The Messenger No. 183 | 2021 - European Southern Observatory

Page created by Kevin Delgado
The Messenger No. 183 | 2021 - European Southern Observatory
ESO Strategy for the 2020s
High-precision Astrometric Studies with SPHERE
VEGAS – Exploring the Outskirts and Intra-cluster Regions of Galaxies
                                                                                         The Messenger
                                                                        No. 183 | 2021
The Messenger No. 183 | 2021 - European Southern Observatory
ESO, the European Southern Observa-                  Contents
tory, is the foremost intergovernmental
astronomy organisation in Europe. It is              The Organisation
supported by 16 Member States: Austria,              Waelkens, C. et al. – ESO Strategy for the 2020s                                 3
­Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark,
 France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy,           Instrumentation
 the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain,           Maire, A.-L. et al. – High-precision Astrometric Studies in Direct Imaging
 Sweden, Switzerland and the United                    with SPHERE                                                                    7
 Kingdom, along with the host country of             Maud, L. et al. – Enhancing ALMA’s Future Observing Capabilities                13
 Chile and with Australia as a Strategic             Boffin, H. M. J. et al. – FORS-Up: May the FORS Be With Us
 Partner. ESO’s programme is focussed                  For Another 15 Years                                                          18
 on the design, construction and opera-              Coccato, L. et al. – Colour Transformations for ESO Near-Infrared Imagers       20
 tion of powerful ground-based observing
 ­facilities. ESO operates three observato-          Astronomical Science
  ries in Chile: at La Silla, at P
                                 ­ aranal, site of   Iodice, E. et al. – The VST Early-type GAlaxy Survey: Exploring the Outskirts
  the Very Large Telescope, and at Llano               and Intra-cluster Regions of Galaxies in the Low-surface brightness Regime    25
  de Chajnantor. ESO is the European
  ­partner in the Atacama Large Millimeter/          Astronomical News
   submillimeter Array (ALMA). Currently             Burtscher, L. et al. – Report on the ESO Workshop “Ground-based Thermal
   ESO is engaged in the construction of the           Infrared Astronomy — Past, Present and Future”                                31
   Extremely Large ­Telescope.                       Sbordone, L. et al. – Report on the ESO Workshop “20th Anniversary of
                                                       Science Exploration with UVES”                                                37
The Messenger is published, in hardcopy              Solarz, A. – Fellows at ESO                                                     41
and electronic form, four times a year.              Koutoulaki, M. K. – External Fellows at ESO                                     42
ESO produces and distributes a wide                  Personnel Movements                                                             43
variety of media ­connected to its activities.
For further information, including postal
subscription to The Messenger, contact
the ESO Department of Communication at:

ESO Headquarters
Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 2
85748 Garching bei München, Germany
Phone +498932006-0

The Messenger
Editor: Mariya Lyubenova
Editorial assistant: Isolde Kreutle
Copy-editing: Peter Grimley
Layout, Typesetting, Graphics:
Mafalda Martins
Design, Production: Jutta Boxheimer

Printed by omb2 Print GmbH,
Lindberghstraße 17, 80939 Munich,

Unless otherwise indicated, all images in
The Messenger are courtesy of ESO,
except authored contributions which are
courtesy of the respective authors.

© ESO 2021
ISSN 0722-6691                                       Front cover: This image, taken with the VST, depicts the nebula
                                                     NGC 3199, which contains the extremely hot and massive Wolf–Rayet
                                                     star HD 89358. The star generates incredibly intense stellar winds
                                                     and outflows that smash into and sweep up the surrounding material,
                                                     contributing to NGC 3199’s twisted and lopsided morphology.

2            The Messenger 183 | 2021
The Messenger No. 183 | 2021 - European Southern Observatory
The Organisation                                                                                              DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5227

ESO Strategy for the 2020s

Christoffel Waelkens 1                         –E
                                                 xploit the unique capabilities of the        in particular for its ongoing flagship pro-
Willy Benz 2                                    VLT Interferometer (VLTI)                      ject — the construction of the ELT.
Xavier Barcons 3                               –B
                                                 uild an Extremely Large Telescope on
                                                a competitive timescale                        At its 150th meeting in June 2019, the ESO
                                                 ontinue the successful partnership           Council mandated its Strategy Working
    Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven,          between ESO and its community                  Group (SWG) to review the 2004 strategy
    Belgium                                                                                    and to propose to Council an updated
    Physics Institute, University of Bern,     The success with which ESO was able to          document that will guide the organisation
    Switzerland                                reach these goals has been remarkable.          over the next decade. The SWG members
    ESO                                        A few indicators are worth mentioning:          included Council delegates Amina Helmi,
                                                                                               Isobel Hook, René Michelsen, Martin
                                               –T  he efficient operation of its facilities   Thomé, Christoffel Waelkens (Chair), and
The stability that stems from ESO’s inter-       coupled with its engagement with the          ex-officio members Willy Benz (Council
governmental status provides the Organi-         community has allowed ESO to remain           President), Denis Mourard (Scientific
sation with the remarkable ability to plan       a world-wide reference in ground-             Technical Committee Chair), and Xavier
its future years. During its almost 60           based astronomy, as evidenced by              Barcons (Director General).
years of history, the commitment of ESO          more than 1000 refereed papers pub-
Member States towards long-term plans            lished every year using data obtained         Following the Council mandate, the
has enabled the resourcing and success-          at ESO’s facilities 2.                        SWG met twice in the following eight
ful development of world-class projects        –A  LMA construction was completed             months and status reports were given to
on timescales of over a decade, projects         and operations are now in full swing.         Council and discussed in the Committee
that have resulted in ESO’s building and         The ESO region is the most highly             of Council (CoC) meetings of October
operating some of the most powerful and          ­oversubscribed in regard to ALMA             2019 and March 2020. A report detailing
scientifically productive ground-based            observing time, and astronomers from         the findings of the SWG was presented
observatories in the world.                       the ESO region are first authors of          at the Council meeting in June 2020 and
                                                  about 40% of all papers published with       a first draft of the final document dis-
Planning is therefore an essential activity.      ALMA data.                                   cussed by the Committee of Council in
Defining the best plan is a challenge that     –T  he 2nd generation of VLT instruments       October 2020. Hence, despite the diffi-
requires considering a hierarchy of ele-          has been completed and is in very            culties caused by the inability to meet in
ments that starts with the mission (why           high demand by the scientific commu-         person during most of 2020, Council
we exist), followed by the vision (what we        nity, eager to use the new capabilities      invested a significant amount of time in
want to be), the values (what we believe          offered b. A rolling plan to keep the        thorough discussions about the best way
in and how we will behave) and finally the        instrument complement at Paranal             to extend the strategy that led to the
strategy (what we want to achieve).               competitive is in place and resourced        ­successes of the past decade and a half.
                                                  in ESO’s long-term plan 3.                    Finally, the document outlining the strat-
The ESO mission was described in the           –T  he VLTI infrastructure overhaul has         egy for 2021–2030 was met with unani-
Convention1 which entered into force in           been completed and the 2nd genera-            mous approval at the 155th meeting of
1962 and has been ratified by all Member          tion of VLTI instruments delivered with       Council in December 2020 and is pre-
States. In today’s wording, ESO’s mission         here again a very high demand from            sented below.
is twofold: building world-class astro-           the community c.
nomical observatories on the ground and        –E  SO’s ELT, the largest of its kind, has     In parallel, Council mandated the execu-
fostering cooperation in astronomy. The           been in construction since 2015 d and        tive to generate a draft proposal for a
current ESO vision was implicitly adopted         is fully funded e, and the first science     statement of ESO’s values, taking into
back in 2004 when Council approved the            observations are planned for the second      account both internal and external input.
previous version of the strategy, which           half of the decade.                          A proposal is expected to be submitted
positioned ESO to deliver the Extremely        – Instrument development in partnership        to Council for approval in 2021.
Large Telescope (ELT) while keeping               with institutions in the Member States
Paranal and the Atacama Large Millimeter/         has continued for the VLT and the VLTI,      Finally, Council also expressed the need
submillimeter Array (ALMA) at the forefront.      and the same model has been adopted          to develop a collective look at the ESO
The ESO strategy a approved by Council            for the ELT instruments, with the first-     vision, i.e, what the organisation should
at its 104th meeting in December 2004             light instrument already well underway.      become in the long term, beyond the clear
was formulated around the following goals:                                                     strategic milestones agreed. Discussions
                                               Given these outstanding achievements            on this topic have been deferred to a
– Retain European astronomical leadership     in meeting the goals defined in its 2004        post-pandemic era, when the necessary
– Complete ALMA and start its efficient       strategy, the ESO Council decided in            face-to-face meetings can be resumed.
   scientific exploitation                     2019 to revisit this strategy and the asso-
– Maintain the world-leading position of      ciated goals in order to keep up the            The rest of this article is taken verbatim
   the VLT, and deploy its 2nd generation      organisation’s momentum and success             from the corresponding sections of docu-
   of instruments                              rate over the next decade (2021–2030),          ment ESO/Cou-1911 conf. as approved

