The Premier Conference for Master, Multi-Unit & Multi-Brand Franchising - AN EXCLUSIVE EVENT WITH LIMITED SEATING

Page created by Leroy Anderson
The Premier Conference for Master, Multi-Unit & Multi-Brand Franchising - AN EXCLUSIVE EVENT WITH LIMITED SEATING
JANUARY 28-29, 2020
                                             VIENNA, AUSTRIA

                                          HOTEL SAVOYEN VIENNA


The Premier
Conference for
Master, Multi-Unit
& Multi-Brand
The Premier Conference for Master, Multi-Unit & Multi-Brand Franchising - AN EXCLUSIVE EVENT WITH LIMITED SEATING
                The first-ever European Master &        chise brands exhibited to reach their
                Multi-Unit Franchising Conference       target audience of multi-unit/multi-
                debuted in October 2018 in London.      brand franchising. The 700 franchi-
                The conference, which drew 173 reg-     sees in attendance represent 11,000
                istrants from 15 countries, was pro-    franchise units in the U.S., employ
                duced by Franchise Update Media         more than 250,000 people and do
                and MFV Expositions and was held        more than $9 billion in annual reve-
                at the Park Plaza Victoria London.      nue. 75% of them are seeking other
                In all, there were nearly 30 sponsors   brands to add to their portfolios. Ad-
                who participated in the event, from     ditionally, they plan to add 14,000
                both Europe and the U.S. Attendees      more franchise units over the next
                included both U.S. and European         five years in all franchise categories
                master, multi-unit and multi-brand      in the United States. 50% had one
                franchisees, as well as franchisors,    brand, 18% had two, and 32% had
                consultants, suppliers, and attor-      three or more.
                neys specializing in international
                franchise growth and development.       Research indicates that multi-unit
                                                        franchisees in Europe and other
                The European Master & Multi-Unit        parts of the world are expanding
                Franchising Conference follows          their number of units and growing
                the lead established by what has        into other brands as well. With the
                become the must-attend event            growth of multi-unit, multi-brand
                for multi-unit and multi-brand          franchisees and master franchis-
                franchisees in the United States:       ing, the need exists to bring an op-
                the annual Multi-Unit Franchising       portunity for a similar conference
                Conference. The 20th Anniversary        with the right combination of expe-
                of this conference will also be         rienced attendees and brands to
                celebrated in April 2020 in Las         Europe. Similar to the U.S. event,
                Vegas at Caesars Palace.                the two-day European conference
                                                        will focus on providing educational
                The 2019 Multi-Unit Franchising         sessions and networking oppor-
                Conference had over 1,720 attend-       tunities to multi-unit/multi-brand
                ees including 700 multi-unit and        franchisees and master franchisees
                multi-brand franchisees, over 300       looking to expand in Europe or to
                sponsors and exhibitors and other       enter the U.S. market.
                franchise insiders. Over 250 fran-

2   2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme
The Premier Conference for Master, Multi-Unit & Multi-Brand Franchising - AN EXCLUSIVE EVENT WITH LIMITED SEATING
Who Attends
 + Why Attend
The conference is a two-day, multi-track event that covers all aspects of high performance multi-unit and
master franchisees. The tracks and content, tailored to the needs and interests of expansion-minded
global franchisees, will include a blend of master and multi-unit franchisee topics and experiences, as
well as the most current best practices to help attendees make the best decision on how to grow their
business in a new country. By drawing the brightest minds in multi-unit and master franchising and the
highest caliber brands, this event will be a game-changer for franchising in Europe.

The 2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference provides an intimate forum for inter-
national franchise business leaders to grow profitable franchise enterprises, based on the facts and
on the experience of successful international franchisors, master franchisees and multi-unit operators.

