IBDP Guidebook 2021 - ICS Paris

Page created by Cory White
IBDP Guidebook 2021 - ICS Paris
IBDP Guidebook 2021

                                                                              23 rue de Cronstadt
                                                                                   75015 Paris


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IBDP Guidebook 2021 - ICS Paris
The Diploma Programme
 The International                                                                                                                                                                                 IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME (DP):                                                       DP STUDENT SUCCESS AT ICS PARIS

 Baccalaureate (IB)                                                                                                                                                                                AGES 16 TO 18 YEARS OLD
                                                                                                                                                                                                   This two-year programme is a rigorously
                                                                                                                                                                                                   assessed programme respected by leading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    At ICS Paris, we consistently have students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    scoring above 40 points out of a possible 45
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    for the DP, scores achieved by less than 10% of

 at ICS Paris                                                                                                                                                                                      universities worldwide that promotes a
                                                                                                                                                                                                   combination of inquiry-based, project-lead
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and collaborative learning. Composed of six
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    students worldwide. Many of our teachers are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    also IB examiners, as such they possess an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    intimate knowledge of the IB expectations
                                                                                                                                                                                                   subject groups and the DP core — composed                                        and criteria of assessment to better prepare
 At ICS Paris we are an inclusive and intercultural educational                                                                                                                                    of the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course, the                                     their students to successfully pass the exams.
 community driven by a call for excellence.                                                                                                                                                        Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) programme,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and the Extended Essay (EE) — the DP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     At ICS Paris, we consistently have
 Committed to developing global citizens and successful lifelong                                                                                                                                   curriculum ensures that students receive a
 learners, we empower our students to shape a brighter future by                                                                                                                                   holistic education, maximising both their                                     students scoring above 40 points out of
 preparing them for tomorrow’s challenges today.                                                                                                                                                   academic abilities and personal qualities.                                    a possible 45 for the DP, scores achieved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 by less than 10% of students worldwide.
 The ICS teaching teams are leaders in delivering the IB DP,                                                                                                                                       The DP prepares students for life at university
 a comprehensive education programme taught in more than                                                                                                                                           and beyond. It encourages them to:
 150 countries across the globe. ICS Paris students are taught to                                                                                                                                  •	Ask challenging questions                                                     Below is a sample of the colleges and
 thrive in a world that is rapidly changing, and they excel in their                                                                                                                               •	Learn how to learn                                                            universities where our Grade 12 students have
 IB studies, giving each student the opportunity to access their                                                                                                                                   • Develop a strong sense of their own                                            been accepted over the last few years.
 first-choice university.                                                                                                                                                                          identity and culture whilst being appreciative                                   •	35% went to study in North America
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the culture of others                                                         •	35% went to study in Europe
 It is important to note that it is not necessary for students wishing                                                                                                                             •   Develop the ability to communicate with                                      •  20% went to study in Asia
 to study for the IB Diploma to have been previously enrolled in                                                                                                                                   and understand people from other countries                                       •  10% went to study in other parts of the world
 the Primary Years Programme or Middle Years Programme.
 Indeed, we welcome students from a variety of school systems                                                                                                                                      Over the two-year programme, DP students                                         ICS Paris graduates attend universities around
 and curricula, and because of our truly international nature, our                                                                                                                                 have the opportunity to reflect on the nature                                    the world, the key destinations commonly
 experienced teachers are experts at integrating students into the                                                                                                                                 of knowledge, complete independent research                                      being the USA, Canada, UK, the Netherlands
 ICS Paris community.                                                                                                                                                                              and partake in community-based projects                                          and France. University destinations have
                                                                                                                                                                                                   whilst further developing their understanding                                    recently included: Yale, McGill, UCL, Erasmus
                                                                                                                                                                                                   in their individual subject areas of choice.                                     University Rotterdam and École Polytechnique.

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IBDP Guidebook 2021 - ICS Paris
Full Diploma track
                                                                                                          candidates study and
                                                                                                          undertake the final exam
                                                                                                          in six subjects, three at
    ICS Paris DP Section                                                                                  Higher Level (HL) and
                                                                                                          three at Standard Level
    In Grade 11, depending on                                                                             (SL) plus successfully
    academic eligibility and                                                                              complete the additional
    post-secondary aspirations,
                                                                                                          three core IB requirements
    ICS Paris students enter the
    IB Diploma programme in English                                                                       (TOK, EE & CAS).
    on a Full Diploma track or the
    DP Subject Certificates track.

    Full Diploma track candidates
    study and undertake the final
    exam in six subjects, three at
    Higher Level (HL) and three at
    Standard Level (SL) plus
    successfully complete the                they will also receive a school
    additional three core IB                 leaving certificate from ICS Paris
    requirements (TOK, EE & CAS).            in conjunction with any IB
                                             Certificates awarded.
