The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
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The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad THE BEACON VOLUME: I I ISSUE: 1 April-June, 2021 Another year passé` by! The new session began ,no different from the previous one -virtual teaching- learning, online classes, assessments, Am I audible? ,You are not visible, switch on your camera and so on. Only, this time we were armed with tools and techniques to ease out the hurdles. Only, this time we were more enriched, equipped and prepared to overcome the challenges. Through out our journey we received overwhelming support from the parents . Sharing a glimpse of it. Proud Parents Speak World Health Day April 7 of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day. This day is observed to mark the founding of WHO. In order to spread awareness about healthy eating and healthy living different activities were conducted. The activities were organized to highlight the significance of the of good health and well-being .Students celebrated it with great aplomb . They took active part in Salad making Activity , Role Play Activity , Public Speaking Activity and Macaroni Salad Making Activity. They also explained and understood the benefits of healthy eating.
हहॊदी फच्चों के लरए एक नई बाषा है I बाषा का ऻान महद गततविधधमों के द्िाया हदमा जाए तो विद्माधथिमों के लरए िह रुधचकय हो जाती है I ककॊडयगार्ि न के फच्चों ने गततविधध के भाध्मभ से िणि ि से शरू ु होने िारे शब्दों का ऻान प्राप्त ककमा I फच्चों ने अखफाय से गड़ु िमा के िस्त्र फनामे I उनको गूढ़ ऻान दे ना ही इन गततविधधमों का भूर उद्िेश्म है I Balanced Diet– The Secret to Good Heath Food is essential for the humans life. A balanced diet is important for children to grow in a healthy way. To make them aware of importance of Healthy diet, Role Play Activity was conducted for Grades P3-P4. Children explained about the various components of a balanced diet and its importance. A platter showcasing all the components of food made creatively by the children was a treat to eyes. A Healthy life is a Happy Life was a learning for all through this activity. Health is Wealth An old time saying, Health is Wealth will never lose its essence. While learning about healthy life style, students of Grades P1-P2, participated in Show and Tell Activity. Students shared their views about nutritional value of fruits and vegetables and their importance in our daily diet. Such activities not only enhance their imagination and creativity but also make them aware about good health.
Back to the Roots– Vedic Math Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding.— William Paul Thurston, The Modern School, Faridabad in association with AVAS, a government-affiliated organisation and a leading Abacus and Vedic Math Teaching Institute , organized an online Abacus Workshop for the stu- dents of Grades P2-P5 . The Resource persons were Ms Gunjan Sharma and Ms Kanika Gupta. The work- shop aimed at sharpening the Arithmetical skills of the children. They were taught quick calculation tricks and techniques to solve tough problems/ sums easily in lesser time. Children were glued to their devices and were very excited to learn simple and easy ways of calculations . It was an interactive and a fun filled session that left the students in awe ,asking for more, especially the use of abacus tools . Give me Red! Red colour signifies power and energy. To acquaint the students of Grade Nursery with the symbolism of this colour, Red Colour Day was celebrated . The students and the teacher were dressed in vibrant Red colour attire. Variety of red coloured objects were shown to them .Red Cherries drawn by the tiny tots using their imagination was a real treat to watch. Such Fun filled learning techniques help in Cogni- tive Skill development and concept building.
Blessings of Belonging It is never about belonging to someone, it is about belonging together. In today's turbulent and un- precedented times when mental health is of great importance, merely talking about it will not help us overcome the problems. In order equip the staff adequately to begin the session with positive affir- mations and a sense of belongingness, the school organized a workshop on mindfulness and medita- tion aptly titled 'Blessings of Belonging' The school counselor Ms. Neeru Kumar started the session with a 2 minutes meditation . During the session she asked everyone about the purpose of their lives. Ms. Kumar urged the teachers to work steadily with the purpose in mind. She highlighted the im- portance of a growth mindset and how a feeling of belongingness can attract not only happiness into our lives but also all the other values like gratefulness, success, besides health and money. . Baisakhi Vibes Hope, happiness, joy!! Baisakhi, the festival of positivity, is a harvest festival and marks the beginning of Punjabi and Sikh New Year. The festival has a religious significance as well as an agricultural significance. It is celebrated to commemorate the foundation of the Khalsa Panth of warriors under the religious leader Guru Gobind Singh in 1699.The day is celebrated with folk dances like bhangra and gidda to pay gratitude to God for a good harvest. The school too celebrated the festival in its true spirit. It began with the assembly presented by the students of Grade S7 followed by many activities. The festival was brought alive on canvas, tiny tots enjoyed it by making corn chaat. The auspicious Devi Navratri too begins today. Let‘s hope this harvest season coupled with the blessings of almighty brings the best for the world. Happy Baisakhi to all!
World Heritage Day ―Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.‖ To celebrate The World Heritage Day, an Inter House Drawing Competition was conducted for the students of Grades P3 and P4. In sync with the theme, students were told to draw 'Seven Wonders of the World'. There is no denying that all these monuments came to life when these young Picasso's moved the strokes of their brush on the can- vas. The competition provided a platform for their creative expression. Such activities do wonders in bringing the young minds close to their Cultural Heritage and historical background of the country. My Heritage My Pride! The ‗WORLD HERITAGE DAY‘ was celebrated by the school to make the students aware about our rich cultural heritage. The students of Grades S4-S5 participated in an Inter House Declamation Competi- tion on the topic ‗Monuments are the Cultural Heritage of Any Country‘. The students enumerated the importance of heritage as a connection to our roots. They explained that the monuments stand witness to our glorious past and are an ode to the splendor of bygone days. The event was a wonderful chance to instill in students, the values of appreciation for the past and respect towards the cultural heritage of our country. Pre Writing Skills To develop the writing skill in preschoolers, Pre Writing Skills play a vital role. These skills encourage the involve- ment of muscles and also focus on building eye- hand co-ordination. Grade Nursery students learnt to draw sleeping or horizontal line through various activities such as tracing the stick. They created a horizontal line with the help of play dough in their experiential learning session. Fun filled learning ensures a positive attitude towards learning that lasts forever.
आज का विद्माथी, बविष्म का कणिधाय है |मह जजम्भेदायी कबी िह अऩने रेखन के भाध्मभ से तनबाता है तो कबी िाचन के भाध्मभ से । छारों के विकास के लरए गततविधध एक सशक्त भाध्मभ है | |इसी शॊखरा भें S4 के सबी विद्माधथिमों ने सॊस्त्भयण विधा को रेखन कौशर के भाध्मभ से फिे ही योचक ऩूणि ढॊ ग से प्रस्त्तुत ककमा |सबी ने अऩने सॊस्त्भयण को अऩने -अऩने तयीके से प्रस्त्तुत ककमा औय इस विषम ऩय अऩने विचाय व्मक्त ककए । इन गततविधधमों से विद्माधथिमों के अॊदय िाचन एिॊ रेखन कौशर के विकास के साथ-साथ आत्भविश्िास भें बी फढ़ोत्तयी होती है | Let the Magic Begin…. Magic squares are an amazing mathematical marvels. The numbers in each row, each column, and even each diagonal add up to the same number . Students of Grade P5 did Magic Square Activity wherein they created a square and wrote the numbers between 1-9 in such a way that whatever way they are added , the answer was same i.e . 15 These activities help in enhancing critical thinking and problem solving skills in stu- dents. ऩाठ को योचक औय आकषिक फनाने के लरए भॉडनि स्त्कूर की अध्मावऩकाएॉ तनयॊ तय कामियत यहती हैं ।इसी शॊखरा भें कऺा एस१ के छारों को कविता की व्माख्मा को प्रततभानों के ज़रयए प्रस्त्तुत ककमा गमा । इससे छारों ने ऩाठ को आसानी से सभझा औय आनॊद बी उठामा ।
Working in Unison All the organs of our body work in coordination with each other and it is the interdependence which regulates the proper function- ing of all the organs. To give an overview of the functioning of all the organs of our body, students of Grade P5, learnt about this concept of separate components working together to build a body system. In addition, students also learnt that various systems work together to build the human body They drew the diagram of various organs and organ system. Students of Grade Nursery were introduced to the Number 1 through a number song and objects that are only 1 in number such as Sun, Moon, nose etc. They also practised forming the number on the sand and in a plate full of flour.To recapitulate the concept- students enjoyed an activity wherein they pasted aluminium foil in a circle to give an effect of a full moon.Such activities help in better eye hand co-ordination. V for Victory Students of Kindergarten learnt the small case of letter v by way of hands on activity wherein they made a vase with the help of ice-cream sticks. They were familiar- ized with the sound of the letter. Children promptly came up with words like vote and vulture. These activities ensure vocabulary building in children.
Tens and Ones Students of Kindergarten were introduced to the concept of Tens and Ones through an Abacus Activity wherein they created an abacus out of play dough and sticks. Using beads they learnt to read and write the 2 digit numbers and gained the knowledge of Tens and Ones. Activities integrated with the subject plays a vital role in helping the students understand the concept thoroughly. Child’s Play Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning. To revise the various concepts of Maths , 'Number Game' was played by the students of Grade P2 . Students revised all the concepts, such as big and small numbers, greater than less than , missing numbers etc., through play way method. By applying their thinking and rea- soning skills students tried to answer the questions and thoroughly enjoyed the activity. I Pledge my Devotion To pay gratitude towards our Mother Earth and to pledge our devotion to it, Earth Day was celebrated in the most unexpected way. The day began with a very informative assembly where the message to save our Earth was put forth loud and clear. Students expressed their feelings and thoughts for the betterment of environment by painting the canvas and making the posters to create awareness. Sapling was planted by our tiny tots , three Rs- Reuse, Reduce, Recycle were reiterated. The message of saving the Earth for future sustenance was obvious.
Let’s Learn About Squares Square shape was introduced to the students of Grade Nursery through different square shaped objects like slice of a bread, chess board and a handkerchief. Students also did an activity where they made mouth watering chocolate sandwich using square shaped biscuits . Experiential learning makes the stu- dents have a better understanding of the concept and hence become more confident. Numbers are Fun The students of Grade P3 did an activity on the Topic: 'Numbers' where they read the number names, explained the expanded form and discussed the place, place value and the face value of the digits in the given numbers. Such fun activities help children in understanding the concept of numbers and solve numerical as they go to higher classes ककॊडयगार्ि न के फच्चों ने फहुत ही अरग ढॊ ग से िणि ग का ऻान प्राप्त ककमा। सबी ने अऩनी ऩसॊद का गीत गा कय सुनामा । ऩाठ को औय ऻान िधिक फनाने के लरए फच्चों ने ग िणि से शुरू होना िारे शब्दों के फाये भें जाना एिॊ अऩना ऩूिि ऻान बी साझा ककमा। मह गततविधधमाॊ फच्चों का ककसी बी विषम के ऻान को विस्त्तत कयने भें सहामक होती हैं।
Summer Fun Begins Positivity and motivation are directly proportional to each other. The more the positivity, the higher is the motivation. The Annual Summer Camp saw the gala opening on its first day. VIBGYOR is the apt word for the activities enjoyed by the students of Grades Nursery to S3 . It had a wide variety such as art, fusion music, story telling, coding, mini meals. Children enjoyed every minute of it and signed out of their classes asking for more. Yummylicious Activity The students of Grades S1 and S2 donned their ‗Chef Caps‘ to exhibit their culinary skills in ‗Cooking without Fire‘ activity organised as a part of Summer Camp 2021. With efficient guidance of teachers, students were able to make the dish with zero assistance from adults. During the virtual lesson, the students quickly assembled the ingredients, which included vegetables like capsicum, cucumber, toma- to, onion, green chilies and chick peas to come up with yummy chat. The addition of some salt and herbs gave a nice flavour to the recipe. It was a healthy meal in itself, relished by all. Once in a while it is important to stir up the ‗chef‘ in the children because ‗No one is born a great cook but can always become one with practice.‘ This activity whirled up the imagination of the children and also made them aware about the nutritional value of vegetables. It provided them with a healthy substitute to junk snacks
Paper Mache: I Create I Learn With a little bit of direction and motivation, kids can achieve any- thing they want. Art is the perfect tool to help them channelize their energy and efforts towards something that can help build a lot of character. Students of grade S1 took active part in ‗Paper Ma- chie‘ as a part of Summer Camp Activity. Here in newspaper was soaked in water and later remolded to form different figures with the help of glue and water. This is a very innovative way to reuse old newspaper. Experiential learning is part of our school curricu- lum where we strongly believe in learning by doing!! The Nacho– Salsa Tango The Students of Grade P5 made some ‗Quick Bites‘ using nachos. The salsa dip alongside heightened the gastronomic senses. The best part of teaching students the recipe was that they could tailor this recipe to their family's liking by adding their favourite toppings. Whether making these for a special dinner or for a party, nachos are always a big winner! One of the best things about nachos, aside from their dig-right-in appeal, is that they are very flexible when it comes to ingredients, and they are a great way to use up leftovers. Cooked with joy our children relished the great salsa treat. Mental health…is not a destination, but a process. Mental health is important. It is essential to talk about it to create an awareness. Being positive is an inseparable part of our mental health and staying positive despite growing negativity all around is a Herculean task but not impossible. In order to make the stu- dents aware about mental health an interactive workshop was or- ganised for the students of Grades P5 to S7.The Resource Person Dr. Laxman Yadav, a Psychologist and Psychotherapist presently working with Institute of Medical Science, BHU, Varanasi, ex- plained in detail about the neurological disturbances and how they can be destructive, for the mental health. . The workshop taught how to focus on the facts and not on the opinions that are developed in our minds, as per the situations. This is essential for keeping ourselves positive and motivated. Dr. Laxman Yadav emphasised maintaining a healthy routine and enjoying a hobby to keep us physically and mentally healthy and positive.
Shoot Me If You Can! The students of grade S4 learnt about video editing in the summer camp today. They were excited to learn about video editing with the help of power director app. They learnt the art of adding music to their videos and to club pictures together. They also learnt how to cut the unwanted part in the video. Along with this, adding text to video and decreasing and increasing of the speed of the video was also taught. Not only this, they also added their own logos to the videos and also then produced their own innovative videos with pictures of their own choice. It was a delight to see the excitement and happiness on their faces when they produced their own videos. Tell me a Story…. Storytelling is one of the tools which is used by the teacher to develop emotions and feelings in a child. Stories can teleport to the world of fairies and dreams and live them. There is a story behind everything, and children learn through them. Students enhance all-basic skills like listening, reading and writing that helps in increasing their knowledge and confidence. Students listened intently to the stories told and enjoyed them thoroughly. K and Y Letter recognition is the ability to name letters, identify characteristics specific to said letter, and letter formation. Every child needs to know letter names as well as letter sounds Students of Kindergarten were introduced to letters k and y through objects and letter stories related to the same. Further, to clear the concept, they did hands on activi- ty of making letter ‗k‘ with the clay and writing of letter ‗y‘ using matchsticks. Such fun filled activities help in improv- ing the fine motor skills and in better eye-hand co-ordination.
Mixed Bag By using clay, our young artists of Grade P3 & P4 made trains and containers present at the times of Indus Valley Civilization. Grade P1 children loved the toy craft and made lady bugs. Exercise not on- ly changes our body, it changes our mind, our attitude and our mood. Zumba which improves coordi- nation, confidence and physical and mental health was loved by our little dancers of Grade P2. Our young athletes of Grade P3 did some free hand exercises, yogasanas and many more exercises with the help of the ball. All these activities made them feel enthusiastic and energetic. Love you Mumma! The most beautiful walking wonder on this earth is Mother. There is no influence so powerful as that of a mother's. It is said that ―God cannot be everywhere so he created mother‖. Mother‘s day falls on the second Sunday of the week in the month of May. This day is of great importance to one and all. The students of Grades P1-P4 celebrated this day by learning about its importance and participating in dif- ferent creative activities to express their love and respect for their mothers. They made bouquets, cards and different crafts for their mothers. Let’s Zumba! During the lockdown as kids are bound to stay at home, Zumba is a great fitness activity that involves fun, as it gives small children an outlet to jump, dance shake and swing their hips. Zumba completely transforms the mood, relieves stress and makes one feel active and energetic. Students of Grades Nursery and Kindergarten enthusiastically started their day with Zumba. It began with warm up exercises followed by some grooving to peppy dance numbers. Zumba is great life- style choice and incorporates physical exercise in one's daily routine in a fun way, just as the kids want!
Craftsmanship Unboxed ―Without craftsmanship inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind.‖ Crafts encourage students to play and experiment in a fun and relaxed environment. It involves moving the hand and fingers to develop their fine motor skills and enhancing their eye-hand coordination. Students of Grades Nurse- ry and Kindergarten did a 'Cut & Create Activity', wherein they did an ice cream craft using coloured paper, glue and crayons. They also made pencil stands , umbrellas and paper snakes using cutting and pasting technique. Working with craft material teaches the students about colours, shapes and textures and also helps them to express themselves and develop their imagination. Cheesy Treats We can nurture a child‘s love for cooking only by getting them involved in the art of doing it. The students of Grade P1 did ‗Cooking without fire‘ and made Oreo shake using Oreo biscuits, chocolate syrup milk, sugar and ice cream. They enjoyed the process involved in making yummy shake. Teach- er also discussed with them the advantages of drinking milk. While P1 Students relished their deli- cious Chocomilk, Students of Grades P3 and P4 loved making Cheese Nachos in Quick Bites (Cooking without fire) activity held during the second week of the Summer Camp. Bake it, Till you make it Grade S1 children made melt in mouth traditional Indian Cookies (Nan Khatai), with the rich aroma of ghee Children participated with full zeal and enthusiasm in making out nutritious cookies. Cooking involves a great deal of science. Kids learnt what happens when certain ingredients are mixed to- gether as well as what happens when the measure- ments are incorrect. When children were able to successfully complete a recipe and make a meal, they felt a sense of pride and confidence.
Little Picassos at Work The students of Nursery and KG brought out the Picassos in them when they did some Artistic Impressions. These impressions were created using vegetables, thumbs and fingers. The objects created were umbrella, rooster, ant, frog cat etc. Such activities give a creative outlet to the children and help them nurture their imagination The Joy of Baking A fun filled workshop on baking was conducted for the students of Grade P5 as a part of Summer Camp activities. The work- shop began with introduction to baking ,the science behind it , introduction to the tools used in baking followed by the demon- stration of baking a mouth-watering Oreo cake. The students enjoyed the session and tried their hand at baking. Ditch the Workout, Join the Party Grooving to the beats of salsa, flamenco, and merengue music feels more like a dance party than a workout, which is exactly what makes Zumba so popular. The Latin-inspired dance workout is one of the most popular group exercise classes in the world. Today, the students of Grades S1 and S2 had a high- energy class set to upbeat music and choreographed dance numbers. You don‘t need to be a great dancer to feel welcome in a Zumba class because all you have to do is move to the music and have a good time, no rhythm required. The students had a great cardio workout that strengthen the core, and improve flexibility. Clay Creations Clay is a medium that promotes creativity and is beneficial for all the age groups as it allows fun, communication, sharing and also im- proves social skills. It is an activity which boosts imagination and im- bibes self-confidence. Students of Grades Nursery and Kindergarten enthusiastically participated in the clay modelling activity . They cre- ated many interesting objects out of clay. Colourful clay was used to create beads , animals and other simple objects like wrist watch. Such activities improve their motor skills and better their eye hand co-ordination.
Roll...Shape…..Glue…. And Viola!!! ―Quilling helps learn the art of rolling, shaping and gluing paper together to create beautiful pictures. Students learn about paper quilling and the art of rolled paper. The students of Grade S1 tried their creative hands on ‗Quilling‘ which was done in today‘s Summer Camp. They also investigated pat- terns and forms found in nature. Though paper quilling is time consuming and requires lots of pa- tience, but it is creatively satisfying for both kids and grown -ups. The best part is you always get in- teresting results! So did our students feel, with each coil they could give mould to their imagination into different shapes. Summer Fun Continues Pineapple craft, quilling, making indigenous percussion instruments using various objects, tapping a foot while doing Zumba or reinventing the young artist while drawing strokes on canvas,a positivity and energy could be felt. An informal interaction between teacher and students party that followed was an icing on a cake. It’s Raining Yellow! Students of Grade Nursery celebrated Yellow Colour Day with a lot of fun and frolic. They were dressed in vibrant yellow colour attire and learnt about the concept of yellow colour through various objects that were yellow in colour. In experiential learning session they made a honeycomb and honey bees using fingerprinting technique.
Selfies to Create Awareness Prevention is better than cure-a very old saying, but apt to the present day situation. To spread the awareness about protection against COVID-19, The Modern School held a selfie activity where in students clicked their pictures donning their favourite masks, with a message-to follow the Corona prevention protocol, in order to curb the spread. The more aware we are about following the rules of prevention, the sooner we will be out of this frightful situation. Rocking, Frolicking First Day The first day of the school after the Summer Break ,began with a welcome assembly presented by the teachers. It was followed by an informal interaction wherein the students shared their experiences of the vacation. It was an hour long session which rejuvenated both the students and the teachers. Nurturing Nature Let‘s nurture the nature so that we can have a better future. ‖Environment Day, also known as Eco Day, is celebrated on June 5 every year .This day was created by To make our students also aware of the im- portance of maintaining balance in our environment, various activities were conducted. The students of Grades P3-P4 made a utility bag, skillfully crafted out of an old T-shirt. Along with academics, The school believes in inculcating in its pupils, values which are very important in shaping them into responsible and aware citizens and activities like these help in achieving this goal.
EMBRACING HUMANITY Embracing Our Common Humanity With Self-Compassion: The school took on this initiative with an intent to share with the stakeholders the turmoil and hurdles endured during this difficult pandemic situation and emphasize with them. Under this initiative, a number of webinars and activities were conducted. Some enriched, some encouraged while other lifted spirits. Yoga by ISHA Foundation ‗Yoga adds years to your life and life to your years‘. To help parents and students rejuvenate them- selves , the school along with Isha Foundation organised an online yoga session, The session focused on boosting immunity and strengthening respiratory system. The session was conducted by Mr.Rajiv Kalra, a trained Hatha Yoga instructor from ISHA Foundation. Stay Motivated...No Matter What! The Coronavirus-induced lockdown has brought about an absolutely unprecedented situation. Never be- fore had we envisioned life as it is now – Working from home, reduced socializing and so much more. Being home has also brought with it some perks – reduced hours spent commuting, more time to explore hobbies etc. Although , we should find out something to boost our morale. A webinar on ―How to Remain Motivated in Difficult Times?‖ was organised for the students, parents and the staff on May 26, 2021. Mr. Sudhir Dua, a renowned motivational speaker shared some valuable insights. Myths or Facts? A webinar was organised for parents and students, to throw some light on the facts related to COVID-19 and clear some myths related to it. The session was conduct- ed by Ms. Deepali Goel, a parent volunteer. She explained about the disease, how it enters into the body and harms us. It was great learning experience for all and an eye opener too, with regard to the actual facts related to this deadly virus.
Song of the Soul "Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends."-Alphonse de Lamartine The emotions caused by music, play an important role in defining the feelings of a person. Music is way of detoxifying and relieving ourselves from stress. It works wonders in bringing people togeth- er and staying connected. With a view of giving a common platform to the parents and teachers, the school, under the initiative- Embracing Humanity, held a Musical Evening. Parents wholeheartedly participated and sang their favourite melodies. It gave chance to everyone to bring out the singer in them. It was enjoyed by all. Know Thy Self Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.‖ ―Aristotle When you know who you are, you know what you need to do, in- stead of looking for permission from others. It allows you to by- pass tons of frustration caused by putting time into the wrong things. This was the take-home message from the webinar organised by the school, under the initiative- Embracing Humani- ty. The session was conducted by Sh. Gopisvar Das, the President of ISKCON Temple Faridabad. His guidance strengthened our be- liefs and gave a ray of hope amidst all the anxiety and chaos preva- lent in the society nowadays. Yoga by Ayush Mantralaya Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.‖ – The Bhagavad Gita One of our passionate parent volunteer, Ms. Rewa Sharma, a certified Yoga Instructor from Ayush Mantralaya, Government of India, conducted an online Yoga session for parents and staff of the school. Ms. Rewa elaborated various aspects and concepts of Yog and Asanas. She emphasized on
Let’s Bounce Back! Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.‖ No one has a perfect life. Life is a complicated journey full of highs and lows. There are times in life when nothing goes the way one wants. This is especially true in the present times. Everyone is fighting their own battles .All this makes one feel that his/her life is falling apart. But should one suc- cumb to these failures or get up and start again? This question was answered, in more beautiful ways than words could express, in a webinar aptly titled ‗Boomerang: Express More‘ organized by the school, under the initiative-Embracing Humanity. The Resource Person Ms. Anshu Arora, a corporate trainer, assessor, coach and a motivational speaker, spoke at length about ways of bouncing back after a setback. The webinar was loaded with activities and kept the audience glued to their screens. She urged the participants to work on the limitations that kept them from doing things on their bucket list. This power packed webinar provided an enriched experience to everyone involved and concluded on a very positive note.
Bollywood Hungama All Is Well. The only thread that holds the interest of all the Indians besides cricket is Bollywood. Everyone either loves to groove to the peppy numbers or sing along the melodious songs that Bolly- wood offers. Under the initiative-Embracing Humanity, The Modern School organized a fun filled ‗Friday Funday- Bollywood Dubsmash‘ for the parents and the students. It had three energizing rounds that kept the audience captivated. Some quirky answers came from children of Primary clas- ses! It was an enjoyable evening and left everyone asking for more. I am Because You Are Raising a happy, healthy child is one of the most challenging tasks a parent can have -- and also one of the most rewarding ones. Yet many of us do no understand the nuances of parenting. The Modern School took an initiative and conducted a Webinar on - Raising Extraordinary Kids, by Mr. Kamalneet Singh, a mindset coach, TEDx speaker, a professional psychologist and a certified NLP practitioner. The webinar focused on the mistakes we commit as parents. He stated that it is easier to raise a strong child but difficult to repair a broken adult. If we want our children to work the way we want, then we need to be role models and give unconditional support and attention to them. We need to emphasize on BARM- Be A Role Model. This would not only develop the personality but also build the child‘s confi- dence. The session was an eye-opener as it forced us to introspect our ways of parenting.
We Are a Family Family serves as the first school to a child where the child learns about cultures, traditions, manners and many other things. Students of Kindergarten were introduced to the concept of family through rhymes and a puppet show. They drew a house and pasted the picture of their family members in it. Such activities make them aware of the importance of relations and belongingness in a family. Sink or Float? Density is an important concept because it allows us to determine what substanc- es will float and what substances will sink when placed in a liquid. Students of Grade S1 learned this concept through an experiment where they add- ed substances like iron nail, coin, dry fruits and plastic to a glass of water to know whether they would sink or float. This activity made learning enjoyable and fruitful. भौखखक अलबव्मजक्त छारों के विकास के लरए अतत आिश्मक होती है क्मोंकक भौखखक अलबव्मजक्त के द्िाया हभ अऩने विचायों को प्रस्त्तत ु कय सकते हैं।इसी उद्दे श्म को ध्मान भें यखते हुए, द भॉडनि स्त्कूर पयीदाफाद के कऺा एस 1 एिभ एस 3 के छारों के लरए आशब ु ाषण गततविधध यखी गई जजसभें सबी छारों को अध्मावऩका द्िाया अरग अरग विषम हदमा गमा । छारों ने उन विषमों ऩय अऩने विचाय उन्भक् ु त रुऩ से व्मक्त ककए।इस गततविधध के द्िाया छारों ने शद् ु ध ि स्त्ऩष्र् उच्चायण एिभ उधचत शब्दािरी का प्रमोग कयना सीखा। छारों ने विलबन्न विषमों ऩय फोरने के लरए सहामक साभग्री का प्रमोग कयते हुए उत्कष्र् प्रततबा का प्रदशिन ककमा जजसके द्िाया छारों भें धचॊतन , तकिशजक्त ि िाचन कौशर का विकास हुआ। इस गततविधध का भख् ु म उद्दे श्म छारों भें आत्भ विश्िास ,शब्द बॊडाय एिॊ आत्भ धचन्तन का विकास कयना था ।
Table Manners Whether you‘re dining out with friends or eating at a restaurant or a relative‘s place or even at home, table manners are important and Table Setting is the part of basic good table manners. It refers to the way a table is set with relevant tableware—such as utensils used for serving and eating. Keeping this in mind, Laying the Table-Activity was conducted for the students of Grades P1-P4.The students learnt the importance of dining etiquette and enjoyed the activity very much. WORLD DAY AGAINST CHILD LABOUR, Almost one in ten of all children worldwide are en- gaged in child labour. Ending child labour requires immediate action, accelerated motivation, and col- laborative partnerships at all levels – now. Let‘s make a difference. Let‘s make sure that our post- pandemic world is free from child labour. Commem- orating the World Day Against Child Labour, the stu- dents of Grade S7 engaged in a flipped classroom wherein they presented their views on child labour and measures to curb it. It was evident that students felt strongly about children engaging in child labour. They pledged to raise awareness about the same in their vicinity. Train Your Brain Brain Gym exercises help to improve neurological function so that areas of the brain are more strongly connected and accessible for any given task. The programme uses developmental movements and provides a level of immediate improvement. It is simple and fun for everyone. The prolonged screen time that children are engaging in, in the present situation can make them lethargic both mentally and physically. In order to keep this lethargy at bay, improve concentration and memory power and to draw out learning using movements (Educational Kinesiology) a brain gym exercise called Thumb Dancing was performed by students of Grade S2.
More Talents Unfold…... Comedy is really not like any other art form. It's very spe- cialized and varied in its content. It calls for refinement when it is in the form of stand-up comedy. Aditya Sharma of Grade XII ,proved that stand-up comedy can be done not only by experienced comedians but also novices like him when he was awarded the 2nd position in Interschool Stand -up Comedy Competition held by Entab. Heartiest congrat- ulations to you and may you soar high and make your school and family proud! What my Tongue Holds! In our childhood we are taught that we taste with our tongue. But as we grow we realise that there are different taste buds on our tongue, to taste different substances. Students of Grade S2 tried exploring the location of dif- ferent taste buds on the tongue. They tasted sour, sweet and bitter substances to locate the right position of a spe- cific taste bud. It was fun, learning for through experien- Let’s Count! Learning by doing helps children to remember and understand a particular concept better. In order to learn the concept of Ordinal Numbers, students of Grade P2 did an interesting activity, wherein they created an octopus out of colourful sheet. It was a delight to watch them use scissors with ease. Ordi- nal numbers were then written on its tentacles. Such activities increase concentration and improve eye hand coordination.
Open the Window and Guess Be it any grade, it is imperative to recapitulate the concept previously done before starting a new one. The activity ―Open the window and guess‖ was done with the students of Kindergarten, to recap the concept of letters, where they guessed the letter and its sound. Such activities help to improve the cognitive skills and enhance the conceptual knowledge as well. Eat Healthy Eating a plate of green salad everyday increases the level of antioxidants in the blood. It is rich in vita- mins and minerals, fibre and nutrients that keeps our digestive system healthy. To promote the healthy eating habits, students of Grade Kindergar- ten made a salad, where in they mixed different vegetables and seasoned it. Through this activity they were also taught about the pros of eating healthy eating habits and cons of unhealthy eating habits. These easy and fun filled activities impart great knowledge about healthy life style, which is the need of the hour. Come, Let’s Draw! Have you ever made patterns on sand using your fingers? What fun it was! Wasn‘t it? It is the move- ment of both smaller and larger muscles which co-ordinate the movements of different parts of the body. Development of these muscles can be done through various skill development activities. Students of Grade Nursery did a Tracing Activity using finger in flour and salt. They made various patterns, wrote numbers, letters and drew different shapes.
ऩौजष्र्क आहाय का सेिन कय हभ रॊफा औय स्त्िस्त्थ जीिन जी सकते हैं । हिा औय ऩानी के फाद बोजन ही जीिन के लरए सफसे भहत्िऩण ू ि िस्त्तु है । इसी फात को ध्मान भें यखते हुए द भॉडनि स्त्कूर पयीदाफाद के कऺा ऩहरी के छारों ने कऺा भें "आओ फनाएॉ ऩौजष्र्क थारी " को एक गततविधध के भाध्मभ से प्रस्त्तुत ककमा। इसभें छारों ने तयह - तयह के ऩौजष्र्क एिॊ स्त्िास्त््म िधिक बोजन से अिगत कयिामा औय फतामा कक स्त्िस्त्थ आहाय िह है जो हभाये तन भन को स्त्िस्त््म फनाए यखने भें हभायी भदद कयता है । एक स्त्िस्त्थ आहाय भें सभुधचत भारा भें सबी ऩोषक तत्ि औय तयर ऩदाथि का सेिन शालभर हैं। Meet My Family When learning is integrated with art, it not only makes the concept interesting but also enhances the creative abilities and kinesthetic skills of the learners. Students of Grade P2, enjoyed making their Family Chart while learning about the concept of My Family. They pasted the photographs of their family members and shared their names, ages and birthday dates. It was an interac- tive session and gave the students chance to speak in front of the class, virtually. It boosted their confidence and took it to an altogether new level. Art Integrated Learning English language can be even more interesting when it is integrated with different art forms. Students of Grade P2 created a garden as described in one of their lessons that was being taught to them. Their creativity was exemplary and imagination was mind-blowing. The end results were magnificent.
I Do I Learn Learning can be made easy through practical knowledge irrespective of the subject. Activities always compliment teaching and are welcomed by the children as they make learning fun filled. The students of Grade P3 did an activity to learn Nouns, where they labelled colourful jars according to the type of noun. They could easily differentiate between kinds of nouns as learning was fun and easy. I love My Bag! Creativity fosters mental growth as well provide opportunities for trying out new ideas, and new ways of thinking. The ability to create something new can boost and nurture child's emotional health. The students of Grade P1 made a school bag with different shapes using their creativity and enhanced their kinesthetic skills
Hot or Cold? Touch not only impacts short-term development during in- fancy and early childhood, but also has long-term effects, suggesting the power of positivity. Students of Grade Nursery learned about Sense of Touch through hot and cold objects like ice cubes, cold coffee, hot water, Hot tea and many more. Students actively participated in this activity and were able to grasp the concept well. Yoga is a complete science. It harmonizes the body, mind, spirit and the universe within. Our behav- iour, thoughts and attitude undergo a positive transformation if we practice yoga on a daily basis. Our breath has a deep seated impact on our physiological state and a 20 minute meditation every day, im- pacts our psychological well-being besides reducing stress. It nurtures clear thinking and increases the empathy and compassion bandwidth. This was explained admirably by Sri Vimal Kaul, an ardent Art of Living practitioner, during a session organized on the International Yoga Day for the parents, staff and students of The Modern School. It was a blessing for all to listen to the encouraging words of Shri Shri Ravishankar guruji. It was a great learning experience. International Day of Yoga If you thought that yoga was all about bending and twist- ing your body in odd shapes, it's time to rethink. Yoga is much more. In very simple words, giving care to your body, mind and breath is yoga. This was the take home message from the webinar organized on the International Yoga Day. Mr. Umesh Kumar, the Resource Person, is an Assistant Professor in DAV Centenary College, an expert in Naturopathy, Yogic and Spiritual treatment. He explained the meaning of harmonizing the body, mind and spirit. He taught few easy poses that one could practice daily.
National Reading Day-India The National Reading Day-India is celebrated across the country on June 19, in the honour of late shri.P.N Panicker, the man behind the ‗Library Movement in Kerala‘. To encourage children to read, the French Department of the school organized a rendezvous with the renowned writer, Mrs. Preeti Bhutani, a French professor at the University of Delhi. She has authored many French textbooks and help books. She trains teachers and organizes French competitions for Indian and overseas students. Attitude of Gratitude– Nilgiris House Function The Nilgiris House Function was held with a great enthusiasm on the 25th of June. The theme of the online function was ―Attitude of Gratitude‖. The House Mistress, Mrs. Savita Takyar, wel- comed the audience and reinforced the need to bring out the latent talents of children through the House System in the school. She reiterated the need to bow our heads in gratitude to attract more things we can be grateful for.
It is rightly said that men are rational animals. The almighty has endowed us with mind, intellect and body. All of them have immense capacity to perform and produce creative art In order to make the students aware of the existence of such a hobby and to create interest in them towards this, the ACCI- Autograph Collectors Club of India, in collaboration with the school, organised a webinar on 19th of June, 2021. The keynote speaker- Col. Vembu Shankar, an Indian Army veteran and an avid autograph collector, highlighted the usefulness of autograph collection as a hobby and ways of procuring autographs हहन्दी बाषा सीखने की ऩहरी सीढ़ी है िणिभारा का ऻान । ॊ रा भें ककॊडयगार्ि न के छारों को हहॊदी के िणि ‘र् इसी श्ख औय ठ ” की धचरो , िास्त्तविक िस्त्तुओॊ औय अऺय गीत की भदद से ऩहचान कयिाई गमी | फच्चों ने र्भार्य के कर्े हुए र्ुकडो से थारी भें र् लरखा औय लबण्डी से ठप्ऩा रगा के ठ फनाने की गततविधध कयी | फच्चों ने मह सायी गततविधधमाॉ फहुत उत्साह से कयी औय इनका ऩूणि रुत्प उठामा | इन गततविधधमों से फच्चे आत्भतनबिय फनते है औय उनभे स्त्िमॊ काभ कयने का विशिास जागता है | EDITORIAL BOARD: EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:Ms. NEETU BLEST EDITORIAL TEAM:Ms. M.HEMAMADHURI Ms. PINKY DHAKREY Ms. SRISHTI AHUJA
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