The Olympic STadium London, United Kingdom -

Page created by Gilbert Pena
The Olympic STadium London, United Kingdom -

The Olympic Stadium
London, United Kingdom

         “The Olympic Stadium will set the      bringing UK Athletics, Essex County Cricket       been vaguely addressed, though the club has
         bar for all future Olympics,” said     Club and events manager Live Nation with          revealed it is in discussions with Populous
         John Barrow, a senior principal at     them in a project backed by local authority       over a potential UK£10m (US$16.2 million)
lead Olympic architects Populous, in a recent   Newham Council and construction giant             conversion to retractable seating. The pressure
interview with SportsPro. “The 2012 Olympics    Westfield. An olive branch has also been          on West Ham to deliver is substantial, but
will be the most sustainable Olympics ever.”    offered to League One club Leyton Orient          the potential benefits for all parties are just
A bold statement and a noble ambition, one      – the closest soccer team to the Olympic          as significant. For some time, UK Athletics
which now partly rests in the hands of soccer   Stadium whose opposition has been strongly        has been in dire need of a stadium capable
club West Ham United, its owners David          expressed – in the form of a promise to make      of hosting elite competitions and operating
Sullivan and David Gold and its vice-chairman   the 60,000 capacity venue available for their     as a genuine commercial centre. If their
Karren Brady. London 2012 will be blessed       biggest fixtures. The fractious bidding process   cohabitation with West Ham is a success, it
with a generous array of cleverly conceived     took on an almost ideological dimension.          will not only buttress the long-term future
venues whose use will not yield a long-term     Backed by AEG, north London-based                 of what remains a popular sport in Britain,
burden. The future of the centrepiece,          Spurs’ pitch was commercially impressive          but also provide a workable model for similar
however, has been bitterly disputed since the   but derided by some of their own fans as a        groundshares elsewhere – just as the practice
original 25,000-seat downgrade was scrapped     betrayal of their local community in Haringey,    is becoming discredited. West Ham’s pledge to
as financially unviable following the global    while their offer to fund a revamp of UK          buck a nationwide trend and make thousands
economic crisis. In March, the Olympic Park     Athletics’ undesirable Crystal Palace home was    of tickets for every home game available at
Legacy Committee (OPLC) chose West              dismissed as patronising. West Ham, on the        highly affordable prices should also prove
Ham’s multi-purpose proposal over that of       other hand, have struggled to convince some       popular with young people and families, and
Premier League rivals Tottenham Hotspur,        observers that they can make the numbers          give the stadium more of a community feel.
which would have resulted in the semi-          on their offering add up, particularly in the     The project remains something of a leap in
demolition and rebuilding of the stadium and    light of their recent relegation to England’s     the dark, but if it lands safely, the Olympic
expulsion of athletics. Barring the success     second-tier Npower Championship. The              Stadium will fulfil London’s promise of
of court proceedings issued by Tottenham,       realities of accommodating soccer, athletics      a meaningful and sustainable legacy with
the Hammers will take up residence in 2014,     and cricket within the same facility have only    something to spare.

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The Olympic STadium London, United Kingdom -
Roland Garros
Paris, France

