The London Book Fair 2022 - Indonesia Travel

Page created by Betty Osborne
The London Book Fair 2022 - Indonesia Travel
The London Book Fair 2022
The London Book Fair 2022 - Indonesia Travel

The London Book Fair 2022 - Indonesia Travel
2                                                  Non Fiction

Celebrating Resilience
While the world is slowly moving forward to be free from the shackles of the pandemic, we cannot help but pause and
reflect. We were forced, to rearrange our priorities, adapting ourselves to these challenges. We dig deep to find the strength
to move forward, to survive.

Within the lockdowns, the self-isolation - we find solace in books, to take off our minds for a moment from all of the
sufferings. We seek inspiration, we seek bravery, we seek resilience.

Indonesian are resilient. We survived colonialism, we survived waves of natural disasters, we survived the
tragedies - and we lived to tell you our tales.

As you can see in our books, we celebrate resilience - you can read our brave history, our enchanting tales, our thrilling
stories. You can see our dynamic pages of illustrations. You will find our diverse content offering you a new perspective
and narrative. Ranging from commercial to literary fiction, our superheroes in our comics, delicious recipes in our cook
books, and also great stories in our children's books.

In the London Book Fair, we also bring a spirit of collaboration, together with the Ministry of Tourism and CreativeEcono-
my, we’re bringing you some of

the best publishers and agencies from Indonesia. We’d love to have our content published in your country.

We think that our selection here can give you a glimpse of what we have to offer. There is so much more to come from
Indonesia. Come on, take a look, and you will be inspired.

                           Yani Kurniawan             Wedha Stratesti               Anton Kurnia

                           Evelyn Ghozali            Hikmat Darmawan                  Zen Hae

The Team:
Yani Kurniawan, Head of the Technical Team for the London Book Fair 2022
Wedha Stratesti, Deputy of the Technical Team for the London Book Fair 2022
Anton Kurnia, Curator
Evelyn Ghozalli, Curator
Hikmat Darmawan, Curator
Zen Hae, Curator
The London Book Fair 2022 - Indonesia Travel
3                                                             Non Fiction

The Banda Journal
                                                                                                     Original Title
                                                                                                     The Banda Journal

                                                                                                     Muhammad Fadli
                                                                                                     & Fatris MF

                                                                                                     Non Fiction, Photoessays &

The Banda Journal highlights the legacy of centuries-long colonization and
exploitation in the remote Indonesian Banda Islands. An archipelago comprises                        Indonesian, English
of twelve small islands surrounded by vast sea, Banda was the setting of some
earliest European ventures in Asia and played a key role in global economic
history. It is because Banda was once the world's only source of the highly prized                   Copyrights
nutmeg, an aromatic spice functioned as preservative and believed as cure for
various illnesses in the Middle Ages. The race for the valuable spices sent the                      Available
Portuguese navigating the Cape of Good Hope, led Christopher Columbus'
discovery of America, and saw the birth of the world's first multinational trading
company: the Dutch East India Company. In Banda, like in many other places, the                      Number of Pages
spice race resulted in the islanders’ misery. And these days, Banda Islands is
nothing more than just a backwater.                                                                  240

From 2014 to 2017, photographer Muhammad Fadli and writer Fatris MF
documented stories from the Banda Islands through a repeated visits and stays.                       Dimension
The result is a book filled with photographs combined with writing, hoping to                        16.5 x 24 cm
give an insightful view from various facets of life on the islands, its past and its
present state.


                                                                                                     Publisher & Year
Muhammad Fadli is a Sumatran-born Indonesian photographer based in Jakarta, Indonesia,
                                                                                                     Jordan Jordan Edition
focusing on documentary and portrait photography. His personal projects explore different themes     2021
such history, subculture, environment, and social issues. He splits his time between editorial
assignments, corporate and commercial works, personal projects, and as a father of a young

He is the cofounding member of Arka Project, an independent collective of Indonesian
Photographers, and also a Climate Change reporting fellow of The GroundTruth Project. These          -
days, apart from being a photographer, he also acts as photo editor and multimedia producer.

Fatris MF was interested in literature while studying at the Hamka Islamic Boarding School and
started writing travel articles after college. Hails from West Sumatra, he has won two best travel
writing awards from the Ministry of Tourism and produced three anthologies of travel notes:          Email
Merobek Sumatra (2015), Kabar dari Timur (2018), serta Lara Tawa Nusantara (2019). His last
book, The Banda Journal, is published in 2021."                                            
The London Book Fair 2022 - Indonesia Travel
4                                                              Non Fiction

A Long Way Home
                                                                                                     Original Title
                                                                                                     Jalan Panjang untuk

                                                                                                     Agustinus Wibowo

                                                                                                     Non Fiction,
                                                                                                     Travel Literature