                                                                                                        The Messenger 183 | 2021             3
The Messenger No. 183 | 2021 - European Southern Observatory
The Organisation                                 Waelkens, C. et al., ESO Strategy for the 2020s

unanimously by the ESO Council in                At the core of this success lies arguably          and is expected to continue doing so
December 2020.                                   not just the mere increase in the number           during the coming decade, as new
                                                 of Member States but also the model of             ­cutting edge technologies enable the
                                                 cooperation that has been developed                 development of new generations of
Preamble                                         over the years, which strongly involves             ­telescopes and instrumentation,
                                                 the community within the Member States          –	ESO’s role in astronomical research
Astronomy, arguably the oldest science,          in all new large developments. This trans-           has been steadily increasing through-
is currently enjoying a golden age. Curiosity-   parent bottom-up process has led to a                out the history of the Organisation,
driven astronomy has led over the last           culture of trust and consensus between               ­relying on highly competent and dedi-
50 years to the development of innovative        the Member States greatly facilitating                cated staff and fruitful collaborations
technology that has not only led to a better     ­discussions, decisions, and the definition           with the community,
understanding of the structure and evolu-         of common goals or vision.                     –	the successful collaboration between
tion of our Universe and our place within                                                              the ESO Member States on science
it but also found its way in applications        Emerging from these successes and this                and technology has been of paramount
permeating our daily life. From enhanced         culture of consensus is a common vision               importance for ESO to become the
image and sophisticated signal process-          of the role of ESO for the decades to                 undisputed world leader in ground-
ing to the development of extreme adap-          come: The Organisation should strengthen              based optical-infrared astronomy, and
tive optics and data science, astronomy          its position as the world-leading organisa-           that furthering international collabora-
has been at the very root of innovation in       tion in ground-based astronomy enabling               tion beyond ESO’s boundaries has
ideas and technology. And yet, this devel-       the best opportunities for new discover-              led to a unique astronomical facility in
opment process is only just beginning!           ies. As such, it should consolidate its               sub/mm astronomy,
The coming decades will see revolutionary        position as a key actor on the world-wide       –	this constructive collaboration between
observatories coming online covering the         scene of existing and future large astro-             the ESO Member States should remain
sky at different wavelengths and based           nomical facilities regardless of wave-                the driving force ensuring that ESO can
on equally revolutionary technologies,           length or messenger by fostering collabo-             continue its mission for future genera-
many of which are still in development.          ration and synergy. For the next decade,              tions, with an open view on new mem-
                                                 completing successfully the ELT with its              bers and collaborations,
When ESO was founded in 1962, its mis-           original powerful suite of instruments is
sion was to “establish and operate an            clearly a central element of strengthening      adopts the following strategic milestones
astronomical observatory in the southern         this leadership.                                for ESO during the decade 2021–2030:
hemisphere, equipped with powerful
instruments, with the aim of furthering and      The strategic goals define ways consist-        –	Implement and operate the ELT as
organising collaboration in astronomy”.          ent with values prevailing in the Organisa-        the world-leading extremely large tele-
For Europe, it was a revolution starting         tion to achieve the vision above, which            scope, by
with five member countries and relatively        itself derives from the mission statement.         a.	Enabling the delivery of the fully com-
modest means compared to current                 As the SWG embarked on its task, it was               pleted ELT on a competitive timescale;
standards. Today, with sixteen Member            realized that while ESO’s mission state-           b.	Ensuring that the telescope is
States, one strategic partner, and Chile         ment is clearly defined in the Convention             equipped with the state-of-the-art
as the long-standing and trusted host            and its vision shared among the members               instrumentation necessary to meet
state of the telescopes, ESO builds and          of Council, its values needed to be more              its overarching science goals;
operates the most powerful and innova-           explicitly defined. A separate document            c.	Engaging fully with the community to
tive infrastructure in the world for obser-      defining ESO’s values is being prepared               ensure the best use of the telescope
vational astronomy from the surface of the       by the Executive for later discussion and             and its instruments;
Earth. This infrastructure edge provided         eventual approval by Council. Notwith-             d.	Preparing an ELT archive consistent
by ESO to the European astronomy com-            standing this document, the resolution                with ESO-wide standards.
munity translates into a world-wide scien-       below defines the strategic goals which
tific leadership in many areas of astron-        will allow ESO to reach its vision and fulfil   –	Ensure that the current facilities remain
omy. Concurrently, ESO has also pushed           its mission over the next decade.                  at the forefront of astronomical investi-
for increased collaboration in astronomy                                                            gations, by
by taking ownership of the European par-                                                            e.	Ensuring, in partnership with the
ticipation in ALMA and becoming one              Resolution                                             community, that VLT, VLTI, ALMA
of its main Parties, and should continue                                                                (with ESO’s partners), including their
with hosting and operating the southern          ESO Council, considering the report of its             instrumentation, continue to be
array of CTA. Other examples include             Strategic Working Group and recognising                state-of-the-art;
ESO taking responsibility in coordinating        that:                                              f.	A llowing flexibility to adapt to the
national publications towards the Euro-                                                                 changing scientific landscape includ-
pean journal ‘Astronomy and Astrophysics’        –	astronomy continuously delivers scien-              ing multi-messenger astronomy and,
or developing science and technology                tific discoveries of fundamental impor-             accordingly, towards new modes of
joint programmes with ESA.                          tance and with a broad societal impact,             operation;

