The Messenger February, 2022 - Faith Lutheran Church

Page created by Gloria Daniel
The Messenger February, 2022 - Faith Lutheran Church
Faith Lutheran Church

                                     The Messenger
                                        February, 2022
In this issue:
Page 2: VBS, HFAS, Faith Formation, Confirmation
Page 3: Sundays in February
Page 4: Louise Heiss, Bible Study
Page 5: Life Together at Faith

         We Give Thanks for Our Common Life
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran pastor and martyr, wrote that “the church is not a human dream but rather
a divine reality.” He meant we shouldn’t judge the church by our own ideals and wishes—it will always
fall short. Instead, we should see the church, with all its faults and frailty as God’s presence—Christ’s
Body—in the world.

Last Sunday (January 23) we celebrated our expression of Christ’s body, Faith Lutheran, in our Annual
Congregational Meeting and Celebration. You can find a copy of all the church’s actions and reports here.
You can see a slide show of the highlights of 2021 on our Facebook page. Even in these tough days we
have much for which to be thankful.

Gracious Father, we pray for your holy catholic church. Fill it with all truth and peace. Where it is cor-
rupt, purify it; where it is in error, direct it ; where in anything it is amiss, reform it; where it is right,
  strengthen it; where it is in need, provide for it; where it is divided, reunite it; for the sake of Jesus
                                    Christ, you Son, our Lord. Amen.

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The Messenger February, 2022 - Faith Lutheran Church
Harstad Fine Arts Series presents a concert featur-
                                                     ing Sephardic music on Medieval and Renaissance
                                                     instruments, featuring University of Kentucky
                                                     guitar faculty, Dieter Hennings. Sunday, February
                                                     6, 2022, 4:00 PM at Faith. Tickets are available at

                                                      Faith Formation Opportunities
               Summer, 2022
                  By Val Dutcher                      Godly Play
From the Congregational Survey responses and          We are now offering Go d ly Play Sundays on
the Focus Group meetings, I clearly saw and           Zoom from 10:00 until 10:30 AM.
heard our congregation’s concern about a need         Confirmation Class
for Faith Lutheran to focus on attracting and re-     Confirmation Class, grades 6-8, meets regularly,
taining youth and families.                           and participants are informed of scheduling.
Our recently completed Pastoral Profile states the
                                                      Tuesday Bible Study
following: “As we move forward with a new
shepherd, our immediate goal is to collectively       The Tuesday Bible Study meets at 11:00 AM via
work toward unifying our congregation, fol-           Zoom. (See page 4.)
lowed by working together to increase our mem-
bership, specifically the demographics of young-      Pray for Our Confirmation Class
er families and youth.”
With all that said, I am ready to step forward and
commit myself (100%) to launching and oversee-
ing Faith Lutheran’s plans for Vacation Bible
School this coming summer. But I will need the
congregation’s help, support, and prayers. (“It
takes a village!”)
Please join me for an initial VBS Planning Meet-
ing on Thursday, February 3, at 7:00 PM via
Zoom. I will have an outline of decisions that
need to be made, research I’ve done thus far, and     Maybe it’s been a while since you were con-
I would appreciate getting input and feedback on      firmed. This year five of our young people gather
key areas (dates, times, meals, theme, curricu-       for monthly classes. In earlier classes we dis-
lum, content) so that we can move forward.            cussed what it means to “belong” and how we
If you can attend, please e-mail me at valjdutch-     belong to God and can belong to the Church; we to receive the Zoom link.                explored the Ten Commandments and the Apos-
                                                      (continued on page 3)

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The Messenger February, 2022 - Faith Lutheran Church
tles Creed—God’s guidance for the world; we                     Sundays in February
looked at the many things Advent and Christ-
                                                       Our Sunday lessons in February will tell us of the
mas tell us about God’s love for us.
                                                       calling of the great prophets Jerimiah and Isai-
Here is what we learned last week:
                                                       ah. We will hear of Moses bringing God’s law to
There are many ways the church is involved in          the people.
our society as a witness to God’s ways. Since we
                                                       We will continue in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians,
were just past the MLK holiday, Dr. King was
                                                       hearing our hope in Christ’s resurrection.
our example. I reminded them that all his work
was motivated by his faith and his role as a pas-      In our Gospels Jesus joins his disciples in their live-
tor. We looked at other movements that in-             lihood as fishermen; he teaches us about true hap-
volved faith leaders—abolition, freedom of reli-       piness in the beatitudes; he challenges us to turn
gion, women’s movement, LGBT rights, the pro-          the other cheek and walk the extra mile; he reveals
tection of children, the provision of healthcare.      to three disciples the wonder of his true identity.
We learned ways Faith Church addresses                 Join us to read, mark, and inwardly digest God’s
these: Mission Health Lexington, God’s Pantry          Holy Scripture.
Food Bank, Blessings in a Backpack, participa-
tion in past MLK and Pride events.
I asked what issues faith could address and the
class pointed out bullying, substance abuse, gun
violence and poverty.
We saw a brief video on refugees in the Bible
(Israelites from Egypt, Jesus as a baby, Adam
and Eve from the garden) and church ministry
to refugees. We learned Micah 6:8: the Lord re-
quires us to “do justice, love kindness and walk
humbly before God;” and Matthew 25:31-46:
serving Jesus by feeding the hungry, giving wa-
ter to the thirsty, clothing the naked, visiting the
sick and the prisoner, serving the “least of
 Pray for these young people who are exploring
affirming their faith.

