Page created by Jeremy Blair

                       The Ultimate Strategic Relationship:
        Board Members | Presidents/Principals | Directors of Advancement | Directors of Admission

                         SUNDAY, MARCH 6 TO TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2022
                                  HILTON NAPLES HOTEL, NAPLES, FLORIDA

Strategic Partners:

                                   Explore and enhance the Strategic Relationship among Presidents/Principals,
                                   Directors of Advancement, Directors of Admission, and Board Members.
                                   Hilton Naples Hotel, Naples, Florida — Sunday, March 6 to Wednesday, March 9, 2022

                                   PROGRAM OVERVIEW
Enjoy the perfect setting for      Every successful investor knows that lasting success for any organization or institution
this highly concentrated           ultimately depends upon vibrant and dynamic leadership. Both research and
conference — a relaxing            experience show that successful Catholic school leadership invariably begins with
environment conducive to           an exceptional, high-quality relationship between the President/Principal and the
discussion and reflection —        Director of Advancement and/or Director of Admission — “the ultimate strategic
the perfect complement to          relationship,” working together to advance the school’s mission of excellence in
a full, dynamic conference         transforming young lives in and through Christ. This conference will help you develop
program. Attendees can             “the ultimate strategic relationship” for advancing your mission and raising the
expect to come away                resources you need.
renewed, focused, and
inspired to begin a new
chapter in their career and in   PROGRAM BENEFITS                                      CONFERENCE GOALS
their relationships.             • Greater clarity in understanding your               • Increased clarity and awareness of your
                                   personal strengths and specific, detailed             personal strengths and unique abilities as
                                   practices to enhance your effectiveness               a Catholic school leader
                                   in leading others while inspiring and               • Reassess, renew and recommit to your
                                   developing their abilities                            personal leadership strengths to the
                                 • Confronting issues of school culture                  service of Jesus in the Catholic church and
                                   and challenges facing Catholic school                 in your school
                                   advancement with peers who share those              • Identify key strategic relationships in both
                                   same challenges                                       the outside and inside school communities,
                                 • Grasping valuable “lessons learned” from              prioritize them, and explore and discover
                                   veteran Presidents, Principals, Directors             proven methods to significantly improve
                                   of Advancement, Directors of Admission                the effectiveness and productivity of those
                                   and Board Members on building trust                   key relationships
                                   and developing strong working relations             • Learn the most effective, community-
                                   with each other and with their school                 building best practices to use both inside
                                   constituencies                                        and outside your school that will turn it
                                 • Timely information and effective methods              into an attractive, and indeed, a compelling
Spend time with your               to enhance Board relations, school finance,           investment in excellence in Catholic
prospects and donors who           advancement, and staff supervision                    education — carrying out the work of
live or winter in Florida.       • Draft new action plans or enhance existing            transforming young lives in and through
                                   plans for 12 months of highly effective,              Christ
Plan your reception today
to leverage the time, place,       professional leadership development
and energy of the National       • Compare notes and develop lasting
Leadership Conference              connections with other Presidents,
to advance your School’s
                                   Principals, Directors of Advancement,
                                   Directors of Admission, and Board
mission.                           members who share similar leadership and
                                   advancement challenges