4           The Messenger 183 | 2021
The Messenger No. 183 | 2021 - European Southern Observatory
g.	Considering the role of La Silla for the   –	Retaining ESO’s leadership role in            Links
                                    ESO community within this evolving             astronomy, by                                 1
                                                                                                                                     The text of the ESO Convention can be found in
                                    landscape;                                     m. Reinforcing ESO as a stand-alone              the book Basic Texts Convention and Protocols:
                                 h.	Maintaining a high-quality archive                organisation with its specific      
                                    and data-management tools for all                  domains of excellence, with empha-        2
                                                                                                                                     The ESO Publication Statistics is derived from
                                    ESO telescopes, including ELT.                     sis on efficient governance, while            the Telescope Bibliography (telbib) database and
                                                                                                                                     can be found here:
                                                                                       ensuring ESO remains agile enough             overview.php
                               –	Ensure that the Organisation is pre-                 for collaborations with other organi-     3
                                                                                                                                     See, for example, the Paranal Instrumentation
                                  pared for future projects when financial             sations on a case by case basis;              Programme Plan and 6 Monthly report of
                                  projections so permit, by                        n.	Outreaching effectively to the citizens       September 2020, presented to the ESO Council
                                                                                                                                     at its December 2020 meeting: https://www.eso.
                                  i.	Engaging with the community in eval-            in the Member States and beyond to             org/public/about-eso/committees/cou/cou-155th/
                                      uating the evolving international               share with them ESO’s discoveries,             external/Cou-1912_162ndFC_PIP-6month_final.pdf
                                      astronomical landscape and to                   milestones and plans for the future;
                                      assess the emerging science cases,           o.	Coordinating distributed centres of
                                      taking advantage of the time ahead              expertise within the ESO community         Notes
                                      to have an open view on the nature              (e.g. ARC nodes, VLTI centres of           a
                                                                                                                                     The ESO Council resolution on Scientific Strategy
                                      of future projects;                             expertise), and exchanging expertise           from 2004 can be found in The Messenger, 2005,
                                  j.	Maintaining some resources for con-             and training through studentships              119, 2.
                                      ducting feasibility studies of promis-          and fellowships as well as scientific          Until end of 2020 the number of refereed papers
                                                                                                                                     that have used data from 2nd generation VLT instru­­
                                      ing projects and of their associated            meetings;                                      ments are: MUSE (494), KMOS (83), X-shooter
                                      technologies;                                p.	Conducting a technology develop-              (796) and SPHERE (223).
                                  k.	Developing a future-oriented                    ment programme which enables               c
                                                                                                                                     After the commissioning of GRAVITY and
                                      human-resource policy consistent                developing and operating current               MATISSE, VLTI observing time requests reach
                                                                                                                                     200–250 nights per semester, a clearly higher
                                      with the long-term perspectives that            and future facilities, in collaboration
                                                                                                                                     request than prior to P95 when the infrastructure
                                      ensures the availability of the needed          with institutes and industry in the            upgrade began (F. Patat, ESO Observing
                                      expertise;                                      Member States;                                 Programmes Office).
                                  l.	Being ready to start the selection           q.	E xploiting the scientific synergies      d
                                                                                                                                     ESO Council confirmed the approval of the ELT
                                      process for a new project, possibly in          with other organisations (ESA, GW              Programme at its December 2012 meeting and
                                                                                                                                     authorised the start of Phase 1 of the ELT
                                      collaboration, later in the decade,             detectors, CTA, SKA) exploiting facili-        construction at the December 2014 meeting.
                                      and only when the financial perspec-            ties in a multi-messenger astronomi-       e
                                                                                                                                     At its December 2020 meeting, the ESO Council
                                      tive is clear.                                  cal environment.                               committed the funding for the entire set of
                                                                                                                                     activities included in building the ELT and bringing
                                                                                                                                     it into operation.
Juan Carlos Muñoz-Mateos/ESO

                                                                                                                                 This beautiful photograph of the glimmering arch of
                                                                                                                                 the Milky Way as seen through a crystal ball, shining
                                                                                                                                 with billions of stars and entwined patches of gas
                                                                                                                                 and dust, offers an intriguing perspective on our
                                                                                                                                 home galaxy. It was taken by ESO’s Photo Ambas-
                                                                                                                                 sador Juan Carlos Muñoz-Mateos, who hopes to
                                                                                                                                 “help others feel what it’s like to look at the night sky
                                                                                                                                 from one of the darkest and most barren locations
                                                                                                                                 on Earth” — the Atacama Desert, home of ESO’s
                                                                                                                                 Paranal Observatory.

                                                                                                                                              The Messenger 183 | 2021                   5
The Messenger No. 183 | 2021 - European Southern Observatory

   The dome of the VLT Survey Telescope (VST)
   takes centre stage in this panorama, dominating
   the foreground as it sits beneath the arc of the
   Milky Way. Numerous nebulae can be seen dotted
   along the arc of our galaxy. The remarkable glow
   of one of the Milky Way’s satellites, the Large
                                                         P. Horálek/ESO

   Magellanic Cloud, can be seen above the VLT Unit
   Telescope. While the sky is typically dark in the
   Atacama Desert, a faint and colourful airglow often
   makes it brighter, especially over the horizon.
The Messenger No. 183 | 2021 - European Southern Observatory
Instrumentation                                                                                                                                              DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5228

High-precision Astrometric Studies in Direct Imaging

Anne-Lise Maire 1, 2                                                                                                                                               Figure 1. SPHERE images

                                              ESO/Lagrange/SPHERE consortium and ESO/NASA/ESA
                                                                                                                                                                   at different epochs of the
Gaël Chauvin 3
                                                                                                                                                                   giant exoplanet β Pictoris b
Arthur Vigan 4                                                                                                                                                     (left) and of arch-like disc
Raffaele Gratton 5                                                                                                                                                 features in the debris disc
Maud Langlois 6                                                                                                                                                    of AU Microscopii (bottom).
                                                                                                                                                                   High-precision relative
Julien H. Girard 7
                                                                                                                                                                   astrometry is funda­m ental
Matthew A. Kenworthy 8                                                                                                                                             to measuring the slow
Jörg-Uwe Pott 2                                                                                                                                                    motions observed, from
Thomas Henning 2                                                                                                                                                   south-west to north-east
                                                                                                                                                                   for the planet and away
Pierre Kervella 9
                                                                                                         December 2014                    April 2016               from the star for the disc
Sylvestre Lacour 9                                                                                                                                                 features. In the bottom
Emily L. Rickman 7                                                                                                                                                 panel, the scale bar at the
Anthony Boccaletti 9                                                                                                                                               top of the picture indicates
                                                                                                                                                                   the diameter of the orbit
Philippe Delorme 3
                                                                                                                                                                   of the planet Neptune in
Michael R. Meyer 10                                                                                                                                                the Solar System.
Mathias Nowak 11
Sascha P. Quanz 12
Alice Zurlo 13

    University of Liège, Belgium
    Max-Planck-Institute For Astronomy,                                                                  November 2016                 September 2018
    Heidelberg, Germany
    Institute for Planetary sciences and
    Astrophysics, Grenoble, France
    Aix Marseille University, CNRS, CNES,
    LAM, France
    INAF–Astronomical Observatory of
    Padua, Italy
    Centre de Recherche Astrophysique
    de Lyon, Saint Genis Laval, France
    Space Telescope Science Institute,
   ­Baltimore, USA                                                                                2010                                                                              Hubble
    Leiden Observatory, Leiden, the
    Paris Observatory, Meudon, France
    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
    University of Cambridge, UK
    ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
    Diego Portales University, Santiago,                                                          2011                                                                              Hubble