                                                                                                     All rights available
The Long Way to Go Home is a collection of stories and essays from various
locations that Augustine has visited, which invites us to experience various
dimensions of the journey. From a physical journey to an inner journey. From
seeing the outside world to going inside. From searching to finding true                             Number of Pages
meaning.                                                                                             464

                                                                                                     13.5 x 20 cm

Agustinus Wibowo is an Indonesian travel writer and travel photographer. He is the pioneer of a
new genre in Indonesian travel literature by allowing readers to experience the writer’s physical,
spiritual and emotional journey as they contemplate their own conflicts and anxieties.
                                                                                                     Publisher & Year
                                                                                                     Gramedia Pustaka Utama

                                                                                                     +62878 8843 2798

The London Book Fair 2022 - Indonesia Travel
5                                                           Non Fiction

Indonesian National Parks: The Jewel of the
Nation's Heritage
                                                                                                Original Title
                                                                                                Taman Nasional Indonesia:
                                                                                                Permata Warisan Bangsa

                                                                                                Pungky Widiaryanto

                                                                                                Non Fiction,


                                                                                                All rights available
This book contains the history and uniqueness of 54 Indonesian National Parks
since the Dutch East Indies. Since Indonesia's independence, it was only in the
1980s that the Indonesian government paid serious attention to a number of
areas to become national parks, up to 54 as they are now.                                       Number of Pages
This book is compiled based on the author's experience working in conservation
development planning, with theories from various sources.
                                                                                                14 x 21 cm


Pungky Widiaryanto was born in Bantul, April 17, 1983. Every day he is involved in nature
                                                                                                Publisher & Year
conservation and forestry planning. Pungky also writes articles in mass media, magazines, and   KPG
scientific journals. He is actively involved in the preparation of studies and public policy
documents.                                                                                      2021

                                                                                                +62878 8843 2798

The London Book Fair 2022 - Indonesia Travel
6                                                             Non Fiction

The House in The Land of Spices
                                                                                                      Original Title
                                                                                                      Rumah di Tanah Rempah:
                                                                                                      Perjalanan Memaknai Rasa
                                                                                                      dan Aroma Indonesia

                                                                                                      Nurdiyansah Dalidjo

                                                                                                      Non Fiction,
                                                                                                      Travel literature


                                                                                                      All rights available
The House in the Land of Spices contains travel stories that invites readers to
get to know Indonesia beyond the trajectory of time through the spice
tradition. The stories are not only compiled from various literary sources, but
also through conversations with people you meet on your journey while tasting                         Number of Pages
the delicious flavors and aromas of spice gardens, shops, coffee shops,                               486
markets, and kitchens.



Nurdiyansah Dalidjo is an interdisciplinary writer, researcher, and activist who seeks to memorial-
                                                                                                      Publisher & Year
ize the role of spices as the ingredients that fueled the revolution in Indonesia. He started his     Gramedia Pustaka Utama
career as a journalist at Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan and has a master's degree in tourism through
scholarship program from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Since graduating, he has gained       2020
over 10 years’ experience in Development issues with a focus on ethical and sustainable tourism,
indigenous issues, and social justice.

                                                                                                      +62878 8843 2798

The London Book Fair 2022 - Indonesia Travel
7                                                               Non Fiction

Tales of the Lands Beneath the Winds - Tracing the Indonesian
Archipelago's Maritime Role in the History of the Spice Trade
                                                                                                         Original Title
                                                                                                         Kisah Negeri-Negeri di Bawah Angin
                                                                                                         - Jejak Kemaritiman Nusantara dalam
                                                                                                         Sejarah Perniagaan Rempah

                                                                                                         Dewi Kumoratih, Yanuardi Syukur,
                                                                                                         Irfan Nugraha, Bram Kushardjanto,
                                                                                                         Prisinta Wanastri

                                                                                                         Non Fiction,

This book tells about the history of the "Spice Route" of Indonesian Archipelago                         Language
from time to time which is closely related to Indonesian Archipelago as a                                Indonesian
maritime nation. Long before European colonialism, Indonesian Archipelago had
become an important hub of global trade through its spice commodities which
created intercultural exchanges and transformed world civilizations. Currently,
the "Spice Route" is under submission by the Indonesian Government as a world
heritage site to UNESCO.                                                                                 All rights available

                                                                                                         Number of Pages
Dewi Kumoratih is a Visual Communication Design lecturer at Bina Nusantara University who has
an interest in history and culture. She is currently pursuing her doctoral studies in anthropology. In
between her teaching activities, she is active as a designer, a community activist for public learning
about Indonesian, including being a freelance writer.                                                    24 x 24 cm
Yanuardi Syukur is a lecturer in Anthropology at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Khairun
University, Ternate. Over the last 14 years, this doctoral candidate has produced 60 books related
to Islamic studies, biographies, socio-politics, and anthropology. As a literacy activist, he often
becomes a speaker at various scientific conferences both national and international.
Irfan Nugraha is a lecturer in Anthropology at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,
University of Indonesia. Apart from teaching, he is a researcher with a keen interest in cultural
diversity, identity, conflict and reconciliation.

