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ASTROBIOLOGY ExoMars Rover Mission Volume 17, Numbers 6 and 7, 2017 ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/ast.2016.1567 The Raman Laser Spectrometer for the ExoMars Rover Mission to Mars Fernando Rull,1 Sylvestre Maurice,2 Ian Hutchinson,3 Andoni Moral,4 Carlos Perez,4 Carlos Diaz,4 Maria Colombo,4 Tomas Belenguer,4 Guillermo Lopez-Reyes,1 Antonio Sansano,1 Olivier Forni,2 Yann Parot,2 Nicolas Striebig,2 Simon Woodward,5 Chris Howe,5 Nicolau Tarcea,6 Pablo Rodriguez,4 Laura Seoane,4 Amaia Santiago,4 Jose A. Rodriguez-Prieto,4 Jesús Medina,1 Paloma Gallego,4 Rosario Canchal,4 Pilar Santamarı́a,4 Gonzalo Ramos,4 and Jorge L. Vago7; on behalf of the RLS Team Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. Abstract The Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) on board the ESA/Roscosmos ExoMars 2020 mission will provide precise identification of the mineral phases and the possibility to detect organics on the Red Planet. The RLS will work on the powdered samples prepared inside the Pasteur analytical suite and collected on the surface and subsurface by a drill system. Raman spectroscopy is a well-known analytical technique based on the inelastic scattering by matter of incident monochromatic light (the Raman effect) that has many applications in labo- ratory and industry, yet to be used in space applications. Raman spectrometers will be included in two Mars rovers scheduled to be launched in 2020. The Raman instrument for ExoMars 2020 consists of three main units: (1) a transmission spectrograph coupled to a CCD detector; (2) an electronics box, including the excitation laser that controls the instrument functions; and (3) an optical head with an autofocus mechanism illuminating and collecting the scattered light from the spot under investigation. The optical head is connected to the excitation laser and the spectrometer by optical fibers. The instrument also has two targets positioned inside the rover analytical laboratory for onboard Raman spectral calibration. The aim of this article was to present a detailed description of the RLS instrument, including its operation on Mars. To verify RLS operation before launch and to prepare science scenarios for the mission, a simulator of the sample analysis chain has been developed by the team. The results obtained are also discussed. Finally, the potential of the Raman instrument for use in field conditions is addressed. By using a ruggedized prototype, also developed by our team, a wide range of terrestrial analog sites across the world have been studied. These investigations allowed preparing a large collection of real, in situ spectra of samples from different geological processes and periods of Earth evolution. On this basis, we are working to develop models for interpreting analog processes on Mars during the mission. Key Words: Raman spectroscopy—ExoMars mission—Instruments and techniques—Planetary sciences—Mars mineralogy and geochemistry—Search for life on Mars. Astrobiology 17, 627–654. 1. Introduction Raman spectroscopy is based on the analysis of spectral fingerprints due to the inelastic scattering of light when T he Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) is part of the Pasteur instrument suite (together with MicrOmega and MOMA) accommodated in the analytical laboratory drawer interacting with matter. When monochromatic radiation of wavenumber n0 im- pinges on a transparent material—such as a liquid, a gas, or (ALD) on board the ExoMars rover, scheduled to land on a crystal—most of the radiation is transmitted in the same Mars on March 19, 2021. direction of incidence, but a small portion is scattered in all 1 Unidad Asociada UVa-CSIC al Centro de Astobiologı́a, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain. 2 IRAP, University Paul Sabatier—CNRS—Obs. Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France. 3 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Space Research Centre, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. 4 Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA), Madrid, Spain. 5 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Space, Didcot, United Kingdom. 6 Institute of Physical Chemistry, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany. 7 ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. 627
628 RULL ET AL. directions. If the spectral distribution of the scattered radi- and by Jean Cabannes, Aimé Cotton, and Yves Rocard in ation is analyzed, the highest intensity is found at the same France (Rocard, 1928). Old references to this effect in wavenumber n0 (of the incident light), but a tiny spectral the Russian and French literature contain the names of component can be observed at wavenumbers n0 – nm. This the correspondent codiscoverers. Only, after the 60s did the nm shift is a result of the incident light’s interaction with the inelastic scattering of light become widely known as the atomic vibration modes characteristic of the illuminated Raman effect in scientific literature. material. The observed Raman spectrum of a molecule represents The radiation scattered with the same incident wave- its vibrational modes, that is, the collective motions of all number (energy or wavelength) is called the Rayleigh scat- the atoms vibrating with the same frequency, synchroni- tering. The radiation components scattered with the pair of cally, with respect to their equilibrium position and with wavenumbers n0–nm and n0+nm receive the name of Raman different amplitudes. The description of the vibrations is effect—after the Indian physicist Chandrasekhara Venkata made in terms of the normal modes of vibration and each of Raman, and his collaborator K. S. Krishnan observed it for the these modes of vibration is represented by a normal coordinate. first time in Calcutta at the beginning of 1928 (Raman and For a nonlinear molecule or atomic system of N atoms, the Krishnan, 1928). The Raman spectrum consists of a spectral number of normal modes/coordinates (and therefore possible distribution of wavenumbers at both sides of the incident vibrations) is 3N–6 (for a detailed study of the molecular vi- wavenumber light (Fig. 1). The bands at wavenumbers n0–nm brations, please refer to Wilson et al., 1955; Ferraro and Zio- are referred as the Stokes Raman bands, whereas the bands at mek, 1969; Poulet and Mathieu, 1970; Rull, 2012). wavenumbers n0+nm are called the anti-Stokes Raman bands Raman scattering is a very weak effect. Its intensity is Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. (Long, 1976, 2002). with a function of the electronic polarization induced by the The discovery of the Raman effect is an interesting his- exciting radiation in the sample’s molecules or atoms linked torical subject because the same phenomenon was observed by chemical bonds. The physical property involved in the almost simultaneously by Leonid Mandelstam and Grigory expression of the Raman process is the first derivative of Landsgberg in Russia (Landsberg and Mandelstam, 1928) the electronic polarizability. The Raman effect intensity can FIG. 1. The RLS evolution line with the main steps during the development process. It is interesting to note the period in which several options for the combined Raman-LIBS were analyzed. RLS, Raman Laser Spectrometer.
