THE ONE TRUE THING - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society

Page created by Cheryl Stevens
THE ONE TRUE THING - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society
Spring 2022

                THE ONE TRUE THING

                                                   David Stroud welcomes one of the Kentucky rescue Huskies to the Blue Ridge Mountains. (see page 6 for full story)

There is so much uncertainty in the         that infamous television commercial                        pets together. We protect families.
world. The daily news chronicles,           that has run for years by one national
and sometimes compounds, these              animal group, there is nothing that we
troubling times. It’s hard to know          do that should make anyone feel sad.                       Our Facebook page, with nearly 25,000
which is worse — the stresses of the        Nothing. Our shelter pets do not languish                  followers, is known as a “happy place”.
known, or the anxiety of the unknown.       behind steel bars and inside cramped                       It’s filled with a daily dose of what you
                                            cages. Our dogs romp and run all day                       will discover on the following pages.
                                            in acres of outdoor play yards, and                        Many folks have told us it’s the first place
But we know this to be true. No             our cats and kittens relax and roam in                     they go online, because they know we
matter what is on tonight’s news or         cageless playrooms and sunlit porches                      will start their morning on a good note.
tomorrow’s social media, no matter          in one of the most modern animal
what happens on the stock market            welfare facilities in North Carolina.
or across the ocean, no matter what                                                                    But much of the rest of the world is
happens to affect our jobs, our homes,                                                                 not always filled with good messages,
and even our health, our pets love us.      Through our rescue work, humane                            or good messengers. So bring your
Unconditionally. It’s the One True Thing.   care, and finding forever homes, we                        worries to your canine and feline
                                            bring people and pets together. We                         companions. Pet their soft fur as you
                                            build families. And through our multiple                   share your troubles. Look into their eyes.
It was not by accident that 10 years        community outreach programs like                           Hold them in your arms. And they will
ago this newsletter was titled “PAWsitive   low-cost and free spay/neuter, low-                        remind you that unconditional love
News”. That’s what we deliver. As a         cost rabies vaccinations, and a free                       conquers all. Of course, you already
no-kill shelter, the Cashiers-Highlands     food pet pantry, we keep people and                        knew that. It’s the One True Thing.
Humane Society celebrates life. Unlike

                                                                                     This is why we do what we do.
THE ONE TRUE THING - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society
From the President
                            of the Board of Directors
                          The challenges have been         at a time, day after day.
                          great, but the rewards           Funding is always a major
                          have been even greater.          concern for “not for profit”   Gary Maddox with his
                          CHHS has been navigating         organizations. When we         adopted CHHS shelter
                          through these unchartered        had to cancel our last
                                                                                          rescue dog, Willie.
828-743-5752              waters and ever changing         and only Gala Event for   regulations surprisingly well.   the season, we had to
                          While fundraising efforts        scramble, and scramble         rehabilitating, reuniting and
P.O. Box 638              had to be delayed and in         we did! Some say that          finding new forever homes
Cashiers, NC 28717        some cases reinvented, the       “necessity is the Mother       for our canine and feline
                          communities of Sapphire,         of Invention”. On short        companions. We got to see
Board of Directors        Cashiers and Highlands           notice, we put together        firsthand the dedication
                                                                                          and commitment of our
President                                                                                 employees to not let the
Gary Maddox                                                                               standard of care decrease
                           “Goodwill is something you                                     for our animals even
                                                                                          though the staff had to be
Vice President
Keith Crawford             have to earn one day at a                                      reduced to the minimum
                                                                                          to survive the pandemic.
                             time, day after day.”                                        It is a testimony to their
Treasurer                                                                                 commitment that they saw
Matt Cole                                                                                 this as a mission and not
                          continued     to  provide        the Inaugural “Putts for       just a job.
Secretary                 their steady and caring          Paws” Golf Tournament
MaryAnne Bond             support throughout 2021          at the beautiful Cullasaja
                          and into 2022. Increased         Country Club. Not only was     None of us know what
                          numbers of volunteers,           it a success, it was fun!      the future will bring, but
Dick Dickinson            foster home providers and                                       with your support you
Bill Gilmore              dog walkers have helped                                         can count on us to do our
Mark Quick                tremendously.      CHHS’s        We continue to maintain        best to provide a safe and
                          success depends on the           flexibility in providing our   healthy environment for all
Courtney Scarborough                                                                      the furry friends in our care.
                          goodwill and generosity          service to enable us to
Wade St. John                                              meet       CDC    mandates
                          of our community and we
David Stroud              cannot thank you enough          and comply with all the
Beth Turek                for your support.                protocols for safety as they   Here’s wishing everyone
                                                           change. We will continue       a happier, healthier and
Pam Watson                                                                                more peaceful year!
                                                           to perform our duties as
                          CHHS realizes that goodwill      an essential service to the
STAFF:                    is not something we can          public and the animals that
Executive Director        take for granted. We             come under our blanket of      Gary Maddox, President
David Stroud              respect that it is something     care. We continue with our     CHHS Board of Directors
                          you have to earn one day         lifesaving work of rescuing,
Shelter Manager
Kaitlyn Moss

