Diagnosis and Therapy of Microscopic Colitis with Presence of Foamy Macrophages in Children
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International Scholarly Research Network ISRN Gastroenterology Volume 2011, Article ID 756292, 9 pages doi:10.5402/2011/756292 Research Article Diagnosis and Therapy of Microscopic Colitis with Presence of Foamy Macrophages in Children Jan Józefczuk1 and Bogdan Marian Woźniewicz2 1 Pediatric Ward, Hospital in Sandomierz, Schinzla 13, 27-600 Sandomierz, Poland 2 Department of Pathology, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Aleja Dzieci Polskich 20, 04-730 Warsaw, Poland Correspondence should be addressed to Bogdan Marian Woźniewicz, b.wozniewicz@czd.waw.pl Received 12 April 2011; Accepted 4 May 2011 Academic Editor: C.-Y. Chen Copyright © 2011 J. Józefczuk and B. M. Woźniewicz. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We discuss the diagnosis of and efficacy 5-amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid (5-ASA), Saccharomyces boulardii, or magnesium in therapy of microscopic colitis with presence of foamy macrophages. A basis for diagnosis and inclusion to the analysed group was presence of characteristic foamy macrophages in histopathological examination of hematoxylin and eosin-stained specimens collected from the large intestine, reviewed under ×200 or ×320 magnification. No statistically significant improvement was found following the use of 5-amino-2-dihydroxybenzoic acid in therapy of the disease. The use of Saccharomyces boulardii was associated with statistically significant improvement in clinical, endoscopic, and histopathological condition. Use of magnesium caused a histological, statistically significant improvement but failed to have any effect on the clinical and endoscopic presentation. In the group of children in whom no therapeutic intervention was provided, a statistically significant spontaneous clinical improvement was observed, but no statistically significant changes in endoscopic and microscopic condition were found. 1. Introduction Evaluation of clinical, endoscopic, and microscopic ef- fects of therapy with 5-amino-2-dihydroxybenzoic acid, Sac- Typical inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as ulcerative charomyces boulardii, or magnesium of children with micro- colitis or Crohn’s disease, is only a part of cases of persistent scopic colitis with presence of foamy macrophages and enteritis. Nonspecific IBDs are most often superficial pro- evaluation of a group of children with no therapeutic inter- cesses, nondamaging to the structure of intestinal mucosa vention. and submucosa. In the medical literature, they are usually referred to as microscopic enteritis [1–4]. 2. Material and Methods Foamy colitis with presence of foamy macrophages within the intestinal lamina propria belongs to a group of A basis for diagnosis of the disease was presence of macro- microscopic inflammations in children. That recently sepa- phages that stained with hematoxylin and eosin formed a rated disease requires determination of effective therapeutic characteristic image of foamy (clear cell) macrophages, in the methods [5, 6]. lamina propria of the large intestine. Observation of that type of inflammation, indicating a Additional examinations using electron microscopy Jeol rather mild clinical course of the disease and no cases of 100CX were performed in several cases. Sections of mucosa its transformation into a typical inflammatory bowel disease were fixed in cacodylate buffered 4% glutaraldehyde and (IBD) justified undertaking a prospective observation of then in osmium tetroxide (OsO4 ) and analysed acc. to a children treated with 5-amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid, with a typical procedure for Epon. Resulting ultrathin sections were probiotic (Saccharomyces boulardii), or with magnesium, and additionally stained with lead citrate and uranyl acetate. of a group of children who were not treated pharmacologi- Uneven distribution and quantity of foamy macrophages cally. constituted a basis for development of our own classification