    To be awarded the Full IB Diploma
    the student must study over a            This track does not lead to the Full                          The TOK is assessed by:                                       Award Requirements
    two-year period:                         IB Diploma and is suggested for                               • Essay on a Prescribed Title: The
    •	A Group 1 Language A choice           students who do not require a full                                maximum length for the essay
    •	A Group 2 Language B choice           IB diploma for their post-secondary                               is 1,600 words. All essays are 		                         Each of the six subjects the
    •   A Group 3 Social Science choice      education, though they will still                                 externally assessed by the IB.                            student studies are awarded from
        (or 2)                               receive an IB education with all of                           •	TOK Exhibition: An internally                              one to seven points and to gain
    • A Group 4 Science choice (or 2)        its intrinsic values.                                             assessed exercise, the exhibition                         the IB Diploma a student has to
    • A Group 5 Mathematics choice                                                                             focuses on exploring how TOK                              achieve 24 points (an average of
    • A Group 6 Arts choice (unless          See full list of subjects available for                           manifests in the world around us.                         four per subject), with a minimum
        Group 3 or 4 are doubled)            selection below.                                              3. Creativity, Activity and Service                           of 12 points in the HL subjects and
                                                                                                               (CAS)                                                     9 points in the SL subjects.
    In addition, 3 ‘Core’ requirements       CORE COMPONENTS                                               The CAS element of the DP is
    are taken:                                1. Extended Essay (EE)                                      in place to enable students to                                There is a total of three additional
    •	Extended Essay (EE)                   This is a 4,000-word essay that                               become involved or to further                                 points available for the Extended
    •	Theory of Knowledge (TOK)             students complete during the two                              develop their involvement in                                  Essay and the Theory of Knowledge
    • Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)    year programme. At ICS Paris most                             artistic pursuits, sports and                                 course together.
                                             of the Extended Essay preparation                             community service. At ICS
    SUBJECT CERTIFICATES TRACK               and writing is done in year one.                              students can take part in a variety                           To ensure integrity and recognition,
    Certificate track candidates study       2.	Theory of Knowledge (TOK)                                 of activities such as Student                                 the award of the IB Diploma or
    six subjects from foundation,            The TOK course is an                                          council, UNICEF, Amnesty                                      Diploma Programme Course
    standard and higher levels, plus         interdisciplinary course and                                  International, Restos du Coeur,                               Results is the sole right of the
    complete an Individual Research          encourages students to explore                                Paris Serve the City, Film, Origami,                          IB Organisation and not of
    Project. The students are then free      the nature of knowledge and                                   Craft, Art, Sign language and other                           ICS Paris.
    to choose which subjects they are        to appreciate different                                       Cultural events.
    submitting for an IB Certificate and     cultural perspectives.

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IBDP Guidebook 2021 - ICS Paris
Assessment at ICS Paris                                                                                                                                                      Subject Group 1 – Language A
    At ICS Paris we implement a              Our assessment system takes into                              project based assignments and                                         SUBJECT OPTIONS                                             positions are shaped by cultural                         MOTHER TONGUE LANGUAGE
    criteria based assessment system         consideration both the necessary                              preparation for successful exam                                       •	English Language and                                     belief systems and to negotiate                          A LITERATURE SELF TAUGHT SL
    to ensure that the learning of our       skill development that the                                    performance. The following is our                                        Literature                                               meanings for texts.                                      In keeping with our international
    students is closely monitored            students need to acquire to                                   assessment and report calendar                                        •	French Language and                                                                                               approach we encourage
    throughout their two year journey.       achieve successful results in their                           for the two year programme.                                              Literature                                               COURSE AIMS                                              students wherever possible to
                                                                                                                                                                                 •  Japanese Language and                                    The aims of studies in language                          conduct studies in literature
                                                                                                                                                                                    Literature                                               and literature courses are to                            using their mother tongue
     ICS Paris IB DP General Assessments & Reporting Calendar                                                                                                                    •  Korean Language and 		                                   enable students to:                                      even when the language is
                                                                                                                                                                                    Literature                                               •	Engage with a range of texts,                         not available as one of the
     Assessment Period       Assessment Title              Assessment Goal                                                          Reporting Period                             •  Mother Tongue Self-Taught                                in a variety of media and forms,                         subject options.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Literature                                               from different periods, styles
       Late Sept Year 1      Basic Requirements           In Class assessment of basic required skills and                           Early Nov of Year 1                                                                                     and cultures                                             IB gives us the opportunity to
           (Grd11)               Assessment               knowledge to confirm placement in IB courses                              1st Mid-Term Report                          In some cases, where ICS Paris                              •	Develop skills in listening,                          collaborate with outside tutors
                                                                                                                                                                                 students are fluent in more than                            speaking, reading, writing,                              so that students may follow a
       Early Dec Year 1     Units Based Summative         In Class assessment of course content covered                               Late Jan of Year 1                         one language, it is possible for                            viewing, presenting and                                  self-taught literature program in
            (Grd11)               Assessment                         from Sept to Nov of Year 1                                     1st Semester Report
                                                                                                                                                                                 them to study two languages in                              performing                                               their mother tongue language
                                                                                                                                                                                 Group 1, and then they are                                  •    Develop skills in                                   at standard level.