Assistant Manager
Jodi Henkel                                                                          Add a smile to your shopping and
                                                                                     support the CHHS shelter pets at
                                                                                     the same time! AmazonSmile is the
Development Coordinator                                                              same Amazon you know – same
Brooke Fowler                                                                        products, same prices, same
                                                                                     service. Each purchase you make
Kennel Techs                                                                         when you start from the CHHS
Ashlyn Luker                                                                         page on AmazonSmile (at the link
Brooke Sneed                                                                         below) will generate a donation to
                                                                                     help the animals at the Cashiers-
Caitlin Tingen
                                                                                         Highlands Humane Society!
Emma Galloway
Kim Moss                                                                   
Megan Jenkins
Morgan Connor
Sydney Jones
                          2 | Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society PAWsitive News | Spring 2022
THE ONE TRUE THING - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society
Whiskers, Wags & Whiskey
                                        An all-new event at an all-new venue sets the stage for the first in-person fundraising
                                        event in three years for the Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society. This brand
                                        new fundraiser and “fun-raiser” for the animals is Whiskers, Wags & Whiskey at
                                        the beautiful Wildcat Cliffs Country Club on Wednesday, June 29th at 5:30pm.

                                        The evening will feature a live and silent auction combined with a magnificent dinner
                                        and beer, wine and spirits. Live music will be provided by George Skaroulis. His Chopin-
                                        styled, gentle ambient piano music has been embraced by romantics, spa industry
                                        professionals, surgeons and teachers, as well as the Atlanta Humane Society to
                                        calm anxious pets waiting for adoption. George has graciously donated 100% of his
                                        appearance fee and travel expenses to benefit the Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society.

                                        A highlight of this preeminent fundraiser for the Cashiers-Highlands Humane
                                        Society will be the presentation of the coveted awards for “CHHS Humane
                                        Heroes of the Year”. Awards will be bestowed to recipients who have significantly
                                        contributed their time, heart and resources to help further the mission of
                                        CHHS on behalf of the abandoned and neglected animals in our community.

                                       Whiskers, Wags & Whiskey is limited to just 200 guests. Tickets are $195 per person and
                                       tables of 10 can be reserved for $1,800. A portion of the ticket/table purchase is a
                                       generous, tax-deductible contribution to support our lifesaving mission of rescue, spay/
                                       neuter and adoption, and community outreach programs such as humane education,
summer camps, rabies vaccination clinics, pet therapy and a free food pet pantry. A fundraiser for the CHHS shelter pets is always
the “must-attend” party for party animals on the plateau and sells out quickly. Reserve your seats today by calling (828)743-5769.