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The Messenger February, 2022 - Faith Lutheran Church
times. The people of Faith have mentored me and helped
   Louise Heiss, 1931-2021                                 me grow in God’s grace. I am the most fortunate of peo-
                                                           ple. I have experienced so much love.
                                                           Into your hands O merciful Savior, we commend
                                                           your servant Louise. Acknowledge, we humbly be-
                                                           seech you, a sheep of your own fold, a lamb of your
                                                           own flock, a sinner of our own redeeming. Receive
                                                           her into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed
                                                           rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious com-
                                                           pany of the saints of light. Amen.

                                                                      Tuesday Bible Study
                                                           Each Tuesday morning from 11 AM to noon, a
                                                           number of Faith members join for Zoom Bible
                                                           On February 1 they begin a new book: the Gospel
                                                           of Mathew. This gospel contains many riches: the
We are grateful for the generosity and care of the
                                                           Beatitudes, the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord's
church and its members who contributed to the
                                                           prayer, the great judgment (meeting Christ in the
burial expense of Ms. Louise Heiss. We are also
                                                           least of humanity).
grateful to the people of Temple Adath Israel
(Rabbi David Wirtschafter), which made a signifi-          You're invited to join this group Tuesdays
cant gift. This is the congregation of one of              at
Louise’s daughters.                                        pwd=QUE3dnR0eE9RNlJOcURiSDg2MmJ4Zz09

Louise was laid to rest and committed to the care          Learn more about the Gospel of Matthew with this
of God on January 27, 2022, accompanied by the             introduction from "The Bible Project". https://
love and prayers of the church. She is buried next .
to Howard, her husband of 50 years. She is sur-
vived by two daughters and many grandchil-
A native of Dayton, Ohio, Louise was a member
of Faith for 66 years, having joined with her fami-
ly in 1955. She served as a greeter for many
years. She may have been the first face many of
you saw when you first came to Faith. The fol-
lowing are Louise’s words, taken from her
written service arrangements:
“To me to live is Christ; to die, but gain.” These words
of Paul’s say it all. The wonderful family of Faith Lu-
theran Church has been so important in my life. There
were so many through the years who helped me
through difficult times and rejoiced with me in good

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The Messenger February, 2022 - Faith Lutheran Church
Life Together at Faith

  3        Helen Born             8        Daniel & Sue Anne
           Bonnie Chastain                 Lau
  8        Henry Coleman          16       Joyce & Ford Cornett
           Susan Hamilton                  Charlie & Susan
 11        Bert Grotrian                   Hamilton
 14        Aja Hammonds
 15        Paige Barricklow
 16        Henry Kurth
 17        Debbie Anderson
           Anna Shannon
 21        Leah Hower
 22        Gena Cooper
           Kay Cottrill
 24        Hannah Williams
 25        Ole Wendroth
 27        Patty Slevin
 28        Scott Wilson           If your birthday or anniver-
                                  sary does not appear here,
                                  please let the church office
                                  know. We never intention-
                                  ally leave anyone out!

                     December Financial Summary
Dec 2021
                                                         Actual Total                              Actual Total
                                                                         Total In-
                              Total Income Total Expense Income Less                  Total Ex-    Income Less
                                                                          come -
                                - Month       - Month    Actual Total                pense - YTD   Actual Total
                                                           Expense                                    Expense
                                                               $                                         $
Budget Forecast                $27,982.00   $31,126.42     3,145.00     $335,784.00 $373,517.00      37,740.00
Actual                         $50,149.03   $32,016.79 $18,132.24       $389,672.28 $305,550.79     $84,121.49
                                                                                                    $121,861.4    Represents
Variance                      $22,167.03       $890.37     $21,277.24   $53,888.28 ($67,966.21)          9         Budgeted
%                               179.2%         102.9%                     116.0%      81.8%                        Carryover

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The Messenger February, 2022 - Faith Lutheran Church
Faith Lutheran Church
1000 Tates Creek Drive
                                             Sunday Worship Schedule
Lexington, KY 40502
                                              In-Person Worship 8:30 and 11:00 AM
Phone: 859-266-7621
Fax: 859-266-9600
Email:                                                 Online Streaming, 11:00 AM
Church Council 2021
                                                  Reverend Doug Hahn, Interim Pastor
Richard Heine, President
Gayle McGrath, Vice President           

Sherri Greer, Secretary                           Kathy Egner, Parish Administrator

Debbie Rosenberg, Treasurer             

Jonathan Delap                                    859-266-7621

                                                  Office hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00-3:00; Fri. 9:00-12:00
Carolyn Holmes
                                                  Neil McComb, Sexton
JoEllen McComb
David Templar
                                                  Charla Heersche, Learning Center Director
Reverend Doug Hahn, Interim
Financial Secretary

                                                                                Lexington, KY 40502
                                                                             1000 Tates Creek Road
                                                                             Faith Lutheran Church

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The Messenger February, 2022 - Faith Lutheran Church The Messenger February, 2022 - Faith Lutheran Church The Messenger February, 2022 - Faith Lutheran Church The Messenger February, 2022 - Faith Lutheran Church
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