Page created by Randall Phillips

                                                    OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF

                                                    The Pharmacy Guild

                                   APP2021 In        New Member Benefits -   Ethical Nutrients -
                                   Pictures - The    Australasian College    Pharmacist
                                   Highlight Reel    of Pharmacy             Prescribing Range

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                            BIG BEAR

                            BONANZA               Name the flavours. Win cash.
                    Glucojel have just launched Glucojel Bears, and to celebrate, we’re giving Pharmacy Assistants the
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*Terms & Conditions Apply. Conditions of entry: Competition only open to all pharmacy employees. The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The competition
begins on 1 July 2021 and will close on 31st July 2021. The winners will be notified by telephone on 10 August and by email. A $500 prize will be awarded to one winner from each State by random
draw. State winners then go into the National Final. The National winner, also chosen by random draw, will be awarded $1000. The above information may be used for other Pharmacy Guild of Australia
                                                                     and Gold Cross Products and Services promotional programs.
                                                                                                                                                     References available upon request
                                                                                                                                        Go to
2        CONTENTS

      Business                                                                             Continuing Professional
    10      ACP Collaborates to Offer New Member Benefits

    24      Pharmacy Efficiencies from Top to Basement                                  38     Developing Emotionally Intelligent Teams

    32      Why Every Business Needs an Asset Registry                                  47     An Update on the Management of Dyslipidaemia


    13      Fat and Mood

    18      Advice from a Dentist

    Circulation 5,825 September 2020

    EDITOR                                               DESIGNER                                        PUBLISHER
    Fiona Lee Saunders                                   Juno Creative                                   Gold Cross Products &
    E                            E                    Services Pty Ltd
                                                                                                         PO Box 505, Spring Hill QLD 4004

    In The Know is produced for the information of Australian Pharmacists. The presence of the logo of the Pharmacy Guild does not constitute
    endorsement of a product. The Pharmacy Guild of Australia accepts no responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Opinions and views
    expressed in articles do not necessarily reflect those of Gold Cross.

                      Gold Cross Products & Services Pty Ltd | ITK Issue 78 | Jul - Aug 2021
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE              3

                                           A Boost For All

It was great to be at the Gold Coast       In addition to Minister Hunt, we had    The excitement generated at APP
for APP 2021 and to see so many            presentations by the Deputy Prime       2021 had many people talking
pharmacists, pharmacy staff and            Minister Michael McCormack, the         about planning for Pharmacy
pharmacy industry people there.            Shadow Minister for Health and          Connect, even before the last
                                           Ageing Mark Butler, and pharmacist      session at APP got underway.
To say that the conference was a
                                           and Shadow Assistant Minister for
huge success is an understatement.                                                 Like APP, Pharmacy Connect was hit
                                           Mental Health Emma McBride.
With some 5,200 attendees, I                                                       by COVID-19 last year, but it’s back this
am told it was the biggest indoor          This sort of willingness to             year and will be held 2–4 September
event held in Australia since the          address delegates highlights            2021 at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney.
start of the COVID-19 crisis.              the high regard for APP held by
                                                                                   With a theme of establishing better
                                           those outside the industry.
And of course, COVID was a focus                                                   connections with patients, this year’s
of a lot of attention—and naturally        This also was reflected in the fact     Pharmacy Connect will cover a range
so with the virus having such a            that APP2021 attracted a wealth of      of topics, including enhancement to
significant effect on patients, staff,     sports starts, including cyclist Anna   e-health, digital technology to better
our businesses and society generally.      Meares, cricketer Michael Clarke,       connect with patients, maximising
                                           and speed skater Steven Bradbury.       medication compliance and efficient
A highlight of APP was the                 On top of this, we had presentations    business operations to support
announcement by the Minister for           from motivational speakers, industry    pharmacists to better connect with
Health Greg Hunt that 56 rural and         representatives, clinical experts       patients (business operations).
remote pharmacies in Queensland            and government representatives—
would be the first in Australia to                                                 Pharmacy Connect was developed
                                           and the list goes on and on.
be given the green light to deliver                                                to meet the needs identified by
COVID-19 vaccines to patients.             I want to firstly congratulate          pharmacy owners, pharmacy managers
                                           the organisers for such a great         and manufacturers for an industry
This is something the Guild has been       conference and thank everyone           conference in the second half of the
working hard to achieve. National          who gave their time to deliver          year, and this year promises to be as
Cabinet had already resolved to bring      presentations. And of course, many      great a success as previous events.
pharmacists into the vaccination           thanks to all the delegates who
                                                                                   The conference will feature a
strategy with the States and Territories   came and made it so worthwhile.
                                                                                   two-and-a-half-day education
to resolve when this happened.
                                           A feature of conferences like APP       program, trade exhibition, welcome
However, even with vaccines available,     is the exhibition, and this year it     reception and cocktail party.
progress on this important initiative      was filled to capacity by exhibitors
                                                                                   Importantly, it is open to pharmacists,
seemed to have stalled when there          who went all out to ensure that
                                                                                   pharmacy owners, pharmacy
was no reason for any further delay.       everyone who walked through that
                                                                                   staff, pharmacy group executives,
                                           exhibition hall left with a sense of
The Guild pointed out that if                                                      pharmacy managers, interns, students
                                           wonderment and excitement at
Australia utilised our full vaccination                                            and industry representatives.
                                           what is happening in the industry.
capacity, we had the potential to                                                  I hope to see you there! For further
have the whole nation vaccinated           I thank all the exhibitors for the
                                                                                   information or to register, go to
sooner rather than later.                  huge efforts they put into their
                                           stands and for the time they took
So, it was great to see the Minister       to talk to delegates and inform
choose our flagship conference             them of developments within             Trent Twomey
to get the ball rolling.                   their areas of the industry.            National President

                                                                                        Go to
4   APP2021

     APP2021 A
     Thanks For Your Support!