                                                       Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society PAWsitive News |       Spring 2022 |   3
THE ONE TRUE THING - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society
Critter Camp

After having to suspend our immensely-popular humane education Critter
                                                                                 Chewy Wish List
Camp program in 2020 due to COVID-19, we were thrilled to bring the              If you shop on Chew
                                                                                 fo r your pets, you know thei r
program back in 2021. All three weeks of the summer day camp program             products a re g reat, and
last year were completely booked within days of opening up for registration.     thei r customer ser vice is the
Our critter campers learned essential skills about responsible pet ownership,    absolute best! And now we
dog bite prevention, and the importance of spay/neuter, arming them with         have our ver y own wish l ist on
the tools they need to be our animal welfare ambassadors of tomorrow.            Chew y with ideas fo r treats,
                                                                                 toys, food and suppl ies fo r
The future of animal welfare really doesn’t have much to do with animals.        our shelter pets. Enter the l ink
                                                                                 below on your b rowser and
That may sound strange but it’s true. The future of animal welfare actually      you’ll discover the cur rent
has everything to do with children. If we teach children kindness towards        goodies wish l ist fo r our cats,
animals, compassion for their survival, and a respect for the habitat that we    dogs, puppies and k itties.
share… then it is not much of a stretch to believe that these kids will grow     Please bookma r k the page to
up to respect others who are different from themselves, who will be kind         keep coming back each time
to each other, and who will work together to make our beautiful plateau          you shop on Chew
a safe, friendly, and welcoming home for all creatures great and small.          h t t p s : // w w w. c h e w y. c o m /g /
                                                                                 ca s h i e r s - h i g h l a nd s - h u m a n e -
Critter Camp 2022 is a one-week summer day camp (9:30am-3:30pm) with             s o c i et y_ b752 0 0 8 5 0 # w i s h - l i s t
three weeks scheduled this year: June 20-24, July 11-15 and August 1-5.
Registration is open for rising 1st-5th graders and each week is limited to 10   We a re so g rateful fo r all
campers. Registration is $250 per camper and scholarships are available.         your suppo r t fo r the animals
                                                                                 we save and ca re fo r each
                                                                                 yea r, and this is just another
       For more information, please email               way you can help us help the
                                                                                 animals in need. Thank you!

4 | Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society PAWsitive News | Spring 2022
THE ONE TRUE THING - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society
CHHS is oftentimes referred to as “The Next-Best Thing to a Forever Home”. While they are in our care,
dogs romp and run in acres of outdoor play yards, and puppies play in the Bev & John Monaco Puppy
Pavilion. Cats relax and roam in cageless rooms and sunlit porches in the new CHHS Feline Adoption
& Animal Care Center, and feline youngsters scamper in the Sieglinde & Jack Gillfillan Kitten Nursery.

As a no-kill shelter, we never give up on the animals. Our shelter pets have all the time they need in “The
Next-Best Thing” until we can find for them “The Best Thing” – a forever home with a loving family. Here
are just a few of the many longer-term CHHS residents who have recently found their forever homes.

DAISY                                        RENA                                           CHESTER
ARRIVED AT CHHS: JUNE 2021                   ARRIVED AT CHHS: MAY 2021                      ARRIVED AT CHHS: JANUARY 2018
ADOPTED: FEBRUARY 2022                       ADOPTED: FEBRUARY 2022                         ADOPTED: JANUARY 2022

                                                                                            DAPHNE & ROSEMARY
PAXTON                                       SIERRA                                         ARRIVED AT CHHS: NOVEMBER 2020 (DAPHNE)
ARRIVED AT CHHS: JULY 2020                   ARRIVED AT CHHS: DECEMBER 2020                 ADOPTED: FEBRUARY 2022
ADOPTED: SEPTEMBER 2021                      ADOPTED: JANUARY 2022                          ARRIVED AT CHHS: JULY 2021 (ROSEMARY)
                                                                                            ADOPTED: FEBRUARY 2022
                                    We rejoice w ith eve r y si ng le one of the
     Stumpy’s Story                 hund reds of adoptions we do each yea r,
                                    but the re is no g reate r feel i ng than g ivi ng
                                    safe refuge to lost pets and then reuniti ng
 them w ith thei r lovi ng fami ly. Compound that joy by 8 -fold w ith the sto r y
 of Stumpy. We have ca red fo r this s weet boy eve r si nce he was found
 wande r i ng as a stray i n May 2 0 21. And then just a few week s ago – 8
 months af te r Stumpy a r r ived at ou r no - k i l l shelte r, we received this emai l:

 “Hey! We have a question about Stumpy! Do you have any mo re pictu res
 of hi m? We lost ou r fami ly dog Lenny last May and we thi nk this is hi m!”