        Early Jan Year 1         1st Semester                Exam Conditions Testing of course content                                Late Jan of Year 1
                                                                                                                                                                                 awarded a ‘Bilingual IB Diploma’.                           interpretation, analysis and
            (Grd11)              Examination                    covered from Sept to Dec of Year 1                                  1st Semester Report
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             evaluation                                               In the past we had successful
                                                                                                                                                                                 COURSE OVERVIEW                                             •    Develop sensitivity to the                          candidates in Russian, Italian,
       Late Mar of Year 1   Units Based Summative         In Class assessment of course content covered                             Late Mar / Early Apr
            (Grd11)               Assessment                          from Jan to Mar of Year 1                                          of Year 1                               The IBDP language and literature                            formal and aesthetic qualities of                        Turkish, Chinese, Polish,
                                                                                                                                   2nd Mid-Term Report                           course aims at studying the                                 texts and an appreciation of how                         Spanish, and Urdu. We are
                                                                                                                                                                                 complex and dynamic nature of                               they contribute to diverse                               able to facilitate any literature
       Late Jun of Year 1       2nd Semester                    Assessment of Course content covered                                Late Jun / Early Jul                         language and exploring both its                             responses and open up multiple                           self-taught program as long
            (Grd11)              Examination                  in Year 1 under IB Examination Conditions                                  of Year 1                               practical and aesthetic                                     meanings                                                 as the family finds a tutor of
                                                                                                                                   2nd Semester Report                           dimensions. The course will                                 •    Develop an understanding of                         the language familiar with
                                                                                                                                                                                 explore the crucial role language                           relationships between texts and                          the IB programme at their
      Late Sept of Year 2        Year 1 Recap             In Class assessment of course content covered                              Early Oct of Year 2                         plays in communication,                                     a variety of perspectives, cultural                      own expense.
            (Grd12)              Assessment                                 in Year 1                                               1st Mid-Term Report                          reflecting experience and                                   contexts, and local and global
                                                                                                                                                                                 shaping the world, and the roles                            issues, and an appreciation of
       Early Dec Year 2     Unit Based Summative          In Class assessment of course content covered                               Late Jan of Year 2                         of individuals themselves as                                how they contribute to diverse
            (Grd12)              Assessment                          from Sept to Nov of Year 2                                     1st Semester Report                          producers of language.                                      responses and open up multiple
      Early Jan of Year 2        1st Semester                Exam Conditions Testing of course content                                Late Jan of Year 2                         Throughout the course, students                             •    Develop an understanding of
            (Grd12)              Examination                    covered from Sept to Dec of Year 2                                  1st Semester Report
                                                                                                                                                                                 will explore the various ways in                            the relationships between
                                                                                                                                                                                 which language choices, text                                studies in language and
         Feb of Year 2         IB EXAM MOCKS              MOCK exam under IB Examination Conditions                                 Late Mar / Early Apr
                                                                                                                                                                                 types, literary forms and                                   literature and other disciplines
           (Grd12)                                                                                                                       of Year 2
                                                                                                                                       Final Report
                                                                                                                                                                                 contextual elements all effect                              •    Communicate and
                                                                                                                                                                                 meaning. Through close analysis                             collaborate in a confident and
      Late Mar of Year 2        2nd Semester                                        Final Exam                                      Late Mar / Early Apr                         of various text types and literary                          creative way
           (Grd12)               Examination                                                                                             of Year 2                               forms, students will consider                               •    Foster a lifelong interest in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The above information is from the IB
                                                                                                                                       Final Report                              their own interpretations, as well                          and enjoyment of language
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Organisation and further details can be
                                                                                                                                                                                 as the critical perspectives of                             and literature                                           seen at www.ibo.org/programmes/
         May of Year 2            Official IB                 Official IB Examinations according to the                             IB Results are issued                        others, to explore how such                                                                                          diploma-programme/curriculum/
           (Grd12)              Examinations                               IB world schedule                                          in July of Year 2.

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Subject Group 2 – Language B                                                                                                                                                 Subject Group 3 – Individuals and Societies
    SUBJECT OPTIONS                          target language is required and                               of inquiry, with opportunities                                        SUBJECT OPTIONS                                             By focusing on the six real-world                        and provides a balance of
    •	English Language Acquisition          students are expected to extend                               for intellectual engagement                                           •	Economics                                                issues through the nine key                              structure and flexibility.
    •	French Language Acquisition           the range and complexity of the                               and the development of critical-                                      •	History                                                  concepts (scarcity, choice,
    •  French Ab Initio                      language they use and understand                              and creative-thinking skills                                          •  Business Management                                      efficiency, equity, economic                             The course emphasizes the
    • Japanese Language Acquisition          in order to communicate.                                      •    Provide students with a                                                                                                      well-being, sustainability,                              importance of encouraging
    •  Korean Language Acquisition                                                                         basis for further study, work and                                     COURSE OVERVIEW -                                           change, interdependence and                              students to think historically and
                                             Students continue to develop their                            leisure through the use of an                                         ECONOMICS                                                   intervention), students of the                           to develop historical skills as well
    COURSE OVERVIEW                          knowledge of vocabulary and                                   additional language                                                   Economics is an exciting,                                   economics course will develop                            as gaining factual knowledge.