     After months of meticulous preparation and planning,                        From a networking perspective, it was wonderful to
     I’m pleased to say that the Pharmacy Guild’s Australian                     see our industry reconnecting with care at the trade
     Pharmacy Professional Conference (APP2021) was a                            exhibition. The welcome reception in the trade area
     huge success. The COVID Safe conference had close                           saw pharmacy colleagues reunited and business
     to 5,200 attendees who met face-to-face on the                              conducted in a fun-filled atmosphere. A lot of fun
     Gold Coast for the first time in over two years.                            was also had at the nautical themed street party.

     Thank you to all of our sponsors, exhibitors and                            Save the date for APP2022, which will be held
     attendees who helped make APP a success and who                             24–27 March, a return to its traditional timing.
     helped ensure our COVID safety measures including
                                                                                 I invite you to also join us for Pharmacy Connect in
     elbow bumping, contactless check-in and physical
                                                                                 Sydney on 2-4 September 2021. Early bird registrations
     distancing ran smoothly. Proudly we have the record of
                                                                                 are open at
     the biggest pharmacy conference in the world in 2021!

     From a program perspective, one of the top highlights                       Kos Sclavos AM
     was the announcement by Federal Health and Aged
                                                                                 APP Convenor and former Guild
     Care Minister, Hon Greg Hunt MP, that 56 Queensland
     community pharmacies will be the first in Australia to
                                                                                  National President
     rollout COVID-19 vaccinations nationally. That is the
     start with hopefully more announcements to come!

     I also enjoyed hearing inspirational stories from sporting
     heroes Anna Meares OAM and Steven Bradbury
     OAM and from Dr Dinesh Palipana, who shared his
     story as Queensland’s first quadriplegic doctor.

     With COVID and the vaccination rollout still
     affecting business and community, it was also
     timely to receive an update from Queensland’s
     Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeannette Young.

               Gold Cross Products & Services Pty Ltd | ITK Issue 78 | Jul - Aug 2021
APP2021   5

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6   APP2021

              Gold Cross Products & Services Pty Ltd | ITK Issue 78 | Jul - Aug 2021
APP2021   7

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   Ferro-Max C

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     Collaborates to Offer New Member Benefits

               ‘Watch this space!’ seems to be this year’s mantra for the Australasian
               College of Pharmacy (ACP). The organisation responsible for delivering
               innovative educational programs to advance the profession of pharmacy
               since 1976 has introduced several new initiatives since the start of
     2021—and it’s not stopping yet, according to CEO Dr Dimitri Kopanakis.
BUSINESS            11

                                                                         Young Pharmacist Global
                                                                         Exchange Scholarship

                                                                      The Young Pharmacist Global Exchange Scholarship will fund an
                                                                      Australian newly registered pharmacist to work for up to one year in
                                                                      another World Pharmacy Council member country and for a similar
                                                                      pharmacist from another member country to work for up to one
                                                                      year in Australia (when international travel restrictions are lifted).

                                                                      ACP is proud to be administering the $100,000 program
                                                                      in partnership with the World Pharmacy Council.

                                                                      Learning firsthand how pharmacy services are administered in
                                                                      other countries will help the scholarship recipients build on their
                                                                      technical, operational and interpersonal skills. The scholarship
                                                                      promotes cultural as well as practical knowledge exchange,
                                                                      which is valuable for understanding and serving the needs of the
Stepping into the role in February this year, Dr Kopanakis
                                                                      many different ethnicities relying on community pharmacy.
has overseen the rollout of fresh branding, a new website,
a COVID-19 vaccine eligibility tool, two new online short             The community pharmacies that host a graduate from
courses relating to COVID-19 vaccine delivery, a workshop at          another country will benefit from the exchange as well.
the APP conference, the inaugural Young Pharmacist Global
Exchange Scholarship, and an MBA pathway for pharmacists.

‘It looks like a lot has happened in a short amount of time, but
what it’s really showing is how the College is keeping pace with
                                                                         Your Pathway to MBATM
the challenges our members are facing and providing programs
that match their needs and interests,’ said Dr Kopanakis.             Under special arrangement with the Universal Business School of
‘And we have more opportunities in the pipeline for members           Sydney (UBSS), Your Pathway to MBATM is an exclusive member-
to boost their professional development across clinical,              only course package and learning plan tailored to suit the busy
small business and corporate management streams.’                     lifestyle of pharmacy owners, managers and professionals.

A collaborative approach to supporting members and                    It enables members to earn Graduate Certificate and Graduate
the communities they serve is enabling ACP to deliver                 Diploma qualifications along the way, so they can gain an MBA
more value and shaping ACP’s strategic direction.                     at a pace that suits their ambitions and availability for formal
                                                                      learning. For example, unlike some MBA programs, postgraduate
                                                                      study previously completed from any recognised higher education
                                                                      institution, including online learning, may be claimed for up to 50%
   COVID Vaccination Tool                                             of the total subjects as recognised prior structured learning.