Bram Kushardjanto is an art and culture activist. He did extensive studies and observations on the
development of art and various cultural phenomena of urban society. In addition to writing scripts
                                                                                                         Publisher & Year
and producing for tradition-based performing arts, he has developed many creative ideas for              Negeri Rempah
various socio-cultural programs.
Prisinta Wanastri is a librarian as well as a researcher and lecturer in the Department of Library
Science and Information at the Faculty of Manners and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State              2020
Islamic University. As a researcher, she is interested in tourism studies that focus on emic studies
on community-based tourism development.                                                                  Phone
Dian Parmantia is a visual communication designer who has a high interest in Indonesian arts and         0812-19480890
culture. Her works in graphic design lays in the production of books with the theme of Indonesian
culture such as Kebaya Negeriku, Indonesian Embroidery, Story of Indonesian Antique Jewelery
adorn bookstores in Indonesia, including the Frankfurt Book Fair.

The London Book Fair 2022 - Indonesia Travel
8                                                                Non Fiction

Introduction to Islamic Philosophy
                                                                                                            Original Title
                                                                                                            Mengenal Filsafat Islam

                                                                                                            Haidar Bagir

                                                                                                            Non Fiction, Religion,


When the word “philosophy” is mentioned, imagine the difficult and complicated                              Published by Mizan Publishers
words—sometimes absurd and far-fetched—just to talk about something that                                    PT Mizan Pustaka
have no clear use. At best, people would consider it as a “higher knowledge” that
only a handful of people with somewhat odd tastes will understand. In fact,
philosophy is the mother of paradigm developments or world developments,                                    Number of Pages
whether we realize it or not, that has always been the basic of science                                     196
developments. In philosophy, the concepts about God, nature (creation),
humans, ethics, happiness, even politics and various other concepts that are
central to human life are discussed and formulated.                                                         Dimension
                                                                                                            13 x 20.5 cm

Haidar Bagir was born in Surakarta, February 20, 1957. He earned a bachelor's degree majoring in
Industrial Technology, ITB (1982); a master's degree from The Center for Middle Eastern Studies,
Harvard University, USA (1992); and a doctoral degree majoring in Philosophy, University of
Indonesia, Indonesia (UI) with a year of research (2000-2001) at the Department of History and              978-602-441-017-4
Philosophy of Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA.

As the recipients of three Fullbright scholarships, his name was on the list of 500 Most Influential
Muslims for several years in a row (The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center, 2011). On August
17, 2020, Haidar Bagir received the Farabi International Award from the Ministry of Science and
Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran for his contribution to the development of cultural
                                                                                                            Publisher & Year
sciences and Islamic studies (Humanities and Islamic Studies).                                              Mizan
Apart from being busy managing educational and social foundations and being president director              2020
of a publishing house, he has written several books, including: The Pocket Book of Mysticism;
Islamic Philosophy Pocket Book; What Do You Pray For?; Heaven in the World, Heaven in the
Hereafter; The New Era of Ethical Management; Between AlFarabi and Khomeini: Political
Philosophy of Islam; Islam, the Faith of Love and Happiness (English-edition published by Kube              Phone
Publishing, London, 2017); Learning Life from Rumi; Drinking Rumi's Love; The Universe of Love:
Introduction to the Thought of Ibn 'Arabi; Mysticism Epistemology; From Allah To Allah; Knowing             +62856 2456 4845
Mysticism; Restoring Schools, Restoring People; and Religious Science, Scientific Religion. He is
also still actively giving religious and educational lectures in a number of institutions; a speaker at a
number of scientific seminars, especially studies on contemporary Islamic philosophy and thought.
In addition, he has served as Editor-in-Chief of The Kanz Philosopia, Jakarta; Regional Coordinator
of the International Society for Islamic Philosophy; Board Member of Global Compassionate                   Email
Council; and Founder of the Islamic Love Movement, as well as a lecturer at ICAS and STFI
Sadra, Jakarta.
The London Book Fair 2022 - Indonesia Travel
9                                                          Non Fiction

Kebaya Stories
                                                                                                 Original Title
                                                                                                 Kisah Kebaya
                                                                                                                                                 Buku Sastra Rempah ini membuktikan bahwa semesta remp
                                                                                                                                                 urusan spasial, ekonomi-bisnis, gastronomis, dan politis,
                                                                                                                                                 urusan kultural khususnya seni. Ternyata kita tidak hanya be
                                                                                                                                                 jalur rempah, lalu lintas rempah, komoditas rempah, pern
                                                                                                       Prof. Dr. Novi Anoegrajekti, M.Hum.       budi daya rempah, dan kedaulatan wilayah rempah serta dip
                                                                                                        Guru Besar Ilmu Sastra Indonesia         tetapi juga seni rempah. Buktinya, dengan gamblang buku i
                                                                                                             Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni            panorama sastra rempah sebagai salah satu bentuk ekspre
                                                                                                            Universitas Negeri Jakarta
                                                                                                                                                 Dalam buku ini disuguhkan bukan hanya wawasan remp
                                                                                                                                                 rempah dalam sastra Indonesia dan Daerah, tetapi jug
                                                                                                                                                 metafora rempah dalam sastra Indonesia dan Daerah. Hal ini
                                                                                                                                                 ada tautan mutualistis antara rempah dan sastra di Indones

