The Origin of Ethylphenols in Wines

Page created by Raul Wright
J . Sci Food Agric 1992, 60, 165-178

The Origin of Ethylphenols in Wines
Pascal Chatonnet,* Denis Dubourdieu, Jean-Noel Boidron and Monique Pons
Institut d’CEnologie, UniversitC de Bordeaux 11, 351 Cours de la LibCration, 33405 Talence Cedex,
(Received 6 February 1992; revised version received 21 April 1992; accepted 3 June 1992)

                         Abstract: Ethylphenols are important aromatic compounds of red wines. These
                         compounds are formed in wines by some yeast species belonging to the genus
                         BrettanomyceslDekkera in the presence of hydroxycinnamic acids. These volatile
                         phenols are responsible for the ‘phenolic’, animal’ and ‘stable’ off-odours found
                         in certain red wines. The results presented show that the synthesis of the high
                         quantities of ethylphenols found in the ‘phenolic’ red wines can occur during the
                         ageing of wines having normally completed their alcoholic and malo-lactic
                         fermentations. This olfactory fault caused by BrettanomyceslDekkera is found
                         more frequently than the classical ‘mousy-taint’ attributed to this yeast genus. In
                         addition, the study of the mechanisms of biosynthesis of ethylphenols by
                         BrettanomyceslDekkera has shown the sequential activities of two enzymes. The
                         first, is a cinnamate decarboxylase (CD), which assures the transformation of
                         certain cinnamic acids into the correspondent vinylphenols; the second is a
                         vinylphenol reductase, which catalyses the reduction of vinylphenols into
                         ethylphenols. The CD activity of BretfanornyceslDekkerais not inhibited by the
                         polyphenolic compounds of red wines (procyanidins and catechins) while these
                         compounds do inhibit the C D activity of Saccharomyces cereuisiue. On the other
                         hand, the substrate specificities of the CD activities of BrettanomyceslDekkera
                         and Saccharomyces are different.

                         Key words: ethylphenols, off-odours, red wines, BrettanomyceslDekkera sp.

                    INTRODUCTION                                     (hydroxystyrenes) in white wines and ethylphenols in red
                                                                     wines (Boidron et af 1988).
Volatile phenols represent a large family of substances,                The origin of vinylphenols is well known in beer
some of which possess a strong odorous activity which                (Steinke and Paulson 1964; Dadic et af 1971; Albagnac
can influence the aroma of smoked food stuffs and                    1975; Thurston and Tubb 1981). These compounds
numerous fermented beverages. Nykanen and Suoma-                     come from the enzymic decarboxylation of hydroxy
lainen (1983) and more recently Maarse and Visscher                  cinnamic acids of malt by certain yeast strains (Goodey
(1989) have presented interesting reviews on this subject.           and Tubb 1981 ; Steward 1983) during the alcoholic
These substances are naturally part of the composition of            fermentation.
wines (Chaudary et a1 1968; Dubois et af 1971; Del Re                   Although the quantities of hydroxycinnamic acids
et af 1977; Schreier et a1 1979; Schreier et al 1980;                Present in grape musts are much less important than
Etievant 1981; Shimidzu and Watanabe 1982; Versini                   those of malts (Ribereau-Gayon 1964; Nykanen and
and Tomasi 1983; Versini 1985; Baumes e t a / 1986;                  Suomalanein 1983), they can be decarboxylated into
Chatonnet and Boidron 1988). Although grape musts                    amounts of vinylphenols SLlffiCient to actively participate
contain only trace amounts of such phenols (Baumes                   in the aroma of certain white wines (Boidron et a/ 1988).
e t a f 1988), the wines can have from 10 to several                    The precise origin of ethylphenols in red wines is not
hundred pg litre-1. These are principally vinylphenols               known. Since the identification of these molecules (4-
                                                                     ethylphenol, 4-ethylguaiacol) in beer (Steinke and
                                                                     Paulson 1964) and in red wines (Dubois and Brule 1970),
* In charge of research for Seguin-Moreau Cooperage (16103           different theories have been proposed to explain the
Cognac, France) at the Institute of (Enology.                        origin of these substances. They rest, for the most part,
J Sci Food Agric 0022-5142/92/$05.00 0 1992 SCI. Printed in Great Britain
I66                                                               P Chatonnet, D Dubourdieu, J-N Boidron, M Pons