RAMAN, EXOMARS 629 be interpreted in terms of the general radiation–matter in- accommodated in the rover and used to analyze samples. teraction framework. Starting with the first prediction of We also discuss the Raman technique’s synergies with other inelastic scattering of light made by Adolf Smekal in 1923 instruments in the payload. Finally, we present the out- (Smekal, 1923), several models have been developed to come of experiments performed over the past few years estimate the Raman intensity of molecules, gases, liquids, with a simulator of the Raman operation mode and with and crystals using classical and quantum mechanics de- science portable prototypes at the field while preparing the scription. A vast literature is available covering its de- instrument. scription, interpretation, and applications (Szymanski, 1967; Long, 1977, 2002; Slater, 2001; Rull, 2012). 2. The RLS History Raman scattering intensity follows the same fourth power law as Rayleigh scattering: the intensity of the Stokes and The RLS in its current configuration is the result of a long anti-Stokes Raman bands are proportional to (n0 – nm)–4. process and continuous evolution that began with the This fact has consequences for the design of the excitation EXLIBRIS proposal presented by Maurice and Rull (2003) radiation source and will be discussed in detail later on. on behalf of an international consortium in response to the The Raman technique remained a curiosity in physics Pasteur call for ideas issued by ESA on May 2003 (ESA, laboratories for many years until the discovery of the laser— letter Number 3, 2004). EXLIBRIS envisaged a combined the ideal excitation source. A great expansion of Raman Raman-LIBS instrument, accommodated on a mast, which applications ensued as a result of its coupling with the mi- works at a distance of *2.5 m and uses a small ND:YAG croscope (to give micro-Raman) (Delhaye and Damelincourt, pulsed laser. Although the standoff mode was not consid- Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. 1975; Damelincourt, 1979; Rosasco, 1980; Delhaye et al., ered for the mission, the instrument was selected as part of 1996), and also thanks to the use of optical fibers and, more the Pasteur payload. recently, to the technical advances derived from the minia- At the same time, other proposals were also presented: turization of optics and detectors (Pelletier, 1999; McCreery, GENTNER, for a Raman-LIBS spectrometer working in 2000; Lewis and Edwards, 2001; Dubessy et al., 2012). At contact mode—led by E. Jessberger ( Jessberger and Cas- present, the number of applications of Raman spectroscopy is tellucci, 2003)—and MIRAS, a combination of microscopy huge; in material science, chemistry, pharmacy, health sci- and UV Raman spectroscopy—led J. Popp (Popp and Thomas, ences, and geology, among many others. 2003). The main advantages of the Raman technique are as Because of the synergies between these concepts and the follows: (1) it is nondestructive, given the laser irradiance relationship between the members of the different teams, a on the sample is below the threshold to induce thermal joint international consortium was formed for the develop- damage. This is critical for organic samples and also for ment of a combined Raman-LIBS instrument among Spain, thermolabile materials; (2) no sample preparation needed; France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands. (3) it can be used in micro- or macromodes, at close or at The instrument was foreseen to work in contact mode— long distances, with no physical contact with the samples; both outside the rover on surface samples with an optical (4) it is very fast (spectra in favorable conditions take less head attached to the rover’s robotic arm, and inside the rover than a fraction of second); and (5) the spectral bands provide with another optical head analyzing cores obtained by the definitive characterization of the irradiated material’s com- drill. The robotic arm, the drill, and the sample preparation position. These advantages are also the reason why Raman and distribution system were part of the service instruments was proposed as a powerful analytical technique for plane- envisaged in the initial ExoMars Pasteur payload (ExoMars tary exploration (Wang et al., 1998; Ellery and Wynn- Mission Configuration proposed at the ESA’s ESWG#2, Williams, 2003; Popp and Schmitt, 2004). 31_August-2_September 2005). To date, Raman spectroscopy has never been used for The first Raman-LIBS prototype was developed as an space or planetary exploration although a previous devel- elegant bread board (BB) under an invitation to tender opment led by H. Hasking and A. Wang was foreseen for the emitted by ESA on June 2005, with TNO as the company twin MER rovers, Spirit and Opportunity (Wang et al., responsible for its technical realization, and with Monocrom 1998, 2003). The RLS instrument for ExoMars was the first in charge of developing the excitation lasers at 1064 nm one selected for a rover mission on Mars. However, the (pulsed) and 660 nm (CW) (Bazalgette Courreges-Lacoste current launch schedule for ExoMars coincides with that of et al., 2007). the NASA Mars 2020 mission, opening new and interesting From this former concept the instrument evolved with the possibilities for the Raman technique since two Raman in- mission. The following stages took place: (1) elimination of struments are being developed for Mars 2020. One named the rover’s robotic arm and therefore only Raman-LIBS in- SHERLOC is a resonance Raman and luminescence spec- side, (2) no LIBS and only Raman on solid cores inside, and trometer that uses deep-UV laser excitation (Beegle et al., (3) finally only Raman inside on powdered samples (the 2014) and works at close distance. The second (SuperCam) ExoMars Payload: confirmation of the payload suite follow- is a combined instrument implementing several techniques ing restructuring of the mission; ESAPB_HME [2009] (LIBS, Raman, time resolved fluorescence [TRF], infrared 45.REV.1.1 14-May [2009]). In Figure 1, the historical evo- [IR], and visible) working in standoff mode (Gasnault et al., lution of the Raman instrument for ExoMars is presented. 2015). The LIBS, Raman and TRF spectroscopies are ex- In the current configuration, the RLS instrument will cited with a pulsed laser. operate on samples collected from the surface and the In this article, the interest is focused on the description of subsurface (down to 2 m) with the ExoMars rover drill. The the RLS instrument. We explain how it will contribute to the samples will be crushed into a fine powder with a grain objectives of the ExoMars 2020 mission, how it will be distribution having as average grain size 200–250 mm (Vago
