The Role of Activities Awareness in Faceted Classification Development

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The Role of Activities Awareness in Faceted Classification Development
Knowl. Org. 39(2012)No.4                                                                                                            283
O. D. Doria. The Role of Activities Awareness in Faceted Classification Development

                     The Role of Activities Awareness
                  in Faceted Classification Development
                                               Orélie Desfriches Doria
   Laboratoire DICEN, Case courrier 1D6R10, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, 2,
                 rue Conté, 75003 Paris, 

Orélie Desfriches Doria is a student, preparing her last year of PhD work in library and information
sciences in the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) France (Paris), and is Attaché
temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche (ATER) of the Research Laboratory DICEN (Information
and Communication Systems in Digital Age). Her research interests focus on KOS’s; uses of KOS’s,
especially faceted classification; methodologies for faceted classification; information organization
activities in organizations; and differing points of view about documents, folksonomies, document
typologies, KM, the semantic Web, and the socio-semantic Web.

Doria, Orélie Desfriches. The Role of Activities Awareness in Faceted Classification Development.
Knowledge Organization. 39(4), 283-291. 21 references.

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we propose a part of the methodological work to accompanying the development of a new type of
Knowledge Organization System (KOS) based on faceted classification. Our approach to faceted classification differs from its
traditional use. We develop a theoretical typology of professional documents based on their uses. Then we correlate these types
of documents to specific types of KOS according to their degree of structural constraint and activities they aim to serve.

Received 7 March 2012; Accepted 7 March 2012

1.0 Introduction                                                               an industrial group. We focus our attention on a par-
                                                                               ticular case of our work-in-progress methodology,
The evolution of work organization models, charac-                             concerning the elaboration of facets dealing with
terized by an intensification of distant exchanges, the                        document types information, which brings up specific
increasing number of coordination and communica-                               problems. After the development of an empirical ty-
tion tools and of sharing, transmission and back-up                            pology of observed document types, we propose an-
systems, results in complex informational environ-                             other theoretical typology to allow the management
ments. In the framework of an ANR1 project, a new                              of document type information. This type of informa-
type of Knowledge Organization System (KOS) based                              tion is essential, yet difficult to process autonomously.
on faceted classification is under development, aiming                         Not being of a universal nature, the document type
to reduce the cognitive cost of information manage-                            instead aims at representing the different terms of the
ment tasks in complex digital environments, particu-                           type according to the context. Hence the document
larly in working documents management. We are                                  type in a faceted classification is considered a neces-
working on a methodology to accompany its deploy-                              sary component of document management, whose
ment and to elaborate relevant facets relating to dif-                         meaning, through combination with other facets, is
ferent trades. In this article, we present a part of this                      rendered unambiguous.
work.                                                                             In this article, the theoretical typology we present
   The starting point of this study consists of observa-                       is established according to document characteristics
tions on individual folder organization of documents                           such as usage, defined as groups they are included in,
taken from individual work stations of different re-                           and for which they represent a support for interac-
search engineers who work in the R&D department of                             tions, and activities for or during which documents

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The Role of Activities Awareness in Faceted Classification Development
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                                          O. D. Doria. The Role of Activities Awareness in Faceted Classification Development

