The LOG Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 - News and Events March/April 2021

Page created by Everett Weaver
The LOG Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 - News and Events March/April 2021
                   Royal Canadian Legion
                     Comox Branch 160
                       News and Events
                       March/April 2021

                        In the Heart of      1825 Comox Ave.
                       Downtown Comox      Comox, BC V9M 3M3
The LOG Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 - News and Events March/April 2021
Branch 160 Update
• Our business has been picking up in the past couple of months mostly thanks to our kitchen
  menu. Our Friday Dinner specials (even though they are available all day) have become
  very popular. Delicious, homemade desserts are on special on Wednesdays for just $5. So
  you can plan your meals - either dine in or take out! Calendars for each month with the
  Specials are included in this Log.
• St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and there will be bar specials to celebrate!
• We have received direction from BC Yukon Command that the 2020 Branch audit will be
  Executive approved because we continue to be unable to hold General Meetings. The
  submission date will still be April 30 and we have appointed the same auditors as the past
  two years.
• There are continued changes to the Lounge. A display cabinet has been placed beside the
  ATM. We will display items from the Poppy Shop which will be for sale. We also have the
  full catalogue available at the bar for your to look over if you wish. Ask your server for it
  to review and order.
• Our curator, Dave Kelly, is working on a layout and choice of items for a “Memorial” area
  on the back wall by the pool table. It will be implemented in a few weeks.
• The pool table was leveled and recovered recently. Once Covid health orders have been
  relaxed we will advise when you can play pool again.
• A few members have commented on the noise level in the Lounge. We have consulted with
  sound specialists and we have a plan to begin to install ceiling baffles. They will initially
  be installed in the center bar room. We can then monitor the sound to determine a next
  step in the downstairs and games room areas.
• A number of entries were sent to compete in the 2021 CVI Zone Poster & Literacy Contest.
  Jiwon Lim from Highland Secondary won the Senior level - Black & White Poster. The next
  step is the Provincial competition and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for Jiwon!

Finally - the Executive wishes to thank everyone for respecting the Covid health orders. We
appreciate how frustrated you are feeling. We all wish this health situation was over and life
can get back to normal. We are fortunate to have been able to be open during these past
months. Many branches on Vancouver Island and throughout Canada have not been open since
last March with no opening in sight.

Even though we all wish we could walk around and socialize with our comrades and friends,
we have to be patient for a little longer. Most people are respecting our safety protocols. Our
staff are trying very hard to keep smiling and make our Lounge a safe place for everyone.

With the vaccines starting to be administered, this situation will improve soon. We anticipate
that we will make opening hours longer in the very near future. We will continue to react to
the provincial health orders as quickly as they are issued. In the meantime - wash your hands,
wear a mask and stay healthy!

Lynn Edey - President
The LOG Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 - News and Events March/April 2021
Honours & Awards
We were unable, due to the Covid pandemic, to host the annual Honours and Awards presentations last
year and are still unable to host a presentation this year.

Following are the recipients from 2020 and 2021. If your name is listed, you or some you designate may
pick up your pin any day during office hours. Lynn Edey - President and Gerry Maillet - Past President,
will be in the Lounge on Tuesday, March 16 from 12 noon - 4:00 pm - to personally present you with
your Award (within Covid safety protocols). We hope to host a reception later this year to honour all of
our recipients.

If you haven’t received your long service award from previous years, please drop by the office to pick it
  20 Year Ordinary                 30 Year Associate                 EA Ram
  Michael Hooley                   Vincent Bull                      Frank Reid
  Michael Stambois                 Marten McFarlen                   T Shaw
  Gerald Turcotte                  Ellen Judy Willett                Keith Silva-White
                                                                     PN Vincent
  20 Year Associate                35 Year Ordinary                  CG Wiffen
  Sandra Terris                    Nicki Hammell
                                   David H. Kelly                    45 Year Associate
  25 Year Ordinary                 DH Mann                           DJ Arthur
  Peter Bolton                     Harry McDonald                    Ron Boney
  Charles Defeo                    R Wabie
  Charles Hazleton                                                   50 Year Ordinary
  Arthur Karpus                    35 Year Associate                 John Chequis
  Gordon Wickert                   R A Curiston                      John Crawford - Posthumously
  Murray Wilson                                                      WA Friesen
                                   40 Year Ordinary                  Glen Sweetman
  25 Year Associate                William Ackerman                  Gerald Thomas
  Marlene Doherty                  Eva Bechdoldt
  Patricia Fish                    Ben Douglas                       60 Year Ordinary
  David Glover                     Robert Kolmatycki                 Donald Dunn
  Randall Standish                 AE Montreuil                      Chuck Johnston
                                   JB Patterson                      Erwin Allen Kruger
  30 Year Ordinary                 Henry Vogel
  Laurence Bull                                                      65 Year Ordinary
  Jasia Cocking                    40 Year Associate                 Francis Campbell
  Deborah Edlund                   SE Dickinson
  John T Fraser                    BC Hazle                          Life Member Milestones
  Elgin Fulford                    Shirley Urchyshyn                 JC Bedard         40 years
  Jack Holden                                                        Gillian Iddiols   40 years
  Garry Johnson                    45 Year Ordinary                  Fred Maniak       65 years
  Thomas Taylor                    SF Eggiman                        David Parkin      35 years
  Milford Wilds                    Donald Hilchey                    Rod Verchere      50 years
                                   Donald McLean
                                   Russell Parker
                                   SC Parkinson
The LOG Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 - News and Events March/April 2021

