The next workforce frontier - Capita

Page created by Jacqueline Walker
The next workforce frontier - Capita
The next
The next workforce frontier - Capita
 4   Foreword

 6   Introduction: Re-imagining
     the workforce

12   Hybrid on the horizon

18   Challenges of the Human
     to Hybrid journey

24   The benefits of
     a hybrid workforce

28   The three levers of the
     Human to Hybrid shift

38   Conclusion - Human to
     Hybrid is no longer the
     future; it’s the present

40   The Capita People
     Solutions perspective

44   About Capita People

47   About Human to Hybrid
The next workforce frontier - Capita
 4   Foreword

 6   Introduction: Re-imagining
     the workforce

12   Hybrid on the horizon

18   Challenges of the Human
     to Hybrid journey

24   The benefits of
     a hybrid workforce

28   The three levers of the
     Human to Hybrid shift

38   Conclusion - Human to
     Hybrid is no longer the
     future; it’s the present

40   The Capita People
     Solutions perspective

44   About Capita People

47   About Human to Hybrid
The next workforce frontier - Capita

  Foreword                                                                                                               More than ever before, it is people that will be crucial to   Our research puts three strategic pillars firmly in the
  We are living in an age of monumental technological
                                                                                                                         business success in the future. In an economy where all       spotlight – digital, data and people. This cements the
  change. As a society, technology continues to
                                                                                                                         organisations have fast, scalable and affordable access to    notion that achieving a fully optimised workforce
  reshape, redefine and re-imagine the ways in which         Digital - The role of changing technologies                 technology to handle operational processing tasks, it will    depends on more than technology alone.
  we interact with each other, and perform even the          and their impact on the whole                               be the skills, creativity and ambition of people that will
  most fundamental daily tasks. And with the inception       employee experience                                                                                                       At Capita we have the unique advantage of being able
                                                                                                                         truly differentiate brands, drive innovation and deliver
  and adoption of new technologies such as Artificial                                                                                                                                  to look at this changing world of work from every
                                                                                                                         growth. Technology in itself should not be viewed by
  Intelligence (AI), automation and machine learning,        Data - Unlocking the power of data                                                                                        angle. Our experience and expertise spans business
                                                                                                                         businesses as the key to future success; instead it should
  the shift towards a fully tech-enabled state only          and analytics to guide future decisions                     be regarded as a powerful enabler, giving people the          strategy and leadership, technology and the entire
  continues to gain momentum.                                                                                                                                                          employee lifecycle – from recruitment and learning
                                                                                                                         support, time and confidence to take on higher value,
                                                             People -Focusing on the skills, culture                                                                                   and development, through to employee engagement
  Arguably, we’ve only scratched the surface in terms                                                                    strategic work, and to fulfil their potential.
                                                             and leadership needed to thrive in the                                                                                    and retention. By taking a holistic view, we can enable
  of realising the potential of these technologies to        new hybrid workforce                                        This is what we mean when we talk about the shift             organisations to create a clear vision of the type
  revolutionise our understanding of what it is to be a
                                                                                                                         from a Human to Hybrid workforce – a future workforce         of workforce that will allow them to thrive in the
  human living in a digital world. With a myriad of impact
                                                                                                                         where humans work seamlessly and harmoniously                 future, ensuring every part of the organisation and
  points across our personal lives, we must also consider    To date, most studies into the ‘future of work’ have        alongside technology, understanding and appreciating          employees themselves are invested in throughout
  the subsequent implications of this changing landscape     focused primarily on the role and impact of technology.     one another’s role and recognising each other’s               the transformational journey.
  on our working lives.                                      They explore how businesses can reap the benefits of        strengths and weaknesses.
                                                             AI, robotics and automation within the workplace, to                                                                      Our goal is to help organisations in the UK prepare
  Undoubtedly, new technologies, combined with
                                                             drive efficiencies, streamline processes and speed up       Throughout 2019, we will be presenting a                      and build a workforce that can compete and deliver
  changing working behaviours and more agile corporate
                                                             service delivery. Other studies have looked specifically    comprehensive study of current and future workforce           better outcomes in the future economy. A workforce
  structures, promise to effect significant change on
                                                             at the changing skills requirements within the workforce,   dynamics in the UK, providing businesses and HR leaders       that is built around people, but supported, enabled and
  the future world of work. We can expect to see new
                                                             predicting how organisations will need to train and         with deep insight into the impact of these dynamics on        empowered by technology, data and insight.
  dynamics in the relationship between employer and
                                                             develop their people to prosper in the future.              the employee lifecycle. We’ll be revealing the attitudes,
  employee, and changes to the way that organisations
                                                                                                                         concerns and aspirations of business leaders, employees
  resource ‘work’ between human and digital labour.          Of course, both of these approaches have merit but          and HR professionals when it comes to changes within
                                                             they fail to grasp the sheer scale and complexity of        the workforce and where organisations need to look for
  But the transition to a ‘hybrid state’ – where humans
                                                             the changes that are already happening within UK            greater alignment between employee expectations and
  work seamlessly alongside technology – needs direction.
                                                             workforces today. In addition, most reports have            business needs.
  We believe that this journey relies on three strategic
                                                             approached the transformation of resourcing models
  levers that business leaders must recognise in their                                                                                                                                 Erika Bannerman,
                                                             and structures from a ‘technology first’ perspective,
  transformation initiative: digital, data and people.                                                                                                                                 Executive Officer,
                                                             focusing on digital adoption, but severely neglecting       This paper shows that 72% of business
                                                             the ‘people’ aspects of these changes.                                                                                    Capita People Solutions
                                                                                                                         leaders see the transition to a hybrid
                                                                                                                         workforce as the biggest challenge they
                                                                                                                         face over the next five years. It’s clear that a
                                                                                                                         strong vision and focussed plan will be vital,
                                                                                                                         especially as more than half of employees
                                                                                                                         will leave their organisations if they don’t
                                                                                                                         manage the transition effectively.

4 | Foreword                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Foreword | 5
The next workforce frontier - Capita