630 RULL ET AL. et al., 2017). Thereafter, one of two dosing stations will the evaluation of all aspects previously discussed favors the deposit powder in a sample container in the carrousel. The choice of an excitation in the visible. The fluorescence limi- carrousel will then move to flatten the surface of the powder tations will be analyzed in detail in the operations mode before presenting it to the ALD instruments for analysis. section. Since context information, such as the relationship be- The spectrometer selection also poses some questions that tween the different minerals, is necessary to clearly identify deserve discussion. Although for space applications, size a rock, the collected sample will be observed by way of a and weight are the main driving parameters, the instru- high-resolution camera (PanCam) and the close-up imager ment’s overall spectral performance is of great importance, (CLUPI) before crushing. The physical modifications suf- in particular, spectral range, spectral resolution, and optical fered by the sample during the crushing and distribution response (throughput). process may have an impact on the resulting Raman spectra Under these conditions, and considering that having no (Foucher et al., 2013). However, analyzing powder can have mobile parts is highly desirable, the main possibilities avail- its positive counterpart in that it seems to facilitate the de- able to the designer are those afforded by transmission and tection of minor phases in some cases (Lopez-Reyes et al., reflection gratings. In the case of RLS, after a detailed analysis 2013a). of several options, the team selected a transmission holo- Along this process, two main aspects were the objects graphic grating concept. The main advantage of this optical of special attention: (1) the laser wavelength and (2) the configuration is that the spectral resolution does not depend spectrometer. The laser selection (532 nm in this case) was on focal length—as is the case for a reflection configuration based on several criteria. One is the possibility to induce (Pelletier, 1999; Slater et al., 2001; Dubessy et al., 2012), thus Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. fluorescence on the sample. Fluorescence is considered ‘‘the allowing a compact and luminous geometry in which light major enemy of Raman’’ because this electronic effect in- traverses the grating as a collimated beam. hibits to a large extent the observation of vibrational bands. Other effects, such as the grain size on powdered samples, 3. RLS Technical Description can also induce a strong background that harms spectral quality (Foucher et al., 2013). The RLS instrument comprises the following three main If only fluorescence is taken into account, then the use of units: the spectrometer unit (SPU), the optical head unit long wavelength excitations and, in particular, IR excitation (iOH), and the electronics control unit (ICEU), which also (i.e., 1064 nm) would be the right choice. However, other includes the laser excitation source. Other elements are the aspects have to be considered as well. Among those, the calibration target (CT), to be used on ground and during the Raman efficiency—in terms of its fourth power law—and mission; the electrical harness (EH) for power and signal the detector’s spectral response are the most important. communication between units; and the optical harness (OH) As it has been previously mentioned, the intensity of connecting the laser to the optical head, both for illumi- Raman scattering is proportional to (l0–l)–4 or (n0–n)4—if nating the sample and for collecting the Raman light and wavelength or wavenumber are, respectively, used. Excita- delivering it to the spectrometer. tions in the UV (at 250 nm) and in the visible (at 500 nm) The SPU, the laser, the iOH, the CT, and the general co- are, respectively, around 300 and 20 times more efficient ordination of the whole instrument undertaking are the re- than at 1064 nm. Another important consideration is the sponsibility of the Spanish team. The ICEU is under the absolute wavenumber or wavelength at which a particular responsibility of the French team, who is also developing the Raman band appears. This position depends on the excita- power board. The CCD detector, the front-end electronics tion’s l0 (or n0). The whole Raman shift covers normally (FEE), and the electronics board controlling the CCD detector the range 0–4000 cm–1. A band observed at the limit of are contributed by the UK team. The OH connecting the laser 4000 cm–1 has an absolute position of 625 nm when excited to the iOH and the iOH to the SPU are provided by the Ger- at 500 nm, and 1852.5 nm when excited at 1064 nm. Again, man team. A general overview of the RLS team organization this spectral region is around 60 times stronger with the is presented in Figure 2. 500 nm excitation than with a 1064 nm excitation taking into The RLS instrument has been designed to fulfill the account the fourth power factor (see Edwards and Chalmers, ExoMars scientific requirements for the rover’s Raman spec- 2005; Dubessy et al., 2012 for details). trometer. They are (exm-rl-icd-esa-00008-1.0-RLS_E-ICD): For the ExoMars scientific objectives, the identification of (1) Identify organic compound and search for life; CH and OH functional groups is of great relevance. As they (2) Identify mineral products and indicators of biologic appear as Raman shift in the range 2800–3650 cm–1, the use activity; of an excitation that allows a better response in this spectral (3) Characterize mineral phases produced by water- range is of particular importance. related processes; The second aspect guiding laser wavelength selection is (4) Characterize igneous minerals and their alteration detector efficiency. Most detectors show the maximum products; response in the visible, with a decrease in efficiency of (5) Characterize the water/geochemical environment as a almost half when approaching the IR. Moving the excita- function of depth in the shallow subsurface. tion to the red and IR also shifts the Stokes-Raman bands’ absolute position, thus reducing the possibility to observe The RLS instrument will operate inside the rover’s ALD appropriately the key spectral features related to the CH using its internal optical head. A typical sequence of oper- and OH groups. ations is as follows. The rover uses its drill to collect a Although specific modern detectors show enhanced re- sample, which is imaged by PanCam and CLUPI. Shortly sponse at the two wings of the visible spectrum (UV and IR), thereafter the sample is transferred to the ALD. Once in the