on the works of Whiting and Carr (1957, 1959), who           (5 min, 400 rpm). The ether phase was decanted, dried
showed that certain bacteria (Lactobaccilus pastorianits     over anhydrous sodium sulphate, then gently concen-
var quinicus)are capable of decarboxylating and reducing     trated under nitrogen to 1 ml in a graduated test tube.
cinnamic acids into their correspondent ethylphenols.        The extract was then analysed by GC and MS in
Some authors have therefore proposed that ethylphenols       scanning or mass fragmentometry mode.
are produced during or immediately after the malo-lactic
fermentation (Dubois and Dekympe 1982; Dubois 1983;          Identijication of the volatile phenols by coupled GCIMS
Baumes er a1 1986), by lactobacilli capable of trans-        The volatile phenols were identified after injection in
forming the phenolic acids, and vinylphenols of wines,       splitless mode (temperature, 230°C; injection volume,
into ethylphenols. This interpretation is not very satis-    3 p l ; purge time, 30 s; purge rate, 70) on a capillary
fying because Di Stefan0 (1985) has clearly showed that      column of Carbowax 20 M (BP-20, SGE, Melbourne,
the accumulation of ethylphenols in red wines is             Australia), 50 m x 0.22 mm. 0.25 pm, He N55. 18 psi
completely independent of whether or not the malo-lactic     (124.2 kPa)) installed on an HP 5970-1 chromatograph.
fermentation occurs. Nevertheless, Etievant (1989)           The temperature was set at 45 to 230°C at the rate of
retains the hypothesis of non-identified lactobacilli to     3°C min-' with a final isotherm of 30 min. The detection
explain the increase in levels of ethylphenols, during the   was performed by an HP-5970-b mass spectrometer
ageing in bottle of wines produced by carbonic macer-        working in electronic impact (ionisation energy, 70 ev;
ation. It has been shown (Chatonnet e t a / 1990) that       source temperature, 250°C). The acquisition was made
storage in barrels, notably in used barrels, favours the     in scanning mode (mass range, 30-300amu, 1.9
presence of high levels of ethylphenols in wines.            spectrum s-'), or in fragmentometry mode on fragments
However, the oak wood is not directly responsible for the    previously selected. The identification of molecules was
ethylphenols content because it is only able to give small   realised by library research using the PBM algorithm
amounts of 4-ethylguaiacol (Chatonnet ei a1 1989a).          (McLafferty et al 1974).
Significant ethylphenol concentrations found in nu-
merous red wines (Etievant ei al 1989; Chatonnet et al
 1990) may be responsible for their disagreeable 'phe-       Microbial analyses
nolic'. 'animal' and 'stable' odours.
   In this paper, the microbial origin, the paths of their   Cultures and isolations of microorganisnis
biosynthesis and the organoleptic impact of ethylphenols     Liquid culture media.
in red wines are defined.                                      -Liquid YPG: glucose 20 g litre-', yeast extract
                                                                 (DIFCO) 20 g litre-', bacto-peptone (DIFCO)
                                                                 20 g litre-'. The pH was adjusted to 4-5. Autoclaving
                                                                  10 min at 115°C. The cultures were run at 20°C on
                                                                 an agitation table, aerobically, in beakers of 250 ml
Chromatographic analysis
                                                                 filled with 100 ml of medium.
                                                               -Lanaridis (1984) medium: glucose 85 g litre-', fruc-
Voluiile phenols
                                                                 tose 85 g litre-', L-tartaric acid 3 g litre-', citric
The volatile phenols of wines are measured according to
                                                                 acid 0.3 g litre-', asparagine 2 g litre-', mono-pot-
the method previously described (Chatonnet and
                                                                 assium phosphate 2 g litre-'. ammonium sulphate
Boidron 1988). After adjustment of the ionic strength of
                                                                 2 g litre-', magnesium sulphate (7 H,O) 0.2 g litre-':
the medium and addition of an internal standard (3,4-
                                                                 manganese sulphate ( H 2 0 ) 0.01 g litre-', meso-
dimethylphenol), a liquid-liquid extraction by dichloro-
                                                                 inositol 0.3 g litre-l. The pH was adjusted to 3.2.
methane was performed. The extract obtained was
                                                                 Autoclaving 10 min at 105°C.
washed several times at different pH values (pH 8.5 and
13) in order to isolate the phenolic aroma fraction. The        The cultures were prepared at 20°C. anaerobically. At
final extract was concentrated under nitrogen and            the moment of seeding, 10 ml litre-' of a sterile solution
analysed by capillary G C with FID detection.                of growth factors was added (biotin, 4 mg litre-' ;
                                                             thiamine, 100 mg litre-'; pyridoxine, 100 mg litre-'; nic-
Stitdy of' ihc irunsforniarion products of phenolic acids    otinic acid, 100 mg litre-l; pantothenic acid, 100 mg
in culture media                                             litre-'; p-amino benzoic acid, 100 mg litre-'; sterile
The culture medium (10 ml), previously clarified by          filtration 0.22 pm).
centrifugation (500 x g, 15 min), was extracted three
times by 5 ml of diethyl ether (magnetic stirring, 5 min,      -Grape juice medium: juice from white grapes was
350 rpm) containing 4 mg litre-' of di-teri-butyl-p-cresol       sterile filtered through 0.45 and 0.22 pm membranes.
as the internal standard. The organic phases were              -Modified Carr medium: glucose, 5 g litre-'; yeast
separated by static decantation, pooled together, then           extract (DIFCO), 4 g litre-'; casamino acids
washed by 10 ml of 5 % aqueous sodium bicarbonate                (DIFCO). 5 g litre-'; potassium chloride, 0.45 g
The origin of phenols in wines                                                                                         167

