THE QUAY - Parking: how you can help! Harbour anniversary New chair for the hospital Easter holiday events
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April 2022 THE QUAY Wells and District Community Magazine Parking: how you can help! Harbour anniversary New chair for the hospital Easter holiday events
Welcome to The Quay Spring has sprung. Easter is upon us. Rea- Meanwhile, half way through the month comes sons to be cheerful! The town will fill up with Easter, both a secular and a religious holiday, tourists. Some of us will smile more than oth- a time for reflection on the nature of human ers. The traffic flow will become more difficult. cruelty, cowardice and injustice – all too Parking in pedestrian streets will become an familiar at this time – but for the will to stand annoyance or worse. Reasons to be glum! up for something more than our own interests and the conviction that unflinching resistance But we are not dismayed. We don’t live in is somehow rewarded and, finally, that the the Ukraine. Who knows what things will be whole enterprise is not pointless as some like there by the time you read this? We can’t think. As for the man who wrote ‘Always look change the world, but your assistance in on the bright side of life’, he thought that life making Wells better would be appreciated. was not worth much – we won’t print the word If you park on the street please place a copy here. We don’t agree. It is for others than the of the Quay on your dashboard during the Editor to set out the details of the Easter story, Easter fortnight so we can count how many of but some will turn up to listen to it, reflect and those parking are from out of town during the cheer up. You can find out when and where to holiday. turn up and find out more in the Events diary. And in case you think we are too pre-occupied One thing we know is that the rising cost with godly events, we have just been told that of gas and electricity will worry those who Christmastide in Wells is on the weekend of already live on minimum wage. We are a very November 27th. Is Christmas coming even mixed community of well-to-do and not very earlier? Good old FC! well off at all. Some of us may manage without too much difficulty. For others it will make for Finally, we are becoming more popular at least real difficulties. Wells United Charities and the from the number of articles we receive to print. Foodbank may find calls on their help. The While very gratifying, it leaves the Editor hard pandemic made us think about how we could pressed to know what to leave out. We hope help the vulnerable. Fuel price hikes, whatev- that you will be understanding if your article is er their cause, may make us think once again. shorter than what you sent to us. RA Who knows what we can do? The Team: Roger Arguile - (acting) editor; Karen Clarke - advertising; Charlie Bloor - finance; Steve Bingham - design & layout Other members: Katie Bloor, Sarah Peberday, Carla Phillips The next issue is due out on April 20th. Please send copy for the May issue to no later than April 5th. Potential advertisers should contact CONTENTS Editorial 3 Lifeboat Station news 17 Cooking with Carla - Kale 30 Wells Town Council meeting 4 Wells Community Hospital 18 Carnival 2022 32 Neighbourhood Plan news 4 A Primark Will 19 Screen-next-the-Sea 32 Homes for Wells 5 News from the Churches 20 Events diary 35 Community Car Scheme 5 A Voice from the Past 20 Defibrillator locations 35 Parking in Wells 6 Wells Harbour anniversary 22 Church service times 36 Flood advice 6 Heritage House news 22 The Quay Directory 37 Wighton news 7 Wells Maltings news 24 The Quick Quay 38 Clubs and Organisations 7 Rescue Wooden Boats 25 Wells Library opening times 38 Wells weather watch 16 Barnham Art Exhibition 25 Cover painting by Linda Pattrick © The Quay 2022. Published by Quay Publishing Ltd on behalf of the town of Wells-next-the-Sea and the surrounding area. Acting editor: Roger Arguile - Advertising: Karen Clarke - Design & layout: Steve Bingham - The Quay 2 April 2022 The Quay 3 April 2022
Wells Town Council March Meeting Homes for Wells By Lynne Burdon – Chair It was a busy meeting in March: the issue of summer season; pedestrian safety on Station the ‘squatting’ man and his horse appears Road is to be looked at; the Neighbourhood Homes for Wells has had input into both the in this if they wish – to be beyond the ability or willingness of the Plan (below) is moving towards positive pro- North Norfolk District Council Local Plan and manage the whole of the letting process. authorities to deal with but the Council have posals to address the town’s concerns (see full and our own Wells Neighbourhood Plan. We We require a commitment to let us manage not given up their efforts to resolve matters; report on the Council website); Karen Clarke, support completely the requirement that the property for at least five years (with an ex- ambulance response times are still unaccept- the new Housing Portfolio holder, spoke about new development sites have 35% affordable ception for extenuating circumstances for the able; the new Stearmans Yard toilets will not the need for retro-fitting houses to make them housing. In addition, we would like to see an owner if needed). If you are interested, please be completed until July; more positively, traffic more energy efficient; there seems to be a new allocation of ‘intermediate rent’ housing for speak to our General Manager Jane Berwick. concerns are being addressed more compre- more positive mood on the part of the District essential workers. hensively – a survey of street parking is to be Council towards Wells. This may be just jam Each month we receive donations through undertaken at Easter (see below); the play tomorrow but the NNDC seemed to exhibit This is so important in Wells where normal our website – very often from people wishing boat, Bounty, is to be repaired in time for the more of a can-do spirit. working families are so often stuck in the to remain anonymous. We can’t say thank middle – not needy enough to be allocated you personally as we don’t know who these affordable housing by NNDC but not wealthy people are, so we say a huge thank you here. Neighbourhood Plan Working Party enough to be able to buy or rent at full market prices which are so high in Wells. Homes Your help really does help us make a differ- ence. We would also like to say thank you to By John Edwards (vice-chairman) for Wells is the only housing provider that those of you who came to our evening with allocates properties to Wells families – giving Lady Glenconner and have now also given The Working Party has spent a lot of its experience would be bought by those from priority to our essential workers. us donations or made standing orders. If you time over the last few weeks looking at the outside the District. In fact that is the intention would like to make a donation, then please District’s Local Plan. Understandably people of the government. A call for Properties to manage: Do you own a contact our Fundraiser Karen Clarke. If you get a bit confused between that and what we property in Wells that is empty for all or part of care about helping to ensure Wells thrives then are doing as a Neighbourhood Plan Group. We also felt that the District had failed to deal the year? Are you fed up with all the work in- maybe you would consider joining our board. The Local Plan, for all its title, is a plan for the with parking and traffic gridlock. Park and volved in managing a holiday let? Do you own We would particularly like to hear from anyone whole of the District based in Cromer and so Ride won’t solve our problems. We need good an empty property in need of repair? Would who is a surveyor or who has other property is not really ‘local’ at all. But it decides what accessible off-street parking (on which we are you like to help Homes for Wells provide one expertise. If