A119311-05    031


1.0           October 2021                  MHJS       ALEA/EAHA   MHJS

                                1              Introduction                                                                                                5

                                2              The project                                                                                                 5
                                2.1            Unit and operating data                                                                                     5
                                2.2            Maintenance history                                                                                         6
                                2.3            Timeframe and scheduling                                                                                    8

                                3              Basic Scope of Works                                                                                        8
                                3.1            Planning of the overhaul                                                                                    9
                                3.2            Disassembly of turbine                                                                                      9
                                3.3            Bearings for turbine                                                                                        9
                                3.4            Turbine outer casing and blade
                                               carriers/diaphragms                                                                                      10
                                3.5            Balance piston and steam glands                                                                          10
                                3.6            Turbine rotor                                                                                            11
                                3.7            Main oil pump and auxiliary pumps                                                                        11
                                3.8            Valves                                                                                                   12
                                3.9            Assembly of turbine                                                                                      12
                                3.10           Commissioning                                                                                            13

                                4              Optional Scope of Works                                                                                  14
                                4.1            New sealing strips for the rotor                                                                         15
                                4.2            New sealing strips for stationary parts
                                               (diaphragms)                                                                                             15
                                4.3            New blades and replacement                                                                               16
                                4.4            High-speed balancing of turbine rotor                                                                    17
                                4.5            Weld repair of blade carrier/diaphragm                                                                   17
                                4.6            Turbine bearings                                                                                         18
                                4.7            Split line stud bolts for turbine outer casing                                                           18
                                4.8            Control valve – seats                                                                                    19 Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      4.9            Shaft sealing rings                                                                                      19
                                      4.10           Steel inserts for diaphragm                                                                              20
                                      4.11           Sealing segments for diaphragms                                                                          21
                                      4.12           Sealing segments for balance piston                                                                      22
                                      4.13           Recommended spare parts or services                                                                      22

                                      5              Variations                                                                                               23

                                      6              General supplies                                                                                         23
                                      6.1            Manpower                                                                                                 23
                                      6.2            Spare parts                                                                                              25
                                      6.3            Tools                                                                                                    26
                                      6.4            Consumables                                                                                              26
                                      6.5            On-site and off-site transport                                                                           26
                                      6.6            Cleaning and blasting                                                                                    27
                                      6.7            NDT                                                                                                      27
                                      6.8            Documentation                                                                                            27

                                      7              Supply by AVV                                                                                            30 Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                1              Introduction
                                Affaldsselskabet Vendsyssel Vest I/S (hereinafter "AVV") is planning for a major
                                overhaul of the 4,6 MW Siemens steam turbine, type ATP93 V25A-HH at the WtE
                                plant in Hjørring, Denmark. The turbine was commissioned in 1998. The last
                                time to turbine had a major overhaul was in 2012. To ensure continuous
                                reliable, safe and efficient operation of the unit for the next 8-10 years a major
                                overhaul of the steam turbine is needed.

                                2              The project
                                The project includes the following main tasks:

                                ›       Basic Scope of Works as stated in Section 3. The Basic Scope of Works
                                        consists of:

                                        ›      Major overhaul of the turbine
                                        ›      Commissioning of the unit including vibration measurements and
                                               verification tests

                                ›       Optional Scope of Works as stated in Section 4. The Optional Scope of
                                        Works consists of:

                                        ›      Options that can be ordered before the outage
                                        ›      Options that can be ordered during the outage based on fact-findings
                                               and evaluations

                                ›       Variations as stated in Section 4.10. Variations can consist of:

                                        ›      Extra works based on findings or unforeseen tasks, which can be based
                                               on a fixed price or the Contractors hourly rates
                                        ›      Refurbishment of used components, supply of new spare parts or
                                               machining of components

                                ›       General supplies as stated in Section 6:

                                        ›      Manpower
                                        ›      Delivery of spare parts
                                        ›      Delivery of tools
                                        ›      Delivery of consumables
                                        ›      On-site and off-site transport
                                        ›      Cleaning and blasting of components
                                        ›      Perform NDT
                                        ›      Documentation.

                                2.1            Unit and operating data

                                Manufacturer                                         :    Siemens (ABB) Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      Type                                                 :    ATP93 V25A-HH
                                      Power                                                :    4,59 MW (max. 5,435 MW)
                                      Speed                                                :    10860 rpm
                                      Steam pressure                                       :    48 bara
                                      Steam temperature                                    :    400˚C
                                      Condenser pressure                                   :    0,7/0,25 bara (design)
                                                                                                0,65/0,35 bara (during operation)

                                        Fig. 2.1.1 Longitudinal section of steam turbine.

                                      It is expected that the unit will reach approximately 192.000 operating hours at
                                      the outage 2022 and 197.800 EOH.

                                      2.2            Maintenance history
                                      In 2021

         Year          Activity                          Remark
         1998          First start
         2003          Videoscope                        A few smaller impact marks were noted on the control stage and
                       Inspection (first)                on the inlet edges of the guide vanes in diaphragm #2. There
                       (1CS35521)                        were also some deformed inlet edges on rotating blades in stage
                                                         #2. In the turbine exhaust there were only
                                                         slight corrosion and moderate deposits on the last stage blades.
       2012            Major overhaul                    Only minor findings and minor repairs (replacement of sealing strips).
                                                         Minor erosion/corrosion on blades and diaphragms, that did not
                                                         required repair.

                                                         Recommendations for next major overhaul:
                                                         1. Machine the fit for the piston rings in the nozzle chamber
                                                         2. New sealing ring in the inlet end Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                                    3. New sealing ring in outlet end.
                                                    4. It is recommended to prepare for the installation of a stainless-
                                                       steel insert for stage # 10 and # 11 blade roof sealing area
                                                    5. Weld repair of the split joint of diaphragm # 9 with following
                                                       machining to nominal size
                                                    6. Weld repair the turbine casing by the attachment area for
                                                       diaphragm #9.