    litre-'; mono-potassium phosphate, 0-6 g litre-';           AUX and API 50 CHL (API Systeme, La-Balmes-les-
    calcium chloride (2 H,O), 0.13 g litre-'; magnesium         Grottes, France) were used to identify the isolated
    sulphate, 0.13 g litre-'; manganese sulphate (H,O),         microorganisms. In case of doubtful identification, the
    0.003 g litre-'; DL-malic acid, 10 g litre-'; tomato        yeasts were sent to the mycology laboratory of Leuwen
    juice (DIFCO), 10 ml litre-'. The pH was adjusted           University (MUCL, Prof G Hennebert, B-1348 Louvain-
    to 4.8. Autoclaving 15 min at 110°C. Culture in             La-Neuve, Belgium), and the bacteria to the bacteria
    closed tube (anaerobically) at 25°C.                        laboratory at the University of Ghent (LMG, Prof Dr K
  -Wine medium : a red wine was de-alcoholised under            Kerters, B-9000, Ghent, Belgium).
    vacuum at 35°C and supplemented with the fol-
    lowing: glucose, 80 g litre-'; fructose, 80 g litre-';      Decarboxylationlreduction test of p-coumaric acid
    yeast extract, 0.5 g litre-'; growth factors solution,      (coumarate media). To 10 ml of YPG liquid medium (for
     2.5 ml litre-l. The pH was adjusted to 3.5. Sterile        yeasts) or modified Carr medium (for bacteria),
     filtration 0.22 pm. Culture anaerobically at 25°C.         100 mg litre-' of trans-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (p-
                                                                coumaric acid) were added. The cultures were run, in
Solid media. The cultures on solid medium in a Petri dish
                                                                both cases, at 25"C, semi-anaerobically for 72 h for the
of 100 mm in diameter were realised either by inclusion
                                                                yeasts and 120 h anaerobically for the bacteria. The
or by plating on membrane after sterile filtration (0.45 or
                                                                cultures were then centrifuged, 9 ml of the supernatant
0.22 pm) at 25°C.
                                                                were added to 1 ml of 3,4-dimethylphenol (20 mg litre-'
  -Yeasts: YPG medium solidified by 20 g litre-' agar           in ethanol). The mixture was extracted twice by 5 ml of
    and added before the use of 100 pl penicillin G 0-1YO       diethyl ether. The organic phases were separated by
    (250000 UI in 0.22 pm filtered distilled water), of         decantation, pooled together and washed by 10ml of
    100 pl of gentamycin sodium sulphate 0.1 YO                 sodium hydrogenocarbonate (5 YO).  The extract was then
    (0-22pm filtered distilled water) and of 1OOpl of           concentrated under nitrogen (1 ml) and analysed by
    diphenyl at 0.75 YOin ethanol.                              GC/MS. The acquisition was realised in fragmentometry
  -Acetic bacteria : YPG medium solidified by 20 g              mode with the following fragments: mlz 107 for the 3.4-
     litre-' agar, 200 p1 of pimaricin 0 2 Yo,200 pl of peni-   dimethylphenol (internal standard), m/z 122 for the 4-
    cillin G 0.1 YO,100 pI of diphenylO.75 Yo before use.       ethylphenol, and m/z 120 for the 4-vinylphenol.
  -Lactic bacteria (modified Dubois medium) : yeast
    extract (DIFCO) 5 g litre-' ; neopeptone (DIFCO),           Sensory analysis
    5 g litre-'; DL-malic acid, 10 g litre-'; magnesium
    sulphate (H,O), 0.05 g litre-'; manganese sulphate          Determination of perception thresholds
    (H,O), 0.05 g litre-'; tomato juice (DIFCO),                The olfactory perception thresholds of volatile phenols
    250 ml litre-'; bacto-agar (DIFCO), 20 g litre-'.           were determined in different media (water, model
    The pH was adjusted to 4.5. Autoclaving 10 min at           aqueous alcoholic solution, red wines). The methodology
    115°C. Upon seeding, 200 p1 of pimaricin 0.2 YOwas          used was that described previously (Boidron et al 1988).
    added; the incubation was performed in a hermetic           The thresholds presented correspond to the minimum
    jar equipped with a carbon dioxide generator.               concentration under which 50% of the tasters in a 70
  -Brettanomyces/Dekkera specific medium (DHSA) :               person jury, statistically fail to taste the difference from
    yeast extract (DIFCO), 5 g litre-'; bacto-peptone           a control. PT designates the perception threshold
    (DIFCO), 5 g litre-'; trehalose, 5 g litre-'; sacchar-      determined in a hydro-alcoholic model medium of
    ose, 45 g litre-'; mono-potassium phosphate,                reference, having a composition close to that of wine and
    0-55 g litre-'; potassium chloride, 0-125 g litre-l;        RT, the recovery threshold, the perception threshold
    magnesium sulphate (7 H,O), 0.125 g litre-'; ferric         determined in a standard wine. The thresholds obtained
    sulphate, 00025 g litre-' ; manganese sulphate              in this latter case, have only an indicative value because
    (H,O), 0.0025 g litre-' ; bacto-agar (DIFCO),               of the great variability of composition from one wine to
    20 g litre-'; green of bromocresol, 0.030 g litre-';        another. Nevertheless, this value is important because it
    cycloheximide, 0.005 g litre-';          sorbic     acid,   indicates the concentration at which the odour of the
    0-25 g litre-'. The pH was adjusted to 4.8; 10 ml of        substance studied can be perceived over the overall
    the medium was placed in a tube and autoclaved              aroma of wine.
    (10 min, 120°C); 100 pl of penicillin 0.1 %, 100 p1 of
    gentamicin sodium sulphate and 100 p1 of diphenyl           Determination of limit preference threshold (Chatonnet
    at 0.75 O h in ethanol were added just before seeding.      et a1 1990)
                                                                For each substance studied and its mixture, the per-
                                                                ception threshold was determined of each taster in a
Identification of the microorganisms                            standard red wine (individual recovery threshold RT) by
API system galleries and reference culture collections. The     a triangular directional test ; the threshold represented
assimilation and fermentation tests API 20 C, API 20            the minimum concentration perceived by 50% of the
168                                                                  P Chatonnet, D Dubourdieu, J-N Boidron, M Pons

tasters. For each concentration, a preference test is also
conducted. The control and supplemented samples were
submitted to the taster who indicated his preference. In
this way, the maximum quantity admissible. for a given
substance, in a standard red wine, beyond which more
than 50% of the tasters rejected the sample (limit
preference threshold LT) was determined. The responses
from each taster were only taken into account con-
sidering their individual perception threshold. The jury
was composed of 20 trained tasters.

A r onint ic inck.u
The contribution of a volatile compound to the aroma of                                                               (min)
the wine is estimated according to its aromatic index (I):                                               I
                                                                 *                                       *Medicinal
                        I = C/PT                               *cc           Spicy. phenolic

                                                               9                               **
where C is the concentration of the substance in the wine,
determined by analysis, and PT its perception threshold.       P

Although I is a number without dimension, it is                6             Phenolic,animal, ,+
                                                               c             stable                  *
expressed, by convention, in number of olfaction units         ._

(NOU).                                                         9
  The recovery index (RI) was calculated in the same
manner, with the aid of the RT. RI measured the state of
domination of the wine aroms by the odour of the
considered substance :
                      RI = C/RT
GC/olfactory detection coupling
The extract of aroma was injected in the same chroma-
tographic conditions as previously described, but here,
the human nose functions as the detector. Sniffing of the    having the odours already described. The analysis of
column effluent was conducted with the device ODO-1          these extracts by GC coupled with olfactory detection
(SGE, Melbourne, Australia). The method of quantifica-       enabled the detection of different aromatic zones cor-
tion of sensorial detection used has already been            respondent to these odours (Fig 1). The identification by
described (Chatonnet 1991). The chromatograms obtain-        MS and by co-injection with the reference compounds,
ed in ionic detection and sniffing detection were            showed that they are three volatile phenols: 4-
compared, which enabled the location of the peaks            ethylguaiacol, 4-ethylphenol and 4-vinylphenol. Of these
corresponding to the odours in question.                     compounds, 4-ethylphenol is the most concentrated and
                                                             possesses an intense odour of ‘stable’. 2-Ethylphenol,
                                                             present at trace levels in certain red wines (Etievant
                       RESULTS                               1981), was not found in this experiment.
                                                                The analysis of different wines showed that only
Levels of ethylphenols in wines-organoleptic impact          certain wines can contain important quantities of
                                                             ethylphenols. Table 1 gives the perception (PT), the
Different red wines with ‘phenolic’, ‘animal’ and ‘stable’   recovery (RT) and the limit (LT) thresholds of the 4-
characteristics were analysed in order to determine which    ethylphenol, the 4-ethylguaiacol and of the mixture 4-
volatile substances were responsible for the olfactory       ethylguaiacol/4-ethylphenol (1 : lo), the rough propor-
faults.                                                      tion found in red wines. The 4-ethylguaiacol is more
   In the wines, these odours were stable after acidi-       easily perceived than the 4-ethylphenol (Table 1). The
fication by sulphuric acid (pH 2) and after alkalinisation   recovery threshold of the mixture (4-ethylguaiacol/4-
by sodium hydroxide to pH 8.5. In the case of a stronger     ethylphenol, 1 : 10) was obtained by proportional additive
alkalinisation (pH > 10.5), they seemed to decrease or       effect. The LT of each phenol differs only slightly from its
disappear. These observations suggest that the sub-          recovery threshold (1 c LT/RT < 1.3). However, in
stances concerned behave like weak acids.                    wines, one should always consider the sum of the two
   The extraction of the weak acid fraction of the same      ethylphenols because the presence of the 2-methoxylated
wines according to the method described by Chatonnet         derivative lowers simultaneously the RT and the LT of
and Boidron (1988) obtained a concentrated extract           these molecules (LT/RT = 1.5, LT,,,* = 426 pg litre-l).
The origin of phenols in wines                                                                                                                 169