you would like to know more is due to happen until 2036 in Wells (as well working with Holkham who are able to provide more home for a local person? contact our Chair Lynne Burdon. as everywhere else in the District) in terms it) but the District Council is not helping. We of housing, infrastructure, employment land, have to get the traffic off the streets. Whether As I hope everyone knows by now Homes for Finally, our next event will on Friday 22nd June open spaces and so on; but particularly hous- we can get preferential residents’ parking is an Wells lets homes to local people – giving prior- at The Maltings – details on our website as ing. That is why we are working to ensure that issue we are going to look at. Flood defence ity to essential workers who otherwise would soon as finalised. If you want to receive our what is best for Wells is put into the Plan. was another matter that the Local Plan was be unable to afford a home. We let homes at newsletter and emails with details of events for light on. Wells is not Cromer or Shering- affordable and intermediate rents i.e. rents that priority booking please just email Karen Clarke We presented our concerns to the Town Coun- ham. We are low lying; they are not. They are less than 80% of market rent. We are keen and ask her to add you to the mailing list. cil in February which has now approved them have problems but so have we and ours are to secure more properties to manage. We to be sent to the District Council. We did different. require the homes to be up to our basic stand- not feel that Cromer was taking us seriously ard, but we can help you find a way to do Lynne Burdon Chair particularly in terms of the kind of housing There are many other issues on which we this – maybe even by us paying for the work needed for the town. Our own conclusions hope people will agree with us when they see and then recovering the cost from the rent. We Jane Berwick General Manager (and those of the public consultation last our own Neighbourhood Plan, but we have provide a full management service – charging October) were that if we had to have hous- to remember that our Plan can only be made 12½% of the rent and repairs for this. We se- Karen Clarke Fundraiser ing, it should be affordable housing for local within the constraints of the District’s Plan lect suitable tenants – owners can be involved people and that any other housing should be which is why we have been spending so much the principal residence of the owner. We can’t do anything about house prices – they are way time looking at it. The closing date for written submissions was a month ago but we intend Community Car Scheme above anything that most of us can afford – so to attend the committee hearings that follow. Your car scheme needs you! Volunteer drivers Passengers are primarily taken for medically houses have to be for rent – at affordable rates wanted urgently. Journeys can be local or long related appointments such as GP, hospital, and for local people. The Plan as we read it Overall, the District Local Plan has to have a distance. dentist or optician. simply failed to notice that the percentage of much better focus on the needs of Wells. If second and holiday homes was nearer 40% you want to know more or have any com- Mileage expenses are paid at £0.45 per mile in Please contact Daphne on 01485 210342 or than the 10% average for the District. Any ments to make let us know – via the Town line with HMRC guidelines. Our drivers choose if you might be housing proposed by them would be 65% Council (or the Quay) or tell our District Coun- to do anything from less than one journey a able to help. housing on the open market which on present cillor, Peter Fisher. month to several trips a week. The Quay 4 April 2022 The Quay 5 April 2022
Parking – Problems and Solutions homes and the safety of their families so we hope you will forgive us for making sugges- tasked with warning and informing residents. We will write more next month about what By Cllr. Peter Rainsford tions compiled in the light of our experience. Flood Wardens can be tasked to do and Finally we must emphasise that Wells has importantly what lies outside their remit – and Wells Town Council has renewed its deter- a visitor, this will be recorded in the survey. seven areas at risk of flooding and more how you can be prepared. mination to deliver a solution to the parking Please spread the word. homes at risk than any other community along problems in the town and has commissioned a this stretch of the coast. Conversely our Flood (PS Within the first six days of January the review of its traffic and parking which it hopes If you park on the street, tell us that your car is Warden team is a very small group of local EA issued 5 flood alerts for Wells of which 4 will lead to improvements. The work will be led “local” by placing a copy of the Quay visible volunteers who only have the capacity to be bordered on Flood Warning level.) by Norfolk County Council Highways Dept and in your windscreen from 11th April for two will commence in April. weeks. Wighton News We will be doing some of the work ourselves, We are also asking for volunteers to count with your help, to ensure that local opinion is cars on sections of Wells streets at specified First, a reminder to all those who are interest- Talking of which, there are plans in the pipeline reflected and to keep costs down. We will start times using forms that we will provide. If you ed in donating to our new village hall project for an Easter event on the afternoon of Easter with a survey of on-street parking on certain can assist please get in touch with the clerk in Wighton, the target set by the ‘Hall for All’ Sunday 17th April, venue and timings to be days and at certain times in April. We ask you to the council by phone (01328 7 70564) or by Project Group is £140,000. This is on top of confirmed (please check www.wightonvil- all to place a copy of the Quay magazine in email ( We will the £500,000 which is already pledged to our, the village’s Facebook pages your car windscreen for the next few weeks to make regular reports through the Quay maga- new build. and the notice board by the war memorial identify your vehicle as being “local” and not zine to keep you all informed of progress. for updates). Also, after a two-year hiatus, With this in mind, January saw the launch of Wighton’s popular Scarecrow Festival will be Flooding – some advice for residents a Buy-a-Brick campaign. Anyone can “buy” as many bricks as they want (at £10 per brick) held over the first May Bank Holiday weekend with teas available in the church. Please start Mike and Marie Strong Joint Co-ordinators Wells Flood Action Plan by transferring money directly to the Wighton planning your scarecrow now. Recreation Hut Fund (sort code 20-30-81; Sea Flooding: Suggestions for those living of your receiving relevant flood warnings.) a/c no. 30959359), using your surname as Also restored to Wighton’s events calendar is permanently in Wells i.e. registered on the a reference. Or by sending a cheque made the Vintage Tractor Crank-up which will take Wells Electoral Roll and where the property is Regularly check your flood defences and out to ‘Wighton Recreation Hut Fund’ to our place on Sunday 8th May. More details in the noted by the Environment Agency as being at ensure you have arranged for someone to Treasurer, Barbara Clark, at 37 High Street, next edition of The Quay. Congratulations to risk of sea flooding. erect them if you are unable for any reason. Wighton, NR23 1AL. the recent winners of the 100 Club draws in Download local tide tables from Wells Town aid of the playground and playing field. Double (Please see January’s edition of the Quay for Council website ( All donations will be extremely gratefully re- draw winners in December were Jean Savoury, information relating to those owning but not uk) together with a copy