    Language acquisition consists of         grammar, as well as their                                     •    Foster curiosity, creativity                                     dynamic subject that allows                                 the knowledge, skills, values                            It puts a premium on developing
    two modern language courses—             conceptual understanding of how                               and a lifelong enjoyment of                                           students to develop an                                      and attitudes that will encourage                        the skills of critical thinking, and
    language ab initio and language          language works, in order to                                   language learning                                                     understanding of the complexities                           them to act responsibly as                               on developing an understanding
    B—designed to provide students           construct, analyse and evaluate                                                                                                     and interdependence of                                      global citizens.                                         of multiple interpretations of
    with the necessary skills and            arguments on a variety of topics                               Note for Group 1 and 2                                               economic activities in a rapidly                                                                                     history. In this way, the course
    intercultural understanding to           relating to course content and the                                                                                                  changing world. At the heart of                             The aims of the DP economics                             involves a challenging and
                                                                                                            English is obligatory as either a
    enable them to communicate               target language culture(s).                                    Group 1 or 2 subject for all students.
                                                                                                                                                                                 economic theory is the problem                              course are to enable students to:                        demanding critical exploration
    successfully in an environment                                                                          Not more than 2 IB languages may                                     of scarcity. Owing to scarcity,                             •	Develop a critical                                    of the past.
    where the language studied               The following language acquisition                             be chosen. If French is not chosen                                   choices have to be made.                                    understanding of a range of
    is spoken.                               aims are common to both                                        as a Group 1 or 2 subject the French                                                                                             economic theories, models, ideas                         Teachers explicitly teach thinking
                                                                                                            Foundation class is chosen as a 7th
                                             language ab initio and language B:                             subject at no extra cost. The French
                                                                                                                                                                                 The economics course, at both SL                            and tools in the areas of                                and re-search skills such as
    Language B is a language                 •	Develop international                                       Ab Initio course is only available for                               and HL, uses economic theories,                             microeconomics,                                          comprehension, text analysis,
    acquisition course designed for          mindedness through the study of                                students with no previous                                            models and key concepts to                                  macroeconomics and the                                   transfer, and use of primary
                                                                                                            academic experience in French.
    students with some previous              languages, cultures, and ideas and                                                                                                  examine the ways in which these                             global economy                                           sources. There are six key
                                                                                                            Please see our Language Selection
    experience of the target language.       issues of global significance                                  Policy for more details.                                             choices are made: at the level of                           •	Apply economic theories,                              concepts that have particular
    Students further develop their           •	Enable students to                                                                                                               producers and consumers                                     models, ideas and tools, and                             prominence throughout the
    ability to communicate through           communicate in the language                                                                                                         in individual markets                                       analyse economic data to                                 DP history course: change,
    the study of language, themes            they have studied in a range of                                                                                                     (microeconomics); at the level of                           understand and engage with                               continuity, causation,
    and texts. There are five prescribed     contexts and for a variety                                                                                                          the government and the national                             real-world economic issues and                           consequence, significance
    themes: identities, experiences,         of purposes                                                                                                                         economy (macroeconomics); and                               problems facing individuals                              and perspectives.
    human ingenuity, social                  •   Encourage, through the study                                                                                                    at an international level, where                            and societies
    organization and sharing                 of texts and through social                                                                                                         countries are becoming                                      •   Develop a conceptual                                 The aims of the DP history course
    the planet.                              interaction, an awareness and                                                                                                       increasingly interdependent                                 understanding of individuals’ and                        are to enable students to:
                                             appreciation of a variety of                                                                                                        (the global economy).                                       societies’ economic choices,                             •	Develop an understanding of,
    Both language B SL and HL                perspectives of people from                                                                                                                                                                     interactions, challenges and                             and continuing interest in, the past
    students learn to communicate in         diverse cultures                                                                                                                    The DP economics course allows                              consequences of economic                                 •	Encourage students to
    the target language in familiar and      •   Develop students’                                                                                                               students to explore these models,                           decision-making.                                         engage with multiple perspectives
    unfamiliar contexts. The distinction     understanding of the relationship                                                                                                   theories and key concepts, and                                                                                       and to appreciate the complex
    between language B SL and HL             between the languages and                                                                                                           apply them, using empirical data,                           COURSE OVERVIEW - HISTORY                                nature of historical concepts,
    can be seen in the level of              cultures with which they                                                                                                            through the examination of six                              The DP history course is a world                         issues, events and developments
    competency the student is                are familiar                                                                                                                        real-world issues. Through their                            history course based on a                                •   Promote international
    expected to develop in receptive,        •   Develop students’ awareness of                                                                                                  own inquiry, students will be able                          comparative and multi-perspective                        mindedness through the study
    productive and interactive skills.       the importance of language in                                                                                                       to appreciate both the values and                           approach to history. It involves                         of history from more than one
                                                                                                           The above information is from the IB
                                             relation to other areas of knowledge                                                                                                limitations of economic models in                           the study of a variety of types of                       region of the world
                                                                                                           Organisation and further details can be
    At HL the study of two literary          • Provide students, through                                   seen at www.ibo.org/programmes/                                       explaining real-world economic                              history, including political,                            •   Develop an understanding of
    works originally written in the          language learning and the process                             diploma-programme/curriculum/                                         behaviour and outcomes.                                     economic, social and cultural,                           history as a discipline and to

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IBDP Guidebook 2021 - ICS Paris
develop historical consciousness          The conceptual learning is                                     Note
                                                                                                                                                                                   Subject Group 4 – Sciences
     including a sense of chronology           firmly anchored in business                                    Economics may not be taken with
     and context, and an understanding         management theories, tools and                                 Group 6 Visual Arts due to scheduling
                                                                                                              reasons. Group 3 may be doubled
     of different historical perspectives      techniques and placed in the                                                                                                        SUBJECT OPTIONS                                             COURSE OVERVIEW -                                        analyse results and evaluate and
                                                                                                              instead of a Group 6 subject using
     •   Develop key historical skills,        context of real-world examples                                 the following combinations:                                          •	Biology                                                  CHEMISTRY                                                communicate their findings.