          The French Tennis Federation’s              The upshot of this is that the FFT will be       coming from public funds. A roof will
          (FFT) February 2011 decision to keep     hoping to weave the history and prestige of         be added to the Court Philippe Chatrier
          the French Open at Roland Garros         the existing venue into a truly world-class         – the principal arena on the site – with
was described by director general Gilbert          proposition – one which meets the highest           its various stands systematically updated
Ysern as “probably the most important since        modern standards in terms of hospitality and        and its capacity expanded. Furthermore a
its creation.” The two-week long Grand             facilities for spectators and the media. Ysern is   5,000-seater court will be built amongst the
Slam tennis tournament brings in 90 per            clear about his ambitions for the project.          leafy gardens and greenhouses of the Serres
cent of the organisation’s overall revenue.           “The goal is not to have more, but to            d’Auteuil in order to replace the adjacent
Understandably, then, the comprehensive            treat our people better than we do at the           circular-shaped court number one, which
five to seven year redevelopment of the host       moment, be it the players, or the public, or        is to be demolished and transformed into
venue, worth roughly US$430 million, will be       the sponsors, or our guests in the hospitality      a wide-open space to meet the demands
Ysern’s primary preoccupation for some time        areas,” says Ysern. “Really, the purpose is         of the crowds expected to gather prior
to come.                                           to try and be the nicest event and the top          to newly planned night sessions. Lastly,
   Roland Garros is not the only Grand Slam        quality event in the world rather than being        a covered 14,500 capacity stadium with a
venue set for an upgrade. Following years of       biggest in terms of numbers of spectators,          retractable roof will be constructed from
change at Wimbledon, where the All England         number of acres or whatever.”                       scratch at nearby Porte d’Auteuil, roughly
Club have installed a roof on Centre Court            Deep red clay and spectacular on-court           1km east of the tennis complex, alongside
and dramatically revamped No.1 Court and           rallies make the French Open unique among           a new state-of-the-art media centre and
No.2 Court, Australian Open hosts Melbourne        Grand Slams, and the city of Paris’ 99-year         luxurious panoramic restaurant.
Park are to significantly increase their overall   lease agreement with the FFT represents a              “The facility in five, six, or seven years
capacity and fit a roof on the Margaret Court      major commitment to the tournament and its          time will be nothing like that which exists
Arena. Unlike those, however, Roland Garros        famous old home. This is mirrored in the scale      today. We’re going to make more room for
was subjected to a competitive bidding process     of the FFT’s investment.                            the various people that make a success of the
in which it saw off the challenges of larger,         Starting in 2012 the project will be funded      event, starting with the players, the media,
more expensive new-build sites at Gonesse,         almost entirely by France’s tennis authorities      sponsors and, very importantly, the general
Versailles and Marne-la-Vallé.                     with just five per cent of the overall budget       public,” concludes Ysern.

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The Olympic STadium London, United Kingdom -

New Corinthians Stadium
São Paulo, Brazil

         The last time Brazil hosted the Fifa       undermined when Fifa rejected São Paulo             in their careers. Even if international interest
         World Cup, in 1950, a shock defeat in      FC’s 70,000-seater Estádio do Morumbi               in the Brasileirão grows gradually, Brazil
         the final game to Uruguay cost them        because of concerns over financial guarantees       is potentially among the biggest domestic
the chance of a first world title and inflicted a   regarding its renovation. After a period of no      markets for the game in the world. With the
deep wound on the national psyche. A lifetime       little uncertainty, Corinthians have stepped        World Cup heralding the demise of some of
later and it is hard to imagine that failure        into the breach. A tax incentive deal with the      the country’s outdated concrete bowls, the
by the seleção to win what would be their           city council has allowed the club to raise the      Itaquera leads a generation of new stadiums
sixth world title in 2014 could prompt such         capacity of its proposed Itaquera stadium           which should transform the earning potential
mournful introspection, but embarrassment           from 48,500 to 65,000, in line with Fifa’s          of top Brazilian clubs. CDCA Arquitetos
off the field could easily check the stride of      demands. Despite this breakthrough, doubts          have designed a distinctive, modern venue
an increasingly prosperous and confident            remain over whether it can be delivered on          with a retractable roof and ample facilities for
nation. With three years to go until kick-          time. Building work has yet to begin, and it has    hospitality and conferencing. It is a prospect
off, familiar organisational problems are           already been confirmed that the venue will not      far removed from Corinthians’ current home,
hampering preparations for the event – which        be ready in time for the dress rehearsal, the       the historic but somewhat crude Estádio do
itself comes two years ahead of Brazil’s            2013 Fifa Confederations Cup. The stakes are        Pacaembu. Already one of Brazil’s highest
first Olympic Games in Rio. Infrastructural         high for São Paulo, which will be eliminated        earning clubs, Corinthians believe the new
upgrades, particularly to the country’s             from the list of host cities if the project         venue will earn them somewhere in the region
airport network, are behind schedule, as are        founders – an outcome which would also do           of US$62 million a year, quickly justifying
several stadium projects. Nowhere is the            substantial damage to Brazil’s reputation. Yet      their outlay on its construction. The success
problem more acute than in São Paulo, the           national pride is not the only issue in play        of developments like this one would bring
country’s most populous city, home to 20            here. Brazilian club soccer is on the rise: young   domestic soccer in Brazil to commercial
million of its people and a handful of its          prospects like Neymar are waiting longer to         maturity, at the very moment a well-run World
greatest soccer clubs. Its hopes of hosting         make the trip out to Europe, while superstars       Cup might be showcasing a country ready for
the opening game looked to have been fatally        are making the return trip earlier and earlier      a new international role.