are created. Finally, we propose recommendations to                           from a professional exercise in which the main activity
correlate KOS, document uses, and documentariza-                              does not consist of information management. (Des-
tion operations purposes.                                                     friches Doria and Zacklad 2010).
                                                                                 In fact, KOS diversity, variability of storage media,
2.0 Documentarization and heterogeneous                                       of activities associated with documents and of docu-
    knowledge organization systems (KOS’s)                                    ment types make document management activities
                                                                              complex. Our findings differ from previous work on
KOS’s refer to “controlled languages, classification                          typologies by the scope of documents we deal with, in
schemes, and to knowledge representation languages                            contrast with Zeller (2004), who is interested in all
from Artificial Intelligence” (Zacklad 2011). In this                         document forms (DTB, Web sites, GIS, multimedia
tool category, Zacklad also includes search engines’                          documents, etc.), or to Gagnon Arguin (1998), who
indexes. These KOS’s consist of systems of access to                          focuses her interest on proof documents for record
information, knowledge tracking, representation, and                          management, or to Alberts (2009), whose work is
filtering systems such as thesauri, classifications, on-                      concentrated on mail and is exploring document gen-
tologies, and tag clouds. They are most frequently                            der notion. We limit our studies to digital working
used for documentarization operations on documents                            documents that we define as individually or collec-
which consist of "transcribing or recording a semiotic                        tively produced or handled documents during profes-
product on a perennial substrate, which is endowed                            sional exercise of various trades. The purpose of our
with specific attributes intended to facilitate the prac-                     approach does not consist of record management, but
tices associated with its subsequent utilization in the                       is more focused on working documents management
framework of distributed communicational transac-                             in a knowledge management perspective.
tions” (Zacklad 2006).
    Documentarization is a major issue in knowledge                           3.0 Faceted classification
preservation and communication by allowing “(i) to
manage them along with other substrates, (ii) to han-                         Faceted classification is represented “as a combina-
dle them physically, which is a prerequisite to be able                       tion of complementary conceptual groups offering
to browse semantically among the semiotic content,                            the ability to insert varying analysis dimensions on
and lastly, (iii) to guide the recipients” (Zacklad 2006).                    informational objects, to characterize and make ac-
The stored information related to the documentariza-                          cess to information easier by offering multiple ways
tion process on a technical level (content), organiza-                        of navigation towards any document” (Mas et al.
tional level (coordination), or location aspects (access                      2008). The notion of facet often appears as “the most
to documents) accounts for a substantial effort that                          consequent theoretical contribution of the century in
KOS endorses (Pikas 2007). In addition, we notice                             information sciences” (Maniez 1999). Faceted classi-
that different activities during the trade exercise lead                      fication presents a number of benefits reported in lit-
to the production of distinct document types, which                           erature. The most common benefits mentioned are
are not documentarized with aid of the same KOS.                              expressiveness, flexibility, consistency, and adaptabil-
Despite their diversity, the latter differ in structural                      ity (Maniez 1999; Ali and Du 2004; Marleau et al.
aspects, and also in content aspects (vocabulary, se-                         2008). It has also been recognized by Broughton
mantic), though we state that KOS’s present in or-                            (2005) to support browsing, navigating, and informa-
ganizations and their structuring should be correlated                        tion researching. This author explains that faceted
to document uses and to the purposes of documenta-                            classification allows browsing (which consists of
rization operations.                                                          quickly scanning a corpus to discover its content),
    In most organizations, we find frames of reference                        thanks to its logical structure and its capacity to ex-
that define the location where a document should be                           press complex or compound subjects. Its structure,
recorded according to different intentions (record                            which can be combined with user interfaces and mul-
management, sharing, individual use) and to docu-                             tiple access points, enable navigation through a cor-
ment features (state of document, life cycle, depart-                         pus. Finally, information research is supported by
ment) to limit informational entropy by controlling                           progressive filtering based on multiple search criteria
document management. The various storage media                                (facets) (Broughton 2006), though, according to
used according to document features may present het-                          Kwasnik (1999), one must not overlook the difficul-
erogeneous KOS and interfaces. Their use appears as                           ties related to establishing relevant facets, the poten-
an additional cognitive cost regarding those coming                           tial incoherence in inter-facet relations, and in the

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The Role of Activities Awareness in Faceted Classification Development
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O. D. Doria. The Role of Activities Awareness in Faceted Classification Development