  Foreword                                                                                                               More than ever before, it is people that will be crucial to   Our research puts three strategic pillars firmly in the
  We are living in an age of monumental technological
                                                                                                                         business success in the future. In an economy where all       spotlight – digital, data and people. This cements the
  change. As a society, technology continues to
                                                                                                                         organisations have fast, scalable and affordable access to    notion that achieving a fully optimised workforce
  reshape, redefine and re-imagine the ways in which         Digital - The role of changing technologies                 technology to handle operational processing tasks, it will    depends on more than technology alone.
  we interact with each other, and perform even the          and their impact on the whole                               be the skills, creativity and ambition of people that will
  most fundamental daily tasks. And with the inception       employee experience                                                                                                       At Capita we have the unique advantage of being able
                                                                                                                         truly differentiate brands, drive innovation and deliver
  and adoption of new technologies such as Artificial                                                                                                                                  to look at this changing world of work from every
                                                                                                                         growth. Technology in itself should not be viewed by
  Intelligence (AI), automation and machine learning,        Data - Unlocking the power of data                                                                                        angle. Our experience and expertise spans business
                                                                                                                         businesses as the key to future success; instead it should
  the shift towards a fully tech-enabled state only          and analytics to guide future decisions                     be regarded as a powerful enabler, giving people the          strategy and leadership, technology and the entire
  continues to gain momentum.                                                                                                                                                          employee lifecycle – from recruitment and learning
                                                                                                                         support, time and confidence to take on higher value,
                                                             People -Focusing on the skills, culture                                                                                   and development, through to employee engagement
  Arguably, we’ve only scratched the surface in terms                                                                    strategic work, and to fulfil their potential.
                                                             and leadership needed to thrive in the                                                                                    and retention. By taking a holistic view, we can enable
  of realising the potential of these technologies to        new hybrid workforce                                        This is what we mean when we talk about the shift             organisations to create a clear vision of the type
  revolutionise our understanding of what it is to be a
                                                                                                                         from a Human to Hybrid workforce – a future workforce         of workforce that will allow them to thrive in the
  human living in a digital world. With a myriad of impact
                                                                                                                         where humans work seamlessly and harmoniously                 future, ensuring every part of the organisation and
  points across our personal lives, we must also consider    To date, most studies into the ‘future of work’ have        alongside technology, understanding and appreciating          employees themselves are invested in throughout
  the subsequent implications of this changing landscape     focused primarily on the role and impact of technology.     one another’s role and recognising each other’s               the transformational journey.
  on our working lives.                                      They explore how businesses can reap the benefits of        strengths and weaknesses.
                                                             AI, robotics and automation within the workplace, to                                                                      Our goal is to help organisations in the UK prepare
  Undoubtedly, new technologies, combined with
                                                             drive efficiencies, streamline processes and speed up       Throughout 2019, we will be presenting a                      and build a workforce that can compete and deliver
  changing working behaviours and more agile corporate
                                                             service delivery. Other studies have looked specifically    comprehensive study of current and future workforce           better outcomes in the future economy. A workforce
  structures, promise to effect significant change on
                                                             at the changing skills requirements within the workforce,   dynamics in the UK, providing businesses and HR leaders       that is built around people, but supported, enabled and
  the future world of work. We can expect to see new
                                                             predicting how organisations will need to train and         with deep insight into the impact of these dynamics on        empowered by technology, data and insight.
  dynamics in the relationship between employer and
                                                             develop their people to prosper in the future.              the employee lifecycle. We’ll be revealing the attitudes,
  employee, and changes to the way that organisations
                                                                                                                         concerns and aspirations of business leaders, employees
  resource ‘work’ between human and digital labour.          Of course, both of these approaches have merit but          and HR professionals when it comes to changes within
                                                             they fail to grasp the sheer scale and complexity of        the workforce and where organisations need to look for
  But the transition to a ‘hybrid state’ – where humans
                                                             the changes that are already happening within UK            greater alignment between employee expectations and
  work seamlessly alongside technology – needs direction.
                                                             workforces today. In addition, most reports have            business needs.
  We believe that this journey relies on three strategic
                                                             approached the transformation of resourcing models
  levers that business leaders must recognise in their                                                                                                                                 Erika Bannerman,
                                                             and structures from a ‘technology first’ perspective,
  transformation initiative: digital, data and people.                                                                                                                                 Executive Officer,
                                                             focusing on digital adoption, but severely neglecting       This paper shows that 72% of business
                                                             the ‘people’ aspects of these changes.                                                                                    Capita People Solutions
                                                                                                                         leaders see the transition to a hybrid
                                                                                                                         workforce as the biggest challenge they
                                                                                                                         face over the next five years. It’s clear that a
                                                                                                                         strong vision and focussed plan will be vital,
                                                                                                                         especially as more than half of employees
                                                                                                                         will leave their organisations if they don’t
                                                                                                                         manage the transition effectively.

4 | Foreword                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Foreword | 5

  the workforce
  ‘Work’ today has become almost unrecognisable                           Much has been written about the impact that these new
  from what it was two generations ago. Seismic changes                   technologies will have on the world of work, and a great
  in working patterns and behaviours as technology                        deal of the narrative has been negative, focusing on the
  and the internet have changed the way businesses                        potential for mass job displacement due to automation,
  engage and transact with their customers. We’ve seen                    increased unemployment and bleak descriptions of
  increased talent mobility, a rapid rise of the gig economy,             humans working alongside or subservient to robots,
  demand for new digital skills outstripping supply, and                  with little of the personal interaction, culture and
  an employee-driven labour market where organisations                    collaboration which characterises workplaces today.
  battle to source the talent they need. But the changes to               However, there are growing signs that the picture
  date will pale into insignificance with the transformation              is changing as the real opportunities and limitations
  we’re likely to experience over the next 10 years.                      of emerging technologies become clearer.
  Professor Klaus Schwab predicts that the coming years
  will be “characterized by a range of new technologies
  that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds,
  impacting all disciplines, economies and industries,
  and even challenging ideas about what it means to
  be human.”1 This much-anticipated set of events is set
  to change everything about the way we live, work and
  communicate with one another over the coming years,
  due in large part to widespread adoption of technologies
  such as AI, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things.

      Professor Klaus Schwab , ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, 2016

6 | Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce                                                                                         Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce | 7

  the workforce
  ‘Work’ today has become almost unrecognisable                           Much has been written about the impact that these new
  from what it was two generations ago. Seismic changes                   technologies will have on the world of work, and a great
  in working patterns and behaviours as technology                        deal of the narrative has been negative, focusing on the
  and the internet have changed the way businesses                        potential for mass job displacement due to automation,
  engage and transact with their customers. We’ve seen                    increased unemployment and bleak descriptions of
  increased talent mobility, a rapid rise of the gig economy,             humans working alongside or subservient to robots,
  demand for new digital skills outstripping supply, and                  with little of the personal interaction, culture and
  an employee-driven labour market where organisations                    collaboration which characterises workplaces today.
  battle to source the talent they need. But the changes to               However, there are growing signs that the picture
  date will pale into insignificance with the transformation              is changing as the real opportunities and limitations
  we’re likely to experience over the next 10 years.                      of emerging technologies become clearer.
  Professor Klaus Schwab predicts that the coming years
  will be “characterized by a range of new technologies
  that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds,
  impacting all disciplines, economies and industries,
  and even challenging ideas about what it means to
  be human.”1 This much-anticipated set of events is set
  to change everything about the way we live, work and
  communicate with one another over the coming years,
  due in large part to widespread adoption of technologies
  such as AI, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things.

