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                                 ISSN: 2655-6251

 The Role of Zakat Institution in Facing Covid-19: A Case Study of the Federal
               Territory Islamic Council (MAIWP) of Malaysia

                    Hambari, Arif Ali Arif, Muntaha Artalim Zaim
                 KIRKHS, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

         Paper to be presented at the 4th International Conference of Zakat (ICONZ)
                           7-8 October 2020, Surabaya, Indonesia


In the beginning of 2020, the Coronavirus (Covid 19) appeared, which attacks humans and
quickly turns into a global pandemic. Covid-19 has resulted in multidimensional crises such
as health, economic, social, and lifestyle crises. Many people in different countries face
difficulties in life. Therefore, Zakat as an Islamic social fund has a role in overcoming this
crisis, by providing assistance to the communities which is directly affected by the crisis. This
study aims to examine the role of Zakat in this crisis from the perspective of Islamic
jurisprudence and its application in the zakat institution by taking the case of the Federal
Territory Islamic Council (MAIWP) that has done various programmers in helping people who
are directly affected by the crisis. This study uses two methods including inductive and
analytical approaches to achieve its objectives. Among the most important results of the study:
Zakat distribution programs conducted by Baitulmal-MAIWP for zakat beneficiaries affected
by Covid-19, was to help ease the burden on ordinary people following the implementation of
Movement Control Order (MCO) by the government due to the spread of the Covid-19
pandemic. This program is named “Bantuan Zakat Kecemasan Covid-19” (Zakat Emergency
Aid Covid-19) or #MusaadahCovid19MAIWP.

Keywords: Zakat, Covid-19, MAIWP, Malaysia

            INTRODUCTION                            positive cases. On February 11, 2020 WHO
                                                    named it as COVID-19. The clue diagnosis
In early 2020, a contagious virus from              pathway of COVID-19 were history of
Wuhan City Province of Hubei, China                 travel from Wuhan or others infected
called corona virus emerged. The case there         countries within 14 days prior, and
actually appeared since December 2019,              symptoms of acute respiratory illness (ARI)
but the news just circulated in early January       or lower respiratory infection (pneumonia)
2020, which was then confirmed by the               with the result of real time polymerase
World Health Organization (WHO) of the              chain reaction (RT-PCR) specific for
United Nation. On January 10, 2020 the              COVID-19 (Handayani et. al. 2020).
causes started to be identified and obtained                Malaysia is one of countries that
the genetic code, namely the new corona             was early affected by Covid-19. According
virus. Subsequent research has shown a link         to Berita Harian (2020), the first case was
which is close to the corona virus that             detected on 23 January 2020. The Ministry
causes Severe Endemic Acute Respiratory             of Health Malaysia (KKM) through the
Syndrome (SARS) in Hong Kong in 2003,               National Crisis Preparedness and Rapid
then WHO named it as the novel corona               Action Center (CPRC) received three
virus (nCoV-19). The virus is transmitted is        reports of cases (two in Sabah and one in
directly human to human transmission,               Selangor) being infected with the 2019
which results to the rapid increase of the          coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Then on January
120                                            Proceedings, 4th International Conference of Zakat

25, the Malaysian Minister of Health                  b. Phase 2 - Movement Control Order
confirmed the first case 2019-nCoV to ban                (MCO) from 01st till 14th April
three Chinese citizens who entered                       2020
Malaysia via Johor from Singapore on                  c. Phase 3 - Movement Control Order
January 23. Since then new cases have                    (MCO) from 15th till 28th April
started to appear continuously, the                      2020
Malaysian government began to be alert                d. Phase 4 - Movement Control Order
and take preventive action. On March 16th,               (MCO) from 29th till 3rd May 2020
the Prime Minister of Malaysia announced              e. Phase 5 - Conditional Movement
a Movement Control Order (MCO) for 14                    Control Order (CMCO) from 4th
days from 18 Mac to 31 Mac. Then the                     till 11th May 2020
Malaysian government extended the MCO                 f. Phase 6 - Conditional Movement
until 12 May 2020. Followed by                           Control Order (CMCO) from 12th
Conditional Movement Control Order                       May 2020 till 9th June 2020
(CMCO) and Recovery Movement Control                  g. Phase 7 - Recovery Movement
Order (RMCO). The timeline is as follows:                Control Order (RMCO) from 10th
   a. Phase 1 - Movement Control Order                   June till 31th August 2020
       (MCO) from 18th till 31st March                h. Phase 8 - Recovery Movement
       2020                                              Control Order (RMCO) from 1th
                                                         September till 31 December 2020