visualization of the classification scheme with regard                         classification adapted to all contexts in organizations.
to the internal logic of each individual facet.                                In our preliminary study, we notice that documents do
                                                                               not imply identical uses according to different trades,
3.1 A more flexible approach to faceted classification                         it is not therefore necessary for them to be described
                                                                               in the same terms, in a constrained way by all actors in
Faceted classification is traditionally used, in a formal                      an organization.
way, to standardize homogeneous corpus manage-                                     Consequently, our approach to faceted classifica-
ment. Homogeneity is employed here for document                                tion which allows it to be fed and developed on the fly,
types, but also for content aspects. For example, in li-                       is bottom-up. We can compare it to Vickery’s opposi-
braries, document types are almost similar, and con-                           tion (1960) to mechanical and constrained implemen-
tents are described through standards fields as key-                           tation of fundamental categories to a subject. These
words for book subjects. The level of specificity of in-                       categories should be used as a guide for suggesting po-
dexing is established.                                                         tential characteristics that should not be ignored. (La
   By contrast, in working document management,                                Barre 2010).
the corpus is heterogeneous in terms of form and
amount. We notice that the level of specificity can                            4.0 Proposal of empirical and theoretical
vary according to specific needs, activities, and                                  document typologies
amount of produced documents. The content is not
necessarily the major indexing requirement; we also                            Handling questions about document types leads us to
meet some specific needs for describing the situation                          focus our interest on the notion of facet and to con-
of document creation, like time related information. A                         front problems mentioned before by Kwasnik (1999).
study from Pikas (2007) about engineers’ Personal In-                          The choice of relevant facets and the necessity of
formation Management practices reveals that they do                            consistency between facets are influenced by more
not use the same strategies to retrieve their docu-                            ancient techniques such as development of lists, tax-
ments, nor do they remember the same kind of in-                               onomies, or typologies. By typology, we mean analy-
formation. This study claims that the most important                           sis and description of typical forms of a complex real-
element while searching for a document is the time                             ity, allowing classification. For our concerns, we need
dimension, which can be conveyed with differing in-                            to find division criteria, or dimensions of analysis,
stances (season, precise date, period, project stage,                          from which we can develop a description of empirical
etc.). The development of relevant facets and of the                           complex data, to eventually transfer it to the devel-
required level of specificity for the documentarization                        opment of our faceted classification.
process is defined in context and in relation to activi-
ties, users habits, and volume of produced documents.                          4.1 Empirical typology of documents
We don’t recommend any scale, as far as these are
principles to be applied in reference to a corpus, a set                       The theoretical typology of documents presented in
of activities, a department, or a professional group.                          part 4.2 represent a means to avoid an increasing
Thus the application of the principles of faceted classi-                      number of document types in faceted classification.
fication in the face of the large diversity of working                         In fact, during a deep study of folder organization on
documents forces us to soften the principle of facets                          individual workstation of two research engineers
and leads us to reflect on the development of more                             from the R&D department of an industrial group, we
coherent schemes adapted to diverse situations and ac-                         noted more than 110 document types which make up
tors.                                                                          our empirical typology. The latter already constitutes
   The faceted KOS we develop allows personal fac-                             a reduction in the actual complexity of observations
eted classification schemes, without restricting even-                         (Coenen-Huther 2007), given that we found several
tual constrained aspects of document description. It                           occurrences of the same document type in folder hi-
emphasizes the flexibility and expressiveness qualities                        erarchies due to the fact that workers are involved in
of faceted classification and this way of using it ap-                         several projects simultaneously with varying roles ac-
pears as a less strict approach of faceted classification                      cording to the project.
than the traditional ones. From our point of view, us-                            This empirical typology corresponds to the sys-
ers or document creators are considered the most                               tematic listing of instances of document types, which
relevant people to index their documents, thus we are                          we have reduced to a simplified form.
developing this methodology for designing faceted

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The Role of Activities Awareness in Faceted Classification Development
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                                        Table 1. Extract from the empirical typology

The figure (Table 1) presented above is an extract                           is to enable document management rather than re-
from the empirical typology. We can hardly accomo-                           cord management.
date 110 values for a facet with our purpose of reduc-                          According to Marradi (1990), this typology, which
ing cognitive costs of information management tasks,                         could also be qualified as an extensional classification,
thus we have focused our interest on other dimen-                            originates with an item set (the document types men-
sions of analysis, such as document usage.                                   tioned in the empirical typology), on which we apply
                                                                             division criteria (purpose of activity and groups types
4.2 Theoretical typology functions of documents uses                         interacting with documents). These criteria are ap-
                                                                             plied to items on the base of property similarity in
Our theoretical typology is developed from the view-                         the item set. Thereby, empirical document types own-
point of document usage, which depends, according                            ing the same properties are grouped in a new theo-
to us, on groups involved in creation or utilization of                      retical and more abstract type.
these documents and on the purpose of a worker’s                                It can be useful to notice that this typology can po-
activity considered in its entirety and to be seen in                        tentially be applied to all departments of an organiza-
the global organization.                                                     tion. For instance, in a Human Resource department,
   In the following table (Table 2), purposes are men-                       the purpose of the activity labeled as “accomplishment
tioned in the frame of document creation, as our goal                        of mission in the frame of projects” can lead to pro-