     including engaging effectively            and case studies.                                              • Economics plus History                                             •	Chemistry                                                Chemistry is an experimental
     with sources                                                                                             • Economics plus Business                                            •  Physics                                                  science that combines academic                           COURSE OVERVIEW - PHYSICS
     •   increase students’                    The course encourages the                                                                                                           •  Environmental Systems                                    study with the acquisition of                            Physics is the most fundamental
     understanding of themselves               appreciation of ethical concerns                                                                                                       and Societies                                            practical and investigational                            of the experimental sciences, as
     and of contemporary society by            at both a local and global level.                                                                                                                                                               skills. Chemical principles                              it seeks to explain the universe
     encouraging reflection on the past        It aims to develop relevant and                                                                                                     COURSE OVERVIEW - BIOLOGY                                   underpin both the physical                               itself, from the very smallest
                                               transferable skills, including the                                                                                                  Biology is the study of life.                               environment in which we live                             particles to the vast distances
     COURSE OVERVIEW -                         ability to: think critically; make                                                                                                  The vast diversity of species                               and all biological systems.                              between galaxies. Despite the
     BUSINESS MANAGEMENT                       ethically sound and well-informed                                                                                                   makes biology both an endless                               Chemistry is often a prerequisite                        exciting and extraordinary
     The business management course            decisions; appreciate the pace,                                                                                                     source of fascination and a                                 for many other courses in higher                         development of ideas throughout
     is designed to develop students’          nature and significance of change;                                                                                                  considerable challenge.                                     education, such as medicine,                             the history of physics, observations
     knowledge and understanding of            think strategically; and undertake                                                                                                  Biologists attempt to                                       biological science and                                   remain essential to the very core
     business management theories, as          long-term planning, analysis                                                                                                        understand the living world                                 environmental science.                                   of the subject. Models are
     well as their ability to apply a range    and evaluation. The course also                                                                                                     at all levels from the micro                                                                                         developed to try to understand
     of tools and techniques. Students         develops subject-specific skills,                                                                                                   to the macro using many                                     Both theory and practical work                           observations, and these themselves
     learn to analyse, discuss and             such as financial analysis.                                                                                                         different approaches and                                    should be undertaken by all                              can become theories that attempt
     evaluate business activities at local,                                                                                                                                        techniques. Biology is                                      students as they complement                              to explain the observations.
     nation-al and international levels.       The aims of the business                                                                                                            still a young science and                                   one another naturally, both in
                                               management course at HL and SL                                                                                                      great progress is expected in                               school and in the wider scientific                       Besides helping us better
     The course covers a range of              are to:                                                                                                                             the 21st century. This progress                             community. The DP chemistry                              understand the natural world,
     organizations from all sectors,           •	Encourage a holistic view of                                                                                                     is important at a time of                                   course allows students to                                physics gives us the ability to
     as well as the sociocultural and          the world of business                                                                                                               growing pressure on the                                     develop a wide range of practical                        alter our environments. This raises
     economic contexts in which those          •	Empower students to think                                                                                                        human population and                                        skills and to increase facility in                       the issue of the impact of physics
     organizations operate. The course         critically and strategically about                                                                                                  the environment.                                            the use of mathematics. It also                          on society, the moral and ethical
     covers the key characteristics of         individual and organisational                                                                                                                                                                   allows students to develop                               dilemmas, and the social, economic
     business organization and                 behaviour                                                                                                                           By studying biology in the DP                               interpersonal and information                            and environmental implications
     environment, and the business             •    Promote the importance of                                                                                                      students should become aware                                technology skills, which are                             of the work of physicists. By studying
     functions of human resource               exploring business issues from                                                                                                      of how scientists work and                                  essential to life in the 21st century.                   physics students should become
     management, finance and                   different cultural perspectives                                                                                                     communicate with each other.                                                                                         aware of how scientists work and
     accounts, marketing and                   •    Enable the student to                                                                                                          While the scientific method                                 By studying chemistry students                           communicate with each other.