The tool, providing real-time
information about when Australians can access their COVID-19             Stage 1 MMR
vaccination, was launched with The Pharmacy Guild of
Australia earlier this year. The website helps pharmacists
explain the COVID-19 vaccination rollout to the Australians.          With accreditation from the Australian Association of
                                                                      Consultant Pharmacy, ACP’s all-inclusive Stage 1 Medication
                                                                      Management Review (MMR) course prepares members for
                                                                      the Stage 2 assessment. ACP’s course includes a bonus
   COVID-related Courses                                              module, ‘Building your MMR service’, which covers achieving
                                                                      collaborative working relationships with GPs, community
                                                                      pharmacists and other members of the healthcare team.
Two new online short courses are available at, thanks to
arrangements that ACP negotiated. The Queensland Government
is funding places up to June 30 for the new Infection Control Skill
Set designed specifically for community pharmacies. Sponsorship          What’s next?
from The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Queensland Branch is
supporting the course delivery for the Safe Vaccination Services
in Community Pharmacy program for pharmacy assistants.                Dr Kopanakis said strengthening existing business units so they
                                                                      can respond quickly to changing demands in both clinical and
Both courses are designed to help community pharmacies                vocational areas is a focus for this year. Broadening the diversity
manage the requirements of additional vaccination delivery            of the content in existing programs is one way ACP expects to
instore, including practical ways to coordinate infection control,    achieve this goal, along with introducing more new initiatives.
customer appointments and queues, refrigeration, record
keeping and data management.                                          Watch this space! Learn more at

                                                                                                Go to
                High absorption

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            PBS & RPBS listing applies to 50’s pack size only. Use only as directed. Consult your healthcare professional if symptoms persist.

                             FAT & M O OD

                                 The evolution in scientific thinking about dietary fat
                                 has changed dramatically over the past century. Once
                                 considered the primary nutritional evil, today, many
                                 praise fat as a dietary saviour that we mustn’t restrict.
Words | Bridget Scrogings

                                                                                             Go to
14         HEALTH

     But, as with most things, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
     While it would be beneficial to increase the consumption of some                            Omega-6 PUFA
     fats, specifically monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids,
     there is still quality evidence to support the reduced consumption
     of other fats, specifically saturated and trans fatty acids.                         The omega-6 ARA is also greatly esterified to the phospholipid
                                                                                          cell membranes in the brain, yet, similar to EPA, it also acts as a
     When considering the relationship between fat and mood                               precursor for eicosanoids.3 Although the eicosanoids derivatives
     disorders, most of the research focuses on polyunsaturated                           of ARA possess pro-inflammatory functions, which are certainly
     fatty acids, which are emerging as potentially influential                           necessary for an effective immune system, in excess they can
     in both the pathogenesis and management of these                                     lead to aggravated inflammatory conditions in the brain.3
     conditions.1 Yet, current recommendations are not as
     straightforward as simply recommending patients to
     increase their intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
                                                                                                 Omega-6 and Omega-3 ratio

        Polyunsaturated fatty                                                             Since ALA and LA compete for the same desaturases and

        acids and the brain
                                                                                          elongases in the synthesis of eicosanoids, a higher intake
                                                                                          of either one will result in the increased production of the
                                                                                          associated-inflammatory eicosanoids. Unfortunately, as a
                                                                                          result of LA being the most abundant in nature and the most
     Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) provide a crucial structural
                                                                                          prominent in new-age Western diets, there tends to be an
     component of all cell membranes.2 These fatty acids possess
                                                                                          excess of omega-6 eicosanoid derivatives and a shortage of
     two or more double bonds that structurally provide them with
                                                                                          omega-3, encouraging an inflammatory state.10 In fact, the
     kinks, allowing them to take up more space in the membrane,
                                                                                          current Western diet encourages a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3
     increasing fluidity and functionality.2 In addition, they play
                                                                                          fatty acids of 15–20:1, which contrasts sharply with the ideal
     important physiological roles as signalling mediators.2 These
                                                                                          ratio of around 2:1 recommended by a panel of lipid experts.11
     characteristics of PUFA make them highly desirable in the
     brain where efficient signalling between neurons is crucial.3

     The human body is capable of synthesising all the fatty
     acids it requires with the exception of linoleic acid (LA), an                              Inflammation and mood
     omega-6 fatty acid, and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3
     fatty acid, of which both must be consumed through diet.
                                                                                          Mood disorders are complex and are often highly individualised.
     Despite being essential, both LA and ALA have a relatively
                                                                                          To date, researchers understand that mood disorders originate
     low concentration in the brain, instead their key role is as
                                                                                          in the brain and can be associated with several potential
     precursors.2 Most notably, LA is the precursor for omega-6
                                                                                          factors, one of which is inflammation.2,12 There is an abundance
     arachidonic acid (ARA); and ALA is the precursor for omega-3
                                                                                          of literature demonstrating increased mean concentrations
     eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).2
                                                                                          of a variety of inflammatory markers in depressed patients
                                                                                          compared with controls.1,4,5,6,7,8,9 While the specific effect that
                                                                                          inflammation has on the brain is not completely understood,
        Omega-3 PUFA                                                                      much of the available research indicates that inflammation
                                                                                          can negatively influence brain plasticity and provoke changes
                                                                                          in neural circuits, giving rise to behavioural problems that are
     DHA is the most researched omega-3 PUFA, perhaps because                             commonly associated with mood disorders and depression.3,12
     it takes up the highest concentration in the brain’s grey matter.2
                                                                                          Based on what we know about the relationship between PUFAs
     It is well known to play an essential role in pre- and postnatal
                                                                                          and inflammation, researchers have hypothesised that these
     brain growth, specifically the development of monoaminergic
                                                                                          particular fatty acids might be involved in the pathogenesis of
     systems, such as serotonergic, dopaminergic and noradrenergic
                                                                                          mood disorders and depression.11 In the last decade, a growing
     pathways.3 DHA’s involvement in the regulation of these emotional
                                                                                          number of reports on PUFA and depression have been added
     processes has researchers proposing that insufficient levels
                                                                                          to the literature, providing evidence that these fatty acids are
     may be an important underlying mechanism that may lead to
                                                                                          closely linked to mental health. A significant number of studies
     depression and other mood disorders.4 While this theory is yet
                                                                                          have observed that the patients who experience symptoms of
     to be proven, a number of studies have examined the potential
                                                                                          depression possess a low concentration of omega-3 fatty acids
     role of altered brain DHA status and mood, discovering that
                                                                                          and a considerably higher concentration of omega-6 fatty acids.13
     patients experiencing the symptoms of depression almost
     always have lower serum concentrations of DHA.1,4,5,6,7,8,9