Orbital monitoring of exoplanetary and
stellar systems is fundamental for analys-
ing their architecture, dynamical stability
and evolution, and mechanisms of for-
mation. Current high-contrast extreme-                                                            2014                                                                       VLT/SPHERE
adaptive-optics imagers like the Spectro-
Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet
REsearch instrument (SPHERE), the                                                               only a small fraction (< 20%) of the orbit,   implemented for SPHERE has facilitated
Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) and the                                                              leading to degeneracies and biases in         high-precision studies by its users since
Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive                                                           the orbital parameters. Precise and           it began operating in 2014. As the preci-
Optics/Coronagraphic High Angular                                                               robust measurements of the position of        sion of exoplanet-imaging instruments
Resolution Imaging Spectrograph com-                                                            the companions over time are critical,        is now reaching milliarcseconds and is
bination (SCExAO+CHARIS) explore                                                                requiring good knowledge of the instru-       expected to improve with forthcoming
the population of giant exoplanets and                                                          mental limitations and dedicated observ-      facilities, we initiated a community effort,
brown dwarf and stellar companions                                                              ing strategies. The homogeneous dedi-         triggered by the SPHERE experience, to
beyond typically 10 au, but they cover                                                          cated calibration strategy for astrometry     share lessons learned for high-precision

                                                                                                                                                        The Messenger 183 | 2021              7
The Messenger No. 183 | 2021 - European Southern Observatory
Instrumentation                                 Maire, A.-L. et al., High-precision Astrometric Studies in Direct Imaging with SPHERE

astrometry in direct imaging. A homo-           with planet formation within circumstellar      analysis of companion-disc dynamical
geneous strategy would strongly benefit         discs, and are similar to the Solar Sys-        interactions will also help to clarify which
the Very Large Telescope (VLT) commu-           tem’s configuration. Larger eccentricities      disc features (for example, spiral arms,
nity, in synergy with VLT Interferometer        might be connected to star-like formation       rings, clumps) can be reliably associated
instruments like GRAVITY/GRAVITY+ and           mechanisms; or they may indicate sub­           with companions. Another research
future instruments like the Enhanced            sequent dynamical planet-planet interac-        field that has recently emerged involves
Resolution Imager and Spectrograph              tions in multiple planetary systems that        monitoring the motion of disc features
(ERIS) and the MCAO-Assisted Visible            could explain the broad eccentricity distri-    to discriminate between different produc-
Imager and Spectrograph (MAVIS),                bution of exoplanets detected with the          tion mechanisms (Figure 1, bottom).
and in preparation for the exploitation         radial velocity technique. Another valua-       For instance, misaligned inner discs or
of the Extremely Large Tele­scope’s             ble output of orbital fits are predictions of   close-in companions have been proposed
(ELT’s) first instruments: the Multi-AO         positions. This is important for optimising     to explain shadows cast on the outer
Imaging CAmera for Deep Observations            follow-up observations at longer wave-          discs in various protoplanetary discs.
(MICADO), the High Angular Resolution           lengths (lower angular resolution) or with
Monolithic Optical and Near-infrared            slit/fibre spectrometry.
Integral field spectrograph (HARMONI),                                                          The problem of astrometric biases
and the Mid-infrared ELT Imager and             There is a strong synergy between direct
Spectrograph (METIS).                           imaging, radial velocities and absolute         The advent of the first dedicated
                                                astrometry for orbital fits. Firstly, it can    exoplanet imaging instruments (SPHERE,
                                                constrain the masses of the companions,         GPI, SCExAO+CHARIS; for example,
Motivation                                      which is a fundamental step towards the         Beuzit et al., 2019) has improved the pre-
                                                calibration of models of the evolution of       cision of relative astrometric measure-
High-precision relative astrometry in           young giant planets, brown dwarfs, and          ments of young substellar companions,
direct imaging is crucial for various sci-      low-mass stars. For imaged companions,          from about 10 milliarcseconds to about
ence cases, beyond determining the              most mass measurements come from                1–2 milliarcseconds.
orbital parameters of exoplanets, brown         evolutionary models, which suffer from
dwarf companions or multiple stellar sys-       large theoretical uncertainties (for exam-      Measurements with higher precision are
tems. For exoplanet surveys (Langlois et        ple, clouds and molecular opacities for         more sensitive to underestimated biases.
al., 2020), it is instrumental in testing the   the atmosphere, initial entropy for the for-    These can be caused by the use of dif­
nature of the faint sources detected near       mation). Secondly, it allows for the break-     ferent methods for the data analysis and/
the targeted stars (Figure 1, top). The         ing of degeneracies in the orbital param-       or calibration, our limited knowledge of the
fields of view used are typically too small     eters. Radial velocities are degenerate         thermo-mechanical stability of the instru-
for absolute astrometry, so astrometry          with the inclination (essential to constrain    ments, and the use of different instruments
relative to the targeted star is used. Multi-   the mass), but the degeneracy is lifted by      (after upgrades, for example). Given the
ple-epoch monitoring enables one to test        using imaging and absolute astrometry.          long orbital periods of the imaged compan-
whether the candidate companions are            For multiple-companion systems, direct          ions compared to the lifetimes of instru-
comoving, with proper and parallactic           imaging is valuable for breaking the degen-     ments, maximising the measured orbital
motions similar to those of the host star,      eracies with radial velocities or absolute      arc is vital if we are to derive more robust
by rejecting contamination by stationary        astrometry that are due to the unknown          orbital constraints. Underestimated biases
(or slowly moving with the local field)         orbital phases, although analysis of the        may also affect co-motion tests of candi-
background or foreground sources. More          dynamical stability may also be used.           date companions and trigger follow-up
precise measurements allow for faster           Thanks to the 24-year baseline between          observations by mistake, wasting tele-
confirmations. This approach requires a         Hipparcos and Gaia DR2, absolute                scope time.
second observation, for example from            astrometry can now detect massive sub-
archival data. One must be aware of the         stellar companions at the separations           Figure 2 illustrates the importance of
possibility that a candidate companion          probed by direct imaging. Bridging these        a good knowledge of the biases in co-­
having significant proper motion might          techniques will increase with Gaia and          motion tests of candidate companions
mimic a physical companion with orbital         the ELT to closer-in and/or planetary-mass      using different instruments. For a star
motion (for example; Nielsen et al., 2017).     companions, with the prospect of a com-         with many candidate companions, the
Multiple-epoch monitoring remains the           plete view of planetary and stellar systems.    biases can be estimated by assuming
most reliable approach to confirming a                                                          that most of them are background con-
candidate companion, and ultimately             Direct imaging offers a unique means to         taminants. For a star with a single can­
resolving its orbital motion to confirm that    simultaneously analyse companions and           didate companion, a new observation
it is gravitationally bound.                    their birth environment, the circumstellar      is required to reach a conclusion.
                                                discs. Determining the orbits of the com-
Constraining the orbital parameters             panions provides insights into potential        Figure 3 illustrates the importance of
of a companion provides clues to its for-       dynamical interactions. Such systems            a good knowledge of the biases in
mation and dynamical history. Orbits            provide valuable benchmarks for planet          orbital fits for the exoplanet HIP 65426 b
with small eccentricities are consistent        formation and migration models. The             (Chauvin et al., 2017; Cheetham et al.,

8            The Messenger 183 | 2021
The Messenger No. 183 | 2021 - European Southern Observatory
7000                                                                                  No correction                            Correction = 0.5°
Separation (mas)

                       6800                                                                  250

                                                                   Differential dec. (mas)
                       6600                                                                  200

                          2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Position angle (deg)

                        154                                                                  100
                        152   SPHERE
                              NACO                                                             0
                          2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015                                            150   100 50          0   –50 –100      150    100 50          0   –50 –100
                                         Epoch                                                             Differential RA (mas)                    Differential RA (mas)

 Figure 2. Tests for companionship of companion             compared to the evolution for a stationary back-                      with many candidate companions (red data points)
 candidates detected around stars with SPHERE and           ground contaminant (black curve with grey areas).                     for two values of the assumed correction angle to
 NACO showing the importance of a good knowledge            The motion of the point source does not follow the                    the north. The black curves show the motion for a
 of the biases in relative astrometry for the interpreta-   stationary background track, suggesting a physical                    stationary background contaminant. If most candi-
 tion. The left panel shows the temporal evolution of       companion. However, underestimated systematic                         date companions are assumed to be stationary
 the separation from the star (top) and position angle      uncertainties could account for the discrepancies.                    background contaminants, a correction angle to the
 relative to north (bottom, taken as positive from          The right panel shows the differential declination as                 north is needed to make their motion compatible
 north to east) for a single candidate companion            a function of the differential right ascension for a star             with the expected behaviour.