              Table 1. Number of Confirmed Covid-19 Cases in Malaysia, by States
                         (Cumulative, as of 13 September 2020, 12 pm)
               State                    No. of New Cases *       Cumulative
               Perlis                                     0                  33
               Kedah                                    14                  303
               Pulau Pinang                               0                 138
               Perak                                      0                 269
               Selangor                               1 (1)               2,194
               Negeri Sembilan                            0               1,039
               Melaka                                     0                 262
               Johor                                      0                 752
               Pahang                                     0                 371
               Terengganu                                 0                 114
               Kelantan                                   0                 160
               Sabah                                    31                  839
               Sarawak                                    0                 700
               WP Kuala Lumpur                        1 (1)               2,619
               WP Putrajaya                               0                  99
               WP Labuan                                  0                  23
               Total                                 47 (2)               9,915
Source: KPK Kesihatan Malaysia (2020)

       Malaysia is also one of the best           controlling the spread of COVID-19. That
countries in dealing with covid-19.               is the result of the government's hard work
Bernama (2020) reported that Malaysia has         and the cooperation of all the people in
been recognized as among the five nations         complying with the MCO directive. In
in the world that has succeeded in                addition, also the result of the front line
Hambari, Arif Ali Arif, Muntaha Artalim Zaim                                                    121

officers who have fought to overcome the            three states were only 0 to 1, meanwhile
covid-19 attack. The government always              Sabah has the highest number of daily new
reports the updates of Covid-19 Cases in            cases by 31 cases.
Malaysia on daily basis, so that all citizens                MCO has influenced the economy
know the progress of pandemic fighting.             of the people of Malaysia, therefore zakat
        Table 1 above shows the example of          institutions in Malaysia are helping the
daily report of the covid-19 cases from the         government to overcome the Covid-19
Ministry of Health of Malaysia. The total           crisis. Ahmad (2020) mentioned a total of
number of the positive case is calculated           RM153.24 million zakat has been paid to
since the first positive case emerged. The          zakat beneficiaries (asnaf) throughout the
table shows that as of 13 September 2020            country during the Movement Control
WP Kuala Lumpur has the highest                     Order (MCO). This is in line with the
cumulative number of positive case,                 Malaysian government economic stimulus
followed by Selangor and Negeri Sembilan.           package named “Prihatin” that will help
However, the new daily cases for these              households and business (Hidayat, 2020).

                 Table 2. Zakat Distribution by States during Pandemic Covid-19
        No                     Zakat Institutions                    Zakat Distributions
                                                                        (RM Million)
         1    Federal Territory Islamic Council (MAIWP) &                         34.41
              Center for Zakat Collection (PPZ)
         2    Zakat Pulau Pinang                                                   14.52
         3    Pahang Islamic Council and Malay Heritage & Center                    12.2
              for Zakat Collection of Pahang
          4   Kelantan Islamic Council                                              12.6
          5   Perak Islamic Council and Malay Heritage                             14.35
          6   Terengganu Islamic Council and Malay Heritage                         20.2
          7   Selangor Zakat Board (LZS)                                              15
          8   Johor Islamic Council                                                  7.4
          9   Kedah Zakat Board                                                     16.7
         10   Negeri Sembilan Islamic Council (MAINS)                                4.3
         11   Zakat Melaka & Melaka Islamic Council                                 4.26
         12   Perlis Islamic Council and Malay Heritage                             3.98
         13   Sabah Islamic Council                                                    6
         14   Baitulmal Sarawak                                                        6
Source: Kisah Zakat Malaysia 12 April 2020

        Table 2 shows total zakat funds                      LITERATURE REVIEW
distributed to help asnaf who are affected
by the crisis. This zakat fund really helps         Hafidhuddin (2004) explained that zakat
them during MCO. As described by Fuad               can be distributed to victims of natural
(2020), most of the B40 group has limited           disasters. Covid-19 has been considered as
savings. Without financial assistance, this         a disaster, therefore it is very possible to use
group would have to risk not only their lives       zakat funds to help peoples affected by
but the overall population as they will go          covid-19. Al Qardhawi (2005) also
out from their houses to find any means to          discussed, zakat is one of Islamic social
earn income instead of staying at home              security fund that is needed by the
following the government’s MCO program.             community, especially for the poor. So
122                                              Proceedings, 4th International Conference of Zakat