      Professor Klaus Schwab , ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, 2016

6 | Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce                                                                                         Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce | 7

                                               The World Economic Forum
                                               estimates that globally by
                                               2022, 75 million current job
                                               roles will be displaced by the
                                               shift in the division of labour
                                               between humans, machines
                                               and algorithms, but 133 million
                                               new job roles may emerge at
                                               the same time.2
                                                   World Economic Forum, ‘Future of Jobs Report, 2018’

8 | Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce                                                             Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce | 9

                                               The World Economic Forum
                                               estimates that globally by
                                               2022, 75 million current job
                                               roles will be displaced by the
                                               shift in the division of labour
                                               between humans, machines
                                               and algorithms, but 133 million
                                               new job roles may emerge at
                                               the same time.2
                                                   World Economic Forum, ‘Future of Jobs Report, 2018’

8 | Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce                                                             Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce | 9

                                                Without doubt, our roles and the type of work that
                                                we do will change extensively over the coming years,
                                                meaning that the skills required to perform most jobs

                                                                                                               What is Human
                                                                                                                                                                                          The research defined ‘Human to Hybrid’
  The workforce of                              will shift considerably. But perhaps even more significant
                                                will be the need for us to adapt to a new cultural                                                                                        as ‘’the new dynamic where humans will
  the future will involve                       environment in which we can operate effectively and                                                                                       work in a fully digitised and technologically-

                                                                                                               to Hybrid?
                                                harmoniously alongside these new technologies in a way                                                                                    optimised environment, and increasingly
  a blend of human                              that enables us to become more efficient, productive and
                                                fulfilled in our work.
                                                                                                                                                                                          work alongside robots and AI, over the next
                                                                                                                                                                                          ten years”.
  labour and technology.                        As business leaders, we’re all aware that we are standing

  Organisations that are                        on the edge of a period of monumental change and
                                                recognise the need to re-imagine every part of our

  able to successfully                          organisations, particularly how our operations are             Research Methodology
                                                resourced and ‘work’ is carried out.
  manage the transition                         However, faced with such a huge, unprecedented                 Capita People Solutions undertook comprehensive, independent research amongst both
                                                                                                               business leaders and employees, comprising of:
  from a human to hybrid                        challenge, knowing how to manage this shift,
                                                and where to start, is an entirely different matter.

  workforce over the                            To date, academic contributions and research studies
                                                                                                                   • Interviews with 500 business leaders (board directors, senior directors and heads of
                                                                                                                     departments) within organisations in the UK. All respondents worked for organisations with
                                                in this field have almost exclusively focused on the future
  coming years will be                          of work through the prism of ‘technology-first’,
                                                                                                                     more than 100 employees and 75% worked for organisations with more than 500 employees.
                                                                                                                       Respondents came from a representative sample of industries
                                                centring on how organisations can utilise technology
  the ones that thrive.                         to drive efficiencies and re-think their resourcing models.
                                                                                                                   • Interviews with 2,031 employees within organisations in the UK. All respondents worked for
                                                With this study, we have looked to take a ‘people-first’
                                                approach to the future of work. This stems from the                  organisations with more than 100 employees and 68% worked for organisations with more
                                                belief that it is people and skills, rather than technology,         than 500 employees.
                                                which will continue to differentiate brands and                        Respondents came from a representative sample of industries and job roles/ functions
                                                determine success in the future.
                                                                                                               All research was conducted by Insight Avenue in November/December 2018 and January 2019.

                                                Certainly, technology will become an ever-
                                                more critical enabler for people, there                        The research reveals that both business leaders and                        This paper highlights the need for business leaders
                                                to support and empower workforces to                           employees in the UK are fully aware of the changes                         to recognise the Human to Hybrid challenge and
                                                adapt and thrive in an unpredictable future                    that are set to impact the world of work over the                          to carefully consider what this shift means for them
                                                environment. But it will be the ability of                     coming years and they are positive about the shift                         and for their organisation. It calls for business leaders
                                                organisations to develop highly skilled, agile                 from a human to hybrid workforce. However, despite                         to develop clear strategies to manage this transition
                                                                                                               recognising the need to transform their organisations                      over the coming years. Leadership and vision must come
                                                and engaged workforces, and to maximise
                                                                                                               and their workforces to pave the way to a hybrid                           from the very highest levels of the organisation, with
                                                the creativity, vision and ambition of their
                                                                                                               workforce, business leaders remain uncertain about how                     CEOs and Board Directors taking ownership, and working
                                                people, that will make the difference.                         to approach this shift and many are lacking the vision,                    alongside HR, IT and operational directors to develop
                                                                                                               strategy and support to drive change.                                      a joined-up, holistic approach.

                                                                                                               Unsurprisingly, employees continue to have concerns                        The shift to a hybrid workforce is arguably the most
                                                                                                               about how the workplace will evolve over the coming                        significant challenge and most exciting opportunity
                                                                                                               years and their own role within it. Whilst open to change                  for organisations today. Business leaders that manage
                                                                                                               and optimistic about the future, workers feel uncertain                    the transition successfully can set their organisations up
                                                                                                               about their own prospects and are looking to their                         to prosper in the future.
                                                                                                               employers to provide the reassurance, learning and
                                                                                                               opportunities they need to prepare themselves.

10 | Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce                                                                                                                                               Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce | 11

                                                Without doubt, our roles and the type of work that
                                                we do will change extensively over the coming years,
                                                meaning that the skills required to perform most jobs

                                                                                                               What is Human
                                                                                                                                                                                          The research defined ‘Human to Hybrid’
  The workforce of                              will shift considerably. But perhaps even more significant
                                                will be the need for us to adapt to a new cultural                                                                                        as ‘’the new dynamic where humans will
  the future will involve                       environment in which we can operate effectively and                                                                                       work in a fully digitised and technologically-

                                                                                                               to Hybrid?
                                                harmoniously alongside these new technologies in a way                                                                                    optimised environment, and increasingly
  a blend of human                              that enables us to become more efficient, productive and
                                                fulfilled in our work.
                                                                                                                                                                                          work alongside robots and AI, over the next
                                                                                                                                                                                          ten years”.
  labour and technology.                        As business leaders, we’re all aware that we are standing

  Organisations that are                        on the edge of a period of monumental change and
                                                recognise the need to re-imagine every part of our

  able to successfully                          organisations, particularly how our operations are             Research Methodology
                                                resourced and ‘work’ is carried out.
  manage the transition                         However, faced with such a huge, unprecedented                 Capita People Solutions undertook comprehensive, independent research amongst both
                                                                                                               business leaders and employees, comprising of:
  from a human to hybrid                        challenge, knowing how to manage this shift,
                                                and where to start, is an entirely different matter.

  workforce over the                            To date, academic contributions and research studies
                                                                                                                   • Interviews with 500 business leaders (board directors, senior directors and heads of
                                                                                                                     departments) within organisations in the UK. All respondents worked for organisations with
                                                in this field have almost exclusively focused on the future
  coming years will be                          of work through the prism of ‘technology-first’,
                                                                                                                     more than 100 employees and 75% worked for organisations with more than 500 employees.
                                                                                                                       Respondents came from a representative sample of industries
                                                centring on how organisations can utilise technology
  the ones that thrive.                         to drive efficiencies and re-think their resourcing models.
                                                                                                                   • Interviews with 2,031 employees within organisations in the UK. All respondents worked for
                                                With this study, we have looked to take a ‘people-first’
                                                approach to the future of work. This stems from the                  organisations with more than 100 employees and 68% worked for organisations with more
                                                belief that it is people and skills, rather than technology,         than 500 employees.
                                                which will continue to differentiate brands and                        Respondents came from a representative sample of industries and job roles/ functions
                                                determine success in the future.
                                                                                                               All research was conducted by Insight Avenue in November/December 2018 and January 2019.