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The Olympic STadium London, United Kingdom -
Barclays Center
New York, USA

         “I honestly believe,” says New          market in over 60 years.                         million people within 45 minutes.”
         Jersey Nets minority owner Bruce           “The other thing is the Brooklyn factor,”        Prokhorov’s takeover has arguably made
         Ratner, “that in America we do          Ratner declares. “Brooklyn is like no other      the Nets the most international team in the
sometimes build an arena with some               place on earth.” Much will be made of            NBA, so it is perhaps fitting that they are the
semblance of architectural taste, and            the return of a major league sports team         first franchise in US sport to sell the naming
architecturally it’s great.”                     to Brooklyn for the first time since the         rights to their arena to an organisation
   Few would disagree with such an appraisal     heartbreaking flight of the Dodgers to           based outside the country. London-based
of the forthcoming Barclays Center, future       LA in 1957. The move is neatly timed.            Barclays will be that headline sponsor, and
home of the Brooklyn Nets. Its designers         Brooklyn is New York’s largest borough;          partnerships with the likes of IMG, Lagardère
at the award-winning SHoP architecture           the majority of its increasingly affluent 2.6    Unlimited and Golden Boy Promotions will
firm have presented what might be the            million inhabitants work elsewhere in the        ensure the arena becomes more than just the
most ambitious and aesthetically pleasing        city, and more and more of them are young        home of a basketball team.
indoor arena ever constructed in the United      professionals commuting to Manhattan. The           “There are no inside venues of any size
States. Their assured touch, says Ratner, is     Barclays Center and its surrounding Atlantic     except for Madison Square Garden in a
apparent “in and out” of the venue. Chief        Yards development will be situated right at      city of 8.5 million people with an excellent
executive of real estate developers Forest       the heart of the Tri-State area, with arteries   transportation system,” Ratner says. “It’s a
City Ratner Group, Ratner was central to         leading off in every direction.                  place where entertainment and things to do
the move to Brooklyn even before selling            “The public transportation is so intense at   are incredible, but there are no large venues
his majority stake in the team to Russian        that spot,” says Ratner. “There are probably     where you can have a major boxing match,
billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov in 2010. The       more transit lines that link underground         other than Madison Square Garden. But
team’s relocation in the summer of 2012          there than any place in New York City.           Madison Square Garden has three teams
will bring an end to a “nine-year project” to    You can get to that arena from Long              there; it has hockey, it has basketball and it has
get to New York City. With no NBA titles         Island, which has two million people; from       women’s basketball, so you don’t have as many
since their arrival in 1976, the Nets are used   anywhere in the city, which has 8.5 million;     nights available. So there’s a tremendous need,
to being one of the least heralded franchises    and New Jersey and Westchester, which is         which we’re finding now and we knew in the
in American sport. Now they are behind           our northern suburb, quite rapidly via public    beginning, for another venue for both sports
the most dramatic reshaping of its biggest       transportation. You’ve probably got 12           and for entertainment.”

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Lusail Iconic Stadium
Doha, Qatar