Highly Targeted                         Franchise Leaders                       Laser Focused Content &
Attendance                              Seeking to Accelerate                   Learning to Achieve High
This conference is designed             Their Growth                            Performing Enterprises
for multi-unit, multi-brand,            For 2020, the European Master           The conference will hone in
and master franchisees eager            & Multi- Unit Franchising               on the major aspects of suc-
to grow, learn from their peers,        Conference will bring together          cessful growth strategies and
and engage with new fran-               not just the most powerful              tactics through the eyes of
chise brands and product and            people in franchising, but              experienced franchisors, mas-
service providers.                      also a generation of multi-             ter franchisees and multi-unit,
                                        unit, multi-brand, and master           multi-brand franchisees.
                                        franchise leaders seeking to
                                        accelerate their growth. This
                                        exclusive group is creating
                                        the future of franchising in
                                        the European marketplace, the
                                        U.S., and other countries.

                 2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme                          3
The Premier Conference for Master, Multi-Unit & Multi-Brand Franchising - AN EXCLUSIVE EVENT WITH LIMITED SEATING
      Catherine Monson
      CEO, FASTSIGNS International
      Global franchising has never been bigger. There are more brands and more open
      markets than ever before. Catherine Monson, CEO of FASTSIGNS International,
      Inc., the largest sign and visual communications franchisor in North America, and
      worldwide franchisor of more than 675 FASTSIGNS® in eight countries will share
      her insights on the strength of franchising worldwide. Catherine is currently
      Chairwoman of the International Franchise Association.

      Andreas Schwerla
      Multi-Unit Franchisee, McDonald’s, Austria
      Andreas Schwerla has had an illustrious career with McDonalds since 1985. He
      grew within the McDonalds brand in Germany as an assistant restaurant manager,
      restaurant manager, area manager, head of operations, marketing director, vice
      president of operations, HR, IT and Franchising, COO and then deputy CEO. He then
      became vice president of Western Region Europe and managing director of McDon-
      ald’s Austria and Central Europe. In 2013, Andreas decided to become a franchisee
      and currently owns 10 McDonald’s in Austria. He continues to grow the brand.

      Glen Helton
      Vice Chairman, NSP Corporation; Franchisee, Burger King,
      KFC, and TGIF based in Sweden
      In his most recent role as CEO for Americana, Glen managed a portfolio of 18
      brands, across 13 countries, +1,900 restaurants and more than 37,000 employees.
      The Americana Restaurant Division operates restaurants of reputable brands like
      KFC (856), Pizza Hut (227), Hardees (370) and TGI Friday’s (68), to name a few.
      In the past two years, Americana increased revenue +10% on a LFL basis to over
      $1.9B, while growing EBITDA by 24%. Americana recently was named “Operator
      of the Year” for Hardee’s for 2018, increased OPS Excellence scores in MENA to
      90% to lead the system at KFC in 2019, named “Innovator of the Year” at Pizza Hut
      for 2018, and named “Supply Chain Partner of the Year” at YUM in the recent sup-
      ply chain conference held in May of 2019.