 Stumpy’s humans, who l ive i n anothe r count y, came across ou r
 website and sent us that emai l. We compa red notes, pictu res and
 vet reco rds and the re was no doubt Stumpy was/ is, i ndeed, Lenny.
 When the fami ly was reunited i n the lobby of the CHH S Cani ne
 Adoption Cente r, the re we re plent y of happy smi les to be found.

 A day late r the fami ly sent us anothe r pictu re w ith the caption:
 “Someone was ve r y happy to have Lenny (Stumpy) home.”

 And al l of us at CHH S a re just as happy. We love f i ndi ng new
 fami l ies fo r the ani mal s we rescue and ca re fo r. And we
 love even mo re reuniti ng fami l ies w ith thei r lost loved ones.

                                                        Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society PAWsitive News |         Spring 2022 |   5
THE ONE TRUE THING - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society
And Kentucky Makes 8
Alabama. Florida. Georgia.             “The BISSELL Pet Foundation
Mississippi. South Carolina.           is grateful for the compassion
Tennessee. And all across              and expertise within the
North Carolina from the                Cashiers-Highlands    Humane
mountains to the Outer Banks.          Society that makes them a vital
What do all these places have          partner in situations like this.
in common? The Cashiers-               These are very lucky dogs!”
Highlands Humane Society
Animal Rescue Team has been
                                       Arriving back at the 10-acre
there to help save lives. CHHS
                                       campus of the CHHS shelter
recently added state #8 to our
                                       with the rescued dogs, staff
rescue map when we made
                                       had already set aside six
the 12-hour round-trip drive to
                                       of their fourteen play yards
Louisville, Kentucky to help with
                                       for the new residents. The
transport for canine survivors of
                                       scene that followed would
a large-scale suspected puppy
                                       have brought the most hard-
mill. More than 100 large-breed
                                       hearted person to tears.
dogs, mostly Siberian Huskies,
were discovered living in
outdoor kennels or on chains,          “These six brave canine
all of them found in unsanitary        survivors, who only knew life on a
and inhumane conditions.               chain or in a cramped outdoor
                                       kennel smaller than a broom
                                       closet, got to stretch their legs
Through a friendship with the
                                       and run for the first time in their
national BISSELL Pet Foundation,
                                       lives,” said David Stroud. “To see
CHHS was contacted and
                                       them romp, run and play, drink
asked for help. Within hours of
                                       clean water, breathe fresh
that request, the CHHS Animal
                                       air… it reminded all of us that
Rescue Team was on the road
                                       this is why we do what we do.”
to meet representatives of the
Kentucky Humane Society
and assist with transport
of six dogs who found safe
refuge at our no-kill shelter.

“This was a very difficult case
due to the size and volume
of dogs,” said Kim Alboum,
Director of Shelter Outreach and
Policy Development for BISSELL.

6 | Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society PAWsitive News | Spring 2022
THE ONE TRUE THING - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society
Largest Rescue Since 2018
                                                                               Of the 42 dogs, 33 found safe
                                                                               refuge    at   the     CHHS   Canine
                                                                               Adoption Center and the other
                                                                               nine dogs were taken to PAWS
                                                                               Bryson City in Swain County. Thirty
                                                                               of the 33 dogs at CHHS were
                                                                               puppies, some as young as six
                                                                               weeks old, and the remaining
                                                                               three dogs aged in range from
                                                                               one to three years. All of these
                                                                               brave canine survivors received
                                                                               any and all necessary veterinary
                                                                               care and spay/neuter surgery. It
On February 11, 2022 the Cashiers-      highest level of compassionate         didn’t take long for every single
Highlands      Humane        Society    care and the promise of a new          one of them to find new forever
conducted their largest rescue          life in a loving forever home.         homes here on the plateau.
mission since 2018. The CHHS
Animal Rescue team traveled to          “We’ve been great friends with
Pickens, South Carolina to provide      Kim and her team for years,” said
assistance in a large-scale puppy       Stroud. “We’re always happy to
mill of 166 dogs. Staff from Anderson   help when they call. This is our
County PAWS was on the scene            third rescue with them in the past
and their director, Dr. Kim Sanders,    three years but by far the largest.
reached out to CHHS Executive           In fact, this is the largest rescue
Director David Stroud for help. A       we have been a part of since
total of 42 dogs, mostly puppies,       we evacuated the Outer Banks
were brought back to the Blue           SPCA of 72 animals on the eve
Ridge Mountains and given the           of Hurricane Florence in 2018.”

