The Obesity and Its Effect on Kidney Disease

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The Obesity and Its Effect on Kidney Disease
ISSN: 2572-4010
                                                                                         Ghazaly. J Obes Weight-Loss Medic 2022, 8:044
                                                                                                     DOI: 10.23937/2572-4010.1510044
                                                                                                                     Volume 8 | Issue 1
                Journal of                                                                                               Open Access

                Obesity and Weight-loss Medication
Comparative Study

The Obesity and Its Effect on Kidney Disease
Esraa A Ghazaly*       iD                                                                                                     Check for

Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Cairo, Egypt

*Corresponding author: Esraa Adel Ramadan Mohammed Ghazaly, Biochemistry Department, Mansoura University,
Cairo, Egypt, Tel: +201027951858

 Abstract                                                            of 2017 STEP wise survey. Obesity is more prevalent
                                                                     in Egyptian males compared to females (about 30%
 Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic disease. It is a
                                                                     compared to 50% respectively) [3].
 complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat.
 Obesity isn’t just a cosmetic concern. It’s a medical problem       The Causes of Obesity
 that increases the risk of other diseases and health prob-
 lems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure             Several factors may play a vital role in gaining
 and certain cancer. Besides, it has been pointed out as a
                                                                     excess weight. These include diet, lack of exercise,
 vital cause of kidney diseases. Due to its close association
 with diabetes and hypertension, excess weight and obesity           environmental factors, genetics and hormonal changes.
 are important risk factors for chronic kidney disease (CKD).
 Early dietary intervention should be considered in the man-         Diets and lack exercise
 agement of overweight and obese chronic kidney disease                 People gain weight when they eat more calories
 (CKD) patients to reduce weight, and where necessary bar-
 iatric surgery. Further studies are required to better under-       than they burn through activity. This imbalance is the
 stand the association between obesity and kidney disease.           greatest contributor to weight gain [4].
                                                                     Environmental factors
                                                                        Lifestyle plays a significant role in obesity. Worldwide
    Obesity is a multifactorial chronic disease stemmed              there has been a large shift towards less physically
from long-term positive energy balance which                         demanding work besides, insufficient exercise and
leads to excess adiposity and subsequent functional                  increasing use of mechanized transportation in
impairment, structural anomalies and physiological                   presence of Food advertising encourages people to buy
disorders. Generally people are considered obese                     unhealthy foods, such as high-fat snacks and sugary
when their body mass index (BMI) which obtained                      drinks [5].
by dividing a person’s weight by the square of the
person’s height is over 30 kg/m2. Obesity is correlated              Certain diseases and medications
with various diseases and conditions, especially type                   In some people, obesity can be traced to a medical
2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney                  cause, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, Cushing
disease, and obstructive sleep apnea. It increases the               syndrome and other conditions. Medical problems,
risk for other chronic medical conditions and has been               such as arthritis, also can lead to decreased activity,
associated with premature death [1].                                 which may result in weight gain. Some medications can
    The global prevalence of obesity grew from less than             lead to weight gain if you don’t compensate through
1% to 11% among men, and 6% to 15% among women                       diet or activity. These medications include some
[2]. In Egypt, the prevalence of obesity has increased               antidepressants, anti-seizure medications, diabetes
in adults to reach about 40% according to 100 million                medications, antipsychotic medications, steroids and
health survey (2019) compared to the 36% estimate                    beta blockers [6].

                                   Citation: Ghazaly EA (2022) The Obesity and Its Effect on Kidney Disease. J Obes Weight-Loss Medic
                                   Accepted: March 10, 2022: Published: March 12, 2022
                                   Copyright: © 2022 Ghazaly EA, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
                                   Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
                                   in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Ghazaly. J Obes Weight-Loss Medic 2022, 8:044                                                                             • Page 1 of 4 •
The Obesity and Its Effect on Kidney Disease
DOI: 10.23937/2572-4010.1510044                                                                            ISSN: 2572-4010