                                                            TABLE 1
                                         Olfactory perception thresholds of ethylphenols

             Volatile phenols                  Perception threshold ( T )               Recovery                   Limit              Ratio
                                                                                        threshold                threshold           LTIRT
                                                Water            Model                for red wine             for red wine
                                                                solution                  (RT)                     (LT)

4-Ethylphenol                                    130               440                       605                   620                1.02
CEthylguaiacol                                    25                47                       110                   140                1.27
4-Ethylphenol +4-ethylguaiacol (10: 1)           -                    -                      369                   426                1.15

                                                          TABLE 2
                                Examples of the sensory impact of ethylphenols in different wines

        Volatile phenols         White wine    Rose' wine                                              Red wine

                                                                  a                   b                   C               d              e

Concentration @g litre-l)
 4-Ethylphenol                       0             7             32               330                   410            1241           2260
  4-Ethylguaiacol                    0            21              5                30                    40              74            285
  c  Ethylphenols                    0            28             37               360                   450            1285           2505
Aromatic Index (NOU)
  4-Ethylphenol                      0
I70                                                                    P Chatonnet, D Dubourdieu, J-N Boidron, M Pons
I70                                                                    P Chatonnet, D Dubourdieu, J-N Boidron, M Pons

                         TABLE 3                                                          TABLE 4
        Concentration range      3
                            of ethylphenols in wines            Ethylphenol content of redTABLE    4
                                                                                            wines from   different wineries and
        Concentration range of ethylphenols in wines            Ethylphenol content ofdifferent
                                                                                        red wines
                                                                                                vintages different wineries and
                                                                                     different vintages
         Volutile phenols           White     RosP     Red
         Volutile phenols           White
                                    wines     RosP
                                             wines     Red
                                                      wines           Vintage            Elhylphetrols in diflerent wineries
                                    wines    wines    wines
                                  (n = 54)" (n = 12) (n = 83)         Vintage            Elhylphetrols in diflerent wineries
.   --                            (n = 54)" (n = 12) (n = 83)                            A                B               C
.   --
4-Ethylphenol                                                   -                        A                B               C
4-Ethylphenol                                                   -
  Minimum                             0         0          1            1979            46                86          512"
  Maximum                             0
                                     28         0
                                               75      60471            1979
                                                                        1980            466               86
                                                                                                          -           512"
                                     283       75                       1980                           -
  Average                                      20      6047
                                                        440             198 I           306            253            266
  Average of variation (%)
  Coeflicient                       2293       20
                                              122       440
                                                        179             198 I
                                                                        1982            30
                                                                                      276              253
                                                                                                       I06            395
  Coeflicient of variation (%)      229       122       179             1982
                                                                        1983          276
                                                                                      243              I06
                                                                                                        54            630"
4-Ethylguaiacol                                                         1983          243               545           926"
4-Et  hylguaiacol                                                       1984           -                              40 I
   Minimum                            0         0         0             1984           -                  5
   Maximum                            70        0
                                               15         0
                                                       1561             1985          198              924"           40 46I
   Maximum                             7       15      1561             1985
                                                                        1986          198
                                                                                        15             924"
                                                                                                       975"              46
   Average                             0.8      3        82             1986            15             975"           950"
   Average of variation (%)
   Coefficient                      2250.8      3
                                              159        82
                                                        230             1987             4             429            715"
   Coefficient of variation (%)
                              1     225       159       230             1987
                                                                        1988             43            429
                                                                                                       654"           715"
" 11-  Number of samples.                                               1988
                                                                        1989              35           654"
                                                                                                       I47            275
" 11-  Number of samples.                                               1989
                                                                        1990            14 5           I47
                                                                                                         3            655"
                                                                        1990            14               3             -
                                                                    Frequency             0            113             I /2
                                                                    of phenolic           0            113             I /2
                                                                    of phenolic
                                                                    Concentration over the limit threshold (phenolic taint).
                                                                    Concentration over the limit threshold (phenolic taint).

      Fig 3. Ethylphenol content of different red wines.
      Fig 3. Ethylphenol content of different red wines.

4-ethylphenol/4-ethylguaiacol(8:1) is fairly regular. (Fig
4-ethylphenol/4-ethylguaiacol(8:1) is fairly regular. (Fig
4). It corresponds faithfully to the ratio of p-coumaric
4). It corresponds faithfully to the ratio of p-coumaric        Fig 4. Relationship between the concentration of 4-
acid (4-hydroxycinnamic) and ferulic acid (4-hydroxy-3-                 Relationship and
                                                                Fig 4. ethylguaiacol   between   the concentration
                                                                                         4-ethylphenol in red wines. of 4-
acid (4-hydroxycinnamic) and ferulic acid (4-hydroxy-3-                ethylguaiacol and 4-ethylphenol in red wines.
methoxy-cinnamic acid), which are respectively the
methoxy-cinnamic acid), which are respectively the
potential precursors of 4-ethylphenol and of 4-
potential precursors
ethylguaiacol (results not   4-ethylphenol and of 4-
                        of shown).                                                          TABLE 5
ethylguaiacol (results not shown).                              Incidence of the malo-lacticTABLE  5
                                                                                             fermentation (MLF) on the volatile
                                                                Incidence of the malo-lactic fermentation
                                                                                   phenol content of wines(MLF) on the volatile
Origin of ethylphenols in the red wines
Origin of ethylphenols in the red wines                                            phenol content of wines
Influencr of the tnalo-lactic jertnentation                           Volatile phenols       White wine           Red wine
Influencr of the tnalo-lactic jertnentation                           Volatile phenols
                                                                      @g litre-')
                                                                                             White wine           Red wine
Most of the red and white wines analysed after the end                @g litre-')
Most of the red and white wines analysed after the end                                    Before    Affer      Bejore   Ajkr
of the alcoholic a n d malo-lactic fermentations contained                                Before    Affer      Bejore   A jkr
of the alcoholic a n d malo-lactic fermentations contained
very low quantities of ethylphenols. o r indeed none a t all
                                                                                          MLF       M LF       MLF      MLF
                                                                                          MLF       MLF        MLF      MLF
very low quantities of ethylphenols. o r indeed none a t all
(Table 5).                                                            4-Vinylguaiacol      I68       104           5       5
(Table 5).                                                                                 I68       104
                                                                      4-vinyl phenol        84        89         355     305
Eroiution of elhylphenols during ageing in oak barrels                4-vinyl phenol        84        89         35      30
Eroiution of elhylphenols during ageing in oak barrels                4-Ethylguaiacol        0         3          0     Trace
The enrichment of the wines in ethylphenols usually                   4-Ethylguaiacol
                                                                      4-Ethylphenol          0
                                                                                             0         3
                                                                                                       0          0
                                                                                                                  0     Trace
The enrichment of the wines in ethylphenols usually                   4-Ethylphenol          0         0          0        5
takes place during ageing and in particular during the
takes place during ageing and in particular during the
The origin of phenols in wines                                                                                                     171