                                                                                                                                                 masa lalu, tetapi juga masa kini dan masa depan selama
                                                                                                                                                 sumber inspirasi dan bahan penciptaan sastra Indonesia da
                                                                                                           Dr. Sastri Sunarti, M.Hum.            kita menyaksikan misi Jalur Rempah bukan kegiatan nostalg
                                                                                                                 Peneliti Sastra                 program antisipatif dan visioner yang hendak merawat, m

                                                                                                 Didiet Maulana
                                                                                                           Badan Pengembangan dan
                                                                                                                                                 bahkan memajukan dunia dan budaya rempah Indonesia. Se
                                                                                                               Pembinaan Bahasa
                                                                                                                                                 tak hanya menghubungkan, melainkan juga melengkapi d
                                                                                                                                                 misi dan konteks Jalur Rempah. Dapat dikatakan, mom
                                                                                                                                                 buku Sastra Rempah ini memperkuat segenap program Jal
                                                                                                                                                 sekarang tengah digerakkan oleh Kemendikbudristek kh

                                                                                                       Drs. Sudartomo Macaryus, M.Hum.                                          Ananto Kusuma Seta, Ph.D.
                                                                                                            Dosen Linguistik Deskriptif                               Ketua Komite Jalur Rempah Kemendikbudristek RI
                                                                                                   FKIP Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
                                                                                                                                                           Aprinus Salam • Ari Ambarwati • Asri Sundari • Bani Sudardi dan Dwi S
                                                                                                                                                      Budi Agung Sudarmanto • Dian Susilastri • Djoko Saryono • Ekna Satriyati

                                                                                                                                                       Eva Leiliyanti, Eka Nurcahyani, dan Ayu Chumaeroh • Fitri Nura Murti • Gu
                                                                                                                                                     Heru S.P. Saputra, Titik Maslikatin, dan Edy Hariyadi • Hilmar Farid • I Nyom
                                                                                                                                                             Imam Qalyubi • Ina A. Velomena Samosir Lefaan dan Eko Purnomo T
                                                                                                                                                 Latifah Ratnawati, Armilia Sari, dan Dina Nurtaati • Latifatul Izzah dan Mujiburr
                                                                                                                                                              Mohd. Harun • Muhsyanur • Nawiyanto • Ni Wayan Sumitri dan I Way

                                                                                                 Non Fiction,
                                                                                                         Prof. Dr. Djoko Saryono, M.Pd.                   Novi Anoegrajekti, Ifan Iskandar, dan Endah Imawati • Nurhayati, Nyayu
                                                                                                                                                   dan Medio Lailatin Nisphi • Nurnaningsih • Pipit Mugi Handayani • Prasetyo A
                                                                                                   Guru Besar Ilmu Pendidikan Sastra Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                    Rita Inderawati • Sance A. Lamusu • Sastri Sunarti • Setya Yuwana Sudikan •
                                                                                                                 Fakultas Sastra                        Suantoko • Sudartomo Macaryus, M. Rus Andianto, dan Ida Nurul Chasan
                                                                                                           Universitas Negeri Malang                Sukatman • Sumiman Udu • Susi Darihastining dan Nisryna Nuriefatin • Suw

                                                                                                                                                              Thera Widyastuti • Tom Hoogervorst • Trisna Kumala Satya Dewi • W
                                                                                                                                                                                     Yeni Artanti • Yoseph Yapi Taum

                                                                                                     Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Darma Putra, M.Litt.
                                                                                                        Guru Besar Ilmu Sastra Indonesia
                                                                                                                Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

                                                                                                                Universitas Udayana                                                                     Harga P. Jawa Rp305.000,-


                                                                                                 All rights available
Kebaya Stories is written by a famous Indonesian designer and the founder of
IKAT Indonesia, Didiet Maulana, based on his research, experience, and
feelings about the Kebaya. It is a full-color book that summarizes the history of
the Kebaya from time to time with holistic reviews and personal thoughts                         Number of Pages
about Kebaya from the author himself.                                                            340

                                                                                                 14 x 21cm

Didiet Maulana is a famous Indonesian designer born in Jakarta on January 18, 1981. Didiet       978-602-06-3610-8
graduated from the architecture school at the Parahyangan Catholic University in Bandung, West
Java. In 2011, Didiet established his own brand, IKAT Indonesia, with a mission to develop an
Indonesian woven fabric as the focus of his fashion line.