4   2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme
The Premier Conference for Master, Multi-Unit & Multi-Brand Franchising - AN EXCLUSIVE EVENT WITH LIMITED SEATING
ALEN BABIC                           MARK JAMESON                            ALEXANDER PETSCHE
Multi-Unit Franchisee, Subway        Franchisor, Executive Vice              CEO, Baker & McKenzie (Europe)
(Europe)                             President, FASTSIGNS (US)
                                                                             RAIMUN POCK
DIETER BAIER                         MATTHIAS KERN                           Multi-Unit Franchisee, EFM
Master Franchisee, Mailboxes ETC     Multi-Brand Franchisee, Pizza Hut,      (Europe)
(Europe)                             AMREST (Europe)
                                                                             GARY ROBINS
MARIO BAUER                          JESSE KEYSER                            Multi-Unit Franchisee, Supercuts
Brand Ambassador, AMREST             Multi-Brand Franchisee, Oxi Frest       (US)
(Europe)                             Carpet Cleaning, Little Caesars
                                     Pizza, Sport Clips (US)                 ANDREAS SCHWERLA
GIUSEPPE CONSIGLIO                                                           Multi-Unit Franchisee, McDonalds
Franchisor, International            CHRISTIAN KÖHLER                        (Europe)
Franchising Manager, Bata            Master Franchisee for Austria &
(Europe)                             Switzerland, The Alternative Board      MICHAEL SEID
                                     (Europe)                                International Consultant, MSA &
DANIEL DEUTSCH                                                               Associates (US)
Multi-Unit Franchisee, Mail Boxes,   MARTIN KOWATSCH
ETC. (Europe)                        Multi-Unit Franchisee, Das              BRAD SMITH
                                     Futterhaus (Europe)                     Sr. VP Franchising, Darden
MARK FORSETH                                                                 Restaurants, Olive Garden, Long
Franchisor, Vice President           MARTIN LUIBLE                           Horn Steakhouses, Yardhouse,
Assistant General Counsel,           CEO, Soda Group (Europe)                Capitale Grill (US)
Marriott International (Europe)
                                     TONY LUTFI                              EDITH STEINER
GARY GARDNER                         Multi-Unit Franchisee, Arby’s, Little   Master Franchisee, Floral Images
Chairman, Franchise Update Media     Caesars, Church’s Chicken, Jack In      (Europe)
(US)                                 The Box, Sizzler, TGI Friday’s (US)
                                                                             THERESE THILGEN
YARON GOLDMAN                        WALTRAUD MARTIUS                        CEO, Franchise Update Media (US)
Multi-Brand Franchisee, Sonic,       CEO, Syncon International
McAlister’s Deli, Mod Pizza, Fuzzy   (Europe)                                TED TORRES
Taco (US)                                                                    Multi-Brand Franchisee, Hilton,
                                     JOYCE MAZERO                            Marriot, Wyndam (US)
WILLIAM HALL                         Shareholder Global Franchise &
Multi-Unit Franchisee, Dairy Queen   Supply Network Practice, Polsinelli     JORG VEIL
(US)                                 (US)                                    Master Franchisee, Home Instead,
Franchisor, CEO, Ocean Basket,       Franchisor, President & CEO,            DARA ZSOLT
(South Africa)                       FASTSIGNS (US)                          Multi-Unit Franchisee, Burger King,
GLEN HELTON                          TONY PADULO
Multi-Brand Franchisee, Burger       Franchisor, Chief Development
King, TGI Friday’s (Europe)          Officer, School of Rock (US)

                   2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme                           5
The Premier Conference for Master, Multi-Unit & Multi-Brand Franchising - AN EXCLUSIVE EVENT WITH LIMITED SEATING
Tuesday, 28 January
                     Conference Opening Meet and Greet
    09:00 – 10:00    Before the General Assembly begins, enjoy coffee and pastries with colleagues and
                     industry peers.

                     Opening General Assembly – Welcome & Programme Overview
                     THERESE THILGEN
                     Co-Founder & CEO, Franchise Update Media

                     OPENING KEYNOTE: State of Franchising – U.S. & Global Perspectives
    10:00 – 12:00    Catherine Monson, CEO, Fastsigns International

                     KEYNOTE: Building a High Performance Growth Culture in a Mega Franchisee System
                     Glen Helton, Vice Chairman, NSP Corporation; Franchisee, Burger King, KFC, & TGIF

                     GUEST SPEAKER: How to Be Best in Class. Best Performer, Best Sales, Best Profits.
                     Andreas Schwerla, Multi-Unit Franchisee, McDonald’s, Austria

                     Networking Lunch with Conference Sponsors
    12:00 – 13:30    Time to meet with vendors and suppliers and reconnect with industry peers and
                     colleagues, and discover new franchise opportunities and business solutions.

6            2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme
The Premier Conference for Master, Multi-Unit & Multi-Brand Franchising - AN EXCLUSIVE EVENT WITH LIMITED SEATING
Breakouts        MASTER FRANCHISING TRACK                                 MULTI-UNIT/MULTI-BRAND

                   The Due Diligence Process &                           Benefits of Growing Multiple
                   Building Your Economic Model for                      Locations as a Multi-Unit or
                   Master Franchising                                    Multi-Brand Franchisee
                   Finding a qualified master franchisee for             Multi-unit franchising has been a game changer
                   international expansion can save a franchisor         for franchising. Multi-unit franchisees know
                   the expense and headache of setting up an             how to open and operate units, and have unique
                   infrastructure overseas to sell, train, and support   insights into what they did right, and what they
                   franchisees. Partnering with the right overseas       would do differently if they had it to do over
                   master franchisee also can help with language         again. After succeeding with multiple units of