                                      -    I
            0            100              2 00        300                              1           2            3            4
                                Time ( d a y s )                                           Different tanks in the same cellar
Fig 5. Evolution of the ethylphenol content of a red wine during      Fig 6. Ethylphenol content of different tanks of red wine in the
its ageing in barrels. ( 0 )-Ethylphenol, and ( 0 )4-ethylguaiacol.     same cellar. (m) 4-Ethylguaiacol, and (0)    4-ethylphenol.

                                                                      Study of the microjlora of a phenolic wine. In a second
                           TABLE 6                                    stage, several wines from the 1989 vintage and rich in
Incidence of the ageing conditions on the ethylphenol content         ethylphenols, were sampled under sterile conditions in
                     of the same red wine                             order to isolate, in selected media, the different classes of
                                                                      microorganisms; they were then tested in YPG-
     Wine-ageing vessel        4-Ethylguaiacol 4-Ethylphenol
                                                                      coumarate for the yeasts and Carr-coumarate medium
                                 (pg litre-')    @ g litre-')
                                                                      for the bacteria. The isolates from these wines were acetic
Stainless-steel tank                     5               32           bacteria, yeasts and some rare lactic bacteria. No culture
New oak barrels                         41              455           of either lactic bacteria (Leuconostoc a?nos) or acetic
Old barrels                             74             121 1          bacteria (Acetobacter sp frequently atypical) were
Old barrels after shaving              105             1125           capable of forming 4-ethylphenol (Table 9). Among the
Old barrels after shaving               70              48 1          yeasts isolated were, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bayanus),
 and disgorging                                                       Saccharomyces cerevisiae (cerevisiae) and more rarely
                                                                      Pichia sp and Candida sp, which are also incapable of
                                                                      forming the ethylphenol. The only yeasts which have
                                                                      revealed themselves capable of synthesising the 4-
summer months (Fig 5). The excessive levels are                       ethylphenol from the p-coumaric acid are the
frequently found in the wines aged in barrels, particularly           Brettanomycesf Dekkera, which were identified by the
in the case of used barrels (Table 6 ) , but one can equally          classical biochemical tests. However, small populations
find high concentrations of phenols in tanks. In the same             of Brettanomyces sp have equally been found in young
cellar, before blending, only certain lots might present              non-phenolic red wines and in certain phenolic bottled
this type of alteration (Fig 6)                                       wines (Table 10).
Microbial origin of ethylphenols in wines                             Production of ethylphenols in a red wine inoculated by
Ability of diflerent microorganisms to form ethyl-                    Brettanomyces intermedius. A red wine (500 ml), con-
phenols. Different microorganisms (yeasts, acetic bac-                taining only small quantities of ethylphenols after
teria, lactic bacteria), isolated from different fermented            alcoholic and malo-lactic fermentation, was sterile
media (wines, beers, pineaux, ciders, vinegars) were                  filtered through 0.45 pm membranes and divided into
inoculated at the laboratory in their specific model                  two samples of 250ml. One of the two samples was
medium containing the trans-p-coumaric acid as the                    inoculated with a culture in stationary phase of Bret-
substrate. Numerous microorganisms decarboxylate, at                  tanomyces intermedius in YPG liquid medium
a variable intensity, the p-coumaric acid into 4-                     (lo5 cells ml-l); the other was not inoculated and was
 vinylphenol (Tables 7 and 8). A few of them form only                used as the control. The two samples were placed at 25°C
 trace amounts of 4-ethylphenol (Lactobacillus hilgardii,             in semi-aerobic conditions. It was noted (Table 11) that
 Pediococcus pentosaceus, Pediococcus damnosus). Only                 inoculation in the laboratory of a red wine, dry and
 certain yeasts are capable of massive transformation                 biologically stable, by Brettanomyces intermedius pro-
 (5&60%) of the substrate into 4-ethylphenol. These are               voked, after 30days, the appearance ofsufficient quantities
 the yeasts belonging to the genus Brettanomyces and                  of ethylphenols to depreciate the organoleptic charac-
 Dekkera (sporogenous form of the Brettanomyces genus).               teristics of the wine (C > LT).
I72                                                                         P Chatoiinet, D Dubourdieu, J-N Boidron. M Pons

                                                           TABLE 7
                           Synthesis of volatile phenols from p-coumaric acid by different bacteria
                                                                                                   ~   ~~          ~~

                                Microorganisms                         Transforniation of p-coumaric acid"

                                                                  4- Vinylphenol             4- Ethylphenol
                   Leuconostoc oinos ICEB 8403                             +                                -
                   Leirconosloc oinos ICEB 841 I                         +++                                -
                   Leuconostoc oinos ICEB 84 13                           +                                 -
                   Lactobacillus hilgardii ICEB 85 10                    +++                                -
                   Lactobacillus hilgardii I E R 720                    ++++                            -
                   Lactobacillus hilgardii ICEB 8290                       +                            -
                   Lactobacillus hilgardii ICEB R77 1                     +-                           +/-
                   Lactobacillus brevis ICEB 8401                                                      +/-
                   Lactobacillirs breois ICEB 8404                       +++                                -
                   Lactobacillus brevis ICEB 851 1                         +                                -
                   Pediococcus sp ICEB Ja2                                 +                                -
                   Pediococcus pentosaceus ICEB 33316                    +++                           +I-
                   Pediococcus damnosus ATCC                               +                                +
                   Acetobacter aceti ICEB 15973                            +                                -
                   Acetohacrer sp LMG 1662                               ++                                 -
                   Acetobacter quasi aceti LMG 1657                      ++                                 -
                   Acetobacter sp NCIB 8619                              +++                                -
                   quasi Acetobacter acefi NCIB 8956                      ++                                -
                   quasi Acetobacter aceti NCIB 8957                      ++                                -
                   "   --Negative;     +/----very     weak   60°/0.