2 ISRN Gastroenterology of microscopic changes, defining three levels of intensity: The level of endoscopic lesions was determined by evaluation of vascular pattern, granulation, and mucosa (i) single cells on various levels of the lamina propria, proneness for bleeding, as well as presence of mucus, pus, (ii) presence of aggregates composed of 3–10 cells, erosions, and ulcerations on the surface of colic mucosa. The (iii) foamy cells covering evenly the whole lamina propria. clinical activity index (CAI) acc. to Rachmilewitz was then applied [7]. That type of cells was absent in other layers of the large Evaluation of clinical and endoscopic changes was per- intestine, and their presence was not found in other sections formed at diagnosis and following 12 months of therapy and of the alimentary tract. observation of each analysed child. In the process of identification of foamy macrophages, Due to nonparametric distribution of sets, a sign test was except for hematoxylin and eosin staining of serial spec- used for statistical evaluation of results (Statistica software). imens, also a PAS reaction was used, with and without diastase digestion. 3. Results and Discussion Additionally, immunocytochemical tests using mono- clonal sera from DAKO: anti-CD3(T cell), CD4(T cell), At diagnosis, histopathological examination of bioptates CD22 (B cell), CD31 (Endothelia), CD34 (precursor cell), collected from the large intestine revealed presence of large, CD 68 (Macrophages), allowing identification of cells occur- clear, foamy cells in the lamina propria of the mucosa. Those ring in an inflammatory process, were completed on speci- cells appeared single or in agglomerates, covering the whole mens placed on hyalinized slides. Tests were also completed width of the lamina propria—from the covering epithelium to detect the PCNA-proliferation antigen, Ki67-mitotic to the base of intestinal crypts and the level of muscularis activity, chromogranin, synaptophysin, neurofilament, actin, mucosa. (Figure 1) P53 mutations, GFAP glial marker, TNF alpha, IL2, and Immunocytochemical tests indicated a strong positive mucicarmin. reaction with the CD68 antibody, typical for activated Tests were competed to detect intestinal pathogens (Sal- macrophages. Foamy macrophages showed a positive PAS monella, Shigella, Camphylobacter, Escherichia coli, Yersnia, reaction with periodic acid and Shiff ’s reagent. However, Clostridium difficile) and Giardia infection. the reaction was negative following digestion with dias- Tests for enteroviruses were performed on cell lines (Hep tase. Immunocytochemical reaction to neurofilament was 2 and RD) in the Department of Virusology of the National negative. Using the marker PCNA-proliferation antigen Health Institute, using WHO-recommended methods. Pres- an increased activity was demonstrated only in cryptic ence of rotaviruses was tested with the latex reaction, using epithelium. No increased activity was found in epithelium the Slidex Rota-Kit, and completing serological tests with surrounding crypts (Figure 2). ELISA, using Rabbit Anti-Rotavirus Human reagents from Other numerous, mentioned in the Methods section, DAKO. immunocytochemical markers gave a negative result in tests Children with presence of foamy macrophages confirmed with foamy macrophages (Table 1). in histopathological specimens and who had a clinical and Before statistical analysis of results of clinical, endo- endoscopic changes characteristic for colitis were random- scopic, and microscopic evaluation results for three study ized to individual therapeutic groups of a prospective, open groups, they were evaluated at the time of intervention. trial realised from 1999 to 2009. Hypothesis of equality of those three groups (A, B, C, D) in In the analysis, there were included 144 children aged clinical, endoscopic, and microscopic evaluation cannot be from 3 to 18 years. For 12 months, children received dismissed (Whitney-Mann test) (Figure 3). 