                                                    The recommendations are included as options in this Technical
                 Safety Inspection                  Recommendation to install a new trip block according to service
                 after MO                           bulletin SB13/2009. Ever since 2001 this problem has existed. There
                                                    is still a pressure of 7 bar (g) left when the trip block is tripped with
                                                    2 out of 3 solenoid valves. It is essential that there is no hydraulic
                                                    pressure left when the trip block is supposed to be tripped. Found a
                                                    steam leak from a pipe next to ESV valve,
                                                    recommend correction of the leak.
   2014          Modification                       Modification of bearing bracket oil seal to prevent oil leakage.

   2015          LI, Limited                        Limited overhaul.
                 Inspection                         Additional work including control of steam strainer and alignment
                                                    Turbine bearings without remarks. On the inlet end the oil sealing
                                                    of the bearing bracket was modified due to oil leakage. Both gear
                                                    box and generator were repositioned during alignment check.

                 Videoscope                         Inlet parts of the turbine were generally in good condition with
                 Inspection                         deposit free surfaces.
                                                    General moderate corrosion was found on stationary parts in the
                 136 235 h                          middle section of the turbine.
                                                    The exhaust area was in good condition with only thin deposits on
                                                    the blades and minor erosion-corrosion on last diaphragms outer

                                                    Recommendation for next major overhaul:
                                                    Install a new inspection port between stage 10 and 11 to
                                                    increase the possibilities to inspect the turbine and exhaust area
                                                    towards condenser 2.

   2018          Service visit                      Overhaul of ESV due to reported spindle leakage and inventory of
                                                    customer spare parts.
                 Inspection                         Recommendation next major overhaul:
                                                    Plan for replacement of eroded sealing strip in stage #11
                 162 247 h
                                                    during major overhaul, likely needed in stage #10 as well.

                 Upgrade of Control                 Upgrade of control system by ABB.
   2019          Safety Inspection                  Siemens Energy recommends implementing routines to perform the
                 (E1B100579124)                     single channel overspeed tests and ESV part stroke test after
                                                    verification by ABB.
                                                    Also recommend updating logic for bypass valve to allow part stroke
   2020          Alignment check                    The gearbox was opened under supervision from Flender-
                                                    Graffenstaden. All bearings, pinion, and cogwheel where dismantled
                                                    and replaced by new units. An alignment check of the gearbox was
                                                    carried out.
                 Safety Inspection                  Siemens Energy recommends implementing routines to perform the
                                                    single channel overspeed tests and ESV part stroke test after
                                                    verification by ABB. Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      In 2021 a desktop LTA was performed by Siemens. The analysis do not identify
                                      any issues with the mechanical integrity of the turbine, other than the
                                      recommendations from the previous major and minor overhauls listed above.

                                      2.3            Timeframe and scheduling
                                      Please refer to Appendix 5, Milestones

                                      AVV must be informed immediately in writing, if the Contractor at any time
                                      during the planning or execution phase finds any actual or expected deviations
                                      from the time schedule.

                                      If, during the project period, AVV requests to introduce minor and non-material
                                      changes to the time schedule, the Contractor shall actively cooperate to
                                      organize and plan the required changes to the time schedule to avoid
                                      unnecessary delays.

                                      The outage is planned to start in week 36 2022 (September 5, 2022); however,
                                      it needs to be finally confirmed by AVV. AVV reserves the right to postponement
                                      or change of the overhaul start time. The outage period is 4 weeks, and the unit
                                      is expected to be on grid and in commercial operation by September 30, 2022.

                                      Deliveries to the power plant must be clarified with AVV and must always be
                                      done on weekdays and within normal office hours.

                                      3              Basic Scope of Works
                                      The Scope of Works includes the following activities:

                                      ›      Planning, arranging, and performing the major overhaul of turbine, main
                                             and auxiliary oil pumps, turning gear, turbine valves (ESV and control
                                      ›      Inspection and NDT of turbine parts
                                      ›      Install steel insert rings in row 10 and 11 diaphragms
                                      ›      Delivery of spare parts, options and repairs after fact finding and by prior
                                             agreement with AVV

                                      All parts must to the extent it makes reason be transported to the Contractor's
                                      workshop for the cleaning, blasting NDT, fact-finding and overhaul works.
                                      However, a first visual inspection of all parts, and an NDT inspection of the CV
                                      casing and seats must be carried out in-situ.

                                      General supplies specified in Section 6 are all included in the Scope of Works
                                      when relevant.

                                      Should the Contractor find it necessary to cut one or more pipelines, it rests with
                                      the Contractor to re-establish these pipelines and produce documentation for
                                      implementation, control, and approval of the work. Cutting of any pipeline
                                      requires the approval of AVV. Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                The Scope of Works include, but not be limited to, the following equipment and
                                services (the Contractor's offer describes in more details the scope):

                                3.1            Planning of the overhaul
                                ›       1 or 2 project meetings on site before the overhaul by the Project Manager
                                        to prepare the overhaul in detail
                                ›       A site visit before the overhaul by the Project Manager and the Site
                                        Manager to prepare the overhaul (inspect available spare parts, lifting
                                        equipment, site facilities, discuss time schedule and other practicalities)
                                ›       A de-commissioning engineer should preferably be available on site for
                                        making necessary records such as pre-outage tests, check of rotor run out,
                                        oil pressure records, bearing temperature etc. when the plant it shut down
                                        and the turbine runs down. Alternatively, the needed, relevant and available
                                        data could be extracted from the control system.

                                3.2            Disassembly of turbine
                                ›       Disconnect and removal of all relevant cabling and instrumentation
                                ›       Remove all auxiliaries, valves, pipes, hoses, covers etc. to gain necessary
                                        access and cut small drainpipes if required
                                ›       Remove turning gear, overhaul of turning gear
                                ›       Opening of the bearing and coupling covers
                                ›       Opening of coupling towards the gearbox and perform alignment
                                        measurements for the shaft line (including gear/generator)
                                ›       Remove stop valve (ESV)
                                ›       Loosen outer split line bolts and remove turbine top casing
                                ›       Loosen inner split line bolts and remove all upper parts (blade carriers,
                                        diaphragms, balance piston)
                                ›       Remove top gland bushes
                                ›       Measure all radial and axial clearances (rotor and stator blades, sealing
                                        segments, sealing strips, labyrinths etc.)
                                ›       Lift out turbine rotor and remove all lower parts like blade carriers,
                                        diaphragms, balance piston steam glands etc. from the lower casing
                                ›       remove all sealing elements and oil deflectors.