zakat institutions must pay attention to the        businesses, because this is included in the
needs of society and fulfill their basic needs      distribution of productive zakat. In
such as food, health etc. The concept of            principle, zakat is distributed in two
zakat itself is a fundamental basis for             approach consumptive and productive.
Islamic economics to bring a balance                There are various forms of zakat
between rich and poor people and also to            distribution practiced by the zakat
strengthen the nation’s entire economy (Al-         institutions. One of them is the distribution
Mamun & Haque, 2015).                               of zakat in a form of business capital given
                                                    to productive zakat recipients (Ibrahim &
        Al Anshory et. al. (2020) said that
                                                    Ghazali, 2013).
Zakat institution has an important and
strategic role to assist the government in                  As explained in the above texts, it is
preventing Covid-19 given its position as a         evident that zakat significant role in facing
philanthropic organization. This role can be        pandemic covid-19. This study aims to
carried out in various fields including             extend the evidence from the Federal
health, economy, social, Islamic preaching          Territory Islamic Council of Malaysia.
and        education.       Among         the
recommendations for Zakat institution is in
the health sector, zakat institution supports             RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
the study that entails the vaccine of Covid-
19 to prevent the spread of the virus               This research is descriptive analysis and
infection.                                          used the inductive approach in tracking and
                                                    collecting scientific materials and referring
        In Malaysia, zakat authorities are          to old and modern references, this includes
administered at the state level, and the            books, research, articles, recommendations
authorities are responsible for the collection      of scientific conferences, and so on. The
and distribution. In Federal Territory of           analytical approach was used to study the
Malaysia zakat administered by the Federal          issues and the elements related to it, by
Territory Islamic Council (MAIWP)                   analyzing the opinions of scholars and
(Paizin, 2013), since the Covid-19                  researchers and the experiences of workers
pandemic, MAIWP has been among the                  in applying the process of distributing zakat
most active in providing zakat assistance to        in the Federal Territory Islamic Council
communities in the Federal Territory                (MAIWP) in facing the Covid-19 crisis in
including Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and               Malaysia.
Labuan through various programs.
         The covid-19 pandemic has a
negative impact on the economy of the                    RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
people of Malaysia especially in Federal
Territory because most of them live in              Brief Profile of MAIWP
urban areas and most of them have income            Zakat regulations in Malaysia are included
from trading. According to Fabeil et. al.           in the laws of every states. The
(2020), the impact is more significant              management of zakat is under the State
among micro-enterprises than its larger             Islamic Religious Council (MAIN). Each
counterparts. Entrepreneurs experience              MAIN is under the auspices of the King
business cancellation or closure and                (Head of State) or Yang DiPertuan of each
reduced income due to the closure of                states. Especially for MAIWP, it is under
several supporting sectors such as retails          the auspices of Yang DiPertuan Agong
and transportation. At this point they need         (King of Malaysia). As for the zakat
help to continue their business. Zakat              management fellowship area, it is carried
institutions can take on the role of                out by MAIWP based on the Federal
providing assistance to support small               Constitution and the Administration of
Hambari, Arif Ali Arif, Muntaha Artalim Zaim                                            123

Islamic     Law    (Territory).     (Federal    an online application. Apart from that,
Territories) 1993 [Act 505]. In this law, it    MAIWP has officers to look for mustahik
explains the position of MAIWP and its          in the Federal Territory, this is called a
areas of assignment, as well as the position    “Squad Baitulmal or Squad Jejak Asnaf”.
of Baitulmal and its field of duty (Paizin,
2013).                                          Zakat for Covid-19 by MAIWP
        The Federal Territory Islamic           To deal with the Covid-19 crisis, MAIWP
(MAIWP) was formed in February 1, 1974          has taken special actions. The Special Aid
in conjunction with the establishment of the    for Covid-19 is one of MAIWP’s efforts to
Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. Its          help ease the burden on ordinary people
establishment was to take care of Islamic       following the implementation of MCO by
affairs in the Federal Territory of Kuala       the government due to the spread of the
Lumpur. MAIWP was also responsible for          Covid-19 pandemic. This program is
managing the affairs of Muslims in Labuan       named Bantuan Zakat Kecemasan Covid-
and Putrajaya. As for the management of         19    (Zakat     Emergency      Aid)    or
zakat MAIWP has two institutions under it,      #MusaadahCovid19MAIWP.
namely the Zakat Collection Center (PPZ)                Assistance is provided to small
for zakat collection and Baitulmal for the      traders, employees and individuals
distribution. Baitulmal MAIWP was               affected by their source of income in order
established following Section 60 (1), Act       to survive during this period. The
505.                                            objectives of this assistance are:
        Baitulmal MAIWP has three main            1. Assisting middle income groups
roles, namely:                                       affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak
   1. Zakat distribution in Federal                  Movement Control Order (MCO).
      Territory                                   2. Helps ease the living burden of
   2. Zakat Fitrah Management                        small traders and B40 workers so
   3. General      resource   property               that they can continue better living.
      management                                        The Special Aid for Covid-19 by
        To determine asnaf who is eligible      MAIWP divided into five programs. These
to receive zakat assistance in the Federal      include monthly financial assistance,
Territory, the Baitulmal Section has used       additional special zakat assistance,
the asnaf pointing to the 51st Mesyuarat        respiratory assistance to seven hospitals,
Jawatan kuasa Hukum Syarak Wilayah              daily food assistance throughout the MCO,
Persekutuan on 13th Mac 1999. However,          pillow and mattress assistance for special
in 2016 the MAIWP has determined a new          homeless center.
definition for zakat asnaf. Based on 96st                Table 3 shows that during the MCO,
Mesyuarat Perundingan Hukum Syarak              MAIWP pays more attention to
Wilayah Persekutuan on 24th February            consumptive zakat distribution. From the
2016. In this determination it also refers to   programs implemented by MAIWP, it is
the Office of Mufti of the Federal Territory    found that MAIWP has focused more on
(Nordin, 2019).                                 fulfilling the basic needs of daily living
        Therefore, MAIWP always pays            throughout the MCO, besides giving
close attention to the recipients of zakat      attention to the health sector. That is
according to sharia regulations and always      understandable as during MCO, people are
prioritizes assistance to those who really      prohibited from doing any outside
need it. In obtaining zakat the applicants      activities.
can come directly to the office or through
124                                              Proceedings, 4th International Conference of Zakat