of the possible routes ceived. Gift aided donations means the charity Sue Fisher, Emma and James Harrison, Jill residing in a Wells property which is at risk of to Alderman Peel School (designated evacua- will receive an extra cash bonus of 25 per cent Butler, Mike and Gail Hines, and Tim Williams; flooding.) tion centre). of your contribution. Gift aid forms and more January winners were Peter Millyard, Alan and information are available on the website, www. Geraldine Williams, Kevin and Sarah Hiner; If you have recently purchased your home you Should you receive a Severe Flood Warning it, or you can request a February winners were Jill Seaman, Sophie should know if it is at risk of flooding but if for will include reference to evacuation. A decision form from Graham Able on 07818 592082. The Trend and Juliet Wyndham. any reason you are in doubt contact the Envi- to evacuate will be a ‘multi-agency’ decision website also explains how you can help raise ronment Agency (EA) (03459 88 11 88); ask if involving amongst others County and District money through Amazon Smile purchases and And finally, grateful thanks to George and your property is at risk of flooding; register for Councils, EA, Police, Fire & Rescue and through supporting our village events. Wayne Brett-Reynolds for their work in trim- Flood Warnings Direct (FWD) providing your Coastguard. If a decision is taken to evacuate ming the hedges around the playing field. land line, mobile numbers and email address. Alderman Peel School on Market Lane will be Access flood defence information at www. opened. Clubs and Organisations following the links The North Norfolk Police Flood Liaison Officer Wells United Charities nal painting by Linda Pattrick (trustee). Tickets has endorsed the advice given above and em- In a new venture with Wells Community will be on sale at her exhibition ‘Inspired by Prepare for flooding; Prepare your property for phases that anyone owning an ‘at risk proper- Hospital, our charity will help fund an Appren- Wells’ (also showcasing the work of John flooding; National Flood Forum – Blue Pages ty’ should ensure there is an evacuation plan ticeship initiative that the Hospital has begun. Richter), which runs from 9th-21st April in The Directory (or search with which all residents in the property are With a grant from us, they will be able to pro- Handa Gallery at Wells Maltings. The exhibi- uk/01299 403 055). familiar. He further emphasises the need for vide employment and training to a young local tion is open daily 11-4 and entrance is free. occupants to listen to the agencies involved person. The individual being sponsored by the Calling on keen gardeners: we would like you (You may also have elderly/infirm relatives and with evacuation and act accordingly as the Hospital is expected to complete a Level 3 to start preparing for our ‘Going Potty’ event friends who live in a house at risk of flooding - agencies cannot guarantee anyone’s safety Events Assistant apprenticeship later this year. for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We are with their permission follow the above proce- who ignores the advice given to evacuate. asking you to plant a colourful pot of flowers dures and discuss with the EA the possibility We know local residents care about their In April, we will be holding a raffle for an origi- and place it in your gateway for the weekend The Quay 6 April 2022 The Quay 7 April 2022
of 3-5th June. If this appeals to you, please first hour, served by the Brownies and a raffle. contact Jean Davies on 01328 710476. The second hour we will have a campfire. Photo albums will be on show. I started 2nd We are keen to increase our membership, be- Wells Brownies on 27th February 1995, and I EASTER ing a member does not involve you in anything am still a leader! Please come and help us cel- other than a small annual minimum payment ebrate and share memories. Please note there FAMILY FUN of £5. However, we are always extremely is limited parking, so if possible, please leave 2nd to 19th April grateful for any help running our events, e.g. your vehicle down Maryland or Polka Road stalls on the Buttlands selling raffle tickets; if and walk to join us. Just to give us an idea of you wish to volunteer. To join as a member, numbers please email me, if you would like to please download the Membership form from come our website or pick one up from Jagger’s Chemist at the top Men’s Probus of Staithe St. The monthly meeting will take place at 11 00 am on Wednesday 27th April in the WI Hall, Women’s Institute Wells. The topic this month is ‘The Gallow This year seems to be shooting past and soon Sports Centre’. Mr Danny Cawthorne will dis- the main celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum cuss the many aspects of sporting and social Jubilee will be underway. Only two more activities available at the Centre. The Group is months until the great day. Meanwhile we open to and warmly welcomes any retired or carry on with our own celebrations, particularly semi-retired men in the area. Further details our Birthday Lunch which we are having at can be obtained by calling 01328 856456 or Briarfields as we did in 2019 – pre-pandemic. emailing That will be on 20th April. On 18th May we are having one of our own lunches in the hall, for members and friends. At our May meeting we will discuss the Annual Resolutions and send our votes to the Feder- ation to be discussed at the main A.G.M. later this year. Resolutions are an important part of WI life and add a powerful voice to matters of importance to women and communities. Very firmly non-party political and practical. After Wells & King’s Lynn Coastal Rowing Club this discussion there will be a talk on the histo- We’ve been around as a Club for a while but ry of Tea and Coffee, two other very important we’ve very recently made Wells one of our items! Because of the Platinum Jubilee Bank main bases, hence the re-brand from King’s Holiday, our June meeting will be on 9th June Lynn Coastal Rowing Club to incorporate and the talk will be on “The wonderful world Wells. We’d really love to have more Wells of Pearls”. Although the pandemic infection folks join us on our rows as so many of them rates have eased with the better weather and see us rowing in and out of the harbour or the success of the vaccination programme, we around the creeks without knowing how are still exercising caution at our meetings so they can get involved. Our current website is everyone can feel relaxed and at ease – better We are also on safe than sorry! Using our common sense, we Facebook, Instagram and Twitter if you search still have a great time. If you would like to find for Wells & King’s Lynn Coastal Rowing Club. out more about Wells WI ring Carol Green on Helen Hogan 07967 828529 01328 712078 Wells Textile and Embroidery Group Wells Brownies Another creative month. One of our mem- To anybody who was a Brownie, leader or bers is thinking ahead and working on the 12 helper, during the last 27 years, we are having Days of Christmas in felt with embroidery top a party to celebrate turning 25. The date is stitches. Eileen has created a Pot Holder em- Tuesday 3rd May, from 5.30 - 7:30 at the Wells broidered beautifully. I have personally made Scout Hut, Great Eastern Way, Wells. The a great jellyfish even though I say so myself. evening will consist of tea and cake for the This was crocheted with long tentacles and The Quay 8 April 2022 The Quay 9 April 2022
