The magazine for UAW members and their families - Fall 2018

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The magazine for UAW members and their families - Fall 2018
teaser                                                     Fall 2018

         The magazine for UAW members and their families
The magazine for UAW members and their families - Fall 2018
Seizing Opportunity, UAW Members
                      Look to the Future
  Let me begin by wishing all UAW members a heartfelt      the main backer of the original Earth Day celebration.
Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year from myself, the      But that UAW commitment requires that these new jobs
International Executive Board and our UAW staff.           remain here and that their conditions of employment
  The year 2018, as in all years, had its hopes and        include fair wages, benefits and safe working conditions.
challenges for all of our members. But UAW members           The key question the UAW asks is: Will the EV transition
rose to those challenges whether in the workplace or in    provide jobs for tens of thousands of American workers
helping communities and brothers and sisters in need. It   who currently make parts and components for internal
is who we are. It                                                                                     combustion
is our UAW DNA.                                                                                       engines (ICEs)?
And I couldn’t                                                                                          Take for
be prouder                                                                                            instance the
to have been                                                                                          Chevy Bolt. The
elected as your                                                                                       EV powertrain on
president to lead                                                                                     a Bolt has over
such thoughtful,                                                                                      80 percent fewer
caring and                                                                                            moving parts than
committed                                                                                             a comparable
members.                                                                                              ICE. That creates
  As we turn the                                                                                      job challenges
page to 2019 our                                                                                      for workers who
future is in many                                                                                     make engines,
ways revealing                                                                                        transmissions,
itself.                                                                                               exhaust systems
  The fact is,                                                                                        and fuel systems.
whether the                                                                                           The flipside is the
public is ready                                                                                       introduction of
or not, auto                                                                                          new types of jobs
companies are                                                                                         building electric
investing heavily                                                                                     powertrains
in electric                                                                                           and advanced
vehicles (EVs)                                                                                        components.
and automation. As the UAW Research Department in            But we need a transition to EV production that takes
a recent white paper noted, General Motors plans 20        full advantage of this economic opportunity in the U.S.
EV models by 2023, Ford 40 EVs and FCA US is investing     When we invest in quality manufacturing jobs, the rest
over $10 billion in EV technology and future products.     of the economy benefits.
  UAW members already build tens of thousands of EVs         If for instance, those new opportunity jobs are located
and want to build more. But as we look ahead to 2019       outside the country, we risk a shift in the value of
and beyond, the UAW is committed to dealing with the       automotive jobs that ultimately impact the take-home
real-world implications of technological change looming    pay of workers displaced by the transition from the gas-
ahead for our members and the public in a thoughtful,      powered engine.
meaningful and planned way.                                  Similarly, if highly skilled union workers are displaced
  One of the lessons of the past is what happens when      and new technology engines are built by outsourced
workers displaced by technology are faced with a lack      suppliers who focus on cost reduction at the expense of
of transition to new jobs that pay real living wages.      wages, working conditions, safety and quality — we are
There is a disruption that bubbles up from industry, to    once again displacing American workers with low-wage
neighborhoods and communities, and to the halls of         jobs that will impact the Detroit and American economy.
government.                                                  As we go through this technological transition, it is
  The UAW is committed to take these past lessons          important to require commitments from automakers
and turn these challenges into opportunities. And the      and government agencies to encourage the retooling of
UAW has a long history of support for environmental        facilities and retraining of workers to produce these new
advocacy, from supporting fuel economy standards, the      energy vehicles and maintain employment levels, wage
Paris Climate Accords and even to our historic role as     protections, health and safety standards and unionization

2    SOLIDARITY Fall 2018
The magazine for UAW members and their families - Fall 2018
Our entire economy suffers when we send
    these new jobs overseas or outsource for cheap
          labor and low-quality labor standards.

in quality jobs.                    our cover story. But we need
  The fact is, we can learn from    to seize this as an opportunity
the past and be responsible to      rather than a challenge and get
the environment as well as our      this right so that we leave no
workforce.                          American worker behind.
  But through these lessons of
the past we need to recognize
that workers and their families                                         Become an Apprentice,
need to be part of this new
industry and not left behind.
                                                                        page 8
Our entire economy suffers
when we send these new jobs
overseas or outsource for cheap
labor and low-quality labor
standards. And the overall                                            4     News Wrap-up
impact would depress wage                                                   New Contract
growth here in the United States
for all Americans.                                                          at Thomas Built Bus
  In the end, the environment
can win. Shareholders can win.                                        6     A Day in the Life
And workers and their families,                                             A Peek at What Our Members Do
who have shouldered the lost
wages and job opportunities of                                        10 Child Slavery
past technology transitions, can                                            Member Survived
  Please take the time to read
                                                                            Post-War Vietnam
more in depth in this issue of
Solidarity Magazine through                                           12 Legislative Update
                                                                            New Leadership
                                                                            in the House
                                                                      14 COVER STORY
       UAW V-CAP: Investing in Our Future                                   Are We Ready
      The UAW cannot use            “check off” which allows for            for Electric Vehicles?
   union dues to directly sup-      direct contribution to V-CAP
   port federal candidates and,     through payroll deduction.        20 Vehicle Guide
   in an ever-increasing number     Members and retirees can                Plenty of Union-Made
   of states, any candidate         also give to V-CAP directly             Rides Out There
   for public office. Our only      with a check. Either way, a
   means of monetary support
   for many labor-friendly can-
                                    modest contribution of $10
                                    a month comes to about 33
   didates is voluntary political   cents a day and allows our        24    We Are UAW
   contributions from UAW           union to support candidates       25    Black Lake
   members to UAW V-CAP             who support our values.
   (our union’s political action    Send to:                          26    Union Sportsmen
   fund).                           UAW National CAP
      Members can contribute
   to V-CAP in multiple ways.
                                    8000 E. Jefferson Ave.
   Many of our contracts have                                         COVER ILLUSTRATION BY MATTHEW WILLIAMS
                                    Detroit, MI 48214
                                                                                          SOLIDARITY Fall 2018   3
The magazine for UAW members and their families - Fall 2018
news wrap

Solid Contracts Source of Pride at Daimler Trucks
  Each night as Jason Callahan and       Holly TMP, Local 5285, in Mount Holly,     gains over the life of the agreement,”
his family sit around the dining room    North Carolina, Atlanta PDC, Local 10,     said Mitchell Smith, director of UAW
table, the Callahans talk about many     in Atlanta, Georgia, and Memphis PDC,      Region 8, where the Daimler facilities
things, but somehow, he says the         Local 2406, in Memphis, Tennessee.         are located. “Their solidarity during
conversation always turns to his work      UAW President Gary Jones says that       this process enabled the bargaining
at Thomas Built Buses.                   agreement represents a hard-won            committee to negotiate a solid
  Callahan, a former four-term shop      victory for members at Daimler Trucks      contract.”
chairperson and now Local 5287           North America. “UAW members like             The agreement includes a $4,000
president, is proud of the 1,068         Jason Callahan and his coworkers           ratification bonus, increased health
production and skilled trades workers    demonstrated that preparation and          care benefits, lump-sum wage
at the High Point, North Carolina,       solidarity can achieve fair wages and      increases and an extra week of
school bus production plant—including    benefits at the negotiating table,” said   vacation for UAW members who have
some in his own family.                  Jones. “Members negotiated a solid         worked at the company for 25-plus
  “We have those conversations           agreement with clear gains including       years.
because we take pride in our work,”      wage increases, lump-sum payments            “We have a high seniority plant
Callahan said. “We know that what        and other benefits. We’re proud of         and something like that makes a big
happens here is not one-sided. We        the work they’ve done and the well-        difference,” said Callahan. “Most of
believe we earn our money and we         deserved contract they received.”          all, we have a voice at the workplace.
build a great product, and good             “This was a challenging round of        You get married and you have a voice
contracts help the company and our       negotiations, but one that showed the      in what happens at home and when
members build a good relationship and    power of perseverance and solidarity,”     you come to work, you should have
a strong company.”                       said UAW Secretary-Treasurer and           a say in what happens. That’s what
  In July, Callahan and his coworkers    Director of the UAW Heavy Truck            a UAW contract gives us, and we are
joined other UAW members at Daimler      Department Ray Curry. “In the end,         proud of that,” he said.
Trucks North America facilities in       the members at this facility and             “Some of my family and friends work
ratifying a new six-year contract        five others won increased benefits         here, and I would just be tickled if one
agreement. The agreements also           and maintained job security as they        day a grandchild would want to come
cover UAW members at Daimler Trucks      continue to build great products and       to work here, too,” he said. “That’s
North America facilities at Cleveland    strong communities.”                       how proud I am of what we have
TMP, Local 3520, in Cleveland, North       “We congratulate our members             achieved here. We negotiate contracts
Carolina, Gastonia/Parts, Local 5286,    at Daimler Trucks for winning a            that give us a solid foundation for the
in Gastonia, North Carolina, Mount       contract that provides significant         future.”

               New Agreement at The New School
  After 15 months of bargaining, 700     health insurance rebates for many          grievance and arbitration language,
academic student workers at The          workers.                                   sexual harassment provisions and
New School in New York City have                                                    hiring and on-boarding procedures.
a new contract with solid economic                                                    “The SENS UAW Bargaining
and non-economic gains.                                                             Committee has worked tirelessly on
  The agreement reached between           [worker quote here, to come]              behalf its members to significantly
the Student Employees of the New                                                    improve their work lives,” said
School (SENS) UAW and The New                                                       Region 9A Director Beverley
School includes higher minimum                                                      Brakeman. “It has been an honor
wage levels across all positions with      In early 2017, SENS UAW members          and a privilege to work with this
annual increases thereafter, a full      voted 500-2 for their union. At that       bargaining committee on behalf of
waiver of the University Services        time, they received wages only,            its members whose commitment
fee, a commitment to seriously           no tuition remission and no other          and dedication to The New School
look at child care needs for all         economic benefits. In addition to          make it the world class institution of
employees, a signing bonus of $300,      the economic gains, the bargaining         higher education that it is today.”
and — for the first time — significant   committee was able to win strong

4    SOLIDARITY Fall 2018
The magazine for UAW members and their families - Fall 2018
news wrap

       Organizing Win at University of California
                       Academic Researchers Vote to Join the UAW
 Academic researchers at the             “We welcome our new UAW                  the UC’s San Diego, Irvine, Riverside,
University of California will begin     members. The work our new                 Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Merced,
bargaining a first contract after       UAW members do include                    Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Berkeley,
voting to join the UAW in November.     groundbreaking research that makes        and Davis campuses.
 The 4,740 employees represented        the University of California one of         The new bargaining unit joins UAW’s
by the UAW include project              the most respected public research        Region 5 under the leadership of
scientists, researchers, specialists    universities in the world,” said UAW      Regional Director Vance Pearson as it
and coordinators of public programs     President Gary Jones.                     bargains its first contract.
at the university voted to join          UC academic researchers will               “We welcome our new members
the union. The California Public        join the 19,000 academic student          into the UAW family with our rich
Employees Relations Board verified      employees and 7,000 postdoctoral          history in California and Region 5,”
that a majority of the academic         researchers the UAW already               said Pearson. “We look forward to
researchers have chosen the UAW as      represents in the University of           bargaining with the university for a
their union and certified the result    California system. New UAW                world class contract for our world
15 days later.                          academic researchers come from            class academic research members.”

        Remembering Retired Region 4 Director
                 Wilfred Stewart
  In the late 1950s a young Wilfred     where he worked until 1971 when
Stewart, who had previously worked      coworkers elected him to a full-time
as a laborer for Vern Martinson         committeeperson position.
Construction, found new work at           Coworkers called him “Bill” and
John Deere in Waterloo, Iowa.           liked his style and energy. They
  It could have been a move that        elected him to serve as an elected
just helped pay the bills and feed a    member of the local’s pension
family, but Stewart turned it into a    committee for many years. In 1977,
path that led him through the ranks     he was elected shop committee
of the UAW to eventually become         chairperson and served as co-
director of Region 4, which includes    chairperson of the UAW Deere
Iowa.                                   Negotiating Committee.
  Brother Stewart, who led the            The harder he worked, the
region from 1984 until his retirement   more others took notice. In 1979,
in 1995, passed away Aug. 18 at age     UAW President Douglas A. Fraser
81.                                     appointed him to the International
  “We mourn the loss of our union       Union staff. In 1982, he became
brother and retired director are we     assistant director of UAW Region 4.
thankful that our union is stronger     In 1984, Region 4 members elected
because of Brother Stewart’s            him regional director.
leadership and commitment to              A man of strong conviction in his
working families in Region 4 and        work and country, he spent much of
everywhere,” said UAW President         his life fighting for worker rights and   hunting and the challenge of archery
Gary Jones.                             proudly supporting American-made          competitions among friends.
  Brother Stewart, born June 30,        production. He enjoyed driving his         His passions flowed to those
1937, in Algona, Iowa, became a UAW     beloved American-made Corvettes in        around him, instilling strong work
Local 838 member in 1956 while          support of the UAW. He appreciated        ethic, American pride and a love of
working in the foundry at Deere.        the outdoors with quiet moments           the outdoors with his children and
He later bid into the assembly area     fishing for walleye, the enjoyment of     grandchildren.

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The magazine for UAW members and their families - Fall 2018
a day in the life

    Cortez Ali                                                     Mark Brehm
    Hi-Lo Driver                                                   Loader Lift Arm
    Bargaining Chairman                                            Welder
    UAW Local 155                                                  Local 94
    Integrated                                                     John Deere Dubuque
    Manufacturing and                                              Works
    Assembly (IMA)                                                 Region 4
    Region 1                                                       Dubuque, Iowa
    Detroit, Michigan
                                                                     “My job at John
      “Basically, a hi-lo driver                                   Deere is work as a
    is responsible for moving                                      loader for a robotic
    all the material around the                                    lift arm welder.
    building. We supply the                                          “Each day, I check
    lines with the materials                                       the schedule to make
    to build the seats. The                                        sure what parts the
    hardest part of the job would be being aware of the            line needs for the day and then I start fitting up
    safety hazards. There’s a lot of pedestrian traffic in the     pieces of metal in my fixture. First, I tack weld the
    areas we operate in. You have to be constantly vigilant        pieces together and load the robot. Then, I cycle
    about safety.”                                                 the robot and load in stabilizers and service locks.
      Although presently off the shop floor due to his duties      Finally, I send the parts to the next station for the
    as a shop chair, Ali has seven years’ seniority as a hi-       next part of the process and begin the cycle over.
    lo driver at IMA and worked for a decade in the parts            “The most difficult part of my job is to mirror
    division at Ford Motor Co.                                     the line for the parts that the line needs for the
      “The best part of the job as a hi-lo driver is I operate     day. The most dangerous part of my job is hoisting,
    the hi-lo all over the building. I like the sense of freedom   which is when I, and others in the factory, lift up a
    to be in all areas of the building. I’m the type of person     heavy object to move it.
    who prefers not to have to stand in one place.                   “The most satisfying part of my job is welding and
      “What makes me proud to be a UAW member the                  putting out high-quality products that will be used
    most is the comradery. It’s nice not to feel alone when        all over the world.
    the company comes at you with something that might               “I am proud to be a UAW member because of
    be an unfair labor practice. It feels good to have an          the great benefits that are offered to me and the
    organization behind us that’s going to protect our rights.”    opportunity to vote on important matters.”

    product spotlight
Planters Peanuts (Kraft Heinz)
Suffolk, Virginia
Local 2426 – Region 8
  Did you know? UAW members produce Planters Peanuts. We
are 300-members strong. UAW Local 2426 is located in Suffolk,
Virginia. We produce the mixed-nut blends, straight-packed
tree nuts and peanuts. You will find our products in the small
commercial cans and in cellophane packs. At Planters, our
members do everything — production, maintenance, quality, basic
lab work and machine-operating jobs. As union members, we take
great pride in producing the best quality Planters products to
be distributed across the nation. The Planters’ plant in Suffolk,
Virginia, has been in existence for over 100 years. We have been
an organized workforce for 97 years. Please think of your union
brothers and sisters in Virginia the next time you see our products
in a grocery store. For us, it’s all about union pride!
Voll V. Greene, President
UAW Local 2426

6       SOLIDARITY Fall 2018
The magazine for UAW members and their families - Fall 2018
product spotlight

Winners Honored for Achievement and Union Values
              Children of 3 UAW Members Win Union Plus Scholarships
  UAW members who take advantage        This year, three UAW families received       “Their scholastic achievements,
of the Union Plus program helped        scholarships.                                volunteerism, and the way they
three UAW families this year with       • Aviva Weinbaum of Amherst,                 express the union values their parents
college scholarships.                     Massachusetts, whose mother, Eve           have instilled in them is inspiring.”
  Union Plus passes along the             Weinbaum, is a member of UAW Local           The awards were among the
exclusive benefits they negotiate on      1981, received a $1,000 scholarship.       program’s $150,000 in scholarships to
behalf of union members directly.                                                    115 students representing 32 unions.
These benefits and programs are         • Haley Caudill of Bowling Green,            This year’s group includes university,
free to union members and their           Kentucky, whose mother, Kimberly           college, and trade or technical school
families, The Union Plus programs         Caudill, is a member of UAW Local 2164,    students from 36 states.
help current and retired labor union      received a $500 scholarship.                 “Union Plus is pleased to help these
members and their families through                                                   incredibly talented union family
programs as diverse as hardship         • Taylor Lenburg of New Lenox, Illinois,     members offset the high cost of college
assistance such as strike and layoff      whose father, Dino Lenburg, is a           education,” Union Plus President Mitch
assistance; financial assistance,         member of UAW Local 2293, received a       Stevens said. “Education is a vital
credit card savings and discounts to      $500 scholarship.                          building block for success, and we’re
theme parks, theatre and a variety        “Congratulations to these hardworking      happy that the Union Plus Scholarship
of programs. Each year, Union Plus      students and also to their proud             Program aids and support for 115
also has scholarship programs.          parents,” UAW President Gary Jones said.     deserving students. “

Meet the 2018 UAW Honorees
 Taylor Lenburg                          Haley Caudill                                Aviva Weinbaum
 Taylor, of New Lenox, Illinois, is a    Haley had completed two years as a            Aviva is a neuroscience major at
psychology major and aspires to be      marketing major at Western Kentucky          Barnard College in New York and
                       a psychiatrist                            University when     hopes to become a surgeon. While
                       or forensic                               her mother was      in high school, Aviva completed
                       psychologist.                             diagnosed with a    two courses at Amherst College and
                       Taylor was                                rare form of        studied in Colombia one semester.
                       heavily active                            breast cancer       She has interned at Baystate
                       in Air Force                              in August 2016.     Medical Center in Springfield and
                       Junior Reserve                            While helping her   at Pioneer Valley Workers Center
                       Officers’                                 mother through      in Northampton. Her high school
                       Training Corps                            chemotherapy        counselor, Lisa Zephyr, described
                       (AFJROTC),                                and surgery,        Aviva as grounded, driven, and
                       earning the                               Haley enrolled      focused. “Aviva has a constant thirst
                       Air Commando                              in the nursing      for learning, and she feeds off the
Association Award, a Daughters of       program at Southcentral Kentucky             rapid and rigorous pace of more
the American Revolution medal, and      Community and Technical College with the     challenging classes,” Zephyr said.
the Aerospace Education Foundation      goal of becoming an oncology nurse. She      “She is bound to be a stellar college
Award. Retired U.S. Air Force Master    now works as an administrative liaison at    student who will immerse herself
Sergeant Daniel K. Schliffka was        TriStar Greenview Regional Hospital.         wholeheartedly in her academics and
Taylor’s AFJROTC instructor and          “Because of the UAW, my mother did          extracurricular commitments.”
considers her one of the program’s      not have the stress and worry of losing
top cadets. “Taylor has always          her job like others employed by nonunion
impressed me with her strong            companies,” Haley said. “My mother             UAW members can access
commitment to excellence, her           has not only conquered cancer but has          Union Plus benefits at
ability to lead, and her willingness    a hopeful future. Her union brothers 
to help others,” Schliffka said.        and sisters showed solidarity through
                                        fundraising, meals, encouragement,
                                        emotional support, rides to treatment,
                                        and so many other touching gestures.”

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The magazine for UAW members and their families - Fall 2018
Build Your Future in the Skilled Trades
                    A UAW Apprenticeship Can Spark a New Career

    Federal Grant Helps the UAW Train                   As of December 2018, 620 UAW-represented
    the Skilled Trades Workers of                      apprentices from 12 trades are enrolled in
    Tomorrow                                           the program — ­and there’s room for you! The
                                                       current trades in the program are electrician,
     Apprenticeships are a system to provide           welder, tool-and-die maker, plumber/pipefitter,
    workers in industry with comprehensive             millwright, wood model maker, metal model
    training by exposing them to the practical and     maker, prototype model maker, industrial
    theoretical aspects of the work required in        truck mechanic, experimental assembler,
    highly skilled occupations. This is accomplished   machinist and machine repair. Additional
    through structured training on the job with        trades will be added as the program expands.
    related technical instruction in the classroom.    The grant covers the first 144 hours of
    The end result is a well-trained skilled trades    apprenticeship training and is being used to
    worker who has earned a UAW journeyman’s           supplement existing apprenticeship programs,
    card.                                              and to develop programs at work sites with
     Our union has always believed that it is          apprenticeship programs.
    best to recruit future journeymen from the          Many UAW facilities have pre-apprenticeship
    current ranks of the UAW production workers        programs that help workers develop the skills
    at any given facility. The UAW Skilled Trades      that are necessary to move into the skilled
    Department in 2015 secured a $5 million federal    trades. Classes include basic mathematics
    grant that is expected to train 1,000 new UAW      review, shop math, mechanical reasoning,
    apprentices by 2020. The program is run in         spatial relations and others. A major goal
    partnership with the UAW-Labor Employment          of the grant is to provide apprenticeship
    Training Corporation (UAW-LETC), a private,        opportunities to under-represented groups such
    non-profit labor-management organization that      as veterans, women, people of color and other
    has been operating federal, state and local        underserved populations.
    workforce programs since 1984.

8   SOLIDARITY Fall 2018
The magazine for UAW members and their families - Fall 2018
number of apprentices          IAC Strassburg
                                                    to be filled internally.       CWC Textron
                                                    Unions can also bargain        Flex-N-Gate
                                                    for additional training and    Huron, Inc.
                                                    adequate health and safety     Bosch Corporation
                                                    measures to ensure they        Federal Mogul
                                                    can meet the challenges of     Oerlikon-Fairfax Mfg. Co.
                                                    the 21st century.              Detroit Manufacturing Systems

                                                    Learn from the Best:          The process:
                                                    Our Journeymen are            How Can I Become an
                                                    There to Help                 Apprentice?
                                                     Transitioning from a           Apprenticeships programs consist
                                                    production job to a skilled   of 7,424 to 8,000 hours of carefully
                                                    trades job isn’t easy: In     supervised shop floor experiences,
                                                    addition to the demands       plus at least 576 hours of classroom
                                                    of the classroom, there’s     instruction. The apprentice studies
                                                    the actual work that          subjects common to most trades,
                                                    has to get done. Each         including mathematics, drafting
                                                    apprentice will have an       and shop theory. There will also be
                                                    experienced journeyman        classes specific to the apprentice’s
                                                    working beside them to        specific trade. Are you ready for
                                                    guide them in their future    the academic challenge? If not,
                                                    trade and to keep them        you might want to investigate
                                                    safe. Our journeymen take     whether your facility has a pre-
                                                    pride in their work and       apprenticeship program to help get
The Need for Apprentices                            want to make sure that        you ready.
                                          the next generation of skilled trades     A joint company-union
  The 21st century global economy         workers have what they need to do       apprenticeship committee usually
demands a well-trained, world-class       an excellent job.                       handles the administration of
workforce. At present, there is an                                                apprenticeship programs, typically
aging skilled trades workforce. The       Many Workplaces Participate in          including the timing of the classes
need for skilled trades workers           the Program. Among them:                and standards for admission to the
is critical as these highly trained                                               program as negotiated in the UAW
and experienced workers head               Ford Motor Co.
                                           General Motors                         contract. A joint subcommittee
into retirement. A lack of trained                                                is responsible for handling the
skilled trades workers can hurt a          FCA USA
                                           John Deere                             orientation, rotational assignment,
company in many ways, including its                                               school and shop liaison and the
profitability and productivity. There      Oakley Industries
                                           Carlex Glass                           resolution of day-to-day problems.
is a drastic need to invest in training
to “up-skill” workers for the highly
complicated work of the future. The
UAW Skilled Trades Department,
long a national leader in developing           THE UAW APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM
apprenticeship programs, is assisting
many of our represented workplaces            Being a UAW skilled trades           with ever-changing technology,
by recruiting and developing in-              worker is not just another job:       that pays more money and
house talent.                                 It’s a career. Those who                   gives you the opportunity
                                              have been through it                         to earn while you learn,
Apprenticeship is a Negotiated                will tell you a four-                          an apprenticeship
Benefit                                       year apprenticeship is                         just may be for
 One of the many benefits of                  like a college degree.                         you. See your joint
being a UAW member is the ability             Once earned, no one                            apprenticeship
to negotiate pre-apprenticeship               can take it away. So, if                      committee
and apprenticeship programs into              you are ready for work                       representative or your
our contracts to ensure that our              that is varied, interesting               local union leadership for
members can improve their skills              and challenging, that keeps up       more information.
and move into more complex – and
higher-paying – work. Through the                       UAW Skilled Trades Department 8000 E. Jefferson Ave.
collective bargaining process, unions            Detroit, MI 48214 | (313) 926-5421 |
can demand and bargain for a set
                                                                                             SOLIDARITY Fall 2018     9
The magazine for UAW members and their families - Fall 2018
union front

                                         No Longer Alone
            She was Forced into Child Labor; now she Speaks up About
                         the Difference a Union Makes
  At age seven, the victorious             “I understand the true definition       me so proud.”
communist Vietnamese government          of union means you are representing          “Jennifer has an extraordinary story
kicked Jennifer Tu out of school. It     and protecting those who can’t            and a powerful voice which reminds
forced her into a life of hardship and   speak up for themselves,” said Tu.        us what it means to stand up to life’s
a slave-labor existence because her      “That is what touches me. All the         challenges,” said UAW Region 1D
mother was Vietnamese and                                    bonding we            Director Gerald Kariem. “It’s also
her father an American                                       have with each        a reminder of what happens when
soldier who had returned                                     brother and           people come together. In Jennifer’s
to the United States                                         sister. That is       case, through her tenacity and her
and lost touch with his                                      what gets to me       desire to find her father and a better
daughter and the woman                                       most and makes        life for her family, others reached out
he loved.                                                                          to help her. That changed her life and
  “I was mixed blood,” said                                                                  now she is using her love of
Tu, bargaining chairperson                                                                           union to show others
of Local 167. “I had blue                                                                            they are not alone.”
eyes and light skin and I                                                                             In 2001, after
looked American. When I                                                                             hiring on at North
went outside people did not                                                                        American Fuel Systems
want their children to play                                                                        Remanufacturing, Tu said
with me. The (Vietnamese)                                                                         she wanted to learn more
government did not treat                                                                         about the union. She
me fairly,” she said. “I was                                                                     began working with the
discriminated against.”                                                                         elections committee and in
  Tu now lives in Grand                                                                         2016 attended a veterans’
Rapids, Michigan, and works                                                                    conference at Black Lake.
at North American Fuel Systems                                                                  “We watched a movie
Remanufacturing LLC. She clearly                                                              called POW-MIA and
recalls her journey to the United                                                            it brought back to me
States, arriving in Grand Rapids at                                                          everything that had happened
11 p.m. on March 28, 1985, to finally                                              in my life,” she said. Later she was
meet her father.                                                                   invited to share her story with
  Before that, from age 4 to age 7,                                                conference attendees.
Tu, her mother and her younger                                                       “Now, I’m glad to do the same
sister struggled daily trying to make                                              thing for others. I can stand up for
ends meet in Ho Chi Minh City,                                                     my brothers and sisters,” said Tu.
formerly Saigon during the Vietnam                                                 “I want people to know that when
War. In addition to having to work                                                 you are in a union you have a voice.
cleaning houses, raising chickens and                                              There is someone working for you and
ducks, scalping lottery and movie                                                  representing you. When that happens,
tickets and more when she was as                                                   both sides can have a healthy living.
young as 4 years old, Tu said that                                                 You can have better wages, better
she and her family were at times                                                   living and a better country.”
homeless. She says that by the time                                                  Said Tu, “I hope that my story will
she was 14 she had been arrested                                                   help a new generation. I hope it
several times and at least once                                                    reminds them that everything they
beaten by police.                                                                  get is because someone else helped
                                         Top: Jennifer Tu, with her mother,
  She understands how it feels to                                                  them, maybe someone in the union.”
                                         Cookie Trinh, in what was then
have no one to turn to. It’s why
                                         South Vietnam.
becoming a union member became           Right: Her father, Roger Yates, a U.S.
important to her when she began          serviceman serving in South Vietnam.
working in the United States.            Bottom: Tu and her husband, Phuc.
10   SOLIDARITY Fall 2018                                                     PHOTOS COURTESY OF JENNIFER TU / UAW LOCAL 167
union front

                      So We Know NAFTA was Bad. How Bad?
Mexican Auto Work Volume has Grown Seven-Fold
    For UAW members, it’s
  something they just know.           Under NAFTA Mexico’s Automotive Workforce has Grown 7-Fold
  NAFTA bled UAW jobs. But as                                    Thousands of Employees
  the “New NAFTA” (called the                                                                                         • In 1994, Mexico
  USMCA) makes its way to the                                                                                          auto workforce
  Senate for debate, how bad                                                                                           was 112,000, by
  was the old NAFTA? Well...                                                                                           2016 it was 767,000
  pretty bad.
                                                                                                                      • 93% is in parts
    Since NAFTA passed in 1994,
  the Mexican auto workforce                                                                                          • In 1994 US
  grew seven-fold from 112,000                                                                                         accounted for
  to 767,000 — all but seven                                                                                           82.5% of NA
  percent in parts. In 1994,                                                                                           automotive
  the U.S. accounted for 82.5                                                                                          workforce, by 2016
  percent of the workforce and                                                                                         it was only 51.3%.
  by 2016, that number had                                                                                             Mexico grew from
  dwindled to 51.3 percent.                                                      Canada      United States   Mexico    7.6% to 41.8%
    The UAW wants NAFTA            Sources: INEGI, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Statistics Canada

  renegotiated. But, it’s a very
  complicated issue. “We also
  want enforcement of labor
  provisions and a level playing
  field,” said UAW President
  Gary Jones. “That only
  happens when we hold feet to
  the fire and judge the ‘New
  NAFTA’ by how it protects and
  adds U.S. jobs.”
    In 1993, Mexico produced
  just over 1 million vehicles.
  Today, Mexico produces more
  than 4 million vehicles.
    Why? Mexican wages for auto
  assembly today are at $6.63
  and for auto parts, Mexican
  wages are $3.98 an hour.
    “Renegotiating NAFTA is
  important,” said Jones.
  “But making sure there are
  enforcement provisions in
  the ‘New NAFTA’ is more
  important. UAW members
  should not have to compete
  with government-controlled
  Mexican unions and wages
  that pay pennies on the
  dollar because of a poorly
  crafted trade agreement.
  Enforcement language in the
  trade agreement is the only
  way that the ‘New NAFTA’
  restores what the old NAFTA
  took away.”
                                                                                                             SOLIDARITY Fall 2018         11
legislative update

                                         Election 2018
                            Voters Sent a Message to Elected Officials
  The wealthy and most powerful        impact wide-ranging policy debates        out in solid numbers.
dominate Congress and state            in Washington such as federal trade,
legislatures. Two-fifths of            labor, infrastructure, retirement       • Elections were determined by
senators and representatives are       security, tax, and prescription drug      razor-thin margins in many cases.
millionaires. Dark money groups        policies.                                 The saying, “Every vote counts,”
such as Americans for Prosperity         At the time of this writing,            really rang true during this
and the American Future Fund           Democrats gained 402 seats to             election cycle.
reported spending more than            win a 235-199 advantage over            • Voter participation was at an all-
$800 million on campaign-related       Republicans, with one race, in            time high. Over 113 million people
activities to the Federal Election     North Carolina’s 9th Congressional        or 48.1 percent of eligible voters
Commission between January 2010        District, disputed due to potential       cast ballots. This is potentially
and December 2016.                     wrongdoing.                               the highest level in over 50 years,
  In the face of these odds,                                                     yet the fact that over half of
elections are the only leverage        Key Takeaways from The                    eligible voters do not vote needs to
that average voters have to ensure     Election                                  change.
that millionaire CEOs are not the
only ones who have a seat at the       • The UAW played a significant role     • Races that have previously been
decision-making table. That’s why        in Congressional races across           written off could be added to the
UAW members and retirees worked          the country. Thousands of UAW           list of battleground states in 2020,
tirelessly to elect pro-worker           members knocked on doors,               such as the Texas Senate race. This
candidates. As a result of UAW           made phone calls and sent text          closely watched seat proved that
members’ commitment to a strong          messages in support of pro-worker       a pro-labor candidate can mount a
and representative democracy,            candidates, which impacted the          serious challenge in a red state.
UAW-endorsed candidates won big          outcome of the elections.
in the 2018 midterm elections.         • The pro-labor victory occurred        What to Expect
  The midterm election was a             despite extreme anti-labor              At the time of this printing, the
message to Congress and state            gerrymandering in several states      highest priority for lawmakers will
elected officials from voters            thereby reducing the number           be to keep the government open
that it is time to rise above the        of competitive districts. This        as funding for federal agencies and
political rhetoric and take action       election is on par with other         programs expire Dec. 21. A bipartisan
on jobs, health care, education          midterm waves like in 1994, 2006      agreement will need to be reached
and fair trade. Voters want policies     and 2010. To put the significance     to keep the government open,
enacted at the federal level that        of gerrymandering in perspective,     and President Trump is demanding
strengthen workers’ rights to            in 2010, Republicans won the          massive new spending on a southern
collectively bargain, trade policies     popular vote in the House by          border wall. Congress has passed
that create U.S. manufacturing jobs      seven percentage points and           the farm bill and criminal justice
and discourage companies from            picked up 63 seats. This year,        reform legislation in the “lame duck”
outsourcing jobs overseas, and tax       Democrats won the popular vote        session.
policies that improve the economic       by an even larger percentage            Congress will not tackle substantive
security of working families instead     than the Republicans did in 2010.     issues until the new Congress
of profiting ultra-rich billionaires     Hopefully, pro-labor gains in         reconvenes in January. From now
and wealthy multinational                governorships and state houses        until then, the UAW will remind
corporations.                            will help unwind gerrymandering       returning and new members
  As of Jan. 3, 2019, when the           in several key states as governors    of Congress to put into motion
Congress is sworn in, Republicans        and state legislators who serve       what voters want— real progress
will no longer have complete             four-year terms — will be in office   and action on jobs, health care,
control over the federal                 in 2021, when the next round          education, fair trade, income growth
government, as Democrats                 of redistricting begins. Despite      and a future for their children.
regained control of the House of         numerous state voter suppression
Representatives for the first time       laws, pro-labor candidates won by              UAW Legislative Department
since 2010. The elections will           strong margins and voters turned

12   SOLIDARITY Fall 2018
legislative update

                              Shifts in Power
                        BEFORE THE 2018 ELECTION
                                          Republican              Democrat
                  HOUSE                                                               SENATE
                MEMBERSHIP                                                          MEMBERSHIP
  193                                          238                     49                                          51
Democrats                                 Republicans             Democrats*                                 Republicans

                        435                                                                  100
                        seats                                                                seats

                          AFTER THE 2018 ELECTION
                                          Republican              Democrat

                  HOUSE                                                               SENATE
                MEMBERSHIP*                                                         MEMBERSHIP
  235                                          199                     47                                          53
Democrats                                 Republicans             Democrats**                                Republicans

                        435                                                                  100
                        seats                                                                seats

 *As of this writing, one race, in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District, is disputed.
 **Independents Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Angus King of Maine caucus with the Senate Democrats and are shown in blue.

                                                                                                   SOLIDARITY Fall 2018     13
                            High Road or Low Road?
           Electric Vehicles: Public Policy Must Support Keeping Good
                          Manufacturing Jobs in the U.S.
  With General Motors planning over     and smog-free, could only operate      to the U.S. Department of Energy.
20 electric vehicles (EVs) by 2023,     where there was the electrical         Over the next decade, electric
FCA USA (Chrysler) investing $10        infrastructure to support them. The    vehicles were at their heyday,
billion and Ford Motor Co. budgeting    first successful electric car in the   accounting for a third of all vehicles
over $11 billion for 40 EVs, the        U.S. made its debut around 1890        on the road.
future of the internal combustion       when an Iowa chemist, William           At the time, very few Americans
engine (ICE) is in flux.                Morrison, developed a six-passenger    outside of cities had electricity.
  When that happens, what will the      vehicle capable of 14 mph, according   Even so, it was easier and
future hold for the jobs of tens of
thousands of UAW members whose
livelihoods are currently heavily
dependent on the production of
ICEs and related components such
as exhaust and fuel systems? Will
their jobs disappear because EV
powertrains are far less mechanically
complex than ICE powertrains? Will
other industry actors take the low
road and resist collective bargaining
so that wages are depressed and
job quality in the automotive
sector declines? Or will most of the
jobs in producing EVs and related
components go overseas like in so
many other industries?
  Not necessarily, according to the
UAW Research Department, which
recently produced a white paper on
the issue, “Taking the High Road:
Strategies for a Fair EV Future.” The
report maintains that the American
union autoworker can benefit from
the inevitable shift to EVs, but
sensible public policies must be
in place to ensure that high-road
manufacturing jobs are created
for the workers and communities
that depend on them. “The UAW is
focused right now on looking into
the future and planning for the jobs
of tomorrow ­— for our UAW members,
their families and the future work of
new members,” said UAW President
Gary Jones.
  EVs have been around for more
than a century. EVs, while quiet

14   SOLIDARITY Fall 2018
less expensive to build an
infrastructure of gas stations than
electrical charging stations. EVs
eventually lost out to vehicles
with internal combustion engines.
With the advent of Henry Ford’s
assembly line and the mass-
produced Model T, ICEs would
spur a revolution in the nation’s
  Today, while EVs still lack
that mass acceptance as the
new infrastructure develops,
companies are betting that the
improved reliability, affordability,
range and availability of charging
stations will convince consumers
that EVs — and not ICEs — are the
motoring public’s future.
   “As we go through this
technological change, we must
demand that key decision
makers do what is right for the
environment and the workforce.         highlight advances in sustainable         such as Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai-Kia,
It will require commitments from       technologies. The Chevrolet               and many European automakers are
automakers and government              Volt, built since the 2011 model          also heavily invested in hybrids and
agencies to re-tool facilities and     year at General Motors’ Detroit/          EVs. Chinese companies are major
re-train workers to produce new        Hamtramck Assembly Plant by               players in the market as well. “We all
energy vehicles,” UAW President        members of Local 22, is a hybrid          recognize the industry is changing,
Jones said. “We also need a            EV/ICE that automatically switches        more in the next five years than the
fair-trade policy that promotes        over to an ICE when the battery           last 100 years, and we want to be a
the production of advanced             power is depleted. GM promises 20         part of that,” said Quentin Perea, a
technology in the U.S. And we          new electric and fuel cell vehicles       member of Local 5960 and a team
need to ensure that investments        globally by 2023 and vehicles by          leader on the chassis line at General
in green technology are used to        2020 and easily leads the domestic        Motors Orion Assembly plant, where
create quality                         automakers in the segment. It plans       the Chevrolet Bolt is built.
jobs that pay                                              to sell 1 million       In September, The New American
well, keep                                                 EVs by 2026.          Road Trip stopped at the plant. The
workers safe,                                                At present, Ford    road trip traveled from San Francisco
and protect                                                builds electric       to New York City in a Chevy Bolt to
workers’                                                   vehicles and          highlight advances in sustainable
freedom to join                                            hybrids, but only     manufacturing across the country.
unions.”                                                   in Mexico. It has     UAW workers discussed how the
                                                           announced plans       vehicles are made and what it means
EVs – Who                                                  to spend $11          to have their work so prominently
Builds Them?                                               billion developing    featured in a nationwide campaign.
                                                           EVs and hybrids,        “This is an awesome experience to
  UAW members                                              with 40 hybrids       see our hard work go into a vehicle
have already                                               and 16 EVs            and to have you go cross country with
built tens of                                              globally.             it,” Local 5960 Chairman Jason Leist
thousands of                                                 FCA USA             told participants in the road trip.
EVs, and as the                                            (formerly Chrysler)   “I’m definitely the proud chairman
market for EVs                                             in June announced     of hardworking men and women at
                   Local 5960’s Quentin Perea:
grows, UAW         The industry is changing and UAW        it will spend more    Local 5960. They’re building the future
members will       members want to be a part of it.        than $10 billion      here.”
build many                                                 on new electric
more. The                                                  vehicles within the   A Look at the Future of EVs
Chevrolet Bolt EV, built in Lake       next four years. It currently sells a      There will be a tipping point for EVs,
Orion, Michigan, by members of         limited number of Chrysler Pacifica       the moment when enough consumers
Local 5960, was recently featured      hybrids.                                  decide EVs can deliver on reliability,
in The New American Road                 Tesla and transnational automakers      electric infrastructure and price so
Trip, a nationwide campaign to

                                                                                               SOLIDARITY Fall 2018   15
that they are reasonable viable as     powertrains are projected to reach        on the road and are investing in
an alternative to ICEs. To speed       price parity with EV powertrains.         research and development, charging
this along, governments around the     EVs also provide savings on fuel and      infrastructure, subsidies for
world are mandating a transition       maintenance costs because they do         consumer purchases, procurement
to greener cars to help address        not require regular fluid changes and     of EVs for government fleets, sales
climate change and have announced      have fewer moving parts that may          quotas for manufacturers, and
a variety of EV targets they hope to   require replacement. The growth of        preferential access to parking and
meet in the coming decades.            ride hailing and autonomous vehicles      traffic lanes.
  For now, EVs make up just 1          (AVs) also favors EVs as those who          Venture capitalists have already
percent of the U.S. market. How        own highly utilized fleet vehicles will   turned their sights toward the
quickly that market share will grow    see savings in fuel and maintenance.      coming shift to EVs. In 2013,
is up for debate, but Bloomberg New    EVs also provide the higher power         investment companies invested $33
Energy Finance predicts EVs will       and greater energy storage necessary      million in EV battery companies. By
account for 10 percent of the global   for AVs. Governments around the           2017, that figure increased 13-fold.
market is the mid-2020s and over       world have set ambitious goals to         In the first quarter of 2018, venture
50 percent by 2050. By 2030, EV        cut emissions and put millions of EVs     capitalists invested $868 million.

16   SOLIDARITY Fall 2018
A January 2018 analysis of Original     represented and other workers in             a reduction in jobs by employers.
Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)             ICE powertrains? There will no doubt         Ford has told its investors that
conducted by Reuters shows that           be less demand for parts such as             product simplification that comes
German OEMs have invested $52             exhaust systems, transmissions and           from EVs could lead to a 50 percent
billion in EVs, Chinese OEMs 21           fuel systems. A USB-commissioned             reduction in capital investment and
billion and U.S.-based OEMs $19           teardown of a Chevrolet Bolt found           a 30 percent reduction in labor hours
billion. But a large portion of the $19   that the EV powertrain had over 80           compared to ICE production.
billion invested by U.S.-based OEMs       percent fewer moving parts than a              The impact on jobs could be even
is invested in China.                     comparable ICE powertrain. As EV             worse if OEMS outsource powertrain
  “The massive investments pledged        technology and design improves, this         work to low-road suppliers
by automakers represents a strong         figure is likely to rise. Even if original   that compete primarily on cost
commitment to the development             equipment manufacturers (OEMs)               reduction.
and eventual mass production of           build EV powertrains in-house — which          “This would reduce the quality
EVs,” the UAW report noted. “But          is an open question — there will be          of jobs in the value chain and
where those vehicles
and components will
be made is an open
question and will
determine which
economies benefit
from the EV shift.”

Costs — and
 Once the tipping
point is reached,
then what happens
to the jobs of tens of
thousands of UAW-

                                                                                                  SOLIDARITY Fall 2018   17
the positive impact that auto         and benefit premium is eroded by           The age of the EV could also
employment has on the rest of the     outsourcing and low-road practices,      present the opportunity to ensure
economy,” the report noted. “Much     the quality of these jobs will erode     there are ethical supply chains and
of the premium wages and benefits     as well.”                                proper environmental safeguards.
in automotive jobs is because of        But the UAW research pointed out       For instance, the conditions in
union density and strong collecting   It could be an opportunity for a         which battery components cobalt
bargaining agreements, the report     high-road transition to EV production    and lithium are mined highlight the
pointed out. “Even nonunion           that takes full advantage of the         need for oversight and intervention.
autoworkers have benefitted           opportunities that EVs will soon         Roughly 60 percent of the world’s
because of the strong agreements      present. The shift must result in        cobalt is mined in the Democratic
that the UAW has negotiated           quality automotive jobs and positive     Republic of Congo where child
with the Big Three. If the wage       economic benefits for the U.S.           labor and other labor abuses are
                                                  communities where EV         common, and health and safety
                                                  production occurs.           are substandard. In Argentina,
                                                   A high-road approach        where rich lithium deposits are
                                                  would support:               located under indigenous lands,
                                                 ● Research and                people are not receiving proper
                                                   development.                compensation for mining operations
                                                                               while there are water shortages
                                                 ● Capital investment in       and environmental degradation.
                                                   infrastructure.             Countries such as China are bound
                                                                               to cheat on environmental and labor
                                                 ● Re-tooling facilities for   laws.
                                                   EV production.                But the U.S. could move to capture
                                                 ● Worker re-training.         the U.S. battery aftermarket. Spent
                                                                               EV batteries can be repurposed for
                                                 ● Policies that promote       the home, the electrical grid and
                                                   higher wages, health        other uses in workplaces where
                                                   and safety, and the         workers and the environment are
                                                   right to collective         protected.

18   SOLIDARITY Fall 2018
“If the government does             fundamental change in the key           environment and for workers, we
nothing to promote and protect        components that power the vehicle.      need to get this right and leave no
this burgeoning industry, it will     There will likely be changes in where   American worker behind.”
move offshore —just as the lead       the most valuable
battery recycling industry chased     auto components
lax environmental regulations to      are made,
Mexico,” the UAW report noted.        employment
  As a nation, the United States is   decreases in
falling behind on control of the      powertrain
new EV value chain. Lithium-ion       manufacturing
batteries are the most valuable       and new
component in EVs, with growth         companies in the
expected to be 73 percent from        market that do
2017 to 2021. It could become a       not have a U.S.
$40 billion market by 2025. But       manufacturing
the U.S. is far behind Asian and      base. What
European countries in lithium-ion     is needed is
battery capacity, with China and      a proactive
European countries accounting         industrial policy
for 75 percent of battery             that promotes
manufacturing capacity by 2021,       the production
and the U.S. accounting for 14        of EVs and their
percent, with it dependent on         components in the
the success of one plant, Tesla-      U.S. under higher
Panasonic Gigafactory in Nevada.      road conditions
  Falling out of the value chain on   that benefit
EV components can reduce the          the American
positive impacts of EVs assembled     workers and the
in the U.S. For example, a USB-       communities
commissioned tear-down of the         that rely on
Chevy Bolt found that 56 percent      manufacturing
of the value of the vehicle was       jobs.
produced by LG, with much               “In the end, the
of the components produced            environment can
overseas.                             win. Shareholders
                                      can win. And
 Conclusion                           workers and their
  What remains to be answered         families can win,”
is if the disruption caused by the    President Jones
move to EVs will be a threat or       said. “To have
an opportunity. This isn’t a shift    an auto industry
in consumer preference, but a         that works for the

                                                                                          SOLIDARITY Fall 2018      19
union front

             2019 UAW Union-Built Vehicle Guide
                Buying American, Buying Union Supports Good Jobs
  New SUVs, updated trucks and           addition to the redesigned
new technology highlight the many        Chevrolet Silverado and GMC
choices Americans have to buy union-     Sierra pickup trucks, GM also
made vehicles that support UAW           builds medium-duty pickup
members and their work.                  trucks in a joint venture with
  In today’s manufacturing world,        Navistar.
the UAW automotive guide is an
important tool to help consumers         Ford Motor Co.
discover where their vehicle is made       Ford has two new vehicles on
and who provides the craftsmanship.      the list for the 2019 model year
  “We negotiate our contracts to         and one that will be available      2020 Jeep Gladiator
ensure we have a say in quality and      as a 2020 model in the second
sourcing so that we can add our          quarter of 2019. Thanks to the
voice and expertise in how vehicles      successful 2015 negotiations
and components are assembled,”           between Ford and the UAW,
said UAW President Gary Jones. “It’s     the Ford Ranger returns after
important to let family, friends,        an eight-year hiatus on the
neighbors and co-workers know            market. The Ranger, a mid-
where they can go to buy union-made      size pickup, built at Michigan
vehicles.”                               Assembly Plant in Wayne by
  One way consumers can tell if a        members of Local 900, comes
vehicle is made by UAW members           in two configurations, SuperCab     2019 Ford Ranger
is through the 2019 UAW Union-           (2+2 door extended cab with
Built Vehicle Guide (on the opposite     a 6-foot bed), and SuperCrew
page). The vehicle sticker will reveal   (4-door crew cab with a 5-foot
the final assembly plant as well as      bed). The Lincoln Aviator,
the Vehicle Identification Number        a seven-passenger, three-
(VIN). A VIN that begins with a 1, 4,    row SUV that is assembled in
or 5 means the vehicle was built in      Chicago by members of Local
the United States. A VIN that starts     551, will be available as a 2020
with a 2 is a Canadian-assembled         model in the second quarter
vehicle. The UAW recommends buying       of 2019. The Lincoln Nautilus,
certain vehicles assembled in Canada     assembled by Canada’s Unifor
because they are built by members of     union and which has many            2019 Cadillac XT4
the Unifor union and have significant    UAW-built components, is also
UAW-made content which supports          new for 2019.                            of the Year. The re-engineered 2019
the jobs of UAW members. A VIN                                                    Ram 1500 was named the Motor
beginning with a 3 is a vehicle built    FCA USA                                  Trend Truck of the Year, as well as
in Mexico and is not a UAW-made            While FCA USA doesn’t have new         the 2019 Truck of Texas, which pits
vehicle, even if it carries a Big 3      vehicles on the 2019 list, it has one    pickups and utility vehicles against
nameplate.                               that will be available as a 2020         one another in on- and off-road
  Here’s a quick look at what the 2019   model in the second quarter of           evaluations by auto journalists.
model year has in the way of new         2019. The new Jeep Gladiator pickup      (The Ram 1500 is dual-sourced with
union-built recommended vehicles:        truck, built by members of Local         the UAW-built model assembled
General Motors                           12 in Toledo, Ohio, was unveiled         at FCA USA’s Warren Truck Plant
                                         in late 2018. FCA USA has invested       and the Sterling Heights Assembly
 For the 2019 model year, GM has         at plants in Sterling Heights and        Plant in Michigan and in Mexico. Be
a new entry in the luxury SUV/CUV        Warren, Michigan; Belvidere, Illinois,   sure to check the VIN to make sure
segment, the Cadillac XT4. Built by      and Toledo as part of its plan to        that it starts with a “1”, which will
members of UAW Local 31 in Fairfax,      concentrate production of Jeep and       signify it was built in the United
Kansas, the five-door crossover has      Ram in the U.S. The Jeep Wrangler        States. A “3” identifies a Ram 1500
a 2-liter turbocharged engine. In        was named at the Motor Trend SUV         built in Mexico.)

20   SOLIDARITY Fall 2018
2019 UAW Union Built
                       Vehicle Guide

 UAW CARS                                                           UAW SUVS/CUVS                                               UNIFOR CARS
 Buick LaCrosse                                                     Buick Enclave                                               Cadillac XTS
 Cadillac ATS                                                       Cadillac Escalade                                           Chevrolet Impala
 Cadillac CTS                                                       Cadillac Escalade ESV                                       Chevrolet Impala (police)
 Cadillac CT6                                                       Cadillac Escalade Hybrid                                    Chrysler 300
 (excluding plug-in hybrid)                                         Cadillac XT4                                                Dodge Challenger
 Chevrolet Bolt (electric)                                          Cadillac XT5                                                Dodge Charger
 Chevrolet Camaro                                                   Chevrolet Suburban
 Chevrolet Corvette                                                 Chevrolet Tahoe                                             UNIFOR SUVS/CUVS
 Chevrolet Cruze*                                                   Chevrolet Tahoe (police)
 Chevrolet Cruze (diesel)                                           Chevrolet Tahoe (special service)                           Chevrolet Equinox*
 Chevrolet Impala                                                   Chevrolet Traverse                                          Ford Edge
 Chevrolet Malibu                                                   Dodge Durango                                               Ford Flex
 Chevrolet Sonic                                                    Ford Escape                                                 Lincoln MKT
 Chevrolet Volt (electric)                                          Ford Expedition                                             Lincoln Nautilus
 Ford Mustang                                                       Ford Explorer
 Ford Taurus                                                        GMC Acadia                                                  UNIFOR TRUCKS
 Lincoln Continental                                                GMC Yukon                                                   Chevrolet Silverado (double cab)
                                                                    GMC Yukon Hybrid                                            GMC Sierra (double cab)
 UAW TRUCKS                                                         GMC Yukon XL
 Chevrolet Colorado                                                 Jeep Cherokee
 Chevrolet Medium-Duty Navistar Silverado                                                                                       UNIFOR VANS
                                                                    Jeep Grand Cherokee
 (regular cab and crew cab)                                         Jeep Wrangler                                               Chrysler Pacifica
 Chevrolet Silverado**                                              Lincoln Aviator                                             Dodge Grand Caravan
 Ford F Series                                                      (2020 model year will be available in second quarter
 Ford F-650/750                                                     of 2019)                                                    UAW VANS
 Ford Ranger                                                        Lincoln MKC                                                 Chevrolet Express
 Ford Super Duty Chassis Cab                                        Lincoln Navigator                                           Chevrolet Express (cut-away)
 GMC Canyon                                                                                                                     Ford E-Series (cut-away)
 Jeep Gladiator                                                                                                                 Ford Transit
 (2020 model year will be available in second quarter of 2019)                                                                  GMC Savana
 GMC Sierra**                                                                                                                   GMC Savana (cut-away)
 Ram 1500*
 These vehicles are made in the United States or Canada by members of the UAW and Canada’s Unifor union, formerly the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW). Because of
 the integration of vehicle production in both countries, all of the vehicles listed as made in Canada include significant UAW-made content and support the jobs of
 UAW members.
 However, vehicles marked with a single asterisk (*) are also produced in Mexico. Vehicles marked with a double asterisk (**) are
 produced in Mexico and Canada. All Cruze hatchbacks and some sedans are produced in Mexico. The diesel version is manufac-
 tured in the United States by UAW members. The Chevrolet Equinox is manufactured in Canada by Unifor members and also
 in Mexico.
 Beginning in mid-2019 all heavy-duty Chevrolet Silverados and GMC Sierras will be built in Flint, Michigan, only. In early 2019,
 the light-duty, regular cabs of both trucks will be produced in Mexico only.
 When purchasing a vehicle marked with an asterisk, it’s important to check the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). A VIN beginning
 with “1” or “4” or “5” identifies a U.S.-made vehicle; a “2” identifies a Canadian-made vehicle; a “3” identifies a vehicle made in Mexico. Not all vehicles made in the
 United States or Canada are built by union-represented workers. Vehicles not listed here, even if produced in the United States or Canada, are not union made.

                                                                                                                                           SOLIDARITY Fall 2018             21
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