The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum - VOLUME 78 NUMBER 3

Page created by Armando Norman
The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum - VOLUME 78 NUMBER 3
The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum
VOLUME       78   •   NUMBER      3
The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum - VOLUME 78 NUMBER 3
The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum - VOLUME 78 NUMBER 3
The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum
V O L U M E 7 8 • N UM B E R 3 • 2 0 2 1              CONTENTS

      Arnoldia (ISSN 0004–2633; USPS 866–100)          2 Building a Comprehensive Plant Collection
   is published quarterly by the Arnold Arboretum     		 Jeffrey D. Carstens
    of Harvard University. Periodicals postage paid
              at Boston, Massachusetts.                5 A Conservation SOS: Polygonum hickmanii
                                                      		 Holly Forbes
   Annual subscriptions are $20.00 domestic or
   $25.00 international, payable in U.S. dollars.      7 An Unusual Autumn at the Dana Greenhouses
   Subscribe and purchase back issues online at       		 Tiffany Enzenbacher or send
   orders, remittances, change-of-address notices,    10 A Brief History of Juglandaceae
   and all other subscription-related communica-      		 Jonas Frei
   tions to Circulation Manager, Arnoldia, Arnold
   Arboretum, 125 Arborway, Boston, MA 02130-
                                                      18 Discovering the Majestic Mai Hing Sam of Laos
   3500. Telephone 617.524.1718; fax 617.524.1418;    		 Gretchen C. Coffman
         e-mail           28 Backyard Climate Solutions
   Arnold Arboretum members receive a subscrip-       		 Edward K. Faison
   tion to Arnoldia as a membership benefit. To
   become a member or receive more information,
                                                      38 A New Look at Boston Common Trees
   please call Wendy Krauss at 617.384.5766 or        		 Kelsey Allen and W. Wyatt Oswald
          email              42 Case of the Anthropocene
        Postmaster: Send address changes to           		 Jonathan Damery
          Arnoldia Circulation Manager                44 Planting Edo: Pinus thunbergii
             The Arnold Arboretum                     		 Rachel Saunders
                  125 Arborway
             Boston, MA 02130–3500                    Front and back cover: Jonas Frei’s collection of walnut
                                                      family fruits includes a disc-shaped wheel wingnut (Cyc-
            Jonathan Damery, Editor
                                                      locarya paliurus, back cover) among other more familiar-
           David Hakas, Editorial Intern
             Andy Winther, Designer                   looking species. Photo by Jonas Frei.
                                                      Inside front cover: Glyptostrobus pensilis is the only living
               Editorial Committee                    member of a genus that was once widespread throughout
                Anthony S. Aiello                     the Northern Hemisphere. The illustration shows a Glypto-
                 Peter Del Tredici                    strobus fossil collected near Reading, England. From Gard-
               Michael S. Dosmann                     ner, J. S. 1886. British Eocene Flora (vol. 2, part 3). London:
              William (Ned) Friedman                  Palaeontographical Society. Biodiversity Heritage Library.
                     Jon Hetman
               Julie Moir Messervy                    Inside back cover: The precision of Itoˉ Jakuchuˉ’s observa-
                   Jonathan Shaw                      tions is evident in Old Pine, an ink painting in which he
                                                      fluidly captures the essence of a Japanese black pine (Pinus
                                                      thunbergii). Painting: Harvard Art Museums, promised gift
           Copyright © 2021. The President and
               Fellows of Harvard College             of Robert S. and Betsy G. Feinberg, © photography: John
                                                      Tsantes and Neil Greentree © Robert Feinberg (TL42147.7).
                                                      Photograph of Japanese black pine (11371*M) at Arnold
                                                      Arboretum by Jonathan Damery.

                                                      Publication note: Volume 78 will comprise six issues
                                                      published on the current quarterly schedule. Volume 79
                                                      will begin with the first issue published in 2022 and will
                                                      include four issues.
The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum - VOLUME 78 NUMBER 3

Building a Comprehensive Plant Collection
Jeffrey D. Carstens

       uilding a germplasm collection can take                            McCoy connected me with Marty Silver, a
       years or, more realistically, even multiple                     park ranger at Warriors’ Path State Park, who
       careers to assemble. The United States                          graciously volunteered to help. Silver stated
National Plant Germplasm System has nine-                              he had “limited botanical skills” and was sim-
teen stations around the country, and the goal                         ply an “interested amateur botanist spending
is to acquire, conserve, evaluate, and distribute                      spare time in the field in various wild places
genetically diverse plant material. As a gene-                         in Tennessee.” To ensure initial success, we
bank curator at the North Central Regional                             selected Monarda didyma as the target from
Plant Introduction Station in Ames, Iowa, I’m                          eastern Tennessee, since we had no holdings
responsible for managing collections of woody                          of the species from the region. The species also
plants like ashes (Fraxinus) and chokeberries                          displays very conspicuous red flowers from
(Aronia), and also herbaceous plants. The col-                         July through August and is somewhat ubiqui-
lections arise from plant exploration by staff                         tous in the target area. This would make the
members (I typically make at least five col-                           plants relatively easy to locate. By the end of
lection trips per year), through exchange with                         August 2018, Silver had documented several
other genebanks or public gardens, or by spe-                          flowering patches of M. didyma, and that fall,
cific arrangements between a curator and an                            he returned and successfully collected seed
independent collector. The latter became more                          (accession Ames 34356). Despite living approx-
important than ever in 2020, as the coronavirus                        imately an hour away from the sampling site,
pandemic restrictions prevented normal travel.                         Silver conducted this travel and exploration on
   One of our most notable collections from                            a volunteer basis.
this unusual season occurred in the mountains                             As Silver and I communicated after the 2018
of northeastern Tennessee. The story, however,                         collection, he drew my attention to a very
began in June of 2018, when I sent an email to                         thorough floristic survey of the nearby Rocky
Roger McCoy, the director of the Tennessee                             Fork Tract, written by Foster Levy and Elaine
Division of Natural Areas, looking for con-                            Walker, published in 2016. Silver connected me
tacts in eastern Tennessee who might be able                           with Levy, who brought our attention to several
and willing to collect native Monarda species.                         Monarda specimens from the area that were
Monarda, or the bee balms, is a group of her-                          labeled M. × media, a taxon that was missing
baceous plants native to North America and                             within our germplasm collection. We desig-
Mexico and is represented by approximately                             nated this hybrid as our next target.
eighteen species. Our Monarda germplasm                                   Monarda × media is of potential interest for
collection in Ames currently includes four-                            development as an ornamental landscape plant.
teen species, represented by 164 accessions.                           Moreover, when I reviewed the published litera-
In the last couple of years, we’ve acquired                            ture and herbarium specimens, I found a curious
interesting samples, including three species                           backstory for the taxon, suggesting that well-
that were first described by botanists within                          documented wild collections could also support
the past decade: M. luteola, found in north-                           taxonomic research. The taxon was described
eastern Texas and southwestern Arkansas; M.                            over two hundred years ago, in 1809, by the
austroappalachiana, endemic to the Southern                            German botanist Carl Ludwig Willdenow, who
Appalachians; and M. brevis, a dwarf, early-                           published the name without the multiplication
flowering species found in West Virginia and                           symbol. The symbol is used to indicate plants
historically in Virginia.                                              of hybrid origin, although it is not required in