     On the other hand, EPA only represents 1–2% of total brain fatty
     acids, and rather than providing structural importance, it is
     most notable as a precursor for eicosanoids.2 Despite being less
     researched overall, current studies indicate that EPA may be more
     influential in mood disorders and depression.1,2 The eicosanoids
     derived from EPA possess anti-inflammatory properties which
     can indirectly benefit the brain by lowering inflammation.2

                        Gold Cross Products & Services Pty Ltd | ITK Issue 78 | Jul - Aug 2021
HEALTH               15

   Dietary recommendations                                           Supplementation
Although both omega-3 and omega-6 PUFA are essential for
brain development and functionality, the current imbalance
indicates that the amount of dietary omega-6 should be            While healthy individuals who eat fatty fish at least twice a week
reduced while the amount of omega-3 should be increased.          should obtain adequate dietary omega-3, many individuals
                                                                  struggle to meet this expectation. In these cases, an omega-3

                                                                  (fish oil) supplement should be considered. Current guidelines
                                                                  recommend a target dose of around 1 g of EPA plus DHA per day,
                                                                  which would correspond to eating three salmon meals per week.
EPA and DHA come from fatty fish such as salmon, herring,
sardines, tuna, trout and mackerel. Although neither are          For patients who have allergies or choose not to
considered essential, their conversion from their parent          consume fish-based products for ethical reasons, algal
precursor ALA is limited and therefore it is recommended that     oil derived from algae may be a good source of EPA and
direct sources of EPA and DHA are also included in the diet.      DHA; however, studies have not been extensive.

                                                                  For mood disorders, manipulating dietary intake of omega-3 and
                                                                  omega-6 has not, so far, proved significant as a monotherapy.
       ALA-RICH PLANTS DAILY                                      However, mounting evidence suggests that a favourable ratio
                                                                  between the two PUFA holds great promise in the management
In most cases omega-6 LA is more abundant in foods than           of mood disorders. As such, health professionals should consider
omega-3 ALA, with the exception of canola oil, flaxseeds          recommending dietary intervention, but only as a complementary
and walnuts. As such, these foods should be consumed              treatment alongside pharmacological and psychological therapies.
in greater quantities than omega-6 LA refined vegetable
oils and the processed foods that contain them.


In the process of mass producing meat, the composition of the
animal diet has changed, with grain now favoured as an easier
and more effective (in terms of faster growth) food source.
However, cattle that have been fed grain have their fatty acid
ratio in favour of omega-6. Alternatively, grass-fed beef tends
to have a lower omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, closer to 2:1.

                                                                                                         References available upon request
                                                                                            Go to
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Survey of 8,000 people by Nielsen.

     Why And How To Take Care Of Your Gums

     A DE NTIS T

Why is cleaning between                        When is it recommended to floss?
teeth so important?
                                               Floss should be used by patients with
There’s a lot to gain from giving your teeth   healthy gums and no space for an
a few minutes of attention every day.          interdental brush—usually young patients.
Plaque accumulated between teeth can           Sometimes a combination is appropriate,
cause gingivitis (bleeding and inflamed        floss in the front and an interdental
gums), and not removing plaque can             brush between the other teeth. Floss
lead to periodontitis (gum disease and         can be difficult to manage correctly, and
tooth loosening). So, periodontitis starts     therefore, many prefer a floss holder.
between the teeth. With a toothbrush,
you can clean three of the tooth’s five        When should picks be used?
surfaces, that is, 60%. You need to use        Picks are an ‘on-the-go’ product, which
additional devices to clean the other 40%.     is perfect during the day, for example,
                                               after lunch. Everyone with enough space
There are many different
                                               between their teeth can use picks.
interdental cleaning devices.
                                               For thorough cleaning in the evening,
What’s recommended?
                                               I recommend interdental brushes.
According to scientific evidence,
patients with gingivitis and periodontitis     What is recommended for braces?
should use interdental brushes.                Cleaning is more complicated during
These are the most effective devices           orthodontic treatment because of plaque
for interdental plaque removal.                accumulating around brackets, wires and
                                               between teeth. Development of white
What is there to know about                    spots due to plaque accumulation on
interdental brushes?                           teeth during treatment is widespread and
Most patients should aim to use an             irreversible. Mind what you eat and practise
interdental brush once a day, preferably       daily cleaning with a toothbrush and
in the evening. As a dentist, I would          interdental brushes to avoid white spots.
be pleased if patients could follow            When cleaning the brackets, always point
this advice. Also, make sure to look for       the interdental brush away from the gums.
quality products that will clean efficiently
without harming teeth or gums.                 What about those with bleeding
                                               gums and periodontitis?
Interdental brushes come in many               Because plaque accumulation causes
sizes. Which size to choose?                   gingivitis, good oral hygiene is vital. Use a
The spaces between your teeth vary,            toothbrush as well as interdental brushes
so you will most likely need more than         every day. Contact your dentist to get the
one size. Never force a brush into an          correct diagnosis, treatment and detailed
interdental space; however, there should       instructions for home-care maintenance.
be some resistance. Let your dentist or        More than 50% of the population
dental hygienist help you decide which         suffers from periodontitis. Periodontitis
size to use and teach you the right            affects self-esteem, quality of life,
technique for removing dental plaque.          speech and nutrition. Gingivitis,
                                               smoking and diabetes are the most
                                               decisive risk factors for periodontitis.