RAMAN, EXOMARS 631 Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. FIG. 2. The RLS team orga- nization and key personnel. ALD, a rock crusher reduces the sample to particulate well-collimated beam. With the fiber NA = 0.22 and a col- matter that is deposited in a small, refillable container. A limator a focal length of 69.71 mm, the two-doublet lenses carousel can position this refillable container under each of system reaches by design a #F-number of 2.27. The col- the ALD instruments’ observation positions. lection optics is a four-lenses subsystem with a focal length In Figure 3, the RLS instrument block diagram is pre- of 48.82 mm and #F-number 1.59. The lenses are manu- sented, and in Figure 4, its accommodation inside the rover. factured with space application glass from SCHOTT Co. The dispersive element is a transmission-volume-phase holographic grating from Wasatch with 1800 lines/mm. This 4. SPU Description configuration allows covering the optical range from 533 to The SPU is a transmission spectrograph that uses a ho- 676 nm with a spectral resolution between 6 and 8 cm-1. lographic grating, which disperses the Raman signal that is The dispersed Raman lines are focused on the CCD de- projected on the charge-coupled device (CCD) detector tector. This detector is an e2v technologies’ CCD device operated at cold temperature (Fig. 5). The spectrometer working in back-illuminated configuration and mounted in main subsystems are (1) the collimating and collecting op- SiC carrier. The full frame has 2048 · 512 pixels (15 mm tics, (2) the dispersive grating element, and (3) the de- size) (Fig. 6). tector. The collimating optics collects the light from the To reduce noise and improve the scientific performance, the 50-mm-diameter entrance optical fiber (which is fixed to the detector is operated in the range -10C to -40C. This tem- spectrometer by a MiniAVIM connector) and produces a perature is guaranteed by a current-controlled thermoelectric
Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. FIG. 3. The Raman instrument block diagram. FIG. 4. The RLS accommodation inside the rover. In red the ICEU box, in green the SPU, and in yellow the iOH. The optical and electrical hardness of the units is also presented. SPU, spectrometer unit. 632
RAMAN, EXOMARS 633 Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. FIG. 5. The SPU showing the collimating and collecting optic barrels. The CCD housing is placed at the left. In the figure the current EQM is presented. The SPU mass is 0.85 kg. EQM, engineering and qualification model. cooler (TEC) system placed in contact with the detector. The collecting the scattered radiation from the same area. The iOH SPU is also thermally controlled by means of three (in-parallel) is, respectively, connected to the laser and to the spectrometer heaters, minimizing thermoelastic stress that may degrade the by optical fibers of 50-mm diameter and NA = 0.22. The iOH optical quality of the system during operation at different includes a focusing mechanism to compensate for the (likely) temperatures on Mars. irregular disposition of the mineral grains on the sample sur- face (Fig. 7). Although the iOH excitation and collection geometries at the 5. Internal Raman Optical Head (iOH) Description sample are the same, the excitation and collection paths are The iOH has the double purpose of focusing the incident different. A key element in the excitation path is the band-pass laser light on the sample with a 50 mm spot diameter and of filter for removing unwanted radiation (Raman, background) FIG. 6. The CCD detector for RLS with its housing for fixation in the SPU body.
634 RULL ET AL. 6. Instrument Control and Excitation Unit (ICEU) Description The ICEU is composed of three electronic boards (DC/ DC power board, DPU board, and FEE board). The ICEU also contains the excitation unit (the laser) and its control (Fig. 9). The power (DC/DC) board is responsible for conditioning the rover-provided +28 V primary voltage into the required unit and subunit voltages in a highly stable and safe con- figuration. Within this board is also accommodated the laser driver, which controls—by using a very accurate closed loop (PID)—the current supply for the laser pumping diode, guarantees stable optical power output from the laser. The processor (DPU) board carries out several key functions for the Raman spectrometer control, spectral op- eration, data storage, and communications with the rover. The DPU main functionalities are described below: – To process the received video data coming from the Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. FEE. – To execute the firmware for the actuator drivers to al- low autofocus operation in the iOH. – To implement the telemetry acquisition function. – To provide data storage (both for scientific data and software code). – To communicate with the rover via its CAN-Bus. FIG. 7. The RLS (EQM) optical Raman head (iOH). – To provide clocking plus power up reset functions. – To provide the reception (digitalization) and condition of the thermal sensors and voltage chain. induced by the laser in the fiber. In addition the fiber’s surface is – To provide the firmware for the thermal control. polished with an angle for avoiding backscatter radiation re- turning to the laser unit. The FEE board provides the required biasing and control The combination of a notch- and a long-pass filter in the signals to drive the CCD detector on the SPU unit. The collection path removes laser reflection and Rayleigh scattering commanding of the FEE function comes from the FPGA with an OD of 10 (Fig. 8). The autofocus mechanism can move (processor module inside the ICEU) and the biasing is fed the focusing optics along a –1 mm travel range using a linear through from the internal supply lines generated at the ball bearing guide. A linear encoder allows determining the power module. The FEE also receives the video data coming optical position, which is optimized by evaluating the low from the CCD (analogue), digitalizing it and transmitting it intensity of the laser reflection in a closed-loop algorithm. The to the processor module. spatial resolution achievable is of the order of –2 mm. The excitation laser unit located inside the ICEU is a critical part of the Raman instrument. The laser must ensure the required wavelength, narrow bandwidth, and intensity required for stimulating the Raman effect in the mineral grains during instrument operation, maintaining the stability of these parameters under all conditions on Mars. In par- ticular, it is the temperature range that imposes the toughest challenge to the laser. To guaranty an adequate laser exci- tation during the whole mission, we have implemented a redundant configuration using two diode lasers optically coupled to the exciting optical fiber. The laser has required a long (more than 7 years) and very hard effort from the Spanish team. Its design started from scratch, without previous space heritage in the sci- entific and technical teams or in the industry responsible (MONOCROM). 6.1. Laser description The laser diode is a q-mount wavelength stabilized technology pump diode with an optical output at 808 nm working in the temperature range from 15C to 45C. FIG. 8. The iOH optical design showing the excitation Nevertheless, for obtaining optimum, repeatable, and stable and collection paths. performance, a fixed working temperature (around 25C,