              Table 3. Types of Zakat Distribution Program for Covid-19 by MAIWP

      No                  Programs                         Recipients       Amounts (RM)
       1   Monthly Financial Assistance                   24,196 Asnaf       9.67 Million
       2   Additional Special Zakat Assistance            24,196 Asnaf       12.1 Million
       3   Respiratory Assistance to Seven Hospitals                         3.27 Million
       4   Daily Food Assistance Throughout the             678 Box             49.000
      5    Pillow & Mattress Assistance for Special                             15.000
           Homeless Center
                                                              Total          25.11 Million
Source: MAIWP
                                                       fund for researchers to find a covid-19
        It can also be observed that there are         vaccine so that this outbreak can be
almost fifty thousand asnaf has received a             resolved immediately.
direct cash and foods, while only a few of
them has received indirect assistance such
as hospitals equipment and homeless                            ACKNOWLEDGMENT
center. These have been MAIWP’s
strategies in helping people affected by               The authors would like to thank to Majelis
covid-19 in emergency situation.                       Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan
                                                       (MAIWP) and the Department of Fiqh and
                                                       Usul Al-Fiqh, Kulliyyah of Islamic
              CONCLUSION                               Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences,
                                                       International Islamic University Malaysia
The covid-19 pandemic has a major impact               (IIUM)
on the lives of the people of Malaysia.
When the government imposed MCO,
MAIWP has been one of the zakat                                       REFERENCES
institutions in Malaysia which is making
efforts to assist the government in dealing            Akta Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam
with the Covid-19 crisis. During the                        (Wilayah Persekutuan) 1993, Akta
implementation of MCO, MAIWP has                            505.
provided zakat assistance through various              Abd Wahab, A. Borhan, J.T. (2015).
programs for people affected by the crisis.                Analisis prestasi kutipan zakat di
This effort shows that zakat institution has               Malaysia dalam isu kontemporari
significant role in helping people during the              pengurusan dan pembayaran zakat di
covid-19 crisis. MAIWP's efforts can                       Malaysia. Edited by Nor Aini Ali,
become a reference for other zakat                         Azizi Che Seman dan Mohamad
institutions. With the cooperation with                    Taqiuddin Mohamad, Kuala Lumpur:
various parties, the process of overcoming                 MAIWP.
the crisis will be lighter.
                                                       AC Al Anshory, FA Hudaefi, UL Junari,
        There are some recommendations                     MH Zaenal, R Ramdhoni. (2020).
for MAIWP to help overcome the Covid-19                    “The Role of Zakat in Institution in
crisis, including: Providing productive                    Preventing Covid-19” Available at:
zakat assistance for people affected by the      
crisis, after the MCO so that they can                     ications/policybrief/1186-the-role-
resume business activities and develop the                 of-zakat-institution-in-preventing-
economy. Aside from that, giving research
Hambari, Arif Ali Arif, Muntaha Artalim Zaim                                           125

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Ph.D. Candidate at Department of Fiqh
and Usul Al-Fiqh, Kulliyyah of Islamic
Revealed Knowledge and Human
Sciences, International Islamic University
Malaysia (IIUM)

Arif Ali Arif
Professor at Department of Fiqh and Usul
Al-Fiqh, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed
Knowledge and Human Sciences,
International Islamic University Malaysia

Muntaha Artalim Zaim
Assistant Professor at Department of Fiqh
and Usul Al-Fiqh, Kulliyyah of Islamic
Revealed Knowledge and Human
Sciences, International Islamic University
Malaysia (IIUM)
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