13:45 — 14:35
                   and cultural differences, as well as with finding     a single brand, many franchisees are finding
                   the best local employees, suppliers, and real         their next step is multi-brand franchising. Done
                   estate. Surrendering part of the franchise            right, this diversification strategy can protect
                   fee and ongoing royalties to allow the master         a business from economic downturns and
                   franchisee do the heavy lifting is a popular          cycles and encroaching competition. As savvy
                   model for franchisors seeking expansion into          investors know, no matter how good your ROI
                   new countries. What due diligence is necessary        may be from a single holding, it’s not always wise
                   to arrive at a feasible economic model? This          to put all your eggs in one basket. A panel of
                   panel of experienced franchisors and master           experts will share what deal structures, including
                   franchisees will share their successes and            development schedules, look like and discuss the
                   challenges and provide insights to help you avoid     risks and benefits of multi-unit and multi-brand
                   making mistakes as you expand into new and            franchising.
                   uncharted terrain.

                   Successful Franchisee/                                Choosing the Right Brand for Your
                   Franchisor Relationships in                           Franchise Portfolio
                   Master Franchising: Case Studies                      Many variables go into deciding if, and when,
                                                                         to select a new brand to add to your existing
                   One of the most critical components of successful
                                                                         portfolio. Should you stay in an industry you
                   international franchise expansion is finding and
                                                                         know, or diversify into a different food, service,
                   working with the right partners. This is a key
14:45 — 15:35      ingredient to long-term success and profitability
                   for both the franchisor and the master or multi-
                                                                         or retail brand? Add a new brand in your current
                                                                         market, or expand geographically? What should
                                                                         you look for in a new franchisor partner? How
                   unit franchisee. Cultural, political, legal, and
                                                                         do you evaluate earnings claims or analyze
                   language differences make it imperative to
                                                                         franchise agreements? How do you minimize
                   partner with the right people and be aligned
                                                                         risk? These questions and more will be answered
                   in your goals. Experienced panelists will lead
                                                                         by a panel of successful multi-unit and multi-
                   you through the process of how to build these
                                                                         brand franchisees.
                   relationships where both parties will prosper over
                   the long term.

                   Training: Best Practices to                           Strategies for Integrating
                   Develop High-Performing Master                        Additional Brands
                   Franchisees                                           Whether you’re looking to add one new brand
                                                                         or five, there are winning strategies that must
                   For franchisors intending to use a master
                                                                         be employed. Diversifying your portfolio with
                   franchising model to expand into new countries,
                                                                         new brands can help shield you from economic
                   proper training of each master franchisee –
                                                                         downturns and cycles, but there also are risks
                   not only in the system, but also in the values,
                                                                         and challenges. Learn how successful multi-
15:45 — 16:35      culture, and mission of the brand – can be the
                   critical factor determining success or failure
                                                                         brand franchisees identified and resolved the
                                                                         critical financial, structural, cultural, and other
                   abroad. Beyond identifying and signing qualified
                                                                         issues involved in choosing a new brand and
                   franchisees in their country or territory, master
                                                                         integrating it into their existing organization.
                   franchisees are charged with their initial training
                   and ongoing support, just as they were trained
                   and continue to be supported by the franchisor.
                   A panel of international master franchising
                   pros will discuss how they accomplished this,
                   offer tips and best practices based on their
                   experience, and respond to questions.

                   European Franchise Food Trends
16:45 — 17:15      How large and small food franchises grow.

                  Networking Reception with Conference Sponsors
17:30 - 18:30     Time to meet with vendors and suppliers, reconnect with industry peers and colleagues,
                  and discover new franchise opportunities and business solutions.