                                                                                                 Publisher & Year
                                                                                                 Gramedia Pustaka Utama

                                                                                                 +62878 8843 2798

10                                                                                                                                                                               Non Fiction

        Spice Literature                                                                                                                                                                                                                       R

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Original Title
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sastra Rempah
                                                                         SAST R A R E M P A H
        Editor: Novi Anoegrajekti, Sastri Sunarti, Sudartomo Macaryus, Djoko Saryono, I Nyoman Darma Putra

uga                                                                                                                                                                      Setelah mengetahui pala memiliki
gan                                                                                                                                                                        manfaat sangat besar dari para
 ah,                                                                                                                                                                  pemburu jalur rempah bangsa Eropa,
kan                                                                                                                                                                  serta para saudagar dari Arab, Persia,
 ah.                                                                                                                                                                   Cina, dan Ternate - Tidore, tanaman
 ogi                                                                                                                                                                      pala dilindungi dan dijaga dengan
                                                                                                                                                                     baik, seperti menjaga diri sendiri. Atas
nya                                                                                                                                                                       pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari

 adi                                                                                                                                                                     bangsa Eropa dan para saudagar,
sini                                                                                                                                                                    masyarakat asli Fakfak menjadikan
                                                                                                                                                                              pala sebagai salah satu jenis

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Novi Anoegrajekti, dkk
  ini                                                                                                                                                                       tumbuhan yang berandil besar
aya                                                                                                                                                                                dalam kehidupan tradisi
nya                                                                                                                                                                               dan kepercayaan. Mereka
ang                                                                                                                                                                          mengidentikkan pala bagai jiwa
                                                                                                                                                                              dan raga seorang perempuan
                                                                                                                                                                               (Ina A. Velomena Samosir
                                                                                                                                                                                Lefaan dan Eko Purnomo

                                                                                                                                                                         Pelayaran hongi merupakan salah
                                                                                                                                                                          satu memori kolektif masyarakat

                                                                                                                                                                       Wakatobi atas penebangan cengkih
                                                                                                                                                                      dan pala di Wakatobi. Dalam sejarah
ef •
                                                                                                                                                                           Buton, penebangan cengkih dan

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Non Fiction
                                                                                                                                                                      pala ini merupakan salah satu politik
•                                                                                                                                                                    Belanda dalam menekan perdagangan
                                                                                                                                                                        rempah ilegal di Kepulauan Tukang
                                                                                                             Novi Anoegrajekti, Sastri Sunarti, Sudartomo Macaryus
                                                                                                                                                                      Besi, khususnya di Wangi-Wangi dan
                                                                                                                     Djoko Saryono, I Nyoman Darma Putra
                                                                                                                                                                         Kaledupa. Memori kolektif berupa
                                                                                                                                                                      jejak penebangan pohon cengkih dan
                                                                                                                                                                      pala ini menjadi aspek penting dalam
                                                                                                                             Kata Pengantar                               kehidupan masyarakat Wakatobi
                                                                                                                   Dirjen Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia                                    (Sumiman Udu)
                                                                                                                            HILMAR FARID

        Spice Literature is the first book that discusses the theme of spices in a
        longitudinal study, from the 17th century to the 21st century. Contains 43
        articles that study the topics of spices with various approaches, including
        history, anthropology, ethnography, literature, oral traditions, popular culture,                                                                                                                        Copyrights
        herbs, and creative industries. Not only did it reveal the wealth of Indonesian                                                                                                                          Available
        Archipelago's spices resources, but also the power and economic competition
        to dominate spices since the colonial era to the use of spices in the creative
        industry of today's digital era. The publication of this book is the response and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Indonesian Cultural Suluk (
        support from humanities researchers to the Indonesian Government's important                                                                                                                             Number
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Looking    ofatPages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Back    Traditions, Stru
        agenda in building the Indonesian Archipelago's Spice Route.                                                                                                                                             906
                                                                                                                                                                                                                This book you now holding is a k
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and  materials elaboration that ha
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15,5 x 23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cultural     cm Forum” which has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                March 2020, which to this day [h
                                                                                                                                                                                                                been stopped [had to be postpon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                kind of recording trying to look b
                                                                                                                                                                                                                I imagine, on the one hand, can b
        The authors of this book are members of the Association of Indonesian Literature Scholars (HISKI)
        originating from Aceh to Papua. This book is compiled by the editorial team from various                                                                                                                "colonial discourse" as well as (w
        universities and research institutes in Indonesia, namely Novi Anoegrajekti (State University of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                so that it can produce new formu
        Jakarta, Jakarta), Sastri Sunarti (Language Center Agency, Jakarta), Sudartomo Macaryus                                                                                                                   Publisher & Year
        (University of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta), Djoko Saryono (University of Malang, East                                                                                                         direction of Indonesian culture, a
        Java), and I Nyoman Darma Putra (Udayana University, Bali).                                                                                                                                               PT Kanisius
                                                                                                                                                                                                                quintessence of the national "wis

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (0274) 588783
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 +62813 2877 0363

11                                                          Non Fiction

ERENSI       Spiritual Journey of Indonesian Cultures: Looking at Tradition,
         The Struggle, and Self-Sovereignty
                                                                                                           Original Title
                                                                                                           Suluk Kebudayaan Indonesia
                                                                                                           Menengok Tradisi, Pergulatan,
                                                                                                           dan Kedaulatan Diri
                                                                                                           Irfan Afifi (ed.)