RAMAN, EXOMARS 635 Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. FIG. 9. The electronic control unit with the different boards stacked in a vertical configuration. From top to bottom: FEE board, FPGA board, PWR board, laser, optical fibers, and the baseplate assembly. FEE, front-end electronics. with 0.1C thermal resolution) was set. The laser’s emission beams has to be performed. This is made by using a po- is very stable (wavelength position below –50 pm), quite larization rotator, which consists of a quartz half wave plate narrow (FWHM below 30 pm). The power output ranges (532 nm) turning 90 the polarization of the redundant laser between 10 and 20 mW. channel with respect to the primary channel. This rotator is The laser diode is directly focused on the active medium placed in the redundant path, after the end mirror and before by way of a microlens that allows a high density of pump- the polarizer cube. ing. This consists in a neodymium-doped (1%) yttrium- Another device included in the laser is the double po- aluminum garnet ceramic (Nd:YAG), generating a 1064 nm larization beam splitter at 45, which sends most of the emission. Its front face is coated with a reflective material green light (94.5%) toward the output receptacle, but lets specifically designed for 1064 and 532 nm wavelengths, so pass a small amount (5.5%) through to the feedback pho- then acting as a front mirror for the laser cavity. todiode—this is needed for implementing an accurate output To emit at 533 nm, a second harmonic generator (SHG) power control by means of a PID closed loop. These coat- crystal is used. The SHG—or frequency doubler—requires a ings let pass both polarization directions, the one coming fine-tuned thermal stabilization to perform efficiently. In from the inner diode and the one from the outer diode, to this design, a beta-barium borate SHG crystal was used. allow for feedback control of both channels at once. In A difficult aspect related to the redundant laser design is addition, as before, the mirror does not let through more combining both beams in a single output fiber. A solution than 5% of the IR radiation (808 and 1064 nm). was found by using a polarizer cube, which can let through This system also includes a mirror with a hole. The hole two beams with linear polarization perpendicular to each in the mirror allows either of the two linearly polarized other. For example, the primary beam will be horizontal and beams (not existing at the same time) to go through toward the redundant beam will be vertical. The polarizer cube lets the focusing lens in the optical receptacle. After the sample through the beam coming from the outermost channel and is illuminated, nonlinearly polarized light is reflected back reflects the beam from the internal channel. In this way, both from it through the output fiber and the lens. The reflected beams can trace the same geometrical path toward the beam has a diameter slightly larger than the hole and output fiber, illuminating the same spot. Of course, to per- therefore some of the light is reflected by the mirror and form such combination, a perpendicular polarization of both directed toward the autofocus photodiode. The better the in-
636 RULL ET AL. Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. FIG. 10. Left: The optical RLS (EQM) laser design in the redundant configuration. It is possible to see the main laser components: two diodes, the mirrors, and the cube join both beams. Right: The hermetic laser housing. focus position reached by the optical head focuser, the several minerals, single crystals, and polymers because its higher the reflected light will be on the photodiode. spectrum shows a sufficient number of fine bands for cali- The laser has to be thermally controlled, which is critical bration purposes and also because of its mechanical, ther- for stability and for achieving optimum performance. This mal, and low outgassing properties (compatible with the control is implemented by a thermoelectric module in a mission planetary protection rules). The CT is used for RLS closed PID loop with the thermal sensors. These are two instrument calibration on Mars, and also during assembly, (redundant) Pt-1000 thermal sensors placed inside the laser integration, testing (AIT) and prelaunch activities to verify housing, below the pumping diodes, for getting an accurate the calibration and performance of the RLS instrument. measure of the highest temperatures expected. Two identical units of the CT will be placed in the All the components are placed in a laser housing made of rover’s carrousel. One under the optical head in the sample, oxygen-free, high-conductivity copper with a gold coating. processing and distribution subsystem (SPDS) nominal The main optical components are placed over KOVAR pads (fixed) position to be used for the AIT and cruise phases on the laser board by using a solder jet bump technique allowing, if necessary, on-cruise instrument operation and (Ferrando et al., 2010). Solder jet bumping is a low-stress, calibration. Thus, this CT unit will be used during the AIT highly stable, organic-free soldering technique. The tech- phase for the verification of the instrument health and nology is based on the application of small bumping drop- performance. The second CT will be utilized during the lets of soldering alloy jetted by pressurized nitrogen operations phase, once on Mars. The reason for this is that capillary. Being the solder jet bumps made with a small the configuration of the carrousel and instruments inside diameter (100–200 mm) and melted by a very precise IR the ALD does not allow the RLS instrument to be cali- laser pulse, just a small thermal stress is induced on the brated right before operation without disturbing the mar- optical components during reflow and soldering. tian sample surface. Finally, the laser housing has an ultraclean air pressurized On Mars, calibrating just before operating the instrument environment (1 atmosphere) to avoid contamination. This is critical for assessing with picometer resolution the laser has been achieved by using a hermetic design for the wavelength, and also the laser power, at sampling time housing cover and for every component that closes the (since both parameters are highly dependent on the laser housing (photodiodes, optical receptacle, and electrical temperature). This information will be crucial for a proper feedthrough). Leak rates obtained with the hermetic sol- interpretation of the scientific data obtained, as the position dering process are below 10-8 mbar$l/s. Figure 10 shows the of the characteristic Raman peaks can change slightly as a laser optical details and the housing. result of temperature variations affecting the laser. 7. CT Description 8. Electrical and Optical Harness Description The RLS CT is a 1-mm-diameter disk sample of PET The various elements of the electrical and OH have been (polyethylene terephthalate) placed on a cylindrical foot designed to connect (electrically and optically) the RLS (Fig. 11). The CT is fixed to the rover carrousel on the instrument’s main units (SPU, iOH, and ICEU), adapting Raman optical head field of view, at the same height as the their length to the ALD layout and to the inside routing and refillable sample container. PET was selected after testing fixation needs.