20 Year Ordinary     35 Year Ordinary      40 Year Associate
John Bazylinski      WF Ault               William Clarke
Mona Cashman         DW Boudreau           JA Greenlaw
Judith Anne Garrah   BA Howell             CE Horochuk
Howard Gustafson     E Jenkins
Donald Nickason      Errol Jones           45 Year Ordinary
Ted Usher            DW Orr                GE Bullen
                     Barry Ryan            Mabel Gagnon
20 Year Associate    William Schneider     CO Hayward
James Holland        RD Wright             Darrell Hutmacher
Patrick Husarski                           Carl Munn
Toni Lamb            35 Year Associate     Joyce Ruthven
                     M Crites              Allan Waddell
25 Year Ordinary     Todrick Dixon
Scott Henley         Ann Forster           45 Year Associate
Bernie Mackey        C Kayes               Scott Pickett
                     Darlene Lalonde
25 Year Associate    Lynne Smyth           50 Year Ordinary
Laurel Dandeno       Donna Vanherwaarden   Michael Englehart
Donald Johnson       Bente Wilkes          Patrick Murphy

30 Year Ordinary     40 Year Ordinary      55 Year Ordinary
David Edlund         Melvin Birnie         P Chaluk
Gwyne Mack           James Dodd            Bruce Hanneson
Rodney May           RM Farmer             Ronald Peacock
Robert Pearson       KG Fraser
Fred Shannon         Keith Lamond          Life Member Milestone
                     KJ McBeath            Gerald Maillet    25 years
30 Year Associate    DR Mofford
Rick Kardera         CA Patterson
Monique Thompson     LA Winter             Life Memberships Awarded to:
                                           Ernest Stefanik
                                           David Kelly
The LOG Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 - News and Events March/April 2021
Email Scam Alert

The following information was            businesses and organizations.        · pressure or a sense of
sent from BC/Yukon Command.               Spear phishing scams involve        urgency
If you have any questions,               scammers pretending to be from       · unusual requests that do not
please contact the office.               legitimate sources to convince       follow internal procedures
                                         individuals to send them money.      · threats or unusual promises
With the increased number                These scams leverage existing        of reward
of cyber security attacks and            relationships between the person
email scams going around,                receiving the email and the          Please do not respond to these
we would like to take this               person sending it. The sender's      emails just delete them. If you
opportunity to bring to your             name appears to be the actual        do respond please remember
attention to an email scam that          email address of the source          that no Legion Officer or
has targeted our organization            they're pretending to be, a tactic   employee will ever ask you
and everyone should be aware             known as spoofing. If you check      to purchase something for
of.                                      the actual email address you         them over email. If in doubt,
                                         will find it does not come from a    don’t purchase anything, call
We have had cases of Legion              Legion email.                        the person you think sent the
members receiving emails                                                      email and confirm it is from
that appear to be from staff             Warning signs and email is a         them.
or Command Officers asking               phishing email –
them for a favour, or to buy                                                  For more information and
gift cards for them. These               · it is unsolicited                  resources on how to protect
emails are called spear phishing         · direct contact from a senior       yourself, we recommend
emails. This is one of the most          official you are not normally in     consulting the Canadian Anti-
common and most dangerous                contact with                         Fraud Centre’s website at:
attack methods currently used            · requests for absolute              https://www.antifraudcentre-
to conduct fraud, usually on             confidentiality            

                           3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt

                              Financial strategies with
                              personal advice
                                                 Tracey J Gard
                                                 Financial Advisor
                                                 2225 Guthrie Road
                                                 Comox, BC V9M 4G1