         Many eyebrows and no few               be the incorporation of photo-voltaic             shipped elsewhere and used again.
         objections were raised when Qatar      panels. The solar-powered air conditioning           Daniel Cordey is the market chief
         was awarded the 2022 Fifa World        system, which will be standard issue across       executive of Swiss modular stadium
Cup in December. Leaving aside the              Qatar’s World Cup venues, will supposedly         specialists Nüssli, who were consultants
allegations of foul play that continue to       allow players and supporters to enjoy the         on both the Qatari and Russian World
haunt the bid, there remain serious concerns    conditions of late European spring while          Cup bids. Nüssli have been involved in
over the practicality of hosting such a large   producing zero carbon emissions. The              temporary seating projects for many years,
tournament in such a small – and hot –          system has so far only been installed in          but Cordey admits that the Qatar project
territory. Those responsible for the bid,       the 500-seat ‘Showcase’ stadium at Khalifa        will take the modular concept further than
however, believe they have a package of         Sports City, but organisers are confident that    ever before. “What started in London for
solutions – both elegant and aggressive – to    the technology will be ready. Solar panels        the first time,” he says, “with the basketball
meet a daunting set of challenges. Even         will also shield parking and service areas,       hall and the Olympic Stadium, where
allowing for the many modifications possible    with the energy generated used to power           relocatable solutions or demountable
in the years ahead, it is a project which       the stadium when it is in use, as well as the     solutions are being showcased, will continue
seems certain to be acutely influential.        surrounding buildings.                            and is probably seen most effectively in
   The Lusail Iconic Stadium is both               Qatar may have the world’s fastest growing     Qatar in 2022.”
emblematic of this strategy and its most        population, but its size still bears comparison      The success of the Qatar bid and the
dramatic expression. Wembley Stadium            with that of Trinidad and Tobago – the            trend towards more flexible solutions could
designers Foster + Partners are behind the      smallest country ever to participate in a         also alter the priorities of governing bodies
86,250-seater venue, which will be built        World Cup finals tournament. There will be        when it comes to organising major events.
to the north of the capital, Doha, and is       no need, in short, for a collection of world         “It’s certainly a good sign for small
slated to host the final. When completed in     class soccer stadiums in Qatar once the           countries that they have a fair chance to
2019, it will be set in a body of water, with   Fifa bandwagon has rolled on. With that in        participate and there are technical solutions
spectators crossing the ‘moat’ by any one of    mind, the Lusail Iconic Stadium will be one       around,” Cordey says. “Also it is becoming
six bridges. A ring of arching columns will     of many venues to be reconfigured after the       part of the programme, whether it is the
support a partially retractable roof.           World Cup to a dramatically lower capacity –      IOC programme or for Fifa tenders, that
   Of more practical significance will          20,000 – with the greater part of the facility    there is the possibility to find such solutions.”

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Juventus Arena
Turin, Italy

         If no club quite symbolises the           Gino Zavanella and Hernando Suarez hope          comprehensive corporate hospitality and
         relative malaise in Italian soccer like   will create a more intimate, ‘English-style’     premium seating offering that has ever existed
         Juventus, then no building quite          atmosphere. By contrast, ample space has         in Italy before, but the club have not stopped
emphasised the dramatic ageing of Italy’s top      been given over to stadium walkways and          there in their efforts to wring revenue streams
stadiums like the team’s former home, the          concourses, with detailing inside and outside    from their new asset. Fans have been invited
69,000-capacity Stadio Delle Alpi. Built by the    the ground set to reflect the fact that this     to purchase the chance to have their names
city of Turin for the 1990 Fifa World Cup, it      is very much Juventus’ home. Studio Rolla        engraved on one of a galaxy of stars in a
was never embraced by the Juventus faithful:       Architettura + Urbanistica have taken            display which will be a permanent feature at
infamously, only 237 attended a Coppa Italia       charge of a development scheme around            the base of the upper tier of seats.
game against Sampdoria in 2002.                    the ground which is not only intended to            There is little of this that has not already
   Few mourned its passing when the                transform the matchday experience for            been attempted elsewhere, but it amounts
wrecking ball swung in February 2009.              supporters, but also regenerate a moribund       to a revolution in what was so recently
Though the same site was retained for              Turin suburb. 34,000 square metres of            Europe’s top soccer league. Most of the
its replacement – and many tonnes of               shops, 30,000 square metres of greenery,         top clubs in Serie A make relatively meagre
concrete, glass, steel and aluminium recycled      and 4,000 parking spaces will surround the       earnings from outmoded, municipally-
– in every other respect the two stadiums          stadium, which can be reached by any one         owned stadiums. According to Deloitte, just
are barely comparable. Set to open in              of 16 suspension bridges. The stadium            eight per cent of Juventus’ €205 million
September and modestly billed by Juventus          itself is costing up to €170 million to build.   turnover in 2009/10 came from matchday
as “the stadium that changes football,” the           Sportfive are currently in the market         revenue. With their €132.5 million income
purpose-built, privately owned new ground          for naming rights to the ground, currently       from television set to shrink dramatically
will be built to a reduced 41,000 capacity         unofficially known as Juventus Arena, in a       under the new collective deal with Mediaset
– perhaps surprising, given that Juve have         partnership expected to earn Juventus at least   now in force in Serie A, they will be looking
a reported 11 million fans across Italy.           €75 million over 12 years. Theirs is the first   to the Juventus Arena to help make up the
With the running track and fences gone,            such campaign in Italian soccer, but is not      shortfall. More than that, however, many
spectators in the front row will be just 7.5       the only example of how the commercial           will hope the stadium can help bring Italian
metres from the pitch, and those in the back       delivery is being ruthlessly modernised. The     soccer into a modern era that its 1990s pre-
just 49 metres away, something architects          Juventus Premium Club will provide a more        eminence did so much to create.