                                3.3            Bearings for turbine
                                ›       General cleaning externally and internally
                                ›       Visual inspection of bearings, including pedestals, - replacement of keys
                                        and shims as required
                                ›       Perform PT of white metal (Babbitt), and UT to check bonding according to
                                        DIN/ISO 4386 or similar standard. Replacement of Babbitt parts depends on
                                        inspection results; reference is made to section 4 Option
                                ›       Check of the bearing clearances (before and after)
                                ›       Check bearing electrical insulation
                                ›       Check bearing shaft seals and clearances (before and after). Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      3.4            Turbine outer casing, nozzle block and blade
                                      The turbine has four blade carriers:

                                             ›       Blade carrier 1: 3 rows
                                             ›       Blade carrier 2: 4 rows
                                             ›       Blade carrier 3: 2 rows
                                             ›       Blade carrier 4: 1 row

                                      ›      General cleaning of outer casing including careful preparation for NDT by
                                             hand cleaning at the grooves for the blade carriers, balance pistons and
                                             steam glands
                                      ›      Cleaning and NDT of nozzleblock
                                      ›      100% blast cleaning of all blade carriers
                                      ›      Visual inspection of all parts for cracks, rubbing, scaling, erosion, corrosion
                                      ›      Perform NDT (according to detailed NDT plan provided by Contractor) as a
                                             minimum 100% at blades and areas with smaller radius/transitions, high
                                             loads, and other critical places
                                      ›      Check of turbine casing and blade carriers for roundness, dimensions etc.
                                      ›      Check sealing segments for wear/rubbing
                                      ›      Replace springs for sealing segments
                                      ›      Check the joint faces of the outer casings and blade carriers for erosion and
                                             steam leakage and verify it by blue print. The blue dye print must be
                                             performed as soon as possible during the disassembly process. The
                                             Contractor must perform necessary scraping/polishing by hand of the split
                                             line flanges to have clean surfaces. If repair or machining of a split line
                                             flange is performed must it be verified by a blue dye check test (cost for
                                             repair/machining and extra blue dye check is not part of the base scope,
                                             but must be carried out as extra work by prior agreement)
                                      ›      Inspection of flange bolts including cleaning by blasting, NDT, and length
                                             measurement. The loosening of the bolts must be made according to bolt
                                             design, and provision of all equipment needed for loosening of the bolts is
                                             included in the Scope of Works
                                      ›      Perform test to verify that the blades are correctly fixed and secured
                                      ›      Check of supports for lower parts (axial and lateral keys) for sliding ability,
                                             clearances etc.

                                      3.5            Balance piston and steam glands
                                      ›      General cleaning
                                      ›      100% blast cleaning of all parts
                                      ›      Visual inspection of all parts for cracks, rubbing, scaling, erosion, corrosion
                                      ›      Perform NDT (according to detailed NDT plan provided by Contractor)
                                      ›      Check for roundness, dimensions etc. Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                ›       Check the joint faces for erosion and steam leakage and verify it by blue
                                        dye check. The Contractor must perform necessary scraping/polishing by
                                        hand of the split line flanges to have clean surfaces. If repair or machining
                                        of a split line flange is performed must it be verified by a blue dye check
                                        test (cost for repair/machining and extra blue dye check is not part of the
                                        base scope but must be carried out as extra work by prior agreement)
                                ›       Check spring loaded sealing segments for wear/damages – delivery and
                                        installation of new springs is included scope

                                3.6            Turbine rotor
                                ›       Check the condition of the rotor sealing strips (balance piston and gland
                                ›       Cleaning of complete rotor (by blasting). Unless seal strips are deemed too
                                        worn or damaged at the initial visual inspection, they must be covered to
                                        avoid being damaged during blasting
                                ›       Visual examination of all surfaces (including shaft journals, rotor blades,
                                        shrouds and locking pieces)
                                ›       Perform NDT at the coupling holes, shaft journals, rotor blades, areas with
                                        smaller radius and transitions and other critical places. Special attention on
                                        the control stage shroud and damping wire
                                ›       Check and document the size, distribution, and condition of balancing
                                ›       Measure rotor straightness
                                ›       Check and document rotor blade off-set
                                ›       Perform test to verify that the blades are correctly fixed and secured
                                ›       Transport of rotor on-site and off-site including delivery of transport box
                                        (must be approved for road transport).

                                3.7            Main oil pump and auxiliary pumps
                                ›       Dismantle main oil pump (MAV20AP110) and the auxiliary pump
                                        (MAV20AP120) and the emergency oil pump (MAV25AP110) and opening
                                        for visual inspection
                                ›       Cleaning externally, internally and all parts
                                ›       Visual inspection of internals, bearings etc.
                                ›       Replacement all gaskets and soft sealings (delivery of parts are included in
                                        the scope)
                                ›       Assembly and alignment of main oil pump and checking of lube oil pressure
                                        and flow (during commissioning)
                                ›       Assembly and reinstallation of auxiliary pumps, and check/verify pressure
                                        and flow (the DC pump is at present running at a pressure that is 0.1 bar
                                        too low, and the correct operating pressure must be recovered by
                                        overhauling the pump – delivery of necessary spares are included in the
                                        Scope of Works)
                                ›       Test of function

                                Pumps are all from Allweiler: Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      Main oil pump (driven by gear) MAV20AP110: SNG44D L46 Q-W67FA2.0
                                      No: G24263

                                      Auxiliary pump (electrical driven) MAV20AP120: VKF-ABB210R46 132S – T860 –
                                      31B No: G24264

                                      DC pump MAV25AP110: VKF-ABB80 R46 – 100L – T860 – 3.1B No: G24265

                                      3.8            Valves
                                      Major overhaul of Emergency Shutdown Valve (ESV MAA10AA310) and Control
                                      Valves (CV MAA10AA210), including blue dye check of seats and flanges.