of course I’ve knitted many hats ready for our guards as well as HMCG (Coastguards) and replacement duck nesting boxes for the perceived as a game for older people, this is charity tree in December, as have other mem- other emergency services. But wintertime? Blakeney Quay duck pond. We now have a not the case. Younger people enjoy the sport bers. We are all delighted to hear of Venetia’s OK, there are folk on the beach and there is growing list of requests for new community too. Coaching would be given to complete Yarn Shop that has opened in Norwich St. still the ever present danger of being cut off by projects, which we are happy to add to, al- beginners, so come and give bowling a try. Fakenham. Eileen and I visited as soon as it the tide. though it might mean a bit of a wait for some. Maybe you have played bowls in the past and opened buying some wonderful natural fibres. What we’d like to do is open on another day. would like to take it up again or perhaps you We meet every Monday afternoon 2-4pm in But there are also the seals. Coastwatch also We are currently only open on Wednesdays have moved to the area and wish to continue the WI Hall. If you’re interested come along works with the local Seal rescue. Avril is one (10-4), which we accept is not convenient playing. Bowling is a sociable sport. It offers and join us we are a friendly group. Doreen of our Watchkeepers as well as organising if you’re working. To open on another day the opportunity of meeting new people plus Errington rescue for seals through the British Diver (possibly at the weekend) we really need more gentle exercise in the fresh air. Please contact Marine Life Rescue and the RSPCA. All of our members. So if you’re interested but can’t Ann Egan on 01328 713020 for details. Wells Sailing Club watchkeepers know that Avril is our first point make Wednesdays please get in touch. We The long-awaited sailing season is finally of contact and watch keeper Bill Hodges was are also planning to kickstart our metalwork Wells Town Bowls Club here! Our members are ensuring their boats on duty with another officer when he spotted activities which might be ‘blacksmithing’ in the Events in Europe cast a shadow over and other watercraft are well maintained a seal that looked to be injured. Leaving the first instance. So if these appeal to you get everything at the moment, and we can only and sea-worthy after the winter months, and station single manned he donned wet weather in touch. You can pop down to the Shed any hope for peace. As spring looms large light boats are returning to the sailing club boat gear and headed down to the beach. He said Wednesday and see what goes on - the kettle relief from the gloom comes in the form of park ready to be enjoyed during the warmer the weather was horrible, cold wet and windy is always on. In the meantime if you’d like camaraderie in sport. Wells Town Bowls Club months ahead. Our first race of the season is but he was concerned for the seal with folk more information please visit our website at will hopefully be opening its doors to members 27th March and will continue every weekend and dogs on the beach. Bill stayed with the http:www.wellsnexttheseamensshed.weebly. old and new this year, and after two Covid-in- until the final date in October. seal until someone qualified could come and com , or email us at mensshedwells@gmail. terrupted seasons, this year promises to be a deal with it, which they did. Then a couple of com return to better days. We have lots of social events planned this hours later back to the station for a hot cuppa year, and although Omicron prevented some and a warm up. Coastwatch is there in the Nelson Club We have full books of fixtures in the North events taking place over winter, we enjoyed a little watch station to help whoever and frankly We had a successful Bring & Buy for our first Norfolk and Fakenham Leagues, plus cup fabulous roast pork Sunday lunch at the end whatever every day of the year. In winter until meeting in February. As far as anyone could competitions. If you have been past the green of February. At this event, over 40 members the clocks go forward it’s 0830 – 1600, after recall it was the most items that had ever recently you might have noticed work being appreciated coming together to eat, drink, that the hours extend. Want to help either by been donated to one of our Bring & Buys. Our done on refurbishing the clubhouse and out- chat and laugh after the bleak time of more getting trained as a watchkeeper or with a second meeting was our AGM which was well fields. A new roof has been put on and a pair (but entirely necessary) social distancing. We donation towards the total renovation of the attended. Our meeting on 7th April will be a of smart new gates also. As I write it is hoped are looking forward to lots more socialising station? First contact Station manager Tony talk by Charlotte Paton entitled “Ted Dexter A redecoration of both pavilions will also begin. during 2022. If you sail and are considering Goddard Norfolk Artist” and our meeting on 21st April Our Wednesday roll-ups will commence from joining our club in the year to come, please will be Easter Bonnets with a prize for the best May, and will be open to the public at a cost contact the secretary at sec.wells.sailing@ Men’s Shed decorated Easter Bonnet. We meet on the 1st of £3 which includes, tuition, equipment and who will be happy to provide more Despite the various recent storms work and 3rd Thursdays of the month at Wells Com- refreshments. We would love to see some new information. Alternatively see our website on our Covid safe external workspace has munity Hospital at 2pm and new members are faces at the club, so contact Gerry Ward on progressed, testimony to its robust design. always welcome. Further details from Sandra 07709 988079 for further information. With the roof on we have been able to work Phipps on 07775 424559 or Adrian Hills on Wells Coastwatch – seals outdoors in wet weather which was one of our 07990 026839. Transport may be available. Wells Ladies Lunch Club The notice on the wall of the group photo of objectives. The rising cost of raw materials We are happily settled now at the WI Hall some of the team says it all… well almost all. means we have supplemented our require- Elsmith Bowls Club for our meetings and have been made very ‘Spot, Plot and Report.’ In general, that is the ments using our stock of pallets and repur- Much work has been undertaken on both welcome. Lunch at the Bowling Green Inn has role of National Coastwatch. It does of course posed wood. This has enabled us to stay on the bowling and croquet greens at Elsmith in been excellent, a credit to Vicky. In February refer mostly to vessels, particularly if they have track with our budgeting. A heritage railway readiness for the new season. The bowling we had a fascinating talk about Carla Phillips’ a problem and thankfully that is not that often. style canopy trim has been added in keeping green has been deep scarified and the surface early life in America and how she finally arrived In the summer with the ambience of our hosts the Wells & treated with appropriate chemicals to restore it in Wells with her husband Bernard, running a more than Walsingham Light Railway. Next up is some to the high standard for which Elsmith is not- restaurant. We look forward in May to hearing in the winter flooring (think pallet style decking) and gutter- ed. Last year, in spite of Covid, Elsmith played Trevor Wright talking about ‘Disaster Recov- there are ing so it’s starting to look quite smart. matches in two leagues and experienced an ery’. Pat Bannister 710193, patbythesea@ crowds on the enjoyable season. beach and all Despite our recent focus on building this sorts happen- extension we have still managed to support This year promises to be even better as we Wells Croquet Club ing. It’s then some community projects for the church, the will be involved in three leagues, that is the Spring is coming and we are getting ready to that we work hospital – delivering food supplies, making Fakenham, North Norfolk and County Triples start playing croquet after Easter. Please think closely with additional postboxes for The Pride of Wells Leagues. As always, new players are very about joining us and to find out more and/ the RNLI Life- nominations, and an ongoing project to build welcome. Age is not a factor. Bowls is often or sign up, come to our open afternoon on The Quay 10 April 2022 The Quay 11 April 2022