                                                www.edwardj o n es.c a
The LOG Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 - News and Events March/April 2021
COVID Safety Plan in Branch 160
         Some people have           doing, we risk closure from         transmission in regulated spaces
  been asking if we can add         an inspection and even worse        when the rules are followed.
  more people to tables, chat       - a hefty fine. We want our         No event should be happening
  with folks who aren’t sitting     members and patrons to be safe      at any establishment – including
  with us and why we continue       until the vaccination program is    at restaurants. Any restaurant
  to require masks when not         well underway and we receive        that is hosting an event or
  seated, etc.                      new orders. The following is an     advertising an event is in
         We understand and can      update from the Government of       breach of the gathering and
  appreciate your frustrations.     British Columbia as of March 1:     events in order.
  But our safety protocols have            We're seeing questions              Lastly, we remind
  not changed according to          about why restaurants are           people that when they go to
  directives from BC Health. If     open. When safety plans are         restaurants - they shouldn’t be
  we change based on “what          followed, restaurants are           mixing households and stick to
  other establishments” are         safe places. We are not seeing      their own household or if they
                                                                        live alone – their core bubble.
The vaccination rollout has been announced in BC. The initial appointment bookings will be for seniors over
80 years. They request that you book during the week according to your age group. You may book your
appointment by phone at 1-833-348-4787 (Island Health) 7 am - 7 pm daily.

• From March 8: Seniors over the age of 90 (those born in or before 1931) and Indigenous people over the
      age of 65 (those born in or before 1956).
• From March 15: Seniors over the age of 85 (those born in or before 1936).
• From March 22: Seniors 80 and older (those born in or before 1941).
   For full information click

                                                                       This chart is an example how
                                                                       the virus continues to spread
                                                                       in the community.
The LOG Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 - News and Events March/April 2021
Chef’s Corner
 Deep in the heart of the new kitchen I take great pleasure creating
 cuisine for you. Although our new Galley 160 menu is simple, it is
 created with the finest ingredients and greatest of care.

 Did you know we make our own burgers from freshly ground chuck,
 (6oz) adorned with a brioche bun. We also make our own gravy from
 scratch. So many of our ingredients are organic and fresh. Why? You
 deserve it.

 As we grow, our offerings will expand. Until then, please take notice
 of our Daily Specials and Friday Dinners where we hope to tempt your
                                                           Bon Appetit
                                                       Chef Catherine

                             Branch 160 Donations in 2020
You may remember that the Branch closed for business in March 2020 and reopened in a limited basis
in June 2020. The Covid health orders restricted us from holding gaming events for much of the year
and therefore reduced our revenue to donate to our local community organizations. However, we were
able to donate over $13,000 to the following:
Adaptive Snow Sports                CV Red Cross                         Legion Foundation “Outreach”
ALS Society of BC                   CV Therapeutic Riding                Marine Rescue
Alzheimer Society                   CV Transition Society                Navy League
Anderton Therapeutic Gardens        CV Wheels for Wellness               MARS
Citizens on Patrol                  Eureka Support Society               Salvation Army
CV Child Development                Girl Guides                          Scouts Canada
CV Diabetics                        Glacier View                         Sonshine Lunch Club
CV Food Bank                        Help Fill A Dream                    Special Olympics
CV Hospice Society                  Kids Help Phone Line                 The Views

The community came through for us with exceptional donations during the 2020 Poppy campaign. With
no public Remembrance Day ceremonies or our usual poppy sales drive, we collected over $19,000!
Our Poppy donations were presented to: MFRC; CV Health Care Foundation (The Views) and the
Navy League (Sea Cadets). We also supported 3 students with bursaries.

We are able to continue to support individual veterans and their families thanks to a $25,000 bequest
from the late Brian O’Cain.

The LA stopped all gaming and other events in March. With their limited resources, the ladies were still
able to donate a total of $6000 to: Brock Fahrni; Broadmead and George Derby veterans residences.
They also offered 4 bursaries to local students.

Thank you all for your support last year and with your continued support this year. We hope we will
continue our mission to support CAF and RCMP veterans and their families.
The LOG Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 - News and Events March/April 2021
The March issue of the BC/Yukon
                                                    newsletter highlights the contribu-
                                                    tion our female veterans and volun-
                                                    teers, Ladies’ Auxiliary members. A
                                                    feature member article highlights
                                                    our own Judi Davis.

 Click to read the full article:

           The Royal Canadian Legion Veteran Welcome Program
Our Branch needs new members and volunteers. The future of the Legion depends on participation of
members who want to serve on a volunteer basis. We need people who can assist with leadership and
guidance for the long term viability and relevance of the Branch. Anyone in the community may join
and become a member. Anyone interested in volunteering at Branch 160, please contact the office or
Lynn Edey - President.