     operations management.                    appreciate the nature and                                                                                                           may take on a wide variety                                  should become aware of how
                                               significance of change in a local,                                                                                                  of forms, it is the emphasis on                             scientists work and communicate                          While the scientific method may
     Links between the topics are              regional and global context                                                                                                         a practical approach through                                with each other. While the                               take on a wide variety of forms,
     central to the course. Through the        • Promote awareness of the                                                                                                          experimental work that                                      scientific method may take on                            it is the emphasis on a practical
     exploration of six underpinning           importance of environmental, social                                                                                                 characterizes the sciences.                                 a wide variety of forms, it is the                       approach through experimental
     concepts (change, culture, ethics,        and ethical factors in the actions of                                                                                               Teachers provide students                                   emphasis on a practical approach                         work that characterizes
     globalization, innovation and             individuals and organisations                                                                                                       with opportunities to design                                through experimental work that                           the subject. Teachers provide
     strategy), the course allows              •    Develop an understanding of                                                                                                    investigations, collect data,                               characterizes the subject.                               students with opportunities to
     students to develop a holistic            the importance of innovation in a                                                                                                   develop manipulative skills,                                Teachers provide students with                           develop manipulative skills,
                                                                                                             The above information is from the IB
     understanding of today’s                  business environment                                                                                                                analyse results, collaborate                                opportunities to develop                                 design investigations, collect
                                                                                                             Organisation and further details can be
     complex and dynamic                                                                                     seen at www.ibo.org/programmes/                                       with peers and evaluate and                                 manipulative skills, design                              data, analyse results and evaluate
     business environment.                                                                                   diploma-programme/curriculum/                                         communicate their findings.                                 investigations, collect data,                            and communicate their findings.

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AIMS - CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS               COURSE OVERVIEW -                                             The aims of the DP environmental                                      Subject Group 5 – Mathematics
     AND BIOLOGY                             ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS AND                                     systems and societies course are to
     Through the overarching theme of        SOCIETIES                                                     enable students to
     the nature of science, the aims of      Environmental systems and societies                           •   Acquire the knowledge and                                         SUBJECT OPTIONS                                             justify correct mathematical                             mathematics course such as
     the DP chemistry, physics and           (ESS) is an interdisciplinary course                          understandings of environmental                                       •	Mathematics Analysis and                                 arguments. Students should                               calculus and statistics.
     biology courses are to enable           offered only at standard level (SL).                          systems and issues at a variety                                          Approaches                                               expect to develop insight into
     students to:                            This course can fulfil either the                             of scales                                                             •	Mathematics Applications                                 mathematical form and                                    Students are encouraged to
      1. A
          ppreciate scientific study        individuals and societies or the                              •   Apply the knowledge,                                                 and Interpretations                                      structure, and should be                                 solve real-world problems,
     and creativity within a global          sciences requirement. Alternatively,                          methodologies and skills to                                                                                                       intellectually equipped to                               construct and communicate
     context through stimulating and         this course enables students to                               analyse environmental systems                                         COURSE OVERVIEW -                                           appreciate the links between                             this mathematically and
     challenging opportunities               satisfy the requirements of both                              and issues at a variety of scales                                     MATHEMATICS ANALYSIS AND                                    concepts in different topic areas.                       interpret the conclusions or
     2. Acquire a body of knowledge,         subject groups simultaneously                                 •   Appreciate the dynamic                                            APPROACHES                                                  Students are also encouraged to                          generalizations. Students should
     methods and techniques                  while studying one course.                                    interconnectedness between                                            Individual students have different                          develop the skills needed to                             expect to develop strong
     that characterize science               ESS is firmly grounded in both a                              environmental systems and societies                                   needs, aspirations, interests and                           continue their mathematical                              technology skills, and will be
     and technology                          scientific exploration of                                     •   Value the combination of                                          abilities. For this reason there are                        growth in other learning                                 intellectually equipped to
     3. Apply and use a body of              environmental systems in their                                personal, local and global                                            two different DP subjects in                                environments.                                            appreciate the links between the
     knowledge, methods and                  structure and function, and in the                            perspectives in making informed                                       mathematics, Mathematics:                                                                                            theoretical and the practical
     techniques that characterize            exploration of cultural, economic,                            decisions and taking responsible                                      analysis and approaches and                                 The internally assessed                                  concepts in mathematics.