Your legal matters in safe hands for generations Hayes + Storr Solicitors handle a whole range of family, property and business legal matters with care and professionalism. Call us today 01328 710210 Fakenham | Holt | King’s Lynn | Sheringham | Swaffham | Wells by appointment Stiffkey Road, Wells next the Sea, Norfolk NR23 1QB • 07557 021660 Small, friendly, family campsite • Tents, touring caravans and motor homes Dogs and children welcome All local hotels and B&Bs have 5 stars, Blue Skies Campsite has 8 million! The Quay 12 April 2022 The Quay 13 April 2022
Thursday 7th April at 2 pm at the croquet lawn in Gales Court. After you have been three times, we hope you will want to join us. Junior coaching starts Wells Lifeboat Station news again after Easter, and our very popular be- If you would like further information or to reg- ginners and returners coaching with cake and Local people play a vital role in saving lives at sea ister an interest before then contact Lindsay coffee continues Fridays at 10 am. and keeping our beaches safe 01328 710558, Marilyn 01328 710693 or Linda 01328 711848. See our website for further information, just Call Outs during February and further updates are fed through our social type Wells Town Tennis Club into your brows- There were no call outs during this month. media pages on Facebook and Instagram. Wells Town Tennis Club er. Paula Baldry Tel:07784 872977 Spring fever has hit our club. By the time you Volunteer Opportunities Lifesaving Work read this, our courts will have been swept, Wells Local History Group It is full steam ahead with getting everything Our volunteers continue to train and attend moss-treated, and repainted and may even Our second post-lockdown talk will take place in place, ready for the opening of the shop practice launches on a fortnightly basis. The be wearing their brand-new nets. The stop on Wednesday 6th April at 7.30. As before, and visitor area in the new lifeboat station in next dates, subject to operations, are Sunday netting has been repaired, and a new circu- this will be in the Kiln Room of Wells Maltings. early summer. Our recruitment afternoon was 10th April at 9am and Saturday 23rd April at lar bench will have been installed so we can held in March and there was lots of interest for 9.30am. We are currently looking for more socialise between games. The talk will be given by an old friend of ours, these exciting volunteer opportunities. members of our volunteer lifeboat crew. If you Peter Stibbons, talking about The Paston would like to find out more, please contact the We try to keep our charges as low as possible: Footprints Project. This is a long-term venture At the time of writing this, we anticipate that lifeboat house at or for 2022-23 adult membership is £55, family funded by the Heritage Lottery and operat- the volunteer roles of Shop Manager/Coordi- telephone 01328 710230. membership is £110, and junior membership ed by the University of East Anglia and the nator and Lifeboat Visits Officer will have been is £10. Non-members can book a court for Paston Heritage Society. The talk is free to filled by the end of March, but if you are still Safety Message 7.50 per hour. We welcome players of all members, and open to non-members – tickets interested in either of these positions, please Springtime is here and it is time to prepare standards to our club. available at the Maltings Box Office. Another email to see if they boats for the season ahead. We encourage talk is planned for the beginning of May – are still available. you to take extra care not to cut corners and If you would like to see if it is for you, come more details next month. to allow sufficient time to purchase and take and try one of our club social sessions on The positions of Shop Volunteers and Lifeboat delivery of any materials and parts that you Wednesdays from 2 pm until 4 pm and again New members welcome – keithnextthesea@ Visit Team Members are currently being might need for maintenance for your boat to from 6 pm-8 pm during the summer, and on – 01328 710261 Keith Leesmith advertised on our website www.wellslifeboat. ensure it is seaworthy. Sundays from 10 am until 1 pm all year round. org and at We are a small community here in Wells with a long history of With Easter almost here, why not consider Wells Weather Watch supporting the work of the lifeboats. Now we have a need for even more volunteers to work something more useful (and healthy) than a chocolate egg for the water lovers in your life? February 2022. By Keith Leesmith alongside us in our new lifeboat house and we – A waterproof mobile phone pouch with a hope that many of you will consider joining us. lanyard will help to keep your loved ones safe. Rainfall in February was well over average and partly made up for the deficiency in January. We Used to protect their mobile phone from water, had three named storms – Dudley on Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th, Eunice on Friday We welcome applications from anyone who is it is a reliable way of calling for help if needed 18th and Franklin on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th. Nationally, Eunice was by far the worst interested in being involved in our expanding whilst walking on the beach, swimming, kay- storm but luckily most of it had blown itself out by the time it arrived in Wells. Franklin produced and enthusiastic team. Even if you can only aking, paddleboarding, sailing, the list goes on the higher winds and more rain in North Norfolk. Eunice was definitely the worst in the London commit to 4 hours a week of your time, we and on… area, and that seems to be the important thing when it comes to reports in national newspapers. would love to hear from you. Training will be They were saying that Eunice was the worst storm for three decades. I suspect that this statistic provided for all the advertised roles. If you General Information doesn’t necessarily apply to northern Scotland! would like any further information, or if you For more information about RNLI Wells Life- would like help in applying, please contact boat Station, events, or being a member of our The end of February marks the end of meteorological winter – weather-wise spring starts on 1st team, please contact 01328 710230 or see: March and includes April and May. Looking back, we have Average atmospheric pressure in Lifeboat House Build had a very mild winter, with no snow (or no snow that lasted UK is 1013.25mb We are in the final stages of the lifeboat house for more than a half-hour!) and very few frosts. build with the final aluminium surface now Wells RNLI @wellsrnli My average rainfall for February fixed firmly to the roof. Work is beginning on Max. Temperature 15C Wed 16th is 51mm the final stages of the interior and all the doors Min. Temperature 1.4C Sat 12th and windows are in place making the building If you would like to donate, Rainfall Total 80.6mm for month Average rainfall for Feb. at Wey- secure. please visit our ‘JustGiving’ Wettest Amount 14.7mm Sun 20th bourne (Met Office) is 36.8mm page: Min. Pressure 990.5mb Wed 16th Our website has lots of photographs showing Max. Pressure 1031.1mb Fri 11th Average rainfall for February at the build at its different stages including the rnli-wells Max. Wind Speed 33mph Sun 20th Marham (Met Office) is 39.3mm most recent work done The Quay 16 April 2022 The Quay 17 April 2022