 2019). Low eccentricities and a bimodal                    et al., 2020); 2) an accurate determination                           To analyse the astrometric data and
 distribution of the time at periapsis are                  of the instrument overheads and metrol-                               derive the calibration, we developed a
 favoured when combining data obtained                      ogy; and 3) regular observations of fields                            tool (Maire et al., 2016) that is included
 in 2016–2017 from SPHERE and the                           in stellar clusters for the astrometric cali-                         in the SPHERE Data Centre1. The distortion
 Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System/COudé                       bration (Figure 4; Maire et al., 2016).                               is mainly due to the optics in SPHERE and
 Near-Infrared CAmera (NAOS-CONICA,                                                                                               is stable in time (see Table). It produces
 or NACO), whereas the eccentricity is not                  We chose fields in stellar clusters as main                           differences in the horizontal and vertical
 well constrained and can be high and                       astrometric calibrators because the large                             pixel scales which amount to 6 milli-
 the periapsis is in the future when fitting                number of stars available allows for pre-                             arcseconds at 1 arcsecond. The astro-
 SPHERE data obtained in 2016–2018.                         cise measurements. They also allow for                                metric requirement is 5 milliarcseconds
 These discrepant results point to under-                   measuring the distortion from the tele-                               (the goal being 1 milliarcsecond).
 estimated systematic uncertainties                         scope optics. We selected cluster fields
 between the SPHERE and NACO data.                          with positions measured precisely by the                              Figure 5 shows the temporal evolution
                                                            Hubble Space Telescope, which has a                                   of the pixel scale and correction angle
                                                            good absolute calibration. We further                                 to the north (Maire et al., in preparation).
 SPHERE astrometric strategy                                selected fields with a bright star for adap-                          Except for pixel scale measurements
                                                            tive optics (AO) guiding (R < ~ 13.5 mag).                            obtained during commissioning, SPHERE
 A homogeneous and regular astrometric                      Finally, we repeatedly observed two fields                            has demonstrated a remarkable astro-
 calibration is crucial to minimising the                   to cover the whole year, 47 Tucanae and                               metric stability over five years. The stand-
 biases and analysing the astrometric sta-                  NGC 3603. We chose 47 Tucanae as the                                  ard deviation for the pixel scale measured
 bility over time. Good astrometric stability               reference field because the catalogue                                 on 47 Tucanae is 0.004 milliarcseconds
 eases co motion tests and orbital moni-                    provides the stellar proper motions (Bellini                          pixel –1 and for the correction angle to
 toring of imaged companions. It relaxes                    et al., 2014). Langlois et al. (2020) com-                            the north 0.04 degrees. These variations
 the need to take calibration data close to                 pared the relative astrometry for widely-                             translate into uncertainties at 1 arcsec-
 the science observations and reduces                       separated and bright candidate compan-                                ond of 0.33 and 0.70 milliarcseconds,
 the calibration overhead at the telescope.                 ions observed with SPHERE and present                                 respectively, which is within the baseline
                                                            in the Gaia DR2 catalogue. The mean off-                              astrometric requirements. We plan to
 The astrometric strategy for the SpHere                    set in separation is –2.8 ± 1.5 milliarcsec-                          release the measurements in the SPHERE
 INfrared survey for Exoplanets (SHINE)                     onds (3.9 milliarcseconds RMS) and in                                 Target Data Base 2.
 was devised by the consortium before                       position angle is 0.06 ± 0.04 degrees
 commissioning and was subsequently                         (0.11 degrees RMS). The RMS measures                                  The pixel scale and correction angle
 refined. It relies on: 1) an observing proce-              agree well with the expected uncertain-                               to the north have also been monitored
 dure to precisely determine the star’s                     ties in these quantities in SPHERE data.                              in the ESO monthly calibration plan.
 location behind the coronagraph (Langlois                                                                                        The SHINE astrometric fields have been

                                                                                                                                             The Messenger 183 | 2021              9
The Messenger No. 183 | 2021 - European Southern Observatory
Instrumentation                                                      Maire, A.-L. et al., High-precision Astrometric Studies in Direct Imaging with SPHERE

                  1.0                                                          1.0                                                         1.0
                             SPHERE (2016–2017) + NaCo
                                      SPHERE (2016–2018)
                  0.8                                                          0.8                                                         0.8
Arbitrary units

                                                             Arbitrary units

                                                                                                                         Arbitrary units
                  0.6                                                          0.6                                                         0.6

                  0.4                                                          0.4                                                         0.4

                  0.2                                                          0.2                                                         0.2

                  0.0                                                          0.0                                                         0.0
                             1000       2000        3000                             0.0   0.2    0.4     0.6    0.8   1.0                       0     50         100        150
                                     Period (years)                                               Eccentricity                                         Inclination (degrees)
                  1.0                                                          1.0                                                         1.0

                  0.8                                                          0.8                                                         0.8
Arbitrary units

                                                             Arbitrary units

                                                                                                                         Arbitrary units
                  0.6                                                          0.6                                                         0.6

                  0.4                                                          0.4                                                         0.4

                  0.2                                                          0.2                                                         0.2

                  0.0                                                          0.0                                                         0.0
                        0       50         100         150                           0       50        100       150                             0   1000     2000       3000         4000
                                      Ω (degrees)                                                 ω (degrees)                                                   T0

 observed without the coronagraph. We                                                                                                                            Figure 3. (Above) Dis­
                                                                                                                                                                 tributions of the orbital
 analysed the data at the SPHERE Data
                                                                                                                                                                 parameters of the
 Centre to compute an astrometric table                                                                                                                          exoplanet HIP 65426 b
 for the reduction of the open-time data.                                                                                                                        using two different sets
 About 80% of the observations were not                                                                                                                          of relative astrometric
                                                                                                                                                                 measurements. A good
 suitable for deriving a good calibration.
                                                                                                                                                                 knowledge of the biases
 Work is ongoing with the ESO staff to                                                                                                                           is mandatory in order
 improve the setup of their observations.                                                                                                                        to derive unbiased con-
                                                                                                                                                                 straints. The panels
                                                                                                                                                                 show the period, eccen-
 The astrometric calibration of the SPHERE
                                                                                                                                                                 tricity, inclination, longi-
 images also requires measurement of the                                                                                                                         tude of the node, and
 offset angle of the pupil in pupil-tracking                                                                                                                     argument and time at
 mode. The pupil-tracking mode allows for                                                                                                                        periapsis, from left to
                                                                                                                                                                 right and top to bottom.
 subtracting the aberrations in the images
 that are due to the telescope and the
 instrument. We monitored this parameter
 in 2014–2016 and showed that it is stable.
 Work is ongoing to monitor it in the ESO
 calibration plan.