RAMAN, EXOMARS 637 Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. FIG. 11. The Raman CTs EQM (right) mounted in its support. The PET Raman spectrum (left) shows enough number of fine bands covering all the instrument spectral range. CT, calibration target. The EH is composed of three different elements, the EH#1 quence of actions, and these into the final sequence of tel- for command and control of the optical head; the EH#2 to ecommands that can be interpreted by the instrument. thermally control the spectrometer structure and TEC of the CCD; and the EH#3 for communicating with the CCD and the 10. RLS Operational Concept FEE. The EH uses MicroD connectors; its design was made to The measurements carried out by the RLS will be per- minimize mass allowing a flexible routing and a safe operation. formed as described within the ExoMars Rover Reference The OH comprises two different patchcords, first the Surface Mission, which includes six experiment cycles (with OH#1 for sending the laser light to the optical head (and for two samples each, one extracted from a surface target and receiving the backscattered laser light for autofocus pur- the other at depth) and two vertical surveys (with five poses) and the OH#2 for taking the Raman signal back to the samples each extracted at different depths). For more in- SPU. The OH configuration is based on MiniAVIM 50-mm formation about the Reference Surface Mission, please APC connectors. consult Vago et al. (2017), also in this issue. The RLS instrument can analyze several points on the 9. Software Description sample surface presented by the SPDS. This will be done based on an autonomous operational concept that takes into The on-board software of the RLS instrument allows account the sample nature and available resources (energy, performing low-level characterization and unit to system time and data bandwidth). Two main complementary oper- testing campaigns. The on-board software is divided into ating modes have been established to optimize the experi- two main software products: (1) the application software, in ments on Mars. charge of performing the full control of the instrument by managing the iOH, CCD, thermal control, laser, CANbus Automatic: Predefined coordinates for the complete communications, and failure detection, isolation, and safe coverage of the sample container, acquiring multiple, procedures; and (2) the boot software, which performs the consecutive spots over the sample. In this mode, the initialization sequence and on-flight patching of the appli- RLS instrument can perform a random mapping on the cation software. sample surface. During automatic scanning, the rover The RLS application software provides simple opera- displaces the target following a preconfigured sequence tional units so that any commanded sequence can be per- of movements under the RLS optical head. RLS takes formed in a safe manner, while allowing full operational 20 shots at regularly spaced spots on the target. RLS flexibility. This operational concept is based on three levels: can continue measuring spots by moving the SPDS telecommands are the elemental operations that can be backward, thus analyzing more spots, until the re- performed by the instrument. Predefined sequences of tele- sources allocated for Raman measurements are commands are grouped into actions, providing the building reached. This will depend on the efficiency of each spot blocks of the operation. Sequences of different actions (and analyzed and the resources spent for their acquisitions. other tasks) will be grouped in higher level building blocks Cooperative: This entails a coordinated analysis using called Tasks. During the operational phase of the mission, the ALD instruments. An on-board process running on the Activity Plan, built as a sequence of tasks and actions, the rover’s computer analyses the results obtained by will be interpreted by the rover to handle the instrument the imaging-IR spectrometer MicrOmega to determine operation by translating tasks into the corresponding se- particularly interesting targets for RLS and MOMA-
638 RULL ET AL. LDMS (please see Vago et al. [2017], this issue). The consists in quenching the fluorescence emission by first instrument to analyze the sample grains, MicrO- keeping the laser on for several seconds/minutes and mega, will acquire multispectral images of the sample reading spectra periodically. The effect of the laser is to in a relatively wide area, providing a general view of saturate the energy states of the fluorescence emission, the materials. In case something of special interest is resulting in a gradual decrease of the background. found, the SPDS will position the sample under the When the difference between two consecutive spectra RLS instrument spot for detailed analysis with Raman became stable and lower than the precedent difference, spectroscopy and under MOMA LDMS for a first the RLS algorithm stops and the next spectrum is the analysis of organic content with laser desorption mass real one taken as a measure. spectrometry. The combination of RLS, MicrOmega, Fluorescence is very common in terrestrial samples and MOMA-LDMS data will provide the necessary because organics are ubiquitous on Earth. However, it inputs to decide if the sample is analyzed with MOMA- is not expected to observe this effect on Mars very gas chromatograph mass spectrometry (GCMS). The often. Nevertheless, the algorithm is of prime impor- reason is that the number of ovens available for the tance in case organic traces are detected and also when GCMS is limited, so only a subset of samples will be other fluorescence sources appear on the samples. analyzed with this technique. Cosmic ray detection and removal: Cosmic ray is an important source of spectral perturbation and, in par- 11. RLS Spectral Acquisition ticular, on Mars where there is a higher flux than on Earth. To reduce and control this effect, the RLS in- The operation mode at instrument level is understood as Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. strument apart from the shield on the CCD and other the series of operations and algorithms that the instrument critical elements will use dedicated algorithms to detect needs to execute autonomously for obtaining a Raman and remove cosmic rays and spikes that can appear in spectrum of the highest possible quality. The definition of the reference Raman spectra, and which could cause the operations mode needs to implement the actions that the failures in the algorithms if considered as peaks. Details human operator normally performs on Earth (laser focusing of the methodology can be seen in Lopez-Reyes (2015). on the sample, adjustment of the spectrum’s acquisition SNR calculation for on-board operations: RLS instru- time, elimination of fluorescence .) in a system able to ment implements an algorithm for the calculation of the autonomously decide the best parameter combination for a spectral quality of a spectrum. These data will be used particular measurement. An additional difficulty that the as the essential reference parameter in the acquisition Raman spectral acquisition poses for automatic methods parameter adjustment algorithms. Details can be also derives from the great difference between the molar scat- seen in Lopez-Reyes (2015). tering efficiency of different materials, which can reach 4–5 orders of magnitude. After these aspects have been analyzed and corrected (in When acquiring Raman spectra in the laboratory, there case), the algorithm provides the adjustment of the inte- are many instrument parameters, especially for the CCD gration time and the number of accumulations adequate to device, that must be configured to optimize spectra. Among optimize the spectral quality-based spectrum. these are gain, readout speed, and even temperature. How- ever, under Mars operational conditions, the number of 12. RLS ExoMars Simulator and BB parameters requiring adjustments has to be reduced to the To achieve the maximum scientific return from the RLS minimum. Here two operational-level parameters, Integra- instrument once on Mars, it is necessary to perform exper- tion Time (ti) and Number of Accumulations (na), have been iments on Earth under the same