SUNDAY, MARCH 6                              President and Director of Advancement
                                             4:00 p.m.
4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
                                             Conference Announcements
Conference Registration, Hotel Lobby
                                             5:15 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
                                             Winding Down…Winding Up Cocktail
Opening Conference Mass                      Reception
7:00 p.m.                                                                                CONFERENCE
Opening Conference Reception, Spa
                                             TUESDAY, MARCH 8                            NETWORKING
Terrace                                      7:45 a.m.                                   • Outdoor Welcome
                                                                                           Reception on Sunday
MONDAY, MARCH 7                              Conference Mass
                                             8:30 a.m.
7:45 a.m.                                                                                • Winding Down/
                                             Opening Prayer                                Winding Up Cocktail
Conference Registration                                                                    Reception on Monday
                                             Conference Announcements
7:45 a.m.                                                                                  evening
                                             8:40 a.m.
Conference Mass
                                             Mission, Vision and Strategic Planning:
8:30 a.m.                                    The Foundation Upon Which a Successful      WHY SHOULD
Welcome and Introductions from               Advancement Program is Built                YOU ATTEND
Partners in Mission                          9:45 a.m.                                   • 100% focus on
Opening Prayer                               Break with Strategic Partners and             Catholic schools
                                             Sponsors                                      and Catholic school
Overview of the Conference and
Introduction of Keynote Speaker              10:00 a.m.
                                                                                         • A resource manual
9:15 a.m.                                    Panel of Catholic Philanthropists/Leaders     filled with useful
Opening General Session                      10:00 a.m.                                    information and
                                                                                           sample documents
Keynote Presentation: “Living a Felt Life”   Working the Plan – Getting It Done!           for each participant
by General Martin E. Dempsey, Retired        The Head of School and Director of
                                                                                         • Dynamic
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff        Advancement/Director of Admissions            presentations by the
10:30 a.m.                                   Partnership                                   Partners in Mission
                                             12:15 p.m.                                    Team
Break with Strategic Partners and
                                             Conference Photograph, Poolside             • Complimentary
                                                                                           onsite and follow-up
10:45 a.m.                                   11:45 a.m.                                    consultation
Work SMART-er not harder in 2022             Lunch Roundtables                           • Opportunity to
                                               Presidents/Heads of School                  visit your alumni,
11:45 a.m.
                                               Directors of Advancement                    grandparents, and
Lunch Roundtables                              Directors of Admissions                     friends who live or
  Presidents/Heads of School                   Elementary Schools                          winter in Florida
  Directors of Advancement                     Principals
  Directors of Admissions                      Board Members
  Elementary Schools
                                             1:30 p.m.
                                                                                         WHO SHOULD
  Board Members                              Letting Go: Eliminating from Your Day       ATTEND
1:00 p.m.                                    What Doesn’t Matter and Deciding not        • Heads of Schools
                                             what to do)                                 • Presidents and
Presidents/Principals/Directors of
                                             2:15 p.m.                                     Principals
Admissions and Advancement Panel
                                             Stewardship in Relationships                • Directors of
2:15 p.m.                                                                                  Advancement
The Fundraising Power Couple: The            2:45 p.m.
                                                                                         • Directors of
Relationship Between the President/          Break with Strategic Partners and             Admission
Principal and the Director of Advancement    Sponsors                                    • Board Members
3:00 p.m.                                    3:00 p.m.                                   • Superintendents
Break with Strategic Partners and            Inspiration: The Tipping Point of           • Religious Community
Sponsors                                     Leadership and Philanthropy                   Leaders

3:15 p.m.                                    3:30 p.m.
Building a Successful Fundraising Board      The National Leadership Conference for
                                             Catholic Schools Concludes
Model from the Perspective of the
Following The National
                                                                      Leadership Conference
                                                                                                     SUMMARY OF SERVICES
HALF-DAY WORKSHOPS                                                    Wednesday, March 9, 2022       Partners in Mission is a full-service
                                                                      8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
                                                                                                     development consulting firm specializing
                                                                                                     in Catholic school advancement. We
                                                                                                     partner with our clients in advancing
                                                                                                     the mission of their organizations. We
THE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEE                                                                      provide comprehensive solutions to the
Sessions run concurrently, choose one.                                                               varying challenges they face. Specializing
                                                                                                     in capital campaign management, annual
WORKSHOP 1                                         WORKSHOP 3
                                                                                                     fund segmentation, major gift solicitation,
Capital Campaigns in Challenging Times             Annual Fund                                       strategic planning, volunteer leadership,
and Cultivating, Soliciting, and Making                                                              and enrollment management, among other
                                                   Building a $1,000 Leadership Giving Program,
the Ask                                            Segmentation Strategies, Making Leadership        advancement-related services, Partners in
Strategic Planning, What You Need to               Gift Calls, Effectively Utilizing Volunteers in   Mission offers proven development strategies
Know to be Successful, Readying the                the Annual Fund and Phonathons.
                                                                                                     focused on mission and relationships. As a
School, Campaign Budgeting, Staffing and
Structure, The Role of Staff and Volunteers,       WORKSHOP 4                                        team, we value, understand, and embrace the
Soliciting Major Gifts, and Electronic Wealth      Planned Giving Programs
                                                                                                     mission of Catholic education in our personal
Screening. In addition, this workshop will                                                           and professional lives and remain committed
focus on Role Playing, the Face-to-Face Ask,       Using Planned Gifts to Build Endowment, How       to ensuring its vitality and legacy for many
and Strategizing Individual Situations for         to Build a Bequest Program, Identifying Your
Cultivation and Solicitation.                      Best Planned Giving Prospects.                    years to come.