          2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme                                                   7
The Premier Conference for Master, Multi-Unit & Multi-Brand Franchising - AN EXCLUSIVE EVENT WITH LIMITED SEATING
Wednesday, 29 January
                      General Assembly
                      FRANCHISE ARRANGEMENTS
                      This program will feature a panel of experienced and highly recognized multi-unit and
                      master franchise speakers and a combination of those two panels addressing legal and
                      related business issues critical to each of the multi-unit and master franchise expansion
                      methods as well as topics common to both. Key discussion topics are as follows:
                        Master Franchise Panel
                        This panel will discuss the level of franchisor-provided services and the master
                        franchisee’s infrastructure for training, marketing and standards enforcement; the
    08:30 – 10:15       recruitment of sub-franchisees and due diligence / form of sub-franchise agreement;
                        the establishment of the development schedule and remedies for failure to develop;
                        termination of a master franchisee and step-in rights.
                        Multi-Unit Development Panel
                        This panel will include establishing the development schedule and remedies for failure
                        to develop; the then current form of franchise agreement and negotiation points of the
                        standard form agreement; transfer restrictions including a right of first refusal; and
                        default, termination and purchase options.
                        Master Franchisee/ Multi-unit Developer Panel
                        The session will close with a discussion on due diligence – as to a franchisor and sub-
                        franchisees; sourcing and supply issues; responding to and remedies for performance
                        deficiencies; and dispute resolution methods.

    10:15 – 10:30     Break

      Breakouts        MASTER FRANCHISING TRACK                                   MULTI-UNIT/MULTI-BRAND

                       Building Infrastructure with                            Building Infrastructure &
                       Budgets for Selling and                                 Developing Great Managers for
                       Supporting Franchisees                                  Operational Excellence
                       Master franchisees take on the role of a “mini”         Multi-unit franchisees cannot grow without a solid
                       franchisor in the market or country they represent.     infrastructure in place. This requires the right
                       It’s a big task that requires sufficient funds, a       people, resources, and proper planning, well in
    10:30 — 11:15      proper budget, and the right experience and
                       expertise. Expenses can include franchisee
                                                                               advance of opening. This panel of experienced
                                                                               franchisees will explain how to manage growth and
                       recruitment, site selection, opening new locations,     scale your organization as you add more units. A
                       construction, and training new teams, as well as        multi-unit franchisee can’t be in all their locations
                       ongoing operations and marketing support. Master        at all times, so they must depend on their local
                       franchisees must ensure they are well-capitalized,      and regional managers to run the business as they
                       manage their resources efficiently, and build their     would. The manager’s role is critical to the health
                       infrastructure to support growth.                       of your locations, which is why hiring, training, and
                                                                               nurturing the right people for this role are all critical to
                                                                               sustained growth.

                       Franchise Sales Process &                               Growing from Management to
                       Programs                                                Leadership to Achieve Operational
                       Master franchisees looking for qualified franchisees    Excellence
                       and be successful require an investment to attract
                                                                               When a franchisee organization grows, its leaders
                       and recruit the right people. A proven process
    11:25 — 12:15      to identify, engage, and qualify leads, and then
                       bring them into the system is critical. Achieving
                                                                               must find ways to let go of managing the daily
                                                                               business hands-on and begin to lead the company
                                                                               more strategically. This panel of successful multi-unit
                       this effectively will require trusted processes and
                                                                               franchisees will share their experiences in learning
                       systems adapted to the culture, economy, laws, and
                                                                               how to lead by making the hard decisions, logistically
                       markets of the new country. Panelists with firsthand
                                                                               and emotionally; how to share their long-term vision
                       experience in this area will share what they’ve
                                                                               with management team and employees; how to step
                       learned about franchise sales in different countries.
                                                                               back from day-to-day operations and trust your team.

8             2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme
The Premier Conference for Master, Multi-Unit & Multi-Brand Franchising - AN EXCLUSIVE EVENT WITH LIMITED SEATING
Networking Lunch with Conference Sponsors
12:15 – 13:45     Time to meet with vendors and suppliers and to reconnect with industry peers and
                  colleagues, and discover new franchise opportunities and business solutions.