 In contrast, the astrometric calibration
 for NACO was heterogeneous, irregular,
 and mostly left to the observing teams.
 NACO also underwent technical interven-
 tions to commission new observing modes                                                                                                                         Figure 4. (Left) SPHERE
 or fix issues, and was moved to another                                                                                                                         image of the 47 Tucanae
                                                                                                                                                                 field used for the astro-
 Unit Telescope of the VLT. This resulted                                                                                                                        metric calibration. The
 in poor astrometric stability, making the                                                                                                                       field of view is ~ 11 arc­
 use of the data for high-precision relative                                                                                                                     seconds on one side.

 10                         The Messenger 183 | 2021
12.30                                                                                                       –1.5

                             12.28                                                                                                       –1.6

                                                                                                   Correction angle to north (degrees)
Pixel scale (mas pixel –1)

                             12.26                                                                                                       –1.7

                             12.24                                                                                                       –1.8

                             12.22      NGC 6380                                                                                         –1.9       NGC 6380
                                        NGC 3603                                                                                                    NGC 3603
                                        OrionB1–B4                                                                                                  OrionB1–B4
                                        47 Tuc                                                                                                      47 Tuc
                             12.20                                                                                                       – 2.0
                                 2014      2015      2016   2017          2018    2019     2020                                              2014      2015      2016     2017      2018     2019     2020
                                                            Epoch                                                                                                         Epoch
Figure 5. Evolution of the pixel scale (left) and cor-                     and stellar companions next to stars. It                                           in several systems, including systems
rection angle to the north (right) of SPHERE. A good
                                                                           has been used for about 20 orbital stud-                                           with a brown dwarf within the cavity of the
instrument stability is mandatory for high-precision
relative astrometry over time because it reduces                           ies, in combination with other imaging,                                            debris disc. HR 2562 B could carve the
potential s­ ystematic uncertainties. Fewer measure-                       radial velocity, and/or absolute astrometric                                       disc cavity, whereas another companion
ments are shown for the pixel scale because it                             measurements.                                                                      may be needed around HD 206893. Disc
depends on the filter and coronagraph ­c onfiguration.
                                                                                                                                                              features were monitored, such as the
For the right panel, the dotted-dashed vertical line
indicates the epoch when the time reference issue                          The orbital analyses of the exoplanets                                             arch-like features moving away from the
was solved (Maire et al., 2016). All previous measure-                     β Pictoris b (Lagrange et al., 2019) and                                           star AU Microscopii. The current scenario
ments were corrected. The dashed horizontal line                           51 Eridani b (Maire et al., 2019) are good                                         involves dust produced by an unseen
shows the weighted mean of all the measurements.
                                                                           examples of where biases between dif-                                              parent body and expelled by the stellar
                                                                           ferent instruments had to be dealt with.                                           wind. The rotation of the spiral arms of
astrometry more difficult. The limitations                                 β Pictoris b was monitored with NACO                                               MWC 758 was shown to be compatible
encountered with NACO were taken                                           and then SPHERE. It was recovered in                                               with a planet-driven mechanism.
into account in the astrometric strategy                                   September 2018 after conjunction with
of SPHERE.                                                                 the star. The SPHERE data are now
                                                                           ­probing the north-east part of the orbit,                                         Future astrometric studies with direct
Required separation precision (mas)                         5 (goal: 1)     which was only covered by one NACO                                                imaging facilities at ESO
Required position angle precision (deg)                            0.2      measurement in 2003, and they favour
                                                                            low eccentricities. 51 Eridani b was moni-                                        Further monitoring of known compan-
                                                                            tored for three years. Coupled with GPI                                           ions and disc features will be important
Achieved precision calibration pixel
scale at 1″ (mas)
                                                                 0.33       data, orbital curvature was detected in                                           for refining their orbits and their formation
                                                                            this system for the first time and the fit                                        mechanisms, respectively. Moreover,
Achieved precision calibration
distortion at 1″ (mas)
                                                                   0.2      suggests a high eccentricity (~ 0.3–0.6).                                         Gaia is expected to detect a large number
Achieved precision calibration angle
                                                                            A high eccentricity hints at dynamical                                            of giant exoplanets. Young exoplanets
                                                                 0.04       interactions that perturbed the orbit of                                          detected from acceleration measurements
to north (deg)
Achieved precision calibration angle                                        the planet, possibly by another as-yet-­                                          will be prime targets for imaging, to con-
pupil tracking (deg)                                                        undetected planet.                                                                firm and firmly constrain their orbits and
                                                                                                                                                              masses. This large sample of exoplanets
                                                                           The orbital predictions were also used                                             beyond a few au will allow for statistical
                                                                           for GRAVITY observations to get spectra                                            analyses of the distributions of eccentrici-
Highlights from SPHERE results                                             at longer wavelengths and higher resolu-                                           ties and relative inclinations to the stellar
                                                                           tions (2.0–2.4 μm, R ~ 500) compared                                               equatorial planes (for multiple-planet sys-
Thanks to the good astrometric preci-                                      to SPHERE (1.0–2.3 μm, R ~ 50) and to                                              tems and also mutual inclinations). Such
sion and stability of SPHERE, most                                         get exquisite astrometry (~ 30 times more                                          analyses will be crucial to understanding
users rely on the calibration derived by                                   precise), confirming the robustness of                                             their formation and evolution, and the
the instrument consortium. SPHERE has                                      the SPHERE calibration plan. Companion-                                            relation between planet and binary-star
enabled the discovery of 15 substellar                                     disc dynamical interactions were studied                                           formation mechanisms.

                                                                                                                                                                        The Messenger 183 | 2021        11
Instrumentation                                Maire, A.-L. et al., High-precision Astrometric Studies in Direct Imaging with SPHERE