                                                Certainly, technology will become an ever-
                                                more critical enabler for people, there                        The research reveals that both business leaders and                        This paper highlights the need for business leaders
                                                to support and empower workforces to                           employees in the UK are fully aware of the changes                         to recognise the Human to Hybrid challenge and
                                                adapt and thrive in an unpredictable future                    that are set to impact the world of work over the                          to carefully consider what this shift means for them
                                                environment. But it will be the ability of                     coming years and they are positive about the shift                         and for their organisation. It calls for business leaders
                                                organisations to develop highly skilled, agile                 from a human to hybrid workforce. However, despite                         to develop clear strategies to manage this transition
                                                                                                               recognising the need to transform their organisations                      over the coming years. Leadership and vision must come
                                                and engaged workforces, and to maximise
                                                                                                               and their workforces to pave the way to a hybrid                           from the very highest levels of the organisation, with
                                                the creativity, vision and ambition of their
                                                                                                               workforce, business leaders remain uncertain about how                     CEOs and Board Directors taking ownership, and working
                                                people, that will make the difference.                         to approach this shift and many are lacking the vision,                    alongside HR, IT and operational directors to develop
                                                                                                               strategy and support to drive change.                                      a joined-up, holistic approach.

                                                                                                               Unsurprisingly, employees continue to have concerns                        The shift to a hybrid workforce is arguably the most
                                                                                                               about how the workplace will evolve over the coming                        significant challenge and most exciting opportunity
                                                                                                               years and their own role within it. Whilst open to change                  for organisations today. Business leaders that manage
                                                                                                               and optimistic about the future, workers feel uncertain                    the transition successfully can set their organisations up
                                                                                                               about their own prospects and are looking to their                         to prosper in the future.
                                                                                                               employers to provide the reassurance, learning and
                                                                                                               opportunities they need to prepare themselves.

10 | Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce                                                                                                                                               Introduction: Re-imagining the workforce | 11

  on the
  The transition from a Human to Hybrid workforce
  is both imminent and urgent.

  The research reveals that business leaders are fully
  aware of the scale of the Human to Hybrid challenge
  and most claim to have a good understanding of what
  this shift will mean for their organisation and workforce
  over the next five years.

  72% of business leaders
  see the transition to
  a hybrid workforce as
  the biggest challenge
  that businesses are
  facing over the next five
  years and 93% believe
  that they need to start
  proactively managing
  this shift over the next
  12 months.

12 | Hybrid on the horizon                                    Hybrid on the horizon | 13

  on the
  The transition from a Human to Hybrid workforce
  is both imminent and urgent.

  The research reveals that business leaders are fully
  aware of the scale of the Human to Hybrid challenge
  and most claim to have a good understanding of what
  this shift will mean for their organisation and workforce
  over the next five years.

  72% of business leaders
  see the transition to
  a hybrid workforce as
  the biggest challenge
  that businesses are
  facing over the next five
  years and 93% believe
  that they need to start
  proactively managing
  this shift over the next
  12 months.

12 | Hybrid on the horizon                                    Hybrid on the horizon | 13

  Understanding of                                                                                                             Excellent
  Human to Hybrid                                                 Fair
                                                                 18%                                                                       This fear is fully justified.
  and the impact on                                                                                                                        In our survey of UK
  organisation and                                                                                                                         employees, more than
  workforce                                                                                                                                half (51%) reported
  How would you describe your level of                                                                                                     that they will choose to
  understanding of Human to Hybrid and
  what this shift may mean for your workforce
                                                                                                                                           leave their organisation
  / organisation over the next five years?
                                                                                                                                           if it doesn’t manage the
                                                                                   41%                                                     transition to a hybrid
                                                                             *Figures may sometimes sum to 99% or 101% due to rounding.
                                                                                                                                           workforce properly.
                                                                              Don’t know
                                                                                     9%                                                    The shift to a hybrid workforce is being driven by a wide
                                                                                                                               More of a
  Perception of Human                                                                                                           threat
                                                                                                                                           and varied range of factors, both inside and outside
                                                                                                                                           the organisation. One of the leading factors is the need
  to Hybrid as a threat                                                                                                                    to reduce costs whilst increasing output, as the UK
                                                                                                                                           continues to struggle with poor productivity in relation
  or opportunity                                                                                                                           to other economies.

                                                                                                                                           There is also a strong desire to exploit technological
  Overall, currently do you see the shift                                                                                                  advancements, particularly within AI and automation,
  from Human to Hybrid as a threat or an                                                                                                   to become more innovative and to meet increasingly
  opportunity to a business like yours?                                                                                                    high customer demands. Interestingly, business leaders
                                                                                                                                           also cite difficulties in recruiting permanent staff as
                                                                                                                                           a key driver for transitioning to a hybrid workforce.
                                                                                                                                           They acknowledge the role that AI and automation
                                                                More of an                                                                 will increasingly play in resourcing more mundane and
                                                               opportunity                                                                 repetitive high-volume tasks within their organisation,
                                                                 60%                                                                       freeing up their existing workforce to focus on higher
                                                                                                                                           value work.

                                                                  67              of business leaders fear
  The majority of business leaders (60%) feel positive
  about this shift to a hybrid workforce, although almost                         that their organisation
  a third (31%) believe that it presents more of a threat

                                                                                  will become irrelevant if it
  than an opportunity. Indeed, this is likely to be linked
                                                                                  fails to move to a hybrid
  to the fact that business leaders appear to be acutely
  aware of the implications of failing to effectively manage
                                                                                  workforce over the next
  the transition to a hybrid workforce.                                           five years.

14 | Hybrid on the horizon                                                                                                                                                                 Hybrid on the horizon | 15

  Understanding of                                                                                                             Excellent
  Human to Hybrid                                                 Fair
                                                                 18%                                                                       This fear is fully justified.
  and the impact on                                                                                                                        In our survey of UK
  organisation and                                                                                                                         employees, more than
  workforce                                                                                                                                half (51%) reported
  How would you describe your level of                                                                                                     that they will choose to
  understanding of Human to Hybrid and
  what this shift may mean for your workforce
                                                                                                                                           leave their organisation
  / organisation over the next five years?
                                                                                                                                           if it doesn’t manage the
                                                                                   41%                                                     transition to a hybrid
                                                                             *Figures may sometimes sum to 99% or 101% due to rounding.
                                                                                                                                           workforce properly.
                                                                              Don’t know
                                                                                     9%                                                    The shift to a hybrid workforce is being driven by a wide
                                                                                                                               More of a
  Perception of Human                                                                                                           threat
                                                                                                                                           and varied range of factors, both inside and outside
                                                                                                                                           the organisation. One of the leading factors is the need
  to Hybrid as a threat                                                                                                                    to reduce costs whilst increasing output, as the UK
                                                                                                                                           continues to struggle with poor productivity in relation
  or opportunity                                                                                                                           to other economies.