                                               Is there special care for
                                               those with implants?
                                               It is even more important for patients with
                                               implants to maintain good oral hygiene
                                               because gums surrounding implants react
                                               more easily to plaque accumulation. The
                                               area where gums and implant meet needs
                                               extra attention. It is recommended to use a
                                               toothbrush for outside and inside cleaning
                                               along the gum line and an interdental
                                               brush to reach the surfaces between
                                               teeth/implants. Choose interdental
                                               brushes with plastic-coated wire to avoid
                                               harming implant surfaces or gums.

                                                                                               Go to
p h arm a c yc o nn e c t . c o m . au


                                                                    With a theme of establishing
                                                                    better connections with patients,
                                                                    this year’s Pharmacy Connect will
                                                                    cover the following key topics:
                                                                    • Enhancement to e-health
                                                                    • Digital technology to better
                                                                      connect with patients
                                                                    • Maximising medication compliance
                                                                    • Efficient business operations to
                                                                      support pharmacists to better
                                                                      connect with patients (business

                                                                                REGISTER NOW

                                                                                          *Terms and conditions apply

                                      SESSION SPONSORS      SPONSORS             SPONSOR


PROGRAM                                                 NETWORKING
Pharmacy Connect’s three day educational program        OPPORTUNITIES
provides:                                               Don’t miss this key opportunity to network and
                                                        interact with peers, industry leaders and suppliers.
       Pre-conference workshops on harm
       minimisation and business growth
                                                        SOCIAL PROGRAM
       Strategic advice and expert knowledge to         Pharmacy Connect features two major social events:
       access the latest Government funding
                                                        WELCOME RECEPTION
       Industry launches, updates and trends
                                                        Thursday 2 September, 5.30pm – 7.30pm
                                                        Hilton Sydney’s internationally acclaimed Zeta Bar
                                                        is the venue of the Pharmacy Connect Welcome
       Business growth, profitability and
                                                        Reception. Come and network with colleagues and
       management topics
                                                        suppliers in a relaxed environment and enjoy canapes
                                                        and drinks with live music.
       Advice and practical examples of successful/
       profitable implementation of professional        COCKTAIL PARTY
                                                        Friday 3 September, 7.00pm – 11.00pm
                                                        Offering a night of networking, fun and
       The latest clinical updates on PBS and private
                                                        entertainment for conference attendees and their
                                                        guests, the Pharmacy Connect Cocktail Party is a
                                                        night not to be missed. Join in the excitement as

       Access to CPD points                             the winner of the National Student Business Plan
                                                        Competition is announced and dance the night away
                                                        with our live covers band. Dinner and drinks will be

     PHA RM AC Y

          At ITK, we recently took the opportunity to speak with
          independent pharmacy owner Des Harp. Des runs My
          Life My Health, a non-PBS compounding pharmacy, on
          Wickham Terrace in the heart of Brisbane City.
BUSINESS       25

My Life My Health has been providing compounding                    When discussing a dispense robot with BD Rowa™,
medications since 1945, including the provision of Medicinal        they told me about the functionality and benefits of the
Cannabis, to Brisbane and the wider regions of Australia.           Vmotion™ screens and I knew straight away how I was
                                                                    going to transform my patients’ symptoms menu board
Des shared a detailed overview of his automation journey,
                                                                    into a high-tech option to better engage the patient, so I
which comprises a two-level store fit-out. The fit-out
                                                                    made the Vmotion™ part of my overall health concept.
includes a BD Rowa™ Smart on the lower compounding
level, elevator to the upper ground-level pharmacy with             Explain the changes you made during your refit.
conveyors, spiral chutes, two Vmotion™ screens—a 55” and
two 22” screens—plus a café at the front of the pharmacy.           Des: We don’t look like a typical pharmacy, and we operate in a
                                                                    very niche area of non-PBS, private S4 medications—Medicinal
Tell us about your previous pharmacy layout                         Cannabis, compounding, integrative medicine, practitioner
and why you wanted to change. What were                             lines, coffee and ‘Food as Medicine’.
the issues associated with that layout?                             Due to the front shop space of 50 m2 and the dispensary
Des: Our previous pharmacy layout had a traditional counter         taking up 50% of this space with the huge amount of shelf
that divided the front of shop from the back dispensary area.       space required to store medications, installing the BD Rowa™
In stage one (three years ago) of the renovation, I fitted in a     Smart into the basement was a no-brainer. I had unused office
coffee shop that had originally been in the building foyer and      space due to moving all my bookkeeping processes to the Cloud.
relocated it to the front corner of the pharmacy. I added bi-fold   We are an independent non-PBS pharmacy with a small shop
windows that open the coffee shop up to the street to better        front footprint. Customers think we are small but are surprised
service café customers in this busy foot traffic location.          at what lies beneath, as the front shop is part of the 320 m2 of
                                                                    the My Life My Health business. My Life My Health comprises of
The key pain points of the layout:
                                                                    a café, larder kitchen, integrative medical rooms, compounding
• It took time to retrieve medications/practitioner                lab, robotic dispensary, drive-thru and storage room.
   lines from the old shelf system.
                                                                    The design came about from the initial coffee shop that divided
• D
   ate checking, stock rotation, shelf cleaning and
                                                                    the front shop in the middle line of the store. The food concept
  stocktaking are now a thing of the past!
                                                                    is directly behind the coffee area, with the dispensary directly
• W
   e had no link with the basement production area as this         behind that—all in one line running from front to back of the
  was done by a person walking up and down the stairs, and          shop. By designing in this way, I could install 50% more retail
  now we have a spiral chute to deliver completed orders            shelves for customers to self-select, with S2–S8 products stored
  and formulated compounding orders to the lab.                     in the robot and S2 and S3s available on the Vmotion™ screens
My longer-term plan was to include fresh food or a                  in consultation with a dispensary technician or pharmacist.
‘Food as Medicine’ concept into my robot revamp plans.              When consulting, the Vmotion™ screen allows products to
Coming from a hospitality background as a chef, I liked the         be displayed, including product information and alternative
concept of having a menu/list with a patient’s symptoms             products. As part of the consult, you can output multiple
as a way of engaging with patients with possible S2, S3 or          products to the outputs behind the dispense pods.
practitioner treatment therapies, or referral to a doctor.