                  The next step for exoplanet imaging will       tion, parallel observations could be used             de Paris/LESIA (Paris), and Observatoire de Lyon,
                                                                                                                       also supported by a grant from Labex OSUG@2020
                  be made with the ELT and its first three       to check the astrometric consistency.
                                                                                                                       (Investissements d’avenir — ANR10 LABX56).
                  instruments: MICADO, HARMONI, and              GRAVITY could be used to test/validate                SPHERE is an instrument designed and built by a
                  METIS. They will access smaller planet-        the absolute calibration of coronagraphic             consortium consisting of IPAG (Grenoble, France),
                  star separations, down to 1 au, to detect      instruments, thanks to the absolute cali-             MPIA (Heidelberg, Germany), LAM (Marseille,
                                                                                                                       France), LESIA (Paris, France), Laboratoire Lagrange
                  predominantly giant exoplanets. Thanks         bration provided by its internal metrology
                                                                                                                       (Nice, France), INAF–Osservatorio di Padova (Italy),
                  to the combination of increased angular        system (Lacour et al., 2014).                         ­O b­servatoire de Genève (Switzerland), ETH Zurich
                  resolution and larger collecting aperture,                                                            (Switzerland), NOVA (the Netherlands), ONERA
                  diffraction-limited ELT observations will      We recently started an initiative between              (France), and ASTRON (the Netherlands), in collabo-
                                                                                                                        ration with ESO. SPHERE was funded by ESO, with
                  at the same time access smaller angular        the SPHERE team and the teams in charge
                                                                                                                        additional contributions from CNRS (France), MPIA
                  separations and achieve higher astrometric     of the high-contrast imaging modes of                  (Germany), INAF (Italy), FINES (Switzerland), and
                  precision at angular separations acces­        forthcoming ESO exoplanet imaging facil-               NOVA (­the Netherlands). SPHERE received funding
                  sible to 8-metre-class imagers. MICADO         ities at the VLT/I and ELT to share the                from the European Commission Sixth and Seventh
                                                                                                                        Framework Programmes as part of the Optical Infra-
                  and HARMONI will be sensitive to young         SPHERE experience and the lessons
                                                                                                                        red Coordination Network for Astronomy (OPTICON)
                  planets, whereas METIS will reach mature       learned in the field of astrometric charac-            under grant number RII3-Ct-2004-001566 for FP6
                  planets. Before the ELT, ERIS, GRAVITY+,       terisation of exoplanets and discs. We                 (2004–2008), grant number 226604 for FP7 (2009–
                  and a potential SPHERE upgrade will be         firmly believe that this offers the oppor­             2012), and grant number 312430 for FP7 (2013–2016).
                  operational on the VLT/I. ERIS will be suit-   tunity to federate our community: 1) to
                  able for imaging giant exoplanets around       revisit past studies through archival data            References
                  young stars, and more mature giant exo­        mining, 2) to push the calibration strategy
                  planets which are too faint for the SPHERE     and performance of current instruments                Bellini, A. et al. 2014, ApJ, 797, 115
                                                                                                                       Beuzit, J.-L. et al. 2019, A&A, 631, A155
                  AO system. GRAVITY+ will have better           in operation, and 3) to share this exper-
                                                                                                                       Chauvin, G. et al. 2017, A&A, 605, L9
                  sensitivity than GRAVITY to access             tise with consortia of forthcoming instru-            Cheetham, A. et al. 2019, A&A, 622, A80
                  mature exoplanets.                             ments at the VLT/I and ELT to optimally               Lacour, S. et al. 2014, A&A, 567, A75
                                                                 prepare their scientific exploitation. We             Lagrange, A.-M. et al. 2019, A&A, 621, L8
                                                                                                                       Langlois, M. et al. 2020, A&A, in press,
                  A joint and homogeneous strategy shared        expect to prepare a workshop on this
                  by the exoplanet imaging facilities at ESO     topic in the future.                                  Maire, A.-L. et al. 2016, Proc. SPIE, 9908, 990834
                  will enhance their use for high-precision                                                            Maire, A.-L. et al. 2019, A&A, 624, A118
                  astrometry, by minimising biases. The                                                                Nielsen, E. L. et al. 2017, AJ, 154, 218
                  successful calibration plan implemented        Acknowledgements
                  for SPHERE could be applied and adapted        A. L. Maire acknowledges financial support from the   Links
                  to these instruments. If proposed by future    European Research Council under the European
                  instrument consortia, interactions with        Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
                                                                 gram (Grant Agreement No. 819155). We thank             The SPHERE Data Centre:
                  ESO would be valuable to check whether
                                                                 Leonard Burtscher for useful comments. This work        spip.php?article45&lang=en
                  such a calibration plan could be adopted.      has made use of the SPHERE Data Centre, operated      2
                                                                                                                         The SPHERE Target Database:
                  As SPHERE is expected to be operational        by OSUG/IPAG (Grenoble), PYTHEAS/LAM/CeSAM              spheretools
                  during the first years of the ELT’s opera-     (Marseille), OCA/Lagrange (Nice), Observatoire
ESO/Bohn et al.

                                                                                                                       This image, captured by the SPHERE instrument
                                                                                                                       on ESO’s Very Large Telescope, shows the star
                                                                                                                       TYC 8998-760-1 accompanied by two giant
                                                                                                                       exoplanets, TYC 8998-760-1b and TYC 8998-760-1c
                                                                                                                       (annotated with arrows). This is the first time astron-
                                                                                                                       omers have directly observed more than one planet
                                                                                                                       orbiting a star similar to the Sun.

                  12         The Messenger 183 | 2021
Instrumentation                                                                                                     DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5229

Enhancing ALMA’s Future Observing Capabilities

Luke Maud 1                                          We focus in particular on opening up            Unfortunately, ALMA cannot simply test
Eric Villard 1, 2                                    high-frequency observing using ALMA’s           a new observing mode on the telescope
Satoko Takahashi 2, 3                                longest baselines, which offers the             and thereafter open it directly to the com-
Yoshiharu Asaki 2, 3                                 highest possible angular resolution.            munity. This is because all parts of the
Tim Bastian 4                                                                                        observing chain involving the so-called
Paulo Cortes 2, 4                                                                                    subsystems (Control software, Observing
Geoff Crew 5                                         Extension and optimisation of new               Tool [OT], Scheduling, Quality Assurance
Ed Fomalont 2, 4                                     capabilities                                    [QA], Pipeline, and Archive, to name just
Antonio Hales 2, 4                                                                                   a few) must be up to the task. Before
Shun Ishii 2, 3                                      The global effort of adding new capa­           opening a new capability to the commu-
Lynn Matthews 5                                      bilities to ALMA is referred to as Exten-       nity, ALMA must be able to demonstrate
Hugo Messias 2                                       sion and Optimisation of Capabilities           the entire workflow: the correct creation
Hiroshi Nagai 6                                      (EOC). EOC was the natural progression          of the observation files; successful, error-
Tsuyoshi Sawada 2, 3                                 after moving away from initial tests when       free observations; data reduction — first
Gerald Schieven 7                                    ALMA was commissioned. During the               using manual scripts and thereafter with
Masumi Shimojo 6                                     final years of construction and during          the ALMA Pipeline; and finally data and
Baltasar Vila-Vilaro 2                               Cycle 0 operations, almost ten years ago,       product ingestion into the ALMA Archive
Andy Biggs 1                                         the development of new modes was                such that it can be delivered to any Prin-
Dirk Petry 1                                         called Commissioning and Scientific Veri-       cipal Investigator (PI) and used in any
Neil Phillips 1                                      fication (CSV). CSV was conducted to            future Archive mining exercises.
Rosita Paladino 8                                    ensure that the capabilities offered were
                                                     fully operational and valid. Following this,    The ObsMode process therefore follows
                                                     with ALMA as a fully operational tele-          a yearly structure and is aligned with
     ESO                                             scope, testing as part of EOC activities        ALMA observing cycles. For example,
     Joint ALMA Observatory, Santiago, Chile         has continued as an ALMA-wide effort            the majority of work in 2021 began in
     National Astronomical Observatory               encompassing all partners1: the Joint           October 2020 and will finish in October
     of Japan, Santiago, Chile                       ALMA Observatory (JAO) in Chile and the         2021 (Figure 1). This system includes a
     National Radio Astronomy Observatory,           ALMA Regional Centres (ARCs) in East            two-year lead time, such that any capabil-
     Charlottesville, USA                            Asia, North America and Europe. In              ity planned for release in Cycle 9 (due
     MIT Haystack Observatory, Westford,             Europe there are also contributions from        to start in October 2022) must be fully
     USA                                             the ARC network (see Hatziminaoglou             tested and verified in Cycle 7 a. Final tests
     National Astronomical Observatory               et al., 2015). The entire EOC effort, includ-   during the first half of Cycle 8, before the
     of Japan, Tokyo, Japan                          ing all coordination, planning and the          Cycle 9 Call-for-Proposals (CfP) pre-­
     National Research Council of Canada             intricate steps involved, is led by the JAO     announcement is made, mark the final
     Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics               (see Takahashi et al., 2021).                   date to confirm the readiness of a capabil-
     Programs, Victoria, Canada                                                                      ity for scientific operations. The main con-
     INAF–Institute of Radioastronomy,               In this article we provide an overview of       siderations throughout the year include:
    ­Bologna, Italy                                  EOC, and what features might be
                                                     expected in the coming cycles, with a           –	Proposed capabilities and priorities:
                                                     specific focus on pushing ALMA to                  A list is drawn up of capabilities aimed
With each observing cycle at the                     achieve the highest angular resolutions            at science operations two years later.
Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter               possible (a study involving significant input      Given the ten years of ALMA operations,
Array (ALMA) new features and observ-                from the European ARC). We also highlight          there is a natural continuation from
ing modes are offered. Here we provide               how the ALMA community ­benefits from              ­previous years. ALMA management,
some background about how these                      each capability potentially offered.                together with the science and operations
new capabilities are tested and then                                                                     teams, arrange and discuss the priorities
made available to ALMA users. These                                                                      with the ALMA Science Advisory Com-
activities help to drive the cutting-edge            ALMA’s process for offering new                     mittee (ASAC), which confirms that
science conducted with ALMA and to                   capabilities                                        these align with the community input b.
maintain ALMA’s position as the foremost                                                             –	Initial capability plan: Plans are made
interferometric array operating at milli-            Behind the scenes, the process that                 by the expert teams leading each
metre and submillimetre wavelengths.                 makes new capabilities possible is the              capability. These must provide a tech-
                                                     ObsMode process (Takahashi et al., 2021),           nical summary, identify the on-sky time
                                                     which is led and coordinated by the JAO.            requirements, and detail each team
ObsMode Lead: Satoko Takahashi                       The intention of the ObsMode process is             member’s role. Most importantly, the
ObsMode Technical Leads: Satoko Takahashi,           to enable all observing modes that ALMA             plans set the criteria for declaring a
Yoshiharu Asaki, Tim Bastian, Paulo Cortes, Geoff
Crew, Ed Fomalont, Antonio Hales, Shun Ishii, Lynn
                                                     was designed to support, as well as any             particular capability as ready.
Matthews, Hiroshi Nagai, Tsuyoshi Sawada, Gerald     additional ones identified since construc-      –	Test Observations: EOC observations
Schieven, Masumi Shimojo, Baltasar Vila-Vilaro       tion began.                                         are scheduled to have a minimal impact