                             Facing page: Collaboration is key for developing a plant germplasm collection. A recent seed
                                             collection of Monarda × media in northeastern Tennessee is a case in point.
                                                                PLANT PHOTOS BY MARTY SILVER; SEEDS BY ASHLEY SONNER, USDA ARS NCRPIS
The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum - VOLUME 78 NUMBER 3
Monarda 3
The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum - VOLUME 78 NUMBER 3
4 Arnoldia 78/3    •   February 2021

a taxonomic name nor does authorship change             the field as an opportunity to be completely
in the event a name is later recognized as a            distanced while regaining a sense of normalcy.
hybrid. While Willdenow’s description does                 Using Levy’s herbarium vouchers, we identi-
not suggest that he recognized this taxon as a          fied a total of three potential sites, but since
hybrid, he nonetheless noted an affinity to M.          the specimens were described from a broad geo-
fistulosa, commonly known as wild bergamot.             graphic area, their relocation was going to be
By 1901, Merritt Fernald, a botanist at Harvard,        challenging. A few weeks later, Silver reported
described observing numerous intermediate               finding Monarda × media while on a hike on his
forms of M. media, making separation from               day off. His hike to get to these populations was
M. fistulosa difficult.                                 three and a half miles (one way) with an eleva-
   Currently, Monarda × media is recognized             tion climb of over two thousand feet. He took
as a variable group of plants with intermedi-           notes, GPS coordinates, and photos. Making
ate characteristics of M. didyma and either             the hike once again in the fall, Silver relocated
M. fistulosa or M. clinopodia or both. These            the five previously flagged flowering patches,
numerous intermediate forms may stem from               but one patch had been completely destroyed
the various hybrid combinations, and thus, the          and another patch was nearly decimated due
name M. × media should ultimately be assigned           to human disturbance. He collected seeds from
to a specific combination (for instance, M.             the available patches and then shipped them
didyma crossed with M. clinopodia), with new            to Iowa. I assigned them an accession num-
names given to each of the others. Surprisingly,        ber (Ames 35579) and deposited them into the
Willdenow did not designate a type herbarium            repository’s freezer, which maintains the seeds
specimen, which could make it more difficult            at 0°F (-18°C). This collection will be periodi-
to determine which combination should, in               cally monitored for viability, and when ger-
fact, retain the original name.                         mination falls below a critical level, it will be
   To correctly sample true-to-type specimens           regenerated using controlled pollination tech-
of Monarda × media in nature, Silver would              niques ensuring the preservation of the genetic
need to mark populations in bloom, since M.             profile for the future. Since Silver sampled each
clinopodia—a white-flowered species—and                 clonal patch separately along with appropri-
M. didyma are often found nearby; sometimes             ate plant descriptions, the collections will be
they are even intermixed with M. × media. This          important resources for future research (includ-
raises an interesting question about whether            ing ecogeographic and phylogenetic studies).
M. × media plants are stable in nature or               The collections might also be useful for select-
                                                        ing superior genotypes for the nursery industry.
whether they require the parents to constantly
                                                           Having one collection of this taxon is, of
resupply them. Despite subsequent discussion
                                                        course, only a start—additional samples are
about conducting reconnaissance and sampling
                                                        desired. Yet Silver’s collections demonstrate
for M. × media in 2019, Silver had other projects
                                                        the critical importance of local assistance while
that left no time to acquire samples.
                                                        assembling a comprehensive germplasm collec-
   The following year, as implications of the
                                                        tion, especially given the amount of time and
coronavirus pandemic were becoming clear, I
                                                        effort required to acquire even a single collec-
followed up by asking about the possibility of
                                                        tion. In the end, I’ll never forget Silver humbly
sampling a Monarda × media population. Sil-
                                                        labeling himself as an “amateur botanist with
ver quickly replied, “I am much more out and            limited taxonomic skills,” as his Monarda ×
about in the field (outside and distanced) these        media collection is one of the most exciting,
days. If pointed in the right direction, I’ll be glad   well-documented samples of Monarda that I’ve
to try and find populations within my limited           accessioned in my nearly twenty-year career.
taxonomic skills.” While the pandemic quickly
resulted in travel cancellations and restrictions       Jeffrey D. Carstens is the curator for woody and
(out of state, not to mention out of the coun-          herbaceous plants at the North Central Regional Plant
try) across many agencies, Silver saw being in          Introduction Station.
The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum - VOLUME 78 NUMBER 3
A Conservation SOS: Polygonum hickmanii
Holly Forbes

       lants with less-than-showy flowers tend                        coalition called California Plant Rescue. Each
       to get overlooked, even by some of the                         year we make an ambitious plan for conserva-
       sharpest botanists. When a plant is only                       tion fieldwork in the greater San Francisco Bay
a few centimeters tall and flowers later in the                       Area, and for 2020, we planned a packed calen-
season than its more eye-catching neighbors, it                       dar. Most of our fieldwork was derailed by the
can be even easier to miss. The Scotts Valley                         restrictions put in place to limit the spread of
polygonum (Polygonum hickmanii) is a case                             COVID-19, especially given the timing of the
in point. This tiny species was first described                       restrictions. Annuals and herbaceous perenni-
in 1995 and was already very rare. It occurs                          als on California’s Central Coast tend to have
in a limited urban area in Scotts Valley, near                        a short spring cycle of growth and seed set. By
Santa Cruz, California, where it is under pres-                       the time permission was given to be in the field
sure from development. Only 2,100 plants were                         for just day trips, seeds had already set and been
observed in 1997, and in 2003, the United States                      dispersed for many species.
Fish and Wildlife Service listed it as endangered                        Scotts Valley polygonum, in contrast, is
under the federal Endangered Species Act.                             an annual wildflower that typically starts to
   As the curator of the University of California                     germinate in December, flower from May to
Botanical Garden at Berkeley, I work with the                         August, and set seeds in August. The species
national Center for Plant Conservation and a                          is now known to occur on less than an acre of

In recent years, the endangered Scotts Valley polygonum (above) has been observed in only one wild population.