                Table 2. Document typology functions of professional activities purposes and types of groups

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The Role of Activities Awareness in Faceted Classification Development
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duction of document types as “contracts.” These                                    for activities or projects other than those during
documents will be considered, in the context of this                               which they have been produced. They could be
activity, as the type “Document of collaborative                                   compared to documentation, but we distinguish
work,” but could also belong to the category “referen-                             them because they are internally produced. For ex-
tial document” from the viewpoint of people from                                   ample: maintenance documents reused in context
other departments of the organization. The types of                                of repairing.
groups mentioned in this theoretical typology come                                 Referential document: These documents can be
from the approach of Zacklad (2007). We assume that                                equally accessed by all organization members.
this theoretical typology can compose an adding                                    They consist of document models, formal descrip-
marker for users in the stage of developing document                               tions of projects, forms, documents of activities
typologies for creation of faceted classification. This                            planning of a department. They are not specialized
can also eventually be a classification principle for                              on professional activities. For example: instruc-
consistent faceted organization within a trade.                                    tions about record management or data backup,
                                                                                   consortium agreement, contract, organization
4.3 Definitions of types from the theoretical typology                             chart, visual guidelines
                                                                                   External documents: In every dimension of pro-
In this typology, types are nor definitive nor exclu-                              fessional exercise and in almost every case of
sive. For instance, a document can move from a type                                document production, workers need some docu-
“Document of collaborative work” over to an official                               mentation. These documents come from informa-
version for record, and another document of type                                   tion research activities, from external sources.
“Document of collaborative work,” like a data model,                               Record document: Final versions, official versions
can become a “Trade Document” in other situations.                                 of individual work documents, documents of col-
                                                                                   laborative work, trade documents. For example:
  Individual work document: These documents                                        Deliverable
  correspond to an individual work activity, aside
  from any work group, or for documents created in                             The following categories of Individual work docu-
  autonomous ways, for preparing to share with a                               ments, Documents of Collaborative Work and Trade
  working group. For example: notes, diagram                                   documents can belong to a broader category from
  Document of collaborative work: These docu-                                  Zacklad (2006), labeled as DofA (Document For Ac-
  ments are written collaboratively, within a group                            tion). These DofA are characterized by their ex-
  where the work of individuals is highly dependent                            tended state of incompletion, their perenniality, their
  of other workers’ work, as is frequently the case in                         fragmentation, their rapid circulation, by the fact that
  project organization. For example: State-of-the-                             they are produced by different authors and by the
  Art-review, requirement specifications                                       non-trivial argumentative relationships between the
  Project monitoring document: This type of docu-                              document fragments. (Zacklad 2006). For Zacklad,
  ment is used to organize activities within projects                          DofA corresponds to various devices: textual file or
  over time and organizational aspects (coordina-                              annotated drawings, forum systems, blog systems or
  tion). For example: dashboard, schedule                                      wikis, messaging systems, etc. (Zacklad 2007), while
  Trade document: These documents are collabora-                               we are only focused on working documents in the
  tively written by community of practice members                              frame of professional exercise.
  or professionals from the same trade and are used,
  individually or collectively, for professional activi-                       4.4. Evaluation by reclassifying empirical types
  ties; they can describe good practices; the type of                               in theoretical types
  discourse is often prescriptive. For example: pro-
  cedure, operating procedure, good practice guide,                            To test the theoretical typology based on document
  recommendations                                                              uses presented above by reclassifying all empirical
  Auxiliary resource document: These documents                                 types inside the theoretical types, a large amount of
  are often completed, reused in other departments                             document appears to fit in the category of Document
  of organizations, or for other projects, or by other                         of Collaborative Work (40 instances) while amount
  professional groups than those who produced                                  of documents in other categories are manageable for
  them. They are about knowledge capitalization.                               taxonomies that may become facet values (about 12
  They are taken up and undergo a revival of interest                          values by other theoretical types).