Wells Community Hospital In November we supported the NHS vaccina- tion programme, enabling over 1000 people because they tell us so. I’m handing over to Dr Steve Shaw, a retired doctor, dentist, and By Rebecca Myers – retiring chair to receive booster vaccinations locally. As the CEO, who’ll continue to build on the work NHS develops a greater focus on ‘place’, we to date, ensuring we grow from strength to will continue to encourage them to increase strength. Finishing my term of office as Chair of Wells access to clinical services. Community Hospital, my overwhelming feeling Finally a thank you to all who have supported is one of gratitude. As a new trustee in 2019 I service at the hospital, meaning people in For the future, we will carry on building your us. In times of increasing polarisation and con- was greeted with the disappointing news that Wells and surrounding villages can access ‘community hub’, developing health and well- flict, WCHT seeks to be a place for everyone; efforts to secure the building of a bedded unit much-needed support. being services, including exercise, music, and because our success is interlinked with the had fallen through. art groups, fulfilling our charitable objects. We success of the community and all who live in Finally, services returned and new ones start- know this is appreciated by those who come it. The disappointment of the local community ed, providing space to practitioners includ- was shared by trustees who had worked hard ing foot care, massage, sports therapy, and to try and deliver this aspiration. Adversity brings opportunity for change and so, on acupuncture. We also host a psychotherapist, ‘The Pandora Project’ (domestic violence A Primark Will becoming chair, the board focused on what support), and ‘The Big C’ drop-in support By Miranda Marshall, Director, Hayes + Storr we could do, not what we couldn’t. Using our service for people with cancer. Groups re- charitable objects as our guide, we asked turned including, ‘The Nelson Group’, ‘Singing The case of Reeves v Drew is a sorry tale and witness box and local people in the town and surrounding vil- Together’ and new ones commenced such as shows that you get what you pay for. In it the described him as lages, what mattered to them and would keep ‘Talking Elephants’, bereavement support and judge described a solicitor as ‘reckless and ‘the most unsat- them healthy and well. ‘Walking for Wellbeing’ group. Our community quite possibly dishonest’ over the preparation isfactory witness café offers a space for a chat and coffee and of a Will for a client worth over £100,000,000. whose evidence They told us they wanted us to create a ‘hub’ with diligence of our gardening volunteers we This arose during the hearing of the case in cannot be tested where health and social care professionals created an outdoor space for contemplation - which the solicitor in question Daniel Curnock by reference to his work alongside volunteers and local providers a haven for bees and butterflies and a space supported the claimant. The judge said that own attendance offering services that enable people to thrive to take a breath. he had given ‘untruthful evidence’ and said notes because and be supported when needed. This includ- that there could be serious consequences for those attendance ed: feeling connected with friends, family, and Summer 2021 Curnock because of his findings. notes are themselves under challenge’. It was the community; a sense of purpose; healthy saw East of also observed that there was ‘far more’ to eating, and access to nature. England Ambu- The claim was brought by Louise Reeves to the relationship between Louise and Curnock lance’s cycling uphold the 2014 will of her property-dealer than either of them said. There was mention of Working in partnership with the statutory sec- paramedics father Kevin Reeves, following his death in familiarity between Daniel and Louise and that tor, local businesses and other charities meant arrive at the hos- 2018. Louise received 80% of her father’s there were many text messages exchanged we could collectively maximise our resources pital, responding estate and her half-sister Lisa the other 20%. between them at the time. to create a thriving and healthy community, to lifesaving Other family members opposed probate being supporting people when they need addition- incidents in granted and said that the 2014 Will had been The judge said that it was ‘distressing’ that al help through traditional clinical services. Wells and near- made because of ‘undue influence’. An earlier he could not rely on Curnock’s evidence as a Whilst not part of the NHS, we felt it critical by villages. They 2012 will had split the estate more equally solicitor. He did not think him truthful about to work closely with emerging networks of will be returning between the family and so the 2014 will was a how he took instructions, prepared the 2014 GP practices, community and mental health in spring 2022. ‘dramatic change’. will or his relationship with Louise Reeve. The providers, and hospitals, to integrate services The NHS dentist, judge said that the involvement of a solicitor built on local needs, making sure we are seen Compass Clinic continues at the hospital, and Mr Justice Green described the way in which would usually strengthen the presumption of as an integral part of future developments in the holiday Mermaid renal unit has welcomed the will was prepared as ‘very strange’. De- the validity of a will but that here it was ‘quite health and social care, ensuring specific needs patients back, enabling people needing dialy- spite Kevin Reeve’s wealth, Curnock insisted the reverse’. The judge held that Louise as the of the coastline are built into strategic plans. sis to have a holiday. that because Mr Reeves had negotiated a claimant had not proved that her father knew 2020 brought a global pandemic. fixed fee of £140 + VAT, he would not be able and approved the contents of the 2014 will With help from Sport England, Active Nor- to provide a ‘first class service’. Curnock said and upheld the undisputed 2012 will as valid. We adapted services to continue to provide folk, and Norfolk Community Foundation we in Court that his service was ‘akin to the qual- activities local people needed, including out- opened our fitness space, providing exercise ity of clothes at Primark’. The judge thought it For further information, please contact door space for groups to meet and online net- classes in Pilates, line dancing, yoga, and ‘extraordinary’ that Curnock crossed out and Miranda Marshall on 01263 712835 or email works, retaining connections and an important seated exercise –enabling people to address wrote on the earlier will whilst it was still valid sense of community during a difficult time. pain and mobility difficulties, enhancing their and that Curnock could not explain why he Maintaining the community hub, volunteers physical and mental health. Our team provides did that. This article is for general information only helped deliver prescriptions, shopping, walk outreach dance classes at Alderman Peel High and does not constitute legal or professional dogs and any other requests. We partnered School, encouraging girls to participate in and The judge found Curnock ‘annoying’ by advice. Please note that the law may have with The Trussell Trust, adding a foodbank continue to exercise. his various ruses to ‘buy time’ when in the changed since this article was published. The Quay 18 April 2022 The Quay 19 April 2022