The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum - VOLUME 78 NUMBER 3
6 Arnoldia 78/3   •   February 2021

private land adjacent to a new housing develop-     ing through September 22. The evacuation zone
ment. The development company established a         included the two historic polygonum sites. The
conservation easement to protect Scotts Valley      only extant site, from which the seeds had been
polygonum and another endangered species,           collected, was on the margin of the evacuation
Scotts Valley spineflower (Chorizanthe robusta      zone, just across a four-lane highway. It could
var. hartwegii). Both species are in the buck-      have easily been different. The fire burned so
wheat family (Polygonaceae). In 2015, no Scotts     hot in places that any seeds present in the soil
Valley polygonum were found at this site, and       were cooked. During the fire we anxiously
it wasn’t until 2020 that the number of plants      checked the maps. It was a great relief to learn
went above four hundred, less than 25 percent       that the polygonum sites did not burn.
of the population observed in 1997.                    Our purpose for collecting seeds was two-
   In the past, Scotts Valley polygonum has been    fold: first, to create a conservation seed bank
documented at two nearby locations, but no          as a backup in case the population is lost for
specimens have been observed there in recent        any reason, and second, to produce more seeds
years. One of these locations is a special eco-     by growing plants in a nursery environment.
logical preserve adjacent to Scotts Valley High     This amplification of seed numbers may make
School, where the polygonum has not been            it possible both to reestablish the plants at their
observed since 2015. The site is fenced and         historic sites and to augment the numbers of
managed to support the species, but we have         plants within the conservation easement.
limited hope it will reappear on its own.              In November, propagator Susan Malisch at
   When my colleagues and I could finally           the University of California Botanical Garden
return to the field, pandemic protocols required    sowed one-third of the polygonum seeds from
all participants to travel solo in vehicles and     our seedbank. As of late January 2021, over 85
to maintain at least a six-foot distance from       percent germination has been observed. Each
one another when working at the sites. I was        seed was sown individually to minimize root
fortunate to work with two other botanists,         disturbance when the plants are moved into
Kathy Lyons and Jaymee Marty, at the easement       larger containers. The plants aren’t likely to
site on August 7. We declared ourselves free        grow larger than six inches tall and perhaps two
of COVID-19 symptoms and signed liability           inches across—giants compared to the plants in
waivers for the landowner. The plants occupied      habitat, where they are crowded together and
an area of less than forty square feet, scattered   typically grow about one and a half inches tall.
across an undulating grassland. We worked for          We look forward to a successful crop of
hours on hands and knees making a modest            Scotts Valley polygonum in 2021. If all goes as
seed collection from the less than five hundred     planned, we will have thousands of seeds to use
plants—all that is left in the world.               in saving this species from extinction. Wildfires
   As we collected the tiny seeds from the plants   and other threats still pose an incredible risk
(removing only a small percentage of the seed       to the species, but with a robust conservation
set), we remarked on how it almost felt normal      seedbank and the knowledge of how to grow the
to be in the field again, despite the pandemic.     plants to reproductive size, we can safeguard
Travel restrictions had resulted in a huge reduc-   its future. Botanists are paying close attention,
tion in the number of cars on the road, which       and Scotts Valley polygonum is no longer over-
meant that, as a side benefit, travel between       looked. Next November, we plan to work with
Berkeley and Scotts Valley flowed along at the      the federal Recovery Implementation Team—
speed limit, instead of crawling through typical    a team established by the Fish and Wildlife
Silicon Valley gridlock. Travel each way took       Service—to place seeds back into the habitat.
one hour instead of the usual three.
   A few weeks after our work, the CZU Light-       Holly Forbes is the curator of the University of California
ning Complex wildfire in Santa Cruz and San         Botanical Garden at Berkeley. Support for the Scotts
Mateo Counties blackened over eighty-six thou-      Valley polygonum project is provided by the Ventura
sand acres, starting on August 16 and continu-      Office of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum - VOLUME 78 NUMBER 3

      An Unusual Autumn at the Dana Greenhouses
      Tiffany Enzenbacher

              ctober was quiet. The headhouse at the                        This annual activity has occurred at an
              Dana Greenhouses was still, except                         invigorated level since 2015, when the Arbo-
              for the dim hum of the radio, a neces-                     retum launched the Campaign for the Living
      sity for an almost empty building. In previ-                       Collections, a strategic ten-year initiative to
      ous years, the same location would have been                       increase the biodiversity and conservation hold-
      marked with a cacophony of sounds, the door                        ings of our living collections by adding nearly
      thrown ajar as Arnold Arboretum plant collec-                      four hundred wild-collected taxa that were not
      tors eagerly arrived to unpack their hard-earned                   already growing in our landscape. As part of
      seeds and plants. Sieves and colanders would                       the campaign, staff organized and executed as
      have rattled against the center worktable as                       many as five expeditions annually, traveling to
      plant production staff removed fruit pulp from                     locations in northern Idaho, central China, the
      each seed, and everyone would be talking about                     country of Georgia, and elsewhere.
      new and exciting acquisitions. Seed cataloging                        I have participated in two of those expedi-
      and cleaning is a departmental undertaking,                        tions myself: one to the Ozarks and another to
      sometimes lasting the entirety of fall and into                    northern Illinois and Wisconsin. It was reward-
      early winter.                                                      ing to engage in the full process, from planning

                                                                                                                                     TIFFANY ENZENBACHER

The pandemic changed fall and winter routines at the Dana Greenhouses, providing an unplanned reprieve from processing new,
wild-collected plant material. Chris Copeland (above) prepares grafts of a plum (Prunus alleghaniensis), one of hundreds of clonal
propagations that are completed annually.
The Magazine of the Arnold Arboretum - VOLUME 78 NUMBER 3
8 Arnoldia 78/3     •   February 2021

                            expedition logistics and obtaining permits to               prises scattered populations on the Delmarva
                            harvesting in the field and then processing seed            Peninsula of Delaware and Maryland.) For me,
                            back at the Dana Greenhouses. The collection                this collection brought home the purpose of
                            that stands out most from my two experiences                the campaign and the urgency of preserving
                            was of the endangered seaside alder (Alnus                  threatened taxa.
                            maritima ssp. oklahomensis). I collaborated                    In the fall of 2020, however, those collections
                            with Kea Woodruff, then the Arboretum’s plant               ceased due to the pandemic. Planned expedi-
                            growth facilities manager, to collect seed from             tions to China, Japan, and South Korea were
                            two plants growing along the Blue River in                  postponed. In the headhouse of the Dana Green-
                            Tishomingo, Oklahoma. We were guided by                     houses, the difference was striking. Only two or
                            local experts. This subspecies of the seaside               three members of the plant production depart-
                            alder has only been documented in three other               ment worked on-site on any given weekday, in
                            locations in the wild, all near the Blue River.             an effort to de-densify our workspace and to
                            (The two other subspecies also have extremely               allow staff to care for children who were com-
                            restricted ranges—one occurs in a single loca-              pleting schoolwork from home. This revised
                            tion in northwestern Georgia, the other com-                schedule continues into the new year. Other