                                      ›      Dismantle and open actuators and clean all parts
                                      ›      Visual inspection of the casings for cracks and erosion
                                      ›      Clean and check steam strainer
                                      ›      Blast cleaning of all internal components and bolts
                                      ›      Perform NDT inspection inside surfaces according to the NDT plan provided
                                             by the Contractor,
                                      ›      Visual inspection of internal components (valve seats, valve heads,
                                             spindles, bushings, sealings etc.) for cracks, wear, deformity, and erosion
                                      ›      Perform NDT of all internal components (valve seats, valve heads, spindles,
                                             bushings, sealings, strainer etc.)
                                      ›      Verify flanges and valve seats/heads by blue print. Light machining by hand
                                             is part of the scope
                                      ›      Assembly of actuators, adjustment and functional test, including gland
                                             steam system. In the present situation the changing in gland steam supply
                                             from external to internal supply does not work properly, and the external
                                             supply is permanently engaged
                                      ›      Check clearances and tolerances
                                      ›      All consumables (gaskets, seals (packing and stuffing rings), soft parts etc.
                                             and replacement hereof are all included in the Scope

                                      3.9            Assembly of turbine
                                      ›      Install all lower parts, bearings, rotor, gear and coupling shaft. All needed
                                             shims, keys and guiding elements for adjustment is part of the scope
                                      ›      Measure all radial and axial clearances (rotor and stator blades, glands,
                                             balance piston, sealing strips etc.)
                                      ›      Assembly of turning gear
                                      ›      Assembly of gland seals' top part
                                      ›      Place all upper parts and tighten split line bolts
                                      ›      Place top outer casing and tighten split line bolts
                                      ›      Proper surface contact shall be verified by blue-check where relevant, e.g.,
                                             on bearing saddles, covers, housings, casings, blade carriers, valve seats
                                             and flanges etc.
                                      ›      Alignment check of the turbine/gear/generator (complete shaft line)
                                             includes all necessary coupling measurements/checks (like run out, Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                        parallelism, concentricity, gab etc.). If re-alignment is necessary, it must be
                                        carried out as extra work by prior agreement
                                ›       Assembly of bearings, couplings and covers
                                ›       Assembly of all auxiliaries, valves, pipes, hoses etc.

                                3.10 Commissioning
                                The Contractor is responsible for the re-commissioning of the turbine, oil pumps
                                and gland steam system after the overhaul but AVV will support with the
                                operational staff.

                                The Contractor shall prepare a commissioning program and time schedule that
                                shall be presented to AVV for approval.

                                The following is as a minimum included:

                                ›       Cold commissioning
                                        ›      Test of instrumentation
                                        ›      Post outage tests and checks
                                        ›      Valve curves and systems
                                        ›      Start up and test of oil system
                                        ›      Inspection and test of safety systems (safety check)
                                        ›      Run out test from of unit from turning operation.

                                Please note that it may not be possible to perform Hot commissioning
                                immediately after the Cold commissioning. It depends on the possibility of
                                operation for district heat production.

                                ›       Hot commissioning
                                        ›      Test of steam gland system
                                        ›      Tightness test of turbine valves
                                        ›      Full speed no load
                                        ›      Run out test of unit from full speed
                                        ›      Operating data recording
                                        ›      General commissioning tests
                                        ›      Electronic overspeed test
                                        ›      Synchronization
                                        ›      Tests in different load points – decision of and performed by AVV
                                        ›      Vibration verification measurement (reference measurement prior to
                                               outage and verification during commissioning)

                                3.10.1 Vibration measurements
                                It must be guaranteed that the shaft and pedestal vibration level of the turbine
                                set is acceptable during run up, run-down and normal operation. Measurements
                                from the I&C system will be used prior to and after the overhaul. The
                                measurements prior to the overhaul are considered as base lines. Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      The vibration level must be measured during the hot commissioning.

                                      The Contractor will get access to vibration data prior the overhaul from the I&C
                                      system and these measurements are considered as base line.

                                      The Contractor is responsible for performing the vibration measurements after
                                      the overhaul, analyse the data and if measures are needed to bring the vibration
                                      level at an acceptable level a balancing of the rotor may be required.

                                      3.10.2 Tests and Performance Guarantees
                                      Tests to verify the performance of the unit will be carried out before and after
                                      the overhaul. These tests will determine whether the operational data (power,
                                      efficiency, vibration etc.) after the overhaul of steam turbine are comparable to
                                      the operational data before the overhaul or better.

                                      AVV may carry out a performance test and prove the turbine efficiency by using
                                      the operating instruments prior to and after the overhaul at comparable load
                                      and operating conditions.

                                      AVV has the right to claim a compensation or a remedy (including re-opening of
                                      the steam turbine if deemed relevant for a root-cause analysis) if the
                                      operational data are not comparable or better after the overhaul. The Contractor
                                      will get access to all test results.

                                      3.10.3 Hand-over
                                      When the turbine is hot commissioned, and verification tests have been
                                      executed and the performance is to AVV’s satisfaction, the Contractor is entitled
                                      to request Hand-Over.

                                      At the request of the Contractor, AVV convenes a Hand-over meeting where the
                                      Contractor and AVV in cooperation will inspect the Works. When this inspection
                                      has been performed to AVV’s full satisfaction and a punch list has been produced
                                      with milestones for their remedy, the Works will be handed over to AVV.

                                      This Hand-Over is conducted in writing and must be signed by project managers
                                      from both parties.

                                      Putting into service or using the supply fully or in part does not as such
                                      constitute approval of Hand-Over.

                                      4              Optional Scope of Works
                                      The Tender must include optional prices and delivery time according to the Price
                                      List for the below mentioned optional deliveries. General supplies specified in
                                      Section 6 are all included in the Optional Scope of Works when relevant. Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                4.1            New sealing strips for the rotor
                                There are sealing strips installed in the balance piston and the gland seals. There
                                are no sealing strips between the blade rows of the rotor.

                                The following must be included, as a minimum:

                                ›       Installation of the rotor in the lathe
                                ›       Removal of old sealing strips
                                ›       Cleaning of sealing strip grooves
                                ›       Making of new sealing strips
                                ›       Installation of new sealing strips (caulking)
                                ›       Machining of sealing strips to correct dimensions (height)
                                ›       Supply report included clearances, tolerances, and findings.