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The Olympic STadium London, United Kingdom -
Lincoln Financial Field
Philadelphia, USA

         A year ago, SportsPro named a       Blue, who will in turn manage the facility          Eagles and Christina and Jeffrey Lurie as
         little-known stadium in Taiwan      over a period of 20 years for a set fee which       they set the right example for all of sports.”
         the most important sporting         will rise by three per cent each year.              Philadelphia mayor Michael Nuttler added
venue in the world. The decision was            The result may not be as appealing to look       that the Eagles, “don’t just wear green,
met with confusion and even derision in      at as Toyo Ito’s spectacular effort in Taiwan,      they sincerely believe in the concept of
some quarters, but Toyo Ito’s Kaohsiung      but it will be effective. Solar Blue say that 8.6   responsible environmental stewardship.”
National Stadium, site of the 2009 World     megawatts of electricity will be generated            A Hollywood veteran and producer of
Games, was chosen for its innovative and     at Lincoln Financial Field, 1.6 megawatts           the Oscar-winning 2010 documentary
radical use of solar panels. There was       more than is required on game day, with             Inside Job, Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie is a
the latest indication that Kaohsiung can     excess power sold on to the local grid. It is       confirmed environmentalist who has spent
provide a model for the rest of sport to     estimated that the stadium would be capable         the better part of a decade burnishing the
follow when the Philadelphia Eagles of the   of powering 26,000 homes, and that the              team’s green credentials. This time, he and
NFL became the first professional sports     resultant fall in greenhouse gas emissions          wife Christina, who operates the team’s
team to fully convert their home ground to   will be equivalent to taking 41,000 cars off        ‘Go Green’ initiative, may have delivered
on-site renewable energy.                    Philadelphia’s roads. Of course, an NFL             something which can fundamentally alter
  Announced in November 2010, the            franchise must concern itself with another          the perception of the role of a major
development will see 80 wind turbines –      kind of green issue: the Eagles believe the         sporting venue in a major city, with dramatic
spiral shaped to reduce noise – and 2,500    conversion will save them US$60 million in          benefits to all parties.
solar panels fitted to the exterior of the   energy costs over the next two decades.               “We believe,” said Christina Lurie, “the
70,000-seater stadium. These will produce       Set for completion in September – just           iconic stature and universal appeal of
around 15 per cent of the energy needed      ahead of the will-they-won’t-they 2011 NFL          professional sports can become a powerful,
to power the stadium, with the remainder     season – the scheme has already drawn               visible, motivating example of how renewable
coming from a dual-fuel generator. The       rich applause. NFL commissioner Roger               energy sources can replace fossil fuels and
US$30 million cost of the project is being   Goodell described it as “groundbreaking”,           create a cleaner, sustainable environment for
met by Florida-based energy company Solar    and said: “The NFL is proud to support the          people everywhere.”

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The Olympic STadium London, United Kingdom -