                      When new plant material arrives at the Dana Greenhouses, staff begin a detailed process of record keeping. New innovations have
                      streamlined the process. Sean Halloran (above) readies softwood cuttings and will note rooting observations using a newly devel-
                      oped mobile application in spring.
Dana Greenhouses 9

nonessential staff are not permitted inside the     our plant propagator, had to transport boxes
building. Now, our team hears only the quiet        of binders to and from his home as he toggled
sounds of greenhouse doors opening as we            between remote and on-site work this spring.
check the facilities, monitor plants for water,        Our team has also completed work that will
and scout for insect pests and diseases. We hear    help us to map, track, and communicate about
the clatter of containers being placed on potting   plants in our nurseries using additional Land-
benches as we prepare to transplant seedlings       scape Management System tools. Chris Cope-
and the swish of cutting media components           land, our greenhouse horticulturist, worked
being mixed as we get ready for winter hard-        with members of the Landscape Management
wood cutting season. We occasionally share the      System team to acquire and upload locations of
same workspace, but only brief, work-related        over 250 nursery plants. Specimens are now vis-
interactions can take place. Our team meetings      ible on a dynamic map, and we can easily pic-
are now virtual.                                    ture spatial patterns and adjust maintenance of
   The production cycle for plants already in the   the next generation of Arboretum plants. Like-
greenhouses and nurseries has not significantly     wise, when horticulture staff inherit a tree after
slowed this year, although the headhouse tables     it has been transplanted into the landscape,
are bare: no collection sheets from the expedi-     they can use this new set of tools to determine
tions strewn about, no bags of fermenting berries   noteworthy events that transpired during the
or cones to go through. During this altered time,   tree’s early life.
as we have continued with usual greenhouse and         We are also working with Mike O’Neal, the
nursery tasks, the plant production department      director of BG-BASE, to analyze information
has had the opportunity to refocus our direction    about our repropagation attempts. Each year
on other activities. We have made enormous          we duplicate hundreds of historic Arboretum
strides to integrate our workflows into the Land-   plants through vegetative propagation—a pro-
scape Management System, a new digital tool         cess whereby resulting progeny are genetically
developed at the Arboretum, which combines          identical to the original. Halloran and O’Neal
horticulture and curation efforts through mobile    are in the process of creating BG-BASE sum-
applications and an internal website.               mary reports. The result will help determine
   One component of this system, PropMan-           whether the repropagation of a specimen in
ager, will eventually replace the use of hand-      the landscape is complete. Instead of Halloran
written propagation cards, which are used to        spending weeks at his desk writing code and
record treatments and results for propagation       manually sleuthing through BG-BASE tables,
attempts, including for seeds that return from      he will be able to run a quick query to have
expeditions. Currently, when seeds arrive, staff    access to all the data needed.
record propagation methods and experiments             The scene at the Dana Greenhouse is certainly
on these cards. While some seeds can be sown        different than it was in autumn 2019. That year,
immediately, others must undergo periods of         we processed over 150 seedlots and mailed surplus
cold or warmth. Others require treatments to        material to over a dozen collaborating institu-
weaken the seedcoat: sandpaper or an acidic         tions. Yet the unplanned reprieve from receiving
solution. Data from propagation cards are then      campaign material has allowed our plant produc-
entered into BG-BASE, the Arboretum’s plant         tion team to collaborate on projects that would
records database. Then, as germination, trans-      have otherwise progressed incrementally over
planting, and other events occur, the cards are     multiple years. We are now better equipped than
updated, corresponding data are input into BG-      ever and prepared for the onslaught of new seed
BASE, and the cards are refiled into a binder.      collected by Arboretum explorers who are eager
PropManager will allow us to create a digital       to be back out in the field.
“card” on a mobile device and record events
in real time. We observed how inefficient the       Tiffany Enzenbacher is manager of plant production at the
physical card system was when Sean Halloran,        Arnold Arboretum.

A Brief History of Juglandaceae
Jonas Frei

           hen I first encountered butternuts on                         found growing as lone specimens on farms. But
           the ground of the arboretum here in                           the number of these solitary trees has declined
           Zürich, Switzerland, I was puzzled.                           in the region since the industrialization of agri-
The tree these nuts fell from must have died                             culture half a century ago. Walnut farms and
or been felled years ago, so I only had the seeds                        orchards are relatively new in the German-
for identification. This North American spe-                             speaking part of Europe, and walnuts bought
cies, Juglans cinerea, is rarely seen in European                        in grocery stores here mostly originate from
cultivation outside specialized tree collections,                        France (Périgord and Grenoble), the United
and I didn’t recognize the ridged, oblong nuts.                          States (California), or Chile.
When I took a few home, they were not easy to                               Members of Juglandaceae, however, were
identify within books on common park trees.                              once among the most common trees of allu-
After additional research, however, the butter-                          vial forests in Central Europe. Fossils allow us
nut aroused my fascination and left me with                              to look back on a plant family whose greatest
questions about the whole walnut family (Jug-                            diversity and distribution preceded the ice ages
landaceae). I had long been familiar with this                           in the Paleogene and Neogene. Many species
group of plants, but the more I read about them,                         disappeared only a few hundred thousand years
the more I realized that, in fact, I knew so little.                     ago. I became fascinated by this history. The
   Like the butternut, many other members of                             fossil record reveals a long, slow story of evo-
the walnut family were absent in books that                              lution and shifting ranges, and it provides a
I had at home: hickories (Carya), wingnuts                               counterpoint to the story of the family’s rapid
(Pterocarya), and platycarya (Platycarya). As I                          globalization in recent centuries.
encountered each new species, new questions                                 Not far from Strasbourg, in the Rhine Val-
arose. After several years of intensive study,                           ley of France, researchers and fossil collectors
my pursuit evolved into a book project, Die                              have discovered fossilized butternuts, described
Walnuss, which was published (in a German                                under the name of Juglans bergomensis. These
edition) in late 2019. My work with this unique                          fossils correspond so closely to the North
plant family went far beyond scientific analy-                           American butternut that it is hard to find
sis; it also involved an artistic exploration of                         visual differences. The nuts must have fallen
the unique variety of forms of this plant fam-                           into the shallow water and sandy substrate of
ily. I wanted to make the knowledge hidden in                            the Rhine five million years ago, but they still
scientific papers accessible through a language                          have almost the weight and feel of fresh nuts
of drawings and photographs. These differ-                               due to carbonization. In fact, this species had a
ent approaches—science and art—offered new                               wide distribution: its fossils have been reported
ways of observing and understanding the world                            in Italy, the Netherlands, and wider parts
of walnuts.                                                              of eastern Europe and Russia. Similar fossils
                                                                         dating to the Neogene have been found in

I live in a region with no native species of this                        Japan and in the southern United States. Fossil-
widespread plant family. Here, you can occa-                             ized hickory nuts are also present in the Rhine
sionally find the North American eastern black                           sediments, including those of a widespread
walnut (Juglans nigra) planted as an ornamental                          fossil taxon called Carya globosa, which is sim-
tree in parks. The English walnut (Juglans regia)                        ilar in appearance to the water hickory (Carya
was most likely introduced by the Romans into                            aquatica). Although all the European hickory
the northern parts of Europe and can often be                            species went extinct millions of years ago,

Facing page: The walnut family is best known for nut-bearing species like the English walnut (Juglans regia), pictured
here in the Thur Valley of Switzerland, but the family also includes notable wind-dispersed species.