Relationship between the development of Brettanomyces                  Brettanomyces intermedius MUCL 8519 and Dekkera
sp in red wines and the level of ethylphenols                          interniedia MUCL 27704.

Contamination during ageing in a cellar                                Mechanism of uolatile phenols synthesis hj.
In the same ageing cellar of red wines in the region of                BrettanomyceslDekkera sp
Bordeaux (Graves). the level of ethylphenols and the                   A YPG liquid medium supplemented with 100 mg litre-'
population of Brettanomyces sp was compared in wines                   ofp-coumaric acid, was inoculated with lo4 cells ml-' of
from different new barrels, after 9 months of ageing,                  Brettattomyces, then placed aerobically at 25°C with
which is the period corresponding to the appearance of                 stirring. Measurements were taken periodically of the
the phenolic character. The level of ethylphenols in the               level of 4-vinylphenol and 4-ethylphenol as the yeast
wine was related to the population of Brettanomyces sp                 developed in the medium (Fig 8). From the latency phase
(Fig 7).                                                               to the end of the exponential phase (from 24 to 72 h of
                                                                       culture). there was a strong synthesis of 4-ethylphenol
Coiitamitiation in bottled wines                                       while the level of 4-vinylphenol decreased. The pre-
In the same batch of wine, bottled for 12 months (wine                 sumption was made that a first stage of phenolic acid
A) and 24 months (wine B), only certain bottles presented              decarboxylation, by a cinnamate decarboxylase (CD),
an intense phenolic character due to the presence of                   was followed by a reductase (vinylphenol reductase,
important quantities of 4-ethylphenol. The micro-                      VPR) which induced the accumulation of 4-ethylphenol
biological analysis of these wines on DHSA medium                      in the medium. The synthesis of volatile phenol from a
revealed the presence of Brettanomyces sp only in the                  phenolic acid precursor by Brettanoniycesl Dekkera is
samples presenting the phenolic characteristic (Table 12).             described in Fig 9.

                                                                       Specificity of phenolic acid decarboxylation atid
Mechanisms of synthesis of volatile phenols by                         reduction by BrettanomycesIDekkera sp
BrettanomyceslDekkera sp                                               The specificity of phenolic acid decarboxylationl
                                                                       reduction by Brettanornycesl Dekkera intertziedius and
All the tests conducted at the laboratory on the                       Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied in YPG media
metabolism of BrettanoniyceslDekkera s p were done on                  supplemented by different phenolic acids (100 mg litre-l).
The origin of phenols in wines                                                                                                  173

                                                                 TABLE 8
                                  Synthesis of volatile phenols from p-coumaric acid by different yeasts

                                            Microorganisms                                   Transformation of p-coumaric

                                                                                             4- Vinylphenol     4-Ethylphenol

                    Candida vini MUCL 21120                                                        -
                    Candida freychussi MUCL 21114                                              ++++
                    Hanseniaspora uvarum MUCL 21110                                              +
                    Metchnikovia pulcherina MUCL 211816                                            -
                    Pichia menbranefaciens MUCL 21134                                              -
                    Hansenula anomala MUCL 21153                                               ++++
                    Saccaromyces cerevisiae (italicus) I E B                                    +++
                    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (chevalieri) I E B                                  +
                    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (uvarum) I E B                                      ++
                    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (carlbergensis) I E B                               -
                    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (capensis) I E B                                     +
                    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (cerevisiae) I E B                                  +
                    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (cereoisiae) UTAD23                               ++++
                    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (cerevisiae) EG8C                                  +++
                    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (cerevisiae) I E B VLI                               +
                    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bavanus) I E B                                     ++
                    Kluyveromyces thermotolerans MUCL 28822                                       +
                    Torulaspora delbruchi MUCL 21816                                              -
                    Pichia carsenis I E B                                                         +
                    Pichia canadensis MUCL 21122                                                  +
                    Saccharomycopsis fibuligera MUCL 1 1443                                       +
                    Zigosaccharomyces bailii I E B                                                +
                    Brettanomyces intermedius CBS                                                 +
                    Dekkera intermedia MUCL 11989                                                 +
                    Brettanomyces lambicus I E B SA                                               +
                    ~~        ~                    ~    ~~~                   ~        ~~~             ~          ~~

                          --Negative;        +/--very         weak   < I YO       of         the   substrate;      +--1-20%;
                         + + - 2 0 4 0 % ; + + + 4 & 6 0 % ; + + + +->6O%.

After 5 days of culture at 25"C, the products of                         total inhibition of Saccharomyces CD activity by the
transformation were studied with the aid of GC/MS as                     polyphenolic compounds of red wines, these same
described previously.                                                    compounds do not inhibit the C D activity of Brer-
   Both Saccharomyces and Brettanomyces are incapable                    tanomyces. On the contrary, the procyanidins seem to
of transforming benzoic acids (Table 13). However,                       increase the activity of these microorganisms in that the
Brettanomyces is very active on the p-coumaric and                       duration of fermentation of the media enriched in
ferulic acids and equally capable of transforming the                    polyphenols was greatly reduced (18 compared to 45
sinapic acid (4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-cinnamicacid)                      days) and the synthesis of volatile phenols augmented.
into 2,6-dimethoxy-4-vinyI and ethylphenol (Cvinyl
and 4-ethylsyringol) while Saccharomyces is not.
                                                                                              DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
Study of an inhibition of Brettanomyces C D b y the
polyphenols of red wine                                                  In accordance with Di Stefan0 (1985), and contrary to
A Lanaridis model culture medium containing                              certain previous works (Dubois and Dekympe 1982;
5 mg litre-' of p-coumaric acid was supplemented with                    Dubois 1983), the present results confirm that the
procyanidins B (2 g litre-'), then inoculated with either                presence of ethylphenols in wines is not at all linked to
Brettanornyces intermedius (I x lo6 cells ml-') or with                  the incidence of the malo-lactic fermentation. These
Saccharomyces cereuisiae EG8C (INRA, Colmar,                             molecules appear essentially during the ageing of the
France, 5 x lo5cells ml-'). The fermentation proceeded                   wines. Although certain bacteria may possess CD
anaerobically at 25°C. Upon conclusion of the alcoholic                  activity, none is capable of forming significant quantities
fermentation, the volatile phenols were measured.                        of ethylphenols in the wines. Only certain yeasts can
  Table 14 clearly shows that, although there is almost                  form important concentrations of ethylphenols in the
174                                                                            P Chatonnet, D Dubourdieu. J-N Boiciron, M Pons