One-Day Giving Programs
                                                   WORKSHOP 5
                                                                                                            REGISTER ONLINE
                                                   Enrollment Management
Catholic secondary and elementary schools
                                                   Branding and Marketing, Strategies to
across the country have caught on to the
                                                   Maximize Enrollment, Recruitment, and
giving day craze like never before… and for
                                                   Retention, and Best Practices for Tuition
good reason. These powerful fundraising
                                                   Management.                                        CONFERENCE REGISTRATION
marathons – usually 24 hours long – have
become a fun way to rally alumni and donors                                                           The cost of the all-inclusive conference is $999 for each
for quick, yet impressive, results. Join us and    WORKSHOP 6                                         participant. The fee includes an extensive conference
find out how you can grow your annual fund                                                            manual, post-seminar telephone consultation, lunch
in one day!
                                                   Communications/Social Networking/                  on both days, refreshments, and receptions on Sunday
                                                   Websites                                           and Monday evenings. Accommodations not included.
                                                   Brand Management, The Integrated Website           Register early as space is limited.
                                                   Solution, Facebook, Social Media: Going
                                                   Online to Connect Your Alumni and More.            CANCELLATION POLICY
                                                                                                      A full refund (less a $100 administrative fee) if you
                                                                                                      cancel in writing by January 31, 2022. No refund
                                                                                                      will be made if your cancellation is received after
    REGISTRATION FORM                                                                                 January 31, 2022. Partners in Mission reserves the
    o P lease reserve ____ place (s) for Partners in Mission Conference from                         right to cancel any program or activity due to low
      March 6 to March 8, 2022, in Naples, FL.                                                        registration.
    o Please reserve ____ place (s) for Partners in Mission Half-Day Workshop
      on March 9, 2022. Sessions run simultaneously, choose one.
      ____ Workshop 1       ____ Workshop 2      ____ Workshop 3
       ____ Workshop 4      ____ Workshop 5       ____ Workshop 6
    o Check enclosed: $ ______________      o O ur check will follow: $ ______________
    o Please send me additional information on other Partners in Mission services

    Name____________________________________________________ Title_________________________

    Name____________________________________________________ Title_________________________

    Address_______________________________________________________________________________             Hilton Naples is ready to exceed your expectations
                                                                                                       with a special rate of $234 for Partners in Mission
    City_____________________________________________ State________ Zip_______________________
                                                                                                       conference attendees. Visit www.partnersinmission.
    Phone____________________________ E-mail ______________________________________________            com/naples22 or call 1-800-HILTONS to reserve
                                                                                                       your room. The code to book is PIM.

    Please make checks payable, and mail registration to:
    Partners in Mission, LLC, 8 Nicklaus Way, Mashpee, MA 02649                                        Our centralized meeting rooms were designed
                                                                                                       to help you maximize time spent networking,
    If you have questions, contact Larry Furey at or
                                                                                                       mingling, and energizing during your meeting.
    (781) 710-0242 or Chris Hagerty at or (814) 566-7500.
    You will receive confirmation upon receipt of your registration form and payment. Final            And after the work is done, take time to enjoy
    conference information will be sent to you in February and will include full details on the        award-winning dining at Shula’s Steak House, walk
    conference’s daily schedule and activities.                                                        to world-class outdoor shopping at the Waterside
    FOR MORE INFORMATION: WWW.PARTNERSINMISSION.COM/NAPLES22                                           Shops, and relax on gorgeous beaches a short
                                                                                                       shuttle or bike ride away.