                                The cost of new sealing strips must be based on the following:

                                ›       A cost for placing/preparing the rotor in lathe machine and replacing all
                                        strips on the rotor
                                ›       Prices deduction per sealing strip not to be replaced for:
                                        ›      Balance piston (total number is not known)
                                        ›      Front gland (total of 36 sealing strips)
                                        ›      Rear gland (total of 20 sealing strips)

                                            Front end gland detail                                     Rear end gland detail

                                            Balance piston detail (rotor)

                                4.2            New sealing strips for stationary parts
                                The following must be included, as a minimum:
                                ›       Installation of blade carriers/diaphragms in machine Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      ›      Removal of old sealing strips
                                      ›      Cleaning of sealing strip grooves
                                      ›      Making of new sealing strips
                                      ›      Installation of new sealing strips by stemming
                                      ›      Machining sealing strips to correct dimensions
                                      ›      Supply report included clearances, tolerances and findings.

                                      Each diaphragm holds two (2) sealing strips.

                                      The cost of new sealing strips must be based on the following:
                                      ›      Start-up fee for placing/preparing one blade carrier in a vertical lathe
                                      ›      Prices per sealing strip to be replaced for:

                                             ›       blade carrier 1 (rows 2, 3 and 4, total of 6)
                                             ›       blade carrier 2 (rows 5, 6, 7 and 8, total of 8)
                                             ›       blade carrier 3 (rows 9 and 10, total of 4)
                                             ›       Blade carrier 4 (row 11, total of 2)

                                                 Detail of sealing at blade tips                         "as found", major overhaul 2012

                                      4.3            New blades and replacement
                                      Making and installation of new blades must be offered:
                                      ›      Row 1 (Curtis wheel)
                                      ›      Row 11 of rotating blades

                                      The cost shall include removing old blades, delivery, and installation of new
                                      blades (incl. shims, keys, locks etc.), preparation of blade groove and machining
                                      shrouds to correct diameter. Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                If a row of rotating blades needs to be replaced option 4.4 High-speed
                                balancing of turbine rotor will be required by prior agreement.

                                4.4            High-speed balancing of turbine rotor
                                A high-speed balancing can be required in case replacement or repair works
                                have been performed on the rotating blades or the rotor itself. The minimum
                                rotor work that will trigger the Contractors requirement for a high-speed
                                balancing is stated in the Tender (which could be due to blast cleaning, due to
                                replacement of sealing strips, or replacement of blades/blade rows)

                                The following must be included, as a minimum:

                                ›       Transport to balancing bunker
                                ›       Needed and approved transport frame/box
                                ›       Road transport permit (if applicable)
                                ›       Transport insurance
                                ›       Install rotor in bunker
                                ›       A balancing according to ISO 21940 class G 2,5
                                ›       Perform test to verify that the blades are still correctly fixed and secured
                                ›       Remove rotor from bunker
                                ›       Transport to site
                                ›       Balancing report (in English. All run-ups/downs must be reported and form
                                        part of the documentation)

                                The service shall include needed bearing(s) for the high-speed balancing.

                                The Contractor shall inform AVV if a slot for the high-speed balancing of the
                                rotor must be booked up front to make sure that a bunker is available during the
                                outage. Booking fee is included in the option price.

                                Any extra cost for AVV to be witnessing the high-speed balancing must be priced
                                and listed separately (as Recommendation).

                                4.5            Weld repair of blade carrier/diaphragm
                                Based on recommendation from the major overhaul conducted in 2012 a repair
                                of the splitline of the blade carrier 3 around blade row/diaphragm 9 may be
                                needed during this overhaul. The extent of the damage when the observation
                                was first made in 2012 is shown below. Some development over the years must
                                be expected.

                                Included in the option all required to perform correction of plane surfaces and
                                diameters to restore the proper tightness of the sealing surfaces.

                                The price is according to the tender list and the following must be included, as a

                                ›       Planning and engineering (WPQR's and WPS' as relevant) Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      ›      Equipment for heating, welding, the mobile machining as relevant
                                      ›      All needed alignment, adjustment, and machining
                                      ›      All needed manpower
                                      ›      All needed working environment measures to avoid noise, dust, etc.

                                      Consequences for critical, adjacent surfaces must be observed, and e.g.
                                      diameters for blade carrier vertical flange/rib must be dressed accordingly.

                                      4.6            Turbine bearings
                                      Inspection, white metal condition and bonding check is included in general
                                      Scope of Work, outcome of this work determines if bearings are unfit for further,
                                      long-term operation and are to be replaced.

                                      New turbine journal bearings must be offered for front and rear.

                                      Also, a complete set of 16 segments (8 pcs. cw, 8 pcs. ccw) thrust bearing pads
                                      must be offered.

                                      Full sets of new bearings for front, rear and thrust bearings are already on
                                      stock. The option will only come into force if replenishment of the stock should
                                      become necessary.

                                      4.7            Split line stud bolts for turbine outer casing
                                      Prices for the delivery of split line stud bolts, including sleeves and nuts for the
                                      following dimensions and amounts:

                                            •     M56, L = 440 mm, incl. nut and sleeve (5 pcs)
                                            •     M48, L = 300 mm, incl. nut and sleeve (5 pcs)
                                            •     M42, L = 250 mm, incl. nut and sleeve (5 pcs) Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                Materials used are (according to OEM documentation) 21CrMoV5 7 V (Werkstoff
                                nr. 1.7709), X22CrMoV11-1 (Werkstoff nr. 1.4923) or X19CrMoVNbN11-1
                                (Werkstoff nr. 1.4913).

                                4.8            Control valve – seats and spindle
                                In case the seats and/or the spindle need to be replaced (based on the fact
                                finding) an option price for design, manufacture and delivery and installation of
                                new seats (cages) and spindle are required.

                                It is recognized that manufacture and replacement cannot be carried out within
                                the outage period of 4 weeks. Contractor's proposal to minimize the impact on
                                the time schedule in case a fact finding should reveal critical damages to seats
                                and spindle, must be included in the tender description.