Olympic Park
Sochi, Russia

         The crowning moment of Russia’s           A total of 74 different test events should        separated and you have to choose whether
         sporting decade may come when the       ensure that Sochi is well prepared for              to stay in the mountains or in the indoor
         Fifa World Cup is lifted in Moscow      the biggest fortnight in winter sport, but          locations because it is really time consuming
in the summer of 2018, but arguably its most     Chernyshenko has long been looking beyond           to go in and out. But here, you can literally
ambitious project will be completed four         that date. “The legacy was the key aspect of        go skiing in the mountains and then go and
years earlier when the coastal city of Sochi     our successful bidding campaign,” he says,          swim in the water – it’s very, very close and
hosts the 2014 Olympic Games. Working            “because it would be unforgivable and even          very efficient, 30 minutes by rail.”
from a “blank canvas”, Sochi 2014 organising     stupid to make such an enormous effort and             The long-term viability of the Sochi
committee president and chief executive          spend such resources – and one resource is          development was further enhanced when
Dmitry Chernyshenko and his team have            unrecoverable, which is time – just for two         it was confirmed as the future site of the
been, “able to use the best technology and       weeks of even the biggest celebration and           Russian Grand Prix, ending a near 30-year
the best ideas to complete the most compact      sporting competition. Of course everything          campaign by Bernie Ecclestone to bring
and efficient infrastructure,” to create a       we do is about legacy.”                             Formula One to the country. With Russian
world-class sporting hub on the Black Sea.         On a national level, Chernyshenko is keen         sponsorship interest in the series growing
   “Now we have a very exciting moment,”         to stress the opportunities created by hosting      by the year and a US$40 million annual race
Chernyshenko says, “as the drawings and          the Games, not least as a lightning rod for         fee on offer, Sochi promises to be just as
sketches of the Olympic Park are becoming        social campaigns, stimulating a volunteer           important to Formula One. The roads around
a reality – I remember the same in London a      culture in Russia and “creating in Sochi a          the Olympic complex will be adapted to
few years ago.”                                  model city for those with disabilities” to          create a circuit which will debut in 2014 – or
   That process is developing at an              prompt a wave of improvements in attitudes          2015, if preparations for the Games dictate –
extraordinary rate. Speaking at the end of       and facilities across the country. Still, it will   and remain on the calendar until at least 2020.
May, Chernyshenko describes Sochi as “the        be Sochi itself which should see the greatest          “When the Games is over,”
biggest building site in the world” with         benefits. Chernyshenko sees the bipartite           Chernyshenko says, “it will be the right time
over 50,000 construction workers pushing         Games site, typical for winter hosts, as            to launch Sochi as a destination. One of
on into the closing stages. “We’re well on       ideal for showing off “a Mediterranean-             the most interesting things and the benefits
track,” says Chernyshenko. “Up to 70 per         style resort where the sea meets the high           for me and the organising committee is that
cent of not only competition venues but          mountains and the highest mountain in               Formula One will utilise the infrastructure,
related infrastructure such as power stations,   Europe is just 150km away.”                         like the pit buildings, built for the Games.
sewage systems and roads that will be done         “Usually in the winter Games,” he explains,       This is an interesting synergy between the
by the end of this year.”                        “there are two clusters which are very              two projects.”

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Farmers Field
Los Angeles, USA

         At the time of writing, it remains       placing a franchise in America’s second-        involvement of Farmers Insurance at
         unclear whether the NFL will resolve     biggest media market is patently obvious.       such an early stage in the project. The
         its ongoing labour dispute in time for   LA boasts one of the best teams in college      sale of naming rights is an increasingly
the scheduled start of the 2011 season. What      football in the shape of the USC Trojans,       ubiquitous feature of all modern stadium
is certain, however, is that Los Angeles will     while their rivals UCLA also boast a            development, even in markets such as
complete its 17th year without a professional     healthy following and manage a generous         Europe which have traditionally been
football team, a barren spell beset by quarrels   contribution of players to the professional     hostile to the practice, but prospective
between the proponents of ultimately              game. Hollywood royalty routinely               partners are usually more circumspect.
inadequate stadium projects.                      congregates at the Staples Center to pay        Across the country in New York, for
   Slated for completion in 2015, Farmers         homage to the Lakers, who have picked up        example, no suitable partner has yet been
Field is the latest attempt to create a home      11 NBA championships since moving to LA         found for the high-profile and corporate-
fit to house replacements for the long-           in 1960. Their counterparts in the NHL and      friendly New Meadowlands stadium.
departed Rams and Raiders. Backed by Casey        MLS have achieved nothing like that kind of        There are other factors in play which make
Wasserman and AEG’s Tim Leiweke, the              success, but the LA Kings and LA Galaxy         the deal appear a shrewd one on all sides.
68,000 capacity venue – expandable to 78,000      still shifted merchandising units worldwide     Developers Majestic Realty Company have
for major events such as the Super Bowl –         after securing the signings of Wayne            concocted a rival US$800 million proposal,
would be sited next to the Staples Center. Its    Gretzky and David Beckham respectively.         The Los Angeles Football Stadium in City of
construction would be dovetailed to a major          The benefits to Los Angeles of an NFL        Industry, and the commitment of Farmers
schedule of improvements to the ageing Los        return are just as self-evident. Those behind   Insurance may give Wasserman and AEG
Angeles Convention Center. With California’s      Farmers Field estimate that it can deliver      the kind of commercial clout their rivals
public finances stretched some way beyond         between 20,000 and 30,000 temporary and         currently lack. In return, Farmers Insurance
their limit, the US$1 billion project would       permanent jobs, as well as US$1.9 billion       have the opportunity to attach their name to
be entirely privately funded, with as much        in output and US$378 million in direct          a popular civic campaign in Los Angeles –
as US$600 million reportedly coming from          expenditure in the city. They also claim that   which will attract the interest of a national
the 30-year naming rights deal already agreed     it could stimulate as much as US$3 billion      audience – years before the proposed
with Farmers Insurance.                           in additional investment in downtown            stadium opens. It will be interesting to see
   The NFL has a chequered past in Los            development projects.                           how their role develops – a test case, perhaps,
Angeles, but the continuing appeal of                Most intriguing of all, however, is the      even given a unique set of circumstances.

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Tianjin Equine
Culture City
Tianjin, China

          There are few single venue projects       in the Arabian desert was an extraordinary           suppressed by the Communist authorities,
          in the world today quite as bold as       example of man’s capacity, given adequate            but as is evidenced by the increasing
          Tianjin Equine Culture City (TECC).       resources, to transform his environment,             resemblance of China’s major cities to those
 It is ambitious on a scale that converts handily   TECC is a response to an entirely different          in the west and in other eastern powerhouses,
 into raw figures. The 3.3 million square metre     set of challenges. The US$4 billion project is       that too is changing.
 development in northern China will cost            intended to create a permanent revolution in            The progress of TECC, then, should
 US$4 billion, with the initial US$2 billion        Chinese sport. Alongside courses fit to stage        provide a fascinating insight into how
 phase expected to be completed by 2015. An         world-class races, it will provide everything        international practices are reconciled with
 estimated 200 million to 300 million people        required to nourish a fully fledged equine           the vagaries of Chinese culture under
 are estimated to be capable of reaching the        sports industry. There will be facilities in place   what remains a hugely domineering
 venue and its surrounding entertainment            to train 8,000 riders, breed 1,000 top-class         government. Certainly, the comments of
 and leisure complex by high-speed train. It is     studs, produce high-quality horse feed, hold         Meydan chairman and chief executive Saeed
 hoped the complex will go some way towards         auctions and host education programmes               Humaid Al Tayer at last November’s signing
 exploiting the enormous potential of horse         where the public can learn about the animals         ceremony were revealing.
 racing and equestrianism in what is now the        and the sport.                                          “Meydan’s success since its launch and
 world’s second biggest economy.                       With the exception of the world-famous            its continued growth potential makes
    TECC will be the product of a new joint         Happy Valley racecourse in the former                it an excellent model to replicate in a
 venture, Hua Zhi Jie Horse Industries,             British colony of Hong Kong, horse racing            burgeoning economy such as China,” he
 which will be based in Tianjin. One half of        is new to modern China. Banned by Mao                said. “It is a significant partnership and
 the partnership is the Tianjin State Farm          Zedong in 1949, the sport only began to              we are very bullish about the growth
 Agribusiness Group, a giant conglomerate           reappear as a spectacle in the late 1990s. It        prospects presented there. We hope to lend
 with interests ranging from food production        was fully legalised in 2008, at the same time        our expertise and extensive experience in
 to turf farming to property development. The       as measures were taken to liberalise the state-      positioning horse racing, so that it not only
 other is a name more familiar to those in horse    controlled gambling markets. Only a handful          promotes the sport, but supports its related
 racing: the International Equine Group is the      of major racecourses have so far appeared,           industries and provides viable economic
 investment arm of Meydan Group and TAK             with the Orient Lucky City course at Wuhan           returns to the people of China, at the same
 Design, developers of Dubai’s mammoth              chief among them. The kind of conspicuous            time allowing horse racing to be seen as a
 Meydan Racecourse.                                 consumption represented by projects as               prestigious sport, and a symbol for luxury,
    Where the creation of Meydan Racecourse         lavish as TECC would once also have been             lifestyle and culture.”

                                                                                                                                SportsPro Magazine | 85
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