 General Martin E. Dempsey
 United States Army, Retired - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
                                General Martin E. Dempsey          In the last five years of service, he served as the Chief of Staff
                                retired after 41 years of          of the United States Army and then as the Chairman of the
                                military service. During           Joint Chiefs of Staff. As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
                                his time in the Army, he           he was the senior officer in the Armed Forces and the military
                                commanded a Cavalry                advisor to the Secretary of Defense and to the President.
                                Troop, a Tank Battalion,
                                a Cavalry Regiment, a              In 2015, General Dempsey was named one of the 100 most
                                Tank Division, and United          influential leaders in the world by Time Magazine. In 2016,
                                States Central Command             he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. He has been inducted
                                where he was responsible           into the Irish-American Hall of Fame as well as the New Jersey
                                for securing U.S. interests        Hall of Fame.
                                in the Middle East and
                                South Asia. He served in           General Dempsey and his wife, Deanie, have been married for
                                both Operation Desert              45 years. They served the military as a team, and Deanie was
                                Storm and Operation Iraqi          instrumental in supporting military families and championing
Freedom accumulating 42 months in combat.                          many of the family programs that have been critical to our
                                                                   success over the many years of conflict.
General Dempsey, a proud alumnus of John S. Burke Catholic
High School in Goshen, New York is a 1974 graduate of West         Marty and Deanie have three children and nine grandchildren.
Point and has master’s degrees from Duke in Literature, from       Each of their three children served in the Army, and their son,
the Army Command & General Staff College in Military Science,      Chris, continues to serve as a Lieutenant Colonel.
and from the National War College in National Security
Strategy. He also has an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Law          General Dempsey’s post-military career includes a teaching
from University of Notre Dame.                                     position at Duke University in public policy and leadership, a
                                                                   role as the Special Advisor to the Commissioner of the
His military awards include the Bronze Star with Valor device,     National Basketball Association for leader development and
the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, and Distinguished         youth programs, and as Chairman of USA Basketball. General
Service Medals from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast           Dempsey is also a Director on the Boards of TAPS and The Bob
Guard as well as awards from other departments in the United       Woodruff Foundation.
States Government including the Office of the Director of
National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the
National Security Agency. He has received awards from many
of our allies including France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Croatia,                         #PIMNaples
Israel, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore.

                                                                   SAVE THE DATES FOR OUR 2022
                                                                     CONFERENCES IN BOSTON!
Rev. John Belmonte, S.J., Ph.D.
Superintendent of Catholic Education
DIOCESE OF VENICE, FL                                      THE NATIONAL ADVANCEMENT
                                                                SUMMER INSTITUTE FOR

                                                                    CATHOLIC SCHOOLS
                                                                  Boston, Massachusetts




     LARRY FUREY                                  CHRIS HAGERTY                               TOM BRODNICKI
     FOUNDER AND PARTNER,                         SENIOR PARTNER,                             SENIOR PARTNER,
     PARTNERS IN MISSION                          PARTNERS IN MISSION                         PARTNERS IN MISSION
     ASST. HEADMASTER OF                          PRESIDENT (FORMER)                          VICE PRESIDENT OF ADVANCEMENT
     ADVANCEMENT (FORMER)                         Cathedral Preparatory School (PA)           (FORMER)
     Xaverian Brothers High School (MA)           Villa Maria Academy (PA)                    University of St. Francis (IL)
     Larry recently completed a $25 million       Chris secured a $23 million gift for        Tom’s 45 years in the field turns your
     capital campaign for Xaverian.               Cathedral Prep and Villa Maria Academy.     capital campaign dreams into reality.