                                It must be noted, that there are no known issues with the seats nor spindle.

                                Control valve cross section. New seats must be designed with an allowance for
                                final machining.

                                4.9            Shaft sealing rings
                                Based on recommendation from 2012 major overhaul: Option price for the
                                delivery of:

                                ›       Set of front-end shaft seal ring
                                ›       Set of rear-end shaft seal ring

                                At the 2012 overhaul the front sealing ring was found to have suffered moderate
                                mechanical wear. The front sealing ring is designed with labyrinth grooves.

                                The rear sealing ring had suffered both mechanical damages, as well as
                                damages due to erosion and corrosion. The rear sealing ring is without grooves Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                        Rear sealing ring "as found", 2012 Major                             Design detail of sealing ring (no
                                        overhaul                                                             grooves in stationary part)

                                        Front sealing ring with grooves.

                                      4.10 Steel inserts for diaphragm
                                      Based on recommendation from 2012 major overhaul: Erosion of the
                                      diaphragms around blade rows 10 and 11 may require installation of steel
                                      inserts to re-establish the integrity of the diaphragms and extend the lifetime of
                                      the diaphragm.

                                      The option includes:

                                      ›      Planning, engineering, and manufacture of steel inserts including new
                                      ›      Transport of parts from site to workshop and return
                                      ›      Machining of diaphragm and preparing for steel inserts
                                      ›      Any required NDT of parts Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                  Erosion in diaphragms #11 and #10, "as found", major overhaul 2012. Some
                                  development in the amount of erosion must be expected over an additional 10
                                  years of operation

                                The time schedule prepared by the Contractor for the tender must include the
                                preparation, design, (pre-)fabrication and installation of the steel inserts for
                                rows #10 and #11.

                                The operation must be planned and prepared so removal of the blades are

                                4.11 Sealing segments for diaphragms
                                During the major overhaul in 2012 the average wear of the diaphragms' spring
                                loaded sealing segments were found to be 0,04 mm, but on the bottom halves,
                                the average wear was 0,15 mm (the power loss due to excessive leakages was
                                estimated to be 50-80 kW).

                                Option prices for replacement segments including springs are required (full set
                                for each diaphragm):

                                ›       Row #2-#8

                                ›       Row #9-#11

                                         Details of diaphragms' seals design Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      4.12 Sealing segments for balance piston
                                      Option prices for spring loaded sealing segments for the balance piston are

                                      The system is designed with four (4) rows. The details of the differences
                                      between the rows are not available.

                                      Individual prices for the 4 rows are required (new springs are included in the
                                      basic Scope of Works):

                                      ›      Row/set 1 incl. springs

                                      ›      Row/set 2 incl. springs

                                      ›      Row/set 3 incl. springs

                                      ›      Row/set 4 incl. springs

                                      4.13 Recommended spare parts or services
                                      Spare parts or services not mentioned in this Technical Specification should be
                                      recommended in case the Contractor finds them necessary to successfully
                                      complete the major overhaul of turbine and gear.

                                      Recommendations must include breakdown prices for all recommended parts
                                      and services. All recommended spare parts must hold a unique ID as well as
                                      delivery time. Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                5              Variations
                                General supplies specified in Section 6 are all included in the variations when

                                Refurbishment and repair of dismantled components and parts, and supply of
                                new components not included in the Basic Scope of Works or defined as options
                                may be required and will be considered as extra work.

                                Ordering of extra work can be based either on a fixed price offer from Contractor
                                or on the Contractor's hourly rates depending on the nature of the work.

                                Price sheet with the Contractor's hourly and daily rates for the relevant
                                personnel shall be included in the tender and the rates must include travel time,
                                travel cost, daily allowances, transport, PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) etc.

                                For extra work carried out based on hourly rates the Contractor’s weekly
                                timesheets must be approved by AVV before the work can be invoiced.

                                Any extra work or additional supply is to be agreed with AVV in writing (a
                                Variation). If a variation has not been signed by AVV, then AVV has the right to
                                reject any cost related to the additional supply or extra work claimed by the

                                6              General supplies

                                6.1            Manpower
                                The work is to be organised, manned, and supervised by the Contractor.

                                6.1.1 Project management
                                The Contractor must appoint a Project Manager with the required experience
                                and competence to oversee the project planning and execution who
                                communicate efficiently in English or Danish.

                                The Contractor must participate in coordination meetings with AVV and other
                                Suppliers, as required. One (1) weekly meeting during the outage must be

                                6.1.2 Site personnel
                                The Contractor must estimate the need for staffing in his offer, and must as a
                                minimum provide the following personnel for the overhaul, considering the
                                expectation that all parts (to the extend reasonable) are transported to the
                                Contractor's workshop: Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      ›      1 Site Manager/supervisor who communicates efficiently in English or
                                      ›      All needed mechanical fitters. The Contractor shall provide enough
                                             manpower during the                  overhaul, to ensure that it is finished according to
                                             the time schedule
                                      ›      Certified crane drivers
                                      ›      All needed assistance for cleaning
                                      ›      Fact-finder
                                      ›      NDT specialist(s) according to the NDT plan
                                      ›      Balancing/vibration specialist available during start-up
                                      ›      A Commissioning Engineer must be available at site during shut-down and
                                             start-up until the plant is operating normally.

                                      The Project Manager does not need to be on site during the complete overhaul.
                                      Access via e-mail or phone is accepted.

                                      The Site Manager can leave site in case all main parts have been shipped to a

                                      The Basic Scope of Works includes all travel and accommodations cost.
                                      Additional cost for extra days on‐site to be informed and will be settled according
                                      to hourly rates.

                                      Replacement of key personnel can only be done by prior agreement with AVV.

                                      6.1.3 HSE
                                      It is required that the Contractor provides an HSE Coordinator during the
                                      overhaul, who can communicate in Danish or English and has knowledge on the
                                      Danish working environment rules and legislation.

                                      The Contractor’s Site Manager, Supervisor and Shift Leaders must participate in
                                      safety evaluation and planning of the work to be performed. Furthermore,
                                      employees working on-site must be introduced to AVV's HSE requirements (ref.
                                      Appendix 8 AVV HSE Conditions.