12 Arnoldia 78/3      •   February 2021

the nuts look as fresh as if they were only a few            cies could migrate according to climate condi-
years old.                                                   tions, many European species died out with
   Walnut family species with large, animal-                 every cooling and warming. The fossil record
dispersed fruits are only part of the story. Wing-           indicates that wingnuts survived this back and
nuts (Pterocarya)—a genus that is now known                  forth the longest of all Juglandaceae, but in the
for six extant species—were once dominant                    end, they vanished irretrievably, just like the
trees here in Central Europe along rivers and in             European magnolias (Magnolia), kiwis (Actin-
mountain slope forests. These are ancestors of               idia), and sweetgum (Liquidambar). Other gen-
the species we now call the Caucasian wingnut                era of woody plants, including maples (Acer)
(P. fraxinifolia), which today runs wild in parks            and ashes (Fraxinus), are now represented in
and gardens in Central Europe, its root sprouts              Europe with only a few species but had much
forming dense stands. Some horticulturists                   greater diversity before the Pleistocene ice ages
have argued that we should cease planting this               that started about two and a half million years
species in our gardens, given these invasive                 ago. The diversity of these genera in Europe was
tendencies, but based on the fossil record, we               similar to their modern-day representation in
could also view the wingnut as a returnee from               North America and Asia.
another era. After all, wingnut leaf fossils in                 The fossils reveal more than former distri-
the Stuttgart region were found in sediments                 butions and long-extinct species—the record
of the Holstein interglacial and date back only              also documents how the walnut family evolved
325,000 years. The few remaining populations                 from an entirely wind-dispersed family to one
of this once widely distributed species are                  with the charismatic nut-bearing species that
increasingly threatened in their last refuges in             we know today. Some of the oldest fossils of
the Caucasus. Wheel wingnuts (Cyclocarya)                    Juglandaceae fruits originate from the United
and platycarya—both unusual wind-dispersed                   States. Fruits of a wheel wingnut named Cyc-
genera now found only in East Asia—are also                  locarya brownii have been found in different
represented in the fossil records in Europe.                 sites from the Paleocene, occurring shortly
   The reason the walnut family went extinct in              after the K-T boundary, the geologic marker
Europe while some species meanwhile survived                 that separated the Cretaceous and Paleogene a
in North America and East Asia is related to                 good sixty-five million years ago. This event of
the geographical shape of the continents. Here               mass extinction was both the end of the era
in Europe, the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea                of dinosaurs and ammonites and the beginning
form a barrier for the north-south migration                 of a new chapter for the walnut family.
of plant species. In cold periods, trees could                  Cyclocarya looks very typical for early mem-
survive only in the southernmost corners of                  bers of the family, especially since its fruits are
Europe; therefore, while in America plant spe-               spread by the wind and not by birds or mam-

Fossils document the former abundance of the walnut family in Central Europe, where no members of the family
naturally occur today. Hickory (Carya) fossils, shown above, were collected from sediments in the Rhine Valley, close
to Strasbourg, France, and are around five million years old.
Juglandaceae 13




                              e                                 f







The author’s illustrations show both the diversity and beauty of the walnut family: (a) English walnut,
Juglans regia; (b) little walnut, J. microcarpa; (c) Japanese wingnut, Pterocarya rhoifolia; (d) Japanese
heartnut, J. ailantifolia var. cordiformis; (e) black walnut, J. nigra; (f) butternut, J. cinerea; (g) Arizona
walnut, J. major; (h) Platycarya strobilacea; (i) Ma walnut, J. hopeiensis; (j) Manchurian walnut, J. man-
dshurica; (k) nutmeg hickory, Carya myristiciformis; (l) buart hybrid, J. × bixbyi; (m) Chinese butternut,
J. cathayensis; (n) bitternut, C. cordiformis; and (o) Chinese wingnut, Pterocarya stenoptera.
14 Arnoldia 78/3   •   February 2021

mals. Back in Paleocene, some fifty million

years ago, mammals only started to special-         Today, in Central Europe, almost forty species
ize in the new ecological niches that became        and hybrids of Juglandaceae are cultivated. Dur-
available after the extinction of the dinosaurs.    ing my research, I traveled to many parks and
Many other winged walnut species emerged.           arboreta, looking for insight into the diversity
Some went extinct, but the descendants of oth-      of this family. I was driven not only by my
ers are now populating the tropics of the New       scientific interest in Juglandaceae but also by
and Old World: Oreomunnea in Central and            my enthusiasm for the aesthetics of their hab-
South America, and Engelhardia in Southeast         its, leaves, and fruits. The readers of my book
Asia and northern India. It was only with the       should be able to make their own journey of
diversification of mammals, especially squir-       discovery through the walnut family, on the
rels, that some walnut species developed fruits     tracks I have uncovered with my research.
that could be spread by animals.                       Often, after days of traveling, I would find out
   Squirrels and other rodents drove the evolu-     that a tree I wanted to visit had been cut down
tion of Juglandaceae in two different genera:       or that a rare species was simply confused with
walnuts (Juglans) and hickories (Carya), which      an ordinary, oft-planted one. I created a collec-
evolved within separate lineages. Birds, espe-      tion of seeds of all the cultivated species and a
cially the crow family, likely played a part in     leaf herbarium. The collection soon included
the distribution from the beginning as well.        hundreds of fruits and nuts from different loca-
Because animals never find all the nuts they        tions in Europe, which made it possible to dis-
stash in their winter storage places, they con-     tinguish between the species and hybrids. Later,
tributed to the spread of these groups, and evi-    the collection became the basis for the illustra-
dently, they were quite efficient. Walnuts and      tions of all species in the individual portraits
hickories spread through North America, Asia,       of the book.
and Europe, populating much of the Northern            These trips through Europe searching for
Hemisphere. In the case of the walnuts, this pro-   the different species of the walnut family also
cess must have taken place during the span of       brought to light the stories of other humans—
about ten million years. The oldest known fos-      botanists and horticulturists—who moved the
sil record of the genus, a species named Juglans    walnut family all over the world. While I could
clarnensis, was discovered in North America         find many species within a day or two of search-
and dates back forty-four million years, while      ing, many researchers spent years traveling
the oldest European specimen of J. bergomensis      through the natural habitats in North America
is around thirty-three million years old.           and Asia a few centuries ago. In the time of
   Later, humans helped with the worldwide          Carl Linnaeus, only three walnut species were
spread of two major species: the English walnut     known to European researchers. Besides the
and the pecan (Carya illinoinensis). Whereas        English walnut, Linnaeus included the North
squirrels and crows spread walnuts and hicko-       American butternut and the eastern black
ries on three continents over several million       walnut in his Species Plantarum, published
years, humans extended the range of cultivation     in 1753. The hickories—especially the Asian
into all other suitable climatic regions within     species—were documented much later.
a few decades. The English walnut (a species           The genus name Carya was proposed by the
of Eurasian origin) and pecan (from the south-      English botanist and plant collector Thomas
eastern United States) are now cultivated well      Nuttall, who used the name, in 1818, in his work
outside their native range, including in parts of   The Genera of North American Plants. He had
South America, northern and southern Africa,        borrowed this name from ancient Greek, where
Australia, and New Zealand. So, the tasty ker-      karya was a word for walnut. The valid botani-
nels of the walnut became the main reason for       cal name for a genus or species should always be
this widespread distribution—a process started      the one from the first official description, and
by squirrels many millions of years before the      in this case, Nuttall’s proposal wrongly became
fossil records prove the evolution of humans.       the namesake of the genus. Ten years earlier,
Juglandaceae 15