                                                           TABLE 9
Isolation of different microorganisms from a ‘phenolic‘ red wine versus the ability of these microorganisms to produce volatile
                                                phenols from p-coumaric acid

         Nuniher        Microorganism tyye                      Volatile phenols“                                  Ident$cation
            st’                                   -
         isolation                                    4- Vinylphenol       4-Ethylphenol
                             ~ _ _ _ _ _ _                                                                                        _____
              I        Gram-negative bacteria               +                       -                            Acetobacter sp
             ?.        Gram-negative bacteria               +                       -                            Acetobacter sp
             3         Gram-negative bacteria               +                       -                            Acetobacter sp
             4         Gram-negative bacteria               +                       -                            Acetobacter sp
             5         Gram-negative bacteria               +                       -                            Acetobacter s p
             6         Gram-positive bacteria               +                       -                          Leuconostoc @nos
             7         Gram-positive bacteria              +/-                      -                          Leuconostoc m o s
             8         Gram-positive bacteria               +                       -                          Leuconostoc @nos
             9                Yeast                        +++                      -                Saccharomy ces ceretiisiae (ceraisiaej
            10                Yeast                         ++                      -                Saccharompces cerevisiae (cererisiae)
            I1                Yeast                        +++                      -                Saccharomyes cererisiae (cerevisiae)
            13                Yeast                        +++                      -                 Saccharonijices cerecisiae (bajanus)
            14                Yeast                         ++                      -                 Sacchuromyces cereiiisiae (bajwius)
            15                Yeast                        +++                      -                 Saccharornvces cereclisiae (bavanus)
            16                Yeast                        +++                      -                 Saccharoni.vces cereuisiae (bayanus)
            17                Yeast                         ++             +++                            Brettwiomyces intermedius
            18                Yeast                          +             +++                            Brettariomyces interinedius
            19                Yeast                          +             +++                            Brettariomyces interrnedius
            20                Yeast                         ++             +++                            Brettanomyces intermedius
            21                Yeast                        +++              ++                            Brett an omyces int ermedius
       --Negative‘   + I - - -very weak < 1 YO of the substrate; +--1-20Y0; + +-2WO%; + + + A O - 6 O % .

                                                              TABLE 10
                                     Isolation of Bretfanompces sp strains from different red wines

 Reference               Geographical         Vintage            Conditioning                Ethylphenols ( p g litre-‘)          Identification
 of’                        origin           Oj’the wine          of the wine                              ______                   of yeasts
 isolation                                                                              4- Ethylguaiacol     4- Ethylphenol
     __                                    -____                                                                                  -_____
 (3.89.1              Haut-Medoc                1989             New barrels                  177                 1506            Br intermedius
                       Margaux                                                                                                    + Br lambicus
 JNB.89.3             Montagne-                 1989             Cement tank                  155                 I504            Br intermedius
                       St Emilion
 (3.89.3              Haut-Medoc                1989              Old barrels                    1                   30           Br intermedius
 CBX.89               Pessac-Leognan            1989             New barrels                   71                  53 1           Br intermedius
 CM89.ES.91            St Emilion               1989             New barrels                  200                 1800            Br intermedius
 HB87.91              Pessac- Leognan           1987                 Bottle                   -                     -             Br intermedius
                                                               (after 8 months)
     N88.4.91         Montagne-                 1988                 Bottle                   I I3                  71 1          Br intermedius
                       St Emilion                             (after 12 months)
     P + 2-10.91      Madiran                   1990             New barrels                  253                  1412           Br intermedius
     P.5.91           Madiran                   1990             New barrels                    6                    27           Br intermedius
                                                                                                                                  + Br lambicus
     CV89-9 I . 1     Napa valley               1989                Barrels                   I83                  1828           Br interniedius

     presence of hydroxycinnamic acids. These are the species              present results, one can conclude that the ethylphenols
     belonging to the genus Brettanomj~ces and to its                      frequently identified in red wines come from a de-
     sporogenous form Dekkera. In wines, the Brettanomjres                 velopment of yeasts of the genus Brettcniomjws/
     species essentially found is intermedius. In light o f the            Dekkera.
The origin of phenols in wines                                                                                                     175

                       TABLE 11                                                                                               ,-inn
Production of ethylphenols in a red wine inoculated by                                                                            c

                Brettanomyces intermedius

                Conditions of storage"     4- Vinylphenol 4-Ethylphenol
                                             (pg litre-')   (pg litre-')

   t = 0 days                                     100             7
   t = 30 days                                     95             6
Inoculatedb with                                  30 I         1230
 Brettanomyces intermedius,
 t = 30 days

      Storage at 25OC, semi-aerobic.                                                                      Time (h)
      1 x lo5 cells rn1-l.                                                   Fig 8. Synthesis of volatile phenols from p-coumaric acid
                                                                             during the culture of Brettartom)ices/DekXera sp. (El) 4-
                                                                             Vinylphenol, ( 0 )4-ethylpheno1, and (*) population.