                                      The Site Manager must attend health and safety meetings on-site when needed
                                      (minimum one per week). Duration approximated one (1) hour.

                                      Operator certificates to be acknowledged and approved by AVV and the Danish

                                      It is required that the Contractor participates at a safety meeting in due time
                                      before the overhaul starts.

                                      6.1.4 Commissioning, balancing, and testing
                                      The Contractors’ Site Manager, Commissioning Engineer and at least two (2)
                                      fitters are to be present on site during the commissioning and the Contractor is Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                responsible for the turbine operation until the end of commissioning and possible
                                balancing. The Contractor is to specify and execute required inspections and
                                tests on the turbines prior to and during the commissioning.

                                A Balancing Specialist is to be standby during the first starts during the
                                commissioning to verify the vibration measurements.

                                The costs for a Commissioning Engineer at AVV's site for two (2) days (plus
                                travel time) and accommodation costs, are included in the Basic Scope of Works.
                                It also includes an extra travel for the Commissioning Engineer between cold
                                and hot commissioning (it must be the same Commissioning Engineer for cold
                                and hot commissioning). AVV may accept that the cold commissioning is
                                performed by the site manager, depending on his experience.

                                Cost for additional days on site will be according to hourly rates for the
                                personnel concerned.

                                6.2            Spare parts
                                The Contractor has the full responsibility for the supply of spare parts and
                                replacement works, and the acquisition of all necessary spare parts as well as
                                handling of parts supplied from other suppliers if needed during the overhaul.

                                New flange bolts must have rolled thread unless otherwise agreed and material
                                should be stated and be compliant.

                                AVV has some spare parts available in stock to be used in connection with the
                                turbine overhaul if needed and if possible. Spare parts in stock are listed in
                                Appendix 7 Additional Technical Information. All spare parts in stock are OEM
                                parts and unused.

                                The Contractor has no liability for parts delivered by AVV, only for the correct
                                installation of such parts.

                                Optional spare parts can be ordered before the outage or during the outage
                                based on fact-findings and evaluations and possible recommendations. The
                                following must be included in the price and delivery time, as a minimum:

                                ›       Reverse engineering (if required)
                                ›       Fabricate and deliver new spare parts to site
                                ›       Remove the old parts
                                ›       Install the new spare parts
                                ›       Machine to correct dimensions if needed
                                ›       Test of function.

                                Upon delivery, spare parts shall be packed and preserved for long-term storage.

                                The packaging of individual parts shall be marked with the following information: Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      ›      AVV I/S, Mandøvej 8, DK-9800 Hjørring
                                      ›      Purchase order number and date
                                      ›      Position number as per order or requisition
                                      ›      Description
                                      ›      Drawing number, position number, spare part number
                                      ›      KKS number (if applicable)
                                      ›      Contractor
                                      ›      Name of AVV contact person.

                                      6.3            Tools
                                      A tool container including hand tools is part of the Scope of Works. In addition,
                                      special tools, lifting equipment, supports, rotor stands (also for transport if
                                      needed) must be included.

                                      Tools for untightening and tightening of flange and coupling bolts are to be
                                      provided by the Contractor, whether it is by induction, heating rods or hydraulic

                                      The large split line bolts are tightened with heating rods.

                                      Prior to use during the overhaul all tools must be tested and approved in
                                      accordance with relevant regulation. The approval certificates must be available
                                      to AVV upon request.

                                      6.4            Consumables
                                      Ordinary consumables like gaskets, O-rings, rags, lubricants, chemicals, cleaning
                                      materials, small bolts/pins/ nuts etc. are included in the Scope of Works. Typical
                                      specifications for gaskets, O-rings etc. expected to be used during the overhaul
                                      must be mentioned in the Contractor's offer.

                                      All personal safety equipment (PSE) shall be included in the scope.

                                      6.5            On-site and off-site transport
                                      The Scope of Works also includes all on-site and off-site transportation and
                                      handling of parts.

                                      ›      All needed on-site and off-site transport (to workshops) are included in the
                                             scope, for any option and for extra work
                                      ›      The Contractor is solely responsible for the organization of the transport. All
                                             cost related to the transportation shall be included in the offered prices.
                                             This includes, but is not limited to transportation cost, packing, needed
                                             transport frame/box, road transport permit, insurance for transportation of
                                             equipment etc.
                                      ›      The transport company must be qualified to transport high value items Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                ›       All transports from and to site must be dedicated transports without
                                ›       All transports/shipping is DPU

                                6.6            Cleaning and blasting
                                All cleaning by hand and blasting is part of the Scope of Works.

                                Component cleaning is to be performed by hand, blasting or whichever method
                                required. The extent of blast cleaning and method of the cleaning is described in
                                the NDT plan provided by the Contractor.

                                If the Contractor need to carry out the blasting on site, the provision of a
                                blasting tent with proper ventilation, all needed working environment measures
                                (to avoid noise, dust, etc.) and removal of used blasting material is part of the
                                Scope of Works. The Contractor is responsible for all cleaning after blasting.

                                Blasting equipment, blasting media and skilled personnel are provided by the
                                Contractor. Disposal of used blasting media must be agreed with AVV.

                                6.7            NDT
                                The Scope of Works includes visual inspection of dismantled parts, measuring of
                                tolerances and clearances and performing NDT of relevant parts (PT, MPI and
                                UT). The proposed extent and method of NDT must be clearly described in the
                                NDT plan provided with the tender.

                                All NDT activities included in the NDT plan prepared by the Contractor prior to
                                the overhaul and agreed upon is part of the Works.

                                Based on (visual) fact-finding AVV can ask the Contractor to perform additional
                                NDT. Such requirements will be handled as a Variation.

                                6.8            Documentation
                                The Contractor must thoroughly record all inspections, measurements, repairs,
                                and materials for each component inspected, refurbished, manufactured, and
                                replaced. All documents must be traceable for each component.