5-amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid (5-ASA) at dose of 20– In the group A, for 12 months, children received 25 mg/kg b.w./24 h (38 children-group A), Saccharomyces Masalazine (5 amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid). Clinical, endo- boulardii at dose of 15–20 mg/kg b.w./24 h (35 children-group scopic, and microscopic evaluation of the group A, treated B), or magnesium 5–10 mg/kg b.w./24 h (35 children-group with 5-amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid, showed no significant D). improvement, neither in clinical, endoscopic, nor in micro- Children who received no treatment constituted a control scopic presentation (Figure 4). group (36 children-group C). In the group B, Saccharomyces boulardii was used for 12 Clinical and endoscopic examinations were performed at months. In the group B of children treated with Saccha- the Pediatric Ward, and microscopic and immunocytochem- romyces boulardii the 12-month period of therapy caused a ical examinations—in the Department of Pathology in the clinical, endoscopic, and microscopic, statistically significant Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw. improvement (Figure 5). Clinical evaluation included general feeling, presence of In the group C of children with microscopic colitis with abdominal pain and its intensity, number of bowel move- presence of foamy macrophages, no therapy was applied. ments per week, presence of blood in stool, fever, presence In the group C of untreated children the clinical of extraenteral symptoms, ESR, haemoglobin concentration, evaluation showed statistically significant improvement, and and nutritional status expressed as Cole and Stanfield index. the endoscopic and microscopic evaluation showed no Clinical activity index (CAI) acc. to Rachmilewitz was regression of pathological lesions (Figure 6). used for evaluation of clinical presentation of analysed Children in the group D had magnesium administered children [7]. for 12 months. Statistical analysis of 12-month magnesium
ISRN Gastroenterology 3 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 1: (a–d) Microscopic features of colitis with presence of foamy macrophages—characteristic large, clear cells with a small nucleus, single or aggregated within the lamina propria. HE staining. Magnification ×200. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 2: (a–d) Immunochemistry. (a-b) positive with a serum marking macrophages. C-negative to limfocytes T. D-neurofilament’s negative reaction. Magnification ×200 (a) ×320 (b, c, d). Table 1: Expression of immunocytochemical markers in the micro- Presence of characteristic foamy macrophages observed scopic colitis with presence of foamy macrophages. at ×200 and ×320 magnification in hematoxylin and eosin- stained specimens is a crucial diagnostic factor [5, 6]. The Macrophages foamy Marker disease is not associated with destruction of glands or their Negative CD3 (Cell T) restructure. The lamina propria is not destroyed by lympho- Negative CD4 (Cell T) cytic infiltration, characteristic for inflammations belonging Negative CD22 (Cell B) to the group of IBD. Presence of foamy macrophages in Negative CD34 (Cell precursor) examined histopathological specimens excludes diagnosis of Negative CD31 (Entothelial) Colitis ulcerosa or Crohn’s disease. Positive CD68 (Macrophages) In IBD-type inflammations, proliferation of the mono- Negative Ki67 mitotic activity nuclear-phagocytic line is characterised by a positive expres- Negative Chromogranin sion of TNF-alpha and IL-beta, absent in our examinations. Negative Synaptophysin Microscopic evaluation of properly collected and prepared Negative Neurofilament specimens, but observed under a routinely used low magni- Negative Actin fication, is a reason for underdiagnosis of the disease in other centres. Observation of the whole group of children confirms Negative P53 mutations previous findings on mild and moderate course of that type Negative GFAP glial marker of inflammation [4, 6]. Negative TNF alpha Children left without any therapeutic intervention show Positive PAS no endoscopic or microscopic progression of lesions, and an Positive Osmium tetraoxide observed surprising clinical improvement indicates an ability Negative IL2 for independent regeneration of the intestine in that disease. Negative Mucicarmin Existing reports indicate efficacy of therapy of mild colitis with probiotics. Successful attempts were made in therapy of ulcerative colitis and even of Crohn’s disease [8–12]. therapy shows microscopic and clinical improvement, but Part of favourable therapeutic effects of monotherapy with without any endoscopic improvement. Microscopic diagno- probiotics could be a result of erroneous qualification of sis of that unspecific inflammatory disease is relatively easy microscopic colitis to a group of mild IBD. It seems that (Figure 7). probiotics may be useful as supplementary therapy, but their