                                                                                             Go to
26         BUSINESS

                                                                                                            Most of our compounding is custom made
                                                                                                            to order for each patient and we use
                                                                                                            technology to track our usage of standard
                                                                                                            dose compounded products, so we keep
                                                                                                            some stock with the robot for immediate
                                                                                                            dispensing, for our local doctors who
                                                                                                            send their patients to collect and go in
                                                                                                            one visit to the doctor and pharmacy.

                                                                                                            We have been a non-PBS independent
                                                                                                            pharmacy for six years now and in that
                                                                                                            time our turnover has doubled, with this
                                                                                                            financial year looking at triple turnover
                                                                                                            from when I first bought the pharmacy.
                                                                                                            I did not purchase the dispense robot to
                                                                                                            reduce my staff levels but to keep growing
                                                                                                            the business. I have not had to employ
                                                                                                            any additional staff due to the efficiencies
                                                                                                            provided but have now reached a point
                                                                                                            where more staff are needed to keep
                                                                                                            growing and streamlining the whole process.

                                                                                                            One of the positive effects of COVID is the
                                                                                                            change in attitude on technology and the
                                                                                                            new way forward for a health business.
                                                                                                            We just need legislation to catch up so
                                                                                                            this innovation can benefit the masses.

                                                                                                            Congratulations on getting approval
                                                                                                            to store S8s in your Rowa. Can you
                                                                                                            explain how storing them in your
     Any products dispensed but not purchased               They then ask, ‘Who is upstairs sending
                                                                                                            robot will benefit your business?
     can be dropped into the spiral chute,                  down the medications?’ We tap on the
     sending them back to the basement                      Vmotion™ screen of the video footage            Des: I had an initial meeting with the Public
     to be scanned back into the Rowa.                      of ‘Wilma’ in action in the basement.           Health Unit that could grant my approval
                                                                                                            to store and dispense S8 medications from
     We also use the chute to send down                     If we get an order for medications/
                                                                                                            the robot. We had a site meeting before
     formulated compounding orders that are                 supplements to be dispensed, we can look
                                                                                                            anything was built, so I could plan for any
     to be made in the lab, and drive-thru                  up the robot software ‘Mosaic Connect’ to
                                                                                                            changes in the initial planning process
     and postage orders for final processing,               see our stock levels and then can dispense
                                                                                                            rather than trying to retrofit later.
     where the customers are notified that                  one after the other while the products
     their medication is either available for               are coming down the spiral chute, saving
     pickup in the drive-thru or has been                   time grabbing dispensing labels and going
     posted so they can track their items.                  hunting for the correct medications on the
                                                            traditional zigzag of medication shelves.
     What improvements has this
     had to your pharmacy? And,                             The dispensing process is very streamlined,
                                                            allowing for continued engagement with
     how has this impacted the
                                                            the customer. Forward dispensing allows
     quality of patient consultations,
                                                            interaction with your customer with
     efficiencies and time saved?
                                                            the increased possibility of upselling a
     Des: We call our installed BD Rowa robot               complimentary product via the Vmotion™
     ‘Wilma’ because we use FRED as our                     screen. We no longer need to do manual
     dispense software, so we have Fred and                 medication date checks, clean shelves or
     Wilma. Our install is unique in that it’s over         replace stock as Wilma (the robot) does
     two levels with two conveyor belts linking             these essential tasks allowing staff to focus
     via an internal lift which sends medications           on the customer. Overnight, Wilma moves
     via five dispense pods over the two                    higher volume dispensed medications closer
     levels, and a front output on the robot.               to the output area to further increase
                                                            efficiencies and moves products around
     Our customers love the concept of
                                                            to help increase space, cleans shelves and,
     the Vmotion™ screens with the one-
                                                            with a touch of the screen, can output
     to-one interaction. While waiting, they
                                                            any expired or close-to-expired stock.
     see their medications ‘just drop out of
     the ceiling’ and down the spiral chute.