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288                                                                                               Knowl. Org. 39(2012)No.4
                                         O. D. Doria. The Role of Activities Awareness in Faceted Classification Development

                       Figure 1. Major category of document types: Documents of Collaborative Work

The diagram (Figure 1) presented above illustrates                           functions of the prevalence of certain activities within
that the core documents produced or handled com-                             a trade vary.
prises the category of Document of collaborative                                If we develop a faceted classification with activity-
work. In fact, the Individual Work documents and                             based contexts, we may find a facet in each context
External documents often contribute to the drafting                          representing specific document types frequently pro-
of Document of Collaborative Work. Trade docu-                               duced during each activity. Thus we can detail docu-
ments also frequently appear as contributions to this                        ment types comprising the Document of Collabora-
type of document and vice versa. Auxiliary Resource                          tive Work category.
documents generally come from the category of                                   As observed, activities within our KOS have sev-
Document of Collaborative Work and also become                               eral roles. First, they are a means of grouping facets in
resources for the drafting of this latter type of docu-                      a relevant context. Second, they improve information
ment. Lastly, Project Monitoring documents and Ref-                          allocation in facets when the number of values is too
erential documents are used to organize the drafting                         high by refining the facets’ content, while maintain-
activities of Document of Collaborative Work. Thus,                          ing consistency in the classification scheme.
it is not surprising to note that this category gathers                         The table (Table 3) proposed below is an extrac-
the most important empirical types.                                          tion of reclassifying operations of the Document of
                                                                             collaborative work category functions of specific ac-
4.5. Refinement with activities                                              tivities. According to this example, we notice that an
                                                                             acceptable amount of values of facets is created in
One facet containing 40 values is not manageable. It                         reference to specific activities. For a facet concerning
appears necessary to apply a new categorization crite-                       the preliminary studies documents, the label could be
ria. We chose the activity element, in which the                             “Preliminary Studies Specific documents.” The exe-
specificity level can vary in terms of functions of                          cuted choice consists of fragmenting document types
needs, numbers of documents, and degrees of preci-                           in reference to activities during which they are pro-
sion needed. Our tool allows the creation of activity                        duced.
contexts for grouping facets with relevance. This en-
ables documentarization with an adaptable level of
specificity functions for user needs, in which the

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                                   Table 3. Extract from reclassifying one theoretical
                                            type of document by specific activities

5.0 Recommendations for types of KOS                                             We propose to make some recommendations about
    according to document types and                                           KOS types functions of theoretical document types
    management of information activities’                                     and documentarization operations’ purposes. In the
    purposes                                                                  table (Table 4) below, KOS’s degrees of structural con-
                                                                              straint are correlated to the latter document typology.
As mentioned above, we recommend that KOS’s used                              In addition, we notice that storage media associated
in organizations and their degree of structural con-                          with documentarization activities depend on the pur-
straint should be correlated to document uses and to                          poses of these operations and, to an extent, on the
documentarization operations’ purposes. Management                            public they are addressed to.
of information activities and especially for documen-
tarization can be enumerated in a broad outline as fol-                       6.0 Conclusion
lows: applying indexing instructions for record keep-
ing with formal KOS’s, systematic and scalable work-                          Through a study of document types for developing
ing documents organization with medium formalized                             faceted classification, we recommend degrees of
KOS, and tagging of individual work documents                                 structural constraint for KOS’s used for documenta-
through informal KOS. The degree of structural con-                           rization of working documents.
straint of KOS is related, itself, to document types                             Our tool, the flexibility of which has been men-
that are possibly documentarized with this KOS, and                           tioned before, allows us to apply varying degrees of
storage medias are associated to these features.                              structural constraint of KOS’s to faceted classifica-

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                         Table 4. Correlation between KOS types and theoretical types of documents

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