                                                 Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society PAWsitive News |   Spring 2022 |   7
THE ONE TRUE THING - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society
The Park on Main
Our innovative foster par tnership with The Par k on Main hotel
in Highlands began in 2015. Our fr iends at this beautiful pet-
fr iendly hotel foster a dog from CHHS and allow the luck y pup
to live in the lap of luxur y, featur ing among other things: a
pr ivate dog par k, gour met treats and or thopedic dog beds.
In the past seven years, dozens of CHHS shelter dogs have met
thei r new forever families while they were guests at the hotel.
COVID -19 forced a “pause” in our wonder ful par tnership for
a while, but in 202 2 we have al ready been blessed with four
CHHS shelter pups enjoying a foster- dog - in - residence at a
luxur y hotel most humans could only dream of. THANK YOU
to our animal - loving fr iends at The Par k on Main for opening
your hear ts – and your gorgeous hotel – for a CHHS shelter pet!

   Bo’s Story
                        Our Adopting Angels have traveled from 25 different states to our
                        little piece of paradise in the Blue Ridge
                        Mountains to meet thei r new best
   fr iend. It war ms our hear t to know that half the countr y
   has exper ienced the unconditional love of a CHHS
   shelter pet! Our newest traveling animal ambassador
   for Cashiers and Highlands is Bo, a three -year- old Pit
   Bull Ter r ier mix we rescued last year after he was found
   wander ing as a stray. Bo has a new loving mom and dad
   and a brand new forever home in…Staten Island, New Yor k!

Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society PAWsitive News |   Spring 2022 | 8
THE ONE TRUE THING - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society
Inaugural Putts Fore Paws
The Cashiers-Highlands Humane
Society staged its inaugural golf
tournament at the Arnold Palmer
designed championship course
at The Cullasaja Club on October
11, 2021. A total of 72 golfers
participated,   vying   for    crystal
awards presented for Inaugural
Team Champion and a chance
for a hole-in-one to win a new Ford
Bronco provided by Hammond
& Mitzi Rauers and Franklin Ford.
                                                                                tournament     a   success.     We’re
                                         It was a beautiful day on a            already making plans for the 2nd
Local   businesses   and      animal
                                         beautiful golf course and the          annual Putts Fore Paws in 2022!
lovers sponsored each hole on
                                         Cullasaja Club was a fantastic
the course with tee box signs                                                     2nd Annual Putts Fore Paws
                                         host. Everyone had a great time
depicting   personal    pets     and
                                         and we raised much-needed
shelter dogs and cats, and raffle                                                  Monday, October 10, 2022
                                         funds to care for the animals
ticket buyers contributed for a                                                        The Cullasaja Club
                                         at our no-kill shelter. We are so
chance to win a new Bobby                                                             For more information,
                                         grateful for our host venue, all the
Grace putter. The total proceeds                                                          please email:
                                         golfers, sponsors, and volunteers
of the event raised more than
                                         who made our inaugural golf
$30,000 for the humane society.