                                                                                                                                           There is also a strong desire to exploit technological
  Overall, currently do you see the shift                                                                                                  advancements, particularly within AI and automation,
  from Human to Hybrid as a threat or an                                                                                                   to become more innovative and to meet increasingly
  opportunity to a business like yours?                                                                                                    high customer demands. Interestingly, business leaders
                                                                                                                                           also cite difficulties in recruiting permanent staff as
                                                                                                                                           a key driver for transitioning to a hybrid workforce.
                                                                                                                                           They acknowledge the role that AI and automation
                                                                More of an                                                                 will increasingly play in resourcing more mundane and
                                                               opportunity                                                                 repetitive high-volume tasks within their organisation,
                                                                 60%                                                                       freeing up their existing workforce to focus on higher
                                                                                                                                           value work.

                                                                  67              of business leaders fear
  The majority of business leaders (60%) feel positive
  about this shift to a hybrid workforce, although almost                         that their organisation
  a third (31%) believe that it presents more of a threat

                                                                                  will become irrelevant if it
  than an opportunity. Indeed, this is likely to be linked
                                                                                  fails to move to a hybrid
  to the fact that business leaders appear to be acutely
  aware of the implications of failing to effectively manage
                                                                                  workforce over the next
  the transition to a hybrid workforce.                                           five years.

14 | Hybrid on the horizon                                                                                                                                                                 Hybrid on the horizon | 15

  Factors driving the need for
  a Human to Hybrid strategy
  To what extent do the following drive the need for
  a Human to Hybrid strategy in your organisation?

            To a great extent                                                            To some extent                     Not at all

                                                                                                                                         Pressures to reduce costs
                                                                                   60%                                32%     8%         / manage productivity

                                                                                                                                         Technological advancement
                                                                             45%                                43%          12%         / increasing automation / AI

                                                                                                                                         Need to innovate and resource new
                                                                           42%                                    46%        11%         business initiatives

                                                                                                                                         Changing customer demands
                                                                           42%                              43%              15%         / expectations

                                                                                                                                         Difficulties finding
                                                                       40%                            41%                    19%         permanent staff

                                                                                                                                         Increased competition
                                                                     38%                                          51%        11%         / disruption in the market

                                                                                                                                         Skills shortages in
                                                                     37%                                  47%                16%         our organisation

                                                                                                                                         Changing employee expectations
                                                                 36%                                            51%          13%         of what work means / improving
                                                                                                                                         employee experience
                                                                                                                                         Growth of the gig economy /
                                                                 36%                                  46%                    19%         increasing numbers of freelancers

                                                                                                                                         Increased availability
                                                                 36%                                      47%                16%         of HR data

                                                                                                                                         Economic uncertainty
                                                                 36%                                      47%                17%         (e.g. Brexit)

                                                                35%                                             52%          13%         workforce

                                                                                                                                         Everyone else is doing it
                                                               34%                                              53%          13%         / fear of falling behind

                                                               33%                                          52%              15%         Industry regulation

  *Figures may sometimes sum to 99% or 101% due to rounding.

16 | Hybrid on the horizon                                                                                                                     Hybrid on the horizon | 17

  Factors driving the need for
  a Human to Hybrid strategy
  To what extent do the following drive the need for
  a Human to Hybrid strategy in your organisation?

            To a great extent                                                            To some extent                     Not at all

                                                                                                                                         Pressures to reduce costs
                                                                                   60%                                32%     8%         / manage productivity

                                                                                                                                         Technological advancement
                                                                             45%                                43%          12%         / increasing automation / AI

                                                                                                                                         Need to innovate and resource new
                                                                           42%                                    46%        11%         business initiatives

                                                                                                                                         Changing customer demands
                                                                           42%                              43%              15%         / expectations

                                                                                                                                         Difficulties finding
                                                                       40%                            41%                    19%         permanent staff

                                                                                                                                         Increased competition
                                                                     38%                                          51%        11%         / disruption in the market

                                                                                                                                         Skills shortages in
                                                                     37%                                  47%                16%         our organisation

                                                                                                                                         Changing employee expectations
                                                                 36%                                            51%          13%         of what work means / improving
                                                                                                                                         employee experience
                                                                                                                                         Growth of the gig economy /
                                                                 36%                                  46%                    19%         increasing numbers of freelancers

                                                                                                                                         Increased availability
                                                                 36%                                      47%                16%         of HR data

                                                                                                                                         Economic uncertainty
                                                                 36%                                      47%                17%         (e.g. Brexit)

                                                                35%                                             52%          13%         workforce

                                                                                                                                         Everyone else is doing it
                                                               34%                                              53%          13%         / fear of falling behind

                                                               33%                                          52%              15%         Industry regulation

  *Figures may sometimes sum to 99% or 101% due to rounding.

16 | Hybrid on the horizon                                                                                                                     Hybrid on the horizon | 17

  on the
  to Hybrid
  The research uncovers a wide variety of challenges that
  business leaders are facing when approaching the shift
  from a Human to Hybrid workforce.
                                                             98% of business leaders
  One major challenge is overcoming employee resistance
  and anxiety around what a hybrid workforce will mean       cite problems with
  for them personally and their job function more widely.
  Many respondents felt that media coverage of the           the transition to
  potential impact of AI and automation on the jobs
  market has created a sense of unnecessary fear amongst     a hybrid workforce.
  the working population. This is something that business
  leaders will need to confront and overcome over the
  next year.

  Business leaders also acknowledge the challenge they
  face in re-skilling their people to operate productively
  in a hybrid workforce and in optimising technology to
  ensure it can deliver effectively.

18 | Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey                                         Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey | 19

  on the
  to Hybrid
  The research uncovers a wide variety of challenges that
  business leaders are facing when approaching the shift
  from a Human to Hybrid workforce.
                                                             98% of business leaders
  One major challenge is overcoming employee resistance
  and anxiety around what a hybrid workforce will mean       cite problems with
  for them personally and their job function more widely.
  Many respondents felt that media coverage of the           the transition to
  potential impact of AI and automation on the jobs
  market has created a sense of unnecessary fear amongst     a hybrid workforce.
  the working population. This is something that business
  leaders will need to confront and overcome over the
  next year.

  Business leaders also acknowledge the challenge they
  face in re-skilling their people to operate productively
  in a hybrid workforce and in optimising technology to
  ensure it can deliver effectively.

18 | Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey                                         Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey | 19

  Problems associated with                                                                                                   Employee concerns about working
  moving to a hybrid workforce                                                                                               as part of a hybrid workforce
  What do you see, or have you seen, as problems associated                                                                  What are your concerns about working as part of
  with moving to a hybrid workforce in your organisation?                                                                    a hybrid workforce?