                         Gold Cross Products & Services Pty Ltd | ITK Issue 78 | Jul - Aug 2021

Wilma is in the basement with security cameras in and around            to zero. The S8 weekly stock checks are performed by checking
the area, along with motion sensors in and around the premises          the electronic DD report against the S8 stock report from the
and in the ceiling, plus fingerprint entry to the area, amongst other   Mosaic Connect software. This is a big weekly time saver for
requirements. Once Wilma was built, we had another meeting,             the pharmacist and streamlines ordering usage reports.
so we could all understand how S8 products were entered into the
robot and outputted by a pharmacist. Staff logins were upgraded on      In summary, what would be your advice
all our software systems as a protective barrier and the pharmacist     to another pharmacist with a small
had a unique password, acting as a key to unlock and output the         footprint, considering automation?
S8 medications, as under general robot dispensing when the              Des: Planning, planning and more planning with the end
dispense label was printed the robot would then output the item.        vision in mind and ensuring you have covered everything.
Due to the renovation, we moved our S8 safes to the basement            Think about automation as an overall stock management vending
area and for months had to walk to the basement many, many              system solution so you can better engage with your customer
times a day to retrieve S8 medications from the safes that              for better health outcomes. With a small footprint you can
were now becoming overcrowded due to the volume we were                 make a huge impact!
dispensing. When we had ticked off all the requirements for
approval, we had permission to store some S8 medications in
the robot to trial with the new pharmacist password software.
This one process completely changed the time the pharmacist
spent going to the safe multiple times a day and kept the
pharmacist in the dispensary to check dispensed medications.

The dispensed S8 medications baskets are put into the pharmacist
checking area where the pharmacist scans the dispensed label,                  FIND OUT MORE
then enters their password and the S8 medication is released
and comes down the spiral chute where the label and product                    For more information, visit,
are scanned, and paperwork checked and recorded.                               email or call
For receiving any S8 stock, the products are scanned and entered               1800 MYROWA (69 7692)
into the robot where they are tracked going in—the quantity
recorded and tracks any other movement of the S8 in or out of
the robot for any reason. Product selection errors are reduced

For more information, visit or email                           Go to
       STOPS HERE.
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                 Program management innovation for

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                When considering an insurance policy, it’s easy for many of us to
                think “it’ll never happen to me”. However, the vast experience
                of Guild Insurance tells us ‘it’, being events that require
                insurance claims, unfortunately can happen to anyone.
BUSINESS        33

Guild Insurance is dedicated to providing risk management                                   The asset register should include a list of all items which could be
information to our insureds to help reduce the likelihood of                                lost or damaged if there was an incident at the premises. Don’t
events occurring which could have a detrimental impact on                                   just focus on the costly items; damage to a lot of items which
their business and lead to an insurance claim. However, we                                  are of lesser value can still add up and you will want a record of
also know that not everything can be prevented. Which is why                                these items. The types of assets to be recorded may include:
business owners also need to consider what they can do to                                   • Furniture, both indoor and outdoor
reduce the severity or impact on their business should an event
                                                                                            • Computer and other office equipment
occur. And this is where asset registers become so important.
                                                                                            • Electrical items such as fridges and air conditioners

                                                                                            The information to record about each of these items may include:

   What is an asset register?                                                               • Description of the item
                                                                                            • Brand, make or model
                                                                                            • Serial number
An asset register is simply a list of assets held by a
business. These can be created and stored in various                                        • Purchase value
ways, such as paper format or electronically, yet should                                    • Purchase date
always be stored safely and be easily accessible.                                           • Location of the item
                                                                                            • Warranty information
                                                                                            • Invoices
   Why are they needed?

All businesses should hold an asset register as they                                            Creating an asset register
serve a number of important purposes.

It’s estimated that well over half of Australian businesses are                             As previously mentioned, asset registers are really just a
underinsured. A detailed asset register will help a business                                list of items so the creation of them doesn’t need to be
understand the value of what they own and therefore the                                     overly complex. There are a number of template examples
level of insurance required to be adequately protected.                                     which can be found through internet searches.
An asset register also assists businesses when there is a need to                           However, the challenging aspect of creating an asset
lodge an insurance claim due to property loss or damage. When                               register is being sure the information you have on there
there is an up to date asset register, this necessary information                           is detailed and correct. It’s therefore recommended that
can be provided quickly to an insurance company which is                                    businesses use their accountant to assist with this task.
likely to speed up the settlement process. Making an insurance
claim for property damage or loss can be quite a stressful
process for any business. An asset register can reduce some
of this stress by making the process more straightforward.

When a business has multiple sites, keeping track of all
assets is quite a challenge. An asset register provides the
business with a way to manage all assets, even when the
assets aren’t physically in sight of those responsible.

   What information
   should be included?

For an asset register to be of any benefit to a business, it’s
important that the information is up to date and correct.
Businesses should have a process for how and when the
register will be updated and by who. This process should
require adding a new asset as soon as it is purchased. However,
it would also be beneficial doing regular checks of the asset
register to be sure nothing has been accidentally left off.

Guild Insurance Limited ABN 55 004 538 863, AFS Licence No. 233 791. This article contains information of a general nature only, and is not intended to constitute the
provision of legal advice. Guild Insurance supports your Association through the payment of referral fees for certain products or services you take out with them.