4 ISRN Gastroenterology Clinical presentation of groups at diagnosis Endoscopic presentation of groups at diagnosis 9 25 8 7 20 Number of cases Number of cases 6 15 5 4 10 3 2 5 1 0 0 Mg 1 1 N 2 3 4 2 3 E 5 6 7 8 4 5 M Own classifica9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 tion 14 Own classi 9 fication M N M N E Mg E Mg Statistica U Mann-Whitney test: Statistica U Mann-Whitney test: hypothesis of equality of distribution cannot be dismissed hypothesis of equality of distribution cannot be dismissed (a) (b) Microscopic presentation of groups at diagnosis 35 30 25 Number of cases 20 15 10 5 Mg N 0 E 1 M 2 3 Own classi 4 fi cation M N E Mg Statistica U Mann-Whitney test: hypothesis of equality of distribution cannot be dismissed (c) Figure 3: Clinical, endoscopic, and microscopic evaluation at diagnosis (Whitney-Mann test). use as a monotherapy is at least risky, particularly in the B12 ), folic acid, and pantoteic acid contained in that probiotic Crohn’s disease. on enterocytes [8]. A favourable clinical effect of Saccharomyces boulardii Nicotinamide included in Saccharomyces boulardii may demonstrated in this trial, and confirmed in control endo- reduce free oxygen radicals causing intensification of the scopic and microscopic examinations, may be a result of a inflammatory process, and numerous enzymes contained trophic effect of carbohydrates, B group vitamins (B1 , B2 , B6 , there; for example, proteases and disaccharidases may cause
ISRN Gastroenterology 5 Results-clinical presentation Results-endoscopic evaluation 10 25 9 8 20 Number of cases Number of cases 7 6 15 5 4 10 3 2 5 1 0 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 6 11 12 13 7 8 Own classifica 14 Own classifica 9 tion tion Before treatment Before treatment After treatment After treatment Statistica ranked sign test: (Z = 2.085144, P = 0.037056) Statistica ranked sign test: (Z = 1.835326, P = 0.066457) hypothesis of equality of distributions cannot be dismissed hypothesis of equality of distributions cannot be dismissed (a) (b) Results-microscopic presentation 35 30 25 Number of cases 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 Own classifica 3 tion Before treatment After treatment Statistica ranked sign test: (Z = 0.948683, P = 0.342782) hypothesis of equality of distributions cannot be dismissed (c) Figure 4: Clinical, endoscopic, and microscopic evaluation of children treated with 5-amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid (group A). digestion of protein content of foamy macrophages and be No favourable therapeutic effect of 5-amino-2-dihydrox- responsible for reduction of their count, demonstrated in ybenzoic acid and relatively mild course of the disease jus- control microscopic examinations [8, 13]. tify resignation from therapy with Mesalazine (5-amino-2- A favourable therapeutic effect of Saccharomyces bou- dihydroxybenzoic acid) in case of that type of colitis. lardii may be also a result of its confirmed immunostimula- A favourable therapeutic effect of magnesium, mani- tory and anti-inflammatory effect, significant for limitation fested by regression of microscopic lesions, is most probably and reduction of the inflammatory process in the intestine a result of supplementation of magnesium deficiency, result- [13–15]. ing from erosion of soil and low content of the element in
6 ISRN Gastroenterology Results-endoscopic evaluation Results-clinical presentation 18 12 16 10 14 Number of cases 12 Number of cases 8 10 6 8 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 5 6 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 Own classificati 9 Own classificati 10 11 12 13 14 on on Before treatment Before treatment After treatment After treatment Statistica ranked sign test: (Z = 4.973459, P = 0.000001) Statistica ranked sign test: (Z = 4.929503, P = 0.000001) hypothesis of equality of distributions should be dismissed hypothesis of equality of distributions should be dismissed (a) (b) Results-microscopic presentation 25 20 Number of cases 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 Own classificati 3 on Before treatment After treatment Statistica ranked sign test: (Z = 4.364358, P = 0.000013) hypothesis of equality of distributions should be dismissed (c) Figure 5: Clinical, endoscopic, and microscopic evaluation of children treated with Saccharomyces boulardii (group B). food, and generally low level of supplementation. Besides, should