        34%                                                                            Employee resistance / fear                      46%                                                                      Lack of human interaction at work

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Potentially losing my job
                 30%                                                                   Need to re-skill our workforce                           41%                                                              to a machine
                                                                                       Lack of knowledge / understanding                                                                                        Accountability – if things go wrong,
                 30%                                                                   of how to best manage this shift                                      32%                                                where does the responsibility lie?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                My skills, talents and characteristics
                   29%                                                                 Need to overhaul processes                                                   28%                                         will go unnoticed

                                                                                       Lack of confidence in the                                                                                                Reduced opportunities to progress within
                      28%                                                              technology                                                                      26%                                      the organisation / more competition for jobs
                                                                                       Company culture                                                                                                          Uncertainty and general
                      28%                                                              / reluctance to change                                                             24%                                   employee discontent
                                                                                       Finding appropriate balance of                                                                                           Potentially being managed
                      28%                                                              human and automated resource                                                        23%                                  by a machine
                                                                                       Lack of leadership / ownership                                                                                           Might create a less inclusive,
                      28%                                                              of the Human to Hybrid transition                                                     22%                                less diverse workforce
                                                                                       Worries about redundancies                                                                                               Not clear on reasons why this
                      28%                                                              as a result of more automation                                                           20%                             is happening / the bigger picture
                                                                                       Change in risk profile
                           26%                                                         / accountability                                                                                    5%                   Don’t know

                               24%                                                     Poor or outdated technology                                                                                1%            Other

                                                                                       Need to re-evaluate the measurement
                               24%                                                     of outputs such as productivity                                                                     6%                   None of the above / no concerns

                                                                                                                             50            40              30              20              10              0
                                                                         1%            Other

                                                                      2%               No barriers
                                                                                                                             The research shows that business leaders understand                At either end are those who are either highly positive
  35        30          25          20          15             10       5         0                                          that employees are experiencing a whole range of                   or highly negative about the changes, whilst in the
                                                                                                                             different feelings about the prospect of working as                middle is a third group which is partly engaged and
                                                                                                                             part of a hybrid workforce, ranging from optimism                  interested in the prospect of a hybrid workforce and
  Interestingly, business leaders are also having to address        The research highlights that employee                    and excitement, through to fear and scepticism.                    the benefits that it might bring, but who still have
  and account for external dynamics which are wholly                concerns around the prospect of working                  Interestingly, business leaders feel that when it comes            a level of concern about their job security and remain
  beyond their control. For instance, the sheer speed               in a hybrid workforce extend far beyond                  to overall attitudes to being a part of a hybrid workforce,        somewhat resistant to change.
  and scale of current technological advancements are                                                                        their employees divide evenly into three camps.
                                                                    simply losing their job to a robot.
  presenting a real challenge in preparing for and moving
  towards a hybrid workforce over the next ten years.               Organisations are facing some important questions
  86% of business leaders feel that it’s impossible to              around the impact that a hybrid workforce will
  forecast the technology that we will be using in 2030             have on workplace culture and collaboration,
  and many business leaders are struggling to keep pace             reward and recognition, diversity and inclusion
  and to adapt their workforce strategies in such                   and on talent mobility.
  a dynamic, fast-moving environment.

20 | Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey                                                                                                                                              Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey | 21

  Problems associated with                                                                                                   Employee concerns about working
  moving to a hybrid workforce                                                                                               as part of a hybrid workforce
  What do you see, or have you seen, as problems associated                                                                  What are your concerns about working as part of
  with moving to a hybrid workforce in your organisation?                                                                    a hybrid workforce?

        34%                                                                            Employee resistance / fear                      46%                                                                      Lack of human interaction at work

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Potentially losing my job
                 30%                                                                   Need to re-skill our workforce                           41%                                                              to a machine
                                                                                       Lack of knowledge / understanding                                                                                        Accountability – if things go wrong,
                 30%                                                                   of how to best manage this shift                                      32%                                                where does the responsibility lie?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                My skills, talents and characteristics
                   29%                                                                 Need to overhaul processes                                                   28%                                         will go unnoticed

                                                                                       Lack of confidence in the                                                                                                Reduced opportunities to progress within
                      28%                                                              technology                                                                      26%                                      the organisation / more competition for jobs
                                                                                       Company culture                                                                                                          Uncertainty and general
                      28%                                                              / reluctance to change                                                             24%                                   employee discontent
                                                                                       Finding appropriate balance of                                                                                           Potentially being managed
                      28%                                                              human and automated resource                                                        23%                                  by a machine
                                                                                       Lack of leadership / ownership                                                                                           Might create a less inclusive,
                      28%                                                              of the Human to Hybrid transition                                                     22%                                less diverse workforce
                                                                                       Worries about redundancies                                                                                               Not clear on reasons why this
                      28%                                                              as a result of more automation                                                           20%                             is happening / the bigger picture
                                                                                       Change in risk profile
                           26%                                                         / accountability                                                                                    5%                   Don’t know

                               24%                                                     Poor or outdated technology                                                                                1%            Other

                                                                                       Need to re-evaluate the measurement
                               24%                                                     of outputs such as productivity                                                                     6%                   None of the above / no concerns

                                                                                                                             50            40              30              20              10              0
                                                                         1%            Other

                                                                      2%               No barriers
                                                                                                                             The research shows that business leaders understand                At either end are those who are either highly positive
  35        30          25          20          15             10       5         0                                          that employees are experiencing a whole range of                   or highly negative about the changes, whilst in the
                                                                                                                             different feelings about the prospect of working as                middle is a third group which is partly engaged and
                                                                                                                             part of a hybrid workforce, ranging from optimism                  interested in the prospect of a hybrid workforce and
  Interestingly, business leaders are also having to address        The research highlights that employee                    and excitement, through to fear and scepticism.                    the benefits that it might bring, but who still have
  and account for external dynamics which are wholly                concerns around the prospect of working                  Interestingly, business leaders feel that when it comes            a level of concern about their job security and remain
  beyond their control. For instance, the sheer speed               in a hybrid workforce extend far beyond                  to overall attitudes to being a part of a hybrid workforce,        somewhat resistant to change.
  and scale of current technological advancements are                                                                        their employees divide evenly into three camps.
                                                                    simply losing their job to a robot.
  presenting a real challenge in preparing for and moving
  towards a hybrid workforce over the next ten years.               Organisations are facing some important questions
  86% of business leaders feel that it’s impossible to              around the impact that a hybrid workforce will
  forecast the technology that we will be using in 2030             have on workplace culture and collaboration,
  and many business leaders are struggling to keep pace             reward and recognition, diversity and inclusion
  and to adapt their workforce strategies in such                   and on talent mobility.
  a dynamic, fast-moving environment.