                                                                                                           Non Fiction


                                                                                                           Buku Langgar
      This book you are holding is a kind of recording of the struggle of discourse and
      material that has been presented at the Indonesian Cultural Forum which has
 th tobeen
             held since December 16, 2018 to March 7, 2020. It is a kind of recording
e, andthat
            tries to look back at the roots of Indonesia's past which I imagine can break                  Number of Pages
      down the legacy of "colonial discourse" also post-colonial in its efforts to lay out                 483
      a new formula and offer a new direction of Indonesian culture in the process of
      its journeyof
 of recording       of "becoming  Indonesia".
                       “the discourse      struggle”
 een presented at the “Indonesian                                                                          Dimension
 en held from 16 December 2018 to 7                                                                        14 x 21 cm
efully] is still [will] continue, but has
 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a
  at the roots of Indonesia's past, which
ak down or go beyond the legacy of
 h continues to exist in ) “post-colonial”,
       Irfan Afifi, young humanist born in Ngawi, East Java. Alumnus of Gajah Mada University majoring
 ons and     offer (2000-2007),
                       solutions       for a new
       in Philosophy               is currently studying as Imam and the initiator of the study of The
       Spiritual Journey of Indonesian Culture. Several books that have been published are, Me, Java and   Publisher & Year
 the other      hand      can   extract      and     takeTwilight
                                                             the of Modernity (Ircisod, 2019); Not
       Islam (Tanda    Baca, Yogyakarta, 2019); Habermas,
                                                                                                           Buku Langgar
ms and     knowledge" as well as the
       Hidden,  But  Unseen  (Omah  Ilmu, 2019); as well as being an editor for Nancy K. Florida's book
       entitled Javanese Islam in the Colonial Period, Suluk, Santri, and Javanese Poets (Book Langgar,

                                                                                                           +62812 2930 3896

12                                                        Non Fiction

Forgotten and Erased (No More): Rereading Ten
Indonesian Women Writers
                                                                                            Original Title
                                                                                            Yang Terlupakan dan Dilupakan:
                                                                                            Membaca Kembali Sepuluh
                                                                                            Penulis Perempuan Indonesia

                                                                                            Ruang Perempuan dan
                                                                                            Tulisan Collective

                                                                                            Non Fiction, Gender Studies,
                                                                                            Indonesian History,
                                                                                            Cultural Studies

                                                                                            All rights available
Indonesian woman writers don't get recognition as much as men writers.
Names like Dahlia, Sugiarti Siswadi, or Hamidah who wrote in the early until
mid-20th century aren't as known as their male counterparts. Confined by the
patriarchal system, some were even almost forgotten.                                        Number of Pages
                                                                                            314 + xviii
This anthology contains studies on the forgotten works and achievements of 10
Indonesian historical female writers, penned by contemporary young women
writers and literary researchers.                                                           Dimension
                                                                                            14 x 21 cm


Ruang Perempuan dan Tulisan Collective was established in 2018 as a project that aimed to
rediscover forgotten Indonesian female writers.                                             Publisher & Year
                                                                                            Marjin kiri

                                                                                            +62813 8531 9131

13                                                                                         Non Fiction

The Art of Solitude: What I Think About When I'm
on My Own                                                                                                     Understanding the New Order
                                                                              Original Title                                                                                                  Original Title
                                                                              The Art of Solitude: Apa yang                                                                                   Mengenal Orde Baru
                                                                              Kita Pikirkan Ketika Kita
                                                                              Author                                                                                                          Author
                                                                              Desi Anwar                                                                                                      Dhianita Kusuma Pertiwi

                                                                              Category                                                                                                        Category
                                                                              Non Fiction,                                                                                                    Non Fiction,
                                                                              Self Improvement                                                                                                History

                                                                              Language                                                                                                        Language
                                                                              English                                                                                                         Indonesian