be treated as a herald of the endoscopic improve- mucosa defects found in colitis intensify magnesium defi- ment. ciency through increased apoptosis. Systematic general paediatric and gastroenterological A favourable effect of magnesium treatment should be control, along with monitoring of number of foamy macro- probably associated with activating effect of the element phages in microscopic examination, plays a very important on enzymes necessary for synthesis and utilisation of high- role in diagnosis and therapy of that type of colitis [2]. The energy compounds inside enterocytes. Further observation suggested own scale for evaluation of microscopic changes seems important, expecting development of endoscopic based on quantity of foamy macrophages in the lamina improvement. If it occurs, the microscopic improvement propia shows a complete correlation with the clinical and
ISRN Gastroenterology 7 Results-endoscopic evaluation Results-clinical presentation 7 12 6 10 Number of cases Number of cases 5 8 4 6 3 4 2 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 1 2 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 10 4 5 11 12 13 6 7 Own classifica 14 Own classifica 8 9 tion tion Before treatment Before treatment After treatment After treatment Statistica ranked sign test: (Z = 2.752989, P = 0.005905) Statistica ranked sign test: (Z = 1.109400, P = 0.267258) hypothesis of equality of distributions should be dismissed hypothesis of equality of distributions should be dismissed (a) (b) Results-microscopic presentation 35 30 25 Number of cases 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 Own classifica 3 tion Before treatment After treatment Statistica ranked sign test: (Z = 1.06066, P = 0.288844) hypothesis of equality of distributions should be dismissed (c) Figure 6: Clinical, endoscopic, and microscopic evaluation of untreated children (group C). endoscopic evaluation, when analysing the therapeutic effect open new diagnostic and therapeutic horizons. Difficulties of Saccharomyces boulardii and 5-amino-2-dihydroxybenzoic associated with unanimous classification of a significant acid and a correlation with the endoscopic presentation in part of colitis to a strictly defined group are a serious case of no therapeutic intervention. medical problem [5, 16]. Classification of chronic colitis Prospective clinical observation, periodical endoscopic inadequate to actual condition may negatively influence examinations of patients with that disease, will allow veri- therapy and prognosis in this large, socially important group fication of currently available knowledge, and possibly will of civilisation diseases.
8 ISRN Gastroenterology Results-endoscopic evaluation Results-clinical presentation 8 16 7 14 6 12 Number of cases Number of cases 5 10 4 8 3 6 2 4 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 9 10 11 4 5 12 13 14 6 7 Own classifica Own classifica 8 9 tion tion Before treatment Before treatment After treatment After treatment Statistica sign test: (Z = 3.198011, P = 0.001384) Statistica sign test: (Z = 2.25, P = 0.024449) hypothesis of equality of distributions should be dismissed hypothesis of equality of distribution cannot be dismissed (a) (b) Results-microscopic presentation 30 25 Number of cases 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 Own classifica 3 tion Before treatment After treatment Statistica sign test: (Z = 3.927922, P = 0.000086) hypothesis of equality of distributions should be dismissed (c) Figure 7: Clinical, endoscopic, and microscopic evaluation of children treated with magnesium (group D). 4. Conclusions (3) Efficacy of Saccharomyces boulardii in therapy of mi- croscopic colitis with presence of foamy macrophages (1) Presence of foamy macrophages within the lamina was demonstrated. propria of the large intestine is a deciding factor in diagnosis of that form of microscopic colitis. (4) No favourable therapeutic effect was achieved follow- ing use of 5-amino-2-dihydroxybenzoic acid (ASA-5) (2) Identification of foamy macrophages is possible with in case of the disease. routine hematoxylin and eosin staining and micro- scopic evaluation of histological specimens at ×200 (5) The disease shows a tendency for spontaneous remis- or ×320 magnification. sion, but only in terms of clinical presentation.
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