operational conditions af- selected as the key parameters. Both can be easily modified forded by the rover. To do so, the team has developed two without affecting the instrument performance, but just total main tools: (1) the RLS ExoMars simulator at the Unidad operation time. However, several undesired effects such as Asociada UVa-CSIC-CAB and (2) the RLS BB at INTA fluorescence and cosmic rays can severely modify the ref- (Fig. 12) (Lopez-Reyes et al., 2013a). The scientific simu- erence spectra and thus impair the ti and na calculation. lator allows performing many scientific experiments under Taking into account these considerations, the instrument conditions similar to those provided by the ALD of the needs to identify and correct several issues to efficiently ExoMars rover. It also provides the means to define and acquire Raman spectra: develop the necessary algorithms for the automation of the Saturation avoidance: if spectra saturate, this can lead instrument. The basic configuration of the ExoMars simu- to errors in the operation flow. Thus, it is of paramount lator consists of an XYZ micrometric positioning system importance that the spectra used for reference do not with an optical head attached to the Z axis, and a refillable saturate. container attached to the XY positioners. With this system, Fluorescence detection and removal: the fluorescence samples can be analyzed at the mineral grain scale with a effect on a Raman spectrum increases the background three-dimensional positioning accuracy of 2.5 mm. The level of the spectrum, potentially decreasing the signal- Raman optical head has a spot size of 50 mm, which matches to-noise ratio (SNR) of the Raman signals. Given that the requirements of the flight instrument. An internal camera the fluorescence background can decrease when the permits imaging the sample through the same optical path. sample remains illuminated by the laser, RLS imple- In addition, the Raman optical head is coupled to an external ments a method for automatically calculating the fluo- camera so that the sample can be imaged by using different rescence quenching time based on the background fields of view. The system is also designed to flatten the decreasing rate. The control applied by RLS basically sample powder with an SPDS-like design, and to position
RAMAN, EXOMARS 639 Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. FIG. 12. The RLS simulator (left) and BB (right). Both are complementary tools for developing and testing the Raman instrument. BB, bread board. the sample under the instrument’s optical head, which will Generate engineering and scientific data products after automatically focus on the sample surface. RLS operation in the processing pipelines at ROCC, In addition, the RLS ExoMars simulator has been and combine data product generation of different in- equipped with a martian chamber to allow performing struments and ancillary data from the rover. analysis of samples on a relevant environment (Catalá Data resulted from each sample acquisition will be sci- Espı́, 2015). This chamber (Fig. 13) allows analyzing the entifically cross-correlated with that obtained by other in- samples at temperatures and atmosphere representative struments. of the ones that will be found inside the ExoMars rover during operation. Generate a set of key performance indicators after each The BB has been conceived to evaluate the entire instru- operation to provide a broad overview of the scientific ment’s behavior. This analysis includes verification and vali- trends of the instrument. dation of all the scientific requirements previously analyzed The IDB provides tables (in the SCOS2000 format) and with the simulator. In addition, the BB can be utilized to the RLS processing pipeline (following PDS4 standard) to verify the radiometric model, Raman spectral quality, the comply with the long-term use of the RLS data hosted in the calibration procedure, as well as the operation mode. The BB ESA archives. has been built in several steps, starting from commercial, off- IDAT is a ground segment system software/hardware tool the-shelf components and improving to flight representative that will be used during the operational phase of the mission, components. And while the science demonstrator can only not only for instrument health assessment but also for short work in terrestrial ambient conditions, the BB can operate in (and long)-term science exploitation. Short-term use of mission relevant conditions (temperature and pressure). IDAT will, on a daily basis, provide the scientific team operating the rover with very fast scientific results to make 13. Ground Segment tactical decisions for the following day’s rover activities. Having this information analyzed after a very short time The RLS ground segment combines a fully functional (minutes) after the reception of the data from the spacecraft replicate of the instrument together with the instrument is of paramount importance to take the best tactical course database (IDB) and Instrument Data Analysis Tool of RLS of action. However, this kind of operation also imposes very (IDAT) to do the following: strict requirements regarding the robustness and reliability Assess the activity plan to be uplinked as commands to of the methods applied for the analyses. It also requires the the instrument in the mission’s operational phase—via development and population of databases both under ter- the rover operations control center (ROCC). restrial and martian conditions. The comparative analysis of
640 RULL ET AL. FIG. 13. The martian chamber for RLS powdered sample analysis. The chamber also includes a flattening system working under martian conditions to compare the surface characteristics with the prepared under terrestrial conditions. Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. samples under terrestrial and martian conditions shows that RLS team has studied several of them (Rull and Martinez- no noticeable structural changes are detected with the dif- Frias, 2003; Rull et al., 2004; González-Toril et al., 2005; ference on temperature, pressure, and atmospheric condi- Rogero et al., 2007). tions between the two planets. Only in some specific cases On the contrary, terrestrial analogues are very interesting. of very high hydrated phases, minor changes in the OH Although no place on Earth is like Mars, several locations vibrations were observed. And as the general trend, the offer the possibility to analyze geological processes, and the Raman widths slightly decrease as a consequence of the low related materials, that can be compared with those produced temperature under martian conditions. on Mars in the past. Of particular importance are those In addition, implementation of routines for the automated materials related to liquid water alteration processes because analysis of the results is included. These tools will also be understanding the hydrologic cycle of Mars is a key aspect available to the scientific team for detailed (and slower) of understanding its geological cycle. The team has ana- analysis of the data, providing support for the long-term lyzed materials from a wide range of places on Earth. science use of the RLS data products by the team (Fig. 14). Among these are Rio Tinto, Jaroso Ravine, and Tenerife in Spain, Svalbard Islands (Arctic), Barberton (South Africa), 14. Raman Performances and Scientific Capabilities and Mauritania. of RSL Within the Mission Framework The methodology used consisted in a double study. At the field, in situ analysis with portable science prototypes of the 14.1. Laboratory analyses with the RLS simulator Raman under development for ExoMars; and in the labo- To fulfill the mission’s scientific goals, the Raman in- ratory, using conventional micro-Raman techniques and the strument must obtain good quality spectra from the wide spectral operation simulator (Lopez-Reyes et al., 2013b) variety of materials available at the landing site and en- allowing reproducing the real RLS operation on Mars countered while roving on Mars. The main information (Figs. 12 and 13). sources about these materials and their spectral responses Although the spectral information during the operation are the previous missions, the meteorites (in particular will be obtained by observation with the Raman optical martian meteorites), and the potential martian analogues on head 20 points in a single line on the sample surface, the Earth. As no Raman has been placed on the martian surface simulator allows several other options, such as two- until present, the real materials on which Raman spectros- dimensional mapping, surface height profiling by using the copy can be applied, and on the basis of which spectral optical head autofocus device, and finally, the capability to databases and models for interpretation of the geological combine other techniques such as an imager in the visible processes on Mars can be developed, are those obtained or in the IR. This last case is of prime importance because from martian meteorites and terrestrial objects. the possibility to perform combined science between Ra- Raman spectroscopy has demonstrated to be a powerful man and the IR spectrometer MicrOmega, also onboard the method for precise analysis of martian meteorites and the ALD, adds a very important extra value to the spectral