News from the Churches Churches Together is much to be thankful for even though events We hope you have been able to come to some in the wider world bring us heart-ache and of the Lent Lunches. The next one is April 1st sadness. and the last one 8th April, both at Friends’ Meeting house from 12 noon to 1 pm. You can This month again we have said farewell to arrive right up until 1pm and the soup will still members of our communities who have be hot! passed away, Commander Mike Woodroffe, Petronella Crossley and Alan Walker from On Good Friday 15th April at 12 noon we will Wells. We give thanks for their lives and pray meet outside of Our Lady Star of the Sea, for their families at this time. Looking forward, we will then walk in silence down Staithe St St Nicholas Wells is planning a programme and finish with a very short service near the of concerts in May before the building goes Maltings. You will be very welcome to join us. under scaffolding on June 6th. We are talking On Easter morning at 6 am we have a dawn service near the Lifeboat House. Signs will to our Churches Together friends about alternative venues for our regular activities and Letting your holiday has never been easier show you where we meet and there will be Sunday worship will continue in the Chancel. With a local and enthusiastic team, Norfolk Hideaways are well placed to make people to tell you where to go. After the ser- the process of sharing your holiday home easy and enjoyable. We are dedicated vice we share hot drinks and hot cross buns. All our other churches will continue as normal to managing your property with the same care and attention you would and It’s a very moving way of sharing the joy of and don’t forget that the Holkham congrega- Easter day. tion moves back into St Withburga’s at Easter with tailored services to suit your needs, you can be as involved as you like. after spending the winter worshipping in Holkham Hall Chapel. Anglican Churches Revd. Brenda Stewart | 01328 887 658 Holy Week is just around the corner. On Palm Offices in Burnham Market, Wells-next-the-Sea and Holt Sunday April 10th we will distribute palm crosses as we hear about the jubilant people Methodist Church welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem riding on We think of the people of Ukraine every day a donkey, and then the horror of the story and remember them in our prayers. As well CASTALIAN, CARDUCCI leading to the crucifixion on Good Friday will as the usual services on Sunday at 11.o’clock and ECHÉA unfold before the joy of Easter as the women and Wednesday at 10.30 am, we shall keep String Quartets found the empty tomb and Jesus’ friends be- gan to have encounters with their risen Lord. the week before Easter with a special com- munion service on Maundy Thursday evening THE 17TH JULIAN BLISS Clarinet to remember Jesus’s last supper with his Full details of services across the Benefice will be displayed on church noticeboards and can disciples and a service at 10.30 am on Good Friday when we remember his crucifixion. NORTH NORFOLK AILISH TYNAN Soprano JAMES ATKINSON MUSIC FESTIVAL be found on our church websites. Last Easter Easter, the day of the resurrection, will be we were so glad to be in church although kept at our normal time of 11 o’clock. (Some Baritone there were many friends who could not join us people will be going to the dawn service on here and we had lived through a year in which the beach.) LEONORE PIANO TRIO there had been many funerals, no baptisms 12 - 19 AUGUST 2022 THE MARIAN CONSORT and just two weddings with very limited num- We are hoping to hold a plant sale towards the bers of people attending. In this last year we end of April. Please keep an eye on the notice ST MARY’S CHURCH, Pianists began to catch up on weddings and baptisms board outside the church for further details and as we prepare for Easter this year we nearer the time. SOUTH CREAKE LOUIS SCHWIZGEBEL have several families having children baptised Sue Scoles and Leeds International and we have a wedding at Holkham so there Piano Competition 2021 Winner ALIM BEISEMBAYEV A voice from the past Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered and ALICE NEARY Cello became a source of salvation for all who followed him 01328 730357 Hebrews 5.8 REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 1128730 The Quay 20 April 2022 The Quay 21 April 2022
Wells Harbour Anniversary By Robert Smith MBE, Harbour Master The Harbour Commissioners are currently to celebrate UU U making plans to celebrate the 360th anniver- by engaging INDEPENDENT sary of the creation of Wells Harbour. the town in a series of free MERCEDES SPECIALIST In the early 1600s the sea did reach Wells, but events on Servicing . Diagnostics . Repairs access to it was controlled by landed gentry and around 01362 695 906 Make Your and ship owners interested only in making the water. profits for themselves. Despite increasing The celebra- Rash’s Green, Dereham, NR19 1SX trade, ordinary people in the town saw little tion will run Finances benefit. Local merchants petitioned Parlia- through the boating season, from April to the ment for change. The result was a 1663 Act end of September. The Commissioners would of Parliament creating Wells Harbour, a body like to hear from local groups or individuals Simple run by people from the town, for the benefit of who would like to join in with events or even everyone in the town. From then on, the Har- run additional events of their own. If you are bour would ensure that locals wanting to use interested, please contact the Harbour Office the water could do so. They employed staff on 01328 711646 for a “no obligation” chat. to maintain channels, quays and navigation marks, at a cost shared fairly between vessel The Commissioners would also like to hear users. The Act made the harbour a real asset, from anyone who would like to volunteer to benefiting the whole town. help with plans for the celebration. In particu- lar, we are looking for someone with project 359 years later the harbour is still run in this management experience who would be way. Its work is supervised by a board of prepared to volunteer for approximately one “commissioners” - unpaid volunteers from the day per week to help develop a programme of town. Local people can find work in fishing, events. It is a great opportunity to help create tourism and other businesses run from the a celebration that the whole town can be harbour. The harbour is available for everyone proud of. to enjoy. For a comprehensive If you might be interested, please contact the Next year - 2023 - will be the Harbour’s Harbour Office on 01328 711646 for further solution contact 360th anniversary. The Commissioners plan information. Peter Barton DipFA MAQ Independent Financial Adviser Heritage House Day Care Centre T: 01603 879875 We are so pleased to be almost running as ‘normal’ and have a huge list of thank yous: to When we were allowed to open our doors M: 07787 561087 volunteers, supporters and Heritage Housers again, our family of visitors started returning, for their energy, positivity and commitment to masks hiding their smiles, although the eyes Heritage House Day Care Centre. said it all. Some had felt the strain and the HH team were ready to welcome and be there for As you can imagine, the pandemic and specif- them. ically lockdowns took a huge strain on our el- derly who rely on coming to Heritage House to Heritage House is so pleased to have survived Continuum (Financial Services) LLP, Falcon House, meet friends, play games, be cared for, have these harsh two years and is almost back to Eagle Road, Langage, Plymouth, PL7 5JY company or simply have some different walls its old self as a wonderful place of laughter T: +44 (0)345 643 0770 E: to look at. But we can report smiling faces of and comaraderie BUT, we desperately need those who received meals delivered by vol- VOLUNTEER drivers for our mini buses. Registered address. As Above. Registered in England and Wales. OC393363 unteers, who were housebound and received Continuum is a trading name of Continuum (Financial Services) LLP regular phone calls from us, checking that they So please, if you have a few hours a week which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. had whatever they needed and showing them or month…. Please get in touch on 01328 Continuum (Financial Services) LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership. that were not on their own. 711333. The Quay 22 April 2022 The Quay 23 April 2022