     KATHLEEN CASEY                               MARIA IPPOLITO                              JAKE PUCCI
     SCHOOLS (FORMER)                             AND COMMUNICATIONS (FORMER)                 ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT
     Diocese of Bridgeport (CT)                   Archdiocese of Chicago (IL)                 La Salle High School (OH)
     Kathleen translates her strategic and        Maria led the efforts around the            During the past 14 years, Jake utilized
     marketing success in both corporate and      development of the Archdiocese’s very       historical statistics and grade school
     academic settings to help Catholic school    successful Parent Ambassador Program.       enrollment numbers to make data-driven
     leaders optimize mission and margin.                                                     decisions.

     AL CATELLI                                   CAITLIN HALLE                               KEVIN QUINN
     MANAGEMENT (FORMER)                          COMMUNICATIONS                              (FORMER)
     St. John Paul II High School (MA)            Partners in Mission                         Immaculata University (PA)
     Al has 20+ years experience providing        Caitlin oversees the web presence,          Kevin brings over 25 years of Catholic
     stability, growth, and long-term viability   digital and direct marketing, event         higher education experience to Partners
     to Catholic elementary and secondary         strategy, and brand management for          in Mission.
     schools across the United States.            Partners in Mission.

     JANE DIGIROLAMO                              SIOBHAN LIDINGTON                           JOHN REY
     CHIEF ADVANCEMENT OFFICER                    DIRECTOR OF ANNUAL AND                      PRESIDENT
     (FORMER)                                     INDIVIDUAL GIVING                           Mater Dei Catholic High School (CA)
     Our Lady of Good Counsel High                Albertus Magnus College (CT)                John Rey brings strong leadership skills
     School (MD)                                  Siobhan leads the annual and major          and a financial background. A problem
     Jane completed a $10 million capital         giving programs and has achieved            solver by nature, John takes a hybrid
     campaign for Good Counsel, the largest       20% growth in dollars raised the last       approach to leadership which combines
     in their school history.                     two years.                                  strategy, creativity, empowerment,
                                                                                              and focus.

     CATHY DONAHUE                                KATHY LINK                                  CHRIS STILES
     MARKETING (FORMER)                           (FORMER)                                    Mount St. Mary High School (OK)
     Catholic Schools of the Diocese of           Healey Education Foundation (NJ)            Chris has just completed a $6 million
     Bridgeport (CT)                              Kathy has helped many of our Catholic       capital campaign.
     Cathy has over 30 years of experience        elementary and high school clients
     helping school leaders build thriving        experience an average enrollment
     school models.                               increase of 11%.

     KEVIN DOUGHERTY                              MIKE LOYET                                  KATIE THIEMANN
     SERVICES                                     St. John Vianney High School (MO)           Cor Jesu Academy (MO)
     La Salle College High School (PA)            Mike has served in Catholic education for   Katie led a $10,000,000 capital campaign
     Kevin led the campaign that resulted in      39 years as a classroom teacher, coach,     while simultaneously growing the
     the largest enrollment in school history,    administrator and school president.         school’s Endowment from $1,900,000 to
     three years in a row.                                                                    $8,400,000.

     LAUREN FREDETTE                              MARY LUND                                   BOB TIFT, ED.D.
     Sacred Heart Greenwich (CT)                  Mercy High School (CA)                      Benilde – St. Margaret’s School (MN)
     Lauren secured four $1,000,000 gifts         Mary raises over $400,000 at her school’s   Bob’s expertise includes governance
     in one year for her school’s major gifts     Scholarship Luncheon each year.             and Board development, and strategic
     program.                                                                                 planning.

     ZANE GIZZI                                   GREG MARKITON                               ROB WEBB
     MAJOR GIFTS OFFICER                          DIRECTOR OF ADVANCEMENT                     PRESIDENT
     Penn State College of Medicine (PA)          Benedictine Military School (GA)            Chaminade College Preparatory (CA)
     DIRECTOR OF ADVANCEMENT                      Greg has created one of the most            As President, Rob has more than doubled
     (FORMER)                                     successful Catholic school advancement      Chaminade’s endowment and added
     Lancaster Catholic High School (PA)          programs in the country.                    real estate to the school’s portfolio of
                                                                                              investment holdings.
     Zane built a Planned Giving Program at
     Lancaster Catholic second to none.

WWW.PARTNERSINMISSION.COM                                                                             #PIMNaples
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