  Breakout         MASTER FRANCHISING TRACK                                   MULTI-UNIT/MULTI-BRAND

                   How Master Franchisees Deliver                          “Mega” Franchisees – How They
                   Ongoing Support and Services to                          Do It: Case Studies
                   Franchisees                                             There is a special breed of multi-unit operators who
                                                                           go big, operating dozens or even hundreds of units. In
                   As a master franchisee you rely on the franchisees
13:45 — 15:00
                                                                           building their business, these franchisees rely on hard
                   you’ve signed up to follow the system, be successful,
                                                                           work, skill, shrewd management, intuition, and often
                   and provide a reliable royalty stream. Your support
                                                                           a little luck and fortunate timing. Panelists will share
                   is a critical part of their success—and of your own.
                                                                           personal stories of their struggles and successes,
                   Learn how to deliver the development incentives,
                                                                           mistakes and victories. If you’re serious about larger-
                   operational and real estate support, technologies,
                                                                           scale growth and are looking to expand your portfolio,
                   marketing, products, and brand strength and
                                                                           this session is for you.
                   reputation your franchisees will require to grow.

15:00 – 15:15     Break

                  General Assembly Program & Closing Roundtables & Remarks
                  If you look at the statistics on franchise unit ownership, the number of franchisees
                  who operate more than one location and those who operate more than one brand
15:15 – 16:30     is impressive. While this trend in ownership structure is growing internationally, the
                  franchise relationship is basically unchanged from what it has been historically. With the
                  exception of a change in the initial franchise fee, there is really little difference between
                  the offering for a single-unit or multiple-unit deal. This program will lay out possible
                  differences in initial and continuing fees, changes in the obligations of the parties,
                  and adjusted responsibilities provided or required by the franchisor. Strategic groups
                  including franchisors and franchisees will be included in this discussion.

16:30 – 18:00     Final Networking Reception with Conference Sponsors

                  Closing Gala
19:00 – 21:30     The conference concludes at the beautiful Weiner Rathauskeller for the Closing Gala.

          2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme                                                      9
The Premier Conference for Master, Multi-Unit & Multi-Brand Franchising - AN EXCLUSIVE EVENT WITH LIMITED SEATING

PLATINUM SPONSOR                      SPONSOR AS OF 9/24/19

GOLD SPONSORS                 SPONSORS AS OF 9/24/19

10   2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme
SILVER SPONSORS                SPONSORS AS OF 9/24/19

BRONZE SPONSOR                 SPONSOR AS OF 9/24/19

MEDIA SPONSORS                 SPONSORS AS OF 9/24/19


ASSOCIATION SPONSORS                        SPONSORS AS OF 9/24/19

Interested In Sponsoring?
Grow your business with a conference sponsorship         Franchisors and vendors, please email EMMFC@
that gives you access to high-profile attendees. We      FRANCHISEUPDATEMEDIA.COM to submit your
expect the 2020 European conference will be even         request for sponsorship.
bigger and better, and we hope you’ll join us. Please
note that table selection is based on your contract
submission date, so don’t delay!

                  2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme               11
Apply For
                         2019 Enrollment Rates
              Ticket Type                  Early Rate            Regular Rate
                                        (expires Nov 29, 2019)

     Franchisee Enrollment                   €399                   €499
     Franchisor/Master Franchise
     Enrollment                              €399                   €499
     Prospective Multi-Unit
     Franchisee/Investor                     €399                   €499
     Prospective Master Franchise/
     Investor Enrollment                     €399                   €499

     The European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference is an
     Exclusive Event With Limited Seating.
     This conference is designed primarily for Multi-Unit, Multi-Brand and Master
     Franchisees eager to grow, learn from their peers, and to engage with new
     franchise brands and product and service providers.

     For this reason, enrollment for EMMFC is by invitation only. With only 300 seats
     available, only Multi-Unit, Multi-Brand and Master Franchisees may apply for
     an invitation. To enroll, please visit our conference website at

     If you have received an invitation with a enrollment code, please proceed to
     online enrollment.