                                                             h                                                                    j




The large kernels of walnuts and hickories have inspired animals to disperse the species widely: (a) English walnut
(cultivar), Juglans regia; (b) water hickory, Carya aquatica; (c) shellbark, C. laciniosa; (d) Chinese hickory, C. catha­-­
yensis; (e) bitternut, C. cordiformis; (f, g, h) English walnut (cultivars); (i) butternut, J. cinerea; (j) black walnut, J. nigra;
(k) Japanese walnut, J. ailantifolia; (l) Japanese heartnut, J. ailantifolia var. cordiformis; and (m) pecan, C. illinoinensis.

the hickories were described under the name                         whereas Hicoria is derived from the Algonquin
Hicoria by the American polymath Constan-                           word for a well-known hickory dish: pocohi-
tine Rafinesque. These circumstances led vari-                      quara. That name reveals an obvious fact: these
ous scientists to urge for reinstating the earlier                  trees have a cultural importance that far pre-
name, but the change was never implemented.                         dates their scientific documentation.
It would have been a respectful act, not only to                      Philipp Franz von Siebold was one of the first
honor the scientific rules but also because the                     Europeans to collect plants in Japan. One of
Greek word karya refers to the English walnut                       his great collections was Platycarya strobila-
16 Arnoldia 78/3    •   February 2021

cea, which was described in 1843. Some bota-          that formed in the western United States due
nists initially thought it was a conifer due to       to the proximity of the eastern black walnuts,
its cone-like fruiting structures. In 1844, the       cultivated in parks, and natural populations of
famous English plant collector Robert Fortune         the Arizona walnut (Juglans major). And the
also found Platycarya in China. Assuming that         walnut fruit fly (Rhagoletis completa), which
it was a new, not-yet-described species, he sent      once lived inconspicuously on the black wal-
herbarium material and seeds to the Royal Hor-        nut species of North America, today spreads
ticultural Society in London. John Lindley, the       quickly in walnut orchards of Europe.
secretary of the society, named the plant after          Meanwhile, the close planting of related
its finder, Fortunaea chinensis, and called the       Juglandaceae species leads to the formation of
species the most important new find of For-           hybrid offspring. This has led to major changes
tune. Later, it became known that Siebold had         in natural environments, especially in the case
described the species one year earlier, so today      of the butternut populations in North America.
the name Fortunaea is only used as a synonym.         Many of the butternut trees that can resist the
   These scientific explorations—and those of         butternut canker also carry the genetic material
other botanists—made it possible to describe,         of Japanese walnuts (Juglans ailantifolia). Resis-
collect, and, of course, cultivate many of the        tant hybrids have greater fitness, as they sur-
species as ornamentals and orchard trees. But         vive and have more offspring, which could be a
this era of Siebold and Fortune was not sim-          blessing for the American butternut stocks that
ply a time of great scientific discovery; it was      survive the strong fungal infestation. On the
also a time of European colonization, in which        other hand, conservation of the “real” butter-
the gathering of knowledge on expeditions was         nut becomes more complicated. This scenario
often combined with ideological, cultural, and        reveals the cascade of unintended but profound
religious imperialism. This movement of plants        environmental consequences of human actions,
around the world coincided with violations            which cannot be easily resolved.
of ethical standards by European maritime pow-           Of course, the walnut family experienced
ers and a merciless approach to other cultures.       various climatic changes over the past fifty mil-
The relatively slow but efficient distribution        lion years and therefore changed its distribution
of Juglandaceae by squirrels and mice seems           again and again. It is assumed that many of the
innocent in comparison.                               species we know today are the result of hybrid-
                                                      ization between different populations that col-

When the walnut family is viewed in the broad         lided after a long separation due to climatic
sweep of its evolutionary history, the speed of       fluctuations and subsequent spread by squirrels
its recent spread is clearly unprecedented. As        and ravens. Genetic studies suggest that the
beautiful as it is to see the worldwide diversity     English walnut originated from the hybridiza-
of Juglandaceae close together in many parks          tion of the black walnuts (section Rhysocaryon)
today, the globalization of the family has also       and Asian butternuts (section Cardiocaryon).
produced novel threats.                               Also, the American butternut is said to carry
   As humans moved the walnut family around           some black walnut genes in addition to the
the world, fungi and pathogens often migrated         genetic material of similar Asian species from
with the species. In the United States, a fungal      the Cardiocaryon section. Given this history,
disease known as the butternut canker (Siro-          one could say that many walnuts, as a lineage,
coccus clavigignenti-juglandacearum) has              will adapt to human-made influences, although
brought the butternut to the brink of disap-          it is unlikely all of the walnut species we know
pearance. The fungus, which was once native           today will survive the pressure.
to Asian walnut species, causes little damage

to its original hosts, but it is often fatal to the   Recently, in a second-hand bookstore, I found
North American butternut. The thousand can-           a small booklet titled Die Quaianlagen von
kers disease, meanwhile, is the result of the         Zürich, from 1889. The author, botanist Carl
unfortunate encounter of a fungus (Geosmithia         Joseph Schröter, planned the tree collection at
morbida) and a beetle (Pityophthorus juglandis)       the arboretum where I first encountered the
Juglandaceae 17