                                                                              Copyrights                                                                                                      Copyrights
                                                                              All rights available                                                                                            All rights available
"If there is one thing that the Covid 19 Pandemic has taught us, it is                                        "During the 32 years in power, Orde Baru (Soeharto Regime) nhas
how to deal with being alone. Quarantine and Social Distancing,                                               organized all aspects of Indonesian life, from politics, socio-eco-
while keeping us away from each other, has forced us to confront              Number of Pages                 nomics, education, culture, as well as the form of a good family. All           Number of Pages
that person we normally have the least time for. Which is our own                                             movements and activities.His fall in 1998, which was followed by
Self. The Self that we have neglected and ignored during our busy
                                                                              154                             Reformasi,did not completely erase allelements and characteris-
                                                                                                                                                                                              xx + 586
lives interacting with the outside world. In this book, a compilation                                         tics of the Suharto government. Therefore, knowledge about Orde
of musings and random thoughts that the author captured during                Dimension                       Baru will always be useful to read the condition of Indonesia.                  Dimension
the time of the Corona, Desi Anwar tries to show that solitude is             14 x 21 cm                      Getting to know the New Order is primarily aimed at the younger                 14 x 21 cm
neither a torment nor an affliction to be feared and avoided. Indeed,                                         generation who have historical distances from Orde Baru. Arranged
when embraced in its fullness, solitude becomes an art that is both                                           in an encyclopedic form that includes 167 entries, this book is
enlightening and therapeutic.                                                 ISBN                            similar to a dictionary of keywords that formed Orde Baru:                      ISBN
                                                                                                              government institutions, community organizations, ABRI
                                                                              978-602-06-4833-0               institutions, policies, humanitarian tragedies, Orde Baru's terms
                                                                                                              used for stigma or refinement of meaning. A useful book for
                                                                                                              stripping power.
                                                                              Publisher & Year                                                                                                Publisher & Year
                                                                              Gramedia Pustaka Utama                                                                                          EA Books
                                                                              2021                                                                                                            2021

                                                                              Phone                           Dhianita Kusuma Pertiwi graduated from the Department of English
                                                                                                              Literature at the State University of Malang and Masters in Literature at the
                                                                              +62878 8843 2798                University of Indonesia. He has published a collection of drama scripts         +62812 5543 535
Desi Anwar is Writer, Senior TV Anchor, and Journalist based in Jakarta
                                                                                                              Pasar Malam for Brojo (2016), the historical fiction novel Harian Keluarga
with almost three decades of experience.
                                                                                                              Kiri (2019), the speculative prose Menanam Gamang (2020), and the study
                                                                                                              of the shadow puppet play Sesaji Raja Suya: Power and Rasa (2021).
                                                                              Email                                                                                                           Email

Are There Tears for The Innocent?
                                                                              Original Title
                                                                              Adakah Air Mata untuk
                                                                              Orang-Orang Tak Bersalah?

                                                                              Linda Christanty



                                                                              All rights available
The Long Way to Go Home is a collection of stories and essays
from various locations that Augustine has visited, which invites us
to experience various dimensions of the journey. From a physical              Number of Pages
journey to an inner journey. From seeing the outside world to going           227
inside. From searching to finding true meaning.

                                                                              13 x 19 cm


Linda Christanty is an author and a journalist. Her works have received
many awards, including Khatulistiwa Literary Awards in 2004 and 2010,
                                                                              Publisher & Year
awards from the Language Centre of the Ministry of National Education         Buku Mojok
(2010 and 2013), and the Best Short Story from Kompas daily. In 1998,         2021
Militarism and Violence in East Timor won a Human Rights Award for best
essay. She also wrote a play on conflict, disaster and peace transformation
in Aceh, and in 2008, the play was performed at the World PEN Forum in
Tokyo. In 2013, she received the SEA Write Award.
                                                                              +62878 8843 2798

                                                                                                                                                            Kasongan Village
                                                                                                                                                              Pottery Center
14                                                                                                                                          Non Fiction

Jakarta: A Dining History                                                                                                                                                                                The Lost Homeland
                                                                                     Original Title                                                                                                                                                                                         Original Title
                                                                                     Jakarta: A Dining History
                                                                                                        Buku ini mengumpulkan cerita 19 orang                                                                                                                                               Tanah Air Yang Hilang
                                                                                                     Indonesia yang terpaksa kehilangan tanah air
                                                                                                      dan tinggal di berbagai sudut Eropa. Mereka
                                                                                                        berkelana menyeberangi berbagai batas
                                                                                                     negara dalam ketakutan, tanpa paspor, untuk
                                                                                                       menghindari pengejaran yang dilancarkan

                                                                                     Author                 oleh sebuah rezim yang bertahta
                                                                                                                berdasawarsa lamanya.
                                                                                       K      Soemantri  etika mendapat suaka di negara baru, mereka lega. Ke-
                                                                                                         tika pulang ke Indonesia, mereka menggunakan paspor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Martin Aleida
                                                                                                   negara lain. Pada sebentuk hati yang sudah berpuluh tahun
                                                                                                   kehilangan tanah air, tanpa paspor yang dulu dipegang
                                                                                                   ketika meninggalkan Indonesia, pulang adalah heroisme
                                                                                                                                 yang datang berulang-ulang sampai
                                                                                                                                          akhir hayat.

                                                                                     Category                                                                                                                                                                                               Category
                                                                                                                                           Mereka sudah menjadi warga
                                                                                                                                           negara lain, tetapi Indonesia
                                                                                                                                          tetaplah tanah air mereka.

                                                                                     Non Fiction,                                                                                                                                                                                           Non Fiction, Politic

                                                                                                                                                                           DE N GAN O R AN G- O R AN G
                                                                                                                                                                           “K L AYABAN ” DI E RO PA
                                                                                                                        Kami tak punya kewarganegaraan. Inilah nasib
                                                                                                                yang kita tidak nyana. Padahal, posisi kita jelas. Kita


                                                                                                                                                                                 WAWAN CAR A
                                                                                                   setia dan cinta tanah air dengan tujuan kembali ke Indonesia untuk
                                                                                                   menyumbangkan sesuai dengan kemampuan kami masing-masing
                                                                                                   bagi kemajuan Indonesia. (hlm. 120)

                                                                                                   Betul, walau sebagai seorang yang terhalang pulang saya
                                                                                                   mendapat pengetahuan, bisa berbahasa Albania, bisa melihat
                                                                                                   dunia, tapi apa yang bisa saya sumbangkan untuk Indonesia? Itulah
                                                                                                   soalnya. (hlm. 211)

                                                                                     Language                                                                                                                                                                                               Language

                                                                                                                                                                            MARTIN ALEIDA
                                                                                                   Tujuan kami Indonesia, Bung! Bukan Belanda! Pulang untuk mem-
                                                                                                   bangun Indonesia. Kami akhirnya tinggal di sini karena situasi yang
                                                                                                   tidak memungkinkan kami pulang pada waktu itu. (hlm. 267)

                                                                                     Indonesian                                                                                                                                                                                             Indonesian
                                                                                                                                                                                                             MARTIN ALEIDA
                                                                                     Copyrights                                                                                                                                                                                             Copyrights
                                                                                     All rights available
                                                                             Tanah Air yang Hilang-Martin Aleida [CO] 2017 07 26.indd 1                                                                                                      28/07/2017 13:10:02
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            All rights available
Jakarta: A Dining History contains the transformation of restaurant                                                                                                                                      The Lost of a Homeland contains the stories of 19 Indonesians who
landscape in Indonesia's capital city, Jakarta, from the 19th century                                                                                                                                    were forced to leave their homeland and lived as exiles in various
to the 1990s. Jakarta today is home to many restaurants that are                     Number of Pages                                                                                                     corners of Europe. They had to cross borders without valid                         Number of Pages
divided into a very wide scope; from traditional dining places to                                                                                                                                        passports to avoid the seemingly invincible Indonesian regime that
modern restaurants. Not only that, Jakarta seems like a host who
                                                                                     240                                                                                                                 had ruled their homeland for decades. Only until they had received
accepts anyone and any food to be here from various regions. This                                                                                                                                        asylum from other nations could they go back to their homeland
book perfectly describes how Jakarta has formed a culture of                         Dimension                                                                                                           with    foreign   passports,    but    only     as    guests    on                 Dimension
eating and drinking that cannot be separated from the social life of                 13.5 x 20 cm                                                                                                        their                                                  homelands.                  13.5 x 20 cm
the city's people and continues to grow until now.

                                                                                     ISBN                                                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN
                                                                                     978-602-06-4909-2                                                                                                                                                                                      978-602-412-287-4

                                                                                     Publisher & Year                                                                                                                                                                                       Publisher & Year
                                                                                     Gramedia Pustaka Utama                                                                                                                                                                                 Penerbit Buku Kompas
Kevindra Soemantri is Indonesia-based food writer, culinary author, and              2021                                                                                                                Martin Aleida was born in Tanjung Balai in 1943. He spent 40 years of his          2017
restaurant critic. He has written about food and restaurant for newspapers                                                                                                                               life in Jakarta as a journalist, short stories author, and novelist. Aleida, who
and acknowledged by national and International media. in 2019, Kevindra                                                                                                                                  studied linguistics at Georgetown University, used to work for the UN and
was the narrator and food expert for Indonesia episode of Netflix food              Phone                                                                                                                various media companies. His short story Leontin Dewangga was                      Phone
documentary "Street Food".                                                                                                                                                                               translated into English dan included in Asia Pacific short stories anthology
                                                                                    +62878 8843 2798                                                                                                     which was Published in Boston entitled Another Kind of Paradise. In                +62878 8843 2798
                                                                                                                                                                                                         2009-2012 he was appointed as a member of the Arts Council of Jakarta

                                                                                    Email                                                                                                                                                                                                   Email
The London Book Fair 2022
17,000 Islands of Imagination

                  Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia
                                Sapta Pesona Building, Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 17, RT/RW 02/03,
                                                                  Gambir, DKI Jakarta 10110, Indonesia
                                                                                 Phone: (021) 3838552
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