THE NATIONAL CIRCUS SCHOOL - presents - Created by Didier Lucien June 2 to 12, 2022 at TOHU - École nationale de cirque
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JAMES TANABE DIRECTOR OF STUDIES Hello and thank you all for being here to experience ”Till The Next Me”, the National circus school’s annual show. The creation team and I are very excited by the school’s return to the stage after a 2-year pandemic hiatus. Didier Lucien and Howard Richard have created a great show to celebrate this return, that showcases the unique talents and personalities of our graduating class. Behind the students you see on stage is a team of teachers, artistic counselors, and technical personnel that have guided and supported them along their journey to become the circus artists they are today. Every student’s development to master their discipline is full of joys and frustrations, obstacles and opportunities, and dreams and uncertainties. This creation is a wonderful capstone to the time that each of our graduating students have invested in perfecting their art. Have a good show! — James
THE ANNUAL SHOWS An exceptional educational and artistic experience, the annual shows provide students with an opportunity to synthesize all they have learned within the framework of a complete creation, honed under the guidance of top professional creation teams. All students in the higher education programs are part of the shows. Second-year students will perform a triptych of circus shows in the School’s Chapiteau studio. First-year students provide pre-show entertainment in the hall outside the TOHU performance space, while inside students in their third and final year take centre stage, performing before thousands of spectators. This educational experience would not be possible without the encouragement and support of a loyal audience, to which the school extends its warmest gratitude. THE MISSION Internationally renowned, the National Circus School is an institution dedicated to train circus arts educators, artists and creators. It offers the complete spectrum of circus arts education, from the preparatory level to the Circus and High School Studies program to postsecondary programs. As well, the school devotes to research and innovation and to resources toward the collection, preservation and appreciation of knowledge dedicated to the circus arts.The School administers the Centre for Research, Innovation and Transfer in Circus Arts (CRITAC) which is recognized as a Centre collégial de transfert de technologie (CCTT) and was award its Industrial Research Chair for Colleges in Circus Arts SSHRC of Canada.
DIDIER LUCIEN CREATION I love the light that belongs neither to day nor to night; This clarity that belongs only to dreams. I love harmony, the beauty of committed bodies Driven by the same desire: to become better I love goals that are not the end themselves, But the stepping stone to a luminous unknown. Infinite possibilities echo and influence each other, collide and multiply. It only took one desire, one movement, just a wish, simply a dream. Someone dreams of being someone else, who dreams of being someone else, until he becomes this dream and then dreams of being someone else who... and he has only one goal: “Till the next me” A journey into the fragility of the creative human; A celebration of his accomplishment “Till the next me”. A circus play. — Didier Lucien
SYNOPSIS Rule #1 One dreams of being someone else that dreams of being someone else until becoming that dream. The show is introduced as the memory of a dream. A room in the middle of the stars where infinite possibilities of creations echo, influence, collide and multiply. The show literally builds and takes shape along the way. It all starts with a single desire for movement which, like the flap of a butterfly’s wings, causes a tidal wave.
SHOW RUNNING PROLOGUE 1 THERE WAS NOTHING Saffi Watson, Enzo Pebre / Contortion / Hand to hand Kaisha Dessalines Wright, Léann Gringras 2 WHAT IS ROUND Dylan Ingwersen / Esteban Acro-Bike / Unicycle / Ball / Immer / Enzo Pebre, Kyran Chinese hoops / Juggling / Walton, Antoine Brabant / Cyr Wheel Teo Le Baut / Basile Pucek / Owen Wilson 3 WHAT GOES UP AND DOWN Eduardo De Azevedo Grillo / Aerial Straps / Aerial Silk / Margaux Wasteels / Rosaleen Rope Rogmans, Dylan Ingwersen, Ellie Rossi 4 HOSPITAL Enzo Pebre / Dylan Ingwersen / Chinese Hoops / Rope / Saffi Watson / Santiago Rivera Balancing – contortion / Laugerud, Zachary Martel / Carl Juggling / Balancing / Löwenberg, Emma Verhaeghe, Cyr Wheel Kyran Walton / Owen Wilson, Brianna Macdonald 5 SHABANG Zebulon Simoneau Dance Trapeze 6 WHAT IS UP HIGH Daphnée Sergerie / Dance Trapeze / Aerial Straps Anja Habegger and Harp 7 WHAT IS DOWN LOW Antoine Brabant, Simon Lemire, Chinese Pole / Banquine / Esteban Immer, Teo Le Baut / Hand to hand Everyone / Oliver Layher, Kyran Walton, Carl Löwenberg, Benjamin Wolgers, Kaisha Dessalines Wright, Léann Gringras 8 FAREWELL AND GOODBYE Everyone 9 CAN CAN Everyone
GRADUATING STUDENTS 2022 COHORT Antoine Dylan Brabant Ingwersen Eduardo Oliver De Azevedo Layher Grillo Kaisha Teo Dessalines Le Baut Wright Léann Simon Gingras Lemire Anja Sydney Habegger Ramirez Esteban Zachary Immer Martel
Enzo Emma Pebre Verhaeghe Basile Kyran Pucek Walton Brianna Margaux Macdonald Wasteels Santiago Saffi Rivera Watson Laugerud Rosaleen Owen Rogmans Wilson Daphnée Ellie Sergerie Rossi Zebulon Carl Simoneau Löwenberg
JUNE 2 Presents TO 12 Exterior chapiteau of PREAMBLE 2 CIRCUS CREATIONS FREE TICKETS upon reservation. Hurry up! Places are limited. TOHU.CA POP Creation Melissa Colello TOUJOURS Creation Michael Watts Creation A Teachers DEBOUT Teachers Eric Deschênes Creation B William Bonnet Itzel Viruega Cynthia St-Amand Animation facilitator Animation facilitator Rénald Laurin Rénald Laurin Students Students Victoria Baudry-McPherson Nino Bartolini Téa Carlson Raphaëlle Bettinger Maya Crutch Lindsey Billings Rylie Dewhurs Aubin Constanceau Philippe Gaglione Jacob Crow Lisa Hünnekens Clémence De Luca Juliette Lacoste Loris Di Via Frédéric Langevin Pierre Domis Matthieu Larose Manuel Gonzalo Justin Lowack Arielle Gorodetskaya Merlin Matthewson Madeline Haugen Alexia Medesan Malou Latrompette Chanel Monange (isn’t performing on stage) Sarah Norden Chase Levy Thomas Parent Naomi Meyer Alizé Poitreau Rose Munger Nadav Sadlik Kristina Shelton Yan Rocha Szuecs Haley Tenn Kayden Woodridge Colin Vuillème Serafina Walker
CREATION TEAM Creation Director Teacher and Assistant Estelle Clareton Stage Manager Véronique Thibeault Creation Didier Lucien Teachers Éléna Fomina Assistant Adrian Martinez Howard Richard Banquine Facilitators Lighting Design Jérémie Rober Stéphane Ménigot Nathan Briscoe Maxime Blanckaert Musical Design Éric Forget Clown Work Facilitator Soizick Hébert Costume Design Michael Slack Set, Props and Costume Assistant Ximena Pinilla Make-up Design Véronique St-Germain Hairstyling Ariane L. Barret
PRODUCTION TEAM Production Director Costumes Christine Thibaudeau Project Manager Philippe Massé Production Direction Marianne Thériault Assistant Cut Sophie Côté Chantal Mailly Mélanie Richard Technical Director Gradation Christian « Frit » Gagnon Zoé Dominiak Sewing General Stage Manager Maéva Bouchard Tanya Pettigrew Louise Boucher Christine Chapdelaine Acrobatic Head Rigger Hannah Fisher Andrew Mitchell Irina Li Laurence Milan Acrobatic Rigger Vita Nikitenko Jean-Philippe Dalcourt-Viau Isabelle Ouimet Ximena Pinilla Physiotherapists Angela Rassenti Ralph Jean-Baptiste Annie Roy Sarah-Maude Morin-Boulais Zoé Trudel Julien Villeneuve Light Programmer Isabelle Garceau Dresser Elysabeth Daigle Second Dresser Deborah Adams
TOHU’S TEAM EXECUTIVE TEAM – ENC Operations and Promoter Executive Director Events Director Éric Langlois Nancy Cormier Director of Studies Production Director James Tanabe Éric Gingras Director of Creation Technical Director Estelle Clareton Stéphane Jolicoeur Director, Center for Research, Technical Coordinators Innovation and Transfer François-Michel Beauchamp in Circus Arts (CRITAC) Martine Ethier Patrice Aubertin Operations Assistant Director Janie Bolduc-Jacob of Communication Isabelle Bibeau Head Rigger Alexandre Gendron Development and Partnerships Director Head Electricians Jean-Philippe Dugré Martin Plante Director of Technical Head Sound Operator Services and Production Guillaume Brind’Amour Christine Thibaudeau Chief Machinist Alexandre Sarfati ADMINISTRATION STAFF Consult the complete list COMMUNICATIONS CLICK HERE Publicist Karine Cousineau Communications TEACHERS AND ARTISTIC Graphic Design ADVISORS TEAM OF HIGH Le Séisme LEVEL TRAINING Photographer Consult the complete list Hugo B. Lefort CLICK HERE
MUSICAL EXCERPTS TILL THE NEXT ME Chopin : Nocturne in E-Flat Major, Op 9, No 2, Armando Sciascia Orchestra, Classic in TV in a Modern Mood / Beethoven : Adagio from the moonlight Sonata, Op. 27 No. 2, Armando Sciascia Orchestra, Classic in TV in a Modern Mood / Parsifal : Prelude de Richard Wagner, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra & Hans knappertsbusch, Wagner : Parsifal / Tick of the clock, Chromatics, Music to Drive / Milk, Moderat, II / Saeglopur, Sigur Ros, Takk... / Oh my Love, Riz Ortolani & Katyana Ranieri, Addio Zio Tom / Belongings Thrown in a River, Thom Yorke, Suspiria / La Terre vue du ciel, Armand Amar, La Terre vue du ciel / The House Always Wins, Max Aruj, Lansky / In The Matter of Bugsy Siegel, Max Aruj, Lansky / Smoothly Organ / Traitor’s Growl, Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra, Der Hexer in Music – Wallace, Vol 1 / Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op 92 : 2. Allegretto, Sydney Symphony Orchestra & Willem Van Otterloo, 100 Best Classical Music / How The West was Really Won, Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross, Watchmen : Volume 1 / Sonata No. 42 in D Minor (Arr. Olafsson) de Domenico Cimarosa, Vikingur Olafsson, Mozart & Contemporaries / Oh My Love (Solo Orchestra #2), Riz Ortlani, Addio Zio Tom / Fantasie Impromptu, Les Baxter, Moog Rock : Greatest Classical Hits / Welcome to Lunar Industries, Clint Mansell, Moon / Oh My Love (Solo Orchestra #3), Riz Ortlani, Addio Zio Tom / Prince Igor, Act II : Polovtsian Dance (From “Joe Vs The Volcano”), Philharmonie de Vienne, Vienna Symphony Choir, and Willem van Otterloo, Musique classique de films : 50 des plus grands, pièces les plus célèbres des films plus grands et meilleurs et de tous les temps / Lakme (Excerpt), Michel Rubini & Denny Jaeger, The Hunger / Verbal (Instrumental), Amon Tobin, Verbal – EP / Can-Can, Johann Strauss Orchestra, Always Vienna / Six Breaths : II. Breath, Out of Breath de Ézio Bosso, Ezio Bosso & The London Cellos Ensemble, Six Breaths / Untitled V3, Radiohead, KID A MNESIA PREAMBLE Intro Musique Originale, Sanat Drones / Steps Musique Originale, Sanat Drones / Degringo, Monofocus / Al Abama, Chapelier Fou / Jean-Michel Blais, Passepied / Rebeteke mou, Vinicio Cappossela / Motion, Rone / Intuition, Foxtrott remix Jean Michel Blais / Blind Man, Nomine / Le crapaud Doré, Rone / Woo hoo, The 5, 6, 7, 8 / The Piano Ship, Matti Bye / C’est fini, Charles Aznavour / Orbit, För Alltid / O I End, Nils Frahm / Devotion II, Barn Owl / I’m Not Much, but I’m All I Have, Worriedaboutsatan / Bellhead, Liquid Liquid
HONORARY COMMITTEE BENEFIT EVENING 2022 HONORARY PRESIDENT MEMBERS Stéphane Lefebvre Anthony Amiel President and Chief President Executive Officer Corbeil électroménagers Cirque du Soleil Sébastien Guénette General Counsel, Compliance and Brand Protection / Privacy Officer Juul Labs Éric Langlois Executive Director École nationale de cirque Karl Tabbakh Managing Partner, Quebec Region McCarthy Tétrault Claire Zikovsky Associate Stikeman Elliot
BOARDS OF DIRECTORS NATIONAL CIRCUS SCHOOL Éric Langlois MEMBER Sébastien Guénette Executive Director CHAIRMAN École nationale de cirque Head of Legal Juul Labs Karl Tabbakh MEMBER Catherine Laurin Managing Partner, VICE-CHAIR Québec Region Senior Porfolio Manager McCarthy Tétrault BMO Nesbitt Burns Jean-Benoît Houde Suzanne Bertrand MEMBER TREASURER Director, Communications Finance and Risk Management and Outreach Financière des professionnels Caisse de dépôt et de placement du Québec Sylvie Bovet SECRETARY Caroline Couillard Vice-president MEMBER Fransylval Inc. Senior Director Public Relations, Public Affairs and CSR FOUNDATION – ENC Groupe Cirque du Soleil Anthony Amiel Maryse Picard PRESIDENT MEMBER Executive Director Executive Director Groupe Amiel Council of the Nation Huron-Wendat Claude Bédard MEMBER Itzel Viruega Vice-president MEMBER Gestion d’actifs Burgundy Circus Arts Teacher and Elected Representative of the Staff Oana Frumosu of the ENC MEMBER Vice-President and Director Julie Durocher Banque TD MEMBER Elected Parents’ Representative Carol O’Sullivan MEMBER Designer
presents the 2022 BENEFIT EVENING THURSDAY, JUNE 9 MAJOR PARTNER PARTNERS BENEFIT EVENING AMBASSADORS For 25 years, evening proceeds enabled the National Circus School students to participate in high-quality shows produced under optimal conditions, availables to the general public at affordable prices. The Foundation offers its deep thanks to the partners, donors and volunteers. ANNUAL CAMPAIGN 2021-2022 The National Circus School Foundation provides the National Circus School with financial support to sustain its mission of educational excellence and innovation pedagogical and artistic initiatives. Thanks to the generosity of donors and partners in Canada and around the world, the school can provide talented youth from all regions in Canada and abroad accessibility to the best possible programs and services.
ANNUAL CAMPAIGN DONORS 2021–2022 Great Donors Circle Friends Circle 50 000 $ et plus 100 $ - 499 $ • Corbeil Électroménagers • Anonymous • Marion Cossin Patrons Circle • Jaque Paquin Design Inc. 10 000 $ à 49 999 $ • Eric Lapierre • Fondation Marc Bourgie • Caroline Pineault • Nathalie Sabourin Partners Circle 5 000 $ à 9 999 $ Volunteers Circle • Carol O’Sullivan 20 $ à 99 $ • Anonymous (3) Ambassadors Circle • David Bernbaum 2 000 $ à 4 999 $ • Irina Bozyan • Anderson Laurin • Matthew Brewer Gestion de placements • Lucie Chartrand BMO Nesbitt Burns • Ciprian Chiru • Fiducie Charitable • Naila Del Cid Fournier-Éthier • Dolce Vita Spectacles • Fondation Jacques • Julie Durocher et Michel Auger • Nathalie Ishak • JLL • Priscilla Larose • Thomas Layher Ringmasters Circle • Olivier Leblanc 1 000 $ à 1 999 $ • Ginette Lessard • Anonymous • Sophie Laverdure • Jean-Philippe Dugré et Michel Jobin • Sébastien Guénette • Eric Pucek • Dongkyu Kim • Constance Rinaldo • Marie Langlois • Christophe Rousseau • RBC Gestion de patrimoine • Adriana Suarez • Anne Laure Therminarias Supporters Circle • Hélène Tremblay 500 $ - 999 $ • Christian Veilleux • Anonymous (2) • Neilson Vignola • Robert Blain • Gonzalo Coloma • Daniel Gauthier • Éric Langlois Donations confirmed before May 27, 2022
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The National Circus School receives ongoing financial assistance from the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec as well as Canadian Heritage. It’s also granted by the Ministère de l’Éducation, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche du Québec. In the area of research, the school is granted by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The National Circus School extends its sincere thanks to the many individuals and organisations that made possible its annual show and especially, Cirque du Soleil, TOHU and the National Circus School Foundation.
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