The author’s book Die Walnuss—currently available in a German-language edition—features drawings, photographs, and
descriptions of the walnut family.

      butternuts that started my interest in this               cination how some species emerge from this
      exceptional plant family. He states that a but-           immense pressure and how others disappear,
      ternut tree was planted in 1887 at exactly the            just like during the whole history of this fam-
      spot where I found the nuts pressed into the              ily. But we also have a responsibility towards
      soil. Now I know that these nuts, almost like             biodiversity, towards those species that exist
      modern-day fossils, are the remains of a now-             now and that enriched the global ecosystem
      rare species. The tree was planted long before            long before the arrival of humans. Today, as the
      butternut canker was imported to the United               pace of ecological change and movement con-
      States, and before hybridization with imported            tinues to accelerate, we have to recognize that
      species changed its natural populations rapidly.          the story of the walnut family is now entwined
        If we did not have our own hands in all the             with our own.
      processes that threaten species like the butter-
      nut, we could analyze the consequences from               Jonas D. Frei is a landscape architect, documentary film-
      a scientific perspective and see with great fas-          maker, illustrator, and author from Zürich, Switzerland.

Discovering the Majestic Mai Hing Sam of Laos
Gretchen C. Coffman

    n early April 2007, less than three weeks                          only old-growth specimens in the world, and
    after submitting my dissertation and receiv-                       in recent years, the stands have been increas-
    ing my doctorate at the University of Cali-                        ingly threatened by agricultural development
fornia, Los Angeles, I got on a plane headed for                       and poaching for the luxury timber market. The
Laos. It took four flights and more than twenty                        protection of the few hundred remaining indi-
hours of flying time to get to the capital city                        viduals in Laos has become my mission.
of Vientiane. From there, I was bound for the
Annamite Mountains: an eight-hour drive from                           Arriving in Laos
Vientiane, then onward by truck, hand tractor                          My journey to the Annamite Mountains had
(tok tok), and boat.                                                   begun four months earlier, when a member of
   The remote Annamite Mountains run 680                               my doctoral committee, Phil Rundel, emailed
miles (1,100 kilometers) along the border                              me with a proposal to work on a project in an
between Vietnam and Laos, reaching into north-                         especially remote part of Laos. I was imme-
ern Cambodia. This range divides the Mekong                            diately intrigued by the biodiversity, and the
River Basin to the west from Vietnam’s nar-                            thought of getting away from my computer days
row coastal plain to the east. The mountains                           after finishing my dissertation was alluring. Yet,
are home to exceptional biodiversity. After the                        I was hesitant. The opportunity involved work-
Vietnam War ended, Laos closed to Western-                             ing as a restoration ecologist on a World Bank
ers, but in the early 1990s, the borders began to                      hydropower project. As a wetland and riparian
open. Biologists began to document fascinating                         ecologist by training, I had always focused my
endemic wildlife, some new to science, includ-                         research and professional work on protecting
ing the enigmatic saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhen-                         rivers and streams, not damming them.
sis), a critically endangered bovine that, due to                         Rundel encouraged me to research both points
its rarity, has been dubbed the Asian unicorn.                         of view—pro- and anti-hydropower dam. On
Perhaps the most miraculous discovery was                              my breaks from dissertation writing that win-
that of the endangered Laos rock rat (Laonastes                        ter, I read articles and websites from advocates
aenigmamus), a rodent identified as a surviving                        and opponents (including, among the latter,
member of a family (Diatomyidae) previously                            International Rivers and other nongovernmen-
thought to have gone extinct about eleven mil-                         tal organizations). I also corresponded with
lion years ago.1                                                       wildlife biologists who would be working on
   Plant biodiversity in this mountain range is                        the project. The work was part of mitigation
exceptionally rich as well, and many new spe-                          actions for the Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Proj-
cies have been documented.2 When I initially                           ect and supported the development of a national
arrived in the foothills, I could not have imag-                       park in the reservoir’s headwaters. At more
ined that I would become part of one of these                          than 1,300 square miles (3,500 square kilome-
discoveries: the first biologist to collect samples                    ters), this protected area is one of the largest
of the majestic Asian swamp cypress (Glypto-                           remaining contiguous areas of forests on the
strobus pensilis) growing in the country. This                         Indochinese Peninsula.3
critically endangered species—locally known as                            Ultimately, I made a pragmatic decision:
mai hing sam—is currently documented in only                           there was no stopping the dam, but I could
two other heavily degraded populations, both in                        work for the wildlife by helping to develop a
Vietnam. The mai hing sam in Laos are the                              conservation plan. I would work closely with

Facing page: The author was the first researcher to document the critically endangered Asian swamp cypress, Glyptostro­-
 bus pensilis, growing in Laos. This old-growth specimen, photographed in 2015, is locally known as the “mother tree.”

                                                                                                     PHOTO BY DAVID MCGUIRE
20 Arnoldia 78/3     •   February 2021

                      The Annamite Mountains—known for complex topography, geography, and climate—harbor some of the most-contiguous moist
                      forests in Indochina.

                           James Maxwell, a renowned botanist from                 steep topography. Initially, working with Max-
                           Chiang Mai University in Thailand, along with           well proved extremely difficult. He could not
                           a team of wildlife biologists from a multitude of       understand why I had been hired on this project,
                           disciplines. Our mission was to assess wetland          since all my botanical experience was in the
                           habitat on the Nakai Plateau—located high               United States. He was standoffish and focused
                           within the Annamite Mountains—before it was             on collecting rare wildflowers he encountered.
                           flooded by the reservoir. We would document             As we settled into the work, however, we
                           the wetland vegetation and develop a wildlife           bonded. He proved to be an exceptional mentor
                           management plan that included the restoration           and friend, and in the years to come, I would
                           of habitat within an area known as the Nakai–           stay with Maxwell and his wife in Thailand on
                           Nam Theun National Protected Area. Little did           multiple occasions.
                           I know I would be acting as field coordinator             Our standard workdays were reminiscent
                           once I arrived, a task that I was comfortable           of my first fieldwork experiences in the hot,
                           with from fifteen years of managing restoration         humid wetlands of coastal Georgia, where I had
                           projects in the United States but not nearly as         grown up. When we arrived in Laos, it was the
                           easy in this new landscape and culture.                 height of the dry season and unbearably hot
                                                                                   in the late afternoons. We started at sunrise
                           The Discovery                                           to avoid the heat, first eating a bowl of pho, a
                           The Annamite Mountains contain some of the              noodle soup loaded with fragrant mint, crunchy
                           last relatively intact moist forests in Indochina,      cabbage, long beans, and assorted leathery for-
                           unique due to the region’s complex geology and          est leaves. In the field, we lugged our plant
                           climate, and relatively inaccessible due to the         presses everywhere, as everything we collected
Glyptostrobus 21

                                                                                                                                                     ARNOLD ARBORETUM, ESRI, GARMIN, AND GIS COMMUNITY
                                                          E                                                                 SOUTH CHINA SEA


                                                                                            Nakai–Nam Theun

                                                                                              National Park
                                                         Phou Hin Poun
                                                       National Biodiversity
                                                        Conservation Area
                                                                                            Nam Theun Reservoir

                                                       ng R

     25 miles
     50 kilometers

         Protected Areas

The author located Glyptostrobus pensilis within the Nakai–Nam Theun National Park. The discovery was made while assessing
wetland habitat and developing a wildlife management plan for the Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project.

      went immediately into the press. The after-                                                    The first potential wildlife habitat restora-
      noons were sticky and oppressive in the open                                                tion site we visited was northeast of Thousand
      wetlands. We ended around four o’clock when                                                 Islands, near the Nam Xot tributary to the Nam
      we couldn’t take the heat anymore, giving us                                                Theun River. Our colleague Pierre Dubeau, a
      time to process our plant specimen and clean                                                geospatial scientist who had sited these poten-
      up our notes. At that point, the plants went                                                tial restoration areas, exuberantly walked down-
      directly from the presses into rice sacks with                                              stream through the forested wetland toward
      alcohol for preservation.                                                                   an area with large wetland grasses (Neyraudia
         We surveyed all the herbaceous wetlands                                                  reynaudiana). Maxwell and I followed Dubeau
      across the Nakai Plateau. These wetlands inter-                                             and wildlife biologist Rob Timmins, who was
      mingled with rice paddies and were often used                                               carrying an umbrella in the sprinkling warm
      as grazing pasture. We began our collections in                                             afternoon rain. We agreed that this would be
      large, easy to access wetlands on the south side                                            a great open location, ideal for wildlife habi-
      of the Nam Theun River. To guide us, we used                                                tat restoration. As we trudged back among a
      paper topographic maps. We then made our way                                                mucky mess of the forested wetland swamp, I
      to more forested wetlands and riparian forests,                                             stumbled over something and fell to my hands
      northwest towards the dam site and onward to                                                in the soggy soils. I slowly got up, shook off
      an area that was nicknamed Thousand Islands                                                 the fall, and investigated what I tripped over.
      because of how the landscape flooded during                                                 It looked like a pneumatophore—the cypress
      the monsoon rains. From there we continued                                                  knees I knew from my childhood in coastal
      east, across the river, near the foothills of the                                           Georgia, where bald cypress (Taxodium disti-
      Annamite Mountains.                                                                         chum) are a dominant feature of the swamps.
Glyptostrobus 23

  I looked up to find the tree it might be                  after in the luxury timber market and is used
attached to, and sure enough, an enormous                   for a variety of structural and boat-building uses
conifer towered above me. I looked up at this               by local communities. It is threatened (like so
red-barked giant and saw something wonder-                  many endangered species) by illegal logging.
fully strange and familiar. It looked like a cross             As I learned more about the two populations
between the bald cypresses that I knew from                 in Vietnam, I realized how remarkable the mai
Georgia and the coastal redwoods (Sequoia                   hing sam in Laos really were. The trees in Viet-
sempervirens) from California, both members                 nam grew very close together and, like those
of the cypress family (Cupressaceae). I found               in China, appeared like they could have been
several other knees as I walked up to inspect               planted. Boardwalks had been built within the
the tree. This, I proclaimed to Maxwell, must               stands to get around. Dams located beneath
be a very special tree! Maxwell, however, like              each of the stands were used for agricultural
many other tropical botanists, was not as inter-            irrigation and raised the water levels for the
ested in conifers as much as the epiphytes that             trees significantly. In contrast, the trees that we
might grow on them. He thought nothing of it.               observed in Laos were erect and widely spaced,
Meanwhile, I collected the samples of small                 as expected for a wild population. The crowns
cones, foliage, and bark of this tree, which I sent         of the mai hing sam in Laos were only found in
to conifer expert Philip Thomas at the Royal                the top third of the trees, with no limbs below
Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, for identification.             for us to climb to the seed-bearing cones. In
                                                            the Vietnam population, perennial and annual
Documenting the Mai Hing Sam                                branchlets were numerous along the main
Conifers are dominant or codominant parts                   bole, appearing to be epicormic growth. This
of primary- and secondary-growth evergreen                  form suggests that the trees in Vietnam were
forests throughout the Annamite Mountains.                  responding to stress from inundation. Also,
In Vietnam, for instance, the mountains host                some of the trees in Vietnam were cut down
a particularly rich assemblage of thirty-three              years ago and had resprouted.7
conifer species, of which the cypress family                   I immediately told my colleagues about
(Cupressaceae) has seven.4 When I asked peo-                the mai hing sam discovery so that we could
ple in the neighboring Lao communities about                develop a strategy to describe and protect
the enormous tree that I had encountered, they              this stand. I also informed the Nam Theun 2
provided a name: mai hing sam. Mai means                    Power Company (NTPC) of the discovery and
“tree,” hing is a modifier for the kind of tree,            asked to spend time describing the tree and
and sam means “swamp,” or what ecologists                   its ecology and to have a surveyor document
would describe as a forested wetland.                       their elevation relative to the proposed reser-
  As it turned out, the mai hing sam was,                   voir footprint. I was not allowed time to docu-
indeed, special. When Philip Thomas replied                 ment this stand properly, however, and I was
to my email, he identified the species as Glyp-             only able to record the number and size of the
tostrobus pensilis (known as the Asian swamp                trees and basic soil characteristics. There were
cypress), which the International Union for                 approximately one hundred trees in the stand,
Conservation of Nature has classified as criti-             and many were three feet in diameter at breast
cally endangered.5 In 2007, the scientific com-             height. We only had very rough elevation infor-
munity was aware of only 250 individuals of                 mation from our GPS units, but it was clear
this species in the wild in Vietnam, where most             that the trees—along with many others that
were spindly, unhealthy young trees, growing                we were unable to document—would likely be
in two small stands in the middle of coffee and             within the reservoir footprint.
corn plantations. Other stands in China were                   In desperation to protect these rare trees, I
presumably planted.6 Due to its rot-resistant               contacted the Nam Theun 2 Panel of Experts,
wood, Glyptostrobus pensilis is highly sought               an audit group that was in charge of assessing

Facing page: Forests in the Annamite Mountains are rapidly disappearing due to forestry, agriculture, and hydropower
development, along with other causes. Philip Thomas (right) stands beside Glyptostrobus pensilis within a rice paddy.

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