20 | Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey                                                                                                                                              Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey | 21

  Employee mindsets in regards                                                                                              Personal and company readiness
  to the hybrid workforce                                                                                                   for a hybrid workforce
  What proportion of your workforce do you think                                                                            How would you rate your personal readiness for a hybrid
  is likely to fall into the following categories within                                                                    workforce (excitement and interest in humans working
  a hybrid workforce?                                                                                                       alongside increasing technology, including robots and AI,
                                                                                                                            and understanding how this can best work in a company like
                                                                                                                            yours?) How would you rate your company’s readiness for a
                                                                                                                            hybrid workforce (strategy and planning around integration
   Disengaged and highly sceptical
                                                                                                                            of humans with increasing technology, including robots and
     about the value of a hybrid                                                           Fully engaged and open to
       workforce and their role                                                          new possibilities that a hybrid
                                                                                                                            AI, and a clear vision of how this can best work?)
             / purpose                                                                          workforce brings
                 32%                                                                                  36%
                                                                                                                                                                                 Personal readiness
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Not at all ready

                                                                                                                                                                     Extremely ready
                                                                                                                                                                         26%                                          Not particularly
                                               Partially engaged but worried
                                              about the future of their job and
                                                                                                                                   Company readiness
                                                                                                                                                      Not at all ready
  Given the level of complexity and variety of problems           Interestingly, when thinking about their own personal
  they are encountering, it’s unsurprising that only              readiness as business leaders in a hybrid workforce,
                                                                                                                           Extremely ready
  a quarter (26%) of business leaders regard their                the findings very closely mirror attitudes towards
  organisation as ‘extremely ready’ for the transition to         company readiness. Once again, 26% report extreme            26%
                                                                                                                                                                                               Quite ready
  a hybrid workforce. Most feel somewhat ready but                readiness, whereas most think they have a good                                                                                 43%
  acknowledge that they have more to do over the                  level of understanding and focus in these changing
                                                                                                                                                                            Not particularly
  coming months and years to ensure a smooth journey              workforce dynamics but acknowledge that they could
  to a hybrid workforce.                                          be making improvements.

                                                                                                                                        Quite ready

22 | Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey                                                                                                                                  Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey | 23

  Employee mindsets in regards                                                                                              Personal and company readiness
  to the hybrid workforce                                                                                                   for a hybrid workforce
  What proportion of your workforce do you think                                                                            How would you rate your personal readiness for a hybrid
  is likely to fall into the following categories within                                                                    workforce (excitement and interest in humans working
  a hybrid workforce?                                                                                                       alongside increasing technology, including robots and AI,
                                                                                                                            and understanding how this can best work in a company like
                                                                                                                            yours?) How would you rate your company’s readiness for a
                                                                                                                            hybrid workforce (strategy and planning around integration
   Disengaged and highly sceptical
                                                                                                                            of humans with increasing technology, including robots and
     about the value of a hybrid                                                           Fully engaged and open to
       workforce and their role                                                          new possibilities that a hybrid
                                                                                                                            AI, and a clear vision of how this can best work?)
             / purpose                                                                          workforce brings
                 32%                                                                                  36%
                                                                                                                                                                                 Personal readiness
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Not at all ready

                                                                                                                                                                     Extremely ready
                                                                                                                                                                         26%                                          Not particularly
                                               Partially engaged but worried
                                              about the future of their job and
                                                                                                                                   Company readiness
                                                                                                                                                      Not at all ready
  Given the level of complexity and variety of problems           Interestingly, when thinking about their own personal
  they are encountering, it’s unsurprising that only              readiness as business leaders in a hybrid workforce,
                                                                                                                           Extremely ready
  a quarter (26%) of business leaders regard their                the findings very closely mirror attitudes towards
  organisation as ‘extremely ready’ for the transition to         company readiness. Once again, 26% report extreme            26%
                                                                                                                                                                                               Quite ready
  a hybrid workforce. Most feel somewhat ready but                readiness, whereas most think they have a good                                                                                 43%
  acknowledge that they have more to do over the                  level of understanding and focus in these changing
                                                                                                                                                                            Not particularly
  coming months and years to ensure a smooth journey              workforce dynamics but acknowledge that they could
  to a hybrid workforce.                                          be making improvements.

                                                                                                                                        Quite ready

22 | Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey                                                                                                                                  Challenges on the Human to Hybrid journey | 23

  of a
  Without doubt, business leaders see the overall benefits
  of moving towards a hybrid workforce - striving for
  greater operational efficiency, increased revenue,
  skills enhancements and better decision making.

  The optimal end state is one that delivers tangible
  benefits for both organisations, and individuals alike -
  and whilst the aim is transformational, achieving this
  balance relies on the successful implementation of a
  number of smaller shifts across the employee lifecycle.

24 | The benefits of a hybrid workforce                      The benefits of a hybrid workforce | 25

  of a
  Without doubt, business leaders see the overall benefits
  of moving towards a hybrid workforce - striving for
  greater operational efficiency, increased revenue,
  skills enhancements and better decision making.

  The optimal end state is one that delivers tangible
  benefits for both organisations, and individuals alike -
  and whilst the aim is transformational, achieving this
  balance relies on the successful implementation of a
  number of smaller shifts across the employee lifecycle.

24 | The benefits of a hybrid workforce                      The benefits of a hybrid workforce | 25

  The business benefits of                                                                                           Employees - the benefits of being
  a hybrid workforce                                                                                                 part of a hybrid workforce
  What do you expect to see as the benefits of                                                                       What do you see as the benefits that working as part of
  a hybrid workforce from a business perspective?                                                                    a hybrid workforce could bring you personally?

                                                                             Increased operational efficiency
           37%                                                               / reduced operational costs                         44%                                                       Opportunity to learn new skills

                                                                                                                                                                                           More flexibility to work where
             36%                                                             Increased revenue / sales                                  40%                                                and how I choose
                                                                             Skills enhancement / increased                                                                                Would free up my time at work to focus
                35%                                                          engagement amongst staff                                               32%                                    on more interesting, creative tasks
                                                                                                                                                                                           Opportunity to work on greater variety
                35%                                                          Speed and quality of decision making                                          28%                             of tasks / projects with different people
                                                                             More time to focus on strategic                                                                               Company seen as cutting-edge
                    33%                                                      / creative activities and innovation                                          28%                             / innovative

                                                                                                                                                                                           Good experience to improve my
                    33%                                                      Fresh insights and more innovation                                             27%                            employability elsewhere
                                                                             Greater legal / regulatory compliance                                                                         Creating a safer working
                          31%                                                and safer working environment                                                             20%                 environment
                                                                             Good for our image                                                                                            Better, more personalised
                          30%                                                / market reputation                                                                          18%              employee experience

                                                                             Enhanced customer satisfaction                                                                                Reduce interpersonal issues
                            29%                                              / reduced churn                                                                                17%            / conflicts with managers or colleagues

                              28%                                            More inclusive / diverse workforce                                                                 15%        Don’t know

                                                                                                                     50            40             30              20             10    0
                                                                    3%       None of the above

  40       35        30        25         20        15         10    5   0

                                                                                                                     Whilst on the one hand some employees have a certain
                                                                                                                     amount of resistance to change and anxiety around
                                                                                                                     the future, many can see that working with a hybrid
  The transition from a Human to Hybrid workforce also
                                                                                                                     workforce will enable them to take on more creative
  involves a huge number of smaller initiatives which
                                                                                                                     and fulfilling work. They recognise that technology will
  can drive improvements in every area of the employee
                                                                                                                     increasingly take over many of the more mundane and
  lifecycle, in a tailored and personalised way. This
                                                                                                                     repetitive administrative tasks that they undertake, and
  includes attracting and retaining high quality candidates,
                                                                                                                     free them up to focus their efforts on more meaningful,
  identifying and addressing skills gaps, supporting
                                                                                                                     impactful work. They welcome the idea of developing
  workforce agility, promoting employee wellbeing and
                                                                                                                     their own skills in order to do this, boosting their own
  creating strong cultures of learnability. Encouragingly,
                                                                                                                     development and future employability.
  employees also recognise significant benefits in being
  part of a hybrid workforce, believing that it will provide
  increased opportunities to learn new skills, greater
  flexibility, and more interesting and varied work.