RAMAN, EXOMARS 641 Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. FIG. 14. A general picture of some of the main tools developed for the RLS operation and scientific activities prior and during the mission. These tools are grouped in two main systems: one related with the construction and management of spectral databases under terrestrial and martian conditions and the other related with the spectral treatment, including automatic recognition of spectra. observations. This combined science rests on the ability of tensity at each point and the average over all the points the rover to place both instruments over the same spot in a analyzed along the line (see Lopez-Reyes et al., 2012, sequential way. 2013b for details). This process allows increasing the ac- In Figures 15 to 19, some results obtained by the simu- curacy and detection limit. lator working in terrestrial conditions are presented. In Figure 16, an example is presented for a binary ad- In Figure 15 are shown Raman spectra performed in au- mixture of calcite and gypsum. Concentrations (1:99 and tomatic mode on two simulant samples of early and late 90:10) are shown in Figure 16A, B, although the whole Mars average materials prepared by ESA and Kaiser- range from 1:99 to 99:1 was analyzed. These figures rep- Threde. Some of the spectra obtained from 25 points along a resent, for 30 points analyzed on each sample, the relative line are presented overlaid to demonstrate the real results maximum intensity of the most representative peaks of obtained by the simulator after an automatic scanning in calcite (blue) and gypsum (red). which at each spot the spectral acquisition parameters are The results show that it is possible to see the minor obtained from algorithms. It is easy to see that the spectral concentration phase at many spots along the line. This is an quality is different at each spot and in some cases, it is hard important result verified in several other examples because to obtain useful spectral information. In other cases, the to experimentally demonstrate the simple analysis along a spectra are of high quality. Nevertheless, from the whole set line in the bulk powdered sample is enough to characterize of spectra, it was possible to identify all the mineral phases the mineral composition of the whole sample, given a suf- present in the samples, including minor phases. In early ficient number of spots are analyzed. Furthermore, when the Mars sample, the components detected were quartz, mus- intensity data for each compound from the 30 points are av- covite, albite, siderite, chlorite, and hematite. In late Mars eraged, the calibration curve shown in Figure 16C is obtained. sample, the minerals identified were gypsum, anhydrite, For comparison, the calibration curve obtained with XRD on hematite, forsterite, and minor quartz and actinolite. The the same admixture is shown in Figure 16D. As shown, the mineral identification was performed by using the spectral results with RLS improve the calibration curve obtained when databases developed in this project and confirmed with the using XRD in terms of curve linearity and detection thresh- literature. These minerals were also confirmed with XRD as olds, opening the possibility of pseudo-quantifying mineral a complementary technique, although some of the minor phases during operation on Mars, without the need to perform phases were difficult to identify unambiguously. The carbon corrections on the calibration curve. Details on this work can features were not detected by XRD. be found in Lopez-Reyes et al. (2012, 2013b). The point-by-point technique also permits quantifying the Another interesting aspect of the operation with the RLS relative amounts of mineral phases in complex admixtures. inside the framework of the ExoMars mission operation The method uses spectra normalized by the maximum in- cycle is the possibility to combine the potential of two or
642 RULL ET AL. Downloaded by from at 03/25/19. For personal use only. FIG. 15. Raman spectra performed in automatic mode along a line (25 spectral points) on two samples prepared by Kaiser-Threde for ExoMars test. On top the samples and the 10 mm line along which the spectra were taken. Bottom, a general picture of some of the 25 recorded spectra in both samples. (1) Early Mars main phases depicted quartz (Q), siderite (S), and carbon (D, G bands). (2) Late Mars main phases depicted gypsum (G), anhydrite (A), hematite (H), and forsterite (F). It is interesting to note that in automatic mode at some spots no clear Raman signal is obtained. This is part of the normal outcome of the process; the spectra are recorded at fixed steps with no possibility to optimize in position. more techniques to enhance the potential for identification In Figure 18, the Raman results obtained along 15 points and analysis of relevant materials for the mission objectives. around the feature are presented (Lopez-Reyes et al., For that the key point is to have the possibility to analyze the 2013b). The Raman spectra clearly show the spectral fea- same spot with different techniques. In Figures 17 and 18, tures associated with the mineral grain species present in the an example of combined science is illustrated. Figure 17 admixture (calcite and quartz) and also at particular posi- shows the combined SPDS-RLS setup mounted in collabo- tions (P8 and P9), new bands clearly identified as a doublet ration with Thales-Alenia at OHB’s facilities in Munich at 825 and 856 cm-1. This doublet is characteristic of olivine (Musso, 2013; Paul, 2013). Its objective was to check the (forsterite). The olivine spectral features practically disap- possibility to bring a particular spot of sample material (one pear at positions before and after this particular point. The that could have been identified with MicrOmega) under RLS results confirm the capability to detect specific singular field of view for analysis. The sample was a mixture of features on the crushed sample’s surface when using the quartz and calcite with minute amounts of olivine. In this SPDS carrousel and, therefore, the possibility to perform case, an unknown feature having a diameter of about 70 mm combined science with the different instruments during an was identified by an imager simulating the MicrOmega ExoMars operational cycle. capabilities. The SPDS carrousel computed its position and Very recent results obtained at the University of Valla- doing the normal operations cycle tried to move the feature dolid using the MicrOmega engineering and qualification under RLS optical head. The real methodology consisted on model, in combination with the RLS science prototype and placing the carrousel at some fixed distance from the esti- the powder analysis simulator, show that the two instru- mated feature’s position and then gradually advancing at the ments can work together extremely well, complementing smaller steps achievable (30 mm nominal), fine tuning spa- each other’s capabilities. The results obtained will be pub- tially the line around the detected feature. lished elsewhere.
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