     Franchisors and vendors, please email or submit your request for sponsorship

     If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact us at

12          2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme

A stay at the Hotel Savoyen Vienna is bound    Property Location
to be unforgettable, just like its namesake,   With a stay at the Hotel Savoyen Vienna,
Prince Eugene of Savoy. The hotel effort-      you’ll be in the business district and con-
lessly combines old and new, occupying a       venient to the Belvedere complex (two-
revitalized building that was once home to     Baroque palaces, gardens, museum, and
the imperial Austrian state and court.         more) and the Vienna State Opera. This
                                               4.5-star hotel is also within close proximity
From the outside, the heritage-protected
                                               to the Vienna Konzerthaus and University
traditional Viennese facade casts its spell
                                               of Music and Performing Arts.
on visitors. Indoors, modern architecture
and the highest levels of comfort and con-     Booking Rooms
temporary facilities await. The light-filled   For the best rate at the Hotel Savoyen
atrium, a smart executive lounge, restau-      Vienna. Please book your room as soon
rants and bar, as well as a gym and well-      as possible. A limited number of rooms
ness zone, make for an exclusive lifestyle     have been set aside for the programme
experience that’s a cut above the rest—and     attendees.
the hotel staff will take care of everything
you need.                                      Our Special Nightly Raates
                                               • €140 Euro Single Occupancy
                                               • €160 Euro Double Occupancy
                                                 The rate is good, upon availability, 3 nights
                                                 before and 3 nights after the programme.

  2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme                             13
Closing Gala

     Wednesday 29 January, 19:00 - 21:30
     Weiner Rathauskeller

     In 1899, the Wiener Rathauskeller was inaugu-       later time. On 12 February 1899, Vienna finally
     rated by then Mayor of Vienna, Dr. Karl Lueger      got its town hall cellar. This cellar restaurant
     with a toast to "His Imperial and Royal Ap-         was not merely intended for social gatherings,
     ostolic Majesty, Emperor Franz Josef I", and        but was dedicated to Austrian wine. There-
     to this day it is known as the home of "good        fore, a great wine cellar and wine taverns were
     taste." Every hall and parlour of the Wiener        built. The Ratskeller was only accessible via
     Rathauskeller is steeped in history. Town halls     the courtyard of Magistratsstraße, and paint-
     and mansions frequently had a separate din-         ings gave each room its individual character.
     ing room, usually in the cellar, where guests       The paintings were created by Heinrich Lefler
     were invited for drinks and sociable get-to-        and his brother-in-law Joseph Urban Despite
     gethers. Vienna evaded this tradition for a         renovation works in 1925, 1952 and 2005, the
     long time. Event when the city build the new        Wiener Rathauskeller retained its special ar-
     grand town hall from 1872 to 1883. No Rats-         tistic character and unique atmosphere.
     keller (town hall cellar) was originally planned,                  (Source: Chronicles of the City of Vienna)

     however architect Freidrich Schmidt had made                                 Wiener Rathauskeller
     necessary preparations                                                              Rathausplatz 1
                                                                                      +43 (0)1 405-1210

14           2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme
Event Producers

About Franchise Update Media                       About MFV Expositions
If you want to reach, influence and motivate       For 25 years, MFV Expositions, part of Com-
the largest audience of franchise profes-          exposium Group – one of the world’s leaders
sionals there’s just one choice—Franchise          in event organization, has been producing the
Update Media.                                      leading franchise events worldwide that con-
As the market leader, Franchise Update             sistently bring together franchise concepts, at
Media delivers unmatched reach and scale           all investment levels, with the most qualified
across multiple platforms, including mag-          visitors seeking to own their own business.
azines, content marketing, digital ads and         In addition to quality franchise expos in the
franchise conferences. We boast more than 2        United States and overseas that offer face-
million annual unique visitors online, 4 million   to-face opportunities to grow a franchise,
page views annually and have over 17,000           MFV also offers access to online franchise
multi-unit franchisee readers, and 9,000           opportunities through web-based resources.
franchisor readers.
No other content and media marketing ser-
vices provider has our years of experience
and the depth of expertise our advisory
boards bring to the table.

        2020 European Master & Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Programme                     15
28 – 29 January, 2020
                                                    Vienna, Austria

“A game-changer for master and        “Draws high caliber brands and
 multi-unit franchising in Europe.”   the brightest minds in master and
                                      multi-unit franchising.”
“A two-day multi-track covering
 high performance master and          “Brings together a generation of
 multi-unit franchising.”             master and multi-unit franchisees
                                       and franchisors seeking to
                                       accelerate their growth.”
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