     science and technology                  ethical, political and social                                 actions on environmental issues                                       Mathematics: applications and                               exploration allows students to
     4. Develop an ability to analyse,       interactions of societies with                                • Be critically aware that resources                                  interpretation. Each course is                              develop independence in                                  All external assessments
     evaluate and synthesize                 the environment.                                              are finite, that these could be                                       designed to meet the needs of                               mathematical learning.                                   involve the use of technology.
     scientific in-formation                                                                               inequitably distributed and exploited,                                a particular group of students.                             Throughout the course students                           Students are also encouraged
     5. Develop a critical awareness         As a result of studying this course,                          and that management of these                                          Both courses are offered at SL                              are encouraged to take a                                 to develop the skills needed
     of the need for, and the value of,      students will become equipped                                 inequities is the key to sustainability                               and HL.                                                     considered approach to                                   to continue their mathematical
     effective collaboration and             with the ability to recognize and                             • Develop awareness of the diversity                                                                                              various mathematical activities                          growth in other learning
     communication during                    evaluate the impact of our                                    of environmental value systems                                        The IB DP Mathematics: analysis                             and to explore different                                 environments. The internally
     scientific activities                   complex system of societies on the                            •   Develop critical awareness that                                   and approaches course recognizes                            mathematical ideas.                                      assessed exploration allows
     6. Develop experimental                 natural world. The interdisciplinary                          environmental problems are caused                                     the need for analytical expertise                                                                                    students to develop
     and investigative scientific skills     nature of the DP course requires a                            and solved by decisions made by                                       in a world where innovation is                              COURSE OVERVIEW -                                        independence in mathematical
     including the use of current            broad skill set from students,                                individuals and societies that are                                    increasingly dependent on                                   MATHEMATICS APPLICATIONS                                 learning. Throughout the course
     technologies                            including the ability to perform                              based on different areas of knowledge                                 a deep understanding of                                     AND INTERPRETATIONS                                      students are encouraged to
     7. Develop and apply 21st century       research and investigations,                                  •   Engage with the controversies                                     mathematics. The focus is                                   The IB DP Mathematics:                                   take a considered approach to
     communication skills in the study       participation in philosophical                                that surround a variety of                                            on developing important                                     applications and interpretation                          various mathematical activities
     of science                              discussion and problem-solving.                               environmental issues                                                  mathematical concepts in a                                  course recognizes the increasing                         and to explore different
     8. Become critically aware, as          The course requires a systems                                 • Create innovative solutions to                                      comprehensible, coherent and                                role that mathematics and                                mathematical ideas.
     global citizens, of the ethical         approach to environmental                                     environmental issues by engaging                                      rigorous way, achieved by a                                 technology play in a diverse
     implications of using science           understanding and promotes                                    actively in local and global contexts                                 carefully balanced approach.                                range of fields in a data-rich                           COURSE AIMS
     and technology                          holistic thinking about                                                                                                             Students are encouraged to                                  world. As such, it emphasizes the                        The aims of all DP mathematics
     9. Develop an appreciation of the       environmental issues. Teachers                                                                                                      apply their mathematical                                    meaning of mathematics in                                courses are to enable students to:
                                                                                                            Group 4 may be doubled instead of
     possibilities and limitations of        explicitly teach thinking and                                                                                                       knowledge to solve abstract                                 context by focusing on                                   •   Develop a curiosity and
                                                                                                            Group 6 subject using the following
     science and technology                  research skills such as                                        combinations: Biology plus Chemistry;                                problems as well as those set in                            topics that are often used                               enjoyment of mathematics,
     10. Develop an understanding            comprehension, text analysis,                                  Physics plus Chemistry                                               a variety of meaningful contexts.                           as applications or in                                    and appreciate its elegance
     of the relationships between            knowledge transfer and use of                                                                                                                                                                   mathematical modelling.                                  and power
     scientific disciplines and their        primary sources. They encourage                                                                                                     Mathematics: analysis and                                   To give this understanding a                             •   Develop an understanding
                                                                                                           The above information is from the IB
     influence on other areas                students to develop solutions at                                                                                                    approaches has a strong                                     firm base, this course includes                          of the concepts, principles and
                                                                                                           Organisation and further details can be
     of knowledge                            the personal, community and                                   seen at www.ibo.org/programmes/                                       emphasis on the ability to                                  topics that are traditionally                            nature of mathematics
                                             global levels.                                                diploma-programme/curriculum/                                         construct, communicate and                                  part of a pre-university                                 •   Communicate mathematics

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clearly, concisely and confidently      achievement in mathematics                                    who want to go on to further study                                    ICS Paris Foundation Subjects
     in a variety of contexts                should apply for this course.                                 of visual arts in higher education
     •    Develop logical and creative                                                                     as well as for those who are
     thinking, and patience and              Maths Applications and                                        seeking lifelong enrichment                                           SUBJECT OPTIONS                                             –   French Ab Initio (only SL)                            N.B.