                                                                                Brettanomycesl Dekkera is capable of synthesising the
                                                                             4-ethylphenol, the 4-ethylguaiacol and the 4-
                                                                             ethylsyringol from the phenolic acids present in the
                                                                             grapes or in the oak wood. These results confirm the
                                                                             work of Heresztyn (1986) who showed that these yeasts
                                                                             were capable of forming ethylphenols during alcoholic
                                                                             fermentation of white grape juice. It has been demon-
                                                                             strated in this work, that the same microorganisms can
                                                                             produce significantly high quantities of phenols during
                                                                             the ageing of red wines after having normally completed
                     o*     .         I                                  I   their fermentations, which has, to the authors' knowl-
                      0              2        4           6              8   edge, never been previously reported.
                           Population of Brettanomyces (103cells ml-')          Initially isolated from ciders (Osterwalder 1912), these
Fig 7. Relationship between the population of Brettanomyces                  yeasts have been described many times in musts and in
sp and the concentration of ethylphenols in a red wine aged in
                          a barrel.                                          wines. Schanderl and Draczinsky (1952) found such
                                                                             microorganisms in sparkling wines, Agostini (1 950) in a
                                                                             'voile' of acetified wine, and Barret et a1 (1955) in a
                                                                             'voile' of Jura wine. Several authors (Peynaud and
                          TABLE 12                                           Domercq 1956; Van Der Walt and Van Kerken 1958,
 Relationship between the ethylphenol content of some red                     1961; Larue eta1 1991) have reported on the different
    wines in bottles and the presence of Brettanomyces sp
                                                                             species present in the musts and the wines and on their
                                                                             metabolism. Froudiere and Larue (1990) clarified the
     Sample in 4-Ethylguaiacol 4-Ethylphenol Brettanomyces sp
       bottle    (pg litre-')    (pg litre-')   (cells ml-')                 conditions of survival of these microorganisms in the
                                                                             musts and the wines. The development of these yeasts
           Wine A                                                            has always been considered unfavourable to the quality
              1                  6             45                0           of the wines because it usually induces a profound
             2                   16            36                0           modification of the aroma. The grape musts inoculated
             3                    7            39                0           with Brettanornyces exhibited a marked butyric character
             4                  113           71 I             180           as well as a particular odour, described as 'mousy',
                 5                8            36                0           recalling acetamide (Ribereau-Gayon et a1 1975).
                 6               10            37                0
                                                                             Australian works attribute this aroma to the presence of
               Wine B                                                        acetyltetrahydropyridines but clarify that other micro-
                 1               40           236                1           organisms (Lactobacillus breois, Lactobacillirs hilgardii)
                 2               41           230                0
                                                                             are equally capable of forming them (Craig and
                 3               42           24 I               1
                                                                             Heresztyn 1984; Strauss and Heresztyn 1984; Heresztyn
                 4               34           232                2
                 5               30           239                1            1986). Curiously, there is no reference linking, in an
                 6              205          1769              306           obvious manner, the development of these yeasts to the
                                                                             phenolic characteristic of red wines. This olfactory fault
176                                                                                P Chatonnet, D Dubourdieu, J-N Boidron, M Pons

                                   PH                                  OH

                                   It                                                                    CH,
                                   I                                                                     CH3

                                        Cinnamate Decarboxylase                 Vinylphenol Reductase

                    R = H : p-cournaric acid        R   = H : 4-vinylphenol                     R = H : 4-ethylphenol
                    R = OCH3 : ferulii acid         R   = OCki : 4-vinylguaiaco1                R = O C h : 4-ethylguaiacol

                             Fig 9. Biosynthesis of ethylphenols in wine by BrettanomyceslDekkera sp.                      .

                                                             TABLE 13
                             Synthesis of volatile phenols by different yeasts from some phenolic acids
                                                                  ~~                        ~                  ~~                        ~

         Phenolic acid              Common name          Saccharomyces                Brettanomycesl                   Phenol            MS
                                                           cerevisiae                    Dekkera                      product       identification
                                                                                                                                      m / z (YO)
                                                     cerevisiae        bayanus intermedius lambicus

Benzoic series
  3,4,5-Trihydroxy-benzoic      Gallic
  4-H yd rox y- benzoic         p-H ydroxy-
  3,5-Dihydroxy-benzoic         Protocatechnic
  4-H ydroxy-3methoxy-benzoic Vanillic
  4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy- Syringic
Cinnamic series (trans isomers)
  Cinnamic                                                -                 -          -            -
  4-Hydroxy-cinnamic            p-Coumaric                +                 +          +            +               4-Vinylphenol    120 ( IOO),
                                                                                                                                      119 (22),
                                                                                                                                  91 (34), 39 (28)
                                                                                                                    4-Ethylphenol     122 (26),
                                                                                                                                     107 (IOO),
                                                                                                                                   91 (41, 77 (7)
  4,5-Dihydroxy-cinnamic            Cafeic                -                 -
  4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-              Ferulic               +                 +                                  4-Vinylguaiacol     150 (97),
   cinnamic                                                                                                                       135 (loo),
                                                                                                                               107 ( 5 3 , 77 (36)
                                                                                                               4-Ethylguaiacol     152 (36),
                                                                                                                                  137 (loo),
                                                                                                                               122 (14), 91 (12)
  4-Hydroxy-3.5-dimethoxy-          Sinapic                                             +            +         4-Vinylsyringol    180 (loo),
   cinnamic                                                                                                                        165 (40).
                                                                                                                               137 (26), 91 (13)
                                                                                                               4-Ethylsyringol     182 (58),
                                                                                                                                  167 (loo),
                                                                                                                                123 (7). 107 (8)
The origin of phenols in wines                                                                                           177

                                                        TABLE 14
                    Influence of procyanidins on the synthesis of volatile phenols by Saccharomyces
                                         cereoisiae and Brettanomyces intermedius

                           Conditions       4- Vinyphenol 4-Ethyiphenol Duration of       Inhibition
                                             @g litre-’)    (pg litre-‘) fermentation        (YO)

                   Control                       34              0            -               -
                    Saccharomy ces              770              0             15              0
                    Saccharomy ces               31              0             15             95
                     + procyanidins
                     (2 g litre-’)
                    Brettanomyces                42           1100            45               0
                    Bret tanomyces                0           3080             18               0
                      + procyanidins
                     (2 g litre-’)

caused by Brettanomyces/Dekkera is found more fre-                            ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
quently in wines than the ‘mousy taint’ attributed to this
yeast genus.                                                   The authors would like to thank Mrs Annick Joyeux, of
   The study of the mechanisms of biosynthesis of the          the Applied Microbiology Laboratory (Prof A Lonvaud)
ethylphenols by BrettanomyceslDekkera has shown the            of the Institute of (Enology of Bordeaux, for supplying
sequential activities of two enzymes not previously            the reference cultures of lactic and acetic bacteria and
described.The first is a CD which assures the decarboxyl-      Miss Cristina Vazquez for her help in the translation of
ation of the cinnamic acids into the corresponding             the text.
vinylphenols. This enzyme has a specificity radically
different from that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. More-
over, the CD activity of BrettanomyceslDekkera is not                                REFERENCES
inhibited by the polyphenolic compounds which are
                                                               Agostini 0 1950 Polimofismo esogene et endogenonei lieviti
active on the enzyme of Saccharomyces (Chatonnet et a1           del genere Brettanomyces l’dgricoltora Italiana 50 193.
1989b; Dubourdieu et a1 1989). The second, is a VPR,           Albagnac G 1975 La decarboxylation des acides cinnamiques
which catalyses the reduction of the vinylphenols into           substitues par les levures. Ann Techno Agric 12 (4) 381-387.
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I78                                                                        P Chatonnet, D Dubourdieit, J-N Boidron, A4 Pons

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