Wells Maltings news, or drop by and pick up a paper programme. Our bistro, visitor daily. You can always call us for information or book over the phone on 01328 710885. information centre and box office are open We at Wells Maltings have been meeting with Handa Gallery. The works just and listening to members of our community, to hear ideas as to how they can best support need to be original pieces, and created by residents of Wells Rescue Wooden Boats families, children and young people and and surrounding villages. Full work more closely in making the Maltings a details of how to submit works for consider- Our Maritime Heritage Centre continues to be just preceding valued hub for local people. We’ve made a ation, and terms and conditions, are on our open on Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays the popular good start, but there’s a lot to do. So we’ve website, or email NR23@ from 11.00 - 4.00. Do come and see the fasci- Wells Carnival. appointed a new dedicated role, to help these nating displays, stories and films of our local Our Maritime ideas become reality, that of Project Leader Maritime Heritage, set in the old Military Camp Heritage Fes- -Young People & Community Engagement. Now, to the month ahead! In the Handa at Stiffkey Greenway NR23 1QF. If you’d like tival runs from Katy Moore! Gallery, an exhibition from local artists Linda to join our merry band of volunteers do get in Saturday July Pattrick and John Richter; Inspired by Wells touch on – no 23rd to Sunday Katy is local to Wells and has two children brings together these two local artists with experience needed. 24th, when local historic wooden working who have attended both Wells Primary and distinct approaches to painting, bringing a boats (crab boats, whelkers and lifeboats) Alderman Peel schools, one of whom is still slice of the local landscape to Wells Maltings. You can help or you can just enjoy our boats. will gather for a display on Tugboat Yard and, at APHS going into her GCSE years. She has A mutual love for Wells and the North Norfolk Our restored flagship, Dunkirk little ship and starting 2pm on the Saturday 23rd, a flotilla first-hand experience of the lack of opportu- coastline is infused into every brushstroke in former lifeboat Lucy Lavers gives trips afloat will steam out of the harbour and back – quite nities for young people in the area to engage this collaborative exhibition, open from Sat 9 from Wells-next-the-Sea. Her skipper Liam a sight! There will be a stall showcasing charity with the community and take part in activities April. Pink of Rescue Wooden Boats maritime heritage work outside of school. The intention is to create provides special charters or short trips all with as well as food and drink available. We look those opportunities within a safe space, For the Easter holidays, we have a fantastic lots of local history and maritime information forward to seeing you this season at Tugboat empowering children and young people (age family programme, including craft workshops as well wonderful local food as required. You Yard, Stiffkey and afloat in Lucy Lavers! We 11-16) to get more out of their leisure time and from Creative Planet on 5 & 12 April for ages can read the story of the Lucy Lavers on welcome donations to support our work – do build skills and relationships they will take into 4-7 and 7+, and Music and Movement work- become a Friend of Rescue Wooden Boats - later life. shops on Thu 7 April for a range of ages. We see have two screenings of the latest Disney hit, For the summer we have a weekend planned, She has worked as a Teaching Assistant in Encanto (PG) on the 6th & 7th – just don’t talk a nearby town for 10 years and feels very strongly about listening to and acknowledging about Bruno! Some silly fun on Fri 8th with The Great Maltings Family Beetle Drive – build Nicholas Barnham Art Exhibition young people, to let them have a voice about your beetle against the clock, with prizes and Nicholas Barnham was a very well known his work every year, but eventually, demand issues that matter to them and help them to refreshments. Our Square Eyes Family Film highly respected artist, who resided in Wells for his work overtook his ability to fill the hall feel valued. The hope is to bring together the and TV Quiz has a family-friendly twist on the with his wife Bibi at their home and studio and so he asked two of his daughters, his younger community, asking them for their ide- usual trivia questions, and we’re screening in Mill Road. Nick died 15 months ago after eldest son and his son-in-law (all profession- as and expectations of what they feel would quirky animated action-comedy The Mitchells a short illness and is hugely missed by his al artists) to join him. This group exhibition be most beneficial to them, working together vs The Machines on 13th April. Moving into large family and all his friends in East Anglia, continued successfully until 2017 when it was to make the group a successful venture. If you the rest of the month, NT Live presents Henry Shetland (where he lived when he was not in mutually decided to stop. would like to contact her with any thoughts on V screened live from the Donmar Warehouse, Norfolk) and Sweden. this or you feel you can offer our young people starring Kit Harington as the inexperienced rul- However, this Easter, from 15th - 18th April, an some of your valuable time along with your er. Soul Alliance are back on Fri 29t with their Nick’s work is instantly recognisable and exhibition will again be held at Burnham Overy skills or knowledge, she would love to hear blend of hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s, and a is in the collections of many eminent peo- Staithe village hall to commemorate Nick’s from you. Otherwise watch this space for more cabaret-style setup in our Auditorium. ple, family, friends and public galleries. He life as an artist, where original paintings, lino updates & news. Katy Moore, Project Lead- concentrated mainly on trees and boats, with prints, sketchbooks, printing blocks etc. will er-Young People & Community Engagement Looking ahead to May, on Wed 4 The Keeper’s the occasional still - life, topographical scene be on view (not for sale), together with works Wells Maltings 01328 854656 katy@wellsmalt- Daughter bring their quirky, heartfelt and dy- or figure study. His control of line and colour/ by Nick that will be for sale. As with previous namic one-actor show to our stage; The Time tone combined with a deep understanding of years, his daughters Hannah Hann, Francesca Machine is a fun one-hour romp based on the composition make his paintings and lino prints Dugdale and his son-in-law Chris Hann will This June and July we will celebrate the cre- iconic sci-fi novel, perfect for families to enjoy highly desirable. He certainly found it difficult also be exhibiting. ativity of our community in a new visual arts together. Adam Johnson performs Schubert at times to keep up with the demand for his exhibition, NR23, and invite anyone living in and Schumann on Sat 7 with German baritone work. We hope that the Wells community who knew the Wells area to submit their work for inclu- Cornelius Leuwenberg in Dichterliebe. And, of Nick will come and celebrate with us and see sion. Paintings, drawings, photographic prints, course, Wells’ favourite literary festival is back Many local people will remember the Easter the visual life of this very talented artist and textiles, small sculptures - all are welcome for on 6 & 7 May – Sea Fever 6 will bring a whole exhibitions of his work at Burnham Overy take the opportunity to look at the important submission. A panel of local people will then host of writers and poets to Wells Maltings! Staithe village hall which began in the early artifacts that supported his life. Chris Hann select the final 80 or so works, to hang in our Browse and book the full programme online 2000s. Nick managed to fill the whole hall with The Quay 24 April 2022 The Quay 25 April 2022
You can also read