26 | The benefits of a hybrid workforce                                                                                                                                               The benefits of a hybrid workforce | 27

  The business benefits of                                                                                           Employees - the benefits of being
  a hybrid workforce                                                                                                 part of a hybrid workforce
  What do you expect to see as the benefits of                                                                       What do you see as the benefits that working as part of
  a hybrid workforce from a business perspective?                                                                    a hybrid workforce could bring you personally?

                                                                             Increased operational efficiency
           37%                                                               / reduced operational costs                         44%                                                       Opportunity to learn new skills

                                                                                                                                                                                           More flexibility to work where
             36%                                                             Increased revenue / sales                                  40%                                                and how I choose
                                                                             Skills enhancement / increased                                                                                Would free up my time at work to focus
                35%                                                          engagement amongst staff                                               32%                                    on more interesting, creative tasks
                                                                                                                                                                                           Opportunity to work on greater variety
                35%                                                          Speed and quality of decision making                                          28%                             of tasks / projects with different people
                                                                             More time to focus on strategic                                                                               Company seen as cutting-edge
                    33%                                                      / creative activities and innovation                                          28%                             / innovative

                                                                                                                                                                                           Good experience to improve my
                    33%                                                      Fresh insights and more innovation                                             27%                            employability elsewhere
                                                                             Greater legal / regulatory compliance                                                                         Creating a safer working
                          31%                                                and safer working environment                                                             20%                 environment
                                                                             Good for our image                                                                                            Better, more personalised
                          30%                                                / market reputation                                                                          18%              employee experience

                                                                             Enhanced customer satisfaction                                                                                Reduce interpersonal issues
                            29%                                              / reduced churn                                                                                17%            / conflicts with managers or colleagues

                              28%                                            More inclusive / diverse workforce                                                                 15%        Don’t know

                                                                                                                     50            40             30              20             10    0
                                                                    3%       None of the above

  40       35        30        25         20        15         10    5   0

                                                                                                                     Whilst on the one hand some employees have a certain
                                                                                                                     amount of resistance to change and anxiety around
                                                                                                                     the future, many can see that working with a hybrid
  The transition from a Human to Hybrid workforce also
                                                                                                                     workforce will enable them to take on more creative
  involves a huge number of smaller initiatives which
                                                                                                                     and fulfilling work. They recognise that technology will
  can drive improvements in every area of the employee
                                                                                                                     increasingly take over many of the more mundane and
  lifecycle, in a tailored and personalised way. This
                                                                                                                     repetitive administrative tasks that they undertake, and
  includes attracting and retaining high quality candidates,
                                                                                                                     free them up to focus their efforts on more meaningful,
  identifying and addressing skills gaps, supporting
                                                                                                                     impactful work. They welcome the idea of developing
  workforce agility, promoting employee wellbeing and
                                                                                                                     their own skills in order to do this, boosting their own
  creating strong cultures of learnability. Encouragingly,
                                                                                                                     development and future employability.
  employees also recognise significant benefits in being
  part of a hybrid workforce, believing that it will provide
  increased opportunities to learn new skills, greater
  flexibility, and more interesting and varied work.

26 | The benefits of a hybrid workforce                                                                                                                                               The benefits of a hybrid workforce | 27

  The three
  levers of the
  Human to
  Hybrid shift
  Evidently the Human to Hybrid transition is extremely
  challenging and there are no easy answers. However,
  business leaders are in agreement that efforts to
  move from a traditional workforce model to a hybrid        88% of business leaders
  workforce must focus around three key levers:
  Digital (technology capability); Data (workforce           believe that they need to
  insights); and People (skills, culture and leadership).
                                                             focus on digital, data and
  Interestingly, whilst digital, data and people are
  identified as important strategic levers to build and      people in the transition
  benefit from a sustainable hybrid workforce, initiatives
  in these areas are enjoying varying degrees of success.    from a human to hybrid
  Business leaders feel that they are making significantly
  more progress when it comes to digital (and digital        workforce. These
  transformation) than they are in the other two areas,
  particularly data, where 45% of business leaders           levers are set to deliver
  acknowledge they have made the least progress.
                                                             better experiences and
                                                             outcomes for employees,
                                                             which in turn will drive
                                                             better performances and
                                                             outcomes for businesses.

28 | The three levers of the Human to Hybrid shift                                        The three levers of the Human to Hybrid shift | 29

  The three
  levers of the
  Human to
  Hybrid shift
  Evidently the Human to Hybrid transition is extremely
  challenging and there are no easy answers. However,
  business leaders are in agreement that efforts to
  move from a traditional workforce model to a hybrid        88% of business leaders
  workforce must focus around three key levers:
  Digital (technology capability); Data (workforce           believe that they need to
  insights); and People (skills, culture and leadership).
                                                             focus on digital, data and
  Interestingly, whilst digital, data and people are
  identified as important strategic levers to build and      people in the transition
  benefit from a sustainable hybrid workforce, initiatives
  in these areas are enjoying varying degrees of success.    from a human to hybrid
  Business leaders feel that they are making significantly
  more progress when it comes to digital (and digital        workforce. These
  transformation) than they are in the other two areas,
  particularly data, where 45% of business leaders           levers are set to deliver
  acknowledge they have made the least progress.
                                                             better experiences and
                                                             outcomes for employees,
                                                             which in turn will drive
                                                             better performances and
                                                             outcomes for businesses.

28 | The three levers of the Human to Hybrid shift                                        The three levers of the Human to Hybrid shift | 29

                                                     The Three Levers of
                                                     Human to Hybrid
                                                     In which area of the Human to Hybrid transition
                                                     have you made the most progress to date?

                                                                                      Most progress                2nd most                      Least progress

                                                                  DIGITAL                                46%                    29%                             26%
                                                           (technical capability)

                                                                       DATA                  27%               27%                                              45%
                                                            (workforce insights)

                                                                   PEOPLE                    27%                          44%                                   29%
                                                      (skills, culture, leadership)

                                                                                                                       *Figures may sometimes sum to 99% or 101% due to rounding.

30 | The three levers of the Human to Hybrid shift                                                    The three levers of the Human to Hybrid shift | 31

                                                     The Three Levers of
                                                     Human to Hybrid
                                                     In which area of the Human to Hybrid transition
                                                     have you made the most progress to date?

                                                                                      Most progress                2nd most                      Least progress

                                                                  DIGITAL                                46%                    29%                             26%
                                                           (technical capability)

                                                                       DATA                  27%               27%                                              45%
                                                            (workforce insights)

                                                                   PEOPLE                    27%                          44%                                   29%
                                                      (skills, culture, leadership)

                                                                                                                       *Figures may sometimes sum to 99% or 101% due to rounding.

30 | The three levers of the Human to Hybrid shift                                                    The three levers of the Human to Hybrid shift | 31
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