                                AVV has protocols from previous inspections (OEM templates). Templates for
                                dimension check protocols and fact-finding report are provided by the Contractor
                                for AVVs approval prior to the outage start. The templates must be in
                                accordance with the historic record sheets to facilitate the comparison with the
                                records of the 2022 overhaul. Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                      6.8.1 Status reports
                                      The Contractor must supply documentation for the status of the overhaul during
                                      the execution. The status reports must contain information regarding all field-
                                      service activities for parts sent to the Contractor's workshop or elsewhere, and
                                      for parts staying on site.

                                      As a minimum, the following is to be included:

                                      ›      Daily updates from the Site Manager on ongoing activities on the site (short
                                             daily reports)
                                      ›      Weekly status reports for all field-service activities on-site and off-site
                                             (Contractor's workshop and Sub-Contractor's workshop).

                                      6.8.2 Fact-finding report
                                      Fact finding check list (to be discussed and delivered as soon as possible after
                                      inspection has been completed) including statements with agreed actions and
                                      repair and a fulfilling description of all works performed and recommendations

                                      The fact-finding report is an ongoing document that should be updated on
                                      regularly basis as inspections are performed.

                                      Minimum requirements for the fact-finding report:

                                      ›      It must be delivered as an open file with the possibilities to text search in in
                                             order easy to find relevant information
                                      ›      It must have bookmarks and Index for easy overview and navigation
                                      ›      It must be divided into main groups (like rotor, outer casing, inner casing,
                                             bearings, steam glands, etc.)
                                      ›      There must be a column describing the component
                                      ›      There must be a column with the findings and comment
                                      ›      There must be a column with the Contractor recommendation, including
                                             cost and time schedule if possible (or a statement of why it is not possible)
                                      ›      There must be a column with the AVV decision (performed or not)
                                      ›      A statement if a measurement is out of tolerance
                                      ›      A statement for not accepted NDT
                                      ›      Pictures to see the fact finding.

                                      Results from inspections are discussed daily, and major findings must be
                                      presented to AVV immediately upon discovery.

                                      A preliminary fact-finding report must be delivered as soon as possible after the
                                      inspection and according to the agreed time schedule as would be discussed as
                                      part of a final fact-finding meeting.

                                      It is of highest priority for AVV to have an overview and follow the
                                      progress in the overhaul, at all time. Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                6.8.3 Inspection report
                                The inspection report includes all visual inspection and NDT findings. As a
                                minimum, the following is to be included:

                                ›       Measurement of bolt lengths, as well as calculation for tightening and
                                        permanent stretch
                                ›       Measurements of all rotor-stator clearances before disassembly and after
                                ›       Clearances at the bearings during disassembly and at assembly
                                ›       Measurements of rotor straightness
                                ›       Measurements of roundness/dimensions of casings, blades carriers, balance
                                        pistons, steam glands etc
                                ›       Size and distribution of balance weights
                                ›       Result from inspection of rotor and stator blades, including NDT
                                ›       Check for steam leakages and contact surfaces at casings, bearing saddles,
                                        covers, housings and end frames etc.
                                ›       Result from blue print of casing and other contact surfaces
                                ›       NDT reports of all relevant components (NDT plan, part of offer)
                                ›       Measurements of alignment at the couplings during disassembly and

                                6.8.4 Final documentation
                                The final documentation is delivered in Danish or English in an electronic copy
                                on a portable HD drive. All documents of the final documentation should be one
                                open PDF file with all reports included. It should include bookmarks/index for an
                                easy overview and navigation and divided into main groups (like: Fact finding
                                report, protocols, commissioning, new spare parts).

                                The Contractor must submit a draft of the table of contents where AVV can get
                                an overview of the structure of the document before start of commissioning.

                                Drawings (if required) shall be delivered in .DWG or .DXF and .pdf.

                                All documents (reports, datasheets, protocols etc.) shall be delivered in latest
                                versions of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Project) or as open .pdf.

                                The identification system for Power Stations (KKS) must be used where
                                applicable (delivery of spare parts, fact findings, protocols).

                                The documentation must be submitted on a continuous basis and the final
                                version must include the following as a minimum:

                                Minimum requirements for the final documentation:

                                ›       It must be delivered as an open file with the possibilities to text search for
                                        relevant information
                                ›       It must have bookmarks and index for easy overview and navigation
                                ›       It must be divided into main groups for the Field-service activities, like:
                                        ›      NDT reports Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til
                                                            udbudsmateriale (15. okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx

                                             ›       Fact-finding reports including statements with agreed actions and
                                             ›       All inspection reports
                                             ›       Commissioning report
                                             ›       Balancing report, if applicable

                                      ›      All relevant pictures as electronic version (.jpg-format). As a minimum, the
                                             naming of the photos used to for illustrations in the fact-finding report must
                                             include a reference to the fact-finding report

                                      Manufacturing drawings and material certificates for all new components
                                      manufactured by the Contractor or his sub-contractor.

                                      7              Supply by AVV
                                      AVV will be responsible for the following:

                                      ›      Removal and re-assembly of noise hood. The noise hood may only be partly
                                             removed upon agreement with the Contractor.
                                      ›      Removal and renewal of the turbine insulation (cushions) is handled by AVV
                                             (or third party)
                                      ›      Scaffolding (if relevant)
                                      ›      Ensuring the double isolating shutting off live steam (witnessing and
                                             approval by the Contractor)
                                      ›      Execution of a performance test / recording parameters of the turbine set
                                             before and after the overhaul of the turbine (if decided)
                                      ›      Changing of filters in lubrication oil and hydraulic systems
                                      ›      Power outlet 1 x 230 VAC, 16 A and 3 x 400 VAC 16/32A CEE
                                      ›      Pressurized air approx. 7 bar
                                      ›      Site facilities (high-speed internet connection (DSL and WLAN), sanitary
                                             facilities, locker room, water (potable and service water).
                                      ›      Access to AVV’s workshop for the Contractor when agreed
                                      ›      Crane at site can be used (by Contractor's certified personnel only) Documents/03 Project documents/05. Turbine major overhaul 2022/1. Udbudsmateriale/Endeligt udkast til udbudsmateriale (15.
okt. 2021)/Dokumenter til upload/A119311-05-031, Technical Specification.docx
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