Genetics                                                       and/or hypertension - or directly by the production
                                                               of adipokines, which trigger the onset of oxidative
    The genes that inherit from the parents may affect
                                                               stress, inflammation, aldosterone system, activation
the amount of body fat store, and where that fat
                                                               of the renin-angiotensin, abnormal lipid metabolism,
is distributed. Genetics may also play a role in how
                                                               increased insulin production and insulin resistance.
efficiently the body converts food into energy, how
                                                               These factors result in ectopic lipid accumulation in renal
it regulates appetite and how it burns calories during
                                                               tissue, leading to functional and structural impairment
exercise. Obesity tends to run in families. That’s not just
                                                               of podocytes, mesangial cells, and the proximal tubule,
because of the genes they share. Family members also
                                                               culminating with albuminuria, glomerular hypertension,
tend to share similar eating and activity habits [7].
                                                               increased glomerular permeability, hyperfiltration,
Hormonal changes                                               and glomerulomegaly even focal segmental
                                                               glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in some cases [11].
    Obesity can be associated with several endocrine
alterations arising as a result of changes in the              Pathophysiology of Obesity Leading to Chronic
hypothalamic-pituitary hormones axes. These include            Kidney Disease/End-Stage Renal Disease
hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease, hypogonadism and
growth hormone deficiency. The hormones growth                     Human obesity is a complex disorder, with many factors
hormone, leptin, oestrogens, androgens and insulin             playing a part; the pathophysiology of adipokines is not
influence our appetite, metabolism and body fat                as simple as it seems to be in rodent models of obesity.
distribution. People who are obese have hormone                Obesity is associated with hemodynamic, structural and
levels that encourage the accumulation of body fat [8]         histopathological alterations in the kidney, as well as
(Figure 1).                                                    metabolic and biochemical alterations that predispose
                                                               to kidney disease, even when renal function is normal
Correlation between Chronic Kidney Disease                     in the conventional tests [12]. It is currently known that
and Obesity                                                    adipose tissue is not only a fat reservoir, but a dynamic
                                                               tissue involved in the production of “adipokines”, such
    Increased prevalence of obesity was followed
                                                               as leptin, adiponectin, monocyte chemoattractant
by increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease,
                                                               protein-1, transforming growth factor-β, tumor necrosis
hypertension, and diabetes. The adverse effects of
                                                               factor-α, and angiotensin-II [13].
peripheral insulin resistance and hypertension coupled
with dyslipidemia and systemic inflammation may                   A series of events is triggered by obesity, including
trigger the development of chronic kidney disease              insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, hyperlipidemia,
(CKD) [10]. The deleterious effects of obesity on renal        atherosclerosis and hypertension, all of which are
function may occur indirectly via diabetes mellitus            associated with increased cardiovascular risk. The

                             Figure 1: The main causes and some of consequences of obesity [9].

Ghazaly. J Obes Weight-Loss Medic 2022, 8:044                                                                • Page 2 of 4 •
DOI: 10.23937/2572-4010.1510044                                                                                ISSN: 2572-4010

association between CKD and dyslipidemia has also                 visceral adiposity, causes kidney compression, and a
been described, but its causes are still unknown. Insulin         consequent increase in intrarenal pressure. The excess
action resistance, present in CKD, reduces the activity           of retroperitoneal adipose tissue involves the kidneys
of lipoprotein lipase, which may be implicated in the             and penetrates the renal hilum up to the medulla,
pathophysiology of dyslipidemia in CKD [14].                      causing compression of the renal medulla and increased
                                                                  hydrostatic pressure of the renal interstitial fluid.
   Obesity leads to increased renal tubular sodium
                                                                  Excess visceral fat also increases the intra-abdominal
reabsorption, impairing pressure natriuresis and
                                                                  pressure, causing further renal compression. The
causing volume expansion due to the activation of
                                                                  physical compression of the kidney causes increased
the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the renin-
                                                                  extracellular matrix formation in the renal medulla.
angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Compression
                                                                  As the kidneys are surrounded by a capsule, which has
also occurs in the kidneys, especially when visceral
                                                                  low compliance, extracellular matrix accumulation can
obesity is presented [15].
                                                                  further exacerbate intrarenal compression and increase
    The increase in sodium reabsorption and consequent            the hydrostatic pressure of the interstitial fluid. This
extracellular volume expansion is a central event in the          increase in intrarenal pressure, in turn, compresses the
development of SAH in obesity. Some evidence suggests             loop of Henle and peritubular capillaries (vasa recta),
that an increase in sodium reabsorption occurs in some            which reduces the flow of fluids through the renal
segments in addition to the proximal tubule, possibly             tubules leading to sodium reabsorption by them [12].
in the loop of Henle. Also, there is an increase in renal
                                                                     Obesity is also associated with inflammation, as an
blood flow, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and filtration
                                                                  increase in the production of inflammatory cytokines
fraction [16].
                                                                  such as tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6 and
   Glomerular hyper filtration, associated with increased         C-reactive protein can be observed, being called
blood pressure and other metabolic alterations such as            “adipokines” by some authors because of their
insulin resistance and DM, finally result in kidney damage        production by adipocytes. Inflammation itself is a risk
and reduced GFR. The sympathetic nervous system                   factor for renal function loss. Renal fibrosis (interstitial
(SNS) activation also contributes to obesity-related              and glomerular), in addition to the irreversible
hypertension. There is evidence that renal denervation            accumulation of extracellular matrix in kidney tissue, is
reduces sodium retention and hypertension in obesity,             associated with inflammation, processes that may be
suggesting that SNS activation induced by obesity                 associated with the “adipokines” [15].
increases blood pressure mainly due to the sodium
                                                                     There is also evidence that obesity itself increases
retention stimulus, rather than vasoconstriction [15].
                                                                  albumin excretion, which progressively increases
   Adipose      tissue    accumulation,         especially   in   with obesity severity and, in rare cases, can lead to

                    Figure 2: Pathophysiology of the association between obesity and kidney disease [20].

Ghazaly. J Obes Weight-Loss Medic 2022, 8:044                                                                    • Page 3 of 4 •
DOI: 10.23937/2572-4010.1510044                                                                                 ISSN: 2572-4010

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the type of glomerulonephritis most often associated            8. Schwartz MW, Seeley RJ, Zeltser LM, Drewnowski A,
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