                                                                                                              The Messenger 183 | 2021         13
Instrumentation                                                                  Maud, L. et al., Enhancing ALMA’s Future Observing Capabilities

                                                                                                                                                                                           Figure 1. Simplified
                                                                                                                                                                                           schematic of the gen-

                                                                                                           CfP pre-announcement
                                                                                                                                                                                           eral ObsMode timeline
                            Prioritisation process

                                                                                                                                                                                           focused around the
                                                     – Test plans                                                                                                                          year 2021 (Cycle 7 —

                                                                                                                                                               capabilities begins
                                                     – Continual meetings                                                                                                                  restarted because of the

                                                                                                                                                                 Cycle with new
           Assessment of
            possible new

                                                     – Observations and data reduction                                                                                                     pandemic), starting from

                                                     – Technical reporting                                                                                                                 the identification of new
                                                     – Requirements to subsystems                                                                                                          capabilities at the end
                                                     – Documentation                                                                 CfP                                                   of the previous year and
                                                                                                                                                                                           leading up to the point
                                                                                                                                                                                           where they are planned
                                                                                               Deployment of offline and online software
                                                                                                                                                                                           for use in Cycle 9, two
                                                                                                     features for new capabilities
                                                                                                                                                                                           years later. In reality the
                                                                                                                                                                                           EOC is a continual pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                           cess as there is an intrin-















...                                                                                                                                                                                  ...












                                                                                                                                                                                           sic overlap of testing and
                                                                                                                                                                                           development between
      2020                                                        2021 — Cycle 7                          2022 — Cycle 8                                                   2023            the years.

   on standard science observations, being                                         fully detail and explain any newly                            discs. For extragalactic targets, parsec
   conducted in small time windows or                                              offered capabilities.                                         scales could be resolved for sources
   when science observations cannot take                                                                                                         within 40 Mpc, offering unprecedented
   place. Where possible, observations use                                                                                                       details of galactic structures.
   Scheduling Blocks (SBs) constructed                                           Focusing on high frequencies and long
   with the OT, however some tests                                               baselines with band-to-band (B2B)                               What is B2B? Band-to-Band (B2B) is a
   require custom command-line scripts                                                                                                           phase-referencing technique in which
   to operate ALMA in a manual mode.                                             The European ARC is particularly                                the phase calibrator, interleaved between
–	Data reduction and problem reporting:                                         involved with EOC activities to offer high-                     the science target and used to correct for
   Custom scripts are employed, using                                            frequency observations (Bands 8, 9, and                         atmospheric variations (see, for example,
   the Common Astronomy Software                                                 10, > 385 GHz) using the most extended                          Asaki et al., 2020a), is actually observed
   Applications package (CASA; McMullin,                                         array configurations (C-8, C-9 and C-10,                        at a frequency lower than the observing
   2007) reduction software with extra                                           with maximal baselines of ~ 8.5, ~ 13.9                         frequency of the science target. The
   analysis and heuristics. Extra system-                                        and ~ 16.2 kilometres, respectively). The-
   level stability and data-validity checks                                      oretically, the highest frequencies cou-                        Figure 2. Schematic of the main observing scheme
   are also made. EOC teams aim to pro-                                          pled with the longest-baseline array would                      employed for B2B test observations (Asaki et al.,
   vide QA-like reduction workflows to                                           achieve an angular resolution of 5 milli-                       2020a). The instrumental band offsets are solved
   enable an easier transition to science                                        arcseconds. This translates to sub-au                           using the Differential Gain Calibration (DGC) blocks,
                                                                                                                                                 while the centre of the schematic shows the phase
   operations.                                                                   scales for sources within 200 parsecs                           referencing for the calibrator and target alternating
–	Technical readiness: In September and                                         and would provide the most detailed                             between low- and high-frequency bands. The time
   October the EOC teams report their                                            submillimetre picture of protoplanetary                         axis is not to scale.
   findings and provide a technical report
   to specific expert reviewers. These
                                                                                  Differential Gain Calibration block                                         Differential Gain Calibration block
   reports are used for a readiness assess-
   ment to confirm whether the capability
   meets the initial readiness criteria.
–	Subsystem impact: Requirements are
   created continually throughout the year                                                                                        B2B phase referencing block
   for the subsystems involved. Although
   developments are continual, a capa­bility
                                                                                             tಿ t
   can only be declared operational when
   all subsystems integrate the required                                                        tswt
   modifications. Examples of sub­system                                                                                                                                                     Observing time
   changes are: (1) the addition of new OT
   features that allow SBs to be generated,
   and (2) modification of the QA2 process                                               Low-frequency DGC source scan                          High-frequency DGC source scan
   to provide the correct reduction path
   (see, for example, Petry et al., 2020).
                                                                                         Low-frequency phase calibrator scan                    High-frequency science target source scan
–	Documentation: Before the CfP is
   issued, ALMA provides users with a
   Proposer’s Guide 2 and a Technical                                                    High-frequency calibration scan (e.g., system temperature measurement, pointing)
   Handbook 3. These documents must

14                     The Messenger 183 | 2021
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