                                                  Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society PAWsitive News |   Spring 2022 |   9
THE ONE TRUE THING - Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society
Humane Hero of the Year
                                                                        Our hear tfelt congratulations to our
                                                                        2021 CHHS Humane Hero of the Year
                                                                        Hedy Okolichany! Last year Hedy
                                                                        celebrated her 10th anniversar y as
                                                                        an awesome and much -beloved
                                                                        CHHS Volunteer. We presented Hedy
                                                                        with her award at the conclusion of
                                                                        a CHHS Hikers for Hounds outing at
                                                                        Fai r field Lake in Sapphi re followed
                                                                        by a volunteer appreciation picnic.
                                                                        THANK YOU Hedy for a decade
                                                                        of      ser vice  and   unparalleled
                                                                        compassion for the shelter animals
                                                                        at CHHS. You are a hero to us all!

                                       To say that the last t wo
    Thank You!                         years have been financially
                                                                                        Please consider a
                                                                                   tax-deductible gift to support
                                       challenging would be an                          our lifesaving work.
extreme understatement. If it were not for your generous
suppor t, we could not have continued to save all the                               By mail: CHHS, P.O. Box 638,
                                                                                        Cashiers, NC 28717
animals in need in our communit y, and when we had
the space and resources, to help our animal fr iends in
                                                                                  To charge your donation with a
cr isis in neighbor ing states. We thank you, so ver y, ver y                         credit card: Please call
much for your kind and compassionate suppor t. We also                                     (828)743-5769
wish to thank and recognize the generous grants we
have received from The Wade Hampton Donor Advised                                        To donate online:
                                                                                         Visit our website
Fund, Cullasaja Women’s Outreach, the Sher r y Chappell
Cooper Foundation, Mountain Findings, the Cashiers
                                                                                  and click on the red “Donate”
Communit y Fund of the Communit y Foundation of Western                            button at the top right of the
Nor th Carolina, and the BISSELL Pet Foundation. We have                                   home page.
saved more lives and found more forever homes because
of you. From the bottom of our hear t and from the top of                                Thank you for your

the highest mountain, we shout out loud… THANK YOU!                                      generous support!

Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society PAWsitive News |   Spring 2022 | 10
From the Executive Director
Dear Friends of CHHS,                 unimaginable
                                      loss. 2021 was
Spring is a time of new life, and     particularly
renewed life. For those of us who     heartbreaking for
live full time on the plateau, it’s   my family, when
a time to shake off the winter        in the span of just
chill, recharge our batteries         a few months I
and look forward to a new             said     goodbye
season with new friendships,          to three of my
and        renewed     friendships.   seniors - Hemi
                                      at age 12, Max
Despite     the    unprecedented      at 13, and the
challenges that faced us all in the   most challenging
past two years, we have much          and rewarding
to look forward to in 2022. We will   foster    of   my
host our first in-person fundraiser   life,    Grandpa
since 2019, an all-new event at       Jones     at   the                      and in the future, no matter how
an all-new venue — Whiskers,          age of 14. As we all know,              crazy or confusing our world may
Wags & Whiskey at Wildcat Cliffs      saying goodbye is the hardest           be, we will never waver from our
Country Club on June 29th.            part of pet companionship.              lifesaving mission. For 35 years,
We look forward to more off-                                                  the Cashiers-Highlands Humane
site adoption events and the          But as the picture and caption          Society has been a beacon of
                                      above states that was graciously        hope for the lost, the abandoned,
                                      featured by our friends at The          the abused and the neglected.
   “For 35 years, the                 Highlander       newspaper       last   Just as we know that we can count
   Cashiers-Highlands                 November, I would do it all over        on our pets for unconditional
                                      again. Why, so many of my               love, animals in need have
   Humane Society has                 friends and family have asked.          known they can count on us, too.
   been a beacon of                   Are you a masochist, a glutton
   hope for the lost, the             for punishment? Not at all, I           It’s the One True Thing.
                                      replied. You see, I have been
   abandoned, the abused
                                      the beneficiary of unconditional        For the Animals,
   and the neglected.”                love. It’s the greatest, most joyous
                                      feeling in the world. No matter
                                      how difficult 2021 was, no matter
continuation of our very popular      how great the stresses of the world
summer camp program. And              could be, Hemi, Max and Grandpa         David Stroud
we are hopeful (paws crossed)         Jones loved me each and every           Executive Director
that as we make our way out of        day unconditionally. Compound
                                                                              Cashiers-Highlands Humane
this terrible pandemic, we will       that miracle of love with the fact
see more smiles that have been        that they — despite my greatest         Society
hidden for so long behind masks.      efforts and the best of veterinary
                                      care — were hurting, too.
Last year was so hard for all of
us. We all suffered and sacrificed    Despite whatever changes and
in many ways, and also endured        challenges that may face us now

                                              Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society PAWsitive News |   Spring 2022 |   11
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 P.O. Box 638
 P.O. Box 638
 Cashiers, NC 28717
 Cashiers, NC 28717

                                        Your destination for unconditional
                                             destination for               love!
                                                             unconditional love!
                                     One ofofthe
                                                   most picturesque
                                                             picturesqueno-kill shelters
                                                                             no-kill      in the
                                     United  States,  the    Cashiers-Highlands
                                     in the United States, the Cashiers-Highlands     Humane
                                     Humaneis nestled
                                                          is nestledten   rolling acres
                                                                       amongst            in the
                                                                                    ten rolling
                                     Blue Ridge   Mountains,     surrounded     by
                                     acres in the Blue Ridge Mountains, surrounded the   natural
      beauty  of scenic
      by the natural      forests,
                      beauty    of mountains   and mountains
                                   scenic forests,  rivers. Dogsand  romp   and run
                                                                         rivers.  Dogs in romp
      acre play  yards,  and   felines interact  and   play   in  cageless   community
      and run in multi-acre play yards, and felines interact and play in cageless            cat
      rooms. Since  1987,  CHHS  has  rescued,  cared   for, and   found
      community cat rooms. Since 1987, CHHS has rescued, cared for, and    forever   homes    for
      thousands  of abandoned       and  neglected   animals.
      found forever homes for thousands of abandoned and neglected animals.
           Visit thethe
             Visit     Cashiers-Highlands
                         Cashiers-HighlandsHumane      Societytoday
                                              Humane Society    today
               – it’s  your destination   for unconditional   love!
                  – it’s your destination for unconditional love!
                        ADOPT             VOLUNTEER
                                          VOlunTeer                  DONATE
  || (828)
                                       (828) 743-5752
                                             743-5752 |
                                                      | Hwy
                                                        Hwy 64
                                                            64 East,
                                                               East, 22 miles
                                                                                        Cashiers   Crossroads
Established in
             in 1987,
                1987, Cashiers-Highlands
                      Cashiers-Highlands Humane
                                            Humane Society
                                                     Society is
                                                             is a
                                                                a private
                                                                  private 501(c)(3)
                                                                          501(c)(3) not-for-profit
                                                                                    not-for-profit animal
                                                                                                   animal welfare
                                                                                                          welfare organization
                                                                                                                  organization and
                                                                                                                                 and no-kill
                                                                                                                                      no-kill shelter.
                                                                                                                                              shelter. We
                                                                                                                                                       We receive
no federal,
    federal, state,
             state, or
                    or county
                       county tax
                               tax dollars,
                                    dollars, and
                                             and no
                                                  no funding
                                                     funding from
                                                              from any
                                                                    any national
                                                                         national animal
                                                                                  animal welfare
                                                                                          welfare organization.
                                                                                                    organization. CHHS
                                                                                                                  CHHS relies
                                                                                                                        relies solely
                                                                                                                               solely on
                                                                                                                                      on donations,
                                                                                                                                         donations, grants,
                                                                                                                                                       grants, be-
quests and
        and special
             special events
                      events to
                             to further
                                further our
                                        our mission
                                             mission of
                                                     of rescue,
                                                        rescue, compassionate
                                                                compassionate care,
                                                                                 care, and
                                                                                       and finding
                                                                                             finding forever
                                                                                                     forever homes
                                                                                                             homes for
                                                                                                                    for abandoned
                                                                                                                        abandoned and  and neglected
                                                                                                                                            neglected animals.
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