                                                                                                                            Go to
Fast finance
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Do you need equipment or vehicle                           The benefits of Guild Finance include:                     Plus, we are now offering discounted
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                     Gold Cross Products & Services Pty Ltd | ITK Issue 78 | Jul - Aug 2021

                                                                                               A Beeer Deal for Retailers

 Lease Expiry / Renewals                  Lease Oppons (Market                      Lease Assignments
 Your lease expiry and the
                                          Rent)                                     (Selling / Buying)
 negotiations to renew are possibly       Time can be your friend or your           When selling your pharmacy, the
 the most stressful as well as the most   enemy when it comes to lease              last to know should be the Landlord.
 vital to your success. We take the       options. Miss a deadline and you          Setting up your lease [your most
 stress out of these major lease events   could be paying too much rent or          valuable asset] ready to sell before
 and position you to leverage the best    worse lose your business outright.        listing will deliver not only a better
 outcomes leaving you free to do what     We will leverage the timelines to get     sale price but a smooth assignment.
 you do best – running a pharmacy.        the best possible result whilst           We will work with you to add value
                                          securing your business future.            to your pharmacy before the sale
                                                                                    and facilitate the lease assignment
                                                                                    and a smooth settlement.

 Leasing For Asset Value                  Managing Criical Path                     Growth
 Knowing how the real estate you’re       Your lease is like a marriage except it   Whether you are outgrowing your
 leasing performs for your pharmacy       already has the divorce packaged in.      current shop or seeking to open more
 rather than you “working for the         By leveraging the timeline and inbuild    outlets, we can take the pain out of
 Landlord” will create opportunities to   events throughout the lease [critical     the research, site sourcing and the
 add value to your pharmacy. It is time   path], we can support your pharmacy       negotiations. We will work with you
 for new thinking about your lease as     through these events and maximise         to establish a plan for your next move,
 it should be treated like any other      your outcomes. If not, these lease        expanding to your next shop or
 asset. You will be surprised by the      events have the potential to erode        through to a national roll out program
 outcomes!                                value and profits.                         for your brand/franchise as well as
                                                                                    handle all the negotiations. All
                                                                                    dovetailed to solve your needs.
For over 40 years, when it comes to professional
education for the pharmacy industry, we sit
unparalleled with clinical and business education.

Be it monthly webinars, CPD        Talk to our team about our
accreditation and generation,      range of clinical and business               Visit to
accredited courses and             education opportunities for                  learn more about
qualifications, bespoke            pharmacists and pharmacy
training services or educational   assistants, or how to become a               membership and
product development - we’ve        College member and enjoy our                 our education
supported our members on           exclusive member benefits.
their journey.                                                                  offering

+61 7 3144 3680         •           •
                                               ABN: 44 008 588 841 • RTO Code: 88112

  Answers can be submitted through GuildEd at Australian College
  of Pharmacy members can submit answers online at in the CPD Library.

          ASSESSMENT Q’S | P.54                                            ASSESSMENT Q’S | P.55

38                                                               47
                                                                                 An Update on the
               Developing Emotionally                                            Management of
               Intelligent Teams                                                 Dyslipidaemia

  Describe ways to assist others to understand the
•	                                                              •	Describe the different types of lipids and their role in the
   effect of their behaviour and emotions on others in              development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
   the workplace                                                 •	Outline the concept of cardiovascular risk assessment
•	Describe ways to support the development of emotional            to determine the appropriateness of lipid-modification
   intelligence and build productive relationships in teams to      therapy
   maximise workplace outcomes                                   •	Describe the evidence-based pharmacological
•	Describe how to develop a positive culture and use the           management of dyslipidaemia
   strengths of the group to achieve workplace outcomes.         •	Describe the assessment and management of patient
                                                                    concerns and non-adherence with statin therapy.

                                                                                             Go to
38                                                  CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

                                                    DEVE L OP ING
                                                    EM OTIO N ALLY
                                                    INTE L L IGEN T T EAMS

                                                             Reaching toward others is the basis for empathy/social awareness and the ability
                                                             to build relationships. As described by Goleman1, ‘the word “attention” comes
                                                             from the Latin attendere, meaning to reach toward’. This concept is not only
                                                             important to the development of emotional intelligence in an individual but
                                                    to the development of emotionally intelligent teams.
     Words | Rebekah Radulovich and Jenny Bergin

                                                               Gold Cross Products & Services Pty Ltd | ITK Issue 78 | Jul - Aug 2021
CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                      39

                                                After completing this activity            Pharmacist competencies (2016):
                                                pharmacists should be able to:            2.3, 2.4, 4.1, 4.3
                                                •	describe ways to assist others
                                                   to understand the effect of their
                                                   behaviour and emotions on others
                                                   in the workplace                       Accreditation Number: A2107ITK1
                                                                                          Expires: 30/06/2023
                                                •	describe ways to support the
                                                   development of emotional               This activity has been accredited for 1 hour
                                                                                          of Group 1 CPD (or 1 CPD credit) suitable for

                                                   intelligence and build productive      inclusion in an individual pharmacist’s CPD plan
                                                   relationships in teams to maximise     which can be converted to 1 hour of Group
                                                   workplace outcomes                     2 CPD (or 2 CPD credits) upon successful

                                                                                          completion of relevant assessment activities.
                                                •	describe how to develop a
                                                   positive culture and use the
                                                   strengths of the group to
                                                   achieve workplace outcomes.


Teams which develop greater emotional
intelligence boost their overall performance.

As an emotionally intelligent
leader you need to:
• d
   evelop others—sensing what others
  need in order to develop and bolster their
  abilities. Leaders with this competence:
    - a
       cknowledge and reward people’s
      strengths, accomplishments
      and development
    - o
       ffer useful feedback and identify
      people’s needs for development
    - m
       entor, give timely coaching and
      offer assignments that challenge
      and develop a person’s skills.

An emotionally intelligent team is happier
and more productive. This has wide-ranging
rewards for a business, and in the context
of the pharmacy environment, this will also
equate to better customer relations which
could improve health outcomes of patients.

                                                                                        Go to
You can also read