For those still serving or retired CAF or RCMP members who have not yet joined the Legion, Dominion
Command is offering a free one-year Legion membership. This also includes a subscription to Legion
Magazine and access to the Member Benefit programs. The Veteran Welcome Program is a great way
to get to know the organization. Being a Legion member offers opportunities to improve the lives of
those who served, remember the Fallen, and support your community — and every member makes a
Sign up online
The LOG Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 - News and Events March/April 2021
March 2021
 Sunday        Monday   Tuesday        Wednesday        Thursday    Friday       Saturday
                                         Dessert                     Dinner
                                       Specials $5                  Specials

               1        2              3                4          5             6
                                       Strawberry                  Salmon
                                       Shortcake                   Burgers &

7              8        9              10               11         12            13
                                       Lemon                       Crepe Night
                                       Blueberry                   Seafood
                                       Cheesecake                  Crepe $15
                                                                   Crepe $14

14             15       16             17               18         19            20
Daylight                               St. Patrick’s               Lamb Pot      Spring Begins
Savings                 12:00 pm –     Day                         Pie & Salad
Begins                  4 pm           Corned Beef &               $14
1:00 pm                 Long Service   Cabbage $14
Virtual Zone            Awards in      Blarney
Meeting                 Lounge         Pudding

                                       Bar Specials

21             22       23             24               25         26            27
                                       Ultimate                    Greek Ribs    Passover
                                       Coconut Cake                Roasted
                                                                   Potatoes &
                                                                   Greek Salad

28             29       30             31
Palm                                   German
Sunday                                 Chocolate Cake
The LOG Royal Canadian Legion Comox Branch 160 - News and Events March/April 2021
April 2021
 Sunday   Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday      Friday      Saturday
                               Dessert                     Dinner
                             Specials $5                  Specials

                                             1           2             3
                                                         Good Friday
                                                         Carved Ham

4         5        6         7               8           9             10
Easter    Easter             Lemon                       Vimy Ridge
Sunday    Monday             Meringue Pie                Day

11        12       13        14              15          16            17
                             Strawberry                  Shepherd’s
                             Rhubarb                     Pie
                             Shortcake                   $13

18        19       20        21              22          23            24
                             Tiramisu        Earth Day   Spanish

25        26       27        28              29          30
                             Apple Crumble               Seafood
                             Vanilla Ice                 Salad
                             Cream                        $13
Last Post

John Marinus 60 year Associate - Life member - Passed on January 19
Bruce “Mick” Castel 44 year Ordinary member-Passed on January 31
Joseph “Ken” Bellefontaine 32 year Ordinary member - Passed on February 4

                  We Will Remember

  Featured beers are now available on tap:
  Arrowsmith Brewery:
  1. Salish Sea Pale Ale
  2. Pilsner
  3. Russell Brewery: Craft Lager
  4. Labatts Blue
  5. Molson Canadian
  6. Coors Light
  7. Rickards Red
  8. Cariboo
2021 Executive

                 BRANCH 160 TABLE OFFICERS                                LADIES AUXILIARY
President -Lynn Edey                         Johanne McLeod
1st Vice-President - Kent Gulliford

2nd Vice President - Vacant			            Helen Steed
                                                                          Vice President
Secretary - Wayne Tedder         
                                                                          Christine Quaintance
Treasurer - Ernie Stefanik                    Secretary
Past President - Gerry Maillet   
                                                                          Jasia Cocking

Publicity - Neill Lobdell 			                    Judi Davis
                                                                          Past President
Building - Gerry Maillet
                                                                          Gail Gustafson
Poppy - Kent Gulliford
Honours & Awards + Youth - Gerry Maillet                                  Barb Waugh
LOG - Lynn Edey -                                      House

Lounge - Lynn Edey                                                        Amy Heal
Gaming - Gillian Iddiols
                                                                          Pat Johnston
Entertainment - Cheryl Morrow entertainment@comoxlegion ca                Social Services

Vacant Chairs: Sick & Visiting - Membership - Sports                      Chris Hume

BRANCH APPOINTMENTS                                                       BRANCH STAFF
                                                                          Jasia Cocking
Marjorie Arnold - Honorary Vice President
Brian Kirby - Padre
Roy Taylor - Sergeant-at-Arms                                             Joanne Penney
Victoria Coffey - Service Officer -                    Bar Manager
Dave Kelly - Curator
                                                                          Catherine Berg
             To contact any of the Executive - call the office            Chef/Kitchen Manager
               250 339-2022 or email the committee chair.
Renew your
                       Drop b
                                   s for 2021
                              y the office d
                       business ho           uring our
                                   urs to renew
                       membership                 your
                                    or renew on
                            at www.legio          line

      Please check at the Bar for cancellations/time changes, etc.

         Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
                     Telephone/Fax: 250 339-2022

                         Lounge Hours of Operation
                     Tuesday - Saturday 12:00 noon - 6:00 p.m.
                         Lounge Telephone: 250 339-2112


                             Like us on Facebook
                           Comox Legion Branch 160

EDITOR’S NOTE: All articles for The Log should be with the Editor by the
20th of the preceding month. Photos must include a short description of the
event c/w the names of the persons in the photo. Send submissions in doc,
docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, gif or jpeg format to the Editor by email to log@comox- We accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.
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