     persistence in problem solving          Interpretations (AI) HL is accepted                           through visual arts. The role of                                      •  French Foundation                                        –   Environmental Systems and                             All subject offers are provisional
     to instil confidence in using           by most post-secondary                                        visual arts teachers should be to                                     •  Mathematics Foundation                                   Societies (only SL)                                       and a class needs to meet the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       minimum requirement of
     mathematics                             institutions and is consider viable                           actively and carefully organize                                       •  English Foundation                                        •  Online Courses on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       5 registered students to be
     •    Employ and refine their powers     for most students intending to                                learning experiences for the                                          •  Performance Studies                                      PAMOJA IB coursework platform                             made available. Please also note
     of abstraction and generalization       continue studies in business                                  students, directing their study to                                      Foundation                                                are available at an extra cost for                        that changes in subjects offered
     • Take action to apply and transfer     or finance. Math Applications and                             enable them to reach their                                                                                                        subjects not currently offered by                         for each academic year is at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       school’s discretion and may be
     skills to alternative situations, to    Interpretation (AI) SL is the least                           potential and satisfy the demands                                     COURSES OVERVIEW                                            ICS Paris such as Psychology in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       changed at any point prior to
     other areas of knowledge and to         demanding of the DP Maths                                     of the course. Students should                                        The ICS Paris Foundation                                    Grp 3 and Film in Grp 6.                                  the start of the academic year.
     future developments in their local      courses and should be chosen by                               be empowered to become                                                Subjects are a selection of                                  •  For Language B selection
     and global communities                  students who do not intend to                                 autonomous, informed and                                              in-house curated subjects that                              please make sure to read the
     •    Appreciate how developments        continue mathematics centred                                  skilled visual artists.                                               mean to supplement the                                      Language Selection Policy.
     in technology and mathematics           studies at a post-secondary level.                                                                                                  selection of IB Subjects either
     influence each other                                                                                  The aims of the arts subjects are to                                  as extra support classes to help
     •    Appreciate the moral, social                                                                     enable students to:                                                   students revise basic foundation
     and ethical questions arising from      Subject Group 6                                               1. Enjoy lifelong engagement                                         content or as choice subjects for

                                             - The Arts
     the work of mathematicians and                                                                        with the arts                                                         Certificate students who choose
     the applications of mathematics                                                                       2. Become informed, reflective                                        to have a mix of IB Certificate
     •    Appreciate the universality of                                                                   and critical practitioners in the arts                                courses and Foundation Courses.
     mathematics and its multicultural,      SUBJECT OPTIONS                                               3. Understand the dynamic and
     inter-national and historical           •  Visual Arts                                                changing nature of the arts                                           All foundation classes have 2
     perspectives                                                                                          4. Explore and value the                                              sessions per week and follow
     •    Appreciate the contribution of     COURSE OVERVIEW -                                             diversity of the arts across time,                                    in-house syllabi & assessments
     mathematics to other disciplines,       VISUAL ARTS                                                   place and cultures                                                    and may be chosen as-
     and as a particular “area of            The IB Diploma Programme                                      5. Express ideas with                                                 •    Main classes to complete
     knowledge” in the TOK course            visual arts course encourages                                 confidence and competence                                             the selection of 6 subjects for
     •    Develop the ability to reflect     students to challenge their own                               6. Develop perceptual and                                             Certificate track students.
     critically upon their own work and      creative and cultural expectations                            analytical skills.                                                    •    Support or extracurricular
     the work of others                      and boundaries. It is a thought-                                                                                                    classes for Full Diploma track
     •    Independently and                  provoking course in which                                     In addition, the aims of the visual                                   students (at extra cost).
     collaboratively extend their            students develop analytical skills in                         arts course at SL and HL are to                                       •    French Foundation may also
     understanding of mathematics.           problem-solving and divergent                                 enable students to:                                                   be chosen as the obligatory
                                             thinking, while working towards                               7. Make artwork that is influenced                                    French class at no extra cost
     CHOOSING THE CORRECT                    technical proficiency and confidence                          by personal and cultural contexts                                     when not selected as a Group 1
     MATHS COURSE                            as art-makers. In addition to                                 8. Become informed and critical                                       or Group 2 subject.
     Maths Analysis and Approaches           exploring and comparing visual arts                           observers and makers of visual
     (AA) HL or SL is required for all       from different perspectives and in                            culture and media                                                     GENERAL NOTES ABOUT THE
     those students intending to             different contexts, students are                              9. Develop skills, techniques and                                     IBDP SUBJECT SELECTION AT
     continue studies in engineering,        expected to engage in, experiment                             processes in order to communicate                                     ICS PARIS
     computing or other mathematics          with and critically reflect upon a                            concepts and ideas.                                                   •   All subjects are offered at
     oriented fields. Maths AA HL is the     wide range of contemporary                                                                                                          both HL & SL levels except for
                                                                                                           The above information is from the IB
     most demanding mathematics              practices and media.                                                                                                                –    English B (only HL)
                                                                                                           Organisation and further details can be
     course available and only students                                                                    seen at www.ibo.org/programmes/                                       –    Mother Tongue Self Taught
     with a strong track record of high      The course is designed for students                           diploma